<!ENTITY page1.description "Choose a setup option...">
<!ENTITY page1.intro.text "To take advantage of AOL Instant Messenger features, you must have a Screen Name. Select one of the options below.">
<!ENTITY page1.option2.text "I already have a Screen Name I'd like to use." >
<!ENTITY page1.option3.text "I don't have a Screen Name. I need to register a new one." >
<!ENTITY page1.next.text "Click Next to continue.">
<!ENTITY page2.description "Use your Netscape.com Screen Name">
<!ENTITY page2.intro.text "Your Netscape.com Screen Name will be used as your screen name. You can also use the same password you registered with Netscape.com as your Instant Messenger password.">
<!ENTITY page2.finish.text "Click Finish to confirm these settings.">
<!ENTITY page3.description "Use an existing Screen Name">
<!ENTITY page3.intro.text "Enter the screen name and password you would like to use.">
<!ENTITY page3.screenname.label "Screen Name:">
<!ENTITY page3.password.label "Password:">
<!ENTITY page3.finish.text "Click Finish to confirm these settings.">
<!ENTITY page4.description "Use an existing Screen Name">
<!ENTITY page4.intro.text "This list of existing AIM Screen Names was found on your computer. Please select a screen name to use from the list then enter the password for the selected screen name, if not already provided. If you wish to use a Screen Name not in this list, type in the Screen Name and Password you wish to use and click finish.">
<!ENTITY page4.finish.text "Click Finish to confirm these settings.">
<!ENTITY page5.description "Create a new Screen Name">
<!ENTITY page5.intro.text "If you are a new user of AOL Instant Messenger and have not yet registered a Screen Name, you must go to the registration web page. Click next to launch the new Screen Name registration web page. When you are finished, return to this wizard and input your new Screen Name and password.">
<!ENTITY page5.finish.text "Click Next to go to the registration web page.">
<!ENTITY page6.description "Create a new Screen Name">
<!ENTITY page6.intro.text "Once you have completed the online registration, type your new screen name and password in the fields below.">
<!ENTITY page6.screenname.label "Screen Name:">
<!ENTITY page6.password.label "Password:">
<!ENTITY page6.finish.text "Click Finish to confirm these settings.">
<!ENTITY pdone.description "Congratulations!">
<!ENTITY pdone.intro.text "You have successfully completed Netscape registration and created your new Screen Name">
<!ENTITY pdone.bullet "*">
<!ENTITY pdone.screennamedesc "Your Screen Name is : ">
<!ENTITY pdone.finish.text "Click Finish to confirm these settings.">