importexport.textcompandviewsettings=Text Compose and View Settings
chat.WindowTitle=Chat Room: %ChatRoom%
chat.YouLeft=You have just left the room "%ChatRoom%"
chat.YouJoined=You have just entered the room "%ChatRoom%"
chat.OnUserJoined=%ScreenName% has entered the room.
chat.OnUserLeft=%ScreenName% has left the room.
chat.RoomPaused=This chat room has been paused.
chat.RoomResumed=This chat room has been resumed.
chat.ClientError=%ScreenName% had an error.
chat.PersonHere=1 person here
chat.PeopleHere=%NumPeople% people here
chat.ServiceUnavailable=Chat service temporarily unavailable.
chat.Declined=%S declined your chat invitation.
chat.Unavailable=%S is away right now and will not be able to accept your invitation until they return.
chat.Ignored=%S is not accepting chat invitations.
chat.UnsupportedSoftware=%S's software does not support Chat. As a result, this buddy cannot accept your Chat room invitation.
chat.TimedOut=Your chat invitation has timed out.
chat.JoinMe=Join me in this Buddy Chat!
chat.WarningLevel=Warning level: %Level%%
chat.NotAvailable=%ScreenName% is not available.
chat.Blocked=You have blocked %S%. As a result this buddy cannot receive your chat invitation. You can change this setting in the Privacy Preferences dialog.
chat.SendError=Message send failed for some reason. This could be because your are sending at too high a rate. Please wait and send again.
chat.NotOnline=You are currently signed off. Please sign on and try again.
chatInvite.tooltip=Invite this user to chat room
chatCancel.tooltip=Cancel invitation
decline.tooltip=Decline chat invitation
accept.tooltip=Accept chat invitation
chat.error.invalidroomname=Invalid room name. The name you submitted may be too\r\nlong or contain invalid characters.
chat.error.longroomname=Could not join chat room.\r\nThe room name '%room%' is too long.
chat.error.badroomname=Could not join chat room.\r\nObjectionable room name.
chat.error.malformedroomname=Could not join chat room.\r\nThe name '%room%' contains invalid characters.
chat.error.nonesistentroom=Room ""%room%"" does not exist.
chat.error.roomfull=Sorry, AIM could not join room ""%room%""\r\nbecause it is full. Please try again later.
chat.error.toomanyreqs=Sorry, could not join room ""%room%""\r\nbecause you have made too many requests.\r\nPlease try again later.
chat.error.joinfailed=Sorry, could not join room ""%room%""\r\nPlease try again later.
knock.preamble=User %ScreenName% has sent you a message. Would you like to accept it?
knock.warning=Warning level: %Level%%
knock.msg=Instant Messenger administrators will never ask you for your password or other personal information. Do not give such information to anyone you don't know and trust!
knock.icqmsg=Note: Some messages from users not on your contact list may display incorrectly.
# %GroupName% will be replaced with the selected group's name
confirm.DeleteGroup=Are you sure you want to delete the group '%GroupName%' and all of the buddies it contains?
confirm.DeleteGroup_ICQ=Are you sure you want to delete the group '%GroupName%' and all of the contacts it contains?
# %ScreenName% will be replaced with the selected screen name
# %BuddyName% will be replaced with the selected buddy's name
# %GroupName% will be replaced with the selected group's name
confirm.DeleteBuddy=Are you sure you want to delete buddy '%BuddyName%' from group '%GroupName%'?
confirm.DeleteBuddy_ICQ=Are you sure you want to delete contact '%BuddyName%' from group '%GroupName%'?
confirm.WarnUser= %ScreenName%? This will raise %ScreenName%'s warning level and limit their activity using Instant Messenger. Click Warn only if %ScreenName% has done something to merit a warning.
confirm.WarnAnonymously=Warn anonymously
confirm.WarnAnonText=Check this if you do not want your screen name revealed. Anonymous warnings are less severe.
confirm.BlockFromAllowAll=You currently have privacy set to allow all members. Would you like to add %S to the block list and set the privacy mode to block all members in the block list?
confirm.BlockNonBuddy=%1$S is already blocked because you have your privacy mode set to allow only buddies. Would you like to add %2$S to your block list anyway?
confirm.BlockNonBuddy_ICQ=%1$S is already blocked because you have your privacy mode set to allow only contacts in Contact List. Would you like to add %2$S to your block list anyway?
confirm.BlockBuddy=You currently have your privacy mode set to allow only buddies to see you. In order to block %1$S you must either change your privacy settings or remove this person from your Buddy List. Would you like to remove %2$S from your Buddy List?
confirm.BlockBuddy_ICQ=You currently have your privacy mode set to allow only contacts in Contact List to see you. In order to block %1$S you must either change your privacy settings or remove this person from your Contact List. Would you like to remove %2$S from your Contact List?
confirm.BlockFromDenyAll=%1$S is already blocked because you have your privacy mode set to block all members. Would you like to add %2$S to your block list anyway?
confirm.BlockFromDenyList=You currently have privacy set to block list. Would you like to add %S to the block list?
confirm.UnblockAddBuddy=%1$S is currently being blocked because you have your privacy mode set to allow only users that are in your Buddy List. Would you like to add %2$S to your Buddy List?
confirm.UnblockAddBuddy_ICQ=%1$S is currently being blocked because you have your privacy mode set to allow only users that are in your Contact List. Would you like to add %2$S to your Contact List?
confirm.UnblockAllowUser=%1$S is currently blocked because you have your privacy mode set to block all members. Would you like to add %2$S to your allow list and set your privacy mode to allow users in your allow list?
confirm.AddGroup=This URL will add the group '%S' to your Group list. Do you wish to continue?
confirmICQ.AddUser=Would you like to add this user to your Contact List?
#file selection dialog titles
title.importbudlist=Import Buddy List
title.exportbudlist=Export Buddy List
budlist.seamonkeybudlist=Netscape Buddy Lists
budlist.title=Buddy List Files (*.blt)
# Dialog messages
msg.GroupAlreadyInList=A group with the name you entered already exists. Please specify a different group name.
msg.BuddyAlreadyInGroup=The specified buddy already exists in the group.
msg.BuddyAlreadyInGroup_ICQ=The specified contact already exists in the group.
msg.UnableToInvokeApp=Unable to invoke Instant Messenger window
msg.DuplicateIM=You already have an Instant Message window open with this buddy, you must use that window.
msg.DuplicateIM_ICQ=You already have a Message window open with this contact, you must use that window.
msg.NoGroups=There are currently no groups. Please add a group.
msg.NothingToDelete=You must first select a buddy or group to delete.
msg.NothingToDelete_ICQ=You must first select a contact or group to delete.
msg.CannotDeleteOffline=You cannot delete the special group Offline.
msg.CannotDeleteAuthGroup=You cannot delete the special group Awaiting Authorization.
msg.AuthGroup=Awaiting Authorization
msg.EnterBuddy=Please enter a Screen Name.
msg.EnterBuddy_ICQ=Please enter a contact name.
msg.EnterGroup=Please enter a group name.
msg.SelectBuddy=Please select the user whose AB card is to be edited.
msg.EmptyScreenName=Please enter a screen name.
msg.EmptyScreenName_ICQ=Please enter an ICQ#.
msg.ScreenNameOffline =User %ScreenName% is currently offline. Please enter a new screen name.
msg.ScreenNameNotAvailable=%ScreenName% is not available. Message not delivered.
msg.SendIMasEmail=Send message as email?
msg.LogInToSendIM=You must be signed on to send Instant Messages.
msg.SendFailed=Send failed. Please try again later.
msg.BadBuddy=That is not a valid screen name for a buddy.
msg.BadBuddy_ICQ=That is not a valid ICQ# for a contact.
msg.exporttryagain=Unable to export to selected file. Please try again.
msg.importtryagain=Unable to import from selected file. Please try again.
msg.exportsuccess=Buddy List successfully exported
msg.importsuccess=Buddy List successfully imported
msg.exportfailure=Buddy List was not exported
msg.importfailure=Buddy List was not imported
msg.importerror=Buddy List may not have been fully imported
msg.CommitFailed=Could not make that change.
msg.WrongPassword=The password supplied was incorrect.
msg.UnableToConnect=Unable to connect to Instant Messenger server.
msg.BigIM=The content is too big by %BigBy% characters. The limit is 1024 characters including markup.
msg.BigChat=The content is too big by %BigBy% characters. The limit is 471 characters including markup.
msg.AutoResponse=Auto Response From
msg.BigBuddyList=You cannot add another buddy to your Buddy List.\nThe maximum number of buddies accepted is %MaxBudNum%.
msg.BigBuddyList_ICQ=You cannot add another user to your Contact List.\nThe maximum number of contacts accepted is %MaxBudNum%.
msg.chooseAlertMethod=Please choose at least one notification and transition method.
msg.BuddyAlert=%BuddyName% is now available.
msg.SendIMButton=Send IM
msg.enterValidEmail=Please enter a valid email address.
msg.sameEmailAddress=The address you entered matches your current one. There is no need to update.
msg.requestCurrentEmailAddressError=An error occurred while getting the current email address. Try again later.
msg.changeEmailSucess=A request to change your email has been submitted. The change will occur 72 hours after you correctly reply to the confirmation email that you will receive shortly at your new email address.
msg.InvalidEmailInput=The email address you entered is not valid.
msg.InvalidNewEmailLength=The email address you entered does not have a valid length.
msg.DNSFail=Your email address contains an invalid domain name.
msg.EmailHostFailed=Your request to update your email address cannot be processed.
msg.UnknownError=Unknown error. Please try again later.
msg.EmailPendingRequest=That information cannot be changed at the moment since there is a pending change.
msg.BadOldPasswordlength=Invalid old password length. Please try again.
msg.NeedOldPassword=Enter your old password and try again.
msg.InvalidNewPassword=Your new password is invalid.
msg.BadNewPassword=The new passwords you typed do not match. Please try again.
msg.BadNewPasswordlength=Invalid New Password length. Passwords must be between 4 and 16 characters long. Please try again.
msg.changePasswordSucess=Your new password has been successfully changed.
msg.InvalidOldPassword=The old password you typed is incorrect. Please try again.
msg.serviceUnavailable=This service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
msg.SamePassword=The old password and the new password you typed are the same. Enter a different new password.
msg.confirmAccountSucess=A request to confirm your account has been submitted. A confirmation email will be sent to you shortly. In order to complete account confirmation, you must reply as instructed by the email message.
msg.AlreadyConfirmed=You have been confirmed as a registered user!
msg.AlreadyConfirmationSent=A request to confirm your account has already been submitted. A confirmation email will be sent to you shortly. In order to complete account confirmation, you must reply as instructed by the email message.
# SURESH: Once we support Change email id feature we can give more details here.
msg.NoEmailId=There is no email id associated with this account.
msg.EmailLimitExceeded=The number of screen names that can be associated with this email id has exceeded the limit.
msg.DBError=Your request cannot be processed.
msg.EmailNotSent=An error has occurred while sending email. Please try again.
msg.EmailNotFound=An error has occurred while finding the email id. Please try again.
msg.AllOtherError=An unknown error has occurred. Please try again later.
msg.inviteerror=Your greeting must use plain text (ASCII) only. Please try again.
msg.wrongsrv=The screen name %ScreenName% cannot be used for the service you have selected. Please select another service from the drop-down button or use another screen name.
msgICQ.wrongsrv=The ICQ# %ScreenName% cannot be used for the service you have selected. Please select another service from the drop-down button or use another ICQ#.
# the following are auth errors
msg.Authorization=You were not authorized.
msg.WrongScreenName=The screen name or password supplied was incorrect.
msgICQ.WrongScreenName=The ICQ# or password supplied was incorrect.
msg.DisconnectedDueToMultipleSignon=Your Instant Messenger session was terminated because you logged on with the same screen name at another location.
msgICQ.DisconnectedDueToMultipleSignon=Your ICQ# is being used on another computer.
msg.Disconnected=Your Instant Messenger session was terminated.
msgICQ.Disconnected=Your ICQ session was terminated.
msg.SiteRateLimited=There have been too many recent signons from your site. Please try again later.
msg.YouRateLimited=You are attempting to sign on again too soon. Please try again later.
msg.ReservationRate=You are attempting to sign on again too soon. Please try again later.
msgICQ.ReservationRate=You are attempting to login again too soon. Please try again later.
msg.NoFeedbag=Your buddy list is currently not available, but it has not been lost. Please try again later.
msg.BadInput=Internal client error: bad input to authorizer.
msg.InvalidAcct=Your account is no longer active.
msg.DeletedAcct=Your account is no longer active.
msg.ExpiredAccount=Your account is no longer active.
msg.BadDBStatus=The AOL Instant Messenger (SM) service is temporarily unavailable.
msgICQ.BadDBStatus=The ICQ service is temporarily unavailable.
msg.BadResvAccess=Bad reservation status.
msg.SuspendedAcct=Suspended account.
msg.DBSendErr=Internal server error: DB send error.
msg.DBLinkError=Internal server error: DB link error.
msg.ReservationMap=Internal server error: reservation map error.
msg.ReservationLink=Internal server error: reservation link error.
msg.SameIPConnection=Already connected from this IP address.
msg.SameIPReservation=Already connecting from this IP address.
msg.UserTooEvil=You have too many warnings to sign on.
msgICQ.UserTooEvil=You have too many warnings to login.
msg.ReservationTimeout=Internal server error: reservation timeout.
msg.MandatoryUpgrade=You are running an obsolete version of =AOL Instant Messenger (TM). In order to sign on, you must first upgrade your software to the latest version.
msgICQ.MandatoryUpgrade=You are running an obsolete version of ICQ. In order to login, you must first upgrade your software to the latest version.
msg.AdvisoryUpgrade=You are running an out-of-date version of AOL Instant Messenger (TM). Although you may continue to use this version, we recommend that you upgrade to the current version to obtain the latest features and bug fixes.
msgICQ.AdvisoryUpgrade=You are running an out-of-date version of ICQ. Although you may continue to use this version, we recommend that you upgrade to the current version to obtain the latest features and bug fixes.
msg.AlreadyOnline=You are already signed on at another location.
msg.SecurIDTimeout=SecurID login attempt has timed out.
msg.SecurIDFailed=SecurID login attempt has failed.
msg.Invalidemail=Please enter a valid email address.
msg.Unconfirmed=Unconfirmed User.
msg.ChangePasswordError=Some Error encountered.
msg.LostConnection=Connection lost. Check your Internet connection.
msg.NoService=The Instant Messaging service cannot be reached.
msg.NoProxy=Proxy lookup failed.
msg.NoProxyRequest=Proxy request failed.
msg.ProxyRefused=Connection refused by proxy.
msg.ProxyAuthFailed=Proxy authentication failed.
msg.GoOffline=*** This user has signed off and is no longer online ***
msg.GoOnline=*** This user has signed on and is now online ***
msg.WarnError=Warning of %ScreenName% not allowed.
msg.WarnComplete=%ScreenName%'s warning level has been increased by %DeltaApplied%% to %NewWarningPercent%%.
msg.PleaseLogonFirst=The AIM hyperlink you've clicked on may require you to be online to work. Please sign on to AIM first.
msg.PleaseLogonFirstToICQ=The hyperlink you've clicked on may require you to be online to work. Please login to Netscape ICQ first.
msg.AimUrlNotSupported=You have clicked an AIM link that this version of AIM does not support.
msg.WarnedAnon=another user
msg.YouveBeenWarned=You have been warned by %ScreenName%. Your warning level has increased from %OldWarningPercent%% to %NewWarningPercent%%.
bi.toolarge = The image you have selected is too big. The maximum size allowed is 7168 bytes.
bi.plsfirstsignon = You must be signed on to Instant Messenger before making changes to your Buddy Icons.
bi.clearbi = Do you really want to clear the Buddy Icon?
bi.kktext = %ScreenName% has a Buddy Icon available. Would you like to display it?
bi.kktext2 = Note: If you do not accept the Buddy Icon, then you will not be prompted to receive any more icons from this buddy until you select the buddy's name in the Buddy Icons Preferences and use the Clear button to reset it.
bi.confirmpersonalbi = Are you sure that you want to change your personal Buddy Icon?
bi.clearall = Do you really want to clear all of the Buddy Icons?
bi.invalidImage=The file you have selected is not a valid image.
#ICQ Messages - Does it go in a differnt string bundle? For now , just append here
icqprivacy.entermsg=You must be logged in to ICQ before making changes to your privacy settings.
icqprivacy.exitmsg=Unable to save privacy changes. Please login to ICQ and try again.
icqaway.entermsg=You must be logged in to ICQ before making changes to your Away settings.
icqaway.exitmsg=Unable to save Away changes. Please login to ICQ and try again.
icq.title.Bound=%ScreenName% - ICQ Message
icq.title.Unbound=ICQ Message
icqsearch.emptyinput=The search must include at least one category.
newsearch.sure=This will clear the current search results. Are you sure?
icqsearch.invalidicq=The field ICQ# is not a valid number.
icq.rerequestauth=The user did not respond to your request to add him/her to your Contact List. You can re-request authorization.
msg.authtryagain=You must first select a Contact in the Awaiting Authorization list.
msg.SelectContact= Please select a specific Contact to rename.
msg.ExistingContact=This user is already in the Contact List.
msg.MultipleGroups=Contact can only be added to one group. Please try again.
msg.EnterDisplay=Please enter a display name for the contact.
msg.EnterCharDisplay=Please enter a non-numeric display name for the contact.
msg.EnterNonEmptyDisplay=Please enter a non-empty display name for the contact.
msg.MismatchDisplay=The contact name and display name do not match. Please try again.
msg.BadScreenName=The screen name you entered is too short or contains invalid characters.