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- <!-- extracted from resources/content/IM/IM.xul -->
- <!ENTITY IMKnockKnock.yes "Yes">
- <!ENTITY IMKnockKnock.no "No">
- <!ENTITY IMKnockKnock.info "Info...">
- <!ENTITY IMKnockKnock.block "Block...">
- <!ENTITY IMKnockKnockCheckbox.label "Don't display this dialog again.">
- <!ENTITY AimIM.title "Instant Message">
- <!ENTITY fileMenu.label "File">
- <!ENTITY fileMenu.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY fileNewIMCmd.label "NewIM...">
- <!ENTITY fileSaveCmd.label "Save...">
- <!ENTITY fileSaveCmd.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY fileSaveAsCmd.label "Save As...">
- <!ENTITY filePrintCmd.label "Print...">
- <!ENTITY filePrintCmd.accesskey "P">
- <!ENTITY fileCloseCmd.label "Close">
- <!ENTITY fileCloseCmd.accesskey "W">
- <!ENTITY editMenu.label "Edit">
- <!ENTITY editMenu.accesskey "E">
- <!ENTITY editUndoCmd.label "Undo">
- <!ENTITY editUndoCmd.accesskey "Z">
- <!ENTITY editRedoCmd.label "Redo">
- <!ENTITY editRedoCmd.accesskey "Z">
- <!ENTITY editCutCmd.label "Cut">
- <!ENTITY editCutCmd.accesskey "X">
- <!ENTITY editCopyCmd.label "Copy">
- <!ENTITY editCopyCmd.accesskey "C">
- <!ENTITY editPasteCmd.label "Paste">
- <!ENTITY editPasteCmd.accesskey "V">
- <!ENTITY editSelectAllCmd.label "Select All">
- <!ENTITY editSelectAllCmd.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY editPreferencesCmd.label ".Preferences...">
- <!ENTITY editPreferencesCmd.accesskey "E">
- <!ENTITY viewMenu.label "View">
- <!ENTITY viewMenu.accesskey "V">
- <!ENTITY formatMenu.label "Format">
- <!ENTITY formatMenu.accesskey "o">
- <!ENTITY viewToolbarsMenu.label "Toolbars">
- <!ENTITY viewToolbarsMenu.accesskey "T">
- <!ENTITY viewSidebarMenu.label "Sidebar">
- <!ENTITY peopleMenu.label "People">
- <!ENTITY peopleMenu.accesskey "P">
- <!ENTITY peopleSendChatInvitationCmd.label ".Send Chat Invitation...">
- <!ENTITY peopleAddToBuddyListCmd.label "Add to Buddy List...">
- <!ENTITY peopleAddToBuddyListCmd.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY peopleAddToBuddyListCmd.key "A">
- <!ENTITY peopleWarnCmd.label "Warn...">
- <!ENTITY peopleWarnCmd.accesskey "W">
- <!ENTITY peopleWarnCmd.key "W">
- <!ENTITY peopleBlockCmd.label "Block...">
- <!ENTITY peopleBlockCmd.accesskey "B">
- <!ENTITY peopleBlockCmd.key "B">
- <!ENTITY peopleUnblockCmd.key "U">
- <!ENTITY peopleUnblockCmd.label "Unblock...">
- <!ENTITY peopleUnblockCmd.accesskey "U">
- <!ENTITY selectbi.label "Select Buddy Icon...">
- <!ENTITY selectbi.accesskey "l">
- <!ENTITY sendfile.label "Send File to Buddy...">
- <!ENTITY sendfile.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY viewToolbarsButtonsCmd.label "IM Toolbar">
- <!ENTITY viewToolbarsButtonsCmd.accesskey "I">
- <!ENTITY viewToolbarsComposeCmd.label "Compose Toolbar">
- <!ENTITY viewToolbarsComposeCmd.accesskey "C">
- <!ENTITY taskMenu.accesskey "T">
- <!ENTITY helpMenu.accesskey "H">
- <!ENTITY IMCmd.key "I">
- <!ENTITY IMCmd.accesskey "i">
- <!ENTITY IMSend.key "s">
- <!ENTITY newIMCmd.label "New Instant Message">
- <!ENTITY newIMCmdSub.label "Instant Message">
- <!ENTITY sidebarCmd.label "Sidebar">
- <!ENTITY addbuddyButton.label "Add Buddy">
- <!ENTITY warnButton.label "Warn">
- <!ENTITY blockButton.label "Block">
- <!ENTITY sendButton.label "Send">
- <!ENTITY btnPrint.label "Print">
- <!ENTITY fldScreenName.label "To:">
- <!ENTITY fldDisplayName.label "DisplayName:">
- <!ENTITY miTimestamp.accesskey "m">
- <!ENTITY miTimestamp.key "VK_F2">
- <!--Context Menu Labels-->
- <!ENTITY undoCmd.label "Undo">
- <!ENTITY undo.accesskey "u">
- <!ENTITY redoCmd.label "Redo">
- <!ENTITY redo.accesskey "r">
- <!ENTITY cutCmd.label "Cut">
- <!ENTITY cut.accesskey "t">
- <!ENTITY copyCmd.label "Copy">
- <!ENTITY copy.accesskey "c">
- <!ENTITY pasteCmd.label "Paste">
- <!ENTITY paste.accesskey "p">
- <!ENTITY deleteCmd.label "Delete">
- <!ENTITY delete.accesskey "d">
- <!ENTITY clearCmd.label "Clear">
- <!ENTITY clear.accesskey "l">
- <!ENTITY selectAllCmd.label "Select All">
- <!ENTITY selectall.accesskey "a">
- <!ENTITY addbuddyButton.tooltip "Add screen name to Buddy List">
- <!ENTITY warnButton.tooltip "Warn this user">
- <!ENTITY blockButton.tooltip "Block this user">
- <!ENTITY throbber.tooltip "Go to the Netscape home page">
- <!ENTITY IMKnockKnockblock.tooltip "Block this user">
- <!ENTITY sendButton.tooltip "Send an instant message">
- <!ENTITY printButton.tooltip "Print window">
- <!-- Localizable URL start -->
- <!ENTITY throbber.url "aim.throbber.url">
- <!-- Localizable URL end -->
- <!-- ICQ -->
- <!ENTITY peopleAddToBuddyListCmd_ICQ.label "Add to Contact List...">
- <!ENTITY viewToolbarsButtonsCmd_ICQ.label "ICQ Toolbar">
- <!ENTITY newIMCmdSub_ICQ.label "ICQ Message">
- <!ENTITY addbuddyButton_ICQ.label "Add Contact">
- <!ENTITY blockButton_ICQ.label "Ignore">
- <!ENTITY addbuddyButton_ICQ.tooltip "Add user to Contact List">
- <!ENTITY blockButton_ICQ.tooltip "Ignore this user">
- <!ENTITY AimIM_ICQ.title "ICQ Message">
- <!ENTITY sendButton_ICQ.tooltip "Send ICQ Message">
- <!-- Editor Toolbar -->
- <!ENTITY aimlinkToolbarCmd.tooltip "Create Hyperlink">