choosebookmark=%brand% can set your home page to a site you have already added to your Bookmarks. Select a Bookmark below and click OK.
choosefile=Choose a file
nofontsforlang=No fonts available for this language
invalidURI=Please enter a valid hostname
invalidURITitle=Invalid Hostname Entered
oldTheme=You have selected a theme which was designed for an earlier version of %brand% and is incompatible with your current %brand% version. Please check the %brand% Theme Park for an updated version of the theme. You can uninstall this theme by clicking \"Uninstall %theme_name%\" button.
languageAlert=Please restart %brand% to use the new preferred language or region setting.
languageTitle=Change Language
clearTitle=Confirm Clear Histories
clearPageHistoryConfirm=This will permanently delete Page History. Do you wish to proceed?
clearDownloadManagerHistoryConfirm=This will permanently delete Download Manager History. Do you wish to proceed?
clearSearchHistoryConfirm=This will permanently delete Search History. Do you wish to proceed?
clearCookieConfirm=This will permanently delete Cookies. Do you wish to proceed?
clearCacheConfirm=This will permanently delete Cache. Do you wish to proceed?
clearDatacardManagerConfirm=This will permanently delete information stored in the Datacard Manager. Do you wish to proceed?
clearPasscardManagerConfirm=This will permanently delete information stored in the Passcard Manager. Do you wish to proceed?
clearAllConfirm=This will remove ALL of your page history, the list of recently downloaded files, search history, cookies, and cache! Do you wish to proceed?
prefSaveFailedAlert=Failed to save the preferences file. Any preference changes will be lost at the end of this session.
prefSaveFailedTitle=Save Error
prefRemoveAllTitle=Clear All Information
prefRemoveAllRemoveButton=Clear All Information
prefRemovePasswdsMsg=Remove all saved passwords?
prefRemovePasswdsTitle=Remove All Passwords
prefRemovePasswdsRemoveButton=Remove All Passwords
setMasterPassword=Set Master Password...
changeMasterPassword=Change Master Password...
# pref-fonts
labelDefaultFont=Default (%S)
cookiepermissionstext=You can specify which web sites are always or never allowed to use cookies. Type the exact address of the site you want to manage and then click Block, Allow for Session, or Allow.
installpermissionstext=You can specify which web sites are allowed to install software. Type the exact address of the site you want to allow and then click Allow.
installpermissionstitle=Allowed Sites
popuppermissionstext=You can specify which web sites are allowed to open popup windows. Type the exact address of the site you want to allow and then click Allow.
popuppermissionstitle=Allowed Sites
downloadpermissionstext=You can specify which web sites are allowed to download files to your computer. Type the exact address of the site you want to allow and then click Allow.
downloadpermissionstitle=Allowed Sites
imagepermissionstext=You can specify which web sites are allowed to load images. Type the exact address of the site you want to manage and then click Block or Allow.
# pref-masterpass
password_not_set=(not set)
failed_pw_change=Unable to change Master Password.
incorrect_pw=You did not enter the correct current Master Password. Please try again.