<!ENTITY privacyDescription.label "As you browse the web, information about where you have been, what you have done, etc is kept in the following areas.">
<!ENTITY history.label "Page History">
<!ENTITY pageHis.label "Remember visited pages for the last">
<!ENTITY pageHis.accesskey "r">
<!ENTITY days.label "days">
<!ENTITY clearHistory.label "Clear">
<!ENTITY search.label "Search History">
<!ENTITY clearSearchHistory.label "Clear">
<!ENTITY searchHistoryDescription.label "Pressing the clear button removes all records from the search history of the search engines you were using.">
<!ENTITY cache.label "Cache">
<!ENTITY cacheExplanation.label "Pages you view are stored in the cache for quicker viewing later on.">
<!ENTITY diskCache.label "Use up to:">
<!ENTITY diskCache.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY kbytes "KB of disk space for the cache.">
<!ENTITY clearCache.label "Clear">
<!ENTITY cookies.label "Cookies">
<!ENTITY enableCookies.label "Allow sites to set cookies">
<!ENTITY enableCookies.accesskey "c">
<!ENTITY forOriginatingSiteOnly.label "for the originating web site only">
<!ENTITY forOriginatingSiteOnly.accesskey "W">
<!ENTITY forCurrentSessionOnly.label "for the current session only">
<!ENTITY forCurrentSessionOnly.accesskey "s">
<!ENTITY cookieExplanation.label "Cookies are pieces of information stored by web pages on your computer. They are used to remember login information and other data.">
<!ENTITY butAskFirst.label "but ask before accepting">
<!ENTITY butAskFirst.accesskey "b">
<!ENTITY clearCookies.label "Clear">
<!ENTITY viewCookies.label "View Cookies">
<!ENTITY exceptions.label "Exceptions">
<!ENTITY cookieRetention.label "Keep Cookies:">
<!ENTITY acceptNormally.label "until they expire">
<!ENTITY acceptForSession.label "until I close &brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY askAboutCookies.label "ask me every time">
<!ENTITY formfill.label "Datacard Manager">
<!ENTITY formfillDescription.label.clear "Pressing the Clear button will remove all the saved Datacard information.">
<!ENTITY formfillDescription.label "Information entered in web page forms is saved in the Datacard Manager to make filling out forms easier.">
<!ENTITY formfillEnable.label "Save information I enter in web page forms and the Search Bar">
<!ENTITY passwordsDescription.clear.label "Pressing the Clear button will remove all the saved Passcard information.">
<!ENTITY passwordsDescription.label "Login information for web pages can be kept in the Passcard Manager so that you do not need to re-enter your login details every time you visit.">