<!ENTITY certselect.description "Decide how &brandShortName; selects a security certificate to present to web sites that require one:">
<!ENTITY certselect.auto "Select Automatically">
<!ENTITY certselect.ask "Ask Every Time">
<!ENTITY managecerts.label "Manage Certificates">
<!ENTITY managecerts.text "Use the Certificate Manager to manage your personal certificates, as well as those of other people and certificate authorities.">
<!ENTITY validation.crl.description "Use the CRL Manager to manage the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) that are stored in your certificate database.">
<!ENTITY crl.autoupdate.fail.reason.label "Details of Last Update Failure: ">
<!ENTITY ok.button "OK">
<!ENTITY cancel.button "Cancel">
<!ENTITY help.button "Help">
<!ENTITY edit.button "Settings">
<!ENTITY validation.ocsp.label "OCSP">
<!ENTITY validation.ocsp.description "&brandShortName; can use Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) to verify certificates. Set &brandShortName; to use OCSP as follows:">
<!ENTITY disableOCSP.label "Do not use OCSP for certificate validation">
<!ENTITY certOCSP.label "Use OCSP to validate only certificates that specify an OCSP service URL">
<!ENTITY proxyOCSP.label "Use OCSP to validate all certificates using this URL and signer:">
<!ENTITY serviceURL.label "Service URL:">
<!ENTITY serviceURL.accesskey "S">
<!ENTITY signingCA.label "Response Signer:">
<!ENTITY signingCA.accesskey "R">
<!-- Software Update -->
<!ENTITY softwareupdate.label "Software Update">
<!ENTITY app.label "&brandShortName;">
<!ENTITY autoInstallUpdates.label "Automatically download and install updates">
<!ENTITY notifyOfAvailableUpdates.label "Notify me of available updates">
<!ENTITY enableExtensionUpdate.label "My Extensions and Themes">