home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2005-07-29 | 40.0 KB | 1,182 lines |
- var spui = {
- SPUI_DEBUG : false, // Set this to false to disable debug output
- SPUI_NS : "http://home.netscape.com/NC-spui#",
- SPUI_PREF_BRANCH : "spui.",
- RES_URL : null,
- RES_TYPE : null,
- RES_LABEL : null,
- RES_SRC : null,
- RDFService : null,
- RDFDataSource : null,
- RDFLoadObserver : null,
- RemoteRDFLoadObserver : null,
- SPUI_CUSTOM_FEED_PREF_NAME : "spui.newsticker.",
- k_idleTimer : 2000,
- GLOBALS : new Object(), // global things that can be referenced by all SPUI's
- Init : function() {
- if (gPrefService.getPrefType("spui.debug")) {
- this.SPUI_DEBUG = gPrefService.getBoolPref("spui.debug");
- }
- this.debug("Init()");
- this.SPUI_BROWSER_THEME = gPrefService.getCharPref("general.skins.selectedSkin");
- this.SPUI_BROWSER_LOCALE = gPrefService.getCharPref("general.useragent.locale");
- if (!this.RDFService) {
- this.RDFService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
- this.RES_URL = this.RDFService.GetResource(this.SPUI_NS+'url');
- this.RES_TYPE = this.RDFService.GetResource(this.SPUI_NS+'type');
- this.RES_LABEL = this.RDFService.GetResource(this.SPUI_NS+'label');
- this.RES_TOOLGROUP = this.RDFService.GetResource(this.SPUI_NS+'toolgroup');
- this.RES_SRC = this.RDFService.GetResource(this.SPUI_NS+'src');
- this.RES_FRAMESTYLE = this.RDFService.GetResource(this.SPUI_NS+'framestyle');
- this.RES_PREVIEWIMAGE = this.RDFService.GetResource(this.SPUI_NS+'previewimage');
- this.RES_OVERFLOWURL = this.RDFService.GetResource(this.SPUI_NS+'overflowurl');
- this.RDFDataSource = null;
- }
- if (!this.RDFLoadObserver) {
- this.debug("Instantiating observer");
- this.RDFLoadObserver = {
- onBeginLoad : function(sink){},
- onInterrupt : function(sink){},
- onResume : function(sink){},
- onError : function(sink,status,msg){},
- onEndLoad : function(sink) {
- RDFService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
- this.debug("onEndLoad()");
- sink.removeXMLSinkObserver(this);
- sink.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
- this.debug('Loaded datasource: '+sink.URI);
- resources = sink.GetAllResources();
- while (resources.hasMoreElements()) {
- res = resources.getNext();
- res.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- this.parent.HandleResource(sink, res);
- // RDFService.UnregisterResource(res);
- }
- // RDFService.UnregisterDataSource(sink);
- // JMC: Just slap ordinals on the spui children to set their toolbar order
- var toolbar = document.getElementById('navigator-toolbox').firstChild;
- while (toolbar && (toolbar.localName == 'toolbar' || toolbar.localName == 'multibartray')) {
- if (toolbar.localName == 'multibar')
- {
- toolbar = toolbar.firstChild;
- } else if (toolbar.localName == 'multibartray' && (!toolbar.nextSibling)) {
- toolbar.reorderItems();
- toolbar = toolbar.parentNode.nextSibling;
- } else {
- toolbar.reorderItems();
- toolbar = toolbar.nextSibling;
- }
- }
- // Now update from the server
- this.parent.RefreshRemoteComponents();
- },
- debug : function(msg) {
- this.parent.debug('RDFLoadObserver: '+msg);
- }
- };
- this.RDFLoadObserver.parent = this;
- }
- if (!this.RemoteRDFLoadObserver) {
- this.debug("Instantiating other observer");
- this.RemoteRDFLoadObserver = {
- bNewComponents : false,
- newList : null,
- onBeginLoad : function(sink){},
- onInterrupt : function(sink){},
- onResume : function(sink){},
- onError : function(sink,status,msg){},
- onEndLoad : function(sink) {
- RDFService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
- this.debug("onEndLoad()");
- sink.removeXMLSinkObserver(this);
- sink.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
- this.debug('Loaded datasource: '+sink.URI);
- resources = sink.GetAllResources();
- this.bNewComponents = false;
- this.newList = new Array();
- while (resources.hasMoreElements()) {
- res = resources.getNext();
- res.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
- this.CheckResource(sink, res);
- // RDFService.UnregisterResource(res);
- }
- // If it's flagged, we'll save it locally
- //if (this.bNewComponents) {
- var fileURI = this.parent.GetLocalSupportedFile();
- sink.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource);
- sink.FlushTo(fileURI.spec);
- if (this.bNewComponents) {
- this.sendNotify();
- }
- // Pop notify
- //}
- // RDFService.UnregisterDataSource(sink);
- },
- debug : function(msg) {
- this.parent.debug('RemoteRDFLoadObserver: '+msg);
- },
- sendNotify : function() {
- // var showNotification = gPref.getBoolPref("spui.showNotifications");
- var showNotification = true;
- if (showNotification) {
- /*
- var sbs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIStringBundleService);
- var bundle = sbs.createBundle("chrome://mozapps/locale/update/update.properties");
- var alertTitle = bundle.GetStringFromName("updatesAvailableTitle");
- var alertText = bundle.GetStringFromName("updatesAvailableText");
- */
- // JMC - Make a string bundle for this, too
- var alertText = "";
- var lineDivider = "|";
- for (var i = 0; i < this.newList.length; i++) {
- alertText += this.newList[i] + lineDivider;
- }
- var alerts = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/alerts-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAlertsService);
- alerts.showAlertNotification("chrome://mozapps/skin/xpinstall/xpinstallItemGeneric.png",
- "New Personal Buttons Available",
- alertText, true, "", this);
- }
- },
- QueryInterface: function(aIID)
- {
- if (!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIObserver) &&
- !aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIAlertListener) &&
- !aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) &&
- !aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSinkObserver))
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- return this;
- },
- onAlertClickCallback : function (aAlertCookie)
- {
- BrowserCustomizeToolbar();
- },
- onAlertFinished : function (aAlertCookie) {
- },
- /*
- If this component doesn't exist in the palette, it's a new one
- */
- CheckResource : function(sink, res) {
- if (!(sink.hasArcOut(res, this.parent.RES_URL) &&
- sink.hasArcOut(res, this.parent.RES_TYPE) &&
- sink.hasArcOut(res, this.parent.RES_LABEL)
- )) {
- return;
- }
- type = sink.GetTarget(res, this.parent.RES_TYPE, true);
- type.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- if (type.Value != 'toolbarframe') {
- return;
- }
- var toolbox = document.getElementById('navigator-toolbox');
- var palette = toolbox.palette;
- var paletteButton = palette.firstChild;
- while (paletteButton) {
- if (paletteButton.id == res.Value) {
- return;
- }
- paletteButton = paletteButton.nextSibling;
- }
- this.bNewComponents = true;
- var label = sink.GetTarget(res, this.parent.RES_LABEL, true);
- label.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- this.newList.push(label.Value);
- this.parent.HandleResource(sink, res);
- }
- };
- this.RemoteRDFLoadObserver.parent = this;
- }
- },
- GetLocalSupportedFile : function() {
- var profileDir = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].
- getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties).
- get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
- profileDir.append("supported-spui-components.rdf");
- var ios = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
- var fileURI = ios.newFileURI(profileDir);
- return fileURI;
- },
- RefreshRemoteComponents : function() {
- this.debug("RefreshRemoteComponents()");
- // var user_guid = gPrefService.getCharPref("browser.info.guid");
- // var partnerId;
- // try {
- // partnerId = gPrefService.getCharPref("browser.partnerId");
- //} catch (ex) {
- // partnerId = 'chapera';
- // }
- var SPUI_LOCAL_RDF_URL = gPrefService.getCharPref("spui.supportedURL");
- //+ "?guid=" + user_guid + "&partnerId=" + partnerId;
- try {
- this.RDFDataSource = this.RDFService.GetDataSource(SPUI_LOCAL_RDF_URL);
- this.RDFDataSource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSink);
- this.RDFDataSource.addXMLSinkObserver(this.RemoteRDFLoadObserver);
- } catch (ex) { }
- this.debug("Finished RefreshRemoteComponents()");
- },
- PersistPref: function (newSpuiIds) {
- var branch = gPrefService.getBranch("spui.");
- var prefs = branch.getChildList("", {});
- for(var i = 0; i < prefs.length; i++) {
- var tokens = prefs[i].split(".");
- if(tokens.length > 0 && !isNaN(tokens[0])) {
- var oldId = tokens[0];
- if(!(oldId in newSpuiIds)) {
- branch.deleteBranch("" + prefs[i] + ".");
- dump("deleting .. " + prefs[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Grabs a local RDF file describing what SPUI components are
- * currently available, and sets listener on the loading of that
- * file.
- **/
- RefreshComponentList : function() {
- this.debug("RefreshComponentList()");
- this.Init();
- // Load the local supported file, build the toolbar and palette
- // Then load the remote file
- // For each component in the remote file,
- // If it doesn't exist in the palette,
- // Then add it to the array of new ones,
- // and set the flag to notify and copy.
- // When done, check flag.
- // If true, copy the remote rdf file into the local file.
- // And call notification service
- // get profile directory
- var fileURI = this.GetLocalSupportedFile();
- // this.debug("Gonna go get local file called : " + fileURI.spec + "\n");
- try {
- // Start loading RDF file of supported components
- // this.RDFDataSource = this.RDFService.GetDataSource(SPUI_LOCAL_RDF_URL);
- this.RDFDataSource = this.RDFService.GetDataSource(fileURI.spec);
- // Register a listener to pick things up when the file is done
- // loading. (Control will go to the onEndLoad function...)
- this.RDFDataSource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSink);
- this.RDFDataSource.addXMLSinkObserver(this.RDFLoadObserver);
- } catch (ex) { this.RefreshRemoteComponents(); }
- // For now, tell the RDF Service NOT to cache our datasource,
- // because we don't know how to handle that properly yet.
- // this.RDFService.UnregisterDataSource(this.RDFDataSource);
- this.debug("Finished RefreshComponentList()");
- },
- /**
- * Called after browser customize finishes, to re-establish SPUI links
- * with all the active items.
- **/
- RedrawComponents : function() {
- var newSpuiIds = new Object();
- this.debug("Redrawing Components after browser customize...\n" );
- var toolbox = document.getElementById('navigator-toolbox');
- var toolbar = toolbox.firstChild;
- while (toolbar) {
- // this.debug(' Redrawing toolbar: '+toolbar.id+', currentSet: ' +toolbar.currentSetAtLoadTime);
- var spuiButton = toolbar.firstChild;
- while (spuiButton) {
- // this.debug(' SpuiButton is '+spuiButton.id + '\n');
- var tokens = spuiButton.id.split('|');
- if(tokens.length > 0 && !isNaN(tokens[tokens.length-1])) {
- newSpuiIds[tokens[tokens.length-1]] = "new";
- }
- var iframe = document.getElementById(spuiButton.id+'-iframe');
- if (iframe) {
- setTimeout("establishRemoteSPUILink('"+spuiButton.id+"');",500);
- }
- spuiButton = spuiButton.nextSibling;
- }
- if (toolbar.localName == 'multibar')
- {
- toolbar = toolbar.firstChild;
- } else if (toolbar.localName == 'multibartray' && (!toolbar.nextSibling)) {
- toolbar = toolbar.parentNode.nextSibling;
- } else {
- toolbar = toolbar.nextSibling;
- }
- }
- this.PersistPref(newSpuiIds);
- },
- /**
- * Parse the description for a particular resource
- **/
- HandleResource : function(datasource, res) {
- // this.debug('Found resource: '+res.Value);
- // This is basically just debug output
- var labels = datasource.ArcLabelsOut(res);
- while (labels.hasMoreElements()) {
- var label = labels.getNext();
- if (label instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource) {
- var dbg = '* '+label.Value;
- var target = datasource.GetTarget(res, label, true);
- if (target instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource) {
- dbg += ' => '+target.Value;
- } else if (target instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral) {
- dbg += ' => '+target.Value;
- } else {
- try {
- dbg += ' => '+target.Value;
- } catch (ex) { }
- }
- // this.debug(dbg);
- }
- }
- // See if this resource specifies an actual SPUI component
- if (datasource.hasArcOut(res, this.RES_URL) &&
- datasource.hasArcOut(res, this.RES_TYPE) &&
- datasource.hasArcOut(res, this.RES_LABEL))
- {
- // this.debug('^** this is a SPUI component! **^');
- this.HandleComponent(datasource, res);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Handle SPUI component loading
- **/
- HandleComponent : function(datasource, res) {
- // this.debug('HandleComponent('+res.Value+')');
- type = datasource.GetTarget(res, this.RES_TYPE, true);
- type.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- if (type.Value == 'toolbarframe') {
- this.HandleToolbaritem(datasource, res);
- } else {
- this.debug('*** WARNING: component type not handled: '+type.Value);
- }
- },
- ConstructComponent : function(datasource, res, newid) {
- // Construct the new XUL component
- // this.debug('ConstructComponent('+res.Value+')');
- try {
- var newItem = document.createElement('toolbaritem');
- newItem.setAttribute('id', newid);
- var label = datasource.GetTarget(res, this.RES_LABEL, true);
- label.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- // JMC added to support multiple customize panels
- var toolgroup = datasource.GetTarget(res, this.RES_TOOLGROUP, true);
- toolgroup.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- newItem.setAttribute('label', label.Value);
- newItem.setAttribute('title', label.Value);
- newItem.setAttribute('class', 'spui-toolbaritem');
- newItem.setAttribute('toolgroup', toolgroup.Value);
- if (datasource.hasArcOut(res,this.RES_OVERFLOWURL)) {
- var ovfURL = datasource.GetTarget(res, this.RES_OVERFLOWURL, true);
- ovfURL.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- newItem.setAttribute('overflowcommand','loadURIWithOpenPref("'+ovfURL.Value+'","browser.tabs.personaltoolbarbutton.open",null,null);');
- }
- // JMC - should read this from the rdf
- var vbox = document.createElement('vbox');
- var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
- var src = datasource.GetTarget(res, this.RES_SRC, true);
- src.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- iframe.setAttribute('id', newid+'-iframe');
- iframe.setAttribute('name', newid+'-iframe');
- iframe.setAttribute('type','content');
- iframe.setAttribute('src', src.Value);
- iframe.setAttribute('flex', '1');
- iframe.setAttribute('allowtransparency',true);
- iframe.setAttribute('scrolling','no');
- iframe.setAttribute('isActive', 'true');
- var framestyle = datasource.GetTarget(res, this.RES_FRAMESTYLE, true);
- var iframestyle = "visibility: hidden;";
- if (framestyle) {
- framestyle.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- iframestyle += framestyle.Value;
- }
- iframe.setAttribute('style', iframestyle);
- newItem.setAttribute('allowDuplicate', true);
- // JMC - Can be duplicate? Get property from RDF, push into button
- vbox.appendChild(iframe);
- vbox.setAttribute('class', 'spui-content');
- var previewSrc = datasource.GetTarget(res, this.RES_PREVIEWIMAGE, true);
- previewSrc.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
- previewImage = document.createElement('image');
- previewImage.setAttribute('src', previewSrc.Value);
- var spacer = document.createElement('spacer');
- previewBox = document.createElement('toolbarbutton');
- previewBox.appendChild(previewImage);
- previewBox.setAttribute('class', 'spui-preview');
- previewBox.setAttribute('mousethrough', 'never');
- previewBox.setAttribute('label', label.Value);
- var draggableBox = document.createElement('toolbarbutton');
- draggableBox.setAttribute('class', 'spui-draggable');
- draggableBox.setAttribute('mousethrough', 'never');
- draggableBox.setAttribute('label', label.Value);
- if (framestyle) {
- previewBox.setAttribute('style', framestyle.Value);
- draggableBox.setAttribute('style', framestyle.Value);
- }
- var stack = document.createElement('stack');
- stack.appendChild(vbox);
- stack.appendChild(previewBox);
- stack.appendChild(draggableBox);
- newItem.appendChild(stack);
- iframe.setAttribute('onload', "establishRemoteSPUILink('"+newid+"');"); // JMC: Is this right?
- return newItem;
- } catch (ex) {
- this.debug('WARNING: could not create component!');
- return;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Handle toolbar item components
- **/
- HandleToolbaritem : function(datasource, res) {
- // this.debug('HandleToobaritem('+res.Value+')');
- var newSpuiIds = new Object();
- // See if this component is supposed to go in a toolbar
- // or just into the tool palette
- var toolbox = document.getElementById('navigator-toolbox');
- var toolbar = toolbox.firstChild;
- var placed = true; // Force to create first component
- while (toolbar) {
- if (toolbar.currentSetAtLoadTime) {
- // this.debug(' looking at toolbar: '+toolbar.id+', currentSet: '+toolbar.currentSetAtLoadTime);
- var currentSet = toolbar.currentSetAtLoadTime.split(',');
- for (var i = 0; i < currentSet.length; i++) {
- placed = false;
- // this.debug(' '+currentSet[i]);
- // JMC - Peel the unique ID off the toolbar currentSet
- // And match against the base id
- // Save the suffix
- var suffix;
- var baseId;
- if (currentSet[i].indexOf("|") > -1) // This has a unique id
- {
- suffix = currentSet[i].substring(currentSet[i].indexOf("|") + 1,currentSet[i].length);
- baseId = currentSet[i].substring(0, currentSet[i].indexOf("|"));
- newSpuiIds[suffix] = "new";
- } else {
- baseId = currentSet[i];
- }
- if (baseId == res.Value) {
- // Found it!
- var newid = res.Value;
- // JMC - Update the ids with the suffix
- if (suffix) {
- newid = res.Value + "|" + suffix;
- }
- var newItem = this.ConstructComponent(datasource, res, newid);
- placed = this.placeItemRelative(newItem, toolbar, currentSet, i, 10);
- if (!placed) {
- // That didn't work, so just tack it on the end
- toolbar.appendChild(newItem);
- this.debug(' placed at end of toolbar!');
- placed = true;
- }
- setTimeout("establishRemoteSPUILink('"+newItem.id+"');",500);
- // JMC: removed to support dups -- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (toolbar.localName == 'multibar')
- {
- toolbar = toolbar.firstChild;
- } else if (toolbar.localName == 'multibartray' && (!toolbar.nextSibling)) {
- toolbar = toolbar.parentNode.nextSibling;
- } else {
- toolbar = toolbar.nextSibling;
- }
- }
- // Regardless of whether this component got placed on a toolbar, we still
- // need to put it in the tool palette as well, because that represents the
- // set of all available toolbar items.
- // this.debug(' No appropriate toolbar, so putting it on the palette.');
- var palette = toolbox.palette;
- var newItem = this.ConstructComponent(datasource, res, res.Value);
- palette.appendChild(newItem);
- this.PersistPref(newSpuiIds);
- },
- placeItemRelative : function(newItem, toolbar, currentSet, index) {
- var bestBefore;
- var beforeMe;
- if (index == currentSet.length - 1) {
- toolbar.appendChild(newItem);
- return;
- }
- if (currentSet[index+1] &&
- (currentSet[index+1] == 'spring') ||
- (currentSet[index+1] == 'spacer') ||
- (currentSet[index+1] == 'separator'))
- {
- // How many to be before?
- var i;
- var itemCount = 0;
- for (i = currentSet.length; i > index; --i)
- {
- if (currentSet[index+1] == currentSet[i])
- itemCount++;
- }
- // Get the nth instance of this item,
- // and insert before it
- var instanceCount = 0;
- var child = toolbar.lastChild;
- while (child)
- {
- if (currentSet[index+1] == child.id.substring(0,child.id.indexOf("|")))
- {
- this.debug("placement: found a matching " + currentSet[index+1]);
- instanceCount++;
- if (instanceCount == itemCount) {
- beforeMe = child;
- break;
- }
- }
- child = child.previousSibling;
- }
- } else {
- for (var j=currentSet.length; j > index; --j)
- {
- var toolbarChild = document.getElementById(currentSet[j]);
- if (!toolbarChild) continue;
- beforeMe = toolbarChild;
- }
- }
- toolbar.insertBefore(newItem, beforeMe);
- return true;
- },
- /*
- placeItemRelative2 : function(newItem, toolbar, currentSet, index, maxIterations) {
- // Look for toolbar buttons that are progressively further away in
- // the currentSet
- // JMC - Special case, index = 0
- if (index == 0) {
- var nextItem = toolbar.firstChild;
- if (nextItem) {
- toolbar.insertBefore(newItem, nextItem);
- } else {
- toolbar.appendChild(newItem);
- }
- return true;
- }
- var j = 1;
- var placed = false;
- if (!maxIterations) maxIterations = 10;
- while (!placed && (j < maxIterations)) {
- // First try placing it AFTER the previous item
- var nextItem;
- if (index >= j) {
- // this doesnt work for spacers and other anonymous elements
- var prevItem = document.getElementById(currentSet[index-j]);
- if (!prevItem)
- {
- // Count the number of these special elements which occur in the toolbarset
- // BEFORE this point, and then get the xth of them
- var specialCountLimit = 0;
- for (var i=0; i < index; i++) {
- if (currentSet[i] == currentSet[index-j])
- specialCountLimit++;
- }
- var paletteItem = toolbar.firstChild;
- var specialCount =0;
- while (paletteItem) {
- var paletteId = paletteItem.id;
- var stringLen = currentSet[index-j].length;
- var aId = currentSet[index-j];
- if (paletteId.substring(0,stringLen) == aId) {
- specialCount++;
- if (specialCount >= specialCountLimit) {
- prevItem = paletteItem;
- break;
- }
- }
- paletteItem = paletteItem.nextSibling;
- }
- }
- if (prevItem) {
- nextItem = prevItem.nextSibling;
- if (prevItem.nextSibling) {
- toolbar.insertBefore(newItem, prevItem.nextSibling);
- this.debug(' placed after '+currentSet[index-j]+'!');
- placed = true;
- } else {
- toolbar.appendChild(newItem);
- placed = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!placed && (index < currentSet.length-j)) {
- // That didn't work, so try placing it BEFORE the next item
- nextItem = document.getElementById(currentSet[index+1]);
- if (!nextItem)
- {
- // Count the number of these special elements which occur in the toolbarset
- // BEFORE this point, and then get the xth of them
- var specialCountLimit = 0;
- for (var i=index; i > 0; i--) {
- if (currentSet[i] == currentSet[index+1])
- specialCountLimit++;
- }
- var paletteItem = toolbar.lastChild;
- var specialCount =0;
- while (paletteItem) {
- var paletteId = paletteItem.id;
- var stringLen = currentSet[index+1].length;
- var aId = currentSet[index+1];
- if (paletteId.substring(0,stringLen) == aId) {
- specialCount++;
- if (specialCount >= specialCountLimit) {
- nextItem = paletteItem;
- break;
- }
- }
- paletteItem = paletteItem.previousSibling;
- }
- }
- if (nextItem) {
- toolbar.insertBefore(newItem, nextItem);
- this.debug(' placed before '+currentSet[index+1]+'!');
- placed = true;
- }
- }
- j++;
- }
- return placed;
- },
- */
- /**
- * Print out debug text
- **/
- logger : null,
- debug : function(msg) {
- // To disabled debug output, set SPUI_DEBUG to "false"
- // at the top of this file
- if (gPrefService.getPrefType("spui.debug") && gPrefService.getBoolPref("spui.debug")) {
- if (!this.logger) {
- this.logger = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService);
- }
- dump('SPUI: '+msg+'\n');
- this.logger.logStringMessage("SPUI: " + msg.replace(/\n/g, " -- "));
- }
- },
- /*
- */
- addLivemark : function(baseURL, feedURL, title ) {
- // JMC: Which toolbar to add to?
- var toolbar = document.getElementById('PersonalToolbar');
- var newButton = toolbar.insertItem('spui:newsticker', null, null, null);
- var componentId = newButton.id.substring(newButton.id.indexOf("|") + 1, newButton.id.length);
- // JMC: ugly, should be wrapped up somewhere else
- gPrefService.setCharPref('spui.' + componentId + '.newsticker.feed', 'custom');
- gPrefService.setCharPref('spui.' + componentId + '.newsticker.customfeed', feedURL);
- gPrefService.setCharPref('spui.' + componentId + '.newsticker.customref', baseURL);
- this.debug("live bookmark id " + componentId);
- this.RedrawComponents();
- }
- };
- /**
- * TODO: this should actually be a listener on the iframe contentDocument, instead
- * of polling.
- **/
- function establishRemoteSPUILink(componentId, accumulator) {
- if (!accumulator) accumulator = 0;
- // spui.debug('establishRemoteSPUILink('+componentId+','+accumulator+')');
- if (accumulator >= 30000) return; // timeout after 30 secs
- var iframe = document.getElementById(componentId+'-iframe');
- var wait = 0;
- do { // Check for starting conditions
- if (!iframe) {
- spui.debug('WARNING: component does not have iframe: '+componentId);
- wait = 2500;
- break;
- }
- var contentDoc = iframe.contentDocument;
- if (!contentDoc) {
- spui.debug('WARNING: component does not have contentDocument: '+componentId);
- wait = 500;
- break;
- }
- var docURL = contentDoc.location;
- if (!docURL) {
- spui.debug('WARNING: component does not have contentDocument.location: '
- +componentId);
- wait = 500;
- break;
- }
- else if (docURL == 'about:blank') {
- spui.debug('WARNING: component URL is [about:blank]: '+componentId);
- wait = 500;
- break;
- }
- else if(String(contentDoc.documentElement).indexOf("XULElement") < 0) {
- spui.debug('WARNING: ' + contentDoc.URL + ' is not xul - '+contentDoc.documentElement);
- wait = 500;
- break;
- }
- } while (false);
- if (wait) {
- accumulator += wait;
- setTimeout("establishRemoteSPUILink('"+componentId+"',"
- +accumulator+");",wait); // Try again later
- return;
- }
- var iframestyle = String(iframe.getAttribute('style'));
- var indhi = iframestyle.indexOf("hidden;");
- if(indhi >= 0) {
- iframe.setAttribute('style', iframestyle.substring(0,indhi) + "visible;" +iframestyle.substring(indhi + "hidden;".length));
- }
- if (!('spui' in contentDoc))
- {
- // Here is where we make some special browser functions available to the
- // remote document
- contentDoc.spui = new Object();
- // JMC: Pass the id in to the component here
- contentDoc.spui.componentId = componentId.substring(componentId.indexOf("|")+1,componentId.length);
- // JMC: Save pointer to iframe parent, for resizing, etc
- contentDoc.spui.iframe = iframe;
- // JMC: Todo - Push modification time of local supported.rdf into variable for tool tip
- // loadURI(uri) - loads URI in the main content window
- contentDoc.spui.loadURI = function(uri) {
- if (gPrefService.getCharPref("browser.tabs.personaltoolbarbutton.open") == 'overwrite') {
- loadURI(uri);
- } else {
- this.loadURIInTab(uri);
- }
- };
- // loadURIInTab(uri) - loads URI in a new tab
- contentDoc.spui.loadURIInTab = function(uri) {
- var theTab = gBrowser.addTabAt(uri);
- if (!gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground"))
- gBrowser.selectedTab = theTab;
- };
- // JMC - Support for favicon locating for newsticker icons, etc
- contentDoc.spui.getFaviconURI = function(fullurl) {
- var ios = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
- var aURI = ios.newURI(fullurl, null, null);
- return gBrowser.buildFavIconString(aURI);
- };
- // debug(text) - debug output
- contentDoc.spui.debug = function(text) {
- spui.debug(componentId+': '+text.replace(/\n/, " -- "));
- };
- contentDoc.spui.trackData = function(commandObject) {
- perfmon.trackData(commandObject);
- };
- contentDoc.spui.resizeComponent = function(newWidth) {
- contentDoc.spui.iframe.setAttribute('style', 'width: ' + newWidth);
- // JMC: Change size of preview and draggable as well
- var parentComponent = document.getElementById(contentDoc.spui.iframe.id.substring(0,contentDoc.spui.iframe.id.length - 7));
- var parentStack = parentComponent.firstChild;
- for (var i =0; i < parentStack.childNodes.length; i++) {
- var thisChild = parentStack.childNodes[i];
- if (thisChild.localName == "toolbarbutton") { // Preview and Draggable Boxes
- thisChild.setAttribute('style', 'width: ' + newWidth);
- }
- }
- contentDoc.spui.iframe.setAttribute('style', 'width: ' + newWidth);
- reshuffleToolbars(true);
- };
- // allow getting of preferences that start with "spui."
- contentDoc.spui.getPref = function(prefName) {
- //contentDoc.spui.debug("getPref called with: " + prefName);
- var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
- var thesePrefs = prefService.getBranch("spui.");
- var prefType = thesePrefs.getPrefType(prefName);
- var userPrefValue = "";
- switch (prefType) {
- case thesePrefs.PREF_STRING:
- userPrefValue = thesePrefs.getCharPref(prefName);
- break;
- case thesePrefs.PREF_INT:
- userPrefValue = thesePrefs.getIntPref(prefName);
- break;
- case thesePrefs.PREF_BOOL:
- userPrefValue = thesePrefs.getBoolPref(prefName);
- break;
- }
- return userPrefValue;
- };
- // Wrapper for getting localized prefs (per button by componentId)
- contentDoc.spui.getLocalPref = function (prefName) {
- var userPrefValue = contentDoc.spui.getPref(contentDoc.spui.componentId + "." + prefName);
- if (!userPrefValue) {
- userPrefValue = contentDoc.spui.getPref(prefName);
- }
- return userPrefValue;
- };
- // Wrapper for setting localized prefs (per button by componentId)
- contentDoc.spui.setLocalPref = function (prefName, prefValue, prefType) {
- return contentDoc.spui.setPref(contentDoc.spui.componentId + "." + prefName, prefValue, prefType);
- };
- contentDoc.spui.clearLocalPref = function (prefName) {
- var branch = "spui." + contentDoc.spui.componentId + "."
- if(prefName && prefName.length > 0) {
- branch += prefName + ".";
- }
- var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
- var thesePrefs = prefService.getBranch(branch);
- thesePrefs.deleteBranch("");
- };
- // allow setting of preferences that start with "spui."
- contentDoc.spui.setPref = function(prefName, prefValue, prefType) {
- //contentDoc.spui.debug("setPref called with: " + prefName +", " + prefValue);
- var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
- var thesePrefs = prefService.getBranch("spui.");
- switch (prefType) {
- case "STRING":
- thesePrefs.setCharPref(prefName, prefValue);
- break;
- case "INT":
- thesePrefs.setIntPref(prefName, prefValue);
- break;
- case "BOOL":
- thesePrefs.setBoolPref(prefName, prefValue);
- break;
- }
- };
- contentDoc.spui.setHomePage = function(aUrl, bAppend) {
- var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
- if (bAppend) {
- var homePage = prefService.getComplexValue("browser.startup.homepage", Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data;
- if(homePage) {
- newHomePage = homePage + "|" + aUrl;
- } else {
- newHomePage = aUrl;
- }
- prefService.setCharPref("browser.startup.homepage", newHomePage);
- } else {
- prefService.setCharPref("browser.startup.homepage", aUrl);
- }
- };
- contentDoc.spui.getHomePage = function() {
- var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
- return prefService.getComplexValue("browser.startup.homepage", Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data;
- };
- // loadRDF(rdf, observer) - returns a datasource
- contentDoc.spui.loadRDF = function(rdf, observer) {
- var RDFService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
- var ds = RDFService.GetDataSource(rdf);
- ds.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource);
- ds.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSink);
- ds.addXMLSinkObserver(observer);
- return ds;
- };
- contentDoc.spui.httpRequest = null;
- contentDoc.spui.lastRequestURL = null;
- contentDoc.spui.idleTimerId=null;
- /* contentDoc.spui.requestServerData
- * Makes an XMLHttp Request to the server for data.
- */
- contentDoc.spui.requestServerData = function(requestURL, callbackFunc) {
- // JMC: Finding memleak
- /*
- if (contentDoc.spui.httpRequest){
- spui.debug("contentDoc.spui.httpRequest = null");
- contentDoc.spui.httpRequest = null;
- }
- contentDoc.spui.httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
- contentDoc.spui.httpRequest.onload = callbackFunc;
- */
- contentDoc.spui.debug("contentDoc.spui.requestServerData : requestURL = " + requestURL + "\n");
- var requestAnswered;
- if(!contentDoc.spui.getPref("isIdleAble") || !contentDoc.spui.lastRequestURL || iframe.contentWindow.screenX > 0 - 5000 && iframe.contentWindow.screenY > 0 - 2000 && iframe.getAttribute('isActive') == 'true') {
- var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
- httpRequest.onload = callbackFunc;
- //Make the connection and send our data
- try {
- // contentDoc.spui.httpRequest.open("GET", requestURL, true, null, null);
- // contentDoc.spui.httpRequest.send('');
- contentDoc.spui.lastRequestURL = requestURL;
- httpRequest.open("GET", requestURL, true, null, null);
- httpRequest.send('');
- contentDoc.spui.debug("query done\n");
- requestAnswered = true;
- }
- catch (e){
- dump('An error has occured calling the external site: '+e);
- requestAnswered = false;
- httpRequest=null; // Clean up the httpRequest
- }
- }
- else {
- contentDoc.spui.debug(" isActive=" + iframe.getAttribute('isActive') + " screenY=" + iframe.contentWindow.screenY + " screenX=" + iframe.contentWindow.screenX + "\n");
- requestAnswered = false;
- }
- contentDoc.spui.debug("contentDoc.spui.requestServerData : requestAnswered = " + requestAnswered + "\n");
- // Check to see if the contentDoc.spui.idleTimerId is aready set,
- // if it is, clear it for the restart.
- if(!requestAnswered) {
- contentDoc.spui.debug("Idle Request");
- if(contentDoc.spui.idleTimerId){
- contentDoc.spui.debug("Clearing contentDoc.spui.idleTimerId");
- clearTimeout(contentDoc.spui.idleTimerId);
- contentDoc.spui.idleTimerId=null;
- }
- // try to get data from server in every 5 seconds if the previous request was not completed
- contentDoc.spui.idleTimerId = setTimeout(function() { contentDoc.spui.requestServerData(requestURL, callbackFunc); }, spui.k_idleTimer);
- contentDoc.spui.debug("contentDoc.spui.idleTimerId = setTimeout\n");
- }
- return true;
- };
- contentDoc.spui.phpRequestExecute = contentDoc.spui.requestServerData;
- contentDoc.spui.getBrowserVersion = function () {
- };
- contentDoc.spui.getBrowserTheme = function () {
- return spui.SPUI_BROWSER_THEME;
- };
- contentDoc.spui.getBrowserLocale = function () {
- return spui.SPUI_BROWSER_LOCALE;
- };
- // wrapper for window.openDialog
- contentDoc.spui.openDialog = function(contentURL, opener, title, width, height) {
- var SPUI_DIALOG = "chrome://browser/content/spuiDialog.xul";
- contentDoc.spui.debug('openDialog('+SPUI_DIALOG+': '+contentURL+');');
- var args = new Object();
- args.contentURL = contentURL;
- args.opener = opener;
- if (!title) title = 'SPUI Dialog';
- args.title = title;
- if (!width) width = 300;
- if (width < 100) width = 200;
- if (width > 500) width = 500;
- if (!height) height = 300;
- if (height < 100) height = 200;
- if (height > 500) height = 500;
- var dialog = window.openDialog(SPUI_DIALOG, 'spuiDialog',
- 'chrome,modal=yes,resizable=no,centerscreen,'
- +'width='+width+',height='+height+','
- +'toolbars=no,menus=no',
- args);
- };
- contentDoc.spui.openSidebar = function(SideBarName) {
- RevealPanel(SideBarName);
- };
- // refreshDatasource(containerId, dsName) - refreshes a remote RDF datasource
- contentDoc.spui.refreshDataSource = function(containerId, dsName, callbackFunc) {
- contentDoc.spui.debug('refreshDataSource('+containerId+', '+dsName+')');
- var container = contentDoc.getElementById(containerId);
- if (!container) {
- contentDoc.spui.debug(' container element not found: '+containerId);
- return;
- }
- // We don't refresh when the menupopup is open, since this can cause crashes
- else if (container.localName == 'menupopup' &&
- ('open' in container) && container.open) {
- contentDoc.spui.debug(' Skipped refresh since menupopup open.');
- return;
- }
- // Do not refresh if tray is not shown
- else if(container.localName == 'vbox' && contentDoc.spui.iframe.getAttribute('isActive') != 'true') {
- contentDoc.spui.debug(containerId + ' is not active ');
- return;
- }
- else if(iframe.contentWindow.screenX < 0 - 5000 || iframe.contentWindow.screenY < 0 - 2000) {
- contentDoc.spui.debug(' browser is off screen ' + " screenY " + iframe.contentWindow.screenY + " screenX " + iframe.contentWindow.screenX + "\n");
- return;
- }
- // Get datasources
- else if (!container.database) {
- contentDoc.spui.debug(' container element "'+containerId+'" has no database');
- return;
- }
- var sources = container.database.GetDataSources();
- var count = 0;
- while (sources.hasMoreElements()) {
- // TODO: check the dsName and only refresh the appropriate ds
- var ds = sources.getNext();
- ds.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource);
- ds.Refresh(false);
- ds.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSink);
- if (('loadObserver' in container) && (container.loadObserver)) {
- ds.removeXMLSinkObserver(container.loadObserver);
- container.loadObserver = 0;
- }
- container.loadObserver = {
- onBeginLoad : function(sink){},
- onInterrupt : function(sink){},
- onResume : function(sink){},
- onError : function(sink,status,msg){},
- onEndLoad : function(sink) {
- // this.debug('refresh observer onEndLoad()!');
- // rebuild() will crash browser if menupopup is open!!!
- if ((container.localName == 'menupopup') && container.open) return;
- // this.debug(' rebuilding '+container.localName+'...');
- try {
- this.container.builder.rebuild();
- } catch (ex) {
- this.debug(' exeption: '+ex);
- // No point in continuing to observe the datasource if there
- // is no builder. (This probably means the remote XUL document
- // has been reloaded.)
- this.ds.removeXMLSinkObserver(this);
- }
- if (callbackFunc && callbackFunc in this.iframeWindow) {
- this.iframeWindow[callbackFunc]();
- this.debug ( "Making the callback to " + callbackFunc);
- }
- },
- debug : function(msg) {
- this.parent.debug('loadObserver: '+msg);
- }
- };
- container.loadObserver.parent = contentDoc.spui;
- container.loadObserver.iframeWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
- container.loadObserver.container = container;
- container.loadObserver.ds = ds;
- ds.addXMLSinkObserver(container.loadObserver);
- count++;
- }
- // contentDoc.spui.debug(' Initiated asynchronous refresh for '+count+' datasource(s)');
- };
- contentDoc.spui.getGlobal = function (name) {
- return spui.GLOBALS[name];
- };
- contentDoc.spui.setGlobal = function (name, obj) {
- spui.GLOBALS[name] = obj;
- };
- // spui.debug('Established link with SPUI component: '+componentId);
- }
- if ('spuiInit' in iframe.contentWindow) {
- spui.debug("calling spuiInit() " + componentId);
- iframe.contentWindow.spuiInit();
- /*
- if ('initBackground' in iframe.contentWindow) {
- iframe.contentWindow.initBackground(iframe.boxObject.x, 0);
- }
- */
- reshuffleToolbars(true);
- } else { // Check back for init after javascript loads in
- wait = 1000;
- accumulator += wait;
- setTimeout("establishRemoteSPUILink('"+componentId+"'," +accumulator+");",wait); // Try again later
- }
- }