home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // MERC - JCH: Need the cookie manager service to delete cookies.
- var cookiemanager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/cookiemanager;1"].getService();
- cookiemanager = cookiemanager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsICookieManager);
- function DeleteAllFromTree
- (tree, view, table, deletedTable, removeButton, removeAllButton) {
- // remove all items from table and place in deleted table
- for (var i=0; i<table.length; i++) {
- deletedTable[deletedTable.length] = table[i];
- }
- table.length = 0;
- // redisplay
- var oldCount = view.rowCount;
- view.rowCount = 0;
- tree.treeBoxObject.rowCountChanged(0, -oldCount);
- // MERC - JCH: Delete all IE cookies, not just Netscape's.
- // This is the easiest way to be sure that all are deleted.
- if (cookiemanager)
- cookiemanager.removeAll();
- // disable buttons
- document.getElementById(removeButton).setAttribute("disabled", "true")
- document.getElementById(removeAllButton).setAttribute("disabled","true");
- }
- function DeleteSelectedItemFromTree
- (tree, view, table, deletedTable, removeButton, removeAllButton) {
- // Turn off tree selection notifications during the deletion
- tree.treeBoxObject.view.selection.selectEventsSuppressed = true;
- // remove selected items from list (by setting them to null) and place in deleted list
- var selections = GetTreeSelections(tree);
- for (var s=selections.length-1; s>= 0; s--) {
- var i = selections[s];
- deletedTable[deletedTable.length] = table[i];
- table[i] = null;
- }
- // collapse list by removing all the null entries
- for (var j=0; j<table.length; j++) {
- if (table[j] == null) {
- var k = j;
- while ((k < table.length) && (table[k] == null)) {
- k++;
- }
- table.splice(j, k-j);
- view.rowCount -= k - j;
- tree.treeBoxObject.rowCountChanged(j, j - k);
- }
- }
- // update selection and/or buttons
- if (table.length) {
- // update selection
- var nextSelection = (selections[0] < table.length) ? selections[0] : table.length-1;
- tree.treeBoxObject.view.selection.select(nextSelection);
- tree.treeBoxObject.ensureRowIsVisible(nextSelection);
- } else {
- // disable buttons
- document.getElementById(removeButton).setAttribute("disabled", "true")
- document.getElementById(removeAllButton).setAttribute("disabled","true");
- }
- tree.treeBoxObject.view.selection.selectEventsSuppressed = false;
- }
- function GetTreeSelections(tree) {
- var selections = [];
- var select = tree.treeBoxObject.selection;
- if (select) {
- var count = select.getRangeCount();
- var min = new Object();
- var max = new Object();
- for (var i=0; i<count; i++) {
- select.getRangeAt(i, min, max);
- for (var k=min.value; k<=max.value; k++) {
- if (k != -1) {
- selections[selections.length] = k;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return selections;
- }
- function SortTree(tree, view, table, column, lastSortColumn, lastSortAscending, updateSelection) {
- // remember which item was selected so we can restore it after the sort
- var selections = GetTreeSelections(tree);
- var selectedNumber = selections.length ? table[selections[0]].id : -1;
- // determine if sort is to be ascending or descending
- var ascending = (column == lastSortColumn) ? !lastSortAscending : true;
- // do the sort or re-sort
- var compareFunc = function compare(first, second) {
- return first[column].toLowerCase().localeCompare(second[column].toLowerCase());
- }
- table.sort(compareFunc);
- if (!ascending)
- table.reverse();
- // restore the selection
- var selectedRow = -1;
- if (selectedNumber>=0 && updateSelection) {
- for (var s=0; s<table.length; s++) {
- if (table[s].id == selectedNumber) {
- // update selection
- // note: we need to deselect before reselecting in order to trigger ...Selected()
- tree.treeBoxObject.view.selection.select(-1);
- tree.treeBoxObject.view.selection.select(s);
- selectedRow = s;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // display the results
- tree.treeBoxObject.invalidate();
- if (selectedRow >= 0) {
- tree.treeBoxObject.ensureRowIsVisible(selectedRow)
- }
- return ascending;
- }