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- // interface variables
- var cookiemanager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/cookiemanager;1"].getService();
- cookiemanager = cookiemanager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsICookieManager);
- var gDateService = null;
- // cookies list
- var cookies = [];
- var deletedCookies = [];
- var cookieBundle;
- var cookiesTree;
- const nsICookie = Components.interfaces.nsICookie;
- function Startup() {
- // intialize gDateService
- if (!gDateService) {
- const nsScriptableDateFormat_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/intl/scriptabledateformat;1";
- const nsIScriptableDateFormat = Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableDateFormat;
- gDateService = Components.classes[nsScriptableDateFormat_CONTRACTID]
- .getService(nsIScriptableDateFormat);
- }
- //XXXBlake
- // I removed the observer stuff, so yes, there are edge cases where
- // if you're loading a page when you open prefs/cookie manager,
- // the cookie manager won't display the new cookie added.
- // I don't think it's a big deal (considering how hard it would be to fix)
- }
- function onOK() {
- window.opener.top.wsm.savePageData(window.location.href, window);
- window.opener.top.hPrefWindow.registerOKCallbackFunc(window.opener.cookieViewerOnPrefsOK);
- }
- function GetFields()
- {
- var dataObject = {};
- dataObject.deletedCookies = deletedCookies;
- dataObject.cookies = cookies;
- dataObject.cookieBool = document.getElementById("checkbox").checked;
- return dataObject;
- }
- function SetFields(dataObject)
- {
- if ('cookies' in dataObject)
- cookies = dataObject.cookies;
- if ('deletedCookies' in dataObject)
- deletedCookies = dataObject.deletedCookies;
- if ('cookieBool' in dataObject)
- document.getElementById("checkbox").checked = dataObject.cookieBool;
- loadCookies();
- }
- /*** =================== COOKIES CODE =================== ***/
- var cookiesTreeView = {
- rowCount : 0,
- setTree : function(tree){},
- getImageSrc : function(row,column) {},
- getProgressMode : function(row,column) {},
- getCellValue : function(row,column) {},
- getCellText : function(row,column){
- var rv="";
- if (column=="domainCol") {
- rv = cookies[row].rawHost;
- } else if (column=="nameCol") {
- rv = cookies[row].name;
- }
- return rv;
- },
- isSeparator : function(index) {return false;},
- isSorted: function() { return false; },
- isContainer : function(index) {return false;},
- cycleHeader : function(aColId, aElt) {},
- getRowProperties : function(row,column,prop){},
- getColumnProperties : function(column,columnElement,prop){},
- getCellProperties : function(row,prop){}
- };
- function Cookie(number,name,value,isDomain,host,rawHost,path,isSecure,expires) {
- this.number = number;
- this.name = name;
- this.value = value;
- this.isDomain = isDomain;
- this.host = host;
- this.rawHost = rawHost;
- this.path = path;
- this.isSecure = isSecure;
- this.expires = expires;
- }
- function loadCookies() {
- if (!cookieBundle)
- cookieBundle = document.getElementById("cookieBundle");
- if (!cookiesTree)
- cookiesTree = document.getElementById("cookiesTree");
- var dataObject = window.opener.top.hPrefWindow.wsm.dataManager.pageData[window.location.href].userData;
- if (!('cookies' in dataObject)) {
- // load cookies into a table
- var enumerator = cookiemanager.enumerator;
- var count = 0;
- while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
- var nextCookie = enumerator.getNext();
- if (!nextCookie) break;
- nextCookie = nextCookie.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsICookie);
- var host = nextCookie.host;
- cookies[count] =
- new Cookie(count++, nextCookie.name, nextCookie.value, nextCookie.isDomain, host,
- (host.charAt(0)==".") ? host.substring(1,host.length) : host,
- nextCookie.path, nextCookie.isSecure, nextCookie.expires);
- }
- }
- cookiesTreeView.rowCount = cookies.length;
- cookiesTree.treeBoxObject.view = cookiesTreeView;
- // sort by host column
- CookieColumnSort('rawHost');
- // disable "remove all cookies" button if there are no cookies
- document.getElementById("removeAllCookies").disabled = cookies.length == 0;
- }
- function GetExpiresString(expires) {
- if (expires) {
- var date = new Date(1000*expires);
- return gDateService.FormatDateTime("", gDateService.dateFormatLong,
- gDateService.timeFormatSeconds, date.getFullYear(),
- date.getMonth()+1, date.getDate(), date.getHours(),
- date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds());
- }
- return cookieBundle.getString("AtEndOfSession");
- }
- function CookieSelected() {
- var selections = GetTreeSelections(cookiesTree);
- if (selections.length) {
- document.getElementById("removeCookie").removeAttribute("disabled");
- } else {
- ClearCookieProperties();
- return true;
- }
- var idx = selections[0];
- if (idx >= cookies.length) {
- // Something got out of synch. See bug 119812 for details
- dump("Tree and viewer state are out of sync! " +
- "Help us figure out the problem in bug 119812");
- return;
- }
- var props = [
- {id: "ifl_name", value: cookies[idx].name},
- {id: "ifl_value", value: cookies[idx].value},
- {id: "ifl_isDomain",
- value: cookies[idx].isDomain ?
- cookieBundle.getString("domainColon") : cookieBundle.getString("hostColon")},
- {id: "ifl_host", value: cookies[idx].host},
- {id: "ifl_path", value: cookies[idx].path},
- {id: "ifl_isSecure",
- value: cookies[idx].isSecure ?
- cookieBundle.getString("forSecureOnly") :
- cookieBundle.getString("forAnyConnection")},
- {id: "ifl_expires", value: GetExpiresString(cookies[idx].expires)},
- ];
- var value;
- var field;
- for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++)
- {
- field = document.getElementById(props[i].id);
- if ((selections.length > 1) && (props[i].id != "ifl_isDomain")) {
- value = ""; // clear field if multiple selections
- } else {
- value = props[i].value;
- }
- field.value = value;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function ClearCookieProperties() {
- var properties =
- ["ifl_name","ifl_value","ifl_host","ifl_path","ifl_isSecure","ifl_expires"];
- for (var prop=0; prop<properties.length; prop++) {
- document.getElementById(properties[prop]).value = "";
- }
- }
- function DeleteCookie() {
- DeleteSelectedItemFromTree(cookiesTree, cookiesTreeView,
- cookies, deletedCookies,
- "removeCookie", "removeAllCookies");
- if (!cookies.length) {
- ClearCookieProperties();
- }
- }
- function DeleteAllCookies() {
- ClearCookieProperties();
- DeleteAllFromTree(cookiesTree, cookiesTreeView,
- cookies, deletedCookies,
- "removeCookie", "removeAllCookies");
- }
- function HandleCookieKeyPress(e) {
- if (e.keyCode == 46) {
- DeleteCookie();
- }
- }
- var lastCookieSortColumn = "";
- var lastCookieSortAscending = false;
- function CookieColumnSort(column) {
- lastCookieSortAscending =
- SortTree(cookiesTree, cookiesTreeView, cookies,
- column, lastCookieSortColumn, lastCookieSortAscending);
- lastCookieSortColumn = column;
- }