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- var gPrefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
- gPrefService = gPrefService.getBranch(null);
- // MERC (DP): Check the visibility checkbox and update site control settings
- function setDialogPref()
- {
- // Determine whether the button is checked
- checkboxCheck();
- // Get the passed-in parameter
- var strobj = window.arguments[0];
- strobj.value = "true";
- }
- // MERC (DP): Populate the dialog content.
- function initClearHistoriesDialog()
- {
- // Handle to the browser object
- var gbrowser = window.opener.document;
- // Handle to xul description element to display controlling site name
- var descElem = document.getElementById("clearHistoriesinfoblurb");
- descElem.setAttribute("value", "You are about to permanently clear the following from your browser: " + window.arguments[1]
- + ". Are you sure you wish to proceed?");
- }
- // MERC (DP): Cancelling the action means deactivating the dialog
- // if the checkbox is checked and NOT clearing histories
- function cancelAction()
- {
- // Even though you cancel, still check the visibility pref
- checkboxCheck();
- }
- function checkboxCheck()
- {
- // Determine whether the button is checked
- // checked = true
- var hideDialog = document.getElementById("clearHistoriescheckbox").checked;
- if (hideDialog) {
- gPrefService.setBoolPref("clearhistories.button.dialog",true);
- } else {
- gPrefService.setBoolPref("clearhistories.button.dialog",false);
- }
- }