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;InnoSetupVersion=5.1.2 [Setup] AppName=K-Lite Mega Codec Pack Unattended Install Maker AppVerName=K-Lite Mega Codec Pack Unattended Install Maker AppId=KLiteCodecPack AppVersion=1.36 DefaultDirName={pf}\K-Lite Codec Pack DefaultGroupName=K-Lite Codec Pack OutputBaseFilename=klmcpuim Compression=none Uninstallable=no PrivilegesRequired=none InfoBeforeFile=embedded\InfoBefore.rtf WizardImageFile=embedded\WizardImage0.bmp WizardSmallImageFile=embedded\WizardSmallImage0.bmp [Files] Source: "{code_getSourceDir}\klmcp.bat"; DestDir: "{code:getSourceDir}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{tmp}\dummy,1"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; DestName: "dummy"; Components: player\mpclassic AND NOT player\mpclassic; Flags: deleteafterinstall dontcopy Source: "{tmp}\dummy,2"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; DestName: "dummy"; Components: qt\codec AND NOT qt\codec; Flags: deleteafterinstall dontcopy Source: "{tmp}\dummy,3"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; DestName: "dummy"; Components: real\codec AND NOT real\codec; Flags: deleteafterinstall dontcopy [Icons] Name: "{group}\test"; Filename: "{app}"; Components: video AND NOT video; [Tasks] Name: "icons"; Description: "Additional icons:"; Components: "player\mpclassic"; Name: "icons\bsplayerdesktop"; Description: "Create desktop icon for BSplayer"; Components: "player\bsplayer"; Name: "icons\mpcdesktop"; Description: "Create desktop icon for Media Player Classic"; Components: "player\mpclassic"; Name: "icons\bsplayerquicklaunch"; Description: "Create QuickLaunch icon for BSplayer"; Components: "player\bsplayer"; Name: "icons\mpcquicklaunch"; Description: "Create QuickLaunch icon for Media Player Classic"; Components: "player\mpclassic"; Name: "fa_mpc"; Description: "Make Media Player Classic the default player for:"; Components: "player\mpclassic"; Name: "fa_mpc\avi"; Description: ".avi"; Components: "player\mpclassic"; Name: "fa_mpc\mpeg"; Description: "MPEG"; Components: "player\mpclassic"; Name: "fa_mpc\wmv"; Description: "Windows Media (.wmv)"; Components: "player\mpclassic"; Name: "fa_mpc\ogm"; Description: "Ogg (.ogm)"; Components: "player\mpclassic"; Name: "fa_mpc\mkv"; Description: "Matroska (.mkv)"; Components: "player\mpclassic"; Name: "fa_mpc\mp4"; Description: ".mp4"; Components: "player\mpclassic AND (filters\mp4 OR video\3ivx\dec)"; Name: "fa_mpc\qt"; Description: "QuickTime (.mov etc)"; Components: "player\mpclassic"; Name: "fa_mpc\real"; Description: "RealMedia (.rm .ram .rmvb etc)"; Components: "player\mpclassic"; Name: "fa_wmp"; Description: "Make Windows Media Player the default player for:"; Components: "NOT player\mpclassic AND (filters\mp4 OR video\3ivx\dec OR filters\matroska OR filters\ogg OR (qt\directshow AND qt\codec) OR (real\directshow AND real\codec))"; Name: "fa_wmp\ogm"; Description: "Ogg (.ogm)"; Components: "NOT player\mpclassic AND filters\ogg"; Name: "fa_wmp\mkv"; Description: "Matroska (.mkv)"; Components: "NOT player\mpclassic AND filters\matroska"; Name: "fa_wmp\mp4"; Description: ".mp4"; Components: "NOT player\mpclassic AND (filters\mp4 OR video\3ivx\dec)"; Name: "fa_wmp\qt"; Description: "QuickTime (.mov etc)"; Components: "qt\directshow AND qt\codec AND NOT player\mpclassic"; Name: "fa_wmp\real"; Description: "RealMedia (.rm .ram .rmvb etc) (Note: WMP can only play RealMedia files from your harddrive, it will NOT be able to play streaming RealMedia content)"; Components: "real\directshow AND real\codec AND NOT player\mpclassic"; Name: "ff"; Description: "ffdshow configuration:"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig"; Name: "ff\video"; Description: "Decode the following video formats with ffdshow:"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig"; Name: "ff\video\other"; Description: "Some video formats for which KLMCP doesn't have codecs/filters"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig"; Name: "ff\video\divx"; Description: "DivX"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig AND NOT video\divx\dec"; Name: "ff\video\xvid"; Description: "XviD"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig AND NOT video\xvid\dec"; Name: "ff\video\mpeg4"; Description: "MPEG-4 (excluding DivX and XviD)"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig AND video\3ivx\dec"; Name: "ff\video\mpeg4"; Description: "MPEG-4 (excluding DivX and XviD)"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig AND NOT video\3ivx\dec"; Name: "ff\video\h264"; Description: "H.264"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig"; Name: "ff\video\mpeg2"; Description: "MPEG-2"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig AND NOT video\mpeg2\dec"; Name: "ff\video\capture"; Description: "asv1/2, vcr1, dv"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig"; Name: "ff\audio"; Description: "Decode the following audio formats with ffdshow:"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig"; Name: "ff\audio\other"; Description: "Some audio formats for which KLMCP doesn't have codecs/filters"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig"; Name: "ff\audio\aac"; Description: "AAC"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig AND NOT (audio\3ivx\dec OR audio\aac)"; Name: "ff\audio\ac3"; Description: "AC3"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig AND NOT (audio\ac3\070b OR audio\ac3\101a)"; Name: "ff\audio\dts"; Description: "DTS"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig AND NOT audio\ac3\101a"; Name: "ff\audio\mp2"; Description: "MP1, MP2"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig"; Name: "ff\audio\mp3"; Description: "MP3"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig AND NOT audio\mp3"; Name: "ff\audio\tta"; Description: "True Audio"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig"; Name: "ff\filter"; Description: "Filters:"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig"; Name: "ff\filter\postproc"; Description: "Enable postprocessing by default"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig"; Name: "ff\filter\normalize"; Description: "Enable volume normalization by default"; Components: "ffdshow\newconfig"; [Components] Name: "player"; Description: "Players"; Name: "player\bsplayer"; Description: "BSplayer"; Types: "profile7"; Name: "player\mpclassic"; Description: "Media Player Classic"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 alternatives profile6 profile7 profile8"; Name: "video"; Description: "Video"; Name: "video\divx"; Description: "DivX Pro [version 5.2.1]"; Name: "video\divx\dec"; Description: "Decoding"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7"; Name: "video\divx\enc"; Description: "Encoding"; Types: "profile1 profile7"; Name: "video\xvid"; Description: "XviD [version 1.0.3]"; Name: "video\xvid\dec"; Description: "Decoding"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7"; Name: "video\xvid\enc"; Description: "Encoding"; Types: "profile1 profile7"; Name: "video\3ivx"; Description: "3ivX Pro [version D4 4.5.1]"; Name: "video\3ivx\dec"; Description: "Decoding"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7"; Name: "video\3ivx\enc"; Description: "Encoding"; Types: "profile1 profile7"; Name: "video\wmv9vcm"; Description: "Windows Media 9 VCM"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7"; Name: "video\vp3"; Description: "On2 VP3"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7"; Name: "video\vp6"; Description: "On2 VP6"; Name: "video\vp6\dec"; Description: "Decoding"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7"; Name: "video\vp6\enc"; Description: "Encoding"; Types: "profile1 profile7"; Name: "video\vp7"; Description: "On2 VP7"; Name: "video\vp7\dec"; Description: "Decoding"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7 profile8"; Name: "video\vp7\enc"; Description: "Encoding"; Types: "profile1 profile7"; Name: "video\indeo"; Description: "Indeo"; Name: "video\indeo\5"; Description: "Ligos Indeo 5.2"; Types: "profile7"; Name: "video\indeo\4"; Description: "Intel Indeo 4.5"; Types: "profile7"; Name: "video\indeo\32"; Description: "Intel Indeo 3.2"; Types: "profile7"; Name: "video\i263"; Description: "Intel I.263"; Types: "profile7"; Name: "video\huffyuv"; Description: "huffyuv"; Types: "profile7"; Name: "video\msmpeg4"; Description: "MS MPEG-4"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7"; Name: "video\divxmpeg4"; Description: "DivX ;) MPEG-4 Low and Fast motion"; Name: "video\dvd"; Description: "Cyberlink DVD decoder"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.01; Name: "video\mpeg2"; Description: "MPEG-2"; Name: "video\mpeg2\splt"; Description: "Demuxer (splitter)"; Name: "video\mpeg2\splt\ec"; Description: "Elecard"; Name: "video\mpeg2\splt\mc"; Description: "MainConcept"; Name: "video\mpeg2\splt\lg"; Description: "Ligos"; Name: "video\mpeg2\dec"; Description: "Decoder"; Name: "video\mpeg2\dec\lg"; Description: "Ligos (video/audio)"; Name: "video\mpeg2\dec\cl"; Description: "CyberLink (video)"; Name: "video\mpeg2\dec\mc"; Description: "MainConcept (video/audio)"; Name: "qt"; Description: "QuickTime Alternative"; Name: "qt\codec"; Description: "QuickTime codecs"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 alternatives profile6 profile7 profile8"; Name: "qt\codec\browser"; Description: "QuickTime plugin for Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape/Opera"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 alternatives profile6 profile7 profile8"; Name: "qt\codec\plugins"; Description: "Extra QuickTime plugins"; Types: "profile1 playback alternatives profile6 profile7 profile8"; Name: "qt\directshow"; Description: "QuickTime DirectShow filter"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 alternatives profile6 profile7 profile8"; Name: "real"; Description: "Real Alternative"; Name: "real\codec"; Description: "RealMedia codecs"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 alternatives profile6 profile7 profile8"; Name: "real\codec\browser"; Description: "RealMedia plugin for Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape/Opera"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 alternatives profile6 profile7 profile8"; Name: "real\directshow"; Description: "RealMedia DirectShow splitter"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 alternatives profile6 profile7 profile8"; Name: "real\clearsettings"; Description: "Clear existing settings"; Name: "audio"; Description: "Audio"; Name: "audio\mp3"; Description: "MP3"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7"; Name: "audio\ac3"; Description: "AC3 (ACFilter)"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7"; Name: "audio\ac3\070b"; Description: "v0.70b"; Name: "audio\ac3\101a"; Description: "v1.01a"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7"; Name: "audio\ac3\boostvolume"; Description: "Boost AC3 volume"; Types: "profile7"; Name: "audio\ac3acm"; Description: "AC3 (ACM)"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7"; Name: "audio\vorbis"; Description: "Vorbis (CoreVorbis)"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7 profile8"; Name: "audio\aac"; Description: "AAC (CoreAAC)"; Name: "audio\3ivx"; Description: "AAC (3ivx Pro)"; Name: "audio\3ivx\dec"; Description: "Decoding"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7"; Name: "audio\3ivx\enc"; Description: "Encoding"; Name: "audio\musepack"; Description: "MusePack"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7"; Name: "audio\ape"; Description: "Monkey's Audio"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7"; Name: "audio\wavpack"; Description: "WavPack"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7"; Name: "audio\flac"; Description: "FLAC"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7"; Name: "audio\voxware"; Description: "Voxware MetaSound"; Name: "audio\divxwma"; Description: "DivX ;) Audio"; Name: "audio\mp3lame"; Description: "LAME MP3 Encoder"; Types: "profile1 profile7"; Name: "filters"; Description: "Other DirectShow Filters"; Name: "filters\mp4"; Description: "MP4 splitter"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7 profile8"; Name: "filters\ogg"; Description: "Ogg splitter (.OGM/.OGG)"; Name: "filters\ogg\oggds"; Description: "made by Tobias"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7"; Name: "filters\ogg\gabest"; Description: "made by Gabest"; Name: "filters\matroska"; Description: "Matroska splitter (.MKV)"; Name: "filters\matroska\gabest"; Description: "made by Gabest"; Types: "profile1 playback"; Name: "filters\matroska\haali"; Description: "made by Haali"; Types: "profile7 profile8"; Name: "filters\matroskamuxer"; Description: "Matroska muxer"; Name: "filters\vsfilter"; Description: "DirectVobSub"; Name: "filters\vsfilter\233"; Description: "v2.33"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7"; Name: "filters\vsfilter\236"; Description: "v2.36"; Types: "profile8"; Name: "filters\shoutcast"; Description: "SHOUTcast Source"; Name: "filters\matrixmixer"; Description: "Matrix Mixer"; Types: "profile7"; Name: "filters\mmswitch"; Description: "Morgan Multimedia Stream Switcher"; Name: "filters\dcdsp"; Description: "DC-DSP"; Name: "ffdshow"; Description: "ffdshow"; Types: "profile6 profile7 profile8"; Name: "ffdshow\keepconfig"; Description: "Keep current settings"; Types: "profile6"; Name: "ffdshow\newconfig"; Description: "Customize settings"; Types: "profile7 profile8"; Name: "ffdshow\vfw"; Description: "VFW encoder"; Types: "profile8"; Name: "tools"; Description: "Tools"; Name: "tools\gspot"; Description: "GSpot Codec Information Appliance"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7 profile8"; Name: "tools\sherlock"; Description: "Sherlock"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7 profile8"; Name: "tools\vobsubstrip"; Description: "VobSubStrip"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7 profile8"; Name: "tools\graphedit"; Description: "GraphEdit"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7 profile8"; Name: "tools\avifixed"; Description: "AVI Fixed"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7"; Name: "tools\fourcc"; Description: "FourCC Changer"; Types: "profile1 playback profile7"; Name: "tools\minicalc"; Description: "Bitrate Calculator"; Types: "profile1"; Name: "compat"; Description: "Compatibility"; Name: "compat\g400"; Description: "Disable G400 filter"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7"; Name: "compat\divxaf"; Description: "Disable DivX Anti-Freeze"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7"; Name: "compat\ivideo"; Description: "Disable InterVideo MPEG-4 Decoder"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4 profile7"; Name: "compat\dshow"; Description: "Register main DirectShow filters"; Types: "profile1 playback profile4"; [Types] Name: "profile1"; Description: "Profile 1: Default"; Name: "playback"; Description: "Profile 2: Playback Only"; Name: "custom"; Description: "Profile 3: Custom Selection"; Name: "profile4"; Description: "Profile 4: Minimalistic"; Name: "alternatives"; Description: "Profile 5: MPC + QT/Real Alternative"; Name: "profile6"; Description: "Profile 6: MPC + QT/Real Alternative + ffdshow"; Name: "profile7"; Description: "Profile 7: Power user (Lots of stuff)"; Name: "profile8"; Description: "Profile 8: Power user (Recommended)"; Name: "nothing"; Description: "Deselect all"; [CustomMessages] en.NameAndVersion=%1 version %2 en.AdditionalIcons=Additional icons: en.CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop icon en.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon en.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web en.UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1 en.LaunchProgram=Launch %1 en.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension en.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension... [Languages] ; These files are stubs ; To achieve better results after recompilation, use the real language files Name: "en"; MessagesFile: "embedded\en.isl";