MAJOR_VICTORY = "Captain, that was a masterstroke! The Germans have suffered severe casualties and are running for their lives! We've taken all Victory Locations on the map and have dealt the Wehrmacht a grievous blow in this sector. Keep this up and your oak leaves won't be too far away. 'Humility must always be the portion of any man who receives acclaim earned in blood of his followers and sacrifices of his friends.' -- General Dwight D. Eisenhower"
MINOR_VICTORY = "Captain, the Germans fought stubbornly but are giving ground. We've taken some losses but at least they haven't been in vain - we've taken most of the Victory Locations here and have the upper hand to kick the Germans out of this area once and for all. Good work. 'In war there is no prize for the runner-up.' -- General Omar Bradley"
DRAW = "Captain, your best just wasn't good enough today. Regiment tells us that the Germans have contemptuously held their ground throughout the area despite them being severely outnumbered. A lot of good men bought it for no reason. Clean up your battle plans and try again. 'But in modern war you will die like a dog for no good reason.' -- Ernest Hemingway"
MINOR_DEFEAT = "That was some poor soldiering, Captain. The Germans not only held their ground, but also took a few more Victory Locations and inflicted severe casualties on our boys. One more screw up like that and you'll be my new mess officer here at Battalion. 'We are not retreating we are advancing in another direction.' -- General Douglas MacArthur"
MAJOR_DEFEAT = "Captain, the Germans have wiped out your command, taken all Victory Locations, and ruptured the Allied line in this sector. Thanks to your incompetence, you've prolonged the war in this area by a good couple of weeks. Pack your things and report to Battalion HQ immediately Sergeant. 'Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.' -- General George S. Patton, Jr."
MAJOR_VICTORY = "Herr Hauptmann! Your decisive victory here has dealt a terrible blow to the Allies. Thanks to your efforts their spearheads have fallen back in confusion and we've gained some valuable ground. Excellent work - Abteilung HQ has put you in for a promotion. 'Pursue one great decisive aim with force and determination.' -- Karl Von Clausewitz"
MINOR_VICTORY = "Herr, Hauptmann, your counterattacks against the Allied foe has resulted in some success. Despite having suffered losses we've taken more ground from them than we've lost. Good work; youÆve set the stage for further victories! 'Victory belongs to the most persevering.' -- Napoleon Bonaparte"
DRAW = "Herr Hauptmann, your leadership has been less than exemplary. The Allies have not given up any ground and sit poised to launch a counter-attack. Despite this, their losses have been as bad as ours. However, victory is your only option if you wish to remain leading men here in the West. 'Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning.' -- General Erwin Rommel"
MINOR_DEFEAT = "Your performance, Herr Hauptmann, was disappointing. Abteilung HQ reports that Regiment is preparing to fall back due to the failures in this sector. Losses are heavy and there are few good men to replace them. Your lack of effort has been noted, and if it does not improve you will soon be carrying a rifle instead of a map case. 'Strength of character and inner fortitude, however, are decisive factors. The confidence of the man in the ranks rests upon a man's strength of character.' -- Field Marshal Erich von Manstein"
MAJOR_DEFEAT = "Unglaublich! Not only have you managed to wipe your valuable command out, but also you've lost all ground assigned to you. Regiment orders that you pack your things and report immediately; perhaps you will learn proper soldiering on the Eastern Front, Herr Hauptmann. Or should I say, Herr Gefreiter? 'You will usually find that the enemy has three courses of action open to him, and of these he will adopt a fourth.' -- Helmuth Graf von Moltke"