// +Disposable[: % chance of breaking] // only allowed for charged items, chance of item disappearing after use
// +Restricted: [Joseph] [Rosalind] [Flece] [Jekhar] // class restriction
// +Description: "blah blah..." // verbal description of item, shown in Item Info popup
// ----------------
// ----- GOLD -----
// ----------------
$Name: "Gold"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 1
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "prop-goldpile-small01.v3d"
+Description: "Oblastnô mÆna."
$Name: "Book of Masad"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Pohroma OrenianÜ v Masadu zniÅena, namôûili jsme do Lenele, kde jsme doufali, ¢e se utkÄme s KrÄlovnou Galiennou v jejôm krÄlovskæm palÄci."
$Name: "Tablet of Masad"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Pohroma OrenianÜ v Masadu zniÅena, namôûili jsme do Lenele, kde jsme doufali, ¢e se utkÄme s KrÄlovnou Galiennou v jejôm krÄlovskæm palÄci."
$Name: "Tome of Masad"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Pohroma OrenianÜ v Masadu zniÅena, namôûili jsme do Lenele, kde jsme doufali, ¢e se utkÄme s KrÄlovnou Galiennou v jejôm krÄlovskæm palÄci."
$Name: "Book of Lenele"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "KrÄlovna Galienna pro nÄù nepûedstavovala ¢Ädnæho protivnôka dôky naùim dovednostem a jejô denôk nÄs nasmÆroval do Iony, kde bychom se mo¢nÄ mohli hodnÆ nauÅit od dlouho mrtvæho krÄle, Caradose."
$Name: "Tablet of Lenele"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "KrÄlovna Galienna pro nÄù nepûedstavovala ¢Ädnæho protivnôka dôky naùim dovednostem a jejô denôk nÄs nasmÆroval do Iony, kde bychom se mo¢nÄ mohli hodnÆ nauÅit od dlouho mrtvæho krÄle, Caradose."
$Name: "Tome of Lenele"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "KrÄlovna Galienna pro nÄù nepûedstavovala ¢Ädnæho protivnôka dôky naùim dovednostem a jejô denôk nÄs nasmÆroval do Iony, kde bychom se mo¢nÄ mohli hodnÆ nauÅit od dlouho mrtvæho krÄle, Caradose."
$Name: "Book of Iona"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Carados nÄm nebyl moc nÄpomocen, ale jeho poslednô slova nÄm udala smÆr Khosani: buÉ jejich starobylæ mÆsto, Ikaemos, nebo jejich dosavadnô pevnost, Sanavaarh."
$Name: "Tablet of Iona"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Carados nÄm nebyl moc nÄpomocen, ale jeho poslednô slova nÄm udala smÆr Khosani: buÉ jejich starobylæ mÆsto, Ikaemos, nebo jejich dosavadnô pevnost, Sanavaarh."
$Name: "Tome of Iona"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Carados nÄm nebyl moc nÄpomocen, ale jeho poslednô slova nÄm udala smÆr Khosani: buÉ jejich starobylæ mÆsto, Ikaemos, nebo jejich dosavadnô pevnost, Sanavaarh."
$Name: "Book of Khosani"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Khosani nÄs uvôtali ocelô, co¢ vypadÄ, ¢e jsou silnÆ pod vlivem mocnæho dæmona, kter£ mÄ podobu Çervenæ Oni. Jestli v Ikaemosu nic nenajdeme, budeme se muset vrÄtit do Lenele a Åelit Urathsk£m knÆzÜm."
$Name: "Tablet of Khosani"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Khosani nÄs uvôtali ocelô, co¢ vypadÄ, ¢e jsou silnÆ pod vlivem mocnæho dæmona, kter£ mÄ podobu Çervenæ Oni. Jestli v Ikaemosu nic nenajdeme, budeme se muset vrÄtit do Lenele a Åelit Urathsk£m knÆzÜm."
$Name: "Tome of Khosani"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Khosani nÄs uvôtali ocelô, co¢ vypadÄ, ¢e jsou silnÆ pod vlivem mocnæho dæmona, kter£ mÄ podobu Çervenæ Oni. Jestli v Ikaemosu nic nenajdeme, budeme se muset vrÄtit do Lenele a Åelit Urathsk£m knÆzÜm."
$Name: "Book of Ikaemos"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "êôlen£ Ikaemosk£ KrÄl KnÆ¢ô nÄm nepodal pomocnou ruku a ¢Ädnæ stopy nÄm neposkytl. Jestli¢e Khosanùtô nic nevô, pak by tûeba mohli nÆco vÆdÆt KnÆ¢ô z Urathu."
$Name: "Tablet of Ikaemos"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "êôlen£ Ikaemosk£ KrÄl KnÆ¢ô nÄm nepodal pomocnou ruku a ¢Ädnæ stopy nÄm neposkytl. Jestli¢e Khosanùtô nic nevô, pak by tûeba mohli nÆco vÆdÆt KnÆ¢ô z Urathu."
$Name: "Tome of Ikaemos"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "êôlen£ Ikaemosk£ KrÄl KnÆ¢ô nÄm nepodal pomocnou ruku a ¢Ädnæ stopy nÄm neposkytl. Jestli¢e Khosanùtô nic nevô, pak by tûeba mohli nÆco vÆdÆt KnÆ¢ô z Urathu."
$Name: "Book of Medeva"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Princ Sornehan vypadÄ, jako by zaÅal ostræ boje s Oreniany. Chceme se dozvÆdÆt vôce, a proto se musôme dostat do VÆ¢e Eleh."
$Name: "Tablet of Medeva"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Princ Sornehan vypadÄ, jako by zaÅal ostræ boje s Oreniany. Chceme se dozvÆdÆt vôce, a proto se musôme dostat do VÆ¢e Eleh."
$Name: "Tome of Medeva"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Princ Sornehan vypadÄ, jako by zaÅal ostræ boje s Oreniany. Chceme se dozvÆdÆt vôce, a proto se musôme dostat do VÆ¢e Eleh."
$Name: "Book of Eleh"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Eleh je labyrint s mnoha slep£mi uliÅkami. Vùechno, co jsme objevili, byl PôseÅn£ Minotaur. Mo¢nÄ bychom mÆli vyÅistit i doupata ostatnôch bestiô, JeskynÆ Wolongu a Liangshan."
$Name: "Tablet of Eleh"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Eleh je labyrint s mnoha slep£mi uliÅkami. Vùechno, co jsme objevili, byl PôseÅn£ Minotaur. Mo¢nÄ bychom mÆli vyÅistit i doupata ostatnôch bestiô, JeskynÆ Wolongu a Liangshan."
$Name: "Tome of Eleh"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Eleh je labyrint s mnoha slep£mi uliÅkami. Vùechno, co jsme objevili, byl PôseÅn£ Minotaur. Mo¢nÄ bychom mÆli vyÅistit i doupata ostatnôch bestiô, JeskynÆ Wolongu a Liangshan."
$Name: "Book of Wolong"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "GenerÄl Pijian na nÄs Åekal hluboko v Jeskynôch Wolongu. MÆl polovinu klôÅe k Nefritovæmu ChrÄmu - kter£ musô b£t naùôm koneÅn£m côlem."
$Name: "Tablet of Wolong"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "GenerÄl Pijian na nÄs Åekal hluboko v Jeskynôch Wolongu. MÆl polovinu klôÅe k Nefritovæmu ChrÄmu - kter£ musô b£t naùôm koneÅn£m côlem."
$Name: "Tome of Wolong"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "GenerÄl Pijian na nÄs Åekal hluboko v Jeskynôch Wolongu. MÆl polovinu klôÅe k Nefritovæmu ChrÄmu - kter£ musô b£t naùôm koneÅn£m côlem."
$Name: "Book of Liangshan"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Stûetnutô s GenerÄlem Wentaem hluboko v lesôch Liangshanu nÄs pûesvÆdÅilo, ¢e Murod mÄ to, co hledÄme, samozûejmÆ v Nefritovæm ChrÄmu. Avùak, to se dozvôme, jestli budeme môt druhou polovinu klôÅe."
$Name: "Tablet of Liangshan"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Stûetnutô s GenerÄlem Wentaem hluboko v lesôch Liangshanu nÄs pûesvÆdÅilo, ¢e Murod mÄ to, co hledÄme, samozûejmÆ v Nefritovæm ChrÄmu. Avùak, to se dozvôme, jestli budeme môt druhou polovinu klôÅe."
$Name: "Tome of Liangshan"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Stûetnutô s GenerÄlem Wentaem hluboko v lesôch Liangshanu nÄs pûesvÆdÅilo, ¢e Murod mÄ to, co hledÄme, samozûejmÆ v Nefritovæm ChrÄmu. Avùak, to se dozvôme, jestli budeme môt druhou polovinu klôÅe."
$Name: "Book of Orenia"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Côsaû Murod byl pora¢en naùô rukou, ale pracuje ve slu¢bÄch tûô dæmonÜ a arcilicha jmænem Azha. Pûevzali kontrolu nad Medevu, kam se musôme vrÄtit."
$Name: "Tablet of Orenia"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Côsaû Murod byl pora¢en naùô rukou, ale pracuje ve slu¢bÄch tûô dæmonÜ a arcilicha jmænem Azha. Pûevzali kontrolu nad Medevu, kam se musôme vrÄtit."
$Name: "Tome of Orenia"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Côsaû Murod byl pora¢en naùô rukou, ale pracuje ve slu¢bÄch tûô dæmonÜ a arcilicha jmænem Azha. Pûevzali kontrolu nad Medevu, kam se musôme vrÄtit."
$Name: "Book of Luminar"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "LuminarÜv sluha, nemrtv£ arcilich Azha, byl pora¢en. Tômto byla tûetina Machivalovy bariæry Lenele odstranÆna."
$Name: "Tablet of Luminar"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "LuminarÜv sluha, nemrtv£ arcilich Azha, byl pora¢en. Tômto byla tûetina Machivalovy bariæry Lenele odstranÆna."
$Name: "Tome of Luminar"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "LuminarÜv sluha, nemrtv£ arcilich Azha, byl pora¢en. Tômto byla tûetina Machivalovy bariæry Lenele odstranÆna."
$Name: "Book of Pyrul"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Podivn£ dæmon jmænem Pyrul byl pora¢en v Saanavarhu. Cesta do Lenele je nynô otevûenÄ."
$Name: "Tablet of Pyrul"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Podivn£ dæmon jmænem Pyrul byl pora¢en v Saanavarhu. Cesta do Lenele je nynô otevûenÄ."
$Name: "Tome of Pyrul"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Podivn£ dæmon jmænem Pyrul byl pora¢en v Saanavarhu. Cesta do Lenele je nynô otevûenÄ."
$Name: "Book of Titus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Porazili jsme Dæmona Kamene, Tituse Sempera. Machivalovo dr¢enô Lenel bylo oslabeno."
$Name: "Tablet of Titus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Porazili jsme Dæmona Kamene, Tituse Sempera. Machivalovo dr¢enô Lenel bylo oslabeno."
$Name: "Tome of Titus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Porazili jsme Dæmona Kamene, Tituse Sempera. Machivalovo dr¢enô Lenel bylo oslabeno."
$Name: "Book of Novices"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "NÄù dobrodruh zaÅal ve vesnici Masadu, zrovna kdy¢ le¢ô v troskÄch. Tam jsme byli su¢ovÄnô oreniansk£mi vojÄky."
$Name: "Tablet of Adventurers"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Kdy¢ je nynô zabit Machival, Lenele je volnæ, ale pûesto jeùtÆ stÄle musôme najôt svou odmÆnu. Mo¢nÄ nastal Åas, abychom zaÅali novæ dobrodru¢stvô, kteræ by nÄm odkrylo novæ mo¢nosti a lepùô ÖrovnÆ."
$Name: "Tome of the Elite"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Machival zemûel naùô rukou, koneÅnÆ jsme se mohli prokÄzat jako opravdovÄ elita. Ale jak£ je nÄù Ökol? V dohlednu neô ¢Ädn£ konec?"
// ---------- Scrolls ------------
// revive
$Name: "Revive Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 150
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "resurrect" 1 1 0
+Description: "Svitek, na kteræm je napsÄno kouzlo O¢ivenô."
$Name: "Tome of Revive"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 600
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "resurrect" 5 1 0
+Description: "Svazek, kter£ obsahuje kopie kouzla O¢ivenô."
// Fire Arrow
$Name: "Fire Arrow Rune"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 25
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "fire arrow" 1 1 0 5
+Description: "Runa, kterÄ je nabita slab£m kouzlem Ohniv£ êôp."
+Description: "DÆtskÄ panenka, kterÄ byla nalezena v lenelsk£ch stokÄch."
$Name: "Salamanka Tongue"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-salamankatongue.v3d"
+Description: "Jazyk ohnivæho salamanky, ingredience mnoha lektvarÜ zalo¢en£ch na bÄzi ohnÆ."
$Name: "Ikaemos Swamp Map"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qmap1.v3d"
+Description: "Na tomto potrhanæm pergamenu je zanesena mapa Ikaemoskæ ba¢iny. Na mapÆ je oznaÅenÄ cesta vedoucô k palÄci KrÄlÜ KnÆ¢ô."
// need proper model (fruit)
$Name: "Mangosteen"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-qmangosteen.V3D"
+Description: "Ovoce pochÄzejôcô z oblasti Jezera TrÄpenô."
$Name: "Onyx Carp"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qfish1.V3D"
+Description: "VzÄcnÄ ryba, kterÄ se nachÄzô jen v Jezeûe TrÄpenô. Jejô vnitûnosti, jak se prosl£chÄ, majô kouzelnæ vlastnosti."
$Name: "Gulan's Knife"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger11.v3d"
+Description: "NÜ¢, kter£ patûô vdovÆ Gulan."
$Name: "Aesik's Sword"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-longswrd01.v3d"
+Description: "Tento meÅ byl vyroben Aesikov£m pradÆdeÅkem, nejspolehlivÆjùôm poslem Lorda Falconeye z Masadu."
$Name: "Stick of Charcoal"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qcharcoal1.V3D"
+Description: "Uhel, kter£ patûô malôûi Anzhimovi. U¢ôvÄ se na kreslenô."
// need proper item (rice bowl)
$Name: "Minhe's Bowl"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Bowl.V3D"
+Description: "Miska na r£¢i, kterÄ patûô zrÄdci Minhemu."
$Name: "Anzhi's Box"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbox2.V3D"
+Description: "Skûôöka plnÄ barev, ùtÆtcÜ, papôrÜ a inkoustu."
$Name: "Tail of the Rokhul"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qrose2.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "poisoning" 1 1000 15
+Description: "Listy rostliny jsou smrteln£m jedem pro ty, kteûô nejsou posti¢eni ¢Ädnou chorobou. Rostlina mÄ takæ silnæ læÅivæ ÖÅinky, kdy¢ ji zpracovÄvajô zkuùenæ ruce, kteræ jsou poznamenÄny vùemo¢n£mi tradicemi."
// The scrolls of the Khosani
$Name: "Khosani Scrolls"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Description: "Tyto svitky obsahujô vÆdÆnô o Stvoûenô, proùly ke KhosanÜm pûes Vadagara. Byly psÄny v Aosi, pak vùak byly ukradeny ze Saanavarhu Rytôûi z Iony. Ulsadana tyto svitky potûebuje, aby mohla okouzlit prsteny vyvolÄnô."
//Ahza's Femur for Wolong Caverns quest
$Name: "Azha's Femur"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbone1.V3D"
+Description: "Kost z kostry Arcilicha Azhy."
//Rukha's Quest
$Name: "Khosani Sword#Rhukha's Sword"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-katana10.v3d"
+Description: "Pôsmo napsanæ na tomto starobylæm meÅi odhaluje, ¢e byl RhukhÜv, Khosanskæho hrdiny, kter£ porazil dæmony a ukonÅil tôm Chaos Trvajôcô Deset Tisôc Let."
$Name: "Khosani Helm#Rhukha's Helm"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-HelmetSpecial.V3D"
+Description: "Pôsmo uvnitû tæto starobylæ helmy odhaluje, ¢e byla Rhukhova, Khosanskæho hrdiny, kter£ porazil dæmony a ukonÅil tôm Chaos Trvajôcô Deset Tisôc Let."
//Yon's Amulet Quest
$Name: "Yon's Amulet"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-AmuletSpecial.V3D"
+Description: "Na tomto amuletu je text, 'Yon, Syn KrÄle Belliase VI. a Gelienny, Jeho KrÄlovny, Princ Oblasti a DÆdic Medevskæho trÜnu.' Mlad£ Princ Yon zemûel pûed lety, kdy¢ spadl z vÆ¢e Verindal."
//Nhunasarim Quest
$Name: "Tome#Nhuvasarim Tome"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qtome1.v3d"
+Description: "Osm stran z tohoto svazku bylo vytr¢eno. Tento svazek byl napsÄn zapomenutou tradicô Nhuvasarimu, zl£mi ÅarodÆji, kteûô uctôvali Laharah. Kniha popisuje cestu a utrpenô ArcimÄga Mortankase."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 1"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Tato strana byla vytr¢ena ze Svazku Nhuvasarimu. VyprÄvô o MartankasovÆ pouti na 'ostrov hlôdan£ moûsk£mi hady.'"
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 2"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Tato strana byla vytr¢ena ze Svazku Nhuvasarimu. PûôbÆh z tæhle strany popisuje Mortankasovu nÄvùtÆvu 'palÄce Armun.'"
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 3"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Tato strana je jedna z chybÆjôcôch ze Svazku Nhuvasarimu. Mezi hust£mi ÅmÄranicemi se dÄ rozeznat jedna frÄze, 'pod MÆstem BohÜ.'"
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 4"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Toto je strana ze Svazku Nhuvasarimu. Text popisuje bitvu mezi Mortankasem a 'Horou Moudr£ch.'"
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 5"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Tato strana byla vytr¢ena ze Svazku Nhuvasarimu. VyprÄvô o 'mÆstÆ Sudanskæho boha.'"
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 6"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Tato strana byla vytr¢ena ze Svazku Nhuvasarimu. Text popisuje Mortankasovo setkÄnô s Laharaûin£m pûisluhovaÅem, v tomto textu je popsÄnu, jak vymÆnô duùi cizôho mu¢e za svou vlastnô nesmrtelnost."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 7"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Tato strana patûô do Svazku Nhuvasarimu. PûôbÆh hovoûô o epickæ bitvÆ mezi Mortankasem a Kouzelnôkem SvÆtla."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 8"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Poslednô chybÆjôcô strana ze Svazku Nhuvasarimu. Text nedÄvÄ smysl."
+Description: "LahviÅka parfæmu. SlabÆ to vonô po fialkÄch."
//Dragon Scales
$Name: "Green Dragon Scale"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscale3.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Holy" 20
+Description: "êupina zelenæho draka zlepùuje magickæ schopnosti pûi kouzlenô kouzel Svatæho kruhu. Tato ùupina je jednou ze Åtyû, kteræ dûôve patûily côsaûÜm Orenii."
$Name: "Red Dragon Scale"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscale1.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 20
+Description: "êupina Åervenæho draka zlepùuje magickæ schopnosti pûi kouzlenô kouzel Ohnivæho kruhu. Tato ùupina je jednou ze Åtyû, kteræ dûôve patûily côsaûÜm Orenii."
$Name: "Gray Dragon Scale"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscale2.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Dark" 20
+Description: "êupina hnÆdæho draka zlepùuje magickæ schopnosti pûi kouzlenô kouzel Temnæho kruhu. Tato ùupina je jednou ze Åtyû, kteræ dûôve patûily côsaûÜm Orenii."
$Name: "Blue Dragon Scale"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscale4.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Ice" 20
+Description: "êupina modræho draka zlepùuje magickæ schopnosti pûi kouzlenô kouzel Ledovæho kruhu. Tato ùupina je jednou ze Åtyû, kteræ dûôve patûily côsaûÜm Orenii."
//Tradition Quest
$Name: "Yichao's Locket"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qlocket1.v3d"
+Description: "Tento medailòn patûil Fangyinovu synovi, Yichaovi, kter£ zemûel v boji za osvobozenô Wolongu. Obsahuje chomÄÅek vlasÜ jeho ¢eny Qiulan. Minul£ podzim se utopila pûi bouûi v Jezeûe TrÄpenô."
$Name: "Daoming's Coin"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qcoin4.v3d"
+Description: "Tato mince patûila Fangyinovu synovi, Daomingovi, kter£ byl popraven vojÄky GenerÄla Pijiana ve Wolongu. Tæ mince si Daoming hroznÆ vÄ¢il a byl to vlastnÆ jeho nejcennÆjùô majetek."
//Longyue's Hat Quest
$Name: "Longyue's Hat"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbluehat1.v3d"
+Description: "Klobouk patûôcô Longyuemu, kter£ ho dal duchÜm lesa. Duchovæ zmÆnili Longyueo a jeho pûÄtele ve stromy, aby je ukryli pûed vojÄky GenerÄla Pijiana."
//Dukhanim's Quest
$Name: "Blank Parchment"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Struktura tohoto starobylæho svitku se pod svÆtlem trochu môhÄ. Avùak neobsahuje ¢Ädn£ spis nebo znaÅky."
$Name: "Mirror#Dakhanim Mirror"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qmirror1.v3d"
+Description: "Toto zrcadlo je zrcadlo DukhanimÜ, starobylæ sekty ùifrærÜ a pÄnÜ neviditelnæho psanô. Dr¢enô svitku naproti zrcadlu odhaluje jeho neviditeln£ nÄpis."
$Name: "Mirror#Mirror"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-MirrorSpecial01.V3D"
+Description: "ObyÅejnæ zrcadlo."
$Name: "Mirror"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy" "not identified"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-MirrorSpecial02.V3D"
+Description: "ObyÅejnæ zrcadlo."
$Name: "Huk Kinar's Skull"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qskull1.v3d"
+Description: "Lebka Huk Kinara, PÄna Zimy, kter£ v dlouh£ch nocôch pronÄsledeuje Ghaelaskæ Pochody. Po¢adovÄna pro 'Lektvar Nutengova.'"
$Name: "Udakar's Heart"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Heart.V3D"
+Description: "Srdce Udakara, b£Åôho mu¢e ze zamrzl£ch v£ùin. Po¢adovÄno pro 'Lektvar Nutengova.'"
$Name: "Bacite's Gallbladder"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Gallbladder.V3D"
+Description: "MoÅov£ mÆch£û modræho bacilÄka. Po¢adovÄn pro 'Lektvar Nutengova.'"
//Haenul Quest
$Name: "Eraekor Gemstone"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qgem3.V3D"
+Description: "CenÆn£ Khosansk£ drahokam. Odpadlick£ vÄleÅnôk Haenul ho ukradl ze Saanavarhu."
+Description: "Tabulka vypadÄ jako fragment mapy, kterÄ je popsÄna slo¢it£mi runami. Tûi body na mapÆ se jmenujô: Umakil, Dehilos a Muhul. Pod ka¢d£m jmænem je plocha, kruhovÄ jamka velikosti mince. Dûôve tam byly ûezbÄûskæ prÄce, ale nynô chybô."
$Name: "Umakil Carving"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-CityCarving03.V3D"
+Description: "Vyûezan£ model starobylæho Khosanskæho mÆsta Umakil. NÄpis na spodku ûezby pôùe, 'Umakil je MÆsto ÇepÜ. Jeho stroje ùôdô prÄce celæho svÆta. Oheö a Voda. Den a noc. Vùechno lze ûôdit pÄkami a Umakilsk£mi pohony.'"
$Name: "Dehilos Carving"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-CityCarving01.V3D"
+Description: "Vyûezan£ model starobylæho Khosanskæho mÆsta Dehilos. NÄpis na spodku ûezby pôùe, 'Dehilos je MÆsto PtÄkÜ. Jeho zahrady jsou obrovskæ zvÆûince, svÆty uvnitû svÆtÜ, kde se majô dobûe jak ptÄci z masa, tak ze ¢eleza i kamene. êôpy Dehilosu lætajô rychle a pûesnÆ.'"
$Name: "Muhul Carving"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-CityCarving02.V3D"
+Description: "Vyûezan£ model starobylæho Khosanskæho mÆsta Muhul. NÄpis na spodku ûezby pôùe, 'Muhul je MÆsto VodopÄdÜ. çeky padajô z ÖtesÜ stônÜ. V mlze nabôrajô sny podobu. Ten, kdo vyleze, nikde nenalezne oblohu. MuhulskÄ schodiùtÆ nemajô ani zaÅÄtek ani konec.'"
//Iomani Quest
$Name: "Iomani Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC5.v3d"
+Description: "Tento nÄhrdelnôk dûôve patûil matce Amase a Mialy, Iomanskæ vyhnankyni. Jejich matka byla rÄdkynô na dvoûe Aaduka, Slepæho Prince."
//Tathal Quest
$Name: "Nahul Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Description: "Svitek obsahujôcô uÅenô otce Sestry Bilan, svatæho Orenianskæho mu¢e z Nahulu. Côsaûovi vojÄci ho muÅili a popravili za odpor proti Murodovu re¢imu."
//Terrified Wid Quest
$Name: "Axe#Axe of Ikus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-1handaxe02.v3d"
+Description: "Sekera KrÄle Ikuse, jednoho ze tûinÄcti pohûben£ch v KryptÆ KrÄlÜ."
+Description: "Stûep ze starobyl£ch Sudansk£ch sklenÆn£ch mÆst. Kdy¢ Laharah zavra¢dila Uratha, mÆsta naùich Sudansk£ch pûedkÜ se rozbila a stala se Vaheomo, 'moûem hvÆzd', kteræ v noci zÄûô."
$Name: "Red Glass Shard"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-glassshardred.V3D"
+Description: "Stûep ze starobyl£ch Sudansk£ch sklenÆn£ch mÆst. Kdy¢ Laharah zavra¢dila Uratha, mÆsta naùich Sudansk£ch pûedkÜ se rozbila a stala se Vaheomo, 'moûem hvÆzd', kteræ v noci zÄûô."
$Name: "Green Glass Shard"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 5
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-glassshardgreen.v3d"
+Description: "Stûep ze starobyl£ch Sudansk£ch sklenÆn£ch mÆst. Kdy¢ Laharah zavra¢dila Uratha, mÆsta naùich Sudansk£ch pûedkÜ se rozbila a stala se Vaheomo, 'moûem hvÆzd', kteræ v noci zÄûô."
$Name: "Shard Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-GlassSword.V3D"
+Bitmap: "GlassSword.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage: "energy"
$Speed: 1.35
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 70
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "SklenÆn£ meÅ zfalùovan£ Ghimaadi. Jen to nejmocnÆjùô kouzlo je dostateÅnÆ silnæ, aby ho dokÄzalo rozbôt. Je velice ÖÅinn£ proti nepûÄtelÜm, kteûô jsou bezbrannô proti energetick£m ÖtokÜm."
//Goadi Statue Quest
$Name: "Head"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueHead.V3D"
+Description: "Hlava ze sochy zpÄteÅnickæho Côsaûe Gaodiho II."
$Name: "Left Arm"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueArmLeft.V3D"
+Description: "LevÄ pa¢e ze sochy zpÄteÅnickæho Côsaûe Gaodiho II."
$Name: "Right Arm"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueRightArm.V3D"
+Description: "PravÄ ruka ze sochy zpÄteÅnickæho Côsaûe Gaodiho II."
$Name: "Left Leg"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueLegLeft.V3D"
+Description: "LLevÄ noha ze sochy zpÄteÅnickæho Côsaûe Gaodiho II."
$Name: "Right Leg"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueLegRight.V3D"
+Description: "PravÄ noha ze sochy zpÄteÅnickæho Côsaûe Gaodiho II."
+Description: "Pero z kûôdel Uratha, pamÄtka z Tûetô Araenugeth."
//Aahur Seed's Quest
$Name: "Seeds of Aahur"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Seeds.V3D"
+Description: "Tato magickÄ semena budou rÜst kdekoliv, dokonce i na neÖrodnæ skÄle."
$Name: "Dust of Aahur"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qpot1.V3D"
+Description: "Tento kouzeln£ prach pomÜ¢e semenÜm v rÜstu."
//Encyclopedia Quest
$Name: "Volume 28"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbook2.V3D"
+Description: "Svazek z Kompletnô Encyklopedie Kacôûstvô, Heterodoxie a Odpadlictvô."
$Name: "Volume 67"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbook2.V3D"
+Description: "Svazek z Kompletnô Encyklopedie Kacôûstvô, Heterodoxie a Odpadlictvô."
//Easter Pirate Quest
$Name: "Petey's Hat"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qpiratehat1.V3D"
+Description: "Peteyho vesel£ pirÄtsk£ klobouk."
$Name: "Peg Leg"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qpegleg1.V3D"
+Description: "NasolenÄ k£ta."
$Name: "Hook Hand"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qhook1.V3D"
+Description: "Protetick£ pûôdavek, kter£ pomÜ¢e nositeli vykoûisÿovat, drancovat a pouùtÆt se do bitev s pirÄty na vysok£ch vodÄch."
// -----------------
// ----- Rings -----
// -----------------
// Summon Rings
$Name: "Ring of Darkness"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-darkness.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-darkness.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dark" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "V devôti letech jsi pou¢il tento prsten k vyvolÄnô dæmona, kter£ zniÅil Ciran. Po masakru tv£ch pûÄtel a rodiny, jsi hodil prsten do studny a zaûekl ses, ¢e u¢ se to vôckrÄt nestane."
$Name: "Ring of Light"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-light.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-light.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Energy" 50
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Tento prsten vyvolÄnô jsi naùel v hrobce Iony, hluboko v katakombÄch pod Kryptou KrÄlÜ."
$Name: "Ring of Jade"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-jade.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-jade.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Magic Resist" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Tento prsten vyvolÄnô jsi zôskal v Nefritovæm ChrÄmu, svatyni postavenæ Prvnôm Côsaûem Orenii na oslavu jeho vôtezstvô v BitvÆ Devôti VrabcÜ."
$Name: "Ring of Water"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-water.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-water.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Heal" 20
+Resist Mod: "Ice" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Duch jmænem Ngaru ti dal tento prsten vyvolÄnô v jeskynôch pod Wolongem. Duch byl poslem z Potopenæho MÆsta, zniÅenæho dlouho pûedtôm Côsaûem Teosem."
$Name: "Ring of Forest"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-forest.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-forest.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dodge" 10
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 20
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Ve svatyni Liangshanu jsi naùel tento prsten vyvolÄnô, vyûezan£ z posvÄtnæho stromu pûinÄùejôcôho slunce."
$Name: "Ring of Fire"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-fire.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-fire.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 20
+Resist Mod: "Fire" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Rubôn v tomto prstenu byl vydolovÄn z hlubinn£ch dolÜ v Saanavarhu, 'Hory Mouudr£ch', kde Khosani postavili svou poslednô pevnost. Pouze dokonÅenôm Tvrdæ zkouùky labyrintu ti bylo umo¢nÆno tento prsten vyvolÄnô zôskat."
$Name: "Ring of Stone"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-stone.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-stone.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 40
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "V palÄci Ikaemosu jsi ¢Ädal o navrÄcenô tohoto prstenu vyvolÄnô KrÄle KnÆzÜ Armuna, kter£ smÆroval svou sôlu proti ûôÅnômu bohu a zniÅil jeho ûôùi."
$Name: "Ring of Four Winds"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-fourwinds.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-fourwinds.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Malæ je vÆdÆnô o tomto prstenu vyvolÄnô. Po celæ roky ho knÆ¢ô Nefritovæho ChrÄmu stûe¢ili. Podle legend RhunariÜ prsten dûôve patûil Princi Kharigovi, hrdinnæmu 'PÄnu LvÜ.'"
// All Other Rings
//(MB): Was "Max AP boost ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Proficiency"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa1.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 10
+Description: "Tento prsten lehce podporuje nositelovo AP."
//(MB): Was "Max AP boost ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Expertise"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb1.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 25
+Description: "Tento prsten vysoce podporuje nositelovo AP."
//(MB): Was "Unique AP boost ring"
$Name: "Ring of Mastery"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc1.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 40
+Description: "Tento prsten dÄvÄ nositelovu AP obrovskou podporu."
//(MB): Was "Max HP boost ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Health"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd1.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 30
+Description: "Tento prsten môrnÆ podporuje nositelovo HP."
//(MB): Was "Max HP boost ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Recovery"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd2.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 50
+Description: "Tento prsten vysoce podporuje nositelovo HP."
//(MB): Was "Max AP/HP boost ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Might"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd3.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 10
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 30
+Description: "Tento prsten môrnÆ podporuje nositelovo AP a HP."
//(MB): Was "Unique max AP/hp boost ring"
$Name: "Ring of Puissance"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd4.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 25
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 50
+Description: "Tento prsten vysoce podporuje nositelovo AP a HP."
//(MB): Was "Speed ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Swiftness"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 40
+Description: "Tento prsten zv£ùô nositelovu rychlost Ötoku."
//(MB): Was "Speed ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Speed"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd6.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 20
+Description: "Tento prsten rozùôûô nositelovu rychlost Ötoku."
//(MB): Was "Speed AP ring"
$Name: "Haste Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 20
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 15
+Description: "Tento prsten povznese obojô, jak nositelovu rychlost Ötoku, tak AP."
+Description: "Tento medailòn povznÄùô nositelovu schopnost vrÄtit Öder nepûôteli."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 9"
$Name: "Swordsman's Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sword weapons" 30
+Description: "Tento toÅiv£ moment zlepùuje nositelovy dovednosti s meÅi."
// -----------------
// ----- Keys -----
// -----------------
$Name: "Tancred's Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey1.V3D"
+Description: "KlôÅ k Tancredovu domu."
$Name: "Yago's Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey10.V3D"
+Description: "KlôÅ k Yagov£m komnatÄm."
$Name: "Sewer Grate Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey11.V3D"
+Description: "KlôÅ od mûô¢ô ve stokÄch."
$Name: "Bookcase Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey12.V3D"
+Description: "KlôÅ ke KryptÆ KrÄlÜ. kterÄ je pod ionsk£m klÄùterem."
$Name: "Blade of Tarun"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger02.v3d"
+Description: "Khosanka Ulsadana dala toto ostûô KrÄli Medevy pûed Åtyûmi generacemi. Khosani poznajô, ¢e kdokoliv nese toto ostûô, je vyslancem KrÄle Medevy."
+Description: "Tento dûevÆn£ kyj pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm minimÄlnô zranÆnô. Tato zbraö mÄ sôlu nepûÄtele zmrazit, aÅkoliv je to omezenæ. Je ÖÅinnÄ hlavnÆ proti tÆm, kteûô jsou proti ledov£m ÖtokÜm bezbrannô."
+Description: "Toto obrosvkæ ¢ezlo pÜsobô na nepûÄtelôch jen môrnæ ùkody."
$Name: "Spiked Mace"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-mace01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Mace1.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Toto hûeby pobitæ ¢ezlo pÜsobô na nepûÄtelôch znaÅnæ ùkody."
$Name: "Flanged Mace"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-mace02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-swordkatana01a.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Toto ¢ezlo pÜsobô na nepûÄtelôch znaÅnæ ùkody."
// ----------------
// ----- BOWS -----
// ----------------
$Name: "Bone Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-BKT2Bow.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"bone"
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto luku pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm jen malæ ùkody."
$Name: "Iron Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-boww1.v3d"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto luku pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm jen malæ ùkody."
$Name: "Phoenix Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-PHNXBow.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.25
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 50
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto luku pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm jen môrnæ ùkody."
$Name: "Reinforced Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-boww3.v3d"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 10
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto luku pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm jen môrnæ ùkody."
//(MB): Was "Wood Bow"
$Name: "Yew Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-boww2.v3d"
+Flags: "ranged" "no drop"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto luku pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm malÄ zranÆnô."
$Name: "Short Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow1.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto luku pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm malÄ zranÆnô."
$Name: "Standoff Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 350
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow1.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Pushback" 70 20
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto luku pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm malÄ zranÆnô. Ka¢d£ ùôp mÄ ùanci proniknout côlem."
$Name: "Crossbow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-crossbow01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Crossbow1.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "crossbows"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto samostûôlu pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm môrnæ ùkody."
$Name: "Siege Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow2.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto luku pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm môrnæ ùkody."
$Name: "Assassin's Crossbow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-crossbow02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Crossbow3.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "crossbows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 2.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Death" 5 35
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto samostûôlu pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm malÄ zranÆnô. Ka¢d£ ùôp mÄ ùanci na môstÆ zabôt svÜj côl."
$Name: "Long Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow3.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.2
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto luku pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm znaÅnæ ùkody."
$Name: "Reflex Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow4.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.7
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto luku pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm jen malæ ùkody."
//(MB): Was "Unique Reflex Bow"
$Name: "Bow of Piercing"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow05.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow5.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"energy"
$Speed: 0.7
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto luku pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm môrnæ ùkody. Velice ÖÅinnæ proti tÆm, kteûô jsou bezbrannô proti energetick£m ÖtokÜm."
$Name: "Scythian Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow06.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow6.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"Ice"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Icicle" 30 10
+Description: "Tento luk pÜsobô môrnÄ zranÆnô a mÜ¢e proti svæmu côli vykouzlit LedovÄ kouzla. Tato zbraö je ÖÅinnÄ hlavnÆ proti tÆm, kteûô jsou bezbrannô proti ledov£m ÖtokÜm."
$Name: "Bow of Lynnai"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow07.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow7.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"Fire"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Fire Arrow" 30 10
+Description: "Tento luk pÜsobô môrnÄ zranÆnô a mÜ¢e proti svæmu côli vykouzlit kouzlo Ohniv£ êôp. Tato zbraö je ÖÅinnÄ hlavnÆ proti tÆm, kteûô jsou bezbrannô proti ohniv£m ÖtokÜm."
$Name: "Heavy Crossbow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-crossbow03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Crossbow2.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "crossbows"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 2.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "êôpy vystûelenæ z tohoto samostûôlu pÜsobô rozsÄhlÄ zranÆnô svæmu côli."
+Description: "Tato zbraö pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm znaÅnæ ùkody a mÜ¢e zakouzlit proti côli blesky. Je hodnÆ ÖÅinnÄ hlavnÆ proti tÆm, kteûô jsou bezbrannô proti energetick£m ÖtokÜm."
$Name: "Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-staff.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-staff02a.tga"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 25
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Tato zbraö pÜsobô nepûÄtelÜm jen minimÄlnô ùkody."
+Description: "Tato zbraö zpÜsobuje obrovskÄ zranÆnô a mÜ¢e zakouzlit na svÜj côl Ohniv£ êôp. êÅinnæ proti tÆm, kteûô jsou bezbrannô proti ohniv£m ÖtokÜm."
//(MB): Was "Unique Long Sword"
$Name: "Sword of Maiming"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-longswrd01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Longsword02.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Empower" 10 20
+Description: "Tato zbraö udÆluje znaÅnæ ùkody a mÜ¢e na u¢ivatele zakouzlit kouzlo Posôlenô."
+Description: "Tato d£ka zpÜsobuje môrnÄ zranÆnô. êÅinnÄ proti nepûÄtelÜm bezbrann£m proti energetick£m ÖtokÜm."
$Name: "Icy Dagger"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-dagger03a.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"ice"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect: "icicle" 40 15
+Description: "Tato d£ka udÆluje malÄ zranÆnô a mÜ¢e zakouzlit LedovÄ kouzla na svÜj côl. êÅinnÄ proti tÆm, kteûô jsou bezbrannô proti ledov£m ÖtokÜm."
// -----------------
// ----- PROPS -----
// -----------------
$Name: "Broom"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-broom.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "prop only"
$Name: "MBoy Axe"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-mboyaxe.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "prop only"
$Name: "Spoon"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-spoon.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "prop only"
// -----------------
// CONTAINERS - do _not_ change or remove these without talking to DaveB first!
// +Disposable[: % chance of breaking] // only allowed for charged items, chance of item disappearing after use
// +Restricted: [Joseph] [Rosalind] [Flece] [Jekhar] // class restriction
// +Description: "blah blah..." // verbal description of item, shown in Item Info popup
// ----------------
// ----- GOLD -----
// ----------------
$Name: "Gold"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 1
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "prop-goldpile-small01.v3d"
+Description: "Das Zahlungsmittel des Reiches."
$Name: "Book of Masad"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Die Orenier wurden in Masad besiegt. Wir machten uns also auf die Reise zu K÷nigin Galienne, die wir im K÷nigspalast aufsuchen wollten."
$Name: "Tablet of Masad"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Die Orenier wurden in Masad besiegt. Wir machten uns also auf die Reise zu K÷nigin Galienne, die wir im K÷nigspalast aufsuchen wollten."
$Name: "Tome of Masad"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Die Orenier wurden in Masad besiegt. Wir machten uns also auf die Reise zu K÷nigin Galienne, die wir im K÷nigspalast aufsuchen wollten."
$Name: "Book of Lenele"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "K÷nigin Galienne stellte keine Herausforderung fⁿr uns dar, und ihr Tagebuch fⁿhrte uns direkt in Richtung Iona, wo wir vielleicht mehr von K÷nig Carados erfahren konnten."
$Name: "Tablet of Lenele"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "K÷nigin Galienne stellte keine Herausforderung fⁿr uns dar, und ihr Tagebuch fⁿhrte uns direkt in Richtung Iona, wo wir vielleicht mehr von K÷nig Carados erfahren konnten."
$Name: "Tome of Lenele"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "K÷nigin Galienne stellte keine Herausforderung fⁿr uns dar, und ihr Tagebuch fⁿhrte uns direkt in Richtung Iona, wo wir vielleicht mehr von K÷nig Carados erfahren konnten."
$Name: "Book of Iona"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Carados war keine gro▀e Hilfe, doch fⁿhrten uns seine letzten Worte direkt zu den Khosani: entweder in die antike Stadt Ikaemos oder zur Festung Sanavaarh."
$Name: "Tablet of Iona"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Carados war keine gro▀e Hilfe, doch fⁿhrten uns seine letzten Worte direkt zu den Khosani: entweder in die antike Stadt Ikaemos oder zur Festung Sanavaarh."
$Name: "Tome of Iona"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Carados war keine gro▀e Hilfe, doch fⁿhrten uns seine letzten Worte direkt zu den Khosani: entweder in die antike Stadt Ikaemos oder zur Festung Sanavaarh."
$Name: "Book of Khosani"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Die Khosani haben uns mit Klingen begrⁿ▀t, was darauf schlie▀en lie▀, dass sie unter dem Einfluss eines mΣchtigen DΣmons, in Gestalt eines Roten Oni, standen. Wenn wir in Ikaemos keine Hinweise finden k÷nnen, mⁿssen mir nach Lenele zurⁿckkehren und uns um die Priester von Urath kⁿmmern."
$Name: "Tablet of Khosani"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Die Khosani haben uns mit Klingen begrⁿ▀t, was darauf schlie▀en lie▀, dass sie unter dem Einfluss eines mΣchtigen DΣmons, in Gestalt eines Roten Oni, standen. Wenn wir in Ikaemos keine Hinweise finden, mⁿssen wir nach Lenele zurⁿckkehren und uns um die Priester von Urath kⁿmmern."
$Name: "Tome of Khosani"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Die Khosani haben uns mit Klingen begrⁿ▀t, was darauf schlie▀en lie▀, dass sie unter dem Einfluss eines mΣchtigen DΣmons, in Gestalt eines Roten Oni, standen. Wenn wir in Ikaemos keine Hinweise finden, mⁿssen wir nach Lenele zurⁿckkehren und uns um die Priester von Urath kⁿmmern."
$Name: "Book of Ikaemos"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Der verrⁿckte Priesterk÷nig von Ikaemos konnte uns keine nⁿtzlichen Hinweise geben. Wenn also die Khosani wirklich nichts wissen, dann k÷nnen uns vielleicht die Priester von Urath weiterhelfen."
$Name: "Tablet of Ikaemos"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Der verrⁿckte Priesterk÷nig von Ikaemos konnte uns keine nⁿtzlichen Hinweise geben. Wenn also die Khosani wirklich nichts wissen, dann k÷nnen uns vielleicht die Priester von Urath weiterhelfen."
$Name: "Tome of Ikaemos"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Der verrⁿckte Priesterk÷nig von Ikaemos konnte uns keine nⁿtzlichen Hinweise geben. Wenn also die Khosani wirklich nichts wissen, dann k÷nnen uns vielleicht die Priester von Urath weiterhelfen."
$Name: "Book of Medeva"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Prinz Sornehan scheint einen Deal mit den Oreniern abgelehnt zu haben. Wir ben÷tigen allerdings noch weitere Informationen und mⁿssen uns daher auf den Weg zum Turm von Eleh machen."
$Name: "Tablet of Medeva"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Prinz Sornehan scheint einen Deal mit den Oreniern abgelehnt zu haben. Wir ben÷tigen allerdings noch weitere Informationen und mⁿssen uns daher auf den Weg zum Turm von Eleh machen."
$Name: "Tome of Medeva"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Prinz Sornehan scheint einen Deal mit den Oreniern abgelehnt zu haben. Wir ben÷tigen allerdings noch weitere Informationen und mⁿssen uns daher auf den Weg zum Turm von Eleh machen."
$Name: "Book of Eleh"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Eleh ist ein endloses Labyrinth. Alles was wir finden konnten, war ein seltsamer Sandminotaurus. Vielleicht sollten wir auch noch die Verstecke von anderen Monstern, wie die H÷hle von Wolong und Liangshan, durchsuchen."
$Name: "Tablet of Eleh"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Eleh ist ein endloses Labyrinth. Alles was wir finden konnten, war ein seltsamer Sandminotaurus. Vielleicht sollten wir auch noch die Verstecke von anderen Monstern, wie die H÷hle von Wolong und Liangshan, durchsuchen."
$Name: "Tome of Eleh"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Eleh ist ein endloses Labyrinth. Alles was wir finden konnten, war ein seltsamer Sandminotaurus. Vielleicht sollten wir auch noch die Verstecke von anderen Monstern, wie die H÷hle von Wolong und Liangshan, durchsuchen."
$Name: "Book of Wolong"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "General Pijian hat tief in den H÷hlen von Wolong auf uns gewartet. Er hatte einen Teil des Schlⁿssels zum Jadetempel - der unser endgⁿltiges Ziel sein sollte."
$Name: "Tablet of Wolong"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "General Pijian hat tief in den H÷hlen von Wolong auf uns gewartet. Er hatte einen Teil des Schlⁿssels zum Jadetempel - der unser endgⁿltiges Ziel sein sollte."
$Name: "Tome of Wolong"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "General Pijian hat tief in den H÷hlen von Wolong auf uns gewartet. Er hatte einen Teil des Schlⁿssels zum Jadetempel - der unser endgⁿltiges Ziel sein sollte."
$Name: "Book of Liangshan"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Eine Begegnung mit General Wentao in den tiefen WΣldern von Liangshan hat uns davon ⁿberzeugt, dass Murod das in HΣnden hΣlt, was wir gerne hΣtten, um in den Jadetempel zu gelangen. Wenn wir doch nur den anderen Teil des Schlⁿssels hΣtten."
$Name: "Tablet of Liangshan"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Eine Begegnung mit General Wentao in den tiefen WΣldern von Liangshan hat uns davon ⁿberzeugt, dass Murod das in HΣnden hΣlt, was wir gerne hΣtten, um in den Jadetempel zu gelangen. Wenn wir doch nur den anderen Teil des Schlⁿssels hΣtten."
$Name: "Tome of Liangshan"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Eine Begegnung mit General Wentao in den tiefen WΣldern von Liangshan hat uns davon ⁿberzeugt, dass Murod das in HΣnden hΣlt, was wir gerne hΣtten, um in den Jadetempel zu gelangen. Wenn wir doch nur den anderen Teil des Schlⁿssels hΣtten."
$Name: "Book of Orenia"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Kaiser Murod ist durch unsere Hand gestⁿrzt worden, doch arbeitet er jetzt im Dienste dreier DΣmonen und eines Erzleichnams namens Azha. Diese haben Medeva, das Ziel unserer Reise, unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht."
$Name: "Tablet of Orenia"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Kaiser Murod ist durch unsere Hand gestⁿrzt worden, doch arbeitet er jetzt im Dienste dreier DΣmonen und eines Erzleichnams namens Azha. Diese haben Medeva, das Ziel unserer Reise, unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht."
$Name: "Tome of Orenia"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Kaiser Murod ist durch unsere Hand gestⁿrzt worden, doch arbeitet er jetzt im Dienste dreier DΣmonen und eines Erzleichnams namens Azha. Diese haben Medeva, das Ziel unserer Reise, unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht."
$Name: "Book of Luminar"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Luminars Diener, der untote Erzleichnam Azha, wurde besiegt. Damit wurde ein Drittel von Machivals Barriere ⁿber Lenele beseitigt."
$Name: "Tablet of Luminar"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Luminars Diener, der untote Erzleichnam Azha, wurde besiegt. Damit wurde ein Drittel von Machivals Barriere ⁿber Lenele beseitigt."
$Name: "Tome of Luminar"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Luminars Diener, der untote Erzleichnam Azha, wurde besiegt. Damit wurde ein Drittel von Machivals Barriere ⁿber Lenele beseitigt."
$Name: "Book of Pyrul"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Ein DΣmon namens Pyrul wurde in Sanavaarh besiegt. Der Weg nach Lenele ist fast frei."
$Name: "Tablet of Pyrul"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Ein DΣmon namens Pyrul wurde in Sanavaarh besiegt. Der Weg nach Lenele ist fast frei."
$Name: "Tome of Pyrul"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Ein DΣmon namens Pyrul wurde in Sanavaarh besiegt. Der Weg nach Lenele ist fast frei."
$Name: "Book of Titus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Wir haben den DΣmon des Steins, Titus Semper, besiegt. Machivals Macht ⁿber Lenele wurde sehr geschwΣcht."
$Name: "Tablet of Titus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Wir haben den DΣmon des Steins, Titus Semper, besiegt. Machivals Macht ⁿber Lenele wurde sehr geschwΣcht."
$Name: "Tome of Titus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Wir haben den DΣmon des Steins, Titus Semper, besiegt. Machivals Macht ⁿber Lenele wurde sehr geschwΣcht."
$Name: "Book of Novices"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Unser Abenteuer begann einst in dem kleinen Dorf Masad, das nun einer brennenden Ruine gleicht. Hier wurden wir von Soldaten der Orenier bedrΣngt."
$Name: "Tablet of Adventurers"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Mit der Zerst÷rung von Machival wurde Lenele wieder unabhΣngig, aber wir mⁿssen immer noch unsere Belohnung finden. Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, ein neues Abenteuer zu bestreiten, eines, das uns nach h÷heren Idealen streben lΣsst."
$Name: "Tome of the Elite"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Machival wurde durch unser Eingreifen besiegt. Nun k÷nnen wir uns auch als die Elite ansehen. Aber wie lautet unsere Aufgabe? Wird jemals ein Ende in Sicht sein?"
// ---------- Scrolls ------------
// revive
$Name: "Revive Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 150
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "resurrect" 1 1 0
+Description: "Eine Schriftrolle mit dem Zauberspruch Wiederbeleben."
$Name: "Tome of Revive"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 600
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "resurrect" 5 1 0
+Description: "Ein gro▀es Buch mit Kopien des Zauberspruches Wiederbeleben."
// Fire Arrow
$Name: "Fire Arrow Rune"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 25
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "fire arrow" 1 1 0 5
+Description: "Eine Rune, die mit einem schwachen Feuerpfeilzauber aufgeladen ist."
$Name: "Fire Arrow Tract"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "fire arrow" 5 1 0 5
+Description: "Eine schwache Form des Feuerpfeils ist hier aufgeschrieben."
$Name: "Fire Arrow Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "fire arrow" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Eine Schriftrolle mit dem Zauberspruch Feuerpfeil."
$Name: "Fire Arrow Book"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "fire arrow" 5 1 0 10
+Description: "Ein Buch mit Kopien des Zauberspruches Feuerpfeil."
$Name: "Fire Arrow Tablet"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "fire arrow" 1 1 0 15
+Description: "Eine starke Form des Zauberspruches Feuerpfeil."
$Name: "Fire Arrow Tome"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "fire arrow" 5 1 0 15
+Description: "Ein gro▀es Buch mit Kopien des Spruches Feuerpfeil."
// icicle
$Name: "Icicle Rune"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 25
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "icicle" 1 1 0 5
+Description: "Eine Rune, die mit einem schwachen Eiszapfenzauber aufgeladen ist."
$Name: "Icicle Tract"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "icicle" 5 1 0 5
+Description: "Eine schwache Form des Eiszapfenzaubers ist hier aufgeschrieben."
$Name: "Icicle Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "icicle" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Eine Schriftrolle mit dem Zauberspruch Eiszapfen."
$Name: "Icicle Book"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "icicle" 5 1 0 10
+Description: "Ein Buch mit Kopien des Eiszapfenzaubers."
$Name: "Icicle Tablet"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "icicle" 1 1 0 15
+Description: "Eine starke Form des Spruches Eiszapfen ist hier aufgeschrieben."
$Name: "Icicle Tome"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "icicle" 5 1 0 15
+Description: "Ein gro▀es Buch mit Kopien einer mΣchtigen Form des Eiszapfenzaubers."
// lightning
$Name: "Lightning Rune"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "lightning" 1 1 0 5
+Description: "Eine Rune, die mit einem kleinen Lichtblitz aufgeladen ist."
$Name: "Lightning Tract"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Lightning" 5 1 0 5
+Description: "Dieses Buch enthΣlt einen kleinen Blitzzauber."
$Name: "Lightning Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Lightning" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Eine Schriftrolle mit dem Zauberspruch Blitze."
$Name: "Lightning Book"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 300
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Lightning" 5 1 0 10
+Description: "Ein Buch mit Kopien des Blitzzaubers."
$Name: "Lightning Tablet"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 150
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Lightning" 1 1 0 15
+Description: "Auf dieser Tafel ist ein mΣchtiger Blitzzauber festgehalten."
$Name: "Lightning Tome"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 700
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Lightning" 5 1 0 15
+Description: "Ein Buch mit mΣchtigen Kopien des Blitzzaubers."
$Name: "Inferno Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Inferno" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Eine Schriftrolle mit dem Zauberspruch Inferno."
$Name: "Meteor Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Meteor Storm" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Eine Schriftrolle mit dem Zauberspruch Meteorsturm."
$Name: "Curse Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Curse" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Ein mΣchtiger Fluch steht auf dieser Schriftrolle geschrieben."
$Name: "Ice Coffin Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Ice Coffin" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Eine Schriftrolle mit dem Zauberspruch Eissarg."
$Name: "Invisibility Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Invisibility" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Eine Schriftrolle mit dem Zauberspruch Unsichtbarkeit."
$Name: "Blizzard Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Blizzard" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Eine Schriftrolle mit dem Zauberspruch Schneesturm."
// -------------------
// ----- POTIONS -----
// -------------------
$Name: "Recovery Draught"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle1.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "regenerate" 1 0 6
+Description: "Ein Trank, der die Erholung bei SchΣden beschleunigt."
$Name: "Recovery Tonic"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle2.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "regenerate" 1 0 12
+Description: "Dieses Tonikum beschleunigt die Erholung bei SchΣden sehr stark."
$Name: "Elixir of Recovery"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle3.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "regenerate" 1 0 18
+Description: "Ein Elixier, das die Erholung bei SchΣden besonders stark beschleunigt."
$Name: "Healing Draught"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle4.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "heal" 1 0 6
+Description: "Dieser Trank heilt kleine SchΣden."
$Name: "Health Tonic"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle5.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "heal" 1 0 12
+Description: "Dieses Tonikum heilt mittlere SchΣden."
$Name: "Healing Elixir"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle6.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "heal" 1 0 18
+Description: "Dieses Elixier heilt gro▀e SchΣden."
$Name: "Panacea of Life"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle1.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "heal" 1 0 24
+Description: "Dieser Trank heilt immense SchΣden."
$Name: "Cleansing Tonic"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle2.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "cure" 1 0 12
+Description: "Dieses Tonikum sorgt fⁿr etwas Erholung von natⁿrlichen und magischen Erkrankungen."
$Name: "Cleansing Elixir"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 800
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle3.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "cure" 5 0 22
+Description: "Dieses Elixier sorgt fⁿr gro▀e Erholung von natⁿrlichen und magischen Erkrankungen."
$Name: "Invisibility Draught"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle4.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "Invisibility" 1 0 14
+Description: "Dieser Trank lΣsst den Anwender fⁿr eine kurze Zeit unsichtbar werden."
+Description: "Erm÷glicht es dem Anwender, dem Gegner zusΣtzlichen Schaden zuzufⁿgen."
$Name: "Tristan's Libation"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle1.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "Bless" 1 0 20
+Description: "Dieser Trunk erh÷ht den Schutz des Anwenders vor Angriffen."
// -------------------------------
// -------------------------------
$Name: "Food"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbreadloaf1.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "heal" 1 0 1
+Description: "Panef der Koch gab dir dieses Essen, damit du es zu Fⁿrst Yago bringst. Seine GemΣcher sind auf der dritten Etage des Palastes."
$Name: "Sama's Book"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qtome1.v3d"
+Description: "Das Buch von Ghurahas-Das, geschrieben in der Sprache der G÷tter. Sama bat dich, es zur gro▀en Bibliothek zurⁿckzubringen."
$Name: "Bacite Tail"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 74
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-bacitetail.v3d"
+Description: "Der Schwanz eines Baziten."
$Name: "Bottle with Eyes"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-bottleeyes.v3d"
+Description: "Eine Flasche, die die Augen eines Bettlers enthΣlt. Sie sind die Hauptzutat fⁿr einen Trank des Apothekers."
$Name: "Chunk of Salt"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-saltchunk.v3d"
+Description: "Ein gro▀er Brocken Salz, der von den Schmugglern stammt."
$Name: "Forged Document"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-forgeddocument.v3d"
+Description: "Die gefΣlschte Kopie eines offiziellen Freilassungsbefehls, der vom k÷niglichen Justiziar unterschrieben ist."
$Name: "Leather Pouch"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-pouchleather1.v3d"
$Name: "Rag Doll"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 4
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ragdoll.v3d"
+Description: "Eine Kinderpuppe, die du in der Kanalisation von Lenele gefunden hast."
$Name: "Salamanka Tongue"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-salamankatongue.v3d"
+Description: "Die Zunge eines Feuersalamankas, die Zutat fⁿr viele FeuertrΣnke."
$Name: "Ikaemos Swamp Map"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qmap1.v3d"
+Description: "Die verknitterte Karte zeigt den Sumpf von Ikaemos. Au▀erdem ist ein Weg zum Palast der Priesterk÷nige zu erkennen."
// need proper model (fruit)
$Name: "Mangosteen"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-qmangosteen.V3D"
+Description: "Eine Frucht, die in der Umgebung des Trauersees wΣchst."
$Name: "Onyx Carp"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qfish1.V3D"
+Description: "Ein seltener Fisch, den es nur im Trauersee gibt. Seinen Eingeweiden sagt man magische KrΣfte nach."
$Name: "Gulan's Knife"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger11.v3d"
+Description: "Ein Messer, das der Witwe Gulan geh÷rt."
$Name: "Aesik's Sword"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-longswrd01.v3d"
+Description: "Dieses Schwert wurde von Aesiks Ururgro▀vater angefertigt, dem FahnentrΣger des legendΣren Fⁿrsten Falkenauge von Masad."
$Name: "Stick of Charcoal"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qcharcoal1.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Kohlestift von Anzhi dem Maler. Man braucht ihn zum Malen."
// need proper item (rice bowl)
$Name: "Minhe's Bowl"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Bowl.V3D"
+Description: "Eine Reisschale von Minhe dem VerrΣter."
$Name: "Anzhi's Box"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbox2.V3D"
+Description: "Eine Kiste voller Farben, Pinsel, ZeichenblΣtter und Tusche."
$Name: "Tail of the Rokhul"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qrose2.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "poisoning" 1 1000 15
+Description: "Die BlΣtter dieser Pflanze enthalten ein t÷dliches Gift, fⁿr das es kein Gegengift gibt. Fachkundig eingesetzt, kann die Pflanze auch mΣchtige HeilkrΣfte entfalten."
// The scrolls of the Khosani
$Name: "Khosani Scrolls"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Description: "Diese Schriftrollen bewahren das Wissen der Sch÷pfung, das von Vadagar an die Khosani weitergegeben wurde. Sie wurden vor langer Zeit von den Rittern Ionas aus Saanavarh gestohlen. Die Ulsadana braucht die Schriftrollen, um die Beschw÷rungsringe zu verzaubern."
//Ahza's Femur for Wolong Caverns quest
$Name: "Azha's Femur"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbone1.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Knochen aus dem Skelett von Azha dem Erzleichnam."
//Rukha's Quest
$Name: "Khosani Sword#Rhukha's Sword"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-katana10.v3d"
+Description: "Die Schriftzeichen auf dieser alten Klinge enthⁿllen, dass es sich um das Schwert von Rhukha, dem khosanischen Helden handelt, der die DΣmonen am Ende der Zehntausend Jahre gebannt hatte."
$Name: "Khosani Helm#Rhukha's Helm"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-HelmetSpecial.V3D"
+Description: "Die Schriftzeichen auf diesem alten Helm enthⁿllen, dass es sich um den Helm von Rhukha, dem khosanischen Helden handelt, der die DΣmonen am Ende der Zehntausend Jahre gebannt hatte."
//Yon's Amulet Quest
$Name: "Yon's Amulet"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-AmuletSpecial.V3D"
+Description: "Die Inschrift dieses Amuletts lautet 'Yon, Sohn von K÷nig Bellias VI. und Galienne, seiner K÷nigin, Prinz des Reiches und Thronerbe Medevas'. Der junge Prinz Yon starb vor Jahren, als er vom Turm von Verindal fiel."
//Nhunasarim Quest
$Name: "Tome#Nhuvasarim Tome"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qtome1.v3d"
+Description: "Acht Seiten wurden aus diesem Buch ausgerissen. Auf ihnen stand das vergessene Wissen der Nhuvasarim, den b÷sen Zauberern, die Laharah verehrten. Das Buch beschreibt die Reise und Qual des Erzmagiers Mortankas."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 1"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Diese Seite wurde aus dem Buch der Nhuvasarim ausgerissen. Sie beschreibt Mortankas' Reise zu 'einer Insel, die von Seeschlangen bewacht wird'."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 2"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Diese Seite wurde aus dem Buch der Nhuvasarim ausgerissen. Die ErzΣhlung berichtet von Mortankas' Besuch im 'Palast von Armun'."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 3"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Dies ist eine der fehlenden Seiten aus dem Buch der Nhuvasarim. In den schwer entzifferbaren Zeilen liest du die Worte 'unter der Stadt der G÷tter'."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 4"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Dies ist eine Seite aus dem Buch der Nhuvasarim. Der Text beschreibt einen Kampf zwischen Mortankas und dem 'Berg der Weisen'."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 5"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Diese Seite wurde aus dem Buch der Nhuvasarim ausgerissen. Sie erwΣhnt die 'Stadt des Gottes der Sudani'."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 6"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Diese Seite wurde aus dem Buch der Nhuvasarim ausgerissen. Im Text steht etwas von Mortankas' Begegnung mit einem Vasallen Laharahs, bei welcher er die Seele eines anderen fⁿr seine eigene Unsterblichkeit eintauscht."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 7"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Diese Seite geh÷rt zum Buch der Nhuvasarim. Die ErzΣhlung berichtet von einer epischen Schlacht zwischen Mortankas und dem Zauberer des Lichts."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 8"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Dies ist die letzte Seite aus dem Buch der Nhuvasarim. Der Text ist nicht mehr zu entziffern."
//Vadagar Horn Quest
$Name: "Hunting Horn#Horn of Vadagar"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-HuntingHorn02.V3D"
+Description: "Das Jagdhorn Vadagars wurde zuletzt von Urath geblasen, um das Tor zu Laharahs GefΣngnis zu verschlie▀en."
$Name: "Hunting Horn"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-HuntingHorn01.V3D"
+Description: "Ein gew÷hnliches Jagdhorn."
//Collector's Quest
$Name: "Pipe"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qpipe1.v3d"
+Description: "Eine gew÷hnliche Pfeife."
$Name: "Fishing Pole"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qfishpole1.v3d"
+Description: "Eine gew÷hnliche Angel."
$Name: "Spyglass"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qspyglass1.v3d"
+Description: "Ein gew÷hnliches Fernglas."
$Name: "Chess Piece"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qknight1.v3d"
+Description: "Eine Schachfigur."
$Name: "Perfume"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qperfume1.v3d"
+Description: "Eine Flasche Parfⁿm. Der Duft riecht entfernt nach Veilchen."
//Dragon Scales
$Name: "Green Dragon Scale"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscale3.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Holy" 20
+Description: "Die Schuppe des grⁿnen Drachen erh÷ht die FΣhigkeiten eines Magiers, mit den Zaubersprⁿchen der Kategorie Heilig umzugehen. Dies ist eine der vier Schuppen, die den Kaisern von Orenia geh÷rten."
$Name: "Red Dragon Scale"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscale1.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 20
+Description: "Die Schuppe des roten Drachen erh÷ht die FΣhigkeiten eines Magiers, mit den Zaubersprⁿchen der Kategorie Feuer umzugehen. Dies ist eine der vier Schuppen, die den Kaisern von Orenia geh÷rten."
$Name: "Gray Dragon Scale"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscale2.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Dark" 20
+Description: "Die Schuppe des grauen Drachen erh÷ht die FΣhigkeiten eines Magiers, mit den Zaubersprⁿchen der Kategorie Dunkelheit umzugehen. Dies ist eine der vier Schuppen, die den Kaisern von Orenia geh÷rten."
$Name: "Blue Dragon Scale"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscale4.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Ice" 20
+Description: "Die Schuppe des blauen Drachen erh÷ht die FΣhigkeiten eines Magiers, mit den Zaubersprⁿchen der Kategorie Eis umzugehen. Dies ist eine der vier Schuppen, die den Kaisern von Orenia geh÷rten."
//Tradition Quest
$Name: "Yichao's Locket"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qlocket1.v3d"
+Description: "Dieses Medaillon geh÷rte Fangyins Sohn Yichao, der bei der Befreiung Wolongs ums Leben kam. Es enthΣlt eine Locke des Haares seiner Gattin Qiulan. Letzten Herbst ertrank sie wΣhrend eines Sturmes im Trauersee."
$Name: "Daoming's Coin"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qcoin4.v3d"
+Description: "Diese Mⁿnze geh÷rte Fangyins Sohn Daoming, der von General Pijians Soldaten in Wolong hingerichtet wurde. Sie war Daomings wertvollster Besitz."
//Longyue's Hat Quest
$Name: "Longyue's Hat"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbluehat1.v3d"
+Description: "Der Hut geh÷rt Longyue. Er hatte ihn den Waldgeistern gegeben, um ihn und seine Freunde in BΣume zu verwandeln, damit General Pijians Soldaten sie nicht finden."
//Dukhanim's Quest
$Name: "Blank Parchment"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Die OberflΣche des alten Stⁿckes Papier schimmert im Licht. Scheinbar ist ein Text auf dem Papier versteckt."
$Name: "Mirror#Dakhanim Mirror"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qmirror1.v3d"
+Description: "Dieser Spiegel geh÷rte einst den Dakhanim, einer alten Sekte von Kartographen und Meistern des unsichtbaren Schreibens. Mit dem Spiegel lΣsst sich die unsichtbare Schrift auf einer Seite enthⁿllen."
$Name: "Mirror#Mirror"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-MirrorSpecial01.V3D"
+Description: "Ein gew÷hnlicher Spiegel."
$Name: "Mirror"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy" "not identified"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-MirrorSpecial02.V3D"
+Description: "Ein gew÷hnlicher Spiegel."
$Name: "Huk Kinar's Skull"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qskull1.v3d"
+Description: "Der SchΣdel von Huk Kinar, dem Fⁿrsten des Winters, der in der langen Nacht die Grenzen von Ghaela heimsucht. Wird fⁿr 'Nutengovs Trank' ben÷tigt."
$Name: "Udakar's Heart"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Heart.V3D"
+Description: "Das Herz von Udakar, dem Mann-Stier der gefrorenen Wⁿsten. Wird fⁿr 'Nutengovs Trank' ben÷tigt."
$Name: "Bacite's Gallbladder"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Gallbladder.V3D"
+Description: "Die Gallenblase eines blauen Baziten. Wird fⁿr 'Nutengovs Trank' ben÷tigt."
//Haenul Quest
$Name: "Eraekor Gemstone"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qgem3.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Edelstein, den der abtrⁿnnige Krieger Haenul den Khosani stahl."
//Child of Spirits Quest
$Name: "Piaobo's Box"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbox1.V3D"
+Description: "Eine einfache Holzkiste, die den unsterblichen Geist von Piaobo der Oni enthΣlt."
//Tome of Gahnis Quest
$Name: "Tome of Gahnis"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbook1.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Buch, das von Gahnis von Sidhar geschrieben wurde, dessen unorthodoxer Glaube von der gahnischen HΣresie inspiriert wurde."
//Death Quest
$Name: "Tree Bark"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Bark.V3D"
+Description: "Rinde vom Schrein von Liangshan. Der Geschmack der Rinde gefΣllt Katzen. Beim Kauen wird die Rinde weich und klebrig."
//Lucky Charm Quest (They're always after me lucky charms!)
$Name: "Durgan's Earring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qearring1.V3D"
+Description: "Der Talisman von Durgan dem Matrosen. Er erhielt ihn von den Meeresgeistern des Khadim."
//Crone of Savheo
$Name: "Stone Rose"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qrose2.V3D"
+Description: "Die legendΣre Steinrose von Ovaka. Sie wurde vom Bildhauer Mevoh vor der Flut angefertigt."
//Ohmedilosi Quest
$Name: "Tablet#Khosani Map"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 30000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qmap1.v3d"
+Description: "Die Tafel scheint das Fragment einer Karte zu sein und ist mit komplizierten Runen ⁿberdeckt. Drei Stellen auf der Karte sind benannt: Umakil, Dehilos und Muhul. Unter jedem Namen ist eine flache, kreisf÷rmige Vertiefung in der Gr÷▀e einer Mⁿnze. Die Modelle, die einst dort befestigt waren, fehlen nun."
$Name: "Umakil Carving"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-CityCarving03.V3D"
+Description: "Das Steinmodell der alten Khosanistadt Umakil. Die Beschriftung an der Unterseite des Modells lautet: 'Umakil ist die Stadt der ZahnrΣder. Ihre Maschinen treiben die Arbeit der Welt darunter an. Feuer und Wasser. Tag und Nacht. Alles wird von den Schaltern und Hebeln von Umakils Maschinen angetrieben'."
$Name: "Dehilos Carving"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-CityCarving01.V3D"
+Description: "Das Steinmodell der alten Khosanistadt Dehilos. Die Beschriftung an der Unterseite des Modells lautet: 'Dehilos ist die Stadt der V÷gel. Seine GΣrten sind gro▀e Menagerien, Welten in Welten, wo die V÷gel aus Fleisch, Eisen und Stein gedeihen. Die Pfeile von Dehilos fliegen schnell und genau'."
$Name: "Muhul Carving"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-CityCarving02.V3D"
+Description: "Das Steinmodell der alten Khosanistadt Muhul. Die Beschriftung an der Unterseite des Modells lautet: 'Muhul ist die Stadt der WasserfΣlle. Flⁿsse stⁿrzen von den Schattenklippen. Im Nebel werden TrΣume wahr. Einer der hinaufsteigt, wird niemals den Himmel finden. Die Treppen von Muhul haben weder Anfang noch Ende'."
//Iomani Quest
$Name: "Iomani Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC5.v3d"
+Description: "Diese Kette geh÷rte einst Iomani, der Mutter von Amas und Miala, die im Exil leben. Ihre Mutter war Beraterin am Hofe von Aaduk, dem blinden Prinzen."
//Tathal Quest
$Name: "Nahul Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Description: "Eine Schriftrolle die die Lehre von Schwester Bilans Vater enthΣlt, einem heiligen Mann der Nahul. Kaiserliche Soldaten folterten ihn und richteten ihn hin, weil er gegen Murods Regime war."
//Terrified Wid Quest
$Name: "Axe#Axe of Ikus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-1handaxe02.v3d"
+Description: "Die Axt von K÷nig Ikus. Er ist einer der Dreizehn, die in der Krypta der K÷nige liegen."
// Misc Act one quest reward
$Name: "Berserker Sword"
$Type: "weapon"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd5.v3d"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Empower" 10 8
+Description: "Eine Klinge, die mit der Wildheit eines Berserkers verzaubert ist."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Talent"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb9.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb9.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 10
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die AP des TrΣgers geringfⁿgig."
//Ghimaadi Shards Quest
$Name: "Blue Glass Shard"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 5
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-glassshardblue.v3d"
+Description: "Eine Scherbe der alten GlasstΣdte der Sudani. Als Laharah Urath ermordete, wurden die StΣdte der Ahnen der Sudani erschⁿttert und zum Vaheomo, dem 'Meer der Sterne', das bei Nacht scheint."
$Name: "Red Glass Shard"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-glassshardred.V3D"
+Description: "Eine Scherbe der alten GlasstΣdte der Sudani. Als Laharah Urath ermordete, wurden die StΣdte der Ahnen der Sudani erschⁿttert und zum Vaheomo, dem 'Meer der Sterne', das bei Nacht scheint."
$Name: "Green Glass Shard"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 5
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-glassshardgreen.v3d"
+Description: "Eine Scherbe der alten GlasstΣdte der Sudani. Als Laharah Urath ermordete, wurden die StΣdte der Ahnen der Sudani erschⁿttert und zum Vaheomo, dem 'Meer der Sterne', das bei Nacht scheint."
$Name: "Shard Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-GlassSword.V3D"
+Bitmap: "GlassSword.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage: "energy"
$Speed: 1.35
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 70
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Eine Klinge aus Glas, die von den Ghimaadi hergestellt wurde. Nur die mΣchtigste Magie ist in der Lage, sie zu zerbrechen. Besonders effektiv bei Gegnern, die empfindlich auf Energieangriffe reagieren."
//Goadi Statue Quest
$Name: "Head"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueHead.V3D"
+Description: "Der Kopf der Statue von Kaiser Gaodi II."
$Name: "Left Arm"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueArmLeft.V3D"
+Description: "Der linke Arm der Statue von Kaiser Gaodi II."
$Name: "Right Arm"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueRightArm.V3D"
+Description: "Der rechte Arm der Statue von Kaiser Gaodi II."
$Name: "Left Leg"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueLegLeft.V3D"
+Description: "Das linke Bein der Statue von Kaiser Gaodi II."
$Name: "Right Leg"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueLegRight.V3D"
+Description: "Das rechte Bein der Statue von Kaiser Gaodi II."
// Jarl Sword Quest
$Name: "Jarl's Sword"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd6.v3d"
+Description: "Ein qualitativ hochwertiges Schwert, das Jarl der Waffenschmied anfertigte."
//Ragneli Robbers Quest
$Name: "Zane's Bow"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow08.v3d"
+Description: "Ein Bogen, der Zane geh÷rt, dem Anfⁿhrer einer RΣuberbande."
//Magic Lute Quest
$Name: "Lute"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qlute1.V3D"
+Description: "Eine gew÷hnliche Laute."
$Name: "Torva's Lute"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qlute1.V3D"
+Description: "Eine Laute von au▀ergew÷hnlicher QualitΣt. Sie geh÷rt dem Barden Torva."
//Cerval Game Quest
$Name: "Silk Garments"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-SilkGarments.V3D"
+Description: "Teure Seidenkleidung, nach der neuesten Mode geschneidert."
//Pomporo's Heirloom Quest
$Name: "Signet Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc1.v3d"
+Description: "Ein Ring, der das Siegel vom Fⁿrsten von Dhuramil trΣgt, dem Ahnen des HΣndlers Pomporo."
//Nandi Gatherer
$Name: "Sparrow's Egg"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Plant03.V3D"
+Description: "Eine Pflanze, die in den WΣldern Orenias heimisch ist."
$Name: "Ghimaadi's Cloak"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Plant01.V3D"
+Description: "Eine wilde Blume, die sowohl in Orenia, als auch in Medeva zu finden ist."
$Name: "Bane's Kiss"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Plant02.V3D"
+Description: "Eine giftige Pflanze, die im Wald von Liangshan heimisch ist."
$Name: "Nandi's Potion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-UniquePotion.V3D"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "regenerate" 4 0 99
+Description: "Ein Σu▀erst wirksamer Regenerationstrank, der von Nandi der Sammlerin gemischt wurde."
//Ghose Ikaemos Quest
$Name: "Vaesura's Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklacec1.v3d"
+Description: "Ein Hochzeitsgeschenk fⁿr Vaesura, der K÷nigin von Ikaemos in der alten Dynastie von Nokh."
//Lord Chamberlin's Quest
$Name: "Gargoyle Blood"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-GargoyleBlood.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Dram Wasserspeierblut."
$Name: "Stonefire Lanterns"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qlantern1.V3D"
+Description: "Magische Laternen, die mit Wasserspeierblut hergestellt wurden. Leuchtende Steine in den Laternen sorgen fⁿr ein kaltes, gedΣmpftes Licht."
//Elodach Initiate's Quest
$Name: "Urath Feather"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-UrathFeather.V3D"
+Description: "Eine Feder von den Flⁿgeln Uraths, ein Relikt aus dem Dritten Araenugeth."
//Aahur Seed's Quest
$Name: "Seeds of Aahur"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Seeds.V3D"
+Description: "Diese magischen Samen wachsen ⁿberall, sogar auf nacktem Fels."
$Name: "Dust of Aahur"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qpot1.V3D"
+Description: "Dieser magische Staub hilft den Samen beim Keimen."
//Encyclopedia Quest
$Name: "Volume 28"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbook2.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Band der VollstΣndigen EnzyklopΣdie der HΣresien, Heterodoxien und Apostasien."
$Name: "Volume 67"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbook2.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Band der VollstΣndigen EnzyklopΣdie der HΣresien, Heterodoxien und Apostasien."
//Easter Pirate Quest
$Name: "Petey's Hat"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qpiratehat1.V3D"
+Description: "Peteys fescher Piratenhut."
$Name: "Peg Leg"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qpegleg1.V3D"
+Description: "Ein salziges Holzbein."
$Name: "Hook Hand"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qhook1.V3D"
+Description: "Eine Prothese, die es ihrem TrΣger erm÷glicht, zu plⁿndern und piratische Aufgaben auf hoher See wahrzunehmen."
// -----------------
// ----- Rings -----
// -----------------
// Summon Rings
$Name: "Ring of Darkness"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-darkness.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-darkness.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dark" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Mit neun Jahren hattest du mit dem Ring den DΣmonen gerufen, der Ciran zerst÷rte. Nach dem Massaker an deinen Freunden und deiner Familie warfst du den Ring in einen Brunnen und gelobtest, nie wieder zu beschw÷ren."
$Name: "Ring of Light"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-light.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-light.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Energy" 50
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Du hast diesen Beschw÷rerring in der Gruft von Iona gefunden, tief in den Katakomben unter der Krypta der K÷nige."
$Name: "Ring of Jade"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-jade.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-jade.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Magic Resist" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Du hast diesen Beschw÷rerring aus dem Jadetempel. Der erste Kaiser Orenias hat dort einen Schrein gebaut, um an seinen Sieg in der Schlacht der Neun Spatzen zu erinnern."
$Name: "Ring of Water"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-water.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-water.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Heal" 20
+Resist Mod: "Ice" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Ein Geist namens Ngaru gab dir diesen Beschw÷rerring in der H÷hle von Wolong. Der Geist war ein Gesandter aus der Versunkenen Stadt, die vor langer Zeit von Kaiser Teos zerst÷rt worden ist."
$Name: "Ring of Forest"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-forest.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-forest.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dodge" 10
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 20
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Im Schrein von Liangshan hast du diesen Beschw÷rerring gefunden. Er ist aus dem Holz des heiligen Sonnenbaumes gefertigt."
$Name: "Ring of Fire"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-fire.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-fire.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 20
+Resist Mod: "Fire" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Der Rubin in diesem Ring stammt aus den Tiefen von Saanavarh, dem 'Berg der Weisen', auf dem die Khosani ihre letzte Festung gebaut haben. Du hast den Beschw÷rerring bekommen, nachdem du die Prⁿfung im Labyrinth bestanden hast."
$Name: "Ring of Stone"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-stone.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-stone.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 40
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Im Palast von Ikaemos hast du diesen Beschw÷rerring von Priesterk÷nig Armun an dich genommen. Armun kΣmpfte einst gegen den Flussgott und zerst÷rte sein Reich."
$Name: "Ring of Four Winds"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-fourwinds.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-fourwinds.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "▄ber diesen Beschw÷rerring ist wenig bekannt. Die Priester des Jadetempels haben ihn seit Jahren aufbewahrt. In den Legenden der Rhunari geh÷rte der Ring einst Prinz Kharig, dem heldenhaften 'Meister der L÷wen'."
// All Other Rings
//(MB): Was "Max AP boost ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Proficiency"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa1.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 10
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die AP des TrΣgers mΣ▀ig."
//(MB): Was "Max AP boost ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Expertise"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb1.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 25
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die AP des TrΣgers au▀erordentlich."
//(MB): Was "Unique AP boost ring"
$Name: "Ring of Mastery"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc1.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 40
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die AP des TrΣgers gewaltig."
//(MB): Was "Max HP boost ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Health"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd1.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 30
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die TP des TrΣgers mΣ▀ig."
//(MB): Was "Max HP boost ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Recovery"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd2.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 50
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die TP des TrΣgers gewaltig."
//(MB): Was "Max AP/HP boost ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Might"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd3.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 10
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 30
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht AP und TP des TrΣgers mΣ▀ig."
//(MB): Was "Unique max AP/hp boost ring"
$Name: "Ring of Puissance"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd4.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 25
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 50
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht AP und TP des TrΣgers au▀erordentlich."
//(MB): Was "Speed ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Swiftness"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 40
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit des TrΣgers gewaltig."
//(MB): Was "Speed ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Speed"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd6.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 20
+Description: "Dieser Ring steigert die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit des TrΣgers."
//(MB): Was "Speed AP ring"
$Name: "Haste Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 20
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 15
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht sowohl die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit als auch die AP des TrΣgers."
//(MB): Was "Fire resist ring"
$Name: "Pyros Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd8.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Fire" 50
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die WiderstandsfΣhigkeit des TrΣgers gegen Feuerzauber."
//(MB): Was "Cold resist ring"
$Name: "Frigidis Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd9.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd9.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Ice" 50
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die WiderstandsfΣhigkeit des TrΣgers gegen Eiszauber."
//(MB): Was "Energy resist ring"
$Name: "Ring of Grounding"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd10.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd10.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Energy" 50
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die WiderstandsfΣhigkeit des TrΣgers gegen Energiezauber."
//(MB): Was "Magic resist ring"
$Name: "Anti-Magus Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa2.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Magic" 20
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die WiderstandsfΣhigkeit des TrΣgers gegen alle schΣdlichen Zauber."
//(MB): Was "Light ring"
$Name: "Luminos Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa3.tga"
+Effect: "Light" 5
+Description: "Dieser Ring erzeugt eine Lichtkugel um den TrΣger."
//(MB): Was "Invisibility ring"
$Name: "Ring of Invisibility"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa4.tga"
+Effect: "Invisibility" 5
+Description: "Dieser Ring macht den TrΣger unsichtbar."
//(MB): Was "Dark skills ring"
$Name: "Ring of the Night"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dark" 20
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Zaubersprⁿchen der Dunkelheit."
//(MB): Was "Holy skills ring"
$Name: "Ring of Blessings"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa6.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Holy" 20
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Zaubern der Kategorie Heilig."
//(MB): Was "Energy skills ring"
$Name: "Ring of Electrus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Energy" 20
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Zaubersprⁿchen der Energie."
//(MB): Was "Dodge/parry ring"
$Name: "Ring of Dexterity"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dodge" 20
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers, bei Angriffen auszuweichen."
//(MB): Was "Defense ring"
$Name: "Ring of Protection"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA9.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa9.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 20
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers, Angriffe zu parieren."
//(MB): Was "Defense HP ring"
$Name: "Preservation Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA10.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa10.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dodge" 10
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 10
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 20
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die TP des TrΣgers sowie sein Talent zum Ausweichen und Parieren."
//(MB): Was "Defense skills ring"
$Name: "Ring of Warding"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb2.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dodge" 20
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 20
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers, auszuweichen und zu parieren."
//(MB): Was "Thief skills ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Shadows"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb3.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Hide" 10
+Skill Mod: "Sneak" 10
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers, sich zu verstecken und zu schleichen."
//(MB): Was "Offense skills ring 1"
$Name: "Onslaught Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb4.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Counter Attack" 20
+Skill Mod: "Critical Hit" 20
+Effect: "Empower" 5
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die Talente 'Gegenangriffe ausfⁿhren' und 'kritische Treffer landen' au▀erordentlich."
//(MB): Was "Offense skills ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Aggression"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Counter Attack" 10
+Skill Mod: "Critical Hit" 10
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die Talente 'Gegenangriffe ausfⁿhren' und 'kritische Treffer landen' au▀erordentlich."
//(MB): Was "Fire skills ring"
$Name: "Pyrotechnic Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb6.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 20
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Feuerzaubern."
//(MB): Was "Weapon skills ring"
$Name: "Ring of Skill"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "sword weapons" 10
+Skill Mod: "axe weapons" 10
+Skill Mod: "blunt weapons" 10
+Skill Mod: "heavy arms" 10
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Waffen."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Storms"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingB8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Energy" 40
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Energiezaubern au▀erordentlich."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Power"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 300000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb9.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb9.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 40
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die AP des TrΣgers gewaltig."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 3"
$Name: "Ring of Repulsion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb10.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb10.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 30
+Skill Mod: "Counter Attack" 30
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die Talente des TrΣgers 'Parieren' und 'Gegenangriffe ausfⁿhren' au▀erordentlich."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 4"
$Name: "Ring of Control"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc2.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Push" 20
+Skill Mod: "Kick" 20
+Skill Mod: "Trip" 20
+Description: "Dieser Ring erweitert die Talente des TrΣgers 'Schubsen', 'Treten' und den 'Gegner zum Stolpern bringen'."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 5"
$Name: "Ring of Slaying"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc3.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Backstab" 30
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers au▀erordentlich, hinterrⁿcks anzugreifen."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 6"
$Name: "Berserker Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Axe weapons" 30
+Skill Mod: "Blunt weapons" 30
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit ─xten und Hiebwaffen."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 7"
$Name: "Ring of the Gods"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 50
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 40
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 20
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht die Geschwindigkeit des TrΣgers sowie seine AP und TP au▀erordentlich."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 8"
$Name: "Ring of Thieves"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc6.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Pick Lock" 30
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent eines Diebes, Schl÷sser zu knacken."
//(MB): Was "Generic Ring 1"
$Name: "Archer's Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "bow weapons" 10
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit B÷gen."
//(MB): Was "Generic Ring 2"
$Name: "Swordsman's Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "sword weapons" 10
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Schwertern."
//(MB): Was "Generic Ring 3"
$Name: "Ring of Flames"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc9.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc9.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 10
+Resist Mod: "Ice" 10
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Feuer- und Eiszaubern."
//(MB): Was "Generic Ring 4"
$Name: "Ring of Ice"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc10.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc10.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Ice" 10
+Resist Mod: "Fire" 10
+Description: "Dieser Ring erh÷ht das Talent im Umgang mit Eiszaubern und die Widerstandskraft gegen Feuerzauber."
// -----------------
// --- Necklaces ---
// -----------------
//(MB): Was "Unique neck 1"
$Name: "Torque of Time"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA1.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 20
+Skill Mod: "Double Attack" 20
+Description: "Erh÷ht die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit des TrΣgers sowie die HΣufigkeit seiner Angriffe."
//(MB): Was "Unique neck 2"
$Name: "Aeros Medallion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA2.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Ice" 30
+Skill Mod: "Energy" 30
+Description: "Erweitert das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Eis- und Energiezaubern."
//(MB): Was "Unique neck 3"
$Name: "Blessed Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA3.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 10
+Description: "Diese Kette erh÷ht die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit des TrΣgers."
//(MB): Was "Unique neck 4"
$Name: "Battle Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 300000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA4.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 30
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 60
+Description: "Dieses Halsband erh÷ht AP und TP des TrΣgers."
//(MB): Was "Unique neck 5"
$Name: "Hellfire Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dark" 30
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 30
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers, mit Zaubersprⁿchen des Feuers und der Dunkelheit umzugehen."
//(MB): Was "Unique neck 6"
$Name: "Summoner's Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA6.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Summon" 30
+Description: "Verbessert das Beschw÷rertalent des TrΣgers."
//(MB): Was "Speed/thief neck"
$Name: "Necklace of Stealth"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sneak" 20
+Skill Mod: "Hide" 20
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent eines Diebes, sich zu verstecken und zu schleichen."
//(MB): Was "Speed/weapon neck"
$Name: "Torque of Haste"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb1.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 30
+Description: "Dieses Halsband erh÷ht das Tempo des TrΣgers au▀erordentlich."
//(MB): Was "AP/HP/DEF neck"
$Name: "Medallion of Vigor"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb2.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 60
+Description: "Dieses Medaillon erh÷ht die TP des TrΣgers gewaltig."
//(MB): Was "Fire/Cold resist neck"
$Name: "Thermal Medallion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb3.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 30
+Description: "Dieses Medaillon erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Feuerzaubern."
//(MB): Was "Some other neck"
$Name: "Berserker's Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb4.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sword weapons" 30
+Skill Mod: "heavy arms" 30
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit schweren Waffen und Schwertern."
//(MB): Was "Heal/holy neck"
$Name: "Collar of Health"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb6.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 30
+Description: "Dieses Medaillon erh÷ht die TP des TrΣgers gewaltig."
//(MB): Was "Thief/invis neck"
$Name: "Shadow Medallion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sneak" 30
+Skill Mod: "Hide" 30
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Tarnungstalent eines Diebes."
//(MB): Was "All magic resist neck"
$Name: "Anti-Magus Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb4.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Magic" 30
+Description: "Erh÷ht den Widerstand des TrΣgers gegen alle schΣdlichen Zauber."
//(MB): Was "Fire/ice neck"
$Name: "Elemental Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceB7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 10
+Skill Mod: "Ice" 10
+Description: "Diese Kette erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Feuer- und Eiszaubern."
//(MB): Was "Dark/energy neck"
$Name: "Medallion of Night"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dark" 10
+Skill Mod: "Energy" 10
+Description: "Dieses Medaillon erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Dunkelheits- und Energiezaubern."
//(MB): Was "Crit Hit Neck"
$Name: "Collar of Precision"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklacec1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec1.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Critical Hit" 20
+Skill Mod: "Aimed Attack" 20
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers, kritische Treffer zu landen und gezielte Angriffe auszufⁿhren."
//(MB): Was "Blunt neck"
$Name: "Torque of Bashing"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec2.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Blunt weapons" 20
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Hiebwaffen."
//(MB): Was "Bow Neck"
$Name: "Farseeing Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec3.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Bow weapons" 20
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit B÷gen."
//(MB): Was "Dodge/parry neck"
$Name: "Collar of Dexterity"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec4.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dodge" 10
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 10
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers, sich zu ducken und zu parieren."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 1"
$Name: "Torque of Celerity"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 20
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Angriffstempo des TrΣgers."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 2"
$Name: "Bacite Medallion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec6.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Holy" 10
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 10
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Feuer- und Heiligkeitszaubern."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 3"
$Name: "Necklace of Defense"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dodge" 10
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 10
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers, sich zu ducken und zu parieren."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 4"
$Name: "Archer's Medallion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced1.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Bow weapons" 30
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit B÷gen."
//(MB): Was "Offense skills neck 1"
$Name: "Barbarian's Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced2.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Axe weapons" 20
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit ─xten."
//(MB): Was "Offense skills neck 2"
$Name: "Fighter's Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced3.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sword weapons" 20
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Schwertern."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 5"
$Name: "Thief's Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced4.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sneak" 20
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers zu schleichen."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 6"
$Name: "Warding Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced5.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Magic" 20
+Description: "Erh÷ht die Widerstandskraft des TrΣgers gegen Zaubersprⁿche."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 7"
$Name: "Necklace of Anshu"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced6.tga"
+Effect: "Regenerate" 15
+Description: "Erm÷glicht es dem TrΣger, schrittweise verlorene TP wiederherzustellen."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 8"
$Name: "Medallion of Power"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Push" 40
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers, Gegner wegzuschubsen."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 9"
$Name: "Swordsman's Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sword weapons" 30
+Description: "Erh÷ht das Talent des TrΣgers im Umgang mit Schwertern."
// -----------------
// ----- Keys -----
// -----------------
$Name: "Tancred's Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey1.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Schlⁿssel zu Tancreds Haus."
$Name: "Yago's Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey10.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Schlⁿssel zu Yagos GemΣchern."
$Name: "Sewer Grate Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey11.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Schlⁿssel zum Gitter in die Kanalisation."
$Name: "Bookcase Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey12.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Schlⁿssel zur Krypta der K÷nige unter dem Kloster Ionas."
$Name: "Blade of Tarun"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger02.v3d"
+Description: "Die Ulsadana von den Khosani gab diese Klinge vor vier Generationen dem K÷nig von Medeva. Die Khosani wissen, dass jeder, der mit dieser Klinge kommt, ein Gesandter des K÷nigs ist."
$Name: "Auric Dagger"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger02.v3d"
+Description: "Ein alter Dolch, der mit seltsamen Runen bedeckt ist."
$Name: "Argent Dagger"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger02.v3d"
+Description: "Ein alter Dolch, der mit seltsamen Runen bedeckt ist."
$Name: "Brazen Dagger"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger02.v3d"
+Description: "Ein alter Dolch, der mit seltsamen Runen bedeckt ist."
$Name: "Cupric Dagger"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger02.v3d"
+Description: "Ein alter Dolch, der mit seltsamen Runen bedeckt ist."
$Name: "Ikaemos Armory Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey13.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Schlⁿssel, der mit archaischen Schriftzeichen bedeckt ist."
$Name: "Ikaemos Master Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey14.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Schlⁿssel, der mit archaischen Schriftzeichen bedeckt ist."
$Name: "Slave Pit Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey15.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Schlⁿssel zur Sklavengrube im Turm von Eleh."
$Name: "Tomb Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey16.V3D"
+Description: "Ein Schlⁿssel zu Josephs Zelle im Turm von Eleh."
// ------------------ GEMS
$Name: "Garnet"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qgem1.V3D"
+Description: "Ein seltener roter Edelstein von sehr hoher QualitΣt."
$Name: "Citrine"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qgem2.V3D"
+Description: "Ein seltener gelber Edelstein von hoher QualitΣt."
$Name: "Tourmaline"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qgem3.V3D"
+Description: "Ein sehr seltener grⁿner Edelstein von hoher QualitΣt."
$Name: "Iolite"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qgem4.V3D"
+Description: "Ein wertvoller blauer Edelstein von au▀ergew÷hnlicher QualitΣt."
$Name: "Amethyst"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 1500
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qgem5.V3D"
+Description: "Ein gew÷hnlicher purpurner Edelstein von durchschnittlicher QualitΣt."
// $Speed: <multipler> // speed multiplier when worn
// $Weight: <skill> // minimum heavy arms skill required to equip
// $Protection: <% reduction> // damage reduction
// $Default Material: <material> // default material
// +Triggered Effect: <spell name> <% chance> [level] // spell effect on hit or parry
// -----------------
// ----- BOOTS -----
// -----------------
$Name: "Leather Boots"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_Default_J.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Joseph03.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 3
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers minimalen Schutz."
$Name: "High Leather Boots"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_HLBoots.v3d"
+Joseph Texture: "Leg_HLBoots_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Leg_HLBoots_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Leg_HLBoots_Jekr.tga"
+Rosalind Texture: "Leg_HLBoots_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 5
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers etwas Schutz."
$Name: "Heavy Boots"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_HBoots.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Leg_HBoots_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Leg_HBoots_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Leg_HBoots_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 10
$Protection: 7
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers guten Schutz."
$Name: "Reinforced Boots"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_ReBoots-HA.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Leg_ReBoots-HA_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Leg_ReBoots-HA_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Leg_ReBoots-HA_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 20
$Protection: 10
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers sehr guten Schutz."
$Name: "Sabatons"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_HPmail.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Leg_HPmail_Josp.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Leg_HPmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 13
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers ausgezeichneten Schutz."
$Name: "Dragon Boots"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_4Dragons.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "magic resist" 10
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Leg_4Dragons_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 7
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers guten Schutz sowie etwas Widerstand gegen Magie."
$Name: "Mellifuous Scoh"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_MellWrap.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "magic resist" 20
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Leg_MellWrap_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 7
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers guten Schutz sowie guten Widerstand gegen Magie."
$Name: "Steel Heeled Boots"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_Default_F.v3d"
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Flece05.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 7
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en eines Diebes guten Schutz."
$Name: "Servant's Boots"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 5
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Leg_Servant_F.v3d"
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Fleceservant5.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 1
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers sehr wenig Schutz."
$Name: "Studded Boots"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 300
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_StudL.v3d"
+Joseph Texture: "leatherboot_josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "leatherboot_flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "leatherboot_jek.tga"
+Rosalind Texture: "leatherboot_ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 10
$Protection: 10
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers sehr guten Schutz."
$Name: "Tough Boots"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_Default_K.v3d"
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Jekhar05.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 7
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers guten Schutz."
$Name: "Felinus Feet"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_FelFeet_F.v3d"
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Leg_FelFeet_Flec.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 5
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en eines Diebes etwas Schutz."
//AS: Please change MB
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Springsteel Boots"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_Hardskin.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Leg_Hardskin_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Leg_Hardskin_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Leg_Hardskin_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz."
//AS: Please change MB These are Unique
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Boots of Stealth"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_U-Hardskin_F.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "sneak" 20
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Leg_U-Hardskin_Flec.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 10
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers sehr guten Schutz und erh÷hen bei einem Dieb das Schleichtalent."
//AS: Please change MB These are unique
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Battle Boots"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_U-Hardskin_Jo.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "double attack" 20
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Leg_U-Hardskin_Josp.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz und erh÷hen auch dessen Angriffstempo."
//AS: Please change MB
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Magus Boots"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_Default_R.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "magic resist" 20
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Rosal05.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 10
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en des TrΣgers sehr guten Schutz und erh÷hen den Widerstand gegen Magie."
//AS: Please change MB This is unique
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Nobleman's Sabaton"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_U1-HPmail_J.v3d"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 10
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Leg_U1-HPmail_Josp.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz. Sie erh÷hen auch seine AP."
//AS: Please change MB This is unique
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Summoner Sabaton"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_U2-HPmail_J.v3d"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 15
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Leg_Chrome_Josp.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 70
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz. Sie erh÷hen auch seine AP au▀erordentlich."
//AS: Please change MB This is unique
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Warrior's Sabaton"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_U1-HPmail_K.v3d"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 10
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Leg_U1-HPmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz. Sie erh÷hen auch seine TP."
//AS: Please change MB This is unique
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Hero's Sabaton"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "feet"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Leg_U2-HPmail_K.v3d"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 15
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Leg_U2-HPmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 70
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Stiefel bieten den Fⁿ▀en ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz. Sie erh÷hen auch seine TP au▀erordentlich."
// ---------------------
// ----- GAUNTLETS -----
// ---------------------
$Name: "Iron Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-gloves-iron01.v3d"
+Joseph Texture: "ironglove_josp.tga"
+Joseph One Hand Texture: "ironglove1A_josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "ironglove_flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "irongloves_Jek.tga"
+Rosalind Texture: "irongloves_ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 10
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers sehr guten Schutz."
$Name: "Cloth Gloves"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_CloGloves.v3d"
+Joseph Texture: "Arms_CloGloves_Josp.tga"
+Joseph One Hand Texture: "Arms_CloGloves1A_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Arms_CloGloves_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Arms_CloGloves_Jekr.tga"
+Rosalind Texture: "Arms_CloGloves_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 5
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers etwas Schutz."
$Name: "Silk Gloves"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_SilkGloves.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "magic resist" 10
+Joseph Texture: "Arms_SilkGloves_Josp.tga"
+Joseph One Hand Texture: "Arms_SilkGloves1A_Josp.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Arms_SilkGloves_Jekr.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Arms_SilkGloves_Flec.tga"
+Rosalind Texture: "Arms_SilkGloves_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 3
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers minimalen Schutz."
$Name: "Leather Gloves"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 250
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_LeatGloves.v3d"
+Joseph Texture: "Arms_LeatGloves_Josp.tga"
+Joseph One Hand Texture: "Arms_LeatGloves1A_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Arms_LeatGloves_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Arms_LeatGloves_Jekr.tga"
+Rosalind Texture: "Arms_LeatGloves_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 7
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers guten Schutz."
$Name: "Leather Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_LGuantlets.v3d" //Don't change this spelling.
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Arms_LGauntlets_Josp.tga"
+Joseph One Hand Texture: "Arms_LGauntlets1A_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Arms_LGauntlets_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Arms_LGauntlets_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 9
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers guten Schutz."
$Name: "Chainmail Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_Chainmail.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Arms_Chmail_Josp.tga"
+Joseph One Hand Texture: "Arms_Chmail1A_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Arms_Chmail_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Arms_Chmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "silver"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers sehr guten Schutz."
$Name: "Bough-Kote"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_HGusoku.v3d"
+Resist Mod: "piercing" 10
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Arms_HGusoku_Josp.tga"
+Joseph One Hand Texture: "Arms_HGusoku1A_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Arms_HGusoku_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Arms_HGusoku_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: .95
$Weight: 50
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz. Sie schⁿtzen auch etwas vor Angriffen mit Stichwaffen."
$Name: "Plate Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_HPmail.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Arms_HPmail_Josp.tga"
+Joseph One Hand Texture: "Arms_HPmail1A_Josp.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Arms_HPmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 70
$Protection: 20
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz."
//(MB): Was "Flece Gauntlets 1"
$Name: "Shadow Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_U1-HBrP_F.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "pick lock" 10
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Arms_U1-HBrP_Flec.tga"
$Speed: .95
$Weight: 10
$Protection: 8
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers guten Schutz. Ist dieser ein Dieb, so erh÷ht sich auch dessen Talent zum Knacken von Schl÷ssern."
//(MB): Was "Flece Gauntlets 2"
$Name: "Midnight Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_U2-HBrP_F.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "pick lock" 10
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Arms_U2-HBrP_Flec.tga"
$Speed: .95
$Weight: 10
$Protection: 10
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers sehr guten Schutz. Ist dieser ein Dieb, so erh÷ht sich auch dessen Talent zum Knacken von Schl÷ssern."
//(MB): Was "Jekhar Gauntlets 1"
$Name: "Horseman's Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_U-HBrP_K.v3d"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 5
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Arms_U-HBrP_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 70
$Protection: 25
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz und erh÷hen seine TP."
//(MB): Was "Flece Unique Glove 1"
$Name: "Gloves of Pilfering"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_WhitGloves_F.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "pick lock" 20
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Arms_WhtGloves_Flec.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 10
$Protection: 12
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers exzellenten Schutz. Ist dieser ein Dieb, so erh÷ht sich auch dessen Talent zum Knacken von Schl÷ssern."
//(MB): Was "Joeseph Pace Gauntlet 1"
$Name: "Nobleman's Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_U1-HPmail_J.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "summon" 10
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Arms_U1-HPmail_Josp.tga"
+Joseph One Hand Texture: "Arms_U1-HPmail1A_Josp.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 50
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz und erh÷hen dessen Beschw÷rertalent."
//(MB): Was "Joesph Plate Gauntlet 2"
$Name: "Summoner Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_U2-HPmail_J.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "summon" 20
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Arms_Chrome_Josp.tga"
+Joseph One Hand Texture: "Arms_Chrome1A_Josp.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 70
$Protection: 20
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz und erh÷hen sein Beschw÷rertalent au▀erordentlich."
//(MB): Was "Jekhar Plate Gauntlet 1"
$Name: "Warrior's Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_U1-HPmail_K.v3d"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 10
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Arms_U1-HPmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 80
$Protection: 20
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz und erh÷hen seine TP."
//(MB): Was "Jekhar Plate Gauntlet 2"
$Name: "Hero's Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_U2-HPmail_K.v3d"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 15
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Arms_U2-HPmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 80
$Protection: 25
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz und erh÷hen seine TP au▀erordentlich."
$Name: "The Black Hand"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_BlackHand_F.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "backstab" 10
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Arms_BlHand_Flec.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 10
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers sehr guten Schutz und erh÷hen sein Talent zu heimtⁿckischen Angriffen."
$Name: "The Dragon's want"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_4Dragons.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "staff weapons" 20
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Arms_4Dragons_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 10
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers sehr guten Schutz und erh÷hen sein Talent im Umgang mit Stabwaffen."
$Name: "Mellifluous Mite"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_MellWrap.v3d"
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Arms_MellWrap_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 8
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers guten Schutz."
$Name: "leather armguards"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_Default_F.v3d"
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Flece04.tga"
$Speed: 0.95
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 9
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden und Armen ihres TrΣgers guten Schutz."
$Name: "Servant's Gloves"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 5
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Arms_Servant_F.v3d"
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Fleceservant4.tga"
$Speed: 0.95
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 1
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden des TrΣgers nur sehr geringen Schutz."
//AS: Please change MB
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Springsteel Gloves"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 3000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_Hardskin.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Arms_Hardskin_Josp.tga"
+Joseph One Hand Texture: "Arms_HardSkin1A_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Arms_Hardskin_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Arms_Hardskin_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 13
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers exzellenten Schutz."
//AS: Please change MB These are unique
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Thief's Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_U-Hardskin_F.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "appraise" 10
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Arms_U-Hardskin_Flec.tga"
$Speed: .95
$Weight: 20
$Protection: 10
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers sehr guten Schutz und erh÷hen das SchΣtztalent eines Diebs."
//AS: Please change MB These are unique
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Dragon Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_U-Hardskin_Jo.v3d"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 10
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Arms_U-Hardskin_Josp.tga"
+Joseph One Hand Texture: "Arms_U-Hardskin1A_Josp.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 50
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz und erh÷hen seine AP."
//AS: Please change MB
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Reaver Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_Default_K.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "counter attack" 10
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Jekhar03.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 50
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz und erlauben ihm schnellere Gegenangriffe."
//AS: Please change MB
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Magus Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_Default_R.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "heal" 10
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Rosal03.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 9
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers guten Schutz und erh÷hen sein Heilungstalent."
//AS: Please change MB
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Steel Gauntlets"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "hands"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-glove01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Arms_HBrPlate.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Arms_HBrP_Josp.tga"
+Joseph One Hand Texture: "Arms_HBrP1A_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Arms_HBrP_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Arms_HBrP_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 60
$Protection: 17
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bieten den HΣnden ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz."
// ---------------------
// ----- LEG ARMOR -----
// ---------------------
$Name: "Studded Leggings"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "legs"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-pants01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Thigh_Default_F.v3d"
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Flece02.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 5
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet den Beinen eines Diebs etwas Schutz."
$Name: "Servant's Leggings"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "legs"
$Value: 5
$Icon: "ps-item-pants01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Thigh_Servant_F.v3d"
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Fleceservant2.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 1
$Default Material: "default"
+Description: "Bietet den Beinen eines Diebes sehr wenig Schutz."
$Name: "Blue Pants"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "legs"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-pants01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Thigh_Default_J.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Joseph02.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 4
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet den Beinen ihres TrΣgers etwas Schutz."
$Name: "Cloth Pants"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "legs"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-pants01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Thigh_Default_K.v3d"
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Jekhar04.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 7
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet den Beinen ihres TrΣgers guten Schutz."
$Name: "Studded Pants"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "legs"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "Thigh_StudL.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Thigh_StudL.v3d"
+Joseph Texture: "leatherpants_josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "leatherpants_flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "leatherpants_jek.tga"
+Rosalind Texture: "leatherpants_ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 10
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet den Beinen ihres TrΣgers sehr guten Schutz."
$Name: "Leather Breeches"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "legs"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-pants01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Thigh_LBreach.v3d"
+Joseph Texture: "Thigh_LBreach_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Thigh_LBreach_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Thigh_LBreach_Jekr.tga"
+Rosalind Texture: "Thigh_LBreach_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 8
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet den Beinen ihres TrΣgers guten Schutz."
$Name: "Silk Breeches"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "legs"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-pants01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Thigh_SilkBritch.v3d"
+Restricted: Flece Rosalind
+Flece Texture: "Thigh_SilkBritch_Flec.tga"
+Rosalind Texture: "Thigh_SilkBritch_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 3
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet den Beinen ihres TrΣgers minimalen Schutz."
$Name: "Felinus Pantaloons"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "legs"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-pants01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Thigh_FelPants_F.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "sneak" 10
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Thigh_FelPants_Flec.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 3
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet den Beinen eines Diebes minimalen Schutz."
$Name: "Chainmail Leggings"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "legs"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-pants01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Thigh_Chainmail.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Thigh_Chmail_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Thigh_Chmail_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Thigh_Chmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "silver"
+Description: "Bietet den Beinen ihres TrΣgers sehr guten Schutz."
$Name: "Prowler Leggings"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "legs"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-pants01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Thigh_Prowler_F.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "sneak" 20
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Thigh_Prowler_Flec.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 5
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet den Beinen eines Diebes etwas Schutz und erh÷ht sein Schleichtalent."
//AS: Please change MB These are unique
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Hero's Leggings"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "legs"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-pants01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Thigh_U-Chmail_K.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "axe weapons" 10
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Thigh_U-Chmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Protection: 20
$Default Material: "silver"
+Description: "Bietet den Beinen ihres TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz und erh÷ht sein Talent im Umgang mit ─xten."
//AS: Please change MB These are unique
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Summoner Leggings"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "legs"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-pants01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Thigh_U-Chmail_J.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "summon" 10
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Thigh_U-Chmail_Josp.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "silver"
+Description: "Bietet den Beinen des TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz und erh÷ht sein Beschw÷rertalent."
//AS: Please change MB This is unique
//MB: Changed 8/15
$Name: "Magus Leggings"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "legs"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-pants01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Thigh_MellWrap.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "magic resist" 10
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Thigh_MellWrap_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 10
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet den Beinen des TrΣgers sehr guten Schutz und erh÷ht seinen Widerstand gegen Magie."
// -----------------------
// ----- TORSO ARMOR -----
// -----------------------
$Name: "Cloth Shirt"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_Default_F.v3d"
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Flece03.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Flece01.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 5
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Dieses Hemd schⁿtzt den Torso des TrΣgers etwas."
$Name: "Servant's Blouse"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 5
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Torso_Servant_F.v3d"
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Fleceservant3.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Fleceservant1.tga"
+Flece Head Texture: "Fleceservant6.tga"
$Speed: 1.00
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 1
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers sehr wenig Schutz."
+RenderMask: "flece" (2)
$Name: "Leather Armor"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_Default_K.v3d"
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Jekhar01.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 9
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers guten Schutz."
$Name: "Quilted Robe"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_Default_R.v3d"
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Rosal02.tga"
+Rosalind Cape Texture: "Rosal01.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 5
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers etwas Schutz."
$Name: "Quilted Holy Robe"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_Default_R.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Holy" 10
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Rosal02.tga"
+Rosalind Cape Texture: "Rosal01.tga"
$Speed: 1.05
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 6
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers etwas Schutz und erh÷ht das Talent im Umgang mit Zaubersprⁿchen der Heiligkeit."
$Name: "Studded Leather"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_StudL.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "leatherarmor_josp.tga"
+Joseph Head Texture: "leatherhead_josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "leatherarmor_flec.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Cape_Leather_Flec.tga"
+Flece Head Texture: "leatherhead_flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "leatherarmor_jek.tga"
+Jekhar Head Texture: "leatherhead_jek.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 25
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz."
$Name: "Tunic"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_Default_J.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Joseph01.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 7
$Default Material: "default"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers guten Schutz."
+RenderMask: "joseph" (2)
$Name: "Padded Surcoat"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_PadDublet.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_PadDublet_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Torso_PadDublet_Flec.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Flece01.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_PadDublet_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz."
+RenderMask: "joseph" (3)
+RenderMask: "jekhar" (3)
$Name: "Blessed Surcoat"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 250
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_PadDublet.v3d"
+Resist Mod: "magic" 10
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_PadDublet_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Torso_PadDublet_Flec.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Flece01.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_PadDublet_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.15
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 16
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz und erh÷ht seinen Widerstand gegen Magie."
+RenderMask: "joseph" (3)
+RenderMask: "jekhar" (3)
$Name: "Leather Jerkin"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_LJerkin.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_LJerkin_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Torso_LJerkin_Flec.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Cape_Leather_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_LJerkin_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 20
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers hervorragenden Schutz."
+RenderMask: "joseph" (3)
+RenderMask: "jekhar" (3)
$Name: "Haramaki"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_Haramaki.v3d"
+Resist Mod: "piercing" 20
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_Haramaki_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Torso_Haramaki_Flec.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Flece01.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_Haramaki_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: .9
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 35
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers au▀ergew÷hnlichen Schutz."
+RenderMask: "joseph" (2)
+RenderMask: "heavy joseph" (2 3 4)
+RenderMask: "jekhar" (3)
//(MB): Was "Unique Haramaki"
$Name: "Shadow Haramaki"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_Haramaki_F.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Hide" 10
+Resist Mod: "piercing" 20
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Torso_U-Haramaki_Flec.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Cape_FelCape_Flec.tga"
$Speed: .8
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 30
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers au▀ergew÷hnlichen Schutz."
$Name: "Boiled Leather"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_HardSkin.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_HardSkin_Josp.tga"
+Joseph Leg Texture: "Thigh_HardSkin_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Torso_HardSkin_Flec.tga"
+Flece Leg Texture: "Thigh_HardSkin_Flec.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Flece01.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_HardSkin_Jekr.tga"
+Jekhar Leg Texture: "Thigh_HardSkin_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 30
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers au▀ergew÷hnlichen Schutz."
+RenderMask: "heavy joseph" (2 3 4)
+RenderMask: "heavy jekhar" (4 5 6)
//(MB): Was "Flece Broiled Leather Breast"
$Name: "Springsteel Leather"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_U-Hardskin_F.v3d"
+Resist Mod: "slashing" 20
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Torso_U-Hardskin_Flec.tga"
+Flece Leg Texture: "Leg_U-Hardskin_Flec.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Flece01.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 10
$Protection: 30
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers au▀ergew÷hnlichen Schutz."
//(MB): Was "Joseph Broiled Leather Breast"
$Name: "Steelshod Leather"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_U-Hardskin_Jo.v3d"
+Resist Mod: "slashing" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_U-Hardskin_Josp.tga"
+Joseph Leg Texture: "Leg_U-Hardskin_Josp.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 10
$Protection: 30
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers au▀ergew÷hnlichen Schutz."
+RenderMask: "heavy joseph" (3 4)
$Name: "Chainmail Tunic"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_Chainmail.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_Chmail_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Torso_Chmail_Flec.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Cape_Leather_Flec.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_Chmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 40
$Default Material: "silver"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers ⁿberragenden Schutz."
+RenderMask: "joseph" (3)
+RenderMask: "jekhar" (3)
//(MB): Was "Jekhar Unique Chainmail Tunic"
$Name: "Hero's Chainmail"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_U-Chmail_K.v3d"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 10
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_U-Chmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 40
$Protection: 40
$Default Material: "silver"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers ⁿberragenden Schutz und erh÷ht die AP."
+RenderMask: "jekhar" (3)
$Name: "Bougu-Dou"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_HGusoku.v3d"
+Resist Mod: "piercing" 20
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_HGusoku_Josp.tga"
+Joseph Leg Texture: "Thigh_HGusoku_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Torso_HGusoku_Flec.tga"
+Flece Leg Texture: "Thigh_HGusoku_Flec.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Flece01.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_HGusoku_Jekr.tga"
+Jekhar Leg Texture: "Thigh_HGusoku_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: .9
$Weight: 40
$Protection: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers au▀ergew÷hnlichen Schutz. Au▀erdem ist der Schutz vor Stichwaffen erh÷ht."
+RenderMask: "heavy joseph" (2 3 4 5)
+RenderMask: "heavy jekhar" (3 4 5 6)
//(MB): Was "Unique Bougu-Dou 1"
$Name: "Adamant Bougu-Dou"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_U-HGusoku_K.v3d"
+Resist Mod: "piercing" 20
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_U-HGusoku_Jekr.tga"
+Jekhar Leg Texture: "Thigh_HGusoku_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: .9
$Weight: 40
$Protection: 40
$Default Material: "admantium"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers ⁿberragenden Schutz. Au▀erdem ist der Schutz vor Stichwaffen erh÷ht."
+RenderMask: "heavy jekhar" (3 4 5 6)
//(MB): Was "Unique Bougu-Dou 2"
$Name: "Steelcore Bougu-Dou"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_U-HGusoku_J.v3d"
+Resist Mod: "piercing" 20
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_U-HGusoku_Josp.tga"
+Joseph Leg Texture: "Thigh_HGusoku_Josp.tga"
$Speed: .9
$Weight: 50
$Protection: 40
$Default Material: "admantium"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers ⁿberragenden Schutz. Au▀erdem ist der Schutz vor Stichwaffen erh÷ht."
+RenderMask: "heavy joseph" (2 3 4 5)
$Name: "Brigandine Chest"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_HBrigand.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_HBrigand_Josp.tga"
+Joseph Leg Texture: "Thigh_HBrigand_Josp.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_HBrigand_Jekr.tga"
+Jekhar Leg Texture: "Thigh_HBrigand_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 40
$Protection: 40
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers ⁿberragenden Schutz."
+RenderMask: "heavy joseph" (2 3 4 5 6)
+RenderMask: "heavy jekhar" (2 3 4 5 6)
$Name: "Breastplate"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_HBrPlate.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Flece Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_HBrPlate_Josp.tga"
+Joseph Leg Texture: "Thigh_HBrP_Josp.tga"
+Flece Texture: "Torso_HBrPlate_Flec.tga"
+Flece Leg Texture: "Thigh_HBrP_Flec.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Flece01.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_HBrPlate_Jekr.tga"
+Jekhar Leg Texture: "Thigh_HBrP_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 50
$Protection: 45
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers ⁿberragenden Schutz."
+RenderMask: "heavy joseph" (2 3 4 5 6)
+RenderMask: "heavy jekhar" (2 3 4 5 6)
//(MB): Was "Flece Breastplate 1"
$Name: "Shadow Platemail"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 600000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_U1-BrPlate_F.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "sneak" 10
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Torso_U1-HBrP_Flec.tga"
+Flece Leg Texture: "Thigh_U1-HBrP_Flec.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Cape_FelCape_Flec.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 50
$Protection: 40
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso eines Diebes ⁿberragenden Schutz, au▀erdem wird das Talent des Schleichens verbessert."
//(MB): Was "Flece Breastplate 2"
$Name: "Midnight Platemail"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 800000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_U2-BrPlate_F.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "sneak" 10
+Restricted: Flece
+Flece Texture: "Torso_U2-HBrP_Flec.tga"
+Flece Leg Texture: "Thigh_U2-HBrP_Flec.tga"
+Flece Cape Texture: "Flece01.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 60
$Protection: 50
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso eines Diebes unglaublichen Schutz, au▀erdem wird das Talent des Schleichens verbessert."
//(MB): Was "Jekhar Breastplate"
$Name: "Horseman's Platemail"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 800000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_U-HBrP_K.v3d"
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_U-HBrP_Jekr.tga"
+Jekhar Leg Texture: "Thigh_U-HBrP_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Protection: 55
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers unglaublichen Schutz."
+RenderMask: "heavy jekhar" (2 3 4 5 6)
$Name: "Platemail"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_HPmail.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph Jekhar
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_HPmail_Josp.tga"
+Joseph Leg Texture: "Thigh_HPmail_Josp.tga"
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_HPmail_Jekr.tga"
+Jekhar Leg Texture: "Thigh_HPmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 50
$Protection: 50
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers unglaublichen Schutz."
+RenderMask: "heavy joseph" (2 3 4 5 6)
+RenderMask: "heavy jekhar" (2 3 4 5 6)
//(MB): Was "Joseph Platemail 1"
$Name: "Nobleman's Platemail"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 600000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_U1-HPmail_J.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_U1-HPmail_Josp.tga"
+Joseph Leg Texture: "Thigh_U1-HPmail_Josp.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 60
$Protection: 55
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers unglaublichen Schutz."
+RenderMask: "heavy joseph" (2 3 4 6)
//(MB): Was "Joseph Platemail 2"
$Name: "Summoner Platemail"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 800000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_U2-HPmail_J.v3d"
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_Chrome_Josp.tga"
+Joseph Leg Texture: "Thigh_Chrome_Josp.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 70
$Protection: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers unglaublichen Schutz."
//(MB): Was "Jekar Platemail 1"
$Name: "Warrior's Platemail"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 600000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_U1-HPmail_K.v3d"
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_U1-HPmail_Jekr.tga"
+Jekhar Leg Texture: "Thigh_U1-HPmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 60
$Protection: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers ehrfurchterregenden Schutz."
+RenderMask: "heavy jekhar" (2 4 5 6)
//(MB): Was "Jekhar Platemail 2"
$Name: "Hero's Platemail"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "heavy"
$Value: 800000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_U2-HPmail_K.v3d"
+Restricted: Jekhar
+Jekhar Texture: "Torso_U2-HPmail_Jekr.tga"
+Jekhar Leg Texture: "Thigh_U2-HPmail_Jekr.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 70
$Protection: 65
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Plattenrⁿstung ist die beste verfⁿgbare Rⁿstung und gibt massiven Schutz vor Angriffen."
+RenderMask: "heavy jekhar" (6)
$Name: "Singed Robe"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_SRobe_R.v3d"
+Resist Mod: "fire" 30
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "clotharmor_rosA.tga"
+Rosalind Cape Texture: "clotharmor_rosB.tga"
$Speed: 0.95
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 30
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Diese Rⁿstung bietet dem Torso des TrΣger au▀ergew÷hnlichen Schutz und verbessert das Talent im Umgang mit Feuerzaubern."
$Name: "Arcticus Mantellum"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_ArctMant.v3d"
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Torso_ArctMant_Ros.tga"
+Rosalind Cape Texture: "Cape_ArctMant_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 0.95
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 35
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers au▀ergew÷hnlichen Schutz."
$Name: "Draco Robe"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_4Dragons.v3d"
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Torso_4Dragons_Ros.tga"
+Rosalind Cape Texture: "Cape_4Dragons_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 0.95
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 40
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers ⁿberragenden Schutz."
$Name: "Burnt Robe"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_BurntRobe.v3d"
+Resist Mod: "fire" 40
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Torso_BurntRobe_Ros.tga"
+Rosalind Cape Texture: "Cape_BurntRobe_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 0.95
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 35
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers au▀ergew÷hnlichen Schutz und verbessert das Talent eines Zauberers stark, mit Feuerzaubern umzugehen."
$Name: "Mellifuous Wrappings"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 600000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_MellWrap.v3d"
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Torso_MellWrap_Ros.tga"
+Rosalind Cape Texture: "Cape_MellWrap_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 0.95
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 45
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers ⁿberragenden Schutz."
$Name: "Bone Jerkin"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 600000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_BoneJerkin.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Holy" 20
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Torso_BoneJerkin_Ros.tga"
+Rosalind Cape Texture: "Cape_BoneJerkin_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 0.95
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 35
$Default Material: "leather"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers au▀ergew÷hnlichen Schutz und verbessert das Talent eines Zauberers, Sprⁿche der Heiligkeit einzusetzen."
$Name: "Robe of Restoration"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 600000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_IonRest.v3d"
+Restricted: Rosalind
+Rosalind Texture: "Torso_IonRest_Ros.tga"
+Rosalind Cape Texture: "Cape_IonRest_Ros.tga"
$Speed: 0.95
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 20
$Default Material: "leather"
+Triggered Effect: "heal" 20 20
+Description: "Diese Robe bietet hervorragenden Schutz. Ist auch in der Lage, einen Heilungsspruch auf den TrΣger zu zaubern."
//AS: Please change MB This is unique
//MB: Changed 8/15
//AS: Changed again 8/15
$Name: "Summoner Chainmail"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "torso"
$Value: 300000
$Icon: "ps-item-chest01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Torso_U-Chmail_J.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "summon" 20
+Restricted: Joseph
+Joseph Texture: "Torso_U-Chmail_Josp.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 40
$Protection: 40
$Default Material: "silver"
+Description: "Bietet dem Torso des TrΣgers ⁿberragenden Schutz und erh÷ht sein Beschw÷rertalent."
+RenderMask: "joseph" (3)
// -------------------
// ----- SHIELDS -----
// -------------------
$Name: "SNKT Shield"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "prop-snkt-shield.v3d"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "CARA Shield"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "prop-cara-shield.v3d"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "Kite Shield"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-shld01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shield1.tga"
$Speed: 1.2
$Weight: 40
$Protection: 22
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser gro▀e Schild bietet ⁿberragenden Schutz gegen physische Angriffe."
$Name: "Heater Shield"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-shld02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shield2.tga"
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 18
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser mittlere Schild bietet ⁿberragenden Schutz gegen physische Angriffe."
$Name: "Decaying Bulwark"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 800
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-shld02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shield2.tga"
$Speed: 1.2
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 14
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser mittlere Schild bietet ⁿberragenden Schutz gegen physische Angriffe."
$Name: "Round Shield"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-shld03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shield3.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 20
$Protection: 15
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser kleine Schild bietet ⁿberragenden Schutz gegen physische Angriffe."
$Name: "Scutum Shield"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-shld04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shield4.tga"
$Speed: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 20
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser mittlere Schild bietet ⁿberragenden Schutz gegen physische Angriffe."
$Name: "Buckler"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-shld05.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shield5.tga"
$Speed: 0.95
$Weight: 10
$Protection: 10
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser kleine Schild bietet sehr wenig Schutz gegen physische Angriffe."
$Name: "Blinding Buckler"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-shld05.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shield5.tga"
+Charge Effect: "Blind" 10 200
$Speed: 0.95
$Weight: 10
$Protection: 10
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser kleine Schild bietet sehr guten Schutz gegen physische Angriffe. Er hat die Kraft, Gegner erblinden zu lassen, seine Ladungen sind jedoch begrenzt."
//(MB): Was "Unique Heater Shield1"
$Name: "Defender Heater"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-shld08.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shield9.tga"
+Skill Mod: "dodge" 10
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 18
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Schild bietet ⁿberragenden Schutz gegen physische Angriffe und verbessert das Ausweichtalent des TrΣgers."
//(MB): Was "Unique Heater Shield2"
$Name: "Guardian Heater"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-shld09.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shield10.tga"
+Skill Mod: "parry" 10
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 18
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Schild bietet ⁿberragenden Schutz gegen physische Angriffe und verbessert das Pariertalent des TrΣgers."
//(MB): Was "Unique Kite 1"
$Name: "Defender Kite Shield"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-shld06.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shield7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "dodge" 30
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 40
$Protection: 22
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Schild bietet ⁿberragenden Schutz gegen physische Angriffe und verbessert das Ausweichtalent des TrΣgers sehr."
//(MB): Was "Unique Kite2"
$Name: "Guardian Kite Shield"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-shld07.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shield8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "parry" 30
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 40
$Protection: 22
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Schild bietet ⁿberragenden Schutz gegen physische Angriffe und verbessert das Pariertalent des TrΣgers sehr."
//(MB): Was "Unique Scutum 1"
$Name: "Defender Scutum"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-shld10.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shield11.tga"
+Skill Mod: "dodge" 30
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 20
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Schild bietet ⁿberragenden Schutz gegen physische Angriffe und verbessert das Ausweichtalent des TrΣgers sehr."
//(MB): Was "Unique Scutum2"
$Name: "Guardian Scutum"
$Type: "Armor"
+Slot: "shield"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-shld11.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shield12.tga"
+Skill Mod: "parry" 20
$Speed: 1.1
$Weight: 30
$Protection: 20
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Schild bietet ⁿberragenden Schutz gegen physische Angriffe und verbessert das Pariertalent des TrΣgers."
// $Skill: <skill name> // skill required to equip
// $Class: <weapon class> // type of weapon
// $Damage: <damage> // base damage inflicted by the weapon
// $Damage Type: <physical damage type> // type of physical damage inflicted by weapon
// +Elemental Damage: <elemental damage type> // type of elemental damage inflicted by weapon
// $Speed: <speed multiplier> // speed multiplier of the weapon
// $Attack Radius: <distance> // maximum range of weapon in meters
// $Weight: <skill level> // minimum heavy arms skill level required to equip
// +Two Handed // weapon requires two hands to wield
// $Default Material: <material> // default material
// +Triggered Effect: <spell name> <% chance> [level] // spell effect on succesful hit
// ----------------
// ----- AXES -----
// ----------------
$Name: "Battleaxe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-battleaxe04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Battleaxe3.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.7
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Diese ZweihΣnderaxt fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Viking Style 1H Axe"
$Name: "War Axe"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-1handaxe01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "1handaxe1.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.2
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese EinhΣnderaxt fⁿgt dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Medevan 1H Axe"
$Name: "Medevan War Axe"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 300
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-1handaxe02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "1handaxe2.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.2
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese EinhΣnderaxt fⁿgt dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "1H Axe Type 3"
$Name: "Woodsman's Axe"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-1handaxe03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "1handaxe3.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.2
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 10
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese EinhΣnderaxt fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "1H Axe type 4"
$Name: "Medevan Hachet"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-1handaxe04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "1handaxe4.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.2
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 20
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese EinhΣnderaxt fⁿgt dem Gegner gro▀en Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "2H Axe 1"
$Name: "Medevan Battleaxe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-2handaxe03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Singleaxe03.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.4
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 20
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Diese ZweihΣnderaxt fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "2H Axe Type 2"
$Name: "Heavy War Axe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-battleaxe01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Battleaxe2.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.4
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Diese ZweihΣnderaxt fⁿgt dem Gegner gro▀en Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Unique 2H Axe"
$Name: "Spineslicer"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-2handaxe02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Singleaxe02.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 80
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"ice"
$Speed: 1.4
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Diese ZweihΣnderaxt fⁿgt dem Gegner gro▀en Schaden zu. Besonders effektiv ist sie bei Gegnern, die besonders durch Eisangriffe verwundbar sind."
//(MB): Was "Unique Battleaxe"
$Name: "Foecleaver"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-battleaxe03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Battleaxe1.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 80
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.2
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 90
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Diese ZweihΣnderaxt fⁿgt dem Gegner riesigen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Heavy Battleaxe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-axe02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-axe02a.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 85
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.4
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 70
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Diese ZweihΣnderaxt fⁿgt dem Gegner riesigen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Kothudin Lance"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-kothlance.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 45
$Default Material:"iron"
$Name: "TigerAxe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-tiger-axe.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-axe01a.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "LaharahAxe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-laharahaxe.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-axe01a.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 100
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
// -------------------------
// ----- BLUNT WEAPONS -----
// -------------------------
$Name: "Sledgehammer"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-hammer.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.3
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Dieser massive Hammer fⁿgt dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Club"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-club01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "club1.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "maces"
$Damage: 25
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "Wood"
+Description: "Diese Holzkeule fⁿgt dem Gegner minimalen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Frozen Club"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 150
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-club01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "club1.tga"
+Charge Effect: "Freeze" 10 200
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "maces"
$Damage: 25
$Damage Type: "blunt"
+Elemental Damage:"ice"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "Wood"
+Description: "Diese Holzkeule fⁿgt dem Gegner minimalen Schaden zu. Sie hat die Kraft, Gegner einzufrieren, obwohl die Ladungen hierfⁿr begrenzt sind. Besonders effektiv ist sie bei Gegnern, die besonders durch Eisangriffe verwundbar sind."
$Name: "War Club"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-club02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "club2.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "maces"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 10
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Diese gro▀e Keule fⁿgt dem Gegner kleinen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Ghork Smashor"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-warhammer03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Warhammer03.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.3
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 70
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner gro▀en Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was called "Unique Spiked Mace"
$Name: "Impaler"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-mace04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Mace05.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "maces"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Power Leech" 20 20
+Description: "Diese riesige Keule fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Warhammer"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-warhammer01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Warhammer1.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 90
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 2.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Dieser massive Hammer fⁿgt dem Gegner gro▀en Schaden zu."
$Name: "Debasser"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-mace03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Mace4.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "maces"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Trip" 20 20
+Description: "Diese gro▀e Keule fⁿgt dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Spiked Mace"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-mace01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Mace1.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Diese Dornenkeule fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Flanged Mace"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-mace02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-swordkatana01a.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Keule fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
// ----------------
// ----- BOWS -----
// ----------------
$Name: "Bone Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-BKT2Bow.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"bone"
+Description: "Pfeile, die mit diesem Bogen verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Iron Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-boww1.v3d"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Pfeile, die mit diesem Bogen verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Phoenix Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-PHNXBow.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.25
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 50
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Pfeile, die mit diesem Bogen verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Reinforced Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-boww3.v3d"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 10
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Pfeile, die mit diesem Bogen verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Wood Bow"
$Name: "Yew Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-boww2.v3d"
+Flags: "ranged" "no drop"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Pfeile, die mit diesem Bogen verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Short Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow1.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Pfeile, die mit diesem Bogen verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Standoff Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 350
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow1.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Pushback" 70 20
+Description: "Pfeile, die mit diesem Bogen verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu. Bei jedem Pfeil besteht die Chance, dass er den Gegner zurⁿckdrΣngt."
$Name: "Crossbow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-crossbow01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Crossbow1.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "crossbows"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bolzen, die mit diesem Bogen verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Siege Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow2.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Pfeile, die mit diesem Bogen verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Assassin's Crossbow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-crossbow02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Crossbow3.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "crossbows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 2.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Death" 5 35
+Description: "Bolzen, die mit dieser Armbrust verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu. Bei jedem Bolzen besteht jedoch die M÷glichkeit, dass er sein Ziel sofort t÷tet."
$Name: "Long Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow3.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.2
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Pfeile, die mit diesem Bogen verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Reflex Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow4.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.7
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Pfeile, die mit diesem Bogen verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Unique Reflex Bow"
$Name: "Bow of Piercing"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow05.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow5.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"energy"
$Speed: 0.7
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Pfeile, die mit diesem Bogen verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu. Besonders effektiv bei Gegnern, die empfindlich auf Energieangriffe reagieren."
$Name: "Scythian Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow06.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow6.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"Ice"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Icicle" 30 10
+Description: "Dieser Bogen fⁿgt dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu und kann Eissprⁿche auf seinen Gegner zaubern. Besonders effektiv bei Gegnern, die empfindlich auf Eisangriffe reagieren."
$Name: "Bow of Lynnai"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow07.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow7.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"Fire"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Fire Arrow" 30 10
+Description: "Dieser Bogen fⁿgt dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu und kann Feuersprⁿche auf seinen Gegner zaubern. Besonders effektiv bei Gegnern, die empfindlich auf Feuerangriffe reagieren."
$Name: "Heavy Crossbow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-crossbow03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Crossbow2.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "crossbows"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 2.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Bolzen, die mit dieser Armbrust verschossen werden, fⁿgen dem Gegner riesigen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Unique Compound Bow"
$Name: "Farslayer Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow08.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Critical Hit" 30
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 15.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Bogen fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu und verbessert das Talent des Bogenschⁿtzen, kritische Treffer zu landen."
// ------------------
// ----- STAVES -----
// ------------------
$Name: "Bacite Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-bacitestaff.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.25
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "wood"
$Name: "TigerSpear"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-tigerspear.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-axe01a.tga"
+Flags: "no drop" "ranged"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 6.5
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "Iona Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ionastaff.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.75
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "wood"
$Name: "OG Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-OGStaff.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "wood"
$Name: "Oni Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-onistaff.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 10
$Default Material: "wood"
$Name: "Priest Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-staff-priest.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 0.0
$Attack Radius: 0.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
$Name: "Nagitana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-naginata.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Naginata1.tga"
+Flags: "No Drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.4
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Quarterstaff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-qstaff01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Qstaff1.tga"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Diese Stabwaffe fⁿgt dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Unique Quarterstaff1"
$Name: "Hardwood Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-qstaff02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Qstaff2.tga"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Diese Stabwaffe fⁿgt dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Unique Quarterstaff2"
$Name: "Ironwood Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-qstaff03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Qstaff3.tga"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 20
$Damage Type: "Blunt"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Triggered Effect: "Power Leech" 20 5
+Description: "Dieser Stab fⁿgt dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu. Es besteht die Chance, dass er den Gegner mit dem Spruch 'Energie saugen' trifft."
//(MB): Was "Unique Quarterstaff3"
$Name: "Fellstaff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-qstaff04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Staff03.tga"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 0.6
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Dieser Stab fⁿgt dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Unique Nagitana"
$Name: "Thunder Nagitana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-naginata2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Naginata2.tga"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"Energy"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"wood"
+Triggered Effect:"Lightning" 30 10
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu und kann Blitze auf den Gegner zaubern. Besonders effektiv bei Gegnern, die empfindlich auf Energieangriffe reagieren."
$Name: "Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-staff.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-staff02a.tga"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 25
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner minimalen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Yago Cane"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-yagocane.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 0.0
$Attack Radius: 0.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
// -----------------
// --- POLE ARMS ---
// -----------------
$Name: "Halberd"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-spear03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Polearm1.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 20
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Yari"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-spear01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Polearm2.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner riesigen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Naginata"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-naginata.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.6
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 70
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Curse" 30 10
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner riesigen Schaden zu und kann diesen auch verfluchen."
$Name: "Stone Lance"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-stonelance.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 45
$Default Material: "stone"
$Name: "Mino Sickle"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "shadow"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-minosickle.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-axe01a.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"fire"
$Speed: 1.25
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect:"fire arrow" 10 20
$Name: "Pole Axe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "shadow"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-poleaxe01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Poleaxe1.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner gro▀en Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Austrian Halberd"
$Name: "Sabre Halberd"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "shadow"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-spear02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Polearm3.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 85
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner gro▀en Schaden zu."
// ------------------
// ----- SWORDS -----
// ------------------
$Name: "BKNT Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-bkntsword.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "Bone Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-magicsword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd4.v3d"
+Effect: "regenerate" 6
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 15
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "Falchion"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword07.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 32
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.95
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu, kann aber wie ein Dolch benutzt werden."
$Name: "Precise Falchion"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword07.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Aimed Attack" 10
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 32
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu, verbessert aber das Talent des Benutzers zu gezielten Angriffen. Kann wie ein Dolch benutzt werden."
$Name: "Fiery Falchion"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword07.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage: "fire"
$Speed: 1.05
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Fireball" 25 4
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu, kann aber den Spruch Feuerball zaubern. Besonders effektiv bei Gegnern, die empfindlich auf Feuerangriffe reagieren. Kann wie ein Dolch benutzt werden."
$Name: "Sabre"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword01.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 10
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu und kann wie ein Dolch benutzt werden."
$Name: "Fangsickle"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-serpentfang.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Serpent-FangSickle.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 20
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "FBKT Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-fbktsword.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"Ice"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "Fine Bladed Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-katana9.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-swordkatana01a.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 10
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
$Name: "IKPK Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-IKPK-Sword.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 45
$Default Material: "stone"
$Name: "Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 3000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-katana.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-swordkatana01a.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Logaros Longsword"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Flags: "shadow"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-swordbastard01a.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.20
$Attack Radius: 1.2
$Weight: 50
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Tur Hassen ist die traditionelle Klinge der Fⁿrsten von Logaros. Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner riesigen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Long Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd6.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Wakasashi"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-katana-short.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 38
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 20
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Diese langsame Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu. Sie kann auch wie ein Dolch benutzt werden."
$Name: "Short Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-short.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Sornehan Dagger"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger-sorn.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-dagger01a.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser scharfe Dolch fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Sword of Spirits"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-magicsword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-katana10.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-swordkatana01.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"fire"
$Speed: 0.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 70
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect:"fire arrow" 20 6
+Description: "Diese magische Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner ganz erheblichen Schaden zu und kann den Spruch Feuerpfeil zaubern. Besonders effektiv bei Gegnern, die empfindlich auf Feuerangriffe reagieren."
$Name: "Worn Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-katana.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-swordkatana01a.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 25
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.6
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Dieses abgenutzte Schwert fⁿgt dem Gegner nur geringen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Unique Shortsword1"
$Name: "Razor Shortsword"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 7000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-ssword02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shortsword2.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Ionian Bone Cleaver"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword08.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Bless" 20 20
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu und kann Segnen auf seinen Benutzer zaubern."
$Name: "Kishin Impaler"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-ssword01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shortsword08.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Death" 5 35
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu. Au▀erdem besteht eine geringe Chance, dass der Gegner sofort get÷tet wird. Kann wie ein Dolch benutzt werden."
//(MB) Note: This is spelled "sabre" in at least two other places. Change it?
$Name: "Orenian Saber"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 30000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-ssword03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shortsword6.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu. Kann wie ein Dolch benutzt werden."
//(MB): Was "Unique Katana2"
$Name: "Well-Honed Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-katana2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana2.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner gro▀en Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Unique Katana3"
$Name: "Razor Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-katana3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana3.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner gro▀en Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Unique Katana4"
$Name: "Eversharp Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-katana4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana4.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner riesigen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Unique Katana5"
$Name: "Vengeful Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-katana5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana5.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Curse" 20 20
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner gro▀en Schaden zu und kann einen Fluch zaubern."
//(MB): Was "Unique Katana6"
$Name: "Reaver Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-katana6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana6.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Poison" 20 20
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner gro▀en Schaden zu und kann ihn auch vergiften."
//(MB): Was "Unique Katana7"
$Name: "Deadly Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-katana7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana7.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Death" 10 35
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner nur geringen Schaden zu. Bei jedem Hieb besteht jedoch die Chance, dass der Gegner sofort get÷tet wird."
//(MB): Was "Unique Katana8"
$Name: "100-Fold Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-katana8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana8.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 70
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner riesigen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Unique Katana9"
$Name: "Decapitator"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-katana9.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana9.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 80
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner massiven Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Unique Bastard Sword"
$Name: "Devastator"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-longswrd03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Longsword1.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 80
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"Fire"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Fire Arrow" 20 20
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner riesigen Schaden zu und kann einen Feuerpfeil zaubern. Besonders effektiv bei Gegnern, die empfindlich auf Feuerangriffe reagieren."
//(MB): Was "Unique Long Sword"
$Name: "Sword of Maiming"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-longswrd01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Longsword02.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Empower" 10 20
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu und kann einen Energiesto▀ auf seinen Benutzer zaubern."
//(MB): Was "Unique Short Sword3"
$Name: "Rending Shortsword"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-ssword04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shortsword10.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu und kann wie ein Dolch benutzt werden."
//(MB): Was "Unique Katana1"
$Name: "Fine Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-katana5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana5.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
//(MB): Was "Some Katana"
$Name: "Katana of Skill"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-katana7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sword weapons" 10
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Diese Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
$Name: "GHRD Scythe"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ghrd-scythe.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
// ------------------
// --- 2H SWORDS ---
// ------------------
$Name: "Claymore"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-2handsword01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "2handsword1.tga"
+Restricted: Jekhar
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords" // treat all daggers as swords for now
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieses massive Schwert fⁿgt dem Gegner erheblichen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Drithen Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Longsword3.tga"
+Restricted: Joseph
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 90
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"fire"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 90
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieses ZweihΣnderschwert fⁿgt dem Gegner immensen Schaden zu. Besonders effektiv bei Gegnern, die empfindlich auf Feuerangriffe reagieren."
$Name: "Sword of Summoners"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd9.V3D"
+Bitmap: "Longsword3.tga"
+Restricted: Joseph
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 150
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 90
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieses ZweihΣnderschwert kann nur von Summonern eingesetzt werden. Machival benutzte diese Klinge bei dem Versuch, dich zu vernichten."
$Name: "Winterlong"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword6.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 90
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"ice"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 90
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieses ZweihΣnderschwert fⁿgt dem Gegner immensen Schaden zu. Besonders effektiv bei Gegnern, die empfindlich auf Eisangriffe reagieren."
$Name: "Dreadblade"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-katana3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana3.tga"
+Restricted: Joseph
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 80
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 80
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Paralyze" 20 20
+Description: "Dieses ZweihΣnderschwert fⁿgt dem Gegner massiven Schaden zu und kann sein Ziel lΣhmen."
$Name: "Nodachi"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified" "Shadow"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-2handkatana01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "2handsword3.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 80
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Ice Coffin" 20 20
+Description: "Dieses ZweihΣnderschwert fⁿgt dem Gegner riesigen Schaden zu und kann den Spruch Eissarg auf ihn zaubern."
$Name: "Breaching Claymore"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-2handsword02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "2handsword2.tga"
+Restricted: Jekhar
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 100
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 2.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 100
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieses ZweihΣnderschwert fⁿgt dem Gegner unglaublichen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Bastard Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword4.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieses ZweihΣnderschwert fⁿgt dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu."
$Name: "prop-sword-brd1"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd1.V3D"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword1.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd10"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd10.V3D"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword10.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd2"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd2.V3D"
+Bitmap: "broadsword2.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd3"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd3.V3D"
+Bitmap: "broadsword3.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd5"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd5.V3D"
+Bitmap: "broadsword5.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd6"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd6.V3D"
+Bitmap: "broadsword6.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd7"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd7.V3D"
+Bitmap: "broadsword7.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd9"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword09.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd1.V3D"
+Bitmap: "broadsword9.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
// -----------------------------
// -----------------------------
$Name: "Pijian Claw Left"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-PIJN-Claw-L.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "Pijian Claw Right"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-PIJN-Claw-R.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "CSAM Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-cskatana.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"Energy"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "CSAM Short Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-cskatana-short.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"Energy"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material:"iron"
// -----------------
// ---- DAGGERS ----
// -----------------
$Name: "Sharp Dagger"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger05.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Dagger04.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Dolch fⁿgt dem Gegner nur minimalen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Katar"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-katar.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Critical Hit" 25
+Restricted: Joseph Flece
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 0.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Poison" 30 5
+Description: "Diese schnelle Waffe fⁿgt dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu und kann ihn vergiften. Au▀erdem wird das Talent des Benutzers erh÷ht, gezielte Angriffe durchzufⁿhren. Sie kann jedoch nicht benutzt werden, um hinterrⁿcks anzugreifen."
$Name: "Spinesplitter"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-dagger04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Dagger03.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Backstab" 30
+Restricted: Flece
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: .75
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Dolch fⁿgt dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu und verbessert das Talent des Benutzers fⁿr heimtⁿckische Angriffe."
$Name: "Gutting Dirk"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 75000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger09.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Dagger08.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Critical Hit" 20
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Dolch fⁿgt dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Dirk"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger06.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Dagger05.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Dolch fⁿgt dem Gegner nur geringen Schaden zu."
$Name: "Parrying Dagger"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-dagger10.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Dagger09.tga"
+Skill Mod: "parry" 30
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Dolch fⁿgt dem Gegner nur geringen Schaden zu, aber er verbessert das Talent des Benutzers zu parieren."
$Name: "Dagger"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-dagger01a.tga"
+Restricted: Flece
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 25
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Dolch fⁿgt dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu."
$Name: "High Quality Knife"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger11.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-dagger01a.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"Energy"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Dieser Dolch fⁿgt dem Gegner mΣ▀igen Schaden zu. Besonders effektiv bei Gegnern, die empfindlich auf Energieangriffe reagieren."
$Name: "Icy Dagger"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-dagger03a.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"ice"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect: "icicle" 40 15
+Description: "Dieser Dolch fⁿgt dem Gegner geringen Schaden zu und kann den Spruch Eiszapfen zaubern. Besonders effektiv bei Gegnern, die empfindlich auf Eisangriffe reagieren."
// -----------------
// ----- PROPS -----
// -----------------
$Name: "Broom"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-broom.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "prop only"
$Name: "MBoy Axe"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-mboyaxe.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "prop only"
$Name: "Spoon"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-spoon.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "prop only"
// -----------------
// CONTAINERS - do _not_ change or remove these without talking to DaveB first!
// +Disposable[: % chance of breaking] // only allowed for charged items, chance of item disappearing after use
// +Restricted: [Joseph] [Rosalind] [Flece] [Jekhar] // class restriction
// +Description: "blah blah..." // verbal description of item, shown in Item Info popup
// ----------------
// ----- GOLD -----
// ----------------
$Name: "Gold"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 1
$Icon: "skillicon-weapons.vbm"
$Model: "prop-goldpile-small01.v3d"
+Description: "PiÅce de monnaie du royaume."
$Name: "Book of Masad"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Une fois venus α bout du flæau orænien α Masad, nous avons pris la direction de Lenele, oÜ nous espærions affronter la Reine Galienna dans son palais royal."
$Name: "Tablet of Masad"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Une fois venus α bout du flæau orænien α Masad, nous avons pris la direction de Lenele, oÜ nous espærions affronter la Reine Galienna dans son palais royal."
$Name: "Tome of Masad"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Une fois venus α bout du flæau orænien α Masad, nous avons pris la direction de Lenele, oÜ nous espærions affronter la Reine Galienna dans son palais royal."
$Name: "Book of Lenele"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Finalement, la Reine Galienna n'ætait pas de taille α affronter nos compætences. Son journal nous a conduit α Iona, oÜ nous espærions obtenir plus d'informations sur le Roi Carados, mort depuis bien longtemps."
$Name: "Tablet of Lenele"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Finalement, la Reine Galienna n'ætait pas de taille α affronter nos compætences. Son journal nous a conduit α Iona, oÜ nous espærions obtenir plus d'informations sur le Roi Carados, mort depuis bien longtemps."
$Name: "Tome of Lenele"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Finalement, la Reine Galienna n'ætait pas de taille α affronter nos compætences. Son journal nous a conduit α Iona, oÜ nous espærions obtenir plus d'informations sur le Roi Carados, mort depuis bien longtemps."
$Name: "Book of Iona"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Carados ne nous a ætæ d'aucune aide, mais ses derniers mots nous ont donnæ une nouvelle piste : les Khosani. Mais par oÜ commencer ? Ikaemos, leur ancienne citæ, ou Sanavaarh, leur forteresse actuelle ?"
$Name: "Tablet of Iona"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Carados ne nous a ætæ d'aucune aide, mais ses derniers mots nous ont donnæ une nouvelle piste : les Khosani. Mais par oÜ commencer ? Ikaemos, leur ancienne citæ, ou Sanavaarh, leur forteresse actuelle ?"
$Name: "Tome of Iona"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Carados ne nous a ætæ d'aucune aide, mais ses derniers mots nous ont donnæ une nouvelle piste : les Khosani. Mais par oÜ commencer ? Ikaemos, leur ancienne citæ, ou Sanavaarh, leur forteresse actuelle ?"
$Name: "Book of Khosani"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Les Khosani nous ont accueillis avec les armes car ils semblaient Ωtre sous l'emprise d'un dæmon puissant qui avait la forme d'un Oni Rouge. Si nous ne trouvons aucun indice α Ikaemos, alors nous devrons retourner α Lenele, oÜ nous devrons affronter les prΩtres d'Urath."
$Name: "Tablet of Khosani"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Les Khosani nous ont accueillis avec les armes car ils semblaient Ωtre sous l'emprise d'un dæmon puissant qui avait la forme d'un Oni Rouge. Si nous ne trouvons aucun indice α Ikaemos, alors nous devrons retourner α Lenele, oÜ nous devrons affronter les prΩtres d'Urath."
$Name: "Tome of Khosani"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Les Khosani nous ont accueillis avec les armes car ils semblaient Ωtre sous l'emprise d'un dæmon puissant qui avait la forme d'un Oni Rouge. Si nous ne trouvons aucun indice α Ikaemos, alors nous devrons retourner α Lenele, oÜ nous devrons affronter les prΩtres d'Urath."
$Name: "Book of Ikaemos"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Le PrΩtre-roi d'Ikaemos, ce dæment, a ætæ incapable de nous fournir de nouveaux indices. Si les Khosani ne savent rien, nous devrions peut-Ωtre nous tourner vers les prΩtres d'Urath."
$Name: "Tablet of Ikaemos"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Le PrΩtre-roi d'Ikaemos, ce dæment, a ætæ incapable de nous fournir de nouveaux indices. Si les Khosani ne savent rien, nous devrions peut-Ωtre nous tourner vers les prΩtres d'Urath."
$Name: "Tome of Ikaemos"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Le PrΩtre-roi d'Ikaemos, ce dæment, a ætæ incapable de nous fournir de nouveaux indices. Si les Khosani ne savent rien, nous devrions peut-Ωtre nous tourner vers les prΩtres d'Urath."
$Name: "Book of Medeva"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Le Prince Sornæhan semble avoir conclu un marchæ avec les Oræniens. Pour obtenir plus d'informations, nous devons nous rendre α la tour d'Eleh."
$Name: "Tablet of Medeva"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Le Prince Sornæhan semble avoir conclu un marchæ avec les Oræniens. Pour obtenir plus d'informations, nous devons nous rendre α la tour d'Eleh."
$Name: "Tome of Medeva"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Le Prince Sornæhan semble avoir conclu un marchæ avec les Oræniens. Pour obtenir plus d'informations, nous devons nous rendre α la tour d'Eleh."
$Name: "Book of Eleh"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Eleh est un labyrinthe sans issue. Nous n'y avons trouvæ qu'un ætrange Minotaure de sable. Nous devrions peut-Ωtre explorer d'autres taniÅres, comme Liangshan ou les cavernes de Wolong."
$Name: "Tablet of Eleh"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Eleh est un labyrinthe sans issue. Nous n'y avons trouvæ qu'un ætrange Minotaure de sable. Nous devrions peut-Ωtre explorer d'autres taniÅres, comme Liangshan ou les cavernes de Wolong."
$Name: "Tome of Eleh"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Eleh est un labyrinthe sans issue. Nous n'y avons trouvæ qu'un ætrange Minotaure de sable. Nous devrions peut-Ωtre explorer d'autres taniÅres, comme Liangshan ou les cavernes de Wolong."
$Name: "Book of Wolong"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Le Gænæral Pijian nous attendait dans les træfonds des cavernes de Wolong. Il dætenait la moitiæ d'une clef du Temple de jade, qui devrait Ωtre notre derniÅre destination."
$Name: "Tablet of Wolong"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Le Gænæral Pijian nous attendait dans les træfonds des cavernes de Wolong. Il dætenait la moitiæ d'une clef du Temple de jade, qui devrait Ωtre notre derniÅre destination."
$Name: "Tome of Wolong"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Le Gænæral Pijian nous attendait dans les træfonds des cavernes de Wolong. Il dætenait la moitiæ d'une clef du Temple de jade, qui devrait Ωtre notre derniÅre destination."
$Name: "Book of Liangshan"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "AprÅs notre rencontre avec le Gænæral Wentao, au c£ur de la forΩt de Liangshan, nous sommes convaincus que Murod dætient ce que nous cherchons dans le Temple de jade. Si seulement nous avions l'autre moitiæ de la clef."
$Name: "Tablet of Liangshan"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "AprÅs notre rencontre avec le Gænæral Wentao, au c£ur de la forΩt de Liangshan, nous sommes convaincus que Murod dætient ce que nous cherchons dans le Temple de jade. Si seulement nous avions l'autre moitiæ de la clef."
$Name: "Tome of Liangshan"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "AprÅs notre rencontre avec le Gænæral Wentao, au c£ur de la forΩt de Liangshan, nous sommes convaincus que Murod dætient ce que nous cherchons dans le Temple de jade. Si seulement nous avions l'autre moitiæ de la clef."
$Name: "Book of Orenia"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Nous avons battu l'Empereur Murod mais il est au service de trois dæmons et d'un archiliche dænommæ Azha. Ils se sont emparæs de Mædæva, oÜ nous devons retourner."
$Name: "Tablet of Orenia"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Nous avons battu l'Empereur Murod mais il est au service de trois dæmons et d'un archiliche dænommæ Azha. Ils se sont emparæs de Mædæva, oÜ nous devons retourner."
$Name: "Tome of Orenia"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Nous avons battu l'Empereur Murod mais il est au service de trois dæmons et d'un archiliche dænommæ Azha. Ils se sont emparæs de Mædæva, oÜ nous devons retourner."
$Name: "Book of Luminar"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Le serviteur de Luminar, l'archiliche mort-vivant Azah, n'est plus. GrΓce α cette victoire, nous avons libæræ Lenele d'un tiers des forces de Machival."
$Name: "Tablet of Luminar"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Le serviteur de Luminar, l'archiliche mort-vivant Azah, n'est plus. GrΓce α cette victoire, nous avons libæræ Lenele d'un tiers des forces de Machival."
$Name: "Tome of Luminar"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Le serviteur de Luminar, l'archiliche mort-vivant Azah, n'est plus. GrΓce α cette victoire, nous avons libæræ Lenele d'un tiers des forces de Machival."
$Name: "Book of Pyrul"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Un dæmon obscur du nom de Pyrul a ætæ vaincu α Sanavaarh. Le chemin qui mÅne α Lenele sera bient⌠t libre."
$Name: "Tablet of Pyrul"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Un dæmon obscur du nom de Pyrul a ætæ vaincu α Sanavaarh. Le chemin qui mÅne α Lenele sera bient⌠t libre."
$Name: "Tome of Pyrul"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Un dæmon obscur du nom de Pyrul a ætæ vaincu α Sanavaarh. Le chemin qui mÅne α Lenele sera bient⌠t libre."
$Name: "Book of Titus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Nous avons battu Titus Semper, le Dæmon de pierre. L'emprise qu'exerce Machival sur Lenele s'affaiblit."
$Name: "Tablet of Titus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Nous avons battu Titus Semper, le Dæmon de pierre. L'emprise qu'exerce Machival sur Lenele s'affaiblit."
$Name: "Tome of Titus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi hard only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Nous avons battu Titus Semper, le Dæmon de pierre. L'emprise qu'exerce Machival sur Lenele s'affaiblit."
$Name: "Book of Novices"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Notre aventure a commencæ dans le village de Masad, qui, aujourd'hui, n'est plus qu'un tas de ruines. Lα, nous avons ætæ attaquæs par des soldats oræniens."
$Name: "Tablet of Adventurers"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi easy only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Maintenant que Machival est hors d'ætat de nuire, Lenele est libre. L'heure est venue de partir α la recherche de notre ræcompense. Il est peut-Ωtre temps de commencer une nouvelle aventure, une aventure qui nous ferait aller encore plus loin."
$Name: "Tome of the Elite"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "multi medium only"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Description: "Notre victoire sur Machival a prouvæ que nous faisions partie de l'ælite. Mais qu'advient-il de notre quΩte ? En verrons-nous jamais la fin ?"
// ---------- Scrolls ------------
// revive
$Name: "Revive Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 150
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "resurrect" 1 1 0
+Description: "Parchemin contenant le sort de Guærison."
$Name: "Tome of Revive"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 600
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "resurrect" 5 1 0
+Description: "Traitæ contenant plusieurs exemplaires du sort de Guærison."
// Fire Arrow
$Name: "Fire Arrow Rune"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 25
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "fire arrow" 1 1 0 5
+Description: "Rune contenant une version peu puissante du sort de FlÅche de feu."
$Name: "Fire Arrow Tract"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "fire arrow" 5 1 0 5
+Description: "Contient une version peu puissante du sort FlÅche de feu."
$Name: "Fire Arrow Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "fire arrow" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Parchemin contenant le sort FlÅche de feu."
$Name: "Fire Arrow Book"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "fire arrow" 5 1 0 10
+Description: "Livre contenant plusieurs exemplaires du sort FlÅche de feu."
$Name: "Fire Arrow Tablet"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "fire arrow" 1 1 0 15
+Description: "Folio contenant une version trÅs puissante du sort FlÅche de feu."
$Name: "Fire Arrow Tome"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "fire arrow" 5 1 0 15
+Description: "Traitæ contenant plusieurs exemplaires trÅs puissants du sort FlÅche de feu."
// icicle
$Name: "Icicle Rune"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 25
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "icicle" 1 1 0 5
+Description: "Rune contenant une version peu puissante du sort FlÅche de glace."
$Name: "Icicle Tract"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "icicle" 5 1 0 5
+Description: "Copie contenant une version peu puissante du sort FlÅche de glace."
$Name: "Icicle Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "icicle" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Parchemin contenant le sort de FlÅche de glace."
$Name: "Icicle Book"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "icicle" 5 1 0 10
+Description: "Livre contenant plusieurs exemplaires du sort FlÅche de glace."
$Name: "Icicle Tablet"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "icicle" 1 1 0 15
+Description: "Folio contenant une version trÅs puissante du sort FlÅche de glace."
$Name: "Icicle Tome"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "icicle" 5 1 0 15
+Description: "Traitæ contenant plusieurs exemplaires trÅs puissants du sort FlÅche de glace."
// lightning
$Name: "Lightning Rune"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "lightning" 1 1 0 5
+Description: "Rune contenant une version peu puissante du sort Foudre."
$Name: "Lightning Tract"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Lightning" 5 1 0 5
+Description: "Copie contenant une version peu puissante du sort Foudre."
$Name: "Lightning Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Lightning" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Parchemin contenant le sort Foudre."
$Name: "Lightning Book"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 300
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Lightning" 5 1 0 10
+Description: "Livre contenant plusieurs exemplaires du sort Foudre."
$Name: "Lightning Tablet"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 150
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Lightning" 1 1 0 15
+Description: "Folio contenant une version trÅs puissante du sort Foudre."
$Name: "Lightning Tome"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 700
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-QTome1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Lightning" 5 1 0 15
+Description: "Traitæ contenant plusieurs exemplaires trÅs puissants du sort Foudre."
$Name: "Inferno Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Inferno" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Parchemin contenant le sort Enfer."
$Name: "Meteor Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Meteor Storm" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Parchemin contenant le sort Pluie de mætæores."
$Name: "Curse Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Curse" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Parchemin contenant une version trÅs puissante du sort de Malædiction."
$Name: "Ice Coffin Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Ice Coffin" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Parchemin contenant le sort de Cage de glace."
$Name: "Invisibility Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Invisibility" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Parchemin contenant le sort Invisibilitæ."
$Name: "Blizzard Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "Blizzard" 1 1 0 10
+Description: "Parchemin contenant le sort Blizzard."
// -------------------
// ----- POTIONS -----
// -------------------
$Name: "Recovery Draught"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle1.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "regenerate" 1 0 6
+Description: "Eau qui accælÅre la guærison."
$Name: "Recovery Tonic"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle2.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "regenerate" 1 0 12
+Description: "Potion qui accælÅre beaucoup la guærison."
$Name: "Elixir of Recovery"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle3.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "regenerate" 1 0 18
+Description: "Elixir qui accælÅre ænormæment la guærison."
$Name: "Healing Draught"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle4.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "heal" 1 0 6
+Description: "Eau qui soigne des blessures mineures."
$Name: "Health Tonic"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle5.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "heal" 1 0 12
+Description: "Potion qui soigne des blessures moyennes."
$Name: "Healing Elixir"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle6.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "heal" 1 0 18
+Description: "Elixir qui soigne des blessures graves."
$Name: "Panacea of Life"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle1.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "heal" 1 0 24
+Description: "Elixir qui soigne les blessures extrΩmes."
$Name: "Cleansing Tonic"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle2.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "cure" 1 0 12
+Description: "Potion qui ræduit les effets de toute affection, naturelle ou magique."
$Name: "Cleansing Elixir"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 800
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle3.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "cure" 5 0 22
+Description: "Potion qui ræduit fortement les effets de toute affection, naturelle ou magique."
$Name: "Invisibility Draught"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle4.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "Invisibility" 1 0 14
+Description: "Potion qui rend celui qui la boit invisible pour une courte pæriode."
+Description: "Potion qui permet au buveur d'infliger des dægΓts supplæmentaires."
$Name: "Tristan's Libation"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 400
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-potionbottle1.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "Bless" 1 0 20
+Description: "Potion qui procure au buveur une protection accrue contre les dægΓts physiques."
// -------------------------------
// -------------------------------
$Name: "Food"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbreadloaf1.v3d"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "heal" 1 0 1
+Description: "Panef le cuisinier vous a remis cette nourriture pour le seigneur Yago. Ses appartements sont au troisiÅme ætage du Palais"
$Name: "Sama's Book"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qtome1.v3d"
+Description: "Le livre de Ghurahas-Dah, ouvrage æcrit dans la langue des dieux. Sama vous a demandæ de le ramener α la Grande BibliothÅque."
$Name: "Bacite Tail"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 74
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-bacitetail.v3d"
+Description: "Une queue de bacite."
$Name: "Bottle with Eyes"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-bottleeyes.v3d"
+Description: "Bouteille contenant les yeux d'un mendiant, ingrædient-clef pour la fabrication de la Potion de vision du mendiant."
$Name: "Chunk of Salt"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-saltchunk.v3d"
+Description: "Morceau de sel gemme pris dans les marchandises des contrebandiers."
$Name: "Forged Document"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-forgeddocument.v3d"
+Description: "Copie d'un ordre de relΓche signæ par le Premier Magistrat."
$Name: "Leather Pouch"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-pouchleather1.v3d"
$Name: "Rag Doll"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 4
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ragdoll.v3d"
+Description: "Poupæe d'enfant trouvæe dans les ægouts de Lenele."
$Name: "Salamanka Tongue"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-salamankatongue.v3d"
+Description: "Langue de salamanque de feu, ingrædient courant des potions α effets basæs sur le feu."
$Name: "Ikaemos Swamp Map"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qmap1.v3d"
+Description: "Ce parchemin jauni est une carte des marais d'Ikaemos. Une route conduisant au palais des Rois-prΩtres est indiquæe."
// need proper model (fruit)
$Name: "Mangosteen"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-qmangosteen.V3D"
+Description: "Fruit de la rægion du Lac des Soupirs."
$Name: "Onyx Carp"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qfish1.V3D"
+Description: "Poisson rarissime qui ne peut Ωtre trouvæ que dans le Lac des Soupirs. Ses entrailles auraient des propriætæs magiques."
$Name: "Gulan's Knife"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger11.v3d"
+Description: "Couteau appartenant α la veuve Gulan."
$Name: "Aesik's Sword"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-longswrd01.v3d"
+Description: "Epæe forgæe par l'arriÅre-arriÅre-grand-pÅre d'Aesik, porteur d'ætendard du lægendaire seigneur îil-de-Faucon de Masad."
$Name: "Stick of Charcoal"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qcharcoal1.V3D"
+Description: "Morceau de charbon appartenant α Anzhi le Peintre, qui l'utilise pour dessiner."
// need proper item (rice bowl)
$Name: "Minhe's Bowl"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Bowl.V3D"
+Description: "Bol de riz appartenant au traεtre Minhe."
$Name: "Anzhi's Box"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbox2.V3D"
+Description: "Boεte pleine de peintures, de brosses, de papier et d'encre."
$Name: "Tail of the Rokhul"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qrose2.V3D"
+Charge Effect: "poisoning" 1 1000 15
+Description: "Les feuilles de cette plante permettent de concocter un poison mortel sans aucun antidote connu. Elle a aussi des vertus mædicinales si elle est utilisæe par des herboristes."
// The scrolls of the Khosani
$Name: "Khosani Scrolls"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Description: "Ces parchemins contiennent les secrets de la Cræation, transmis par Vadagar aux Khosani. Ecrits en Aosi, ils ont ætæ volæs de Saanavarh par les Chevaliers d'Iona. L'Ulsadana a besoin de ces parchemins pour enchanter les Anneaux d'Invocation."
//Ahza's Femur for Wolong Caverns quest
$Name: "Azha's Femur"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbone1.V3D"
+Description: "Os provenant du squelette d'Azha l'archiliche."
//Rukha's Quest
$Name: "Khosani Sword#Rhukha's Sword"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-katana10.v3d"
+Description: "Les glyphes gravæes sur cette lame antique disent qu'elle appartenait α Rhukha, le hæros khosani qui a banni les dæmons et a mis fin au Chaos des Dix Mille Ans."
$Name: "Khosani Helm#Rhukha's Helm"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-HelmetSpecial.V3D"
+Description: "Les glyphes gravæes sur cet antique heaume disent qu'il appartenait α Rhukha, le hæros khosani qui a banni les dæmons et mis fin au Chaos des Dix Mille Ans."
//Yon's Amulet Quest
$Name: "Yon's Amulet"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-AmuletSpecial.V3D"
+Description: "L'inscription sur l'amulette est la suivante : 'Yon, fils du roi Bellias VI et de la reine, Galienna, prince du royaume et hæritier du tr⌠ne de Mædæva.' Le jeune prince Yon est mort il y a plusieurs annæes en tombant de la tour de Verindal."
//Nhunasarim Quest
$Name: "Tome#Nhuvasarim Tome"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qtome1.v3d"
+Description: "Huit pages ont ætæ arrachæes α ce livre qui contient les secrets oubliæs de Nhuvasarim, sorcier malæfique qui vænærait Laharah. Ce livre dæcrit les voyages et les tourments de l'archimage Mortankas"
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 1"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Cette page a ætæ arrachæe au Livre de Nhuvasarim. Elle traite du voyage de Mortankas vers 'une εle gardæe par les serpents de la mer.'"
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 2"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Cette page a ætæ arrachæe au Livre de Nhuvasarim. Elle mentionne la visite de Mortankas au 'Palais d'Amun'."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 3"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Cette page a ætæ arrachæe au Livre de Nhuvasarim. Seule la phrase 'Sous la Citæ des Dieux' est lisible, le reste est indæchiffrable."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 4"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Cette page a ætæ arrachæe au Livre de Nhuvasarim. Elle dæcrit la bataille entre Mortankas et la 'Montagne de la Sagesse'."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 5"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Cette page a ætæ arrachæe au Livre de Nhuvasarim. Elle mentionne la 'ville du dieu sudani.'"
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 6"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Cette page a ætæ arrachæe au Livre de Nhuvasarim. Le texte dæcrit la rencontre de Mortankas avec une cræature de Laharah, oÜ il vend l'Γme d'un autre homme pour gagner l'immortalitæ."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 7"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Cette page appartient au Livre de Nhuvasarim. Le texte parle d'une bataille æpique entre Mortankas et un sorcier de la LumiÅre."
$Name: "Parchment#Tome Page 8"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "C'est la derniÅre page qui a ætæ arrachæe au livre de Nhuvasarim. Le texte est indæchiffrable."
//Vadagar Horn Quest
$Name: "Hunting Horn#Horn of Vadagar"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-HuntingHorn02.V3D"
+Description: "Le Cor de chasse de Vadagar, utilisæ pour la derniÅre fois par Urath pour sceller les portails de la prison de Laharah."
$Name: "Hunting Horn"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-HuntingHorn01.V3D"
+Description: "Un cor de chasse ordinaire."
//Collector's Quest
$Name: "Pipe"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qpipe1.v3d"
+Description: "Une pipe tout ce qu'il y a de plus classique."
+Description: "Bouteille de parfum, aux senteurs de violette."
//Dragon Scales
$Name: "Green Dragon Scale"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscale3.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Holy" 20
+Description: "L'æcaille de dragon vert accroεt les compætences d'un mage dans la sphÅre de Saintetæ. Cette æcaille est l'une des quatre ayant appartenu aux empereurs d'Orænia."
$Name: "Red Dragon Scale"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscale1.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 20
+Description: "L'æcaille de dragon rouge accroεt les compætences d'un mage dans la sphÅre de Feu. Cette æcaille est l'une de celles ayant appartenu aux empereurs d'Orænia."
$Name: "Gray Dragon Scale"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscale2.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Dark" 20
+Description: "L'æcaille de dragon brun accroεt les compætences d'un mage dans la sphÅre de Nuit. Cette æcaille est l'une de celles ayant appartenu aux empereurs d'Orænia."
$Name: "Blue Dragon Scale"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscale4.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Ice" 20
+Description: "L'æcaille de dragon bleu accroεt les compætences d'un mage dans la sphÅre de Glace. Cette æcaille est l'une de celles ayant appartenu aux empereurs d'Orænia."
//Tradition Quest
$Name: "Yichao's Locket"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qlocket1.v3d"
+Description: "Ce mædaillon appartenait au fils de Fangyin, Yichao, mort pendant la bataille de Wolong. Elle contient une mÅche de cheveux de sa femme Qiulan qui s'est noyæe l'automne præcædent dans le Lac des Soupirs."
$Name: "Daoming's Coin"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qcoin4.v3d"
+Description: "Cette piÅce appartenait α Daoming, exæcutæ par les soldats du gænæral Pijian α Wolong. C'ætait l'objet auquel il tenait le plus."
//Longyue's Hat Quest
$Name: "Longyue's Hat"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbluehat1.v3d"
+Description: "Chapeau de Longyue. Il l'avait donnæ aux esprits de la forΩt pour qu'ils le transforment en arbre, lui et quelques villageois, afin d'æchapper aux soldats du gænæral Pijian."
//Dukhanim's Quest
$Name: "Blank Parchment"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qparchment1.v3d"
+Description: "Ce parchemin α la texture ætrange semble scintiller α la lumiÅre. Il ne porte aucune inscription."
$Name: "Mirror#Dakhanim Mirror"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qmirror1.v3d"
+Description: "Ce miroir est une glace de lecture des Dakhanim, ancienne secte de maεtres du cryptage et de l'æcriture invisible. Placez un parchemin devant pour pouvoir lire les æcrits cachæs."
$Name: "Mirror#Mirror"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-MirrorSpecial01.V3D"
+Description: "Un miroir ordinaire."
$Name: "Mirror"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy" "not identified"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-MirrorSpecial02.V3D"
+Description: "Un miroir ordinaire."
$Name: "Huk Kinar's Skull"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qskull1.v3d"
+Description: "Le crΓne d'Huk Kinar, le Seigneur de l'Hiver, qui hante les longues nuits des Marches de Gaela. Elæment requis pour la confection de la 'Potion de Nutengov'."
$Name: "Udakar's Heart"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Heart.V3D"
+Description: "Le c£ur d'Udakar, l'homme-taureau des dæserts de glace. Elæment requis pour la confection des la 'Potion de Nutengov'."
$Name: "Bacite's Gallbladder"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Gallbladder.V3D"
+Description: "Væsicule de bacite bleu. Elæment requis pour la confection des la 'Potion de Nutengov'."
//Haenul Quest
$Name: "Eraekor Gemstone"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qgem3.V3D"
+Description: "Une gemme præcieuse pour les Khosani. Le renægat Haenul l'a volæe α Saanavarh."
//Child of Spirits Quest
$Name: "Piaobo's Box"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbox1.V3D"
+Description: "Une boεte de bois qui contient l'Γme immortelle de Piaobo l'Oni."
//Tome of Gahnis Quest
$Name: "Tome of Gahnis"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbook1.V3D"
+Description: "Livre æcrit par Gahni de Sidhar, dont la foi peu orthodoxe a ætæ α l'origine de l'Hæræsie gahnicienne."
//Death Quest
$Name: "Tree Bark"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Bark.V3D"
+Description: "Ecorce du sanctuaire de Liangshan. Son go√t attire les chats, et elle devient molle et collante quand elle est mΓchæe."
//Lucky Charm Quest (They're always after me lucky charms!)
$Name: "Durgan's Earring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qearring1.V3D"
+Description: "Le porte-bonheur de Durgan le Marin, don des esprits de la mer de Khadim."
//Crone of Savheo
$Name: "Stone Rose"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qrose2.V3D"
+Description: "La Rose de pierre lægendaire d'Ovaka, sculptæe par Mevoh avant le Dæluge."
//Ohmedilosi Quest
$Name: "Tablet#Khosani Map"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 30000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qmap1.v3d"
+Description: "Cette feuille est un fragment de carte recouverte de runes entrelacæes. Seuls trois points sont nommæs : Umakil, Dehilos et Muhul. Sous chaque nom, une dæpression circulaire, plate, de la forme d'une grosse piÅce. Les gravures qui s'y trouvaient ont disparu."
$Name: "Umakil Carving"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-CityCarving03.V3D"
+Description: "Une reproduction en gravure de l'antique citæ khosani d'Umakil. Elle porte une inscription au bas : 'Umakil est la Citæ des Engrenages. Ses machines souterraines font tourner le monde. Feu et Eau. Jour et Nuit. Tout fonctionne au rythme des machines d'Umakil.'"
$Name: "Dehilos Carving"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-CityCarving01.V3D"
+Description: "Une gravure de l'antique citæ khosani de Dæhilos. Elle porte une inscription au bas : 'Dæhilos est la Citæ des Oiseaux. Ses jardins sont de vastes mænageries, des mondes dans le monde, oÜ prospÅrent oiseaux de chair, de fer et de pierre. Les flÅches de Dæhilos sont præcises et meurtriÅres.'"
$Name: "Muhul Carving"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-CityCarving02.V3D"
+Description: "Une gravure de l'antique citæ khosani de Muhul. Elle porte une inscription au bas : 'Muhul est la Citæ des Chutes d'eau. Les fleuves tombent des falaises tænæbreuses. Dans la brume, les rΩves prennent forme. Celui qui cherche α grimper ne trouve jamais le ciel. Les escaliers de Muhul n'ont ni dæbut ni fin.'"
//Iomani Quest
$Name: "Iomani Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC5.v3d"
+Description: "Ce collier a appartenu α la mÅre d'Amas et de Miala, des exilæs iomanis. Elle ætait conseillÅre α la cour d'Aaduk, le Prince Aveugle."
//Tathal Quest
$Name: "Nahul Scroll"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qscroll1.V3D"
+Description: "Parchemin contenant les enseignements du pÅre de S£ur Bilan, un ecclæsiastique orænien du Nahul. Les soldats impæriaux l'ont torturæ et exæcutæ pour s'Ωtre opposæ au rægime de Murod."
//Terrified Wid Quest
$Name: "Axe#Axe of Ikus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "not identified" "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-1handaxe02.v3d"
+Description: "Hache du roi Ikus, l'un des treize enterræs dans la Crypte des Rois."
// Misc Act one quest reward
$Name: "Berserker Sword"
$Type: "weapon"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd5.v3d"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Empower" 10 8
+Description: "Epæe enchantæe par la furie d'un berserker."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Talent"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb9.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb9.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 10
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente lægÅrement le nombre de PA."
//Ghimaadi Shards Quest
$Name: "Blue Glass Shard"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 5
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-glassshardblue.v3d"
+Description: "Tesson des antiques Villes de verre sudanis. Quand Laharah a assassinæ Urath, les villes de nos ancΩtres sudanis se sont brisæes et ont formæ Vahæomo, la 'Mer des Etoiles' qui brille la nuit tombæe."
$Name: "Red Glass Shard"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-glassshardred.V3D"
+Description: "Tesson des antiques Villes de verre sudanis. Quand Laharah a assassinæ Urath, les villes de nos ancΩtres sudanis se sont brisæes et ont formæ Vahæomo, la 'Mer des Etoiles' qui brille la nuit tombæe."
$Name: "Green Glass Shard"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 5
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-glassshardgreen.v3d"
+Description: "Tesson des antiques Villes de verre sudanis. Quand Laharah a assassinæ Urath, les villes de nos ancΩtres sudanis se sont brisæes et ont formæ Vahæomo, la 'Mer des Etoiles' qui brille la nuit tombæe."
$Name: "Shard Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-GlassSword.V3D"
+Bitmap: "GlassSword.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage: "energy"
$Speed: 1.35
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 70
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Une æpæe de verre forgæe par les Ghimaadi. Seule la plus puissante des magies peut la briser. TrÅs efficace contre les adversaires vulnærables aux attaques d'ænergie."
//Goadi Statue Quest
$Name: "Head"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueHead.V3D"
+Description: "La tΩte de la statue du dæfunt empereur Gaodi II."
$Name: "Left Arm"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueArmLeft.V3D"
+Description: "Le bras gauche de la statue du dæfunt empereur Gaodi II."
$Name: "Right Arm"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueRightArm.V3D"
+Description: "Le bras droit de la statue du dæfunt empereur Gaodi II."
$Name: "Left Leg"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueLegLeft.V3D"
+Description: "La jambe gauche de la statue du dæfunt empereur Gaodi II."
$Name: "Right Leg"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-StatueLegRight.V3D"
+Description: "La jambe droite de la statue du dæfunt empereur Gaodi II."
// Jarl Sword Quest
$Name: "Jarl's Sword"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd6.v3d"
+Description: "Epæe de grande qualitæ forgæe par Jarl le forgeron."
//Ragneli Robbers Quest
$Name: "Zane's Bow"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow08.v3d"
+Description: "Arc appartenant α Zane, le chef d'une bande de voleurs."
//Magic Lute Quest
$Name: "Lute"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qlute1.V3D"
+Description: "Luth ordinaire."
$Name: "Torva's Lute"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qlute1.V3D"
+Description: "Luth de grande qualitæ appartenant α Torva le barde."
//Cerval Game Quest
$Name: "Silk Garments"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-SilkGarments.V3D"
+Description: "Habits luxueux en soie, taillæs selon la derniÅre mode."
//Pomporo's Heirloom Quest
$Name: "Signet Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc1.v3d"
+Description: "Anneau portant le sceau du seigneur de Dhuramil, ancΩtre du marchand Pomporo."
//Nandi Gatherer
$Name: "Sparrow's Egg"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Plant03.V3D"
+Description: "Plante ætrangÅre aux forΩts d'Orænia."
$Name: "Ghimaadi's Cloak"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Plant01.V3D"
+Description: "Fleur sauvage d'Orænia et de Mædæva."
$Name: "Bane's Kiss"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Plant02.V3D"
+Description: "Plante empoisonnæe de la forΩt de Liangshan."
$Name: "Nandi's Potion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-UniquePotion.V3D"
+Self Only Charge Effect: "regenerate" 4 0 99
+Description: "Potion de rægænæration extrΩmement puissante crææe par Nandi la Druide."
//Ghose Ikaemos Quest
$Name: "Vaesura's Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklacec1.v3d"
+Description: "Cadeau de mariage pour Vaesura, reine d'Ikaemos de l'ancienne dynastie de Nokh."
//Lord Chamberlin's Quest
$Name: "Gargoyle Blood"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-GargoyleBlood.V3D"
+Description: "Sang de gargouille."
$Name: "Stonefire Lanterns"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qlantern1.V3D"
+Description: "Lanterne magique fabriquæe α partir de sang de Gargouille. Des pierres lumineuses α l'intærieur de la lanterne æmettent une douce lueur."
//Elodach Initiate's Quest
$Name: "Urath Feather"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-UrathFeather.V3D"
+Description: "Une plume issue des ailes d'Urath. Relique du TroisiÅme Araenugeth."
//Aahur Seed's Quest
$Name: "Seeds of Aahur"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-Seeds.V3D"
+Description: "Ces graines magiques pousseront partout, mΩme sur le sol le moins fertile."
$Name: "Dust of Aahur"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qpot1.V3D"
+Description: "Cette poussiÅre magique aide α la croissance des graines."
//Encyclopedia Quest
$Name: "Volume 28"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbook2.V3D"
+Description: "Volume de l'Encyclopædie des Hæræsies, des Hætærodoxies et des Apostasies."
$Name: "Volume 67"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qbook2.V3D"
+Description: "Volume de l'Encyclopædie des Hæræsies, des Hætærodoxies et des Apostasies."
//Easter Pirate Quest
$Name: "Petey's Hat"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qpiratehat1.V3D"
+Description: "Le chapeau de Petey le pirate."
$Name: "Peg Leg"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qpegleg1.V3D"
+Description: "Une jambe de bois."
$Name: "Hook Hand"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 10
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qhook1.V3D"
+Description: "ProthÅse qui permet α son porteur de piller et de commettre des actes de piraterie sur les mers."
// -----------------
// ----- Rings -----
// -----------------
// Summon Rings
$Name: "Ring of Darkness"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-darkness.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-darkness.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dark" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "A l'age de neuf ans, vous avez utilisæ cet anneau pour invoquer le dæmon qui a dætruit Ciran. AprÅs le massacre de votre famille et de vos amis, vous l'avez jetæ dans un puits et avez juræ de ne jamais vous en resservir."
$Name: "Ring of Light"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-light.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-light.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Energy" 50
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Anneau d'Invocation trouvæ dans la tombe d'Iona, au fond des catacombes sous la Crypte des Rois."
$Name: "Ring of Jade"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-jade.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-jade.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Magic Resist" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Anneau d'Invocation obtenu dans le Temple de jade, un sanctuaire construit par le premier empereur d'Orænia pour commæmorer sa victoire au cours de la Bataille des Neuf Moineaux."
$Name: "Ring of Water"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-water.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-water.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Heal" 20
+Resist Mod: "Ice" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Anneau d'Invocation donnæ par Ngaru, un fant⌠me rencontræ dans les cavernes sous Wolong, æmissaire de la Citæ engloutie dætruite il y a longtemps par l'empereur Teos."
$Name: "Ring of Forest"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-forest.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-forest.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dodge" 10
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 20
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Anneau d'Invocation trouvæ dans le sanctuaire de Liangshan sculptæ dans l'Arbre sacræ."
$Name: "Ring of Fire"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-fire.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-fire.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 20
+Resist Mod: "Fire" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Le rubis de cet Anneau d'Invocation est issu des profondeurs de Saanavarh, la 'Montagne de la Sagesse', oÜ les Khosani avaient bΓti leur derniÅre place forte. En ræussissant l'Epreuve du Labyrinthe, vous avez ræussi α le gagner."
$Name: "Ring of Stone"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-stone.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-stone.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 40
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Dans le palais d'Ikaemos, vous avez pris cet Anneau d'Invocation au PrΩtre-roi Armun, qui confronta ses pouvoirs au dieu de la riviÅre et dætruisit ainsi son empire."
$Name: "Ring of Four Winds"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ringsummon-fourwinds.v3d"
+Bitmap: "ringsummon-fourwinds.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 30
+Restricted: Joseph
+Description: "Peu d'informations sont disponibles sur cet Anneau d'Invocation. Il a ætæ gardæ pendant des annæes par les prΩtres du Temple de jade. D'aprÅs les lægendes des Rhunari, il a appartenu au prince Kharig, le lægendaire 'Maεtre des Lions.'"
// All Other Rings
//(MB): Was "Max AP boost ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Proficiency"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa1.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 10
+Description: "Cet anneau octroie un bonus de PA."
//(MB): Was "Max AP boost ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Expertise"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb1.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 25
+Description: "Cet anneau confÅre un important bonus de PA."
//(MB): Was "Unique AP boost ring"
$Name: "Ring of Mastery"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc1.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 40
+Description: "Cet anneau confÅre un ænorme bonus de PA."
//(MB): Was "Max HP boost ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Health"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd1.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 30
+Description: "Cet anneau confÅre un bonus modæræ aux PV."
//(MB): Was "Max HP boost ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Recovery"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd2.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 50
+Description: "Cet anneau confÅre un important bonus aux PV."
//(MB): Was "Max AP/HP boost ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Might"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd3.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 10
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 30
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente α la fois PV et PA."
//(MB): Was "Unique max AP/hp boost ring"
$Name: "Ring of Puissance"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd4.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 25
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 50
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente fortement PA et PV."
//(MB): Was "Speed ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Swiftness"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 40
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente fortement la vitesse d'attaque du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Speed ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Speed"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd6.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 20
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente la vitesse d'attaque du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Speed AP ring"
$Name: "Haste Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 20
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 15
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente la vitesse d'attaque et le nombre de PA."
//(MB): Was "Fire resist ring"
$Name: "Pyros Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd8.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Fire" 50
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente la ræsistance aux sorts de Feu du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Cold resist ring"
$Name: "Frigidis Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd9.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd9.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Ice" 50
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente la ræsistance au sorts de Glace du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Energy resist ring"
$Name: "Ring of Grounding"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringd10.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringd10.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Energy" 50
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente la ræsistance aux sorts d'Energie du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Magic resist ring"
$Name: "Anti-Magus Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 20000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa2.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Magic" 20
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente la ræsistance du porteur contre tous les sorts offensifs."
//(MB): Was "Light ring"
$Name: "Luminos Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa3.tga"
+Effect: "Light" 5
+Description: "Cet anneau cræe une aura lumineuse autour du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Invisibility ring"
$Name: "Ring of Invisibility"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa4.tga"
+Effect: "Invisibility" 5
+Description: "Cet anneau confÅre l'invisibilitæ α son porteur."
//(MB): Was "Dark skills ring"
$Name: "Ring of the Night"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dark" 20
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente les compætences du porteur dans la sphÅre de Nuit."
//(MB): Was "Holy skills ring"
$Name: "Ring of Blessings"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa6.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Holy" 20
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente les compætences du porteur dans la sphÅre de Saintetæ."
//(MB): Was "Energy skills ring"
$Name: "Ring of Electrus"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Energy" 20
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente les compætences du porteur dans la sphÅre d'Energie."
//(MB): Was "Dodge/parry ring"
$Name: "Ring of Dexterity"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dodge" 20
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente la capacitæ du porteur α esquiver les attaques."
//(MB): Was "Defense ring"
$Name: "Ring of Protection"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA9.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa9.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 20
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente la capacitæ du porteur α parer les attaques."
//(MB): Was "Defense HP ring"
$Name: "Preservation Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingA10.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringa10.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dodge" 10
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 10
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 20
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente les capacitæs de Parade, d'Esquive et les PV."
//(MB): Was "Defense skills ring"
$Name: "Ring of Warding"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb2.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dodge" 20
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 20
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente les capacitæs de Parade et d'Esquive du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Thief skills ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Shadows"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb3.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Hide" 10
+Skill Mod: "Sneak" 10
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente les capacitæs de Dissimulation et de Furtivitæ du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Offense skills ring 1"
$Name: "Onslaught Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb4.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Counter Attack" 20
+Skill Mod: "Critical Hit" 20
+Effect: "Empower" 5
+Description: "Cet anneau amæliore fortement les capacitæs de Contre-attaque et de Coup critique du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Offense skills ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Aggression"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Counter Attack" 10
+Skill Mod: "Critical Hit" 10
+Description: "Cet anneau amæliore les capacitæs de Contre-attaque et de Coup critique du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Fire skills ring"
$Name: "Pyrotechnic Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb6.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 20
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente les capacitæs du porteur avec les sorts de la sphÅre du Feu."
//(MB): Was "Weapon skills ring"
$Name: "Ring of Skill"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "sword weapons" 10
+Skill Mod: "axe weapons" 10
+Skill Mod: "blunt weapons" 10
+Skill Mod: "heavy arms" 10
+Description: "Cet anneau amæliore les compætences martiales du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 1"
$Name: "Ring of Storms"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-RingB8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Energy" 40
+Description: "Cet anneau amæliore grandement les pouvoirs du porteur dans la sphÅre d'Energie."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 2"
$Name: "Ring of Power"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 300000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb9.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb9.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 40
+Description: "Cet anneau confÅre un ænorme bonus de PA."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 3"
$Name: "Ring of Repulsion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringb10.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringb10.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 30
+Skill Mod: "Counter Attack" 30
+Description: "Cet anneau amæliore fortement les compætences du porteur en Parade et Esquive."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 4"
$Name: "Ring of Control"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc2.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Push" 20
+Skill Mod: "Kick" 20
+Skill Mod: "Trip" 20
+Description: "Cet anneau amæliore les compætences de Bousculade, Coup de pied et Chute du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 5"
$Name: "Ring of Slaying"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc3.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Backstab" 30
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente fortement la compætence du porteur en Attaque sournoise."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 6"
$Name: "Berserker Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Axe weapons" 30
+Skill Mod: "Blunt weapons" 30
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente les compætences du porteur dans les Haches et les Masses & marteaux."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 7"
$Name: "Ring of the Gods"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 50
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 40
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 20
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente fortement la vitesse, les PA et PV du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Unique ring 8"
$Name: "Ring of Thieves"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc6.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Pick Lock" 30
+Description: "Cet anneau amæliore la compætence Crochetage d'un voleur."
//(MB): Was "Generic Ring 1"
$Name: "Archer's Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "bow weapons" 10
+Description: "Cet anneau amæliore la præcision du porteur avec les arcs."
//(MB): Was "Generic Ring 2"
$Name: "Swordsman's Ring"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "sword weapons" 10
+Description: "Cet anneau augmente la maεtrise du porteur avec les æpæes."
//(MB): Was "Generic Ring 3"
$Name: "Ring of Flames"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc9.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc9.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 10
+Resist Mod: "Ice" 10
+Description: "Cet anneau amæliore les compætences du porteur dans la sphÅre du Feu et lui procure une protection contre les sorts de Glace."
//(MB): Was "Generic Ring 4"
$Name: "Ring of Ice"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "finger"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-Ringc10.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Ringc10.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Ice" 10
+Resist Mod: "Fire" 10
+Description: "Cet anneau amæliore les compætences du porteur dans la sphÅre du Glace et lui procure une protection contre les sorts de Feu."
// -----------------
// --- Necklaces ---
// -----------------
//(MB): Was "Unique neck 1"
$Name: "Torque of Time"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA1.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 20
+Skill Mod: "Double Attack" 20
+Description: "Augmente la vitesse et le nombre d'attaques du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Unique neck 2"
$Name: "Aeros Medallion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA2.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Ice" 30
+Skill Mod: "Energy" 30
+Description: "Amæliore les compætences du porteur dans les sphÅres de Glace et d'Energie."
//(MB): Was "Unique neck 3"
$Name: "Blessed Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA3.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 10
+Description: "Ce collier augmente la vitesse d'attaque du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Unique neck 4"
$Name: "Battle Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 300000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA4.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxAP" 30
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 60
+Description: "Le Torque des batailles amæliore fortement PA et PV."
//(MB): Was "Unique neck 5"
$Name: "Hellfire Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dark" 30
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 30
+Description: "Ce collier amæliore fortement les compætences du porteur dans les sphÅres de Feu et de Nuit."
//(MB): Was "Unique neck 6"
$Name: "Summoner's Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA6.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Summon" 30
+Description: "Amæliore la compætence Invocation."
//(MB): Was "Speed/thief neck"
$Name: "Necklace of Stealth"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceA7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "NecklaceA7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sneak" 20
+Skill Mod: "Hide" 20
+Description: "Amæliore les compætences de Dissimulation et de Furtivitæ d'un voleur."
//(MB): Was "Speed/weapon neck"
$Name: "Torque of Haste"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb1.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 30
+Description: "Amæliore fortement la vitesse du porteur."
//(MB): Was "AP/HP/DEF neck"
$Name: "Medallion of Vigor"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb2.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 60
+Description: "Augmente fortement les PV du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Fire/Cold resist neck"
$Name: "Thermal Medallion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb3.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 30
+Description: "Amæliore les compætences du porteur avec les sorts de la sphÅre du Feu."
//(MB): Was "Some other neck"
$Name: "Berserker's Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb4.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sword weapons" 30
+Skill Mod: "heavy arms" 30
+Description: "Augmente les compætences du porteur avec les æpæes et les æquipements lourds."
//(MB): Was "Heal/holy neck"
$Name: "Collar of Health"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb6.tga"
+Stat Mod: "MaxHP" 30
+Description: "Augmente fortement les PV du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Thief/invis neck"
$Name: "Shadow Medallion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sneak" 30
+Skill Mod: "Hide" 30
+Description: "Ce mædaillon amæliore les compætences de Discrætion d'un voleur."
//(MB): Was "All magic resist neck"
$Name: "Anti-Magus Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb4.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Magic" 30
+Description: "Ce mædaillon amæliore la ræsistance du porteur contre les sorts offensifs."
//(MB): Was "Fire/ice neck"
$Name: "Elemental Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceB7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 10
+Skill Mod: "Ice" 10
+Description: "Amæliore les compætences du porteur dans les sphÅres de Feu et de Glace."
//(MB): Was "Dark/energy neck"
$Name: "Medallion of Night"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 2500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceb8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaceb8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dark" 10
+Skill Mod: "Energy" 10
+Description: "Amæliore les compætences du porteur dans les sphÅres de l'Energie et de la Nuit."
//(MB): Was "Crit Hit Neck"
$Name: "Collar of Precision"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklacec1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec1.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Critical Hit" 20
+Skill Mod: "Aimed Attack" 20
+Description: "Amæliore les compætences de Coup critique et d'Attaque præcise."
//(MB): Was "Blunt neck"
$Name: "Torque of Bashing"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec2.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Blunt weapons" 20
+Description: "Amæliore les compætences du porteur avec les masses et marteaux."
//(MB): Was "Bow Neck"
$Name: "Farseeing Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec3.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Bow weapons" 20
+Description: "Amæliore les compætences du porteur avec les arcs."
//(MB): Was "Dodge/parry neck"
$Name: "Collar of Dexterity"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec4.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dodge" 10
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 10
+Description: "Amæliore les compætences d'Esquive et de Parade du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 1"
$Name: "Torque of Celerity"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec5.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Speed" 20
+Description: "Amæliore la vitesse d'attaque du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 2"
$Name: "Bacite Medallion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec6.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Holy" 10
+Skill Mod: "Fire" 10
+Description: "Amæliore les compætences du porteur dans les sphÅres de Saintetæ et du Feu."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 3"
$Name: "Necklace of Defense"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaceC7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklacec7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Dodge" 10
+Skill Mod: "Parry" 10
+Description: "Amæliore les compætences de Parade et d'Esquive."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 4"
$Name: "Archer's Medallion"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced1.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Bow weapons" 30
+Description: "Amæliore fortement la compætence du porteur avec les arcs."
//(MB): Was "Offense skills neck 1"
$Name: "Barbarian's Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced2.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Axe weapons" 20
+Description: "Amæliore la compætence du porteur avec les haches."
//(MB): Was "Offense skills neck 2"
$Name: "Fighter's Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced3.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sword weapons" 20
+Description: "Amæliore la compætence du porteur avec les æpæes."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 5"
$Name: "Thief's Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced4.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sneak" 20
+Description: "Amæliore la compætence de Furtivitæ."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 6"
$Name: "Warding Necklace"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 7500
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced5.tga"
+Resist Mod: "Magic" 20
+Description: "Amæliore la ræsistance aux sorts du porteur."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 7"
$Name: "Necklace of Anshu"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced6.tga"
+Effect: "Regenerate" 15
+Description: "Ce collier confÅre au porteur une petite capacitæ de rægænæration."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 8"
$Name: "Medallion of Power"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Push" 40
+Description: "Ce mædaillon permet de repousser plus facilement ses adversaires."
//(MB): Was "Generic neck 9"
$Name: "Swordsman's Torque"
$Type: "Misc"
+Slot: "neck"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-necklaced8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Necklaced8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sword weapons" 30
+Description: "Ce torque amæliore la compætence du porteur avec les æpæes."
// -----------------
// ----- Keys -----
// -----------------
$Name: "Tancred's Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey1.V3D"
+Description: "Clef de la demeure de Tancred."
$Name: "Yago's Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey10.V3D"
+Description: "Clef des appartements de Yago."
$Name: "Sewer Grate Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey11.V3D"
+Description: "Clef de la bouche d'ægouts."
$Name: "Bookcase Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey12.V3D"
+Description: "Clef donnant accÅs α la Crypte des Rois, sous le monastÅre d'Iona."
$Name: "Blade of Tarun"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger02.v3d"
+Description: "L'Ulsadana des Khosani a donnæ cette lame au roi de Mædæva il y a quatre gænærations. Les Khosani savent que toute personne la portant est un æmissaire du roi."
$Name: "Auric Dagger"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger02.v3d"
+Description: "Dague antique couverte de runes intriguantes."
$Name: "Argent Dagger"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger02.v3d"
+Description: "Dague antique couverte de runes intriguantes."
$Name: "Brazen Dagger"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger02.v3d"
+Description: "Dague antique couverte de runes intriguantes."
$Name: "Cupric Dagger"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger02.v3d"
+Description: "Dague antique couverte de runes intriguantes."
$Name: "Ikaemos Armory Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey13.V3D"
+Description: "Clef couverte de glyphes archaÉques."
$Name: "Ikaemos Master Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey14.V3D"
+Description: "Clef couverte de glyphes archaÉques."
$Name: "Slave Pit Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey15.V3D"
+Description: "Clef du quartier des esclaves de la tour d'Eleh."
$Name: "Tomb Key"
$Type: "Misc"
+Flags: "no destroy"
$Value: 2000
$Icon: "ps-item-boot01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qkey16.V3D"
+Description: "Clef de la cellule de Joseph, dans la tour d'Eleh."
// ------------------ GEMS
$Name: "Garnet"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qgem1.V3D"
+Description: "Gemme rouge d'une trÅs grande puretæ. Rare."
$Name: "Citrine"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qgem2.V3D"
+Description: "Pierre præcieuse rare et fine, de couleur jaune."
$Name: "Tourmaline"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 25000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qgem3.V3D"
+Description: "Gemme verte d'une grande puretæ. TrÅs rare."
$Name: "Iolite"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 75000
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qgem4.V3D"
+Description: "Pierre præcieuse bleue d'une puretæ exceptionnelle."
$Name: "Amethyst"
$Type: "Misc"
$Value: 1500
$Icon: "ps-item-potion01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-qgem5.V3D"
+Description: "Pierre violette courante, de qualitæ moyenne."
// $Skill: <skill name> // skill required to equip
// $Class: <weapon class> // type of weapon
// $Damage: <damage> // base damage inflicted by the weapon
// $Damage Type: <physical damage type> // type of physical damage inflicted by weapon
// +Elemental Damage: <elemental damage type> // type of elemental damage inflicted by weapon
// $Speed: <speed multiplier> // speed multiplier of the weapon
// $Attack Radius: <distance> // maximum range of weapon in meters
// $Weight: <skill level> // minimum heavy arms skill level required to equip
// +Two Handed // weapon requires two hands to wield
// $Default Material: <material> // default material
// +Triggered Effect: <spell name> <% chance> [level] // spell effect on succesful hit
// ----------------
// ----- AXES -----
// ----------------
$Name: "Battleaxe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-battleaxe04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Battleaxe3.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.7
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Hache α deux mains."
//(MB): Was "Viking Style 1H Axe"
$Name: "War Axe"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-1handaxe01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "1handaxe1.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.2
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Hache de bataille α une main, dægΓts modæræs."
//(MB): Was "Medevan 1H Axe"
$Name: "Medevan War Axe"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 300
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-1handaxe02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "1handaxe2.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.2
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Hache α une main, dægΓts modæræs."
//(MB): Was "1H Axe Type 3"
$Name: "Woodsman's Axe"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-1handaxe03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "1handaxe3.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.2
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 10
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Hache α une main, dægΓts modæræs."
//(MB): Was "1H Axe type 4"
$Name: "Medevan Hachet"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-1handaxe04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "1handaxe4.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.2
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 20
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Hache α une main, dægΓts modæræs."
//(MB): Was "2H Axe 1"
$Name: "Medevan Battleaxe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-2handaxe03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Singleaxe03.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.4
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 20
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Hache α deux mains, dægΓts importants."
//(MB): Was "2H Axe Type 2"
$Name: "Heavy War Axe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-battleaxe01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Battleaxe2.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.4
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Hache α deux mains, dægΓts importants."
//(MB): Was "Unique 2H Axe"
$Name: "Spineslicer"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-2handaxe02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Singleaxe02.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 80
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"ice"
$Speed: 1.4
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Hache α deux mains, dægΓts importants. ParticuliÅrement efficace contre les adversaires vulnærables au froid."
//(MB): Was "Unique Battleaxe"
$Name: "Foecleaver"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-battleaxe03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Battleaxe1.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 80
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.2
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 90
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Hache α deux mains, dægΓts importants."
$Name: "Heavy Battleaxe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-axe02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-axe02a.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 85
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.4
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 70
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Hache α deux mains, dægΓts importants."
$Name: "Kothudin Lance"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-kothlance.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 45
$Default Material:"iron"
$Name: "TigerAxe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-tiger-axe.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-axe01a.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "LaharahAxe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-laharahaxe.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-axe01a.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 100
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
// -------------------------
// ----- BLUNT WEAPONS -----
// -------------------------
$Name: "Sledgehammer"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-hammer.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.3
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Marteau qui inflige des dægΓts modæræs."
$Name: "Club"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-club01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "club1.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "maces"
$Damage: 25
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "Wood"
+Description: "Gourdin qui inflige de faibles dægΓts."
$Name: "Frozen Club"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 150
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-club01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "club1.tga"
+Charge Effect: "Freeze" 10 200
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "maces"
$Damage: 25
$Damage Type: "blunt"
+Elemental Damage:"ice"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "Wood"
+Description: "Gourdin en bois qui inflige de faibles dægΓts. Il a ægalement le pouvoir de Glacer les adversaires (nombre de charges limitæ). TrÅs efficace contre les adversaires sensibles au froid."
$Name: "War Club"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-club02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "club2.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "maces"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 10
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Gourdin cloutæ qui inflige de faibles dægΓts."
$Name: "Ghork Smashor"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-warhammer03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Warhammer03.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.3
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 70
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Marteau qui inflige des dægΓts importants."
//(MB): Was called "Unique Spiked Mace"
$Name: "Impaler"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-mace04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Mace05.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "maces"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Power Leech" 20 20
+Description: "Masse cloutæe qui inflige des dægΓts importants."
$Name: "Warhammer"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-warhammer01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Warhammer1.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 90
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 2.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Marteau qui inflige des dægΓts trÅs importants."
$Name: "Debasser"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-mace03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Mace4.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "maces"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Trip" 20 20
+Description: "Masse qui inflige des dægΓts modæræs."
$Name: "Spiked Mace"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-mace01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Mace1.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Masse cloutæe qui inflige des dægΓts importants."
$Name: "Flanged Mace"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-mace02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-swordkatana01a.tga"
$Skill: "blunt weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Masse qui inflige des dægΓts importants."
// ----------------
// ----- BOWS -----
// ----------------
$Name: "Bone Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-BKT2Bow.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"bone"
+Description: "Les flÅches tiræes par cet arc infligent des dægΓts faibles."
$Name: "Iron Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-boww1.v3d"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Les flÅches tiræes par cet arc infligent des dægΓts faibles."
$Name: "Phoenix Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-PHNXBow.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.25
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 50
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Les flÅches tiræes par cet arc infligent des dægΓts modæræs."
$Name: "Reinforced Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-boww3.v3d"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 10
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Les flÅches tiræes par cet arc infligent des dægΓts modæræs."
//(MB): Was "Wood Bow"
$Name: "Yew Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-boww2.v3d"
+Flags: "ranged" "no drop"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Les flÅches tiræes par cet arc infligent des dægΓts faibles."
$Name: "Short Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow1.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Les flÅches tiræes par cet arc infligent des dægΓts faibles."
$Name: "Standoff Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 350
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow1.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Pushback" 70 20
+Description: "Les flÅches tiræes par cet arc infligent des dægΓts faibles. Chaque flÅche a une chance de repousser l'adversaire."
$Name: "Crossbow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-crossbow01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Crossbow1.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "crossbows"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Les carreaux lancæs par cette arbalÅte infligent des dægΓts modæræs."
$Name: "Siege Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow2.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Les flÅches tiræes par cet arc infligent des dægΓts modæræs."
$Name: "Assassin's Crossbow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-crossbow02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Crossbow3.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "crossbows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 2.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Death" 5 35
+Description: "Les carreaux lancæs par cette arbalÅte infligent de faibles dægΓts. Chaque carreau a une chance de tuer l'adversaire sur le coup."
$Name: "Long Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow3.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.2
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Les flÅches tiræes par cet arc infligent des dægΓts importants α la cible."
$Name: "Reflex Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow4.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.7
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Les flÅches tiræes par cet arc infligent des dægΓts faibles."
//(MB): Was "Unique Reflex Bow"
$Name: "Bow of Piercing"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow05.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow5.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"energy"
$Speed: 0.7
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Les flÅches tiræes par cet arc infligent des dægΓts modæræs. TrÅs efficace contre les adversaires sensibles α l'Energie."
$Name: "Scythian Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow06.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow6.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"Ice"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Icicle" 30 10
+Description: "Les flÅches tiræes par cet arc infligent des dægΓts modæræs et peuvent lancer le sort de FlÅche de glace contre la cible. TrÅs efficace contre les adversaires sensibles au froid."
$Name: "Bow of Lynnai"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow07.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow7.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"Fire"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Fire Arrow" 30 10
+Description: "Les flÅches tiræes par cet arc infligent des dægΓts modæræs et peuvent lancer le sort de FlÅche de feu contre la cible. TrÅs efficace contre les adversaires sensibles au feu."
$Name: "Heavy Crossbow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-crossbow03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Crossbow2.tga"
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "crossbows"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 2.0
$Attack Radius: 10.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Les carreaux lancæs par cette arbalÅte infligent des dægΓts importants."
//(MB): Was "Unique Compound Bow"
$Name: "Farslayer Bow"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-bow01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-bow08.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Bow8.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Critical Hit" 30
+Flags: "ranged"
$Skill: "bow weapons"
$Class: "bows"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 15.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "DægΓts importants causæs par les flÅches et augmentation de la compætence Coup critique."
// ------------------
// ----- STAVES -----
// ------------------
$Name: "Bacite Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-bacitestaff.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.25
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "wood"
$Name: "TigerSpear"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-tigerspear.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-axe01a.tga"
+Flags: "no drop" "ranged"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 6.5
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "Iona Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ionastaff.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.75
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "wood"
$Name: "OG Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-OGStaff.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "wood"
$Name: "Oni Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-onistaff.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 10
$Default Material: "wood"
$Name: "Priest Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-staff-priest.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 0.0
$Attack Radius: 0.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
$Name: "Nagitana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-naginata.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Naginata1.tga"
+Flags: "No Drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.4
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts modæræs."
$Name: "Quarterstaff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-qstaff01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Qstaff1.tga"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts faibles."
//(MB): Was "Unique Quarterstaff1"
$Name: "Hardwood Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-qstaff02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Qstaff2.tga"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Ce bΓton inflige des dægΓts faibles."
//(MB): Was "Unique Quarterstaff2"
$Name: "Ironwood Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-qstaff03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Qstaff3.tga"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 20
$Damage Type: "Blunt"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Triggered Effect: "Power Leech" 20 5
+Description: "Ce bΓton inflige des dægΓts modæræs et peut lancer le sort Drainage vital sur sa cible."
//(MB): Was "Unique Quarterstaff3"
$Name: "Fellstaff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-qstaff04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Staff03.tga"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 0.6
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Ce bΓton inflige des dægΓts modæræs."
//(MB): Was "Unique Nagitana"
$Name: "Thunder Nagitana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-naginata2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Naginata2.tga"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"Energy"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"wood"
+Triggered Effect:"Lightning" 30 10
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts importants et peut lancer le sort de Foudre sur sa cible. TrÅs efficace contre les adversaires sensibles α l'Energie."
$Name: "Staff"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-staff.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-staff02a.tga"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "staves"
$Damage: 25
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 2.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts faibles."
$Name: "Yago Cane"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-staff02.vbm"
$Model: "prop-yagocane.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "staff weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "blunt"
$Speed: 0.0
$Attack Radius: 0.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "wood"
// -----------------
// --- POLE ARMS ---
// -----------------
$Name: "Halberd"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-spear03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Polearm1.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 20
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts importants."
+Description: "Cette arme inflige d'ænormes dægΓts et peut lancer le sort de Malædiction sur sa cible."
$Name: "Stone Lance"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-stonelance.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 45
$Default Material: "stone"
$Name: "Mino Sickle"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "shadow"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-minosickle.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-axe01a.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"fire"
$Speed: 1.25
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect:"fire arrow" 10 20
$Name: "Pole Axe"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "shadow"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-poleaxe01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Poleaxe1.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Arme d'hast qui inflige des dægΓts importants."
//(MB): Was "Austrian Halberd"
$Name: "Sabre Halberd"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "shadow"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-spear02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Polearm3.tga"
$Skill: "axe weapons"
$Class: "pole arms"
$Damage: 85
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette arme d'hast inflige des dægΓts importants."
// ------------------
// ----- SWORDS -----
// ------------------
$Name: "BKNT Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-bkntsword.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "Bone Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-magicsword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd4.v3d"
+Effect: "regenerate" 6
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 15
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "Falchion"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword07.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 32
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.95
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette arme perforante inflige de faibles dægΓts et peut Ωtre maniæe comme une dague."
$Name: "Precise Falchion"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword07.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Aimed Attack" 10
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 32
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette arme perforante inflige de faibles dægΓts et amæliore la compætence Attaque præcise. Elle peut Ωtre maniæe comme une dague."
$Name: "Fiery Falchion"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword07.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage: "fire"
$Speed: 1.05
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Fireball" 25 4
+Description: "Cette arme perforante inflige de faibles dægΓts et peut lancer le sort de Boule de feu sur sa cible. TrÅs efficace contre les adversaires craignant le feu, elle peut Ωtre maniæe comme une dague."
$Name: "Sabre"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd1.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword01.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 10
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette arme perforante inflige d'importants dægΓts et peut Ωtre utilisæe comme une dague."
$Name: "Fangsickle"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-serpentfang.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Serpent-FangSickle.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 20
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "FBKT Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-fbktsword.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"Ice"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "Fine Bladed Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-katana9.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-swordkatana01a.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 10
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts modæræs."
$Name: "IKPK Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-IKPK-Sword.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 45
$Default Material: "stone"
$Name: "Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 3000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-katana.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-swordkatana01a.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts importants."
$Name: "Logaros Longsword"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Flags: "shadow"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-swordbastard01a.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.20
$Attack Radius: 1.2
$Weight: 50
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Tur Hasen est l'arme ancestrale des seigneurs de Logaros. Elle cause d'ænormes dægΓts."
$Name: "Long Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd6.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts importants."
$Name: "Wakasashi"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-katana-short.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 38
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 20
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Cette arme perforante assez lente inflige des dægΓts modæræs. Elle peut ægalement Ωtre utilisæe comme dague."
$Name: "Short Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 100
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-short.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Cette arme inflige de faibles dægΓts."
$Name: "Sornehan Dagger"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger-sorn.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-dagger01a.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette dague aiguisæe inflige d'importants dægΓts α ses cibles."
$Name: "Sword of Spirits"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-magicsword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-katana10.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-swordkatana01.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"fire"
$Speed: 0.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 70
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect:"fire arrow" 20 6
+Description: "Cette æpæe inflige des dægΓts modæræs et peut lancer le sort de FlÅche de feu sur sa cible. ParticuliÅrement efficace contre les adversaires vulnærables au feu."
$Name: "Worn Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-katana.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-swordkatana01a.tga"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 25
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.6
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Description: "Ce katana trÅs abεmæ n'inflige que de faibles dægΓts aux ennemis."
//(MB): Was "Unique Shortsword1"
$Name: "Razor Shortsword"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 7000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-ssword02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shortsword2.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts importants."
$Name: "Ionian Bone Cleaver"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd8.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword08.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Bless" 20 20
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts modæræs et peut lancer le sort de Bænædiction sur son utilisateur."
$Name: "Kishin Impaler"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 80000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-ssword01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shortsword08.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.8
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Death" 5 35
+Description: "Cette arme perforante inflige des dægΓts modæræs et peut tuer l'adversaire d'un coup. Elle peut ægalement Ωtre utilisæe comme dague."
//(MB) Note: This is spelled "sabre" in at least two other places. Change it?
$Name: "Orenian Saber"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 30000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-ssword03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shortsword6.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts modæræs et peut Ωtre utilisæe comme dague."
//(MB): Was "Unique Katana2"
$Name: "Well-Honed Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-katana2.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana2.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 40
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Marteau qui inflige des dægΓts importants."
+Description: "Cette arme inflige d'ænormes dægΓts et peut lancer un sort de FlÅche de feu sur sa cible. TrÅs efficace contre des adversaires sensibles au feu."
//(MB): Was "Unique Long Sword"
$Name: "Sword of Maiming"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-longswrd01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Longsword02.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 50
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect:"Empower" 10 20
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts modæræs et peut lancer un sort de Pouvoir α son utilisateur."
//(MB): Was "Unique Short Sword3"
$Name: "Rending Shortsword"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-ssword04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Shortsword10.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette arme perforante inflige d'importants dægΓts et peut Ωtre utilisæe comme une dague."
//(MB): Was "Unique Katana1"
$Name: "Fine Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-katana5.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana5.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.9
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts modæræs."
//(MB): Was "Some Katana"
$Name: "Katana of Skill"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-katana7.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana7.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Sword weapons" 10
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette arme inflige des dægΓts importants."
$Name: "GHRD Scythe"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-axe01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-ghrd-scythe.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 60
$Default Material: "iron"
// ------------------
// --- 2H SWORDS ---
// ------------------
$Name: "Claymore"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-2handsword01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "2handsword1.tga"
+Restricted: Jekhar
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords" // treat all daggers as swords for now
$Damage: 50
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 30
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette grande æpæe inflige des dægΓts modæræs."
$Name: "Drithen Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Longsword3.tga"
+Restricted: Joseph
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 90
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"fire"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 90
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette æpæe α deux mains inflige d'ænormes dægΓts et est trÅs efficace contre les adversaires sensibles au feu."
$Name: "Sword of Summoners"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd9.V3D"
+Bitmap: "Longsword3.tga"
+Restricted: Joseph
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 150
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 90
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette æpæe α deux mains ne peut Ωtre maniæe que par les invocateurs. Machival l'a utilisæe pour tenter de vous dætruire."
$Name: "Winterlong"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd6.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword6.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 90
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"ice"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 90
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette æpæe α deux mains inflige d'ænormes dægΓts et est particuliÅrement efficace contre les adversaires sensibles au froid."
$Name: "Dreadblade"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-katana3.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Katana3.tga"
+Restricted: Joseph
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 80
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 80
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Paralyze" 20 20
+Description: "Cette æpæe α deux mains inflige d'ænormes dægΓts et peut paralyser sa cible."
$Name: "Nodachi"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
+Flags: "not identified" "Shadow"
$Value: 100000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-2handkatana01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "2handsword3.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 70
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 80
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Ice Coffin" 20 20
+Description: "Cette arme α deux mains inflige d'ænormes dægΓts et peut lancer le sort de Cage de glace sur sa cible."
$Name: "Breaching Claymore"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 500000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-2handsword02.v3d"
+Bitmap: "2handsword2.tga"
+Restricted: Jekhar
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 100
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 2.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 100
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette æpæe α deux mains inflige d'ænormes dægΓts."
$Name: "Bastard Sword"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-sword-brd4.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword4.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.5
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette æpæe α deux mains inflige des dægΓts modæræs."
$Name: "prop-sword-brd1"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd1.V3D"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword1.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd10"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd10.V3D"
+Bitmap: "Broadsword10.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd2"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd2.V3D"
+Bitmap: "broadsword2.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd3"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd3.V3D"
+Bitmap: "broadsword3.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd5"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd5.V3D"
+Bitmap: "broadsword5.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd6"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd6.V3D"
+Bitmap: "broadsword6.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd7"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd7.V3D"
+Bitmap: "broadsword7.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "prop-sword-brd9"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Slot: "two-handed"
$Value: 200
$Icon: "ps-item-sword09.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-brd1.V3D"
+Bitmap: "broadsword9.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 65
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material: "iron"
// -----------------------------
// -----------------------------
$Name: "Pijian Claw Left"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-PIJN-Claw-L.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "Pijian Claw Right"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-PIJN-Claw-R.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "CSAM Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-sword-cskatana.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "large swords"
$Damage: 60
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"Energy"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
$Name: "CSAM Short Katana"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-cskatana-short.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "slashing"
+Elemental Damage:"Energy"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 35
$Default Material:"iron"
// -----------------
// ---- DAGGERS ----
// -----------------
$Name: "Sharp Dagger"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 500
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger05.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Dagger04.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette dague n'inflige que de faibles dægΓts."
$Name: "Katar"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 10000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-katar.v3d"
+Skill Mod: "Critical Hit" 25
+Restricted: Joseph Flece
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "swords"
$Damage: 45
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 0.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Triggered Effect: "Poison" 30 5
+Description: "Cette arme perforante inflige de faibles dægΓts mais peut empoisonner sa cible. Elle augmente la compætence Coup critique, mais ne peut Ωtre utilisæe pour l'Attaque sournoise."
$Name: "Spinesplitter"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 50000
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-dagger04.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Dagger03.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Backstab" 30
+Restricted: Flece
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 1.0
$Attack Radius: .75
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette dague inflige des dægΓts modæræs et amæliore la compætence Attaque sournoise."
$Name: "Gutting Dirk"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 75000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger09.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Dagger08.tga"
+Skill Mod: "Critical Hit" 20
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 55
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette dague inflige des dægΓts modæræs."
$Name: "Dirk"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 1000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger06.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Dagger05.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette dague inflige de faibles dægΓts."
$Name: "Parrying Dagger"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "Prop-dagger10.v3d"
+Bitmap: "Dagger09.tga"
+Skill Mod: "parry" 30
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 35
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette dague n'inflige que de faibles dægΓts mais amæliore la compætence de Parade."
$Name: "Dagger"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 50
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger01.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-dagger01a.tga"
+Restricted: Flece
+Flags: "no drop"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 25
$Damage Type: "piercing"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette dague inflige de faibles dægΓts."
$Name: "High Quality Knife"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger11.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-dagger01a.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 40
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"Energy"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material: "iron"
+Description: "Cette dague inflige des dægΓts modæræs mais est particuliÅrement efficace contre les adversaires vulnærables aux attaques d'ænergie."
$Name: "Icy Dagger"
$Type: "Weapon"
+Flags: "not identified"
$Value: 5000
$Icon: "ps-item-dagger01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-dagger03.v3d"
+Bitmap: "item-dagger03a.tga"
$Skill: "sword weapons"
$Class: "daggers"
$Damage: 30
$Damage Type: "piercing"
+Elemental Damage:"ice"
$Speed: 0.75
$Attack Radius: 1.0
$Weight: 0
$Default Material:"iron"
+Triggered Effect: "icicle" 40 15
+Description: "Cette dague n'inflige que de faibles dægΓts mais peut lancer le sort de FlÅche de glace sur sa cible. TrÅs efficace contre les adversaires sensibles au froid."
// -----------------
// ----- PROPS -----
// -----------------
$Name: "Broom"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-broom.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "prop only"
$Name: "MBoy Axe"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-mboyaxe.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "prop only"
$Name: "Spoon"
$Type: "Weapon"
$Value: 20
$Icon: "ps-item-sword01.vbm"
$Model: "prop-spoon.v3d"
+Flags: "no drop" "prop only"
// -----------------
// CONTAINERS - do _not_ change or remove these without talking to DaveB first!