Sharon Wottrich, Susan Davies, and Linda Bracilano at Voices Unlimited
Ron, Vernyle, John, and David Steele at EKO Media Design
Daryle Albert at Creative Associates, LLC
Charles Gerace
Caleb Simpson
Soebeck Song
Chris Wu
Bay Sonthipanya
Chris Breault
Norah Kerr
Wil Foster
Nick Starr
Jacob Thompson
The Red Faction Team
Outrage Entertainment
*Vice President of Product Development
Michael Rubinelli
*Senior Producer
Jim Boone
*Associate Producers
Rob Loftus
Greg Donovan
*Assistant Producer
Gregg Nakawatase
*Vice President of Marketing
Peter Dille
*Group Marketing Manager
Alison Quirion
*Associate Product Manager
Christopher Ziliotto
*Director of Creative Services
Howard Libeskind
*Manual Writer
Kirk Somdal
*Senior Public Relations Manager
Liz Pieri
*Public Relations Manager
Reilly Brennan
*Director of QA
Jeremy S. Barnes
*Quality Assurance Chief Technician
Jason Roberts
*Lead Testers
Greg Manley
Erik van Rooy
*Game Testers
Byron Guerrero
Chaille Stidham
Jenny Conn
Barry Coates
Dennis Czajkowski
Kris Debus
Carlos Estiandan
Chris " The Fish" Gonzalez
Erik Hernandez
Mark Hoffman
Glen Peters
Justice Summoner
Joseph Macaulay
*Product Development Executive Assistant
Shannon Gamboa
*Special Thanks
Raelea Apolito
Chaille Stidham
Byron Guerrero
Jeff Lapin
@"Sounds included in the musical pieces of this game are from the Percussive Adventures Sound Library, produced by Christopher Page for East West Communications, Inc."
@To Beth, Erica, and Ian who patiently put up with my long absences away from them.
- Mark Allender
@To the Kabal, for teaching me to live and daring me to dream; and to Mom and Dad, for giving me the world.
- Nick Lee
@I would like to thank my family, friends, co-workers, and anyone else that has to put up with me on a daily basis. I love you guys.
- Jiovanie Velazquez
@To dad & my family; and novacane & my friends, all of whom by now have probably started wondering what's happened to me.
- Brian Keron
@To Karen for understanding the long hours, and to Irene, Nathan and Zoe, for the sound of their little footsteps and for their hunger of raspberries.
-Dave Andsager
@To Raja, Vimala, Anshula, Nag, and my best friend, Anoop.
- Sandeep Shekar
@To my parents who allowed us to pursue whatever we wanted to (most of the time), my brother, and my cousin Nag who's like another brother to me.
- Anoop Shekar
@To Robin and little Nolan, for making the few hours I spent at home every day amazing.
- Adam Pletcher
@To my friends and family for their support and understanding and those crazy Texans from whom I learned the finer arts of Texture-Fu..
- Mitri Vanichtheeranont
@To Sheri for putting up with all the noise and for summoning Toby.
- Walter Shaw
@To Jessica and Leif, for supporting me throughout the project and surviving the Summer of 2000, during which I did not exist.
- James Hague
@To Mom, Dad, and Andy for always being supportive of whatever I do, and allowing me to take vacation vicariously through them.
- Dave Baranec
@To Jackie Wong.
- Peter Han
@To my family and friends who supported my decision to move away from home, and who understand why I moved so far in order to do something I love..
- Tim Borrelli
@To my wonderful wife who has had to endure the cornfields of IL for yet another game to be completed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
- Kelly Snapka
@To my friends and family, the rest of the Summoner team, and most of all to Amanda Ashby for being there.
- Matt Flegel
@To my family and friends from 'bula for their caring and support, to give me the strength to follow my dreams.
- John Enricco
@To my family Rob, Julie, Amanda, and Rascal for their love and understanding! To Regal, Rob, Jeff, Darren, BJ, and Lewis! Trish, Kelly, Eli, and Lamont, you guys rock!!
- Matt Kresge
@To Missy for her love and inspiration.
- Frank Marquart
@To my wife for leaving her home town for me and putting up with me during the long hours I'm away at work. Thanks Babe, you're my inspiration!
- Cory Hamilton
@To my family and friends for all their love and support in the past, present and future. And to the Volition crew from whom I've learned so much.
- Jason Shum
@To my wife, Maria.
- Jason Scott
@To my parents and brother for not quashing my passion for games, and to the friends with whom I'll Rampage forever.
- James Tsai
@To my family and friends for their support, and to Volition for giving me a chance.
- Alvan Monje
@To Brandy, Mom, and Dad.
- Nathan Camarillo
@To Jillian and Anna.
- Philip Holt
@To THQ, for showing a lot of faith.
- Mike Kulas
*Volition, Inc.
*PC Team
Mark Allender
Nicholas Lee
Jiovanie Velazquez
Brian Keron
Dave Andsager
Sandeep Shekar
Anoop Shekar
Adam Pletcher
Mitri Vanichtheeranont
Walter Shaw
*Lead Designer
Sandeep Shekar
*Lead Programmers
Mark Allender
James Hague
*Lead Artist
Adam Pletcher
Dave Baranec
Dave Andsager
Brian Keron
Nicholas Lee
Mitri Vanichtheeranont
Peter Han
Jiovanie Velazquez
Frank Marquart
Kelly Snapka
Matt Flegel
Matt Kresge
John Enricco
Cory Hamilton
Tim Borrelli
Jason Shum
Michael Comet
Jason Scott
Mike Breault
*Level Scripting
James Agay
Sandeep Shekar
*Composers/Sound Designers
Walter Shaw
Dan Wentz
Scott Lee
*Additional Design
James Agay
Jason Scott
Anoop Shekar
Adam Pletcher
Mark Allender
*Additional Programming
John Slagel
Jason Hoffoss
*Concept Artists
Peter Han
Hoang Pham
*Assistant Producer
Anoop Shekar
*Executive Producer
Mike Kulas
*Vice President of Product Development
Philip Holt
*QA Test Leads
James Tsai
Alvan Monje
*QA Testers
Lorcan Murphy
Doug Nelson
Rick Coates
Brian Davis
*Web Designer/Programmers
Nathan Camarillo
Todd Miller
*Network Administrator
Mark Muller
*Technical Support
Rory Prendergast
*Office Manager
Ginny Gee
Kris Moskwa
Recording in Chicago at
EKO Media Design
*Recording Engineer
Graham Hicks
Walter Shaw
*Voice Actors
!Karin Anglin
!Jenny Avery
!John Bakos
&Abbot Laurent
!Joel Cory
!Charles Gerace
&King Bellias
!Jeffrey Gibson
!Kevin Gudhal
&Carados, Guard,
^Pijian, Murod
!Dale Inghram
!B. J. Jones
!Roger Mueller
!Kurt Naebig
!Jill Shellabarger
^Queen Galienne
*Special Thanks
Sharon Wottrich, Susan Davies, and Linda Bracilano at Voices Unlimited
Ron, Vernyle, John, and David Steele at EKO Media Design
Daryle Albert at Creative Associates, LLC
Charles Gerace
Caleb Simpson
Soebeck Song
Chris Wu
Bay Sonthipanya
Chris Breault
Norah Kerr
Wil Foster
Nick Starr
Jacob Thompson
The Red Faction Team
Outrage Entertainment
*Vice President of Product Development
Michael Rubinelli
*Senior Producer
Jim Boone
*Associate Producers
Rob Loftus
Greg Donovan
*Assistant Producer
Gregg Nakawatase
*Vice President of Marketing
Peter Dille
*Group Marketing Manager
Alison Quirion
*Associate Product Manager
Christopher Ziliotto
*Director of Creative Services
Howard Libeskind
*Manual Writer
Kirk Somdal
*Senior Public Relations Manager
Liz Pieri
*Public Relations Manager
Reilly Brennan
*Director of QA
Jeremy S. Barnes
*Quality Assurance Chief Technician
Jason Roberts
*Lead Testers
Greg Manley
Erik van Rooy
*Game Testers
Byron Guerrero
Chaille Stidham
Jenny Conn
Barry Coates
Dennis Czajkowski
Kris Debus
Carlos Estiandan
Chris " The Fish" Gonzalez
Erik Hernandez
Mark Hoffman
Glen Peters
Justice Summoner
Joseph Macaulay
*Product Development Executive Assistant
Shannon Gamboa
*Special Thanks
Raelea Apolito
Chaille Stidham
Byron Guerrero
Jeff Lapin
@"Sounds included in the musical pieces of this game are from the Percussive Adventures Sound Library, produced by Christopher Page for East West Communications, Inc."
@To Beth, Erica, and Ian who patiently put up with my long absences away from them.
- Mark Allender
@To the Kabal, for teaching me to live and daring me to dream; and to Mom and Dad, for giving me the world.
- Nick Lee
@I would like to thank my family, friends, co-workers, and anyone else that has to put up with me on a daily basis. I love you guys.
- Jiovanie Velazquez
@To dad & my family; and novacane & my friends, all of whom by now have probably started wondering what's happened to me.
- Brian Keron
@To Karen for understanding the long hours, and to Irene, Nathan and Zoe, for the sound of their little footsteps and for their hunger of raspberries.
-Dave Andsager
@To Raja, Vimala, Anshula, Nag, and my best friend, Anoop.
- Sandeep Shekar
@To my parents who allowed us to pursue whatever we wanted to (most of the time), my brother, and my cousin Nag who's like another brother to me.
- Anoop Shekar
@To Robin and little Nolan, for making the few hours I spent at home every day amazing.
- Adam Pletcher
@To my friends and family for their support and understanding and those crazy Texans from whom I learned the finer arts of Texture-Fu..
- Mitri Vanichtheeranont
@To Sheri for putting up with all the noise and for summoning Toby.
- Walter Shaw
@To Jessica and Leif, for supporting me throughout the project and surviving the Summer of 2000, during which I did not exist.
- James Hague
@To Mom, Dad, and Andy for always being supportive of whatever I do, and allowing me to take vacation vicariously through them.
- Dave Baranec
@To Jackie Wong.
- Peter Han
@To my family and friends who supported my decision to move away from home, and who understand why I moved so far in order to do something I love..
- Tim Borrelli
@To my wonderful wife who has had to endure the cornfields of IL for yet another game to be completed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
- Kelly Snapka
@To my friends and family, the rest of the Summoner team, and most of all to Amanda Ashby for being there.
- Matt Flegel
@To my family and friends from 'bula for their caring and support, to give me the strength to follow my dreams.
- John Enricco
@To my family Rob, Julie, Amanda, and Rascal for their love and understanding! To Regal, Rob, Jeff, Darren, BJ, and Lewis! Trish, Kelly, Eli, and Lamont, you guys rock!!
- Matt Kresge
@To Missy for her love and inspiration.
- Frank Marquart
@To my wife for leaving her home town for me and putting up with me during the long hours I'm away at work. Thanks Babe, you're my inspiration!
- Cory Hamilton
@To my family and friends for all their love and support in the past, present and future. And to the Volition crew from whom I've learned so much.
- Jason Shum
@To my wife, Maria.
- Jason Scott
@To my parents and brother for not quashing my passion for games, and to the friends with whom I'll Rampage forever.
- James Tsai
@To my family and friends for their support, and to Volition for giving me a chance.
- Alvan Monje
@To Brandy, Mom, and Dad.
- Nathan Camarillo
@To Jillian and Anna.
- Philip Holt
@To THQ, for showing a lot of faith.
- Mike Kulas
*Deutsche Version
Softgold Computerspiele GmbH - a THQ Company
Susanne Dieck
Bernhard Dahmen
Bernd Kurtz
J÷rg GrΣfingholt
Andreas Herbertz
Max Steller
Patrick Fedtke
Susanne Dieck
Andreas Herbertz
*Aufgenommen in den
GG Studios, Kaarst
*Aufnahmeleitung, Schnitt
Willi Gro▀mann, J÷rn Friese
J÷rn Friese
Thomas Gesell
Martina Eckert
*Volition, Inc.
*PC Team
Mark Allender
Nicholas Lee
Jiovanie Velazquez
Brian Keron
Dave Andsager
Sandeep Shekar
Anoop Shekar
Adam Pletcher
Mitri Vanichtheeranont
Walter Shaw
*Lead Designer
Sandeep Shekar
*Lead Programmers
Mark Allender
James Hague
*Lead Artist
Adam Pletcher
Dave Baranec
Dave Andsager
Brian Keron
Nicholas Lee
Mitri Vanichtheeranont
Peter Han
Jiovanie Velazquez
Frank Marquart
Kelly Snapka
Matt Flegel
Matt Kresge
John Enricco
Cory Hamilton
Tim Borrelli
Jason Shum
Michael Comet
Jason Scott
Mike Breault
*Level Scripting
James Agay
Sandeep Shekar
*Composers/Sound Designers
Walter Shaw
Dan Wentz
Scott Lee
*Additional Design
James Agay
Jason Scott
Anoop Shekar
Adam Pletcher
Mark Allender
*Additional Programming
John Slagel
Jason Hoffoss
*Concept Artists
Peter Han
Hoang Pham
*Assistant Producer
Anoop Shekar
*Executive Producer
Mike Kulas
*Vice President of Product Development
Philip Holt
*QA Test Leads
James Tsai
Alvan Monje
*QA Testers
Lorcan Murphy
Doug Nelson
Rick Coates
Brian Davis
*Web Designer/Programmers
Nathan Camarillo
Todd Miller
*Network Administrator
Mark Muller
*Technical Support
Rory Prendergast
*Office Manager
Ginny Gee
Kris Moskwa
Recording in Chicago at
EKO Media Design
*Recording Engineer
Graham Hicks
Walter Shaw
*Voice Actors
!Karin Anglin
!Jenny Avery
!John Bakos
&Abbot Laurent
!Joel Cory
!Charles Gerace
&King Bellias
!Jeffrey Gibson
!Kevin Gudhal
&Carados, Guard,
^Pijian, Murod
!Dale Inghram
!B. J. Jones
!Roger Mueller
!Kurt Naebig
!Jill Shellabarger
^Queen Galienne
*Special Thanks
Sharon Wottrich, Susan Davies, and Linda Bracilano at Voices Unlimited
Ron, Vernyle, John, and David Steele at EKO Media Design
Daryle Albert at Creative Associates, LLC
Charles Gerace
Caleb Simpson
Soebeck Song
Chris Wu
Bay Sonthipanya
Chris Breault
Norah Kerr
Wil Foster
Nick Starr
Jacob Thompson
The Red Faction Team
Outrage Entertainment
*Vice President of Product Development
Michael Rubinelli
*Senior Producer
Jim Boone
*Associate Producers
Rob Loftus
Greg Donovan
*Assistant Producer
Gregg Nakawatase
*Vice President of Marketing
Peter Dille
*Group Marketing Manager
Alison Quirion
*Associate Product Manager
Christopher Ziliotto
*Director of Creative Services
Howard Libeskind
*Manual Writer
Kirk Somdal
*Senior Public Relations Manager
Liz Pieri
*Public Relations Manager
Reilly Brennan
*Director of QA
Jeremy S. Barnes
*Quality Assurance Chief Technician
Jason Roberts
*Lead Testers
Greg Manley
Erik van Rooy
*Game Testers
Byron Guerrero
Chaille Stidham
Jenny Conn
Barry Coates
Dennis Czajkowski
Kris Debus
Carlos Estiandan
Chris " The Fish" Gonzalez
Erik Hernandez
Mark Hoffman
Glen Peters
Justice Summoner
Joseph Macaulay
*Product Development Executive Assistant
Shannon Gamboa
*Special Thanks
Raelea Apolito
Chaille Stidham
Byron Guerrero
Jeff Lapin
@"Sounds included in the musical pieces of this game are from the Percussive Adventures Sound Library, produced by Christopher Page for East West Communications, Inc."
@To Beth, Erica, and Ian who patiently put up with my long absences away from them.
- Mark Allender
@To the Kabal, for teaching me to live and daring me to dream; and to Mom and Dad, for giving me the world.
- Nick Lee
@I would like to thank my family, friends, co-workers, and anyone else that has to put up with me on a daily basis. I love you guys.
- Jiovanie Velazquez
@To dad & my family; and novacane & my friends, all of whom by now have probably started wondering what's happened to me.
- Brian Keron
@To Karen for understanding the long hours, and to Irene, Nathan and Zoe, for the sound of their little footsteps and for their hunger of raspberries.
-Dave Andsager
@To Raja, Vimala, Anshula, Nag, and my best friend, Anoop.
- Sandeep Shekar
@To my parents who allowed us to pursue whatever we wanted to (most of the time), my brother, and my cousin Nag who's like another brother to me.
- Anoop Shekar
@To Robin and little Nolan, for making the few hours I spent at home every day amazing.
- Adam Pletcher
@To my friends and family for their support and understanding and those crazy Texans from whom I learned the finer arts of Texture-Fu..
- Mitri Vanichtheeranont
@To Sheri for putting up with all the noise and for summoning Toby.
- Walter Shaw
@To Jessica and Leif, for supporting me throughout the project and surviving the Summer of 2000, during which I did not exist.
- James Hague
@To Mom, Dad, and Andy for always being supportive of whatever I do, and allowing me to take vacation vicariously through them.
- Dave Baranec
@To Jackie Wong.
- Peter Han
@To my family and friends who supported my decision to move away from home, and who understand why I moved so far in order to do something I love..
- Tim Borrelli
@To my wonderful wife who has had to endure the cornfields of IL for yet another game to be completed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
- Kelly Snapka
@To my friends and family, the rest of the Summoner team, and most of all to Amanda Ashby for being there.
- Matt Flegel
@To my family and friends from 'bula for their caring and support, to give me the strength to follow my dreams.
- John Enricco
@To my family Rob, Julie, Amanda, and Rascal for their love and understanding! To Regal, Rob, Jeff, Darren, BJ, and Lewis! Trish, Kelly, Eli, and Lamont, you guys rock!!
- Matt Kresge
@To Missy for her love and inspiration.
- Frank Marquart
@To my wife for leaving her home town for me and putting up with me during the long hours I'm away at work. Thanks Babe, you're my inspiration!
- Cory Hamilton
@To my family and friends for all their love and support in the past, present and future. And to the Volition crew from whom I've learned so much.
- Jason Shum
@To my wife, Maria.
- Jason Scott
@To my parents and brother for not quashing my passion for games, and to the friends with whom I'll Rampage forever.
- James Tsai
@To my family and friends for their support, and to Volition for giving me a chance.