XONLINE_E_FRIENDS_LIST_ERROR="Friends list error."
XONLINE_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY="Your Xbox does not have enough free blocks to sign in to Xbox Live. You need X more free blocks. Press A to continue playing offline or B to free more blocks."
XONLINE_E_LOGON_CONNECTION_LOST="You have been signed out of Xbox Live because your connection has been lost."
XONLINE_E_LOGON_INVALID_USER="This account is not current. You need to update the account in Account Recovery."
XONLINE_E_NOTIFICATION_LIST_FULL="Your friends list is full."
XONLINE_FEEDBACK_SERVICE="Feedback service error."
XONLINE_MATCHMAKING_SERVICE="Matchmaking service error."
XONLINE_NICKNAME_VERIFICATION_SERVICE="Nickname verification service error."
XONLINE_STATISTICS_SERVICE="Statistics service error."
XONLINE_E_UNKNOWN_SERVICE="Unknown service error."
BAD_PASSCODE="The Passcode you have entered is invalid. Please try again."
FRIEND_ACCEPT_CROSS_TITLE_INVITE_FAILED="Failed to accept cross-title invite."
FRIEND_ACCEPT_FAILED="Failed to accept friend request."
FRIEND_CANCEL_FAILED="Failed to cancel friend request."
FRIEND_DECLINE_FAILED="Failed to decline friend request."
FRIEND_JOIN_FAILED="Failed to join friend's game."
FRIEND_REMOVE_FAILED="Failed to remove friend."
FRIEND_REQUEST_FAILED="Failed to send friend request."
FRIEND_BLOCK_FAILED="Failed to block requests from player."
FRIEND_INVITE_ACCEPT_FAILED="Failed to accept invite."
FRIEND_INVITE_CANCEL_FAILED="Failed to cancel invite."
FRIEND_INVITE_DECLINE_FAILED="Failed to decline invite."
FRIEND_INVITE_SEND_FAILED="Failed to send invite."
PLAYER_MUTE_FAILED="Failed to mute player."
PLAYER_UNMUTE_FAILED="Failed to unmute player."
PLAYER_SEND_FEEDBACK_FAILED="Failed to send feedback."
STATS_ERROR="An error occured communicating with the statistics service."