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Text File | 2004-12-20 | 26.5 KB | 1,234 lines |
- <!-- player-normal-group.xml defines the layout of the Winamp Player Window. -->
- <!-- Playback buttons -->
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- <!-- Button Backgrounds -->
- <layer
- id="Play.bg"
- x="30" y="0"
- image="player.button.play.bg"
- />
- <layer
- id="Play.button.bg"
- x="30" y="0"
- image="player.button.play"
- />
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- id="Pause.bg"
- x="60" y="0"
- image="player.button.pause.bg"
- />
- <layer
- id="Pause.button.bg"
- x="60" y="0"
- image="player.button.pause"
- />
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- id="Stop.bg"
- x="90" y="0"
- image="player.button.stop.bg"
- />
- <layer
- id="Stop.button.bg"
- x="90" y="0"
- image="player.button.stop"
- />
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- id="status"
- x="30" y="0"
- stopBitmap="player.button.status.stop"
- playBitmap="player.button.status.play"
- pauseBitmap="player.button.status.pause"
- ghost="1"
- />
- <!-- PREVIOUS -->
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- id="Previous.bg"
- x="0" y="0"
- image="player.button.previous.bg"
- />
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- id="Previous.button.bg"
- x="0" y="0"
- image="player.button.previous"
- />
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- id="Previous"
- action="PREV"
- x="0" y="0"
- image="player.button.previous"
- downImage="player.button.previous.pressed"
- hoverImage="player.button.previous.hover"
- tooltip="Previous"
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- />
- <!-- PLAY -->
- <button
- id="Play"
- action="PLAY"
- x="30" y="0"
- image="player.button.play"
- downImage="player.button.play.pressed"
- hoverImage="player.button.play.hover"
- tooltip="Play"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
- <!-- PAUSE -->
- <button
- id="Pause"
- action="PAUSE"
- x="60" y="0"
- image="player.button.pause"
- downImage="player.button.pause.pressed"
- hoverImage="player.button.pause.hover"
- tooltip="Pause"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
- <!-- STOP -->
- <button
- id="Stop"
- action="STOP"
- x="90" y="0"
- image="player.button.stop"
- downImage="player.button.stop.pressed"
- hoverImage="player.button.stop.hover"
- tooltip="Stop"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
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- id="Next.bg"
- x="120" y="0"
- image="player.button.next.bg"
- />
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- id="Next.button.bg"
- x="120" y="0"
- image="player.button.next"
- />
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- id="Next"
- action="NEXT"
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- downImage="player.button.next.pressed"
- hoverImage="player.button.next.hover"
- tooltip="Next"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
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- ghost="1"
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- />
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- valign="top"
- />
- <!-- Frequency -->
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- id="display.songinfo.display.khz"
- x="50" y="0"
- ghost="1"
- image="player.songinfo.khz"
- />
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- id="Frequency"
- display="" default="(__)"
- x="71" y="0" w="30" h="8"
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- valign="top"
- />
- <!-- mono/stereo -->
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- <!-- EQ on/off -->
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- id="eqonoff_led"
- Image="player.songinfo.eq.off"
- activeImage="player.songinfo.eq.on"
- action="EQ_TOGGLE"
- x="93" y="0"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
- <!-- shuffle/repeat -->
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- id="ShuffleDisplay"
- x="91" y="10"
- image="player.songinfo.shuffle.off"
- downImage="player.songinfo.shuffle.off"
- activeImage="player.songinfo.shuffle.on"
- tooltip="Toggle Playlist Shuffling"
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- rectrgn="1"
- />
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- id="RepeatDisplay"
- x="76" y="10"
- nstates="3"
- image="player.songinfo.repeat"
- downImage="player.songinfo.repeat"
- activeImage="player.songinfo.repeat"
- hoverImage="player.songinfo.repeat"
- tooltip="Toggle Playlist/Song Repeating"
- cfgattrib="{45F3F7C1-A6F3-4EE6-A15E-125E92FC3F8D};Repeat"
- cfgvals="0;1;-1"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
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- x="5" y="0"
- w="76" h="50"
- id="beatleft"
- image="player.display.beat.left"
- move="0"
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- autoreplay="0"
- ghost="1"
- />
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- x="86" y="0"
- w="76" h="50"
- id="beatright"
- image="player.display.beat.right"
- move="0"
- autoplay="0"
- autoreplay="0"
- ghost="1"
- />
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- x="0" y="0"
- image="player.display.beat.textoverlay"
- />
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- id="beatdisplayoverlay"
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- image="player.display.beat.displayoverlay"
- />
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- id="beatvisualization"
- x="0" y="0"
- w="153" h="31"
- tooltip="Toggle Beat Visualization"
- rectrgn="1"
- ghost="0"
- />
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- id="beatvisualization2"
- x="82" y="12"
- w="2" h="2"
- tooltip="Toggle Beat Visualization"
- rectrgn="1"
- ghost="0"
- />
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- id="display.background.right"
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- ghost="1"
- relatx="1"
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- />
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- id="display.left"
- x="0" y="0"
- ghost="1"
- image="player.display.left"
- />
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- id="display.center"
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- w="-120"
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- id="display.right"
- x="-60" y="0"
- ghost="1"
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- />
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- id="display.st.right"
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- />
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- id="timer"
- display="time"
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- font="player.BIGNUM"
- align="left"
- timecolonwidth="5"
- timeroffstyle="1"
- fontsize="24"
- color="font.display"
- />
- <!-- Playback Status -->
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- id="status"
- x="19" y="15"
- w="10" h="23"
- stopBitmap="player.status.stop"
- playBitmap="player.status.play"
- pauseBitmap="player.status.pause"
- />
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- id="visualization.background"
- x="-99" y="12"
- relatx="1"
- image="player.visualization.background"
- />
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- ColorBand3="255,255,255"
- ColorBand4="255,255,255"
- ColorBand5="255,255,255"
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- ColorBand7="255,255,255"
- ColorBand8="255,255,255"
- ColorBand9="255,255,255"
- ColorBand10="255,255,255"
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- ColorBand12="255,255,255"
- ColorBand13="255,255,255"
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- ColorBand15="255,255,255"
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- id="visualization.overlay"
- x="-99" y="12"
- relatx="1"
- image="player.visualization.overlay"
- ghost="1"
- />
- <!-- Songticker -->
- <text
- id="Songticker" ticker="1"
- display="songname" showlen="1"
- x="5" y="45"
- relatw="1"
- w="-10" h="21"
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- rightpadding="6"
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- rightclickaction="trackmenu"
- dblclickaction="trackinfo"
- fontsize="18"
- color="font.display.songticker"
- altfont="Arial"
- />
- <!-- Songticker overlay -->
- <layer
- id="display.left.overlay"
- x="0" y="0"
- ghost="1"
- image="player.display.left.overlay"
- />
- <layer
- id="display.right.overlay"
- x="-21" y="0"
- ghost="1"
- relatx="1"
- image="player.display.right.overlay"
- />
- <!-- the songinfo -->
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- id="display.left"
- x="0" y="0"
- ghost="1"
- image="player.display.left"
- alpha="13"
- />
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- id="display.center"
- x="60" y="0"
- ghost="1"
- relatw="1"
- w="-120"
- tile="1"
- image="player.display.center"
- alpha="13"
- />
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- id="display.right.overlay2"
- x="-60" y="0"
- ghost="1"
- relatx="1"
- image="player.display.right"
- alpha="13"
- />
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- id="player.main.resizer"
- x="-17" y="108"
- relatx="1"
- image="player.resizer"
- resize="right"
- sysregion="1"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
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- x="-31" y="101"
- relatx="1"
- image="player.button.bolt.bg"
- sysregion="1"
- />
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- id="about"
- action="TOGGLE" param="guid:{D6201408-476A-4308-BF1B-7BACA1124B12}"
- x="-31" y="101"
- relatx="1"
- image="player.button.bolt"
- downImage="player.button.bolt.pressed"
- activeImage="player.button.bolt"
- hoverImage="player.button.bolt.hover"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
- <!-- Volume -->
- <layer
- x="183" y="100"
- image="player.volume.bg"
- />
- <layer
- id="volumebar"
- x="185" y="115"
- w="10"
- image="player.volumebar"
- />
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- id="Volume"
- action="VOLUME"
- x="183" y="110"
- w="86" h="13"
- thumb="player.button.volume"
- downThumb="player.button.volume.pressed"
- hoverThumb="player.button.volume.hover"
- tooltip="Volume"
- />
- <!-- Mute -->
- <layer
- x="160" y="99"
- image="player.button.mute.bg"
- />
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- id="mute"
- x="164" y="104"
- image="player.button.mute.off"
- downImage="player.button.mute.on.pressed"
- hoverImage="player.button.mute.on.hover"
- activeImage="player.button.mute.on"
- tooltip="Toggle Mute"
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- />
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- id="button.vis.prev"
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- id="button.vis.next"
- action="VIS_Next"
- x="84" y="2"
- image="player.button.vis.next"
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- hoverImage="player.button.vis.next.hover"
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- <!-- the volume / mute / resize / ... -->
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- id="seekbar.left"
- x="6" y="75"
- ghost="1"
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- id="seekbar.center"
- x="16" y="75"
- ghost="1"
- relatw="1"
- w="-121"
- image="player.seekbar.center"
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- id="seekbar.right"
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- ghost="1"
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- orientation="right"
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- middle="player.progressbar.center"
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- action="SEEK"
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- h="13"
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- w="-100"
- thumb="player.button.seek"
- downThumb="player.button.seek.pressed"
- hoverThumb="player.button.seek.hover"
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- id="SeekerGhost"
- action="SEEK"
- x="6" y="75"
- h="13"
- relatw="1"
- w="-100"
- thumb="player.button.seek"
- downThumb="player.button.seek.pressed"
- hoverThumb="player.button.seek.hover"
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- x="-44" y="18"
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- x="-44" y="41"
- ghost="1"
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- x="-40" y="22"
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- activeImage="player.button.repeat"
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- id="Shuffle"
- x="-40" y="45"
- relatx="1"
- image="player.button.shuffle"
- downImage="player.button.shuffle.pressed"
- hoverImage="player.button.shuffle.hover"
- activeImage="player.button.shuffle"
- tooltip="Toggle Playlist Shuffling"
- cfgattrib="{45F3F7C1-A6F3-4EE6-A15E-125E92FC3F8D};Shuffle"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
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- id="RepeatLED"
- x="-19" y="22"
- relatx="1"
- nstates="3"
- autoelements="0"
- image="player.led.off"
- downImage="player.led.on"
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- tooltip="Toggle Playlist/Song Repeating"
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- cfgvals="0;1;-1"
- rectrgn="1"
- />
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- x="-19" y="45"
- relatx="1"
- image="player.led.off"
- downImage="player.led.on"
- activeImage="player.led.on"
- tooltip="Toggle Playlist Shuffling"
- cfgattrib="{45F3F7C1-A6F3-4EE6-A15E-125E92FC3F8D};Shuffle"
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- id="EJECT"
- action="EJECT"
- x="-86" y="75"
- relatx="1"
- image="player.button.eject"
- downImage="player.button.eject.pressed"
- hoverImage="player.button.eject.hover"
- tooltip="Open file(s)"
- />
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- x="-60" y="75"
- relatx="1"
- image="player.button.pl"
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- activeImage="player.button.pl.active"
- tooltip="Playlist Editor"
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- x="-34" y="75"
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