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- <h2>Searching and Replacing Text</h2>
- <p>You can search and replace text with the <strong>Search</strong> dialog by
- choosing <strong>Find</strong> from the <strong>Edit</strong> menu or
- clicking the <strong>Search</strong> button <img
- src="../../resources/icons/22x22/find.png" alt="Search button" />. You can
- also use the keyboard shortcut: <code>Ctrl</code><code>-F</code>.</p>
- <p>This dialog enables you to search or replace text using different
- criteria:</p>
- <ul type="disc">
- <li>You must enter the character string for which you want to search in the
- <strong>Search for</strong> field.</li>
- <li>If the <strong>Ignore caseg</strong> button is selected, a
- case-insensitive search is performed; otherwise, the string is searched
- for as it appears within the <strong>Search for</strong> field.</li>
- <li>Strings can also be replaced using the same operation. You enter the
- replacement text in the <strong>Replace by</strong> field and select a
- replacement mode from the <strong>Replace</strong> box. The replacement
- modes are:
- <ul>
- <li><strong>No replace</strong>: No replacement occurs even if the
- Replace field contains a character string. It is just a simple
- search.</li>
- <li><strong>Replace on request</strong>: When the string is found,
- Amaya selects it. The user can then click one of the following
- buttons:
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Confirm</strong> to replace and carry out the search
- again.</li>
- <li><strong>Do not replace</strong> to search for the next instance
- without replacing the string that was found.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Automatic replace</strong>: All instances of the
- searched-for string are automatically replaced within the portion of
- document defined in the <strong>Search where</strong> box.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>The <strong>Search where</strong> box enables you to specify the part
- of document in which the search will occur:
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Before selection</strong>: The search starts at the
- beginning of the selected part and moves backward to the beginning of
- the document.</li>
- <li><strong>Within selection</strong>: The search only occurs within
- the selected part, from its beginning to its end.</li>
- <li><strong>After selection</strong>: The search starts at the end of
- the selected part and moves forward to the end of the document.</li>
- <li><strong>In the whole document</strong>: The search is carried out
- in the whole document from the beginning to the end regardless of
- which part is selected.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <p>To initiate the search operation, click the <strong>Confirm</strong>
- button at the bottom of the dialog. If Amaya finds the searched-for string,
- it is selected and the document is positioned so as to make this string
- visible. You can then search for the next instance of this string by clicking
- the <strong>Confirm</strong> button again. If the string is not found, Amaya
- displays a <strong>Not found</strong> dialog-box.</p>
- <p>Search or replace can be abandoned at any time by clicking the
- <strong>Cancel</strong> button.</p>
- <p>Replacement operations can be undone by choosing <strong>Undo</strong>
- from the <strong>Edit</strong> menu, or by using the keyboard shortcut
- <code>Control-Z</code>.</p>
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