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- <title>Browsing and Editing with Amaya</title>
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- <div class="toc">
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#Browsing">Browsing with Amaya</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#Activating1">Activating a Link</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Access">Access Keys</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Target">Target Anchors</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Opening">Opening Documents</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Moving">Moving Backward and Forward</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Reloading">Reloading a page</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#Using">Using forms</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#Simple">Simple menus</a></li>
- <li><a href="#Menus">Menus with multiple selections</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div id="page_body">
- <h2 id="Browsing">Browsing with Amaya</h2>
- <p>Amaya is mainly an editor with browsing capabilities. It allows you to
- edit and browse Web documents simulteneously. Browsing with Amaya is similar
- to browsing with other Web browsers except for <a
- href="#Activating">activating a Link</a> and <a href="#Using">using
- forms</a>.</p>
- <p>Amaya allows you to to display and edit HTML documents as well as some XML
- document types: XHTML, MathML (mathematical expressions) and SVG (gaphics).
- It also allows you to access other XML document types and to display their
- content according to attached CSS style sheets. For these XML documents some
- editing functions are available.</p>
- <h3 id="Activating1">Activating a Link</h3>
- <p>Links are usually displayed as blue. Because Amaya is both a browser and
- an editor, you get different results when you single-click, double-click, or
- right-click a link.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Single-click a link to move the cursor to that position in the
- document. The status bar displays the expanded URI of the link. You can
- now edit the content of the link.</li>
- <li>Double-click a link to activate the link and go to its target. The
- document retrieved by this operation replaces the current document in the
- same tab as the original document. If the original document was modified
- and has not yet been saved, a "Lose all modifications" prompt displays.
- It allows you to save save the changes you have made before the original
- document is replaced.</li>
- <li>Right-click a link to activate the link and open the target document in
- a new tab or a new window. The original document remains open in the
- first tab. You can choose to open the target document in a new tab or a
- new window by setting the corresponding option in the <strong>Browsing
- Preferences</strong> dialog under the
- <strong>Edit>Preferences</strong> menu.</li>
- </ul>
- <p class="Note">This behavior can be changed through the <strong>Browsing
- Preferences</strong> dialog under the <strong>Edit>Preferences</strong>
- menu. By changing the <strong>Double click activates link</strong> option,
- you can browse documents with a single click as you would in a traditional
- Web browser. However, you will not be able to edit a link by clicking within
- it.<br />
- Other browsing preferences like the loading of images and the application of
- CSS can be controled in the <strong>Browsing Preferences</strong> <a
- href="../html/configuring_amaya/menu_preferences.html#Browsing">dialog</a>.</p>
- <p>You can also use the keyboard to choose links and to activate them. Key
- <kbd>Tab</kbd> allows you to move to the next link or form field in the
- document. <kbd>Shift Tab</kbd> allows you to move to the previous link or
- form field. <kbd>Alt Enter</kbd> activates the current link. You can choose
- <a href="../html/configuring_amaya/about_keyboard_shortcuts.html">other
- keys</a> to perform these commands.</p>
- <h3 id="Access">Access Keys</h3>
- <p>Access keys provide shortcuts for moving the cursor to a form field, an
- area, or a link. Such access can be crucial to people with motor
- disabilities, but there are other conditions where it could be necessary or
- useful.</p>
- <p>When developing a web document, you can associate the
- <code>accesskey</code> attribute with the following elements: <code>A</code>,
- <code>AREA</code>, <code>BUTTON</code>, <code>INPUT</code>,
- <code>LABEL</code>, <code>LEGEND</code>, and <code>TEXTAREA</code>.</p>
- <p>For example, if you associate the <code>accesskey</code> attribute with a
- link in a document using <code>accesskey="n"</code> or
- <code>accesskey="N"</code>, the command <kbd>Alt accesskey</kbd> (<kbd>Alt
- n</kbd> or <kbd>Alt N</kbd>) will activate that link. If you associate the
- <code>accesskey</code> attribute to a form element, pressing <kbd>Alt
- accesskey</kbd> moves the focus to that element (or to the following element
- if associated with a <code>LABEL</code> and <code>LEGEND</code> element).</p>
- <p>Access keys overwrite Amaya shortcuts. For example, the Amaya Help pages
- declare these access keys:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>"n" for going to the next page</li>
- <li>"p" for going to the previous page</li>
- <li>"t" for the table of contents</li>
- </ul>
- <p>If you have assigned the shortcut <kbd>Alt-p</kbd> to an Amaya command,
- this shortcut won't be accessible when the Amaya Help pages are displayed.</p>
- <p>By default, Amaya uses the <kbd>Alt</kbd> key as the modifier for access
- keys. However, you can change this default using
- the<strong></strong><strong>Edit>Preferences>General</strong> dialog
- box. You can choose the <kbd>Control</kbd> key instead of the <kbd>Alt</kbd>
- key for a modifier, or you can disable the access keys handler.</p>
- <h3 id="Target">Target Anchors</h3>
- <p>Targets are elements that have been given an <code>ID</code> attribute or
- anchors (element <strong>a</strong>) that have been given an
- <code>name</code> attribute. They identify possible targets for links.</p>
- <p>So that you can easily recognize targets, you can turn on the display of
- target icons <img src="../images/target.gif" alt="Target icon" />. These
- icons are not part of the document and can be displayed or hidden in two
- ways:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Choosing <strong>Show targets</strong> from the <strong>Views</strong>
- menu.</li>
- <li>Using default keyboard commands (<kbd>Ctrl v Ctrl t</kbd> in Unix,
- <kbd>Ctrl u Ctrl t</kbd> in Windows).</li>
- </ul>
- <h3 id="Opening">Opening Documents</h3>
- <p>You can open both local or remote documents in several different ways:</p>
- <dl>
- <dt>File menu</dt>
- <dd><ol>
- <li>Choose <strong>Open document</strong> from the
- <strong>File</strong> menu.
- <p class="Note"><strong>Note:</strong> You can alternately use a
- keyboard shortcut to open a document. Press <kbd>Ctrl o ctrl
- o</kbd>. You can also right-click the tab of any open document.</p>
- </li>
- <li>In the <strong>Open document</strong> dialog, type the full path
- or URI of the file you want to open, or use the
- <strong>File</strong> or <strong>Directory</strong> buttons to open
- a file selection dialog.
- <p class="Note"><strong>Note:</strong> You can also click the
- button on the right side of the address field to display the list
- of the documents you have opened recently. You can then select an
- address in this list to open the corresponding document.</p>
- </li>
- <li>When the document is correctly specified, click
- <strong>Open.</strong></li>
- </ol>
- <p>You can also use these steps to create a new local document, by
- specifying the name of a file that does not exist.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt>Document address field</dt>
- <dd>The address of the current document is displayed at the top of the
- window. Edit this address to specify the file name or the URI of the
- document you want to open and press <strong>ENTER</strong>.
- <p>You can also create a new document by typing the name of a document
- that does not exist yet.</p>
- <p class="Note"><strong>Note:</strong> You can also click the button on
- the right side of the document address field to display the list of the
- documents you have opened recently. You can then select an address in
- this list to open the corresponding document.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt>Hypertext links</dt>
- <dd>By <a href="#Activating1">activating a link</a> you load the target
- document.</dd>
- </dl>
- <p><strong>Note about character sets</strong></p>
- <p>Amaya reads HTML and XHTML documents differently:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Amaya reads HTML documents by default as <a
- href="../html/editing_iso-latin-1_characters/entering_ISOLatin1_characters_in_amaya.html">ISO-Latin-1</a>
- files. If an author does not provide information about the character set
- (charset) in the HTTP header or in a META element, Amaya considers an
- HTML document to be encoded in ISO-Latin-1.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>Amaya reads XHTML documents by default as UTF-8 files. If an author
- does not provide information about the charset in the HTTP header, in the
- XML declaration, or in a META element, Amaya considers an XHTML document
- to be encoded in UTF-8.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>Because the default charset is different for HTML and XHTML documents,
- authors often create documents using the incorrect charset. For example,
- consider an XHTML document that uses ISO-Latin-1 but does not provide
- information about the charset. When the XML parser analyzing the document
- encounters a character that does not match a valid UTF-8 character, the
- document is considered to be not well formed. Parsing stops and Amaya
- displays an error message that proposes either to reload the document as an
- HTML document or to show parsing errors. If show parsing errors is selected,
- Amaya displays the detected errors.</p>
- <h3 id="Moving">Moving Backward and Forward</h3>
- <p>Amaya creates a history list to keep track of the pages you have viewed in
- the current session. You can move backward or forward through pages in the
- history list in several ways:</p>
- <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>File menu</td>
- <td>Choose <strong>Back</strong> from the <strong>File</strong> menu to
- view the previous page.
- <p>Choose <strong>Forward</strong> from the <strong>File</strong>
- menu to view the next page.</p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Keyboard shortcuts</td>
- <td><b>Unix</b>:
- <p>Press <kbd>Alt b</kbd> to view the previous page.</p>
- <p>Press <kbd>Alt f</kbd> to view the next page.</p>
- <p><b>Windows</b>:</p>
- <p>Press <kbd>Ctrl b Ctrl b</kbd> to view the previous page.</p>
- <p>Press <kbd>Ctrl b Ctrl f</kbd> to view the next page.</p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Button bar</td>
- <td>Click the <img alt="Back "
- src="../../resources/icons/22x22/back.png" align="middle" /> button
- to view the previous page.
- <p>Click the <img alt="Forward "
- src="../../resources/icons/22x22/forward.png" align="middle" />
- button to view the next page.</p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <p>Note that each tab has a separate history.</p>
- <h3 id="Reloading">Reloading a page</h3>
- <p>Documents can be reloaded by:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Choosing <strong>Reload document</strong> from the
- <strong>File</strong> menu.</li>
- <li>Using the shortcut <kbd>F5</kbd> in Unix and <kbd>Ctrl r</kbd> in
- Windows.</li>
- <li>Clicking the <strong>Reload</strong> button <img
- src="../../resources/icons/22x22/reload.png" alt="reload" align="middle"
- /> on the button bar.</li>
- </ul>
- <h2 id="Using">Using forms</h2>
- <p>As Amaya is a browser/editor, some of the widgets associated with HTML
- form elements are different from those you are used to in browsers. This
- section mentions the most notable differences.</p>
- <h3 id="Simple">Simple menus</h3>
- <p>To activate a selector such as this one:á
- <select name="fruit">
- <option selected="selected">apple</option>
- <option>orange</option>
- <option>lemon</option>
- <option>banana</option>
- <option>strawberry</option>
- </select>
- , you have to click twice on the entry ("apple" here). This will result in a
- popup widget appearing showing all the entries. The widget supports a user
- interaction both with the keyboard as well as with the mouse.</p>
- <p>With the keyboard, you must first select an entry using the arrow keys.
- Pressing the <strong>Enter</strong> key validates the choice. You can abort
- the action of this widget by pressing the <code>Esc</code> key anytime.</p>
- <p>With the mouse, there are two kinds of behavior. A single click allows you
- to select an entry, whereas a double click on an entry means that you want to
- activate the selection. To abort the action of the widget, you just need to
- click in any area outside of the pop-up widget. With very long menus, you can
- also use the scroll bar to quickly navigate thru the widget entries.</p>
- <h3 id="Menus">Menus with multiple selections</h3>
- <p>Some menus, like this oneá:
- <select name="fruit" multiple="multiple">
- <option>apple</option>
- <option>orange</option>
- <option selected="selected">lemon</option>
- <option selected="selected">banana</option>
- <option>strawberry</option>
- </select>
- allow multiple entries to be selected simultaneously. The behavior of this
- widget is similar to the single selection one. That is, the widget supports
- only one toggle of a selection state at the time. You need to invoke it as
- many times as toggle changes you need. When the widget is activated, it shows
- the current state of selections. As before, you can abort the widget by using
- either the <code>Esc</code> key or clicking elsewhere.</p>
- <p></p>
- <p></p>
- <p></p>
- <p></p>
- <p></p>
- </div>
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- </html>