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- <h2>Annotations in Amaya</h2>
- <h3>What is an annotation?</h3>
- <p>Annotations are comments, notes, explanations, or other types of external
- remarks that can be attached to a Web document or a selected part of the
- document. As they are external, it is possible to annotate any Web document
- independently, without needing to edit that document. From the technical
- point of view, annotations are usually seen as <strong>metadata,</strong> as
- they give additional information about an existing piece of data. In this
- project, we use a special <strong><a
- href="http://www.w3.org/RDF/">RDF</a></strong> <a
- href="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/annotation-ns">annotation schema</a> for
- describing annotations.</p>
- <p>Annotations can be stored locally or in one or more <strong>annotation
- servers</strong>. When a document is browsed, Amaya queries each of these
- servers, requesting the annotations related to that document. Currently Amaya
- presents annotations with pencil annotation icons ( <img
- src="../images/annot.png" alt="Annotation pencil icon" /> )that are visually
- embedded in the document, as shown in the figure below. If the user
- single-clicks on an annotation icon, the text that was annotated is
- highlighted. If the user double-clicks on this icon, the annotation text and
- other metadata are presented in a separate window.</p>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../images/annotationicon.png"
- alt="annotation icon (= pencil)" /></p>
- <p>An annotation has many properties including:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Physical location: is the annotation stored in a local file system or
- in an annotation server</li>
- <li>Scope: is the annotation associated to a whole document or just to a
- fragment of this document</li>
- <li>Annotation type: 'Annotation', 'Comment', 'Query', ...</li>
- </ul>
- <h3>About Local Annotations</h3>
- <p>Amaya can store annotation data in a local file system (often called
- "local annotations") or it can store annotations <span style="color:blue"><a
- href="../html/attaching_annotations/about_storing_remote_annotations.html">remotely</a></span>,
- accessed through the World Wide Web (called "remote annotations").</p>
- <p>You do not need a server to create local annotations. Local annotations
- are stored under the user preferences directory, in a special directory
- called <strong>annotations</strong>, and can be seen only by their owner
- (according to the system access right setup). This directory contains three
- kinds of files:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><strong>annot.index:</strong> Associates URLs with the files containing
- the metadata of the annotations.</li>
- <li><strong>index + random suffix:</strong> Stores the metadata of the
- annotations related to a given URL. The metadata is specified with RDF.
- <br />
- </li>
- <li><strong>annot + random suffix.html:</strong> Contains the body of an
- annotation, stored as XHTML.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>At any time, you can convert a local annotation to a shared one by
- choosing <strong>Post annotation</strong> from the
- <strong>Annotations</strong> menu. Once this is completed, the local
- annotation is deleted because it has been moved to an annotation server.</p>
- <h3>About Remote Annotations</h3>
- <p>Amaya can store annotation data in a <span style="color: blue"><a
- href="../html/attaching_annotations/about_storing_local_annotations.html">local
- file system</a></span> (often called "local annotations") or it can store
- annotations remotely, in Annotations Servers accessed through the World Wide
- Web (called "remote annotations").</p>
- <p>You can store remote annotations in annotation servers so that the
- annotations can be downloaded by anyone having the correct access rights,
- such as is the case of other HTML documents.</p>
- <p>Remote annotations are referred to as shared or public annotations,
- because they can be seen by other people. If you wish to install your own
- annotation server, please refer to <span style="color:blue"><a
- href="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/26-modules/User/Annotations-HOWTO.html">Annotation-Server-HOWTO</a></span>.</p>
- <h3 id="Annotation">Annotations Menu</h3>
- <p>Most of the commands needed for handling annotations can be found from the
- Annotations menu shown below. The commands are explained later in this
- document in the context of users' goals when handling annotations.</p>
- <h3>Creating an Annotation</h3>
- <p>This version of Amaya supports two kinds of annotations: annotations that
- apply to a whole document and annotations that apply to a specific point or
- selection in a document.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>To annotate an entire document, choose <strong>Annotate
- document</strong> from the <strong>Annotations</strong> menu.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>To annotate a point, put the insertion point at any place in the
- document and choose <strong>Annotate selection</strong> from the
- <strong>Annotations</strong> menu.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>To annotate a selection, make a selection in the document and choose
- <strong>Annotate selection</strong> from the <strong>Annotations</strong>
- menu.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>After any of these options are performed, an annotation dialog displays
- the annotation metadata and the body of the annotation.</p>
- <p><img src="../images/annotationwindow.png" alt="annotation window" /></p>
- <h3>Annotation Metadata</h3>
- <p>Currently, the metadata consists of the author's name, title of the
- annotated document, annotation type, creation date, and last modification
- date. Some of the metadata fields have special properties:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>The <strong>Source Document</strong> field is also a link that points
- back to the annotated text. If the user double-clicks it, as when
- following any other link with Amaya, the annotated document will be
- displayed with the annotated text highlighted.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>The <strong>Annotation Types</strong>field lets you classify the
- annotation and change its type. Double-click on the text "annotation
- type" to see the list of types available.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>The <strong>Last Modified</strong>field is updated automatically each
- time that an annotation is saved.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>Below the header area is the annotation body area. It shows the current
- content and can be edited like any other HTML document.</p>
- <h3>Saving an Annotation</h3>
- <p>Saving an annotation is the same as saving any other document with Amaya:
- choose <span class="Link"><strong>Save</strong></span>from the
- <strong>File</strong> menu (or use its equivalent shortcut or button).</p>
- <p>Local annotations are saved to the annotations directory and remote
- annotations are saved to the annotation post server, where they are stored if
- the user has write access.</p>
- <p>To convert a local annotation into a shared one, choose <strong>Post
- Annotation</strong> from the <strong>Annotations</strong> menu to save the
- annotation to the Post server as defined in the <span
- class="Link"><strong>Configuration for Annotations</strong> dialog</span>. If
- this operation is successful, the local annotation will be removed and future
- <strong>Save</strong> operations will go directly to that annotation
- server.</p>
- <p>Some commands that can be applied to a document in the Amaya document
- window also can be applied to an annotation document in the Annotation
- window. For example, the body of an annotation can be printed by choosing
- <strong>Print</strong> from the <strong>File</strong> menu, or reloaded by
- choosing <strong>Reload document</strong> from the <strong>File</strong>
- menu.</p>
- <h3>Deleting an Annotation</h3>
- <p>The <strong>Delete</strong> command on the <strong>Annotation</strong>
- menu enables you to delete an annotation. You can invoke this command from an
- open annotation window.</p>
- <p class="ProcedureCaption">To delete an annotation from a document:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Select the annotation by clicking the annotation icon.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>Choose <strong>Delete</strong> from the <strong>Annotations</strong>
- menu.</li>
- </ol>
- <h3>Loading and Presenting Annotations</h3>
- <p>The <strong>Load Annotations</strong> command tells Amaya to load the
- annotations that are associated with the URL of the current document. Amaya
- will query the annotation servers, using the settings from the
- <strong>Configuration for annotations</strong> dialog, and ask for any
- relevant annotation.</p>
- <p>Annotations can also be loaded automatically whenever a new page is viewed
- by selecting the <strong>Autoload Annotations</strong> check box in the
- <strong>Configuration for annotations</strong> dialog.</p>
- <p>In this version of Amaya, querying an annotation server will return all
- the annotations that are associated with a document. In a future version, it
- may be possible to use a customized query menu to refine the query string
- that is sent to the servers.</p>
- <h3>The Annotation Local Filter Menu</h3>
- <p>Choose <strong>Local filter</strong> from the <strong>Annotations</strong>
- menu to show or hide the annotation icons in the document window. You can
- show or hide annotations by three types of metadata: the name of the
- annotation's author, the type of annotation, and the annotation server
- name.</p>
- <p class="ProcedureCaption">To apply any of these filters:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Click the text box to select an annotation type.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>Click the corresponding action button. The <strong>Show all</strong>
- and <strong>Hide all</strong> buttons apply to all the annotations.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>A small prefix character indicates the status of a given entry. This
- character can be a space (' '), a star ('*'), or a signet ('-') to
- indicate that the annotations belonging to this given entry are all
- visible, all hidden, or partially visible, respectively.</li>
- </ol>
- <p class="Note"><strong>Note:</strong><br />
- The <strong>Annotation Local Filter Menu</strong> dialog only shows you the
- annotations it knows about at the moment it is opened. If new annotations are
- added, you will need to reload the menu again.</p>
- <p>The annotation author shows the author's name added to the name of the
- annotation server where the annotation is stored.</p>
- <h3>Navigating Annotations</h3>
- <p>Annotations can be navigated by choosing <strong>Show Links</strong> from
- the <span class="Link"><strong>Views</strong> menu</span>. The Link window
- opens and displays a list of annotations. Annotations in the Link and
- Document windows are marked with a pencil annotation icon.</p>
- <h3>Annotations in the Link window</h3>
- <p>The Link window shows all the annotations, without taking into account
- whether they have been hidden with <strong>Local filter</strong> on the
- <strong>Annotations</strong> menu. As with the document window, a
- single-click on the annotation selects the annotated text in the document
- window and a double-click opens the annotation. This is an example of how to
- navigate from one annotation link to another, even if the annotation cannot
- be seen by the user because of disabilities or because of the characteristics
- of the used device.</p>
- <h3>Moving Annotations</h3>
- <p>You can move an annotation to any other part of the same document. This
- can be used, for example, to handle <a
- href="../html/attaching_annotations/annotation_issues.html">orphan and
- misleading annotations</a>. You can move an annotation to either the current
- selection or to the value of a stored <span class="Link">XPointer</span>. It
- is only possible to move annotations in the same document where they were
- created.</p>
- <p>To move an annotation to a current selection:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Open the <strong>Annotations</strong> menu and select <strong>Annotate
- document</strong>. The <strong>annotation</strong> window opens.</li>
- <li>Click the annotated document and select something on it.</li>
- <li>In the <strong>annotation</strong> window, choose <strong>Move to
- selection</strong> from the <strong>Annotations</strong> menu.</li>
- <li>Amaya moves the annotation icon to the text you selected and will mark
- the annotation document as modified.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>To make this change effective, must save the annotation or you will loose
- the change. You can also move an annotation to the current position of the
- cursor, without having to make a selection.</p>
- <h3>Moving Annotations to a Previously Memorized Location</h3>
- <p>You can store the position where you want to move an annotation to, and
- then move it there. This feature is useful for moving multiple annotations to
- the same position or for scrolling elsewhere in the document before doing the
- move.</p>
- <p>To move multiple annotations:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Make a selection (or just place the cursor) in the location where you
- want to move the annotation.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>Choose <strong>Store selection as XPointer</strong> from the
- <strong>Annotations</strong> menu to store an XPointer representing that
- selection.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>In the <strong>Annotations</strong> window, choose <strong>Move to
- stored XPointer</strong> from the <strong>Annotations</strong> menu to
- move the annotation to its new location.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>Save the annotation to make this change effective.</li>
- </ol>
- <h3>Replying to Annotations / Discussion Threads</h3>
- <p>Annotations can be seen as comments to pages. The <strong>Annotation /
- Replies</strong> feature enhances the collaborative workspace by allowing
- users to reply to annotations or to other replies.</p>
- <p>The <strong>Annotations / Reply to annotation</strong> menu command lets
- you to create a reply to an existing annotation or to a reply. You can invoke
- this command from an open annotation or a reply window. As a result a new
- reply window opens. The fields in a reply window can be edited just like in
- an annotation window as explained under <strong>Creating an
- annotation</strong>.</p>
- <p>When the reply is ready, you can post it to a server with
- <strong>Annotations / Post to Server</strong> menu command or save it locally
- using the <strong>File / Save</strong> menu command. To delete a reply, you
- can use the <strong>Annotations / Delete</strong> menu command.</p>
- <p>Replies can also be annotated like any other document, as explained in <a
- href="../html/attaching_annotations/creating_an_annotation.html">Creating an
- annotation</a>.</p>
- <h3>The user interface</h3>
- <p><img alt="An annotation with a discussion thread"
- src="../images/threads.png" /></p>
- <p>In the current user interface, all replies related to an annotation are
- shown at the bottom of this annotation, in a thread section. Each item in the
- thread gives the date of the reply, the author, and the title of the reply.
- The content of any of these replies can be retrieved by double clicking the
- replies in the thread. The selected reply will be highlighted and presented
- in a reply window. When another selection is made the same reply window is
- used.</p>
- <h3>Known issues: Incomplete threads</h3>
- <p>There is no control yet for controlling which replies should be posted. In
- an ideal world, it should not be possible to save a reply to a reply if the
- previous reply was not saved in the same server. Likewise, if you delete a
- reply, you should delete all replies to this annotation. Not doing leads to
- having fragments of threads that cannot be correctly attached in the thread.
- For example, let R1 be the reply to annotation A1 and R2 a reply to R1. If
- you post R1, and let R2 be stored locally, then when you browse A1 and only
- download its local annotations, you will only see R2. At this point, Amaya
- does not know that R1 exists, so it assumes that R2 has lost its parent. We
- identify these "orphan" threads by putting a question mark symbol
- <strong>?</strong> in front of them. If later one, Amaya finds new thread
- items, for example, if you download R1, Amaya will then sort the thread view,
- inserting the threads as appropriately. In our example, R2 will become a
- child of R1, as expected.</p>
- <h3>Configuring Annotation Icons</h3>
- <h4>User-definable icons by Annotation type (aka "dynamic icons")</h4>
- <p>As of Release 6.2, the icon used to mark the location of an annotation
- within an annotated document may be changed by the user.</p>
- <p>In release 6.2 the icon that denotes an annotation is chosen as a property
- of the annotation type. By including an RDF property of each annotation type
- you wish to use, you select the icon associated with annotations of that
- type.</p>
- <p>The sample configuration that is shipped with release 6.2 associates the
- following icons:</p>
- <table>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td width="35"><img src="../../amaya/advice.png" alt="Advice" /></td>
- <td>Advice</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="35"><img src="../../amaya/change.png" alt="Change" /></td>
- <td>Change</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="35"><img src="../../amaya/annot.png" alt="Comment" /></td>
- <td>Comment</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="35"><img src="../../amaya/example.png" alt="Example" /></td>
- <td>Example</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="35"><img src="../../amaya/explanation.png" alt="Explanation"
- /></td>
- <td>Explanation</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="35"><img src="../../amaya/question.png" alt="Question"
- /></td>
- <td>Question</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="35"><img src="../../amaya/seealso.png" alt="SeeAlso" /></td>
- <td>SeeAlso</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <p>The property name for adding annotation icons is <a
- href="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/typeIcon#usesIcon">http://www.w3.org/2001/10/typeIcon#usesIcon</a>.
- For instance, to specify an icon named file:///home/question-icon.jpg for
- annotations that have type <a
- href="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/annotationType#Question">http://www.w3.org/2000/10/annotationType#Question</a>
- you would enter the following RDF/XML into a file that Amaya reads at startup
- is:</p>
- <pre><rdf:RDF
- xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
- xmlns:i = "http://www.w3.org/2001/10/typeIcon#">
- <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/annotationType#Question">
- <i:usesIcon rdf:resource="file:///home/question-icon.jpg" />
- </rdf:Description>
- </rdf:RDF></pre>
- <p>The simplest way to get such RDF loaded into Amaya at startup is to
- include the file in the config/annot.schemas file in the Amaya program
- directory. In order to preserve this file so that it will not be overwritten
- when you install a new version of Amaya, you should copy the
- config/annot.schemas file into your personal Amaya home directory;
- ~/.amaya/annot.schemas (on Unix systems) or
- /winnt/profiles/<username>/amaya/annot.schemas (on Microsoft Windows
- systems). You may list as many RDF files as you want in annot.schemas. See
- the comments in the file included in the Amaya kit for more details.</p>
- <p>Release 6.2 includes a sample file named "typeIcon.rdf" that declares
- unique icons for each annotation type declared in the <a
- href="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/annotationType#">http://www.w3.org/2000/10/annotationType#</a>
- namespace. To experiment with user-defined icons, it may be easiest to copy
- this typeIcon.rdf into another directory and modify it. Copy annot.schemas to
- your Amaya home directory and change the line near the end to point to your
- revised icon definition file.</p>
- <p>To revert to the previous behavior prior to release 6.2, edit the
- config/annot.schemas in the Amaya installation directory and add a comment
- character ("#") at the beginning of the line near the end that refers to
- typeIcon.rdf:</p>
- <pre>#user-defined icons
- #http://www.w3.org/2001/10/typeIcon# $THOTDIR/config/typeIcon.rdf</pre>
- <p>Amaya supports JPEG, PNG, and GIF bitmap graphics formats for icon images.
- In release 6.2 the icon URI may only be a file: URI; that is, the icon must
- appear in a local or mounted directory to Amaya. Two special forms of
- non-file: URIs are supported. If the file path name starts with "$THOTDIR" or
- "$APP_HOME" then the corresponding Amaya installation directory or personal
- Amaya home directory is substituted into the pathname.</p>
- <h3>Known Issues with Annotations and Modified Documents</h3>
- <p>When you use annotations with live documents (documents whose contents can
- be modified), you may encounter two kinds of problems: <strong>orphan
- annotations</strong> and <strong>misleading annotations</strong>. To explain
- these problems, we must first describe how Amaya attaches annotations to
- documents.</p>
- <p>Amaya uses <strong><a
- href="http://www.w3.org/XML/Linking">XPointer</a></strong> to indicate where
- an annotation should be attached to a document. XPointers are based in the
- structure of the document. To build an XPointer for a selection, for example,
- Amaya starts from the first point of the selection and walk backwards through
- the document's structure, until it finds the root of the document. If an
- element has an ID attribute, Amaya stops building the XPointer and considers
- the element with the ID attribute value to be the beginning of that
- XPointer.</p>
- <p>For example, if you look at the HTML source for this document, you'll
- notice that this section is enclosed within a DIV element that has an ID
- attribute with the value "Issues" Here's an extract of the source code:</p>
- <pre> <div id="Issues">
- <h1>Issues with ....</h1>
- <p>If you are using...</p>
- <p>Amaya uses <strong>XPointer</strong>...</p>
- ...
- </div></pre>
- <p>This XPointer points to the second paragraph:
- <code>xpointer(id("Issues")/p[2])</code></p>
- <p>The above XPointer points to the second <code>p</code> element, from the
- element parent having an ID attribute with value "Issues".</p>
- <p>Note that the use of the ID attribute enables the document author to move
- the entire reference by the XPointer to another location within the document,
- without needing to update the XPointer. The XPointer does not depend on the
- elements that precede it.</p>
- <h4>Orphan Annotations</h4>
- <p>An annotation becomes an "orphan" when it can no longer be attached to a
- document, that is, when the XPointer does not resolve to any element in the
- structure. This happens when a document's structure is modified. Amaya
- displays a warning if it detects any orphan annotations while downloading a
- set of annotations from an annotation server. All orphan annotations are
- visible from the Links view and are associated with an icon that shows a
- question mark superimposed on the annotation pencil <img
- src="../images/annotorp.png" alt="Orphan annotation icon" />.</p>
- <h4>Misleading Annotations</h4>
- <p>An annotation becomes "misleading" when it points to a wrong piece of
- information. This problem is common when you annotate a portion of text that
- may change. In the first release, Amaya does not warn the user if an
- annotation is misleading. A future release may notify users of the potential
- for an annotation to be misleading.</p>
- <h4>What can you do to avoid this?</h4>
- <p>As the author of a document, try to use the <code>ID</code> attribute in
- strategic places, for example, inside <code><DIV></code> and
- <code>p</code> elements. For example:</p>
- <pre> <p id="Amaya">Amaya uses...</p></pre>
- <p>An XPointer that points to this paragraph is:
- <code>xpointer(id("Amaya"))</code></p>
- <p>Thus, the Xpointer will point to the same paragraph, regardless of its
- position in the document's structure.</p>
- <p>Amaya enables you to automatically associate with or remove an
- <code>ID</code> attribute to/from a set of elements by choosing
- <strong>Add/Remove ID</strong> from the <strong>Links</strong> menu.</p>
- <p></p>
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>