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- <h2>Accessibility in Amaya</h2>
- <p>The Amaya user population is extremely diverse. In addition to speaking a
- variety of languages and operating on several platforms, the population
- contains users with visual, aural, and motor disabilities.</p>
- <p>Because Amaya is an Open Source project, it is important to produce
- documents that are accessible to all members of the user base. Amaya provides
- a number of accessibility features to assist you with achieving this goal.</p>
- <h3>About Amaya’s Accessibility Features</h3>
- <p>Accessibility for people with disabilities is being improved with each
- release. Currently, you can perform most Amaya functions without using a
- mouse, and carry out most editing functions (except entering text) without
- using the keyboard.</p>
- <p>Accessibility features in the current version include the ability to:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Navigate and edit in Alternate, Link, Structure, and Table of Contents
- views of a document, which are all synchronized with the default
- Formatted view. See <span class="Link0"><a
- href="../html/viewing/working_with_document_views.html">Working with
- Document Views</a></span>.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>Edit in the Source view, and manually synchronize it with other views.
- For more information, see <span class="Link0"><a
- href="../html/viewing/working_with_document_views.html">Working with
- Document Views</a></span>.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>Dynamically add, remove, and edit multiple style sheets, including a
- user style sheet. See <span class="Link0"><a
- href="../html/style_sheets/working_with_styles.html">Working with Style
- Sheets</a></span>.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>Assign access keys for form fields, areas, or links. See <span
- class="Link0"><a href="../html/browsing/about_access_keys.html">About
- Access Keys</a></span>.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li>Use keyboard shortcuts for menu options, links, and form controls. See
- <a
- href="../html/selecting/selecting_with_keyboard_and_mouse.html">Selecting
- from the Keyboard</a> and <span class="Link0"><a
- href="../html/configuring_amaya/configuring_amaya.html">About Keyboard
- Shortcuts</a></span>.</li>
- </ul>
- <h3>About Producing Accessible Content</h3>
- <p>You can use Amaya to produce content that conforms to the W3C's Web
- Content Accessibility Guidelines. Some <span class="Link0"><a
- href="../html/accessibility_in_amaya/about_amayas_accessibility_features.html">accessibility
- features</a></span> are already built in. For example, you cannot add an
- image until you specify the alternative text because of the requirement for
- an <code>alt</code> attribute for images and imagemap areas.</p>
- <p>Amaya also automatically produces valid W3C-compliant markup. However, you
- control other features, such as appropriate long descriptions and captioning,
- through the <strong>Attributes</strong> menu (Formatted view) or
- <strong>Structure</strong> menu (Structure view).</p>
- <p>The Amaya Help currently describes how to use some HTML elements. As
- additional documentation is written, it will include information on ensuring
- accessibility for any pages that you produce.</p>
- <p>The most thorough guidelines are the W3C's Web Content Accessibility
- Guidelines. The W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative also publishes the
- following quick tips for making accessible Web sites:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Images & animations</strong>. Use the <code>alt</code>
- attribute to describe the function of each visual. For more information,
- see <span class="Link0">Working with Graphics</span>.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Image maps</strong>. Use client-side MAP and text for hotspots.
- For more information, see <span class="Link0">Working with Image
- Maps</span>.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Multimedia</strong>. Provide captioning and transcripts of
- audio, and descriptions of video.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Hypertext links</strong>. Use text that makes sense when read
- out of context. For example, avoid using "click here" as the link text.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Page organization</strong>. Use headings, lists, and a
- consistent structure. Use CSS for layout and style where possible. For
- more information, see <span class="Link0"><a
- href="../html/style_sheets/working_with_styles.html">Working with Style
- Sheets</a></span>.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Graphs and charts</strong>. Summarize the data or use the <span
- class="Link0"><span style="font-family: courier">longdesc</span>
- attribute</span>. For more information, see <span class="Link0"><a
- href="../html/using_graphics/working_with_graphics.html">Working with
- Graphics</a></span>.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Scripts, applets, and plug-ins</strong>. Provide alternative
- content in case active features are inaccessible or unsupported.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Tables</strong>. Use tables to make line-by-line reading
- sensible and to summarize data. For more information, see <span
- class="Link0"><a
- href="../html/editing_tables/working_with_tables.html">Working with
- Tables</a></span>.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Frames</strong>. Display pages without frames, using
- <code>NOFRAMES</code> and meaningful titles.
- <p></p>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Check your work</strong>. Validate your documents prior to
- <span class="Link0"><a
- href="../html/saving_and_publishing_documents/saving_and_publishing_documents.html">publishing</a></span>.
- You can use the W3C tools, checklist, and guidelines at:
- <p><span class="Link0"><a
- href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT">http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT.</a></span></p>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <p></p>
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