home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ## The ProfileDefs file contains units of modules definition separated
- ## by comments lines beginning with one or several hashes '#' (like ####VIEWS).
- ## These comments are there to help you searching your module (or function).
- ## The structure is recursive (modules contains functions and modules which can
- ## contain other functions and modules which ...)
- ## This file can contain 5 different types of elements :
- ## ** Profile definitions:
- ## Beginning of module definition is set by a name between <...>
- ## (like <editor>)
- ## ** Document profile definitions:
- ## Beginning of module definition is set by a name between {...}
- ## (like {XHTML 1.0 Transitional})
- ## ** Module definitions:
- ## Beginning of module definition is set by a name between [...]
- ## (like [views] or [zoom])
- ## All the modules or functions between this module start and the next
- ## module start belong to the module.
- ## ** Module insertions:
- ## A module name (like views of the previous example) is preceded by
- ## the plus '+' symbol to mean that this module is inserted in the current
- ## module definition.
- ## ** Function insertions:
- ## Function are inserted in module without any symbol before the
- ## name of the function or with the symbol '&'.
- ## WARNING : Marks '&' before a function's name are marks used by internal
- ## profile function. You don't have to deal with it (they are used to determine
- ## which functions are edition functions).
- #-------------------- User Profiles ------------------------------------------
- ################# AMAYA EDITOR
- # Give the list of visible functions
- <Editor>
- +browsing
- +config
- #+templates
- +edit
- ConfigAnnot
- CooperationConfig
- CustomQuery
- FilterAnnot
- ShowButtons
- ShowAddress
- ZoomIn
- ZoomOut
- &TransformType
- <Editor_WX>
- +config_WX
- #+templates
- +browsing_WX
- +edit_WX
- HelpLocal
- ShowPanel
- FullScreen
- SplitUnsplitPage
- ZoomIn
- ZoomOut
- &TransformType
- ################# AMAYA BROWSER
- <Browser>
- +browsing
- ConfigAnnot
- CooperationConfig
- CustomQuery
- ZoomIn
- ZoomOut
- <Browser_WX>
- +browsing
- ZoomIn
- ZoomOut
- ################# AMAYA DISPLAY
- <Display>
- HelpAmaya
- HelpAtW3C
- <Display_WX>
- HelpAmaya
- HelpAtW3C
- #-------------------- Document Profiles -------------------------------------
- # Give the list of active functions
- ################# XHTML-TRANSITIONAL
- {XHTML Transitional}
- +base-module
- +bdi-text-module
- +clientside-module
- +attr-style
- +forms
- +hypertext-module
- +image-module
- +link-module
- +list-module
- +edit-module
- +iframe-module
- +makebook
- +meta-module
- +presentation-module
- +maths
- &CreateMath
- &CreateXMLElementMenu
- +object-module
- +script-module
- +struct-module
- +svg
- +tables
- +text-module
- ################# XHTML-STRICT
- {XHTML 1.0 Strict}
- +base-module
- +bdi-text-module
- +clientside-module
- +attr-style
- +edit-module
- +forms
- +hypertext-module
- +image-module
- +link-module
- +list-module
- +makebook
- +meta-module
- +presentation-module
- +maths
- &CreateMath
- &CreateXMLElementMenu
- +object-module
- +script-module
- +struct-module
- +svg
- +tables
- +text-module
- &InsertBefore
- &InsertAfter
- ################# XHTML-BASIC
- {XHTML Basic}
- +basic-form-module
- +basic-table-module
- +hypertext-module
- +image-module
- +list-module
- +makebook
- +object-module
- +struct-module
- +text-module
- &CreateXMLElementMenu
- &InsertBefore
- &InsertAfter
- ################# XHTML1.1
- {XHTML 1.1}
- +base-module
- +bdi-text-module
- +clientside-module
- +attr-style
- +edit-module
- +forms
- +hypertext-module
- +image-module
- +link-module
- +list-module
- +makebook
- +meta-module
- +presentation-module
- +maths
- &CreateMath
- +object-module
- +script-module
- +svg
- +tables
- +text-module
- +ruby
- &CreateXMLElementMenu
- &InsertBefore
- &InsertAfter
- ################# MathML
- {MathML}
- +basic-style
- +hypertext-module
- +maths
- &CreateXMLElementMenu
- &InsertBefore
- &InsertAfter
- ################# SVG
- {SVG}
- +basic-style
- +hypertext-module
- +maths
- &CreateXMLElementMenu
- &InsertBefore
- &InsertAfter
- ################# Annot
- {Annot}
- +base-module
- +bdi-text-module
- +clientside-module
- +attr-style
- +forms
- +hypertext-module
- +image-module
- +link-module
- +list-module
- +edit-module
- +iframe-module
- +meta-module
- +presentation-module
- +maths
- &CreateMath
- &CreateXMLElementMenu
- +object-module
- +script-module
- +struct-module
- +svg
- +tables
- +text-module
- ReplyToAnnotation
- PostAnnotation
- &InsertBefore
- &InsertAfter
- ################# Bookmarks
- {Bookmarks}
- AddSeparator
- MoveItem
- #-------------------- Modules ---------------------------------------------
- # shorter list of functions
- ################# AMAYA FUNCTIONS
- ######### DAV MODULES
- [davbase]
- HelpWebDAV
- LockDocument
- UnlockDocument
- PropDocument
- CopyLockInformation
- LockIndicator
- DAVLockDocument
- ######### BROWSING
- [browsing]
- +annot
- +bookmarks
- +views
- +print
- AmayaClose
- DocumentInfo
- DoAction
- HelpAmaya
- HelpAtW3C
- HelpIndex
- HelpSearching
- HelpSelecting
- GoToHome
- GotoPreviousHTML
- GotoNextHTML
- HelpBrowsing
- NextLinkOrFormElement
- OpenDoc
- OpenDocInNewWindow
- PreviousLinkOrFormElement
- Reload
- SaveDocumentAs
- ShowLogFile
- StopTransfer
- AmayaCloseWindow
- ReadAsUTF_8
- ReadAsISO_8859_1
- ReadAsISO_8859_15
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1252
- ReadAsISO_8859_2
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1250
- ReadAsISO_8859_3
- ReadAsISO_8859_4
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1257
- ReadAsISO_8859_5
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1251
- ReadAsKOI8_R
- ReadAsISO_8859_6
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1256
- ReadAsISO_8859_7
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1253
- ReadAsISO_8859_8
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1255
- ReadAsISO_8859_9
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1254
- ReadAsISO_2022_JP
- ReadAsEUC_JP
- TtcCopySelection
- TtcSearchText
- [browsing_WX]
- +annot
- +bookmarks
- +views
- +print
- AmayaClose
- DocumentInfo
- DoAction
- HelpAmaya
- HelpAtW3C
- HelpIndex
- HelpSearching
- HelpSelecting
- GoToHome
- GotoPreviousHTML
- GotoNextHTML
- HelpBrowsing
- NextLinkOrFormElement
- OpenDoc
- PreviousLinkOrFormElement
- Reload
- SaveDocumentAs
- ShowLogFile
- StopTransfer
- AmayaCloseTab
- AmayaCloseWindow
- ReadAsUTF_8
- ReadAsISO_8859_1
- ReadAsISO_8859_15
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1252
- ReadAsISO_8859_2
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1250
- ReadAsISO_8859_3
- ReadAsISO_8859_4
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1257
- ReadAsISO_8859_5
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1251
- ReadAsKOI8_R
- ReadAsISO_8859_6
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1256
- ReadAsISO_8859_7
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1253
- ReadAsISO_8859_8
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1255
- ReadAsISO_8859_9
- ReadAsWINDOWS_1254
- ReadAsISO_2022_JP
- ReadAsEUC_JP
- TtcCopySelection
- TtcSearchText
- ########### EDITING
- [edit]
- +attr-style
- +bdi-text-module
- +clientside-module
- +css-style
- +davbase
- +edit-bookmarks
- +hypertext-module
- +image-module
- +list-module
- +struct-module
- +text-module
- +forms
- +link-module
- +edit-module
- +iframe-module
- +meta-module
- +presentation-module
- +makebook
- +makeid
- +maths
- +object-module
- +ruby
- +script-module
- +spell
- +svg
- +tables
- &ApplyClass
- &CreateBase
- &CreateMath
- &CreateXMLElementMenu
- HelpDocument
- HelpAttributes
- HelpChanging
- HelpPublishing
- HelpAccess
- HelpXml
- &MenuAttribute
- &NewXHTML11
- &NewXHTMLTransitional
- &NewXHTMLStrict
- &NewXHTMLBasic
- &NewMathML
- &NewSVG
- &NewCss
- &RemoveDoctype
- &AddDoctype
- &CreateDoctypeXhtml11
- &CreateDoctypeXhtmlTransitional
- &CreateDoctypeXhtmlStrict
- &CreateDoctypeXhtmlBasic
- &CreateDoctypeHtmlTransitional
- &CreateDoctypeHtmlStrict
- &SaveDocument
- &TtcCutSelection
- &TtcDeleteSelection
- &TtcPaste
- &PasteBuffer
- &TtcUndo
- &TtcRedo
- &Synchronize
- &InsertBefore
- &InsertAfter
- ########### EDITING WX
- [edit_WX]
- +attr-style_WX
- +bdi-text-module
- +clientside-module
- +css-style
- +davbase
- +edit-bookmarks
- +hypertext-module
- +image-module
- +list-module
- +struct-module
- +text-module
- +forms
- +link-module
- +edit-module
- +iframe-module
- +meta-module
- +presentation-module
- +makebook
- #+makeid
- +maths
- +object-module
- +ruby
- +script-module
- +spell
- +svg
- +tables
- &CreateBase
- &CreateMath
- &CreateXMLElementMenu
- HelpDocument
- HelpAttributes
- HelpChanging
- HelpPublishing
- HelpAccess
- HelpXml
- #&MenuAttribute
- &NewXHTML11
- &NewXHTMLTransitional
- &NewXHTMLStrict
- &NewXHTMLBasic
- &NewMathML
- #&NewSVG
- &NewCss
- &RemoveDoctype
- &AddDoctype
- &CreateDoctypeXhtml11
- &CreateDoctypeXhtmlTransitional
- &CreateDoctypeXhtmlStrict
- &CreateDoctypeXhtmlBasic
- &CreateDoctypeHtmlTransitional
- &CreateDoctypeHtmlStrict
- &SaveDocument
- &TtcCutSelection
- &TtcDeleteSelection
- &TtcPaste
- &PasteBuffer
- &TtcUndo
- &TtcRedo
- &Synchronize
- &InsertBefore
- &InsertAfter
- ######### VIEWS
- [views]
- HelpViews
- ShowAlternate
- ShowLinks
- ShowSource
- ShowStructure
- ShowFormatted
- ShowToC
- # ShowTimeLineWindow
- TtcCloseView
- ########### PRINTING
- [print]
- HelpPrinting
- PrintAs
- SetupAndPrint
- ########### HTML
- [script-module]
- &CreateScript
- ########### XHTML modules
- [struct-module]
- &ChangeTitle
- &CreateComment
- [text-module]
- &SetOnOffAbbr
- &SetOnOffAcronym
- &CreateAddress
- &CreateBlockQuote
- &CreateBreak
- &SetOnOffCite
- &SetOnOffCode
- &SetOnOffDefinition
- &CreateDivision
- &SetOnOffEmphasis
- &CreateHeading1
- &CreateHeading2
- &CreateHeading3
- &CreateHeading4
- &CreateHeading5
- &CreateHeading6
- &SetOnOffKeyboard
- &CreateParagraph
- &CreatePreformatted
- &SetOnOffQuotation
- &SetOnOffSample
- &SetOnOffStrong
- &SetOnOffVariable
- &CreateDate
- HelpCreating
- HelpEditChar
- [hypertext-module]
- &CreateOrChangeLink
- &CreateTarget
- &DeleteAnchor
- HelpLinks
- &LinkToPreviousTarget
- &XPointer_bufferStore
- ShowTargets
- [list-module]
- &CreateDefinitionList
- &CreateDefinitionTerm
- &CreateDefinitionDef
- &CreateList
- &CreateNumberedList
- [presentation-module]
- &SetOnOffBold
- &SetOnOffBig
- &CreateHorizontalRule
- &SetOnOffItalic
- &SetOnOffSmall
- &SetOnOffSub
- &SetOnOffSup
- &SetOnOffTeletype
- [image-module]
- &CreateImage
- [object-module]
- &CreateObject
- &CreateParameter
- [ruby]
- &CreateRuby
- [edit-module]
- &SetOnOffINS
- &SetOnOffDEL
- [bdi-text-module]
- &SetOnOffBDO
- [meta-module]
- &CreateMeta
- [link-module]
- &CreateLinkInHead
- [clientside-module]
- &CreateMap
- &CreateAreaCircle
- &CreateAreaPoly
- &CreateAreaRect
- ShowMapAreas
- HelpImageMaps
- [basic-form-module]
- &CreateForm
- &CreateToggle
- &CreateFileInput
- &CreateHiddenInput
- &CreateImageInput
- &CreatePasswordInput
- &CreateRadio
- &CreateReset
- &CreateSubmit
- &CreateTextInput
- &CreateLabel
- &CreateOption
- &CreateTextArea
- [forms]
- +basic-form-module
- &CreatePushButton
- &CreateFieldset
- &CreateOptGroup
- [basic-table-module]
- &CreateCaption
- &CreateTable
- &CreateTBody
- &ChangeToDataCell
- &ChangeToHeadingCell
- &CellVertExtend
- &CellHorizExtend
- &CellVertShrink
- &CellHorizShrink
- SelectRow
- &CreateRowBefore
- &CreateRowAfter
- SelectColumn
- &CreateColumnBefore
- &CreateColumnAfter
- &PasteBefore
- &PasteAfter
- HelpTables
- [tables]
- +basic-table-module
- &CreateColgroup
- &CreateCol
- &CreateTHead
- &CreateTFoot
- ################# MATHML
- [maths]
- #+css-style
- &CreateMathMenu
- &CreateMTEXT
- &CreateMI
- &CreateMN
- &CreateMO
- &CreateMSPACE
- &CreateMathEntity
- &CreateInvisibleTimes
- &CreateApplyFunction
- &CreateMROOT
- &CreateMSQRT
- &CreateMFRAC
- &CreateMSUBSUP
- &CreateMSUB
- &CreateMSUP
- &CreateMUNDER
- &CreateMOVER
- &CreateMROW
- &CreateMTABLE
- &CellVertExtend
- &CellHorizExtend
- &CellVertShrink
- &CellHorizShrink
- SelectRow
- &CreateRowBefore
- &CreateRowAfter
- SelectColumn
- &CreateColumnBefore
- &CreateColumnAfter
- &PasteBefore
- &PasteAfter
- HelpMath
- HelpTables
- ################# SVG
- [svg]
- ShowGraphicsPalette
- Anim_Play
- ShowLibrary
- AddNewModelIntoLibraryForm
- HelpSVG
- ########### STYLE
- [iframe-module]
- &CreateIFrame
- [attr-style]
- &CreateStyle
- &CreateClass
- &ChangeBackgroundImage
- &TtcChangeCharacters
- &TtcChangeColors
- &TtcChangeFormat
- [attr-style_WX]
- &CreateStyle
- &CreateClass
- &ChangeBackgroundImage
- [css-browsing]
- OpenCSS
- DisableCSS
- EnableCSS
- ShowAppliedStyle
- HelpStyleSheets
- [css-style]
- +css-browsing
- &LinkCSS
- &RemoveCSS
- ########### OPTIONAL MODULES
- [config]
- ConfigGeneral
- ConfigBrowse
- ConfigPublish
- ConfigCache
- ConfigProxy
- ConfigColor
- ConfigGeometry
- HelpConfigure
- HelpShortCuts
- [config_WX]
- ConfigAmaya
- HelpConfigure
- HelpShortCuts
- [templates]
- ConfigTemplates
- &NewTemplate
- [spell]
- SpellCheck
- HelpSpellChecking
- [makebook]
- HelpMakeBook
- HelpNumbering
- &MakeBook
- &MakeToc
- &SectionNumbering
- [makeid]
- &MakeIDMenu
- [annot]
- AnnotateSelection
- AnnotateDocument
- DeleteAnnotation
- HelpAnnotation
- LoadAnnotations
- MoveAnnotationSel
- MoveAnnotationXPtr
- PostAnnotation
- ReplyToAnnotation
- XPointer_bufferStore
- [bookmarks]
- HelpBookmarks
- BookmarkFile
- ViewBookmarks
- [edit-bookmarks]
- EditTopics
- AddSeparator
- MoveItem