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- # encoding= latin1
- 0 &File
- 1 Context
- 2 &Edit
- 3 XH&TML
- 4 &XML
- 5 &Links
- 6 &Views
- 7 &Style
- 8 &Attributes
- 9 A&nnotations
- 10 &Bookmarks
- 11 C&ooperation
- 12 &Help
- 13 &New
- 14 New &XHTML 1.1 document...
- 15 New XHTML 1.0 &Transitional document...
- 16 New XHTML 1.0 St&rict document...
- 17 New XHTML 1.0 &Basic document...
- 18 New &MathML document...
- 19 New &SVG document...
- 20 New &CSS style sheet...
- 21 From t&emplate
- 22 &Open document...
- 23 Open in new &window...
- 24 &Reload document
- 25 &Back
- 26 &Forward
- 27 &Save
- 28 Save &as...
- 29 S&ynchronize
- 30 Change the &Document Type
- 31 &Remove the doctype
- 32 &Add a doctype
- 33 Change to &XHTML 1.1
- 34 Change to XHTML 1.0 &Transitional
- 35 Change to XHTML 1.0 &Strict
- 36 Change to XHTML 1.0 &Basic
- 37 Change to &HTML 4.01 Transitional
- 38 Change to HTML 4.01 Str&ict
- 39 Force a Character Coding
- 40 Unicode (UTF-8)
- 41 Western (ISO-8859-1)
- 42 Western (ISO-8859-15)
- 43 Western (Windows-1252)
- 44 Central Europe (ISO-8859-2)
- 45 Central Europe (Windows-1250)
- 46 South Europe (ISO-8859-3)
- 47 Baltic (ISO-8859-4)
- 48 Baltic (Windows-1257)
- 49 Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)
- 50 Cyrillic (Windows-1251)
- 51 Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
- 52 Arabic (ISO-8859-6)
- 53 Arabic (Windows-1256)
- 54 Greek (ISO-8859-7)
- 55 Greek (Windows-1253)
- 56 Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)
- 57 Hebrew (Windows-1255)
- 58 Turkish (ISO-8859-9)
- 59 Turkish (Windows-1254)
- 60 Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)
- 61 Japanese (EUC-JP)
- 62 Japanese (Shift-JIS)
- 63 Show parsing &errors
- 64 Document &Information
- 65 Set&up and Print...
- 66 &Print
- 67 Close &tab
- 68 &Close window
- 69 E&xit Amaya
- 70 &Undo
- 71 &Redo
- 72 Cu&t
- 73 &Copy
- 74 &Paste
- 75 &Delete
- 76 &Insert
- 77 &Append
- 78 &Find...
- 79 Chec&k spelling...
- 80 Transfor&m...
- 81 &Preferences
- 82 &Preferences
- 83 &General...
- 84 &Browsing...
- 85 P&ublishing...
- 86 &Cache...
- 87 Pro&xy...
- 88 C&olors...
- 89 &Window Geometry...
- 90 Annotations
- 91 C&ooperation
- 92 Change Title...
- 93 Heading
- 94 h1
- 95 h2
- 96 h3
- 97 h4
- 98 h5
- 99 h6
- 100 List
- 101 Bulleted list (ul)
- 102 Numbered list (ol)
- 103 Definition list (dl)
- 104 Term (dt)
- 105 Definition (dd)
- 106 Form
- 107 Insert a form
- 108 Button (input)
- 109 Checkbox (input)
- 110 File selector (input)
- 111 Hidden (input)
- 112 Image (input)...
- 113 Password (input)
- 114 Radio (input)
- 115 Reset (input)
- 116 Submit (input)
- 117 Text (input)
- 118 fieldset
- 119 label
- 120 Menu (option)
- 121 Submenu (optgroup)
- 122 textarea
- 123 Object
- 124 object
- 125 Parameter (param)
- 126 Table
- 127 table
- 128 caption
- 129 colgroup
- 130 col
- 131 thead
- 132 tbody
- 133 tfoot
- 134 Change to Data cell (td)
- 135 Change to Heading cell (th)
- 136 Join with the cell at the right
- 137 Join with the cell below
- 138 Shrink horizontal extend
- 139 Shrink vertical extend
- 140 Select the row
- 141 Insert a row
- 142 Append a row
- 143 Select the column
- 144 Insert a column
- 145 Append a column
- 146 Paste before
- 147 Paste after
- 148 Map area
- 149 Insert a map
- 150 Circle area
- 151 Polygon area
- 152 Rectangle area
- 153 &Structure
- 154 style
- 155 Comment
- 156 base
- 157 meta
- 158 link
- 159 script
- 160 noscript
- 161 Paragraph (p)
- 162 Preformatted (pre)
- 163 address
- 164 Horizontal rule (hr)
- 165 Image (img)...
- 166 Break (br)
- 167 Division (div)
- 168 blockquote
- 169 Inline frame (iframe)
- 170 ruby
- 171 &Section numbering
- 172 &Generate Table of contents
- 173 Insert time stamp
- 174 &Make book
- 175 Information type
- 176 Emphasis (em)
- 177 strong
- 178 cite
- 179 Definition (dfn)
- 180 code
- 181 Variable (var)
- 182 Sample (samp)
- 183 Keyboard (kbd)
- 184 Abbreviation (abbr)
- 185 acronym
- 186 Insertion (ins)
- 187 Deletion (del)
- 188 Character element
- 189 Italic (i)
- 190 Bold (b)
- 191 Teletype (tt)
- 192 big
- 193 small
- 194 Subscript (sub)
- 195 Superscript (sup)
- 196 Quotation (q)
- 197 BiDi override (bdo)
- 198 New formula (math)
- 199 Basic &Elements
- 200 Plain text (mtext)
- 201 Identifier (mi)
- 202 Number (mn)
- 203 Operator (mo)
- 204 Space (mspace)
- 205 Character (&&xxx;)
- 206 InvisibleTimes
- 207 ApplyFunction
- 208 &Constructions
- 209 Root (mroot)
- 210 Square root (msqrt)
- 211 Enclose (menclose)
- 212 Fraction (mfrac)
- 213 Subscript and superscript (msubsup)
- 214 Subscript (msub)
- 215 Superscript (msup)
- 216 Under and over (munderover)
- 217 Under (munder)
- 218 Over (mover)
- 219 Parentheses (mrow)
- 220 Multiscripts (mmultiscripts)
- 221 &Matrices
- 222 New matrix (mtable)
- 223 Join with the cell at the right
- 224 Join with the cell below
- 225 Shrink horizontal extend
- 226 Shrink vertical extend
- 227 Select the row
- 228 Insert a row
- 229 Append a row
- 230 Select the column
- 231 Insert a column
- 232 Append a column
- 233 Paste before
- 234 Paste after
- 235 Show the graphic library
- 236 Add the selected graphics in the library
- 237 Comment
- 238 XML elements...
- 239 &Link to previous target
- 240 &Create or change link...
- 241 Create &target
- 242 &Delete anchor
- 243 &Add/Remove IDs...
- 244 Show &tools
- 245 &Fullscreen
- 246 Show &button bar
- 247 Show a&ddress
- 248 Show &map areas
- 249 Show &targets
- 250 Zoom in
- 251 Zoom out
- 252 Show &formatted view
- 253 Show &structure
- 254 Show so&urce
- 255 Show lin&ks
- 256 Show &alternate
- 257 Show table &of contents
- 258 Show timeline
- 259 &Split view
- 260 C&haracter style...
- 261 C&olors...
- 262 &Format...
- 263 &Background image...
- 264 Create &rule...
- 265 Apply &class...
- 266 Show applied style...
- 267 Lin&k...
- 268 Ope&n...
- 269 &Disable...
- 270 &Enable...
- 271 Remo&ve...
- 272 Annotate selection
- 273 Annotate document
- 274 Move to selection
- 275 Store selection as &XPointer
- 276 Move to stored XPointer
- 277 Reply to annotation
- 278 Post to server
- 279 Delete
- 280 Load
- 281 Customize query...
- 282 Local filter...
- 283 View Bookmarks
- 284 New Bookmark
- 285 New Topic
- 286 New Separator
- 287 Move Item
- 288 Lock resource...
- 289 Unlock resource...
- 290 View resource properties...
- 291 Copy lock information...
- 292 Locked?
- 293 About Amaya
- 294 About Amaya at W3C
- 295 Index
- 296 Browsing
- 298 Selecting
- 299 Document
- 300 Creating elements
- 301 Attributes
- 302 Characters
- 303 Restructuring
- 304 Links
- 305 Tables
- 306 Image maps
- 307 Math
- 308 Graphics
- 309 XML support
- 310 Style sheets
- 311 Searching
- 312 Spell Checking
- 313 Publishing
- 314 WebDAV
- 315 Printing
- 316 Numbering
- 317 Making books
- 318 Annotations
- 319 &Bookmarks
- 320 Configuring Amaya
- 321 ShortCuts
- 322 Accessibility in Amaya