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- ! Use of the file HTML.trans
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! This file can be edited during an Amaya session. It will be
- ! dynamically parsed when the transformation tool is required by
- ! the editor. So new transformations can be added while editing.
- !
- ! Syntax of the transformation language for Amaya
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !
- ! comments begin with !
- !
- ! This file can be edited during an Amaya session. It will be
- ! dynamically parsed when the transformation tool is required by
- ! the editor. So new transformations can be added while editing.
- !
- ! A tranformation rule has three parts :
- ! - a NAME terminated by a colon ":"
- ! - a SOURCE PATTERN terminated by a semi-colon ";"
- ! - and a list of RULES between braces "{" "}", each one
- ! terminated by a semi-colon ";"
- !
- ! a) The NAME will appear in the transform menu.
- !
- ! b) The SOURCE PATTERN gives of a specific organization of the elements
- ! to be transformed: it contains XML/HTML tags and SGML-like syntax
- ! for the composition operators:
- ! e1 | e2 for a choice between elements e1 and e2
- ! e1 , e2 for a sequence e1 followed by e2
- ! e+ for a sequence of one or more elements e
- ! ?e for an optional element e
- ! ( ) for grouping nodes
- ! The braces "{" "}" define the content of a node.
- ! The symbol "*" is a token that matches any element type
- ! It is possible to rename a tag by preceeding it with a name
- ! followed by a colon ":"
- !
- ! c) RULES express transformations to be applied to the elements
- ! identified in the pattern.
- ! Each rule end with a symbol ";"
- !
- ! - It could be performed by an action rule. In this case the rule
- ! starts with a "$" followed by the menu action to be called.
- !
- ! - It could be a list of transformation items:
- ! They have two parts :
- ! - a source identifier: a tag or a name which occurs in
- ! the pattern and links the rule to the pattern nodes
- ! - a rule body: drives the transformation
- ! there are two kinds of rule bodies:
- ! - a discard rule body is slash and express that the correspoding
- ! pattern node does not occuring the transformation result
- ! - a generation rule begins with
- ! - a symbol ">"
- ! - and a target tag list. This list is itself divided into
- ! two parts separated by a colon":":
- ! * the generation location path
- ! * and the list of tags to be generated
- ! The dot symbol "." is used for descending in the tree structure.
- ! if the special token star "*" ends the list of tags to be
- ! generated, the source elment tag is not changed but this element
- ! can be moved in a different place in the destination.
- !
- ! The rules are applied in the order the identifiers are met when
- ! (depth first) traversing the source structure.
- ! Several rules may have the same identifier, in that case, the rules
- ! are applied in the order they are defined.
- ! Transformation rules
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Address:(p{*+})+;
- {
- * > address:*;
- }
- Paragraph:(address{*+});
- {
- * > p:*;
- }
- !between lists
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Definition list:*{(li{(list:*{(li2:li)+}|other:*)+})+};
- {
- other > dl:dt;
- list > dl:dd;
- li2 > dl.dd:;
- }
- Bulleted list:(dl{(dt|dd{(*)+})+})+;
- {
- dt > ul:li;
- * > ul.li.ul:li.*;
- }
- Numbered list:(dl{(dt|dd{(*)+})+})+;
- {
- dt > ol:li;
- * > ol.li.ol:li.*;
- }
- Bulleted list:(ol{(li{(*)+})+})+;
- {
- * > ul:li.*;
- }
- Numbered list:(ul{(li{(*)+})+})+;
- {
- * > ol:li.*;
- }
- Definition data:dt{(*)+};
- {
- * > dd:*;
- }
- Definition term:dd{(p|*)+};
- {
- dd > :dt;
- p > :dt;
- * > dt:*;
- }
- Remove definition list:(dl{(dt{(dtc:*)+}|dd{(p|*)+})+})+;
- {
- dtc > h4:*;
- p > p;
- * > p:*;
- }
- !flattering headings
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Paragraphs:
- (h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p|*{(li{(il:*)+})+})+;
- {
- h1 > :p;
- h2 > :p;
- h3 > :p;
- h4 > :p;
- h5 > :p;
- h6 > :p;
- p > :p;
- il > :p;
- }
- !headings to/from definitions
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Definition list:*,(h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p)+;
- {
- * > dl:dt;
- h1 > dl:dt;
- h2 > dl:dt;
- h2 > dl:dt;
- h3 > dl:dt;
- h4 > dl:dt;
- h5 > dl:dt;
- h6 > dl:dt;
- p > dl:dd;
- }
- Definition list:(h1,?hr,?(level1:*)+,?(h2,?(level2:*)+,?((h3|h4|h5|h6),(level3:*)+)+)+)+;
- {
- h1 > dl:dt;
- level1>dl.dd:*;
- h2 > dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- level2 > dl.dd.dl.dd:*;
- h3 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- h4 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- h5 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- h6 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- level3 > dl.dd.dl.dd.dl.dd:*;
- }
- Definition list:(h2,?hr,?(level1:*)+,(h3,?(level2:*)+,((h4|h5|h6),(level3:*)+)+)+)+;
- {
- h2 > dl:dt;
- level1 > dl.dd:*;
- h3 > dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- level2 > dl.dd.dl.dd:*;
- h4 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- h5 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- h6 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- level3 > dl.dd.dl.dd.dl.dd:*;
- }
- Definition list:(h3,?hr,?(level1:*)+,?(h4,?(level2:*)+,((h5|h6),(level3:*)+)+)+)+;
- {
- h3 > dl:dt;
- level1 > dl.dd:*;
- h4 > dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- level2 > dl.dd.dl.dd:*;
- h5 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- h6 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- level3 > dl.dd.dl.dd.dl.dd:*;
- }
- Multi-level definition list:(h4,?hr,?(level1:*)+,(h5,?(level2:*)+,((h6)+,(level3:*)+)+)+)+;
- {
- h4 > dl:dt;
- level1 > dl.dd:*;
- h5 > dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- level2 > dl.dd.dl.dd:*;
- h6 > dl.dd.dl.dd:dl.dt ;
- level3 > dl.dd.dl.dd.dl.dd:*;
- }
- Headings h1:(dl{(dt1:dt|dd{(dl{(dt2:dt|dd{(dl{(dt3:dt|dd{content:*})+}|content:*)+})+}|content:*)+})+}|hr)+;
- {
- dt1 > :h1;
- dt2 > :h2;
- dt3 > :h3;
- content > :*;
- }
- Headings h2:(dl{(dt1:dt|dd{(dl{(dt2:dt|dd{(dl{(dt3:dt|dd{content:*})+}|content:*)+})+}|content:*)+})+}|hr)+;
- {
- dt1 > :h2;
- dt2 > :h3;
- dt3 > :h4;
- content > :*;
- }
- Headings h3:(dl{(dt1:dt|dd{(dl{(dt2:dt|dd{(dl{(dt3:dt|dd{content:*})+}|content:*)+})+}|content:*)+})+}|hr)+;
- {
- dt1 > :h3;
- dt2 > :h4;
- dt3 > :h5;
- content > :*;
- }
- ! Preformatted to/from paragraphs
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Preformatted: (p{*+})+;
- {
- * > pre:*;
- }
- Paragraph: (pre{*+})+;
- {
- * > p:*;
- }
- Merge items: li,(li2:li)+;
- {
- li > li:;
- li2 > li:;
- }
- Remove the paragraph level: li{p{(cont:*)+},?(next:*)+};
- {
- li > li:;
- cont > *;
- next > *;
- }
- Remove the Underline: (u{*+})+;
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- Split items: (li{a:*,(b:*)+})+;
- {
- a > :li.*;
- b > :li.*;
- }
- Merge lists: ul{li+},(ul{li+})+;
- {
- li > ul:li;
- }
- Merge lists: ol{li+},(ol{li+})+;
- {
- li > ol:li;
- }
- Merge lists: dl{(dt|dd)+},(dl{(dt|dd)+})+;
- {
- dt > dl:dt;
- dd > dl:dd;
- }
- !Paragraph: *{(li{(cont:*)+})+};
- ! {
- ! cont > :*;
- ! }
- Paragraph: *{(li{(*{?(li{(lev2:*)+})+})+})+};
- {
- lev2 > :*;
- }
- Paragraphs: (ol{(li{(h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p|*)+})+})+;
- {
- h1 > :h1;
- h2 > :h2;
- h3 > :h3;
- h4 > :h4;
- h5 > :h5;
- h6 > :h6;
- p > :p;
- * > :p.*;
- }
- Paragraphs: (ul{(li{(h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p|*)+})+})+;
- {
- h1 > :h1;
- h2 > :h2;
- h3 > :h3;
- h4 > :h4;
- h5 > :h5;
- h6 > :h6;
- p > :p;
- * > :p.*;
- }
- Remove two list levels: *{(li{(*{?(li{(lev2:*)+})+})+})+};
- {
- lev2 > :*;
- }
- ! Forms to/from elements
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Enclosing into Form: (h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p)+;
- {
- h1 > form:h1;
- h2 > form:h2;
- h3 > form:h3;
- h4 > form:h4;
- h5 > form:h5;
- h6 > form:h6;
- p > form:p;
- }
- Remove the Form: form{?*+};
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- Remove the submenu: (optgroup{*+})+;
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- ! Lists to/from elements
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Bulleted list: (p|ol|menu|dir|pre|form)+;
- {
- p > ul:<li style=p.style>;
- ol > ul;
- pre > ul:li.pre;
- form > ul:li.form;
- }
- Numbered list:(p|ul|menu|dir|pre|form)+;
- {
- p > ol:li;
- ul > ol;
- pre > ol:li.pre;
- form > ol:li.form;
- }
- ! Remove elements
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Remove the division: (div{*+})+;
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- Remove the Center element: (center{*+})+;
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- Remove the paragraph level: p{img};
- {
- img > :*;
- }
- Remove the BlockQuote element: blockquote{*+};
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- Remove the font element: font{*+};
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- Remove the span element: span{*+};
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- Remove the Subscript: sub{*+};
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- Remove the Superscript: sup{*+};
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- Remove the Quotation: q{*+};
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- Remove the BiDi: bdo{*+};
- {
- * > :*;
- }
- ! Tables to/from elements
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Table: *{(lev1:li{?(*{(lev2:li)+}|elem:*)+})+};
- {
- lev1 > <table border="1">:tr;
- elem > table.tr:td.*;
- lev2 > table.tr:td;
- }
- Table: dl{(dt|dd)+};
- {
- dt > <table border="1">.tbody:tr.td;
- dd > table.tbody.tr:td;
- }
- Numbered List:table{?caption,(block:*{(tr{(td|th),?(td2:td|th2:th)+})+})+};
- {
- caption > :ol.li.strong;
- block > :ol;
- tr > ol:li;
- td > ol.li:;
- th > ol.li:;
- td2 > ol.li.ul:li;
- th2 > ol.li.ul:li;
- }
- Bulleted List:table{?caption,(block:*{(tr{(td|th),?(td2:td|th2:th)+})+})+};
- {
- caption > :ul.li.strong;
- block > :ul;
- tr > ul:li;
- td > ul.li:;
- th > ul.li:;
- td2 > ul.li.ul:li;
- th2 > ul.li.ul:li;
- }
- Definition List:table{?caption,(block:*{(tr{(td|th),?(td2:td|th2:th)+})+})+};
- {
- caption > :dl.dt;
- block > :dl;
- td > dl:dt;
- th > dl:dt;
- td2 > dl:dd;
- th2 > dl:dd;
- }
- Vertical table: *+;
- {
- * > <table border="1">:tr.td.*;
- }
- Horizontal table : *+;
- {
- * > <table border="1">.tr:td.*;
- }
- Remove the table:table{?caption,(block:*{(tr{(td|th),?(td2:td|th2:th)+})+})+};
- {
- caption > :div.p;
- block > :div;
- td > :div;
- th > :div;
- td2 > :div;
- th2 > :div;
- }
- Transpose the table:table{tbody{tr{(td|th)+}|(tr{td2:td|th2:th})+}};
- {
- td > <table border=table.border>:tr.td;
- th > table:tr.td;
- td2 > <table border=table.border>.tr:td;
- th2 > table.tr:td;
- }
- Heading cell:?(td|th)+,td,?(td|th)+;
- {
- $ChangeToHeadingCell;
- }
- Data cell:?(td|th)+,th,?(td|th)+;
- {
- $ChangeToDataCell;
- }
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! Global Document transformation tests !
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- DistrThot: body{*+}
- {
- body > <table border="0" with="100%">.tbody.tr.<td with="30%">.<a href="http://opera.inrialpes.fr/OPERA/Thot.en.html"><img src="thot.gif" alt="Thot Editor" border="0" align="middle">;
- body > table.tbody.tr.td:<a href="http://opera.inrialpes.fr">.<img src="opera.gif" alt="Opera project" border="0" align="middle">;
- body > table.tbody.tr:td.<img src="guide.gif" alt="Documentation" border="0" align="middle">;
- body > table.tbody.tr.td:h1."Title of the page";
- body > :<table border="0" with="100%">.tbody.tr.<td with="30%">.h2.<a href="Index.html">."Home";
- * > table.tbody.tr:td.*;
- }