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- //
- // Fur effect using shells and fins
- //
- // Note: This effect file does not work with EffectEdit.
- //
- #define C_ZERO 0
- #define C_ONE 1
- #define C_HALF 2
- #define C_MATTOTAL 4
- #define C_MATWORLD 8
- #define C_LIGHT_DIRECTION 20
- #define C_LIGHT_AMBIENT 21
- #define C_LIGHT_DIFFUSE 22
- #define C_LIGHT_SPECULAR 23
- #define C_EYE_POSITION 27
- #define C_DISPLACEMENTS 30
- // light direction
- float3 L = normalize(float3(-0.2182f, -0.8729f, 0.4364f));
- // light intensity
- float4 I_a = float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f); // ambient
- float4 I_d = float4(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f); // diffuse
- float4 I_s = float4(0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // reflective
- // material specular
- float4 k_s = float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- // transformations
- float4x4 World : WORLD;
- float4x4 View : VIEW;
- float4x4 Projection : PROJECTION;
- // eye position
- float3 Eye;
- // textures
- texture FinTex;
- texture ShellTex;
- // shell properties
- float ShellThickness = 0.5f;
- float ShellScalingFactor;
- static const float4 vOne = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
- // vertex shaders
- VertexShader ShellVS = asm
- {
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Constants specified by the app
- ; c0 = ( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
- ; c1 = ( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
- ; c4-c7 = matWorldViewProjection
- ; c8-c10 = matWorld
- ; c20 = light direction (in model space)
- ; c21 = light ambient
- ; c22 = light diffuse
- ; c23 = light specular
- ; c26 = material specular
- ; c27 = eye position (world space)
- ; c30.x = normal displacement total
- ; c30.y = normal displacement as a 0 to 1 pct of total
- ; c30.z = self-shadowing factor
- ;
- ; Vertex components (as specified in the vertex DECL)
- ; v0 = Position
- ; v3 = Normal
- ; v4 = diffuse
- ; v6 = Texcoords
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- vs.1.1
- dcl_position v0
- dcl_normal v3
- dcl_color0 v4
- dcl_texcoord v6
- // in model space, add some normal to the position
- mul r5.z, c30.x, c30.y
- mul r5, r5.z, v3
- add r5, r5, v0
- mov r5.w, v0.w
- // transform vertex position by total matrix and output it
- dp4 oPos.x, r5, c4
- dp4 oPos.y, r5, c5
- dp4 oPos.z, r5, c6
- dp4 oPos.w, r5, c7
- // Lighting is Ka + Kd(1-NdotL^2) + Ks(1-NdotH^2)
- // An alternative to calculating the total lighting here
- // is to map the total light into a texture(u,v) where
- // u maps to NdotL
- // v maps to NdotH
- // transform normal by world matrix
- dp3 r6.x, v3, c8
- dp3 r6.y, v3, c9
- dp3 r6.z, v3, c10
- // normalize normal
- dp3 r6.w, r6, r6
- rsq r6.w, r6.w
- mul r6, r6, r6.w
- // modulate light ambient by material ambient
- mul r0, v4, c21
- // For lighing purposes, consider the hair "direction" to be equivalent to the vertex normal (v3-r6).
- // For "directional" hair a second normal could be generated into Stream(1). This vector would contain
- // the general direction of the hair (to be used for lighting).
- // calculate light dot product with normal
- dp3 r2, r6, -c20
- // take Kd(1-LdotN^2)
- mad r2.x, r2.x, -r2.x, c1.x
- // modulate by light diffuse
- mul r2, r2.x, c22
- // modulate by material diffuse
- mad r0, r2, v4, r0
- // rather than use the "infinite viewer" eyepoint we can calculate it on a per-vertex basis
- // find eye direction
- add r3, v0, -c27
- // normalize the eye direction
- dp3 r3.w, r3, r3
- rsq r3.w, r3.w
- mul r3, r3, r3.w
- // add eye normal - light direction
- add r3, -c20, r3
- // normalize half-vector
- dp3 r3.w, r3, r3
- rsq r3.w, r3.w
- mul r3, r3, r3.w
- // evaluate (1-NdotH^2)
- dp3 r3.x, r6, r3
- mad r3.x, r3.x, -r3.x, c1.x
- // modulate by light specular
- mul r3, r3.x, c23
- // modulate by material specular, and add accumulator to yield final color
- mad r0, r3, c26, r0
- // now self-shadow "final" color
- mul oD0, c30.z, r0
- // make the shell diffuse opaque
- // this lets the texture control transparency by its alpha channel
- mov oD0.w, c1.w
- // output the texture coordinates
- mov oT0, v6
- };
- VertexShader FinVS = asm
- {
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Constants specified by the app
- ; c0 = ( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
- ; c1 = ( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
- ; c2 = (.5,.5,.5,.5 )
- ; c4-c7 = matWorldViewProjection
- ; c8-c10 = matWorld
- ; c20 = light direction (in model space)
- ; c21 = light ambient
- ; c22 = light diffuse
- ; c23 = light specular
- ; c26 = material specular
- ; c27 = eye position (world space)
- ; c30.x = normal displacement total
- ;
- ; Vertex components (as specified in the vertex DECL)
- ; v0 = Position
- ; v3 = Normal
- ; v4 = diffuse
- ; v6 = Texcoords Note: v6.y is used as an extrusion factor
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- vs.1.1
- dcl_position v0
- dcl_normal v3
- dcl_color0 v4
- dcl_texcoord v6
- // in model space, extrude vertex out by texture v coord, inverting it's direction (v6'.y = 1 - v6.y)
- mad r5.z, -c30.x, v6.y, c30.x
- // multiply the normal by the extrusion value
- mul r5, r5.z, v3
- // add to v0
- add r5, r5, v0
- mov r5.w, v0.w
- // transform vertex position by total matrix and output it
- dp4 oPos.x, r5, c4
- dp4 oPos.y, r5, c5
- dp4 oPos.z, r5, c6
- dp4 oPos.w, r5, c7
- // Lighting is Ka + Kd(1-NdotL^2) + Ks(1-NdotH^2)
- // An alternative to calculating the total lighting here
- // is to map the total light into a texture(u,v) where
- // u maps to NdotL
- // v maps to NdotH
- // transform normal by world matrix
- dp3 r6.x, v3, c8
- dp3 r6.y, v3, c9
- dp3 r6.z, v3, c10
- // normalize normal
- dp3 r6.w, r6, r6
- rsq r6.w, r6.w
- mul r6, r6, r6.w
- // modulate light ambient by material ambient
- mul r0, v4, c21
- // For lighing purposes, consider the hair "direction" to be equivalent to the vertex normal (v3-r6).
- // For "directional" hair a second normal could be generated into Stream(1). This vector would contain
- // the general direction of the hair (to be used for lighting).
- // calculate light dot product with normal
- dp3 r2, r6, -c20
- // take Kd(1-LdotN^2)
- mad r2.x, r2.x, -r2.x, c1.x
- // modulate by light diffuse
- mul r2, r2.x, c22
- // modulate by material diffuse
- mad r0, r2, v4, r0
- // rather than use the "infinite viewer" eyepoint we can calculate it on a per-vertex basis
- // find eye direction
- add r3, v0, -c27
- // normalize eye direction
- dp3 r3.w, r3, r3
- rsq r3.w, r3.w
- mul r3, r3, r3.w
- // fade the fin in as it enters the model silhouette
- dp3 r2.w, r3, r6
- mad oD0.w, r2.w, -r2.w, c1.w
- // add eye normal - light direction
- add r3, -c20, r3
- // normalize half-vector
- dp3 r3.w, r3, r3
- rsq r3.w, r3.w
- mul r3, r3, r3.w
- // evaluate (1-LdotH^2)
- dp3 r3.x, r6, r3
- mad r3.x, r3.x, -r3.x, c1.x
- // modulate by light specular
- mul r3, r3.x, c23
- // modulate by material specular, and add accumulator to yield final color
- mad r3, r3, c26, r0
- // set self-shadowing to .5 -> 1.
- max r7.y, c2.y, v6.y
- mul oD0.xyz, r7.y, r3.xyz
- // output the texture coordinates
- mov oT0, v6
- };
- // sampler
- sampler ClampedLinear =
- sampler_state
- {
- Texture = NULL;
- AddressU = CLAMP;
- AddressV = CLAMP;
- MipFilter = LINEAR;
- MinFilter = LINEAR;
- MagFilter = LINEAR;
- };
- // techniques
- technique Init
- {
- pass P0
- {
- // render states
- CullMode = NONE;
- AmbientMaterialSource = COLOR1;
- DiffuseMaterialSource = COLOR1;
- BlendOp = ADD;
- SrcBlend = SRCALPHA;
- DestBlend = INVSRCALPHA;
- AlphaTestEnable = FALSE;
- AlphaFunc = GREATER;
- AlphaRef = 0;
- AlphaBlendEnable = TRUE;
- // texture stage states
- AlphaOp[0] = MODULATE;
- AlphaArg1[0] = TEXTURE;
- AlphaArg2[0] = CURRENT;
- // sampler
- Sampler[0] = (ClampedLinear);
- // lighting
- LightType[0] = DIRECTIONAL;
- LightDirection[0] = (L);
- LightAmbient[0] = (I_a);
- LightDiffuse[0] = (I_d);
- LightSpecular[0] = (I_s);
- LightEnable[0] = TRUE;
- Lighting = FALSE;
- // vertex shader constants
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_ZERO] = (0.0f * vOne);
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_ONE] = (1.0f * vOne);
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_HALF] = (0.5f * vOne);
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_LIGHT_DIRECTION] = (L);
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_LIGHT_AMBIENT] = (I_a);
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_LIGHT_DIFFUSE] = (I_d);
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_LIGHT_SPECULAR] = (I_s);
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_MATERIAL_SPECULAR] = (k_s);
- // transforms
- ViewTransform = (View);
- ProjectionTransform = (Projection);
- }
- }
- technique Base
- {
- pass P0
- {
- // render states
- CullMode = CCW;
- AlphaBlendEnable = FALSE;
- // lighting
- Lighting = TRUE;
- // fixed function
- VertexShader = NULL;
- // transforms
- WorldTransform[0] = (World);
- }
- }
- technique Fins
- {
- pass P0
- {
- // render states
- ZWriteEnable = FALSE;
- // texture
- Texture[0] = (FinTex);
- // vertex shader
- VertexShader = (FinVS);
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_DISPLACEMENTS] = float4(ShellThickness, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_EYE_POSITION] = (Eye);
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_MATTOTAL] = (mul(mul(World, View), Projection));
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_MATWORLD] = (World);
- }
- }
- technique Shells
- {
- pass P0
- {
- // render states
- AlphaTestEnable = TRUE;
- // texture
- Texture[0] = (ShellTex);
- // vertex shader
- VertexShader = (ShellVS);
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_DISPLACEMENTS] = float4(0.5f * ShellThickness, ShellScalingFactor, 0.5f * (1 + ShellScalingFactor), 0.0f) ;
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_EYE_POSITION] = (Eye);
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_MATTOTAL] = (mul(mul(World, View), Projection));
- VertexShaderConstantF[C_MATWORLD] = (World);
- }
- }