ocr: Calling in the Keserves : Level 28 X Level accepted: 32 Money Rewarded: 1200 Level completed: 33 XP Rewarded: 1150 Quest Giver: Maggran Earthbinder Quest Completer: Grish Longrunner Accepted Location: Stonetalon Mountains (47, 61) Completed Location:Thousand Needles (31, 21) Time Accept... 4:18:49:48 Time Complet... 5:1:9:17 Times Abandoned: 0 Times failed: 0 Notes: Edit CALLINGiN THE RESERVES Maggran wishes you to deliver a letter to GrishLongrunner at the Great Lift in the Barrens. DESCRIPTION The Horde does well keeping our troops fresh... since the Great War we have been prosperous here in ...