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- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;
- ; .dat file for the display driver component dll
- ;
- ; Abstract:
- ; The Key value will overwrite the dll code and will be returned by the component dll.
- ; Therefore, the key value should not be defined if the value is expected from the dll code.
- ; The dat file (if used) should have the same prefix name of the dll file.
- ;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- [Component]
- ;Default
- Name=ATI Display Driver
- ;Arabic
- Name_ara=ATI Display Driver
- ;Traditional Chinese
- Name_cht=ATI ┼πÑ▄╛╣┼X░╩╡{ªí
- ;Simplified Chinese
- Name_chs=ATI ╧╘╩╛╟²╢»│╠╨≥
- ;Czech
- Name_csy=OvladaΦ obrazovky ATI
- ;Danish
- Name_dan=ATI Skµrmstyreprogram
- ;Dutch
- Name_nld=ATI Beeldschermstuurprogramma
- ;English
- Name_enu=ATI Display Driver
- ;Finnish
- Name_fin=ATI-nΣyt÷nohjain
- ;French
- Name_fra=Pilote d'affichage ATI
- ;German
- Name_deu=ATI-Bildschirmtreiber
- ;Greek
- Name_ell=╧Στπⁿ≥ ╧Φⁿφτ≥ ATI
- ;Hebrew
- Name_heb=ε≡Σ∞ Σ·≈∩ Σ·÷σΓΣ ∙∞ ATI
- ;Hungarian
- Name_hun=ATI megjelenφtΘsvezΘrl⌡
- ;Italian
- Name_ita=Driver di visualizzazione ATI
- ;Japanese
- Name_jpn=ATI âfâBâXâvâîâC âhâëâCâo
- ;Korean
- Name_kor=ATI ╡≡╜║╟├╖╣└╠ ╡σ╢≤└╠╣÷
- ;Norwegian
- Name_nor=ATI Skjermdriver
- ;Polish
- Name_plk=Sterownik ekranu ATI
- ;Portuguese
- Name_ptg=Driver de Exibiτπo ATI
- ;Russian
- Name_rus=─≡αΘΓσ≡√ ∞εφΦ≥ε≡α ATI
- ;Spanish
- Name_esp=Controlador de pantalla ATI
- ;Swedish
- Name_sve=Drivrutin f÷r ATI-bildskΣrm
- ;Thai
- Name_tha=Σ┤├α╟═├∞í╥├ß╩┤º╝┼ ATI
- ;Turkish
- Name_trk=ATI Ekran Sⁿrⁿcⁿsⁿ
- ;Default
- Description=Install Display Driver
- ;Arabic
- Description_ara=Install Display Driver
- ;Traditional Chinese
- Description_cht=ªw╕╦┼πÑ▄╛╣┼X░╩╡{ªí
- ;Simplified Chinese
- Description_chs=░▓╫░╧╘╩╛╟²╢»│╠╨≥
- ;Czech
- Description_csy=Instalovat OvladaΦ obrazovky
- ;Danish
- Description_dan=InstallΘr skµrmdrivere
- ;Dutch
- Description_nld=Beeldschermstuurprogramma installeren
- ;English
- Description_enu=Install Display Driver
- ;Finnish
- Description_fin=Asenna nΣyt÷nohjain
- ;French
- Description_fra=Installer les pilotes d'affichage
- ;German
- Description_deu=Videotreiber installieren
- ;Greek
- Description_ell=┼πΩß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ πΘß ⌠∩ ╧Στπⁿ≥ ╧Φⁿφτ≥
- ;Hebrew
- Description_heb=Σ·≈∩ ε≡Σ∞ Σ·≈∩ ·÷σΓΣ
- ;Hungarian
- Description_hun=MegjelenφtΘsvezΘrl⌡ telepφtΘse
- ;Italian
- Description_ita=Installa il driver di visualizzazione
- ;Japanese
- Description_jpn=âfâBâXâvâîâC âhâëâCâoé≡âCâôâXâgü[âïé╡é▄é╖
- ;Korean
- Description_kor=╡≡╜║╟├╖╣└╠ ╡σ╢≤└╠╣÷ ╝│─í
- ;Norwegian
- Description_nor=Installerer skjermdriver
- ;Polish
- Description_plk=Instaluj Sterownik ekranu
- ;Portuguese
- Description_ptg=Instalar Driver de Exibiτπo
- ;Russian
- Description_rus=╚φ±≥αδδΦ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ─≡αΘΓσ≡√ ∞εφΦ≥ε≡α
- ;Spanish
- Description_esp=Instalar controlador de pantalla
- ;Swedish
- Description_sve=Installerar drivrutin f÷r bildskΣrm
- ;Thai
- Description_tha=╡╘┤╡╤ΘºΣ┤├α╟═├∞¿═ß╩┤º╝┼
- ;Turkish
- Description_trk=Ekran Sⁿrⁿcⁿsⁿnⁿ Yⁿkle
- ; cds defines the path of the Component Detection Service
- CDS=..\bin
- ;
- ; Req_ASIC=<Device id 1>,<Device id 2>, ...
- ; Gives the PCI device ID to check for requirement.
- ; If the ATI ASIC is found, then MeetsRequirement from the dll will return 1.
- ; If the last 2 digits are 00, it means the last 2 digits are "don't care"
- ; For example, R128 family - 5200; Rage PRO family - 4700
- ; Rage PRO (GB) - 4742
- Req_ASIC=4966,496E,5960,5961,5941,5940,4144,4150,4152,4170,4172,4E44,4E64,4E48,4148,4E49,4E68,4168,4E69,5144,5157,514C,4242,5159,4164,4E45,4E65,4E4A,4E6A,4A4B,4A49,4A69,4A6B,4A50,4A70,4153,4173,5B60,5B70,3E50,3E70,4171,4151,5964,5D44,5E4B,5E6B,5B62,5B72,514D,4E46,4E66,4146,4166,7834,5954,5A41,515A,5834,4E51,4E71,4136,4137,5E4A,5E4D,5E4C,5E6D,5E6C,5E6A,5549,5569,554B,556B,4A4A,554D,554F,556D,556F,4A6A,5D57,554A,556A,5D77,5D4F,5D4D,5D52,5D6D,5D6F,5D72,5C61
- ;
- ; !Req_ASIC=<Device id 1>,<Device id 2>, ...
- ; Gives the PCI device ID to check for requirement.
- ; If the ATI ASIC is found, then MeetsRequirement from the dll will return 0.
- ; If the last 2 digits are 00, it means the last 2 digits are "don't care"
- ; For example, R128 family - 5200; Rage PRO family - 4700
- ; Rage PRO (GB) - 4742
- ;!Req_ASIC=4700
- ;
- ; Req_Capture=<Vendor id Device id 1>,<Vendor id Device id 2>, ...
- ; Gives the PCI vendor and device ID to check for requirement.
- ; If the Capture ASIC is found, then MeetsRequirement from the dll will return 1.
- ; If the last 2 digits are 00, it means the last 2 digits are "don't care"
- ; For example, BT878 - 109e0878 (where 109e is the vendor id, 878 is the device id)
- ;Req_Capture=109e0878
- ;
- ; !Req_Capture=<Vendor id Device id 1>,<Vendor id Device id 2>, ...
- ; Gives the PCI vendor and device ID to check for requirement.
- ; If the Capture ASIC is found, then MeetsRequirement from the dll will return 0.
- ; If the last 2 digits are 00, it means the last 2 digits are "don't care"
- ; For example, BT878 - 109e0878 (where 109e is the vendor id, 878 is the device id)
- ;!Req_Capture=109e0878
- ;
- ; Req_Tuner=1,NTSC,PAL,SECAM,SCART,0
- ; Check if the Tuner attached has the standard required, the MeetsRequirement will return 1
- ;
- ;Req_Tuner=PAL,SECAM
- ; 0=no, 1=yes
- ;MeetsRequirement=0
- ; in KB
- Size=15000
- ; 0, 1, 2 ... where 0 is the highest order
- Order=1
- ; 0=no, 1=yes
- ;Reboot=0
- ; OS can be 1, WIN_95, WIN_95_OSR2_USB, WIN_98, WIN_NT351, WIN_NT4, WIN_NT5, WIN_98_GOLD
- ; WIN_98_SE, WIN_ME
- OS=1
- ; 0=no, 1=yes
- ;Visible=0
- ; 0=no, 1=yes
- ;WaitMessage=0
- ; <Comp#1>,<Comp#2>
- ReqComp=DirectX
- ;Component Version
- Ver=
- ;Requires Uninstall before installing this component
- ;UninstallComp=ATI Display Driver,ATI Video Player
- CheckATICard=1
- DisplayName=ATI Display Driver
- InstallCommandLine=setup.exe,/K