home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 256 Vert: _000_
- 257 Vert: %d
- 258 Tri: _000_
- 259 Tri: %d
- 4096 Warning
- 4097 Error
- 4100 Warning: No triangles in selection.
- 4101 Warning: Exporting more than 20 triangles. UnrealEd may crash.
- 4112 Select: (CLICK/DRAG-L) select/move shapes, (CLICK-R) context menu
- 4113 Vertex Edit: (CLICK/DRAG-L) select/move vertices, (CLICK-R) context menu
- 4114 Split: (CLICK-L) select shape
- 4115 Split: (DRAG-L) draw split line between vertices
- 4116 Merge: (CLICK-L): select first shape
- 4117 Merge: (CLICK-L) select second shape
- 4118 Merge: (DRAG-L) draw connecting edge between vertices
- 4119 Polygon: (CLICK-L) insert vertex/select segment
- 4120 Shape: (DRAG-L) add shape
- 4121 Square: (DRAG-L) add square
- 4122 Rectangle: (DRAG-L) add rectangle
- 4123 Circle: (DRAG-L) add circle
- 4124 Ellipse: (DRAG-L) add ellipse
- 4128 Triangulating...
- 4144 2DS Files (*.2ds)|*.2ds|U2D Files (*.u2d)|*.u2d||
- 4145 Bitmap Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
- 30006 Export the selected shape as a U2D file\nExport Selection
- 30007 Enlarge the view by a factor of 2\nZoom In
- 30008 Shrink the view by a factor of 2\nZoom Out
- 30009 Redraw the view\nRefresh View
- 30010 Reset the viewport size and origin\nReset View
- 30011 Open a backdrop image\nOpen Backdrop Image
- 30012 Remove the backdrop image\nClear Backdrop Image
- 30013 Change the image's size and position\nImage Size and Position
- 30014 Edit grid settings\nGrid Settings
- 30017 Select\nSelect
- 30018 Vertex Edit\nVertex Edit
- 30019 Split\nSplit
- 30020 Merge\nMerge
- 30021 Polygon\nPolygon
- 30022 Square\nSquare
- 30023 Rectangle\nRectangle
- 30024 Circle\nCircle
- 30025 Ellipse\nEllipse
- 30026 Insert Segment\nInsert Segment
- 30027 Remove Segment\nRemove Segment
- 30028 Linear Segment\nLinear Segment
- 30029 BΘzier Segment\nBΘzier Segment
- 30030 Scale the selected shape\nScale Shape
- 30031 Rotate the selected shape\nRotate Shape
- 30032 Mirror the selected shape\nMirror Shape
- 30033 Set the shape origin to (0,0)\nDisplace Shape
- 30034 Move the shape to (0,0)\nRecenter Shape
- 30035 Toggle the boundary vertex ordering (clockwise/counterclockwise)\nFlip Vertex Order
- 30038 Enable or disable warning messages\nShow Warnings
- 30050 Duplicate selected objects\nClone
- 57600 Create a new document\nNew
- 57601 Open an existing document\nOpen
- 57602 Close the active document\nClose
- 57603 Save the active document\nSave
- 57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
- 57616 Open this document
- 57617 Open this document
- 57618 Open this document
- 57619 Open this document
- 57620 Open this document
- 57621 Open this document
- 57622 Open this document
- 57623 Open this document
- 57624 Open this document
- 57625 Open this document
- 57626 Open this document
- 57627 Open this document
- 57628 Open this document
- 57629 Open this document
- 57630 Open this document
- 57631 Open this document
- 57632 Erase the selection\nErase
- 57633 Erase everything\nErase All
- 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
- 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
- 57636 Find the specified text\nFind
- 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
- 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
- 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
- 57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
- 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
- 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
- 57648 Open another window for the active document\nNew Window
- 57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
- 57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows
- 57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
- 57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
- 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
- 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
- 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
- 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
- 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
- 59136 EXT
- 59137 CAP
- 59138 NUM
- 59139 SCRL
- 59140 OVR
- 59141 REC
- 59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
- 59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
- 61184 Change the window size
- 61185 Change the window position
- 61186 Reduce the window to an icon
- 61187 Enlarge the window to full size
- 61188 Switch to the next document window
- 61189 Switch to the previous document window
- 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
- 61202 Restore the window to normal size
- 61203 Activate Task List
- 61215 Activate this window