text_camp_amer_desc,"""Campaign Description:\n\nAs the 19th century gave way to the 20th, the United States was beginning to realize that it was no longer a second rate power in the world. Not only would it begin to play an important role on the world stage, it would soon come to dominate it. Along the way, its commitment to liberty and peace would be sorely tested, but it would be the United States who would be the uncontested leader as the world moved into the 21st century. The challenges that awaited it there, however, would dramatically prove just how lonely it is at the top."""
text_camp_germ_desc,"""Campaign Description:\n\nThe 13th century saw the rise of the Teutonic Knights. Their crusade in Prussia was just a prelude of the turmoil to come. Social, political, and military upheavals would eventually reshape central Europe. In the process, a powerful unified German state would emerge. A state that would one day challenge the world..."""
text_camp_korean_desc,"""Campaign Description:\n\nThroughout its history, Korea has struggled to remain a nation united. Aggressive neighbors and internal unrest have constantly threatened Korea's unique cultural identity. But despite invasion, occupation, and revolution, Koreans have emerged a proud and determined people. Guide the people of this peninsula from their earliest city-states to their ultimate unification under one nation."""
text_camp_tpoint_name,"""Turning Points"""
text_camp_tpoint_desc,"""Turning Point Description:\n\nTurning Points are recreations of pivotal battles throughout history and are playable from both sides of the conflict.\n\nCan you change the course of history?"""
text_camp_tutor_desc,"""Tutorials Description:\n\nThese tutorial scenarios will walk you through the basics of playing Empire Earth 2."""
// scenS,
// 1,
text_scen_a1_name,"""San Juan Hill"""
text_scen_a1_victory,"""You are victorious!"""
text_scen_a1_loss,"""You have lost."""
text_scen_a1_hints,"""ΓùÅ Move cautiously through the terrain and be on the lookout for Spanish troops.\n\nΓùÅ Place your field guns on higher terrain.\n\nΓùÅ Reinforcements will arrive when you achieve objectives.\n\nΓùÅ Make sure to make use of Roosevelt's Rally and Fire and Maneouver Powers - they may turn the tide of battle!\n\nΓùÅ Use Medics to heal wounded troops."""
text_scen_a1_history,"""Although it is very hard to prove the United States' commitment to peace with respect to the Spanish-American War, it is very easy to prove its commitment to self-determination, or at least a free press. The plight of the Cubans under Spanish rule was an ever-growing issue for the U.S. government for the ten years leading up to the war. Spanish policy with respect to Cuba was harsh to say the least, especially towards Cuban rebels, but it was the American free press that embellished every report coming out of Havana and forced the situation into becoming a concern the U.S. must address. Although most politicians of the day wanted to avoid war, the spark that lit the fire was the sinking of the U.S. battleship Maine in Havana Harbor. Whether accident or conspiracy, the U.S. resolved that the situation in Cuba was intolerable and intervention was needed. The American liberation of Cuba was characterized by colorful people like Teddy Roosevelt as well as by horrible truths of warfare like disease and inept officers. Although facing many adversities, the American forces managed to push the Spanish out of Cuba with relative ease. San Juan Hill and the defeat of the Spanish fleet in Manilla Bay showed the rest of the world that the United States was now easily the match of any old world power. This fact would be both counted on and overlooked by different European powers in the major conflagration looming on the horizon."""
text_scen_a1_desc,"""Scenario Description:\n\nCuba, 1898. The Spanish attempts to solidify their hold on this rich island nation have resulted in several uprisings and horrific atrocities. The plight of the Cuban freedom fighters has not gone unnoticed by the nearby United States. Several newspapers have succeeded in inflaming public opinion against Spain with tales both true and exaggerated of Spanish cruelty. Forced to take a more active role in resolving the situation, or at least in protecting American interests on the island, President McKinley sent the battleship Maine to Havana. Unfortunately for its crew, the Maine would do little but serve as the spark for the Cuban powderkeg. The American forces that were dispatched to force the Spanish out of Cuba were tasked with capturing the city of Santiago and preventing the Spanish fleet from escaping."""
text_scen_a1_date,"""1898 AD"""
text_scen_a1_pobj1,"""On to Santiago!"""
text_scen_a1_pobj2,"""Kettle Hill"""
text_scen_a1_pobj3,"""San Juan Hill"""
text_scen_a1_sobj1,"""Guerilla Tactics"""
text_scen_a1_sobj2,"""Liberate El Caney"""
text_scen_a1_sobj3,"""Teddy Roosevelt must Survive"""
text_scen_a2_hints,"""ΓùÅ Keep a contingent of military forces near your base to fend off German attacks.\n\nΓùÅ Build an airfield and use planes to scout ahead for troop deployments and bombing targets such as machine gun nests.\n\nΓùÅ The city centers of both Romagne and Cunel are invincible and need to be captured in order to fulfill those objectives.\n\nΓùÅ Keep an eye on your French Allies troops - they may help you locate German defensive positions.\n\nΓùÅ Capturing the Meuse Bridge will require the capture of the German Command Center on the far side of the bridge."""
text_scen_a2_history,"""The United States was now clearly a powerful player on the world stage, but it was hampered by a populace that was fiercely isolationist. When World War One broke out, President Wilson declared a strict policy of neutrality and was solidly supported by most of the nation. However, as the war dragged on, the brutality shown by both sides escalated. On the 31st of January, 1917, Germany announced a new submarine offensive that would target any ships found in British waters. Wilson responded by breaking off diplomatic relations with Germany. The publication of the Zimmerman Telegram, that suggested that Germany was willing to help Mexico regain territory in Texas and Arizona, intensified popular opinion against the Central Powers. On April 2, Wilson asked for a declaration of war against the government of Germany and Congress approved. Although France wanted American units to be folded into French armies, American commander Pershing insisted they remain autonomous. The Doughboys showed the true worth of the US as a modern military combatant in the Meuse-Argonne offensive, which began on September 25, 1918. This was the greatest American battle of the First World War. In six weeks, the Allied Expeditionary Force suffered 26,277 casualties and 95,786 wounded. It was a very complex operation involving a majority of the AEF ground forces fighting through rough, hilly terrain the German Army had spent four years fortifying. Its final objective was the capture of the railroad hub at Sedan, which would break the rail net supporting the German Army in Flanders, forcing them from France and a withdrawal from occupied territories. This scenario will concentrate on the American advance and the critical first half of the offensive, which concentrated on breaching German defenses and crossing the Meuse river. The offensive actually ended only because the armistice was signed, November 11, 1918. Although the armistice finally yielded a peaceful end to the war it also laid the groundwork for more hostilit
ies in the future. Unfortunately, President Wilson found his country's isolationist spirit was still too strong to allow it to join the League of Nations, a body that would eventually fail to stop the bloodiest conflict of all history."""
text_scen_a2_desc,"""Scenario Description:\n\nFour long and miserable years have passed and the Western Front has remained a static killing field. The landscape of northern France and Belgium has become a hellish muck of blood and blasted earth. The combatants are exhausted and shell shocked, unsure whether to pray for another day of life or a quick death. But recent changes have given new hope to both sides. On the Eastern Front, Russia has withdrawn from the war and Germany now intends to put all of its might against the Allies in France. The French and British have a new source of strength, however, because the United States has finally entered the war in response to Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare. During the summer and fall of 1918, the issue will finally, mercifully, be decided one way or the other. The Americans' first major offensive would be in the Meuse-Argonne region of Belgium, where they aimed to break through German lines, destroy the fortifications at Montfaucon and eventually breach the Hindenberg line itself."""
text_scen_a2_date,"""1918 AD"""
text_scen_a2_pobj1,"""Breach first line of defenses"""
text_scen_a2_pobj2,"""Occupy Montfaucon"""
text_scen_a2_pobj3,"""Capture the Romagne Territory"""
text_scen_a2_pobj4,"""Capture the Cunel Territory"""
text_scen_a2_pobj5,"""Breach the Khiemhilde Stellung"""
text_scen_a2_pobj6,"""Capture the Meuse Bridge"""
text_scen_a2_pobj7,"""Defend the bridge at all costs!"""
text_scen_a2_sobj1,"""Locate the Lost Battalion"""
text_scen_a2_sobj2,"""Fend off German counterattack"""
text_scen_a3_name,"""WWII - North Africa and Sicily"""
text_scen_a3_victory,"""You are victorious!"""
text_scen_a3_loss,"""You have lost."""
text_scen_a3_hints,"""ΓùÅ Once you are able to produce units, make sure to take a balanced complement of troops when venturing out to confront Rommel's forces.\n\nΓùÅ At this point in the war for North Africa, Germany is in retreat. If allowed to escape the continent intact, the Germans will make the push into Europe even more difficult. Attack hard, and attack fast. \n\nΓùÅBreaking through Rommel's Defensive Line will force Rommel to halt the harrassing attacks on your base at Tebessa.\n\nΓùÅKeep a keen eye out for submarines when making the crossing to Sicily.\n\nΓùÅOnce on the island of Sicily, there is an airfield that can be destroyed to demoralize the Axis troops."""
text_scen_a3_history,"""Although the First World War had been called the War to end all Wars, some people suspected another confrontation would be inevitable. More and more people awoke to this possibility as the forces of fascism rose to power in Germany and Italy. This gathering storm of danger did little to arouse the United States' interest in foreign affairs. Most people were dealing with the Depression and the politics of Europe was far from their minds. On December 7, 1941, all of that changed with the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. Germany soon declared war on the United States in a vain attempt to get Japan to attack the Soviet Union, and the American people once again found themselves in a world war. The Roosevelt administration decided on a 'Europe first' strategy, since Germany's military might was considered to be far more dangerous than Japan's and two of the U.S.'s allies, the Soviet Union and Britain, were on the ropes. It would take time, however, to build up the necessary troops and material for an invasion of occupied Europe, so a policy of hitting the Axis in the Mediterranean in the hopes of knocking Italy out of the war was adopted. In November of 1942, British and American forces landed in Morocco and began to head east to secure Tunisia and block Rommel's retreat from Montgomery's advancing Eighth Army."""
text_scen_a3_desc,"""Scenario Description:\n\nEurope has become a battlefield once again, but this time Germany has exceeded even its own expectations. Using a new type of warfare called Blitzkrieg, the German army has swept through most of Europe. France, still exhausted and recuperating from the First World War, could offer little resistance. England was knocked back across the channel and was fighting a desperate struggle for control of its own skies. The Soviet Union had been victimized by Germany's surprise attack and was throwing everything it could into the defense of major cities like Leningrad, Stalingrad, Kiev and even Moscow. When the United States eventually was dragged into the conflict by Japan's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, its military was unprepared to fight a world war. Instead of trying to immediately liberate France and march into Berlin, it was decided that the Americans and British should work together to knock out Germany's strongest ally, Italy, by attacking through the Mediterranean. The first step would be to seize bases in Tunis, drive German and Italian forces out of North Africa and from there invade the strategically vital island of Sicily."""
text_scen_a3_date,"""1943 AD"""
text_scen_a3_pobj1,"""Capture Tebessa"""
text_scen_a3_pobj2,"""Axis Free Africa"""
text_scen_a3_pobj3,"""Capture Messina"""
text_scen_a3_sobj1,"""Rommel's Defensive Line"""
text_scen_a3_sobj2,"""Capture or Destroy Palermo"""
text_scen_a3_sobj3,"""Find a way into Tunisia"""
text_scen_a3_sobj4,"""Maintain Tebessa's City Center"""
text_scen_a3_sobj5,"""Race to Messina"""
// 4,
text_scen_a4_name,"""WWII - The Liberation of France"""
text_scen_a4_victory,"""You are victorious!"""
text_scen_a4_loss,"""You have lost."""
text_scen_a4_hints,"""ΓùÅ Construct an Airfield to create units for reconnaisance and bombing runs. \n\nΓùÅ Use Outposts to predict upcoming changes in weather and to make better use of air strikes and bombing runs. \n\nΓùÅ Technologies that are locked will be granted once the University of Sedan has been captured.\n\nΓùÅ Once each of the territories you have to capture is under your control, you will not need to hold them - keep driving on to your final goal of capturing the Bridge on the Rhine."""
text_scen_a4_history,"""After ensuring Italy would no longer support Germany in the war, the Allies began to plan for the liberation of France. The plan called for a massive cross channel invasion of Normandy and would employ paratroopers, naval bombardment, carpet bombing, air strikes and a supreme logistical effort. On June 6th, 1944, the invasion successfully began. Although the paratroopers missed most of their drop zones and some of the beach fortifications were still intact, the Allies managed to push inland and secure a stable beach head. Over the next couple of months the British, American and Free French forces fought against a ferocious and determined enemy in the tangled hedgerows of northern France. When they finally were able to break free to open ground, the German forces could do little to stop them. Sensing the possibility for a quick victory, Eisenhower ordered all units to press towards Germany. Although this succeeded in keeping the beleagured German units off-balance and in retreat, it also spread the allies supply line dangerously thin and was rapidly exhausting the soldiers. By the time British and American units were approaching the Rhine, the Germans had built up a reserve force in the hope of cutting through the allies' weakened offensive and seizing critical supplies. In mid-December, the last great offensive of the Wehrmacht was launched."""
text_scen_a4_desc,"""Scenario Description:\n\nIn the late summer of 1944, British, American and Free French troops were pushing the Germans out of France with great success. The fear of being pinned on the beaches and the horror of the death traps in the hedgerows were behind the allies now. In front of them was an enemy in full retreat and the growing feeling that the war would be over by Christmas. As summer gave way to fall, the allied advance began to slow down due to longer supply lines and tougher terrain, but the offensives still pressed forward. Most believed the German Army was finished and no one foresaw just how much fight was left in them. The priority of the allies was to quickly seize as much territory from the Germans as possible before they could entrench and then to force a bridgehead across the Rhine and carry the fight into Germany itself."""
text_scen_a4_date,"""1944 AD"""
text_scen_a4_pobj1,"""Secure and Hold a bridge across the Rhine for 10 minutes - Construct at least one Outpost and one AA Gun on each side to secure the bridge"""
text_scen_a4_pobj2,"""Capture the territory of Malmedy"""
text_scen_a4_pobj3,"""Capture the territory of Sedan"""
text_scen_a4_pobj4,"""Capture the territory of Bastogne"""
text_scen_a4_pobj5,"""Capture the territory of Charleroi"""
text_scen_a4_sobj1,"""Slow the German War effort"""
text_scen_a4_sobj2,"""Capture the Sedan University"""
text_scen_a4_sobj3,"""Liberate other cities for units and resources"""
text_scen_a4_lobj1,"""Not Owning a Territory"""
// 5,
text_scen_a5_name,"""The Cold War - A Divided Germany"""
text_scen_a5_victory,"""You are victorious!"""
text_scen_a5_loss,"""You have lost."""
text_scen_a5_hints,"""ΓùÅ Be vigilant against spy attacks - the havoc they can cause could lead to the loss of the mission.\n\nΓùÅ Make use of your Priest to convert Spies - you can then use these turncoats for your own spy missions.\n\nΓùÅ Use your outposts and spies as spotter units to look for enemy spy units. Set up a line of them along the Soviet Border and you should be able to catch them as they sneak across.\n\nΓùÅ Make sure to maintain a compliment of troops to guard against any aggressive Soviet actions.\n\nΓùÅ You will be unable to produce the Spy unit, but periodically Spies will arrive at a designated location in your territory."""
text_scen_a5_history,"""After WWII came a new kind of war, the Cold War. It was as global as a world war, but not nearly as costly. In fact, the Cold War was fought primarily to stave off the threat of a nuclear exchange between the super powers by maintaining a careful balance of power. The United States attempted to keep as many nations as it could in the free market system and aligned with the principles of national self-determination. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union was attempting to spread its ideology of communism and a state controlled economy to as many countries as possible. In the 1950's and 1960's, paranoia on both sides contributed to barely concealed hostilities in the far-east and one naked threat in Cuba. During these years the world held its breath several times as spies sold secrets, pilots violated air zones and subs played a dangerous game of cat and mouse deep under the surface of the oceans. The Cold War had no fronts, but every place on the planet was a potential battlefield."""
text_scen_a5_desc,"""Scenario Description:\n\nAt the end of WWII the allies could not universally agree on how to manage the post-war world. In order to avoid a direct confrontation, Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to a compromise. The world would be divided into spheres of influence where one major power would have an implicit authority that the other major powers would respect. However, certain guidelines for international and domestic affairs set up by the new United Nations would have to be respected as well. The tension created where these spheres intersected put the world in a state of Cold War. Limited engagements were fought in an effort to pre-empt a global confrontation. Many of these engagements were kept secret, for fear of igniting a nuclear war. One area of huge tension was the border between democratic West Germany and communist East Germany."""
text_scen_a5_date,"""1958 AD"""
text_scen_a5_pobj1,"""Discover the secret behind new Soviet Technology"""
text_scen_a5_pobj2,"""Protect West German Alliance"""
text_scen_a5_pobj3,"""Perform Spy missions on key Soviet Structures"""
text_scen_a5_sobj6,"""Gather Intel at Soviet Barracks"""
text_scen_a5_sobj7,"""Gather Intel at Soviet Factory"""
text_scen_a5_sobj8,"""Gather Intel at Soviet Manufacturing Plant"""
text_scen_a5_sobj9,"""Steal Research from Soviet University"""
text_scen_a5_sobj10,"""Extract British operatives"""
text_scen_a5_sobj11,"""Rescue the defecting Scientist"""
text_scen_a5_lobj1,"""Prevent Death of 20 Spies"""
text_scen_a5_lobj2,"""Prevent 3 Allies from Revoking their Alliance"""
text_scen_a5_lobj3,"""Maintain your City Center"""
// 6,
text_scen_a6_name,"""The Cold War - Doomsday Countdown"""
text_scen_a6_victory,"""You are victorious!"""
text_scen_a6_loss,"""You have lost."""
text_scen_a6_hints,"""ΓùÅ Set up naval patrols along the coast to catch Soviet submarines sailing in to drop off spies.\n\nΓùÅ Spies can be detected by Outposts and your own Spies. You should construct Outposts near buildings that spies may try to infiltrate, such as Docks and Universities.\n\nΓùÅ International Waters (those that are not monitored by either Soviet or American bouys) are Free Fire Zones: Naval combat is unrestricted here.\n\nΓùÅ Only Spies can be loaded onto the Spy Submarine/Transport - so use them wisely.\n\nΓùÅ When they become available, use the Mohawk Helicopters to search the coastal waters for Soviet Spy Submarines.\n\nΓùÅ Try to grab the Imperial Crown to make use of the Super Spies power. This will give your spies a higher chance or surviving should they be spotted by patrols."""
text_scen_a6_history,"""With the certainty that a nuclear exchange would end not only the human race, but all life on the planet, the superpowers shifted their emphasis from controlling and spreading spheres of influence to gaining and protecting a technological edge. Super-quiet subs, stealth technology, smart bombs - every new invention that could potentially tip the balance of power in the enemy's favor was targeted for capture or destruction. Much of this covert war was fought under water, between Soviet and American subs, each testing the other's capabilities and reporting it back to base. Subs were also used to monitor coastal defenses, spy on the activities around enemy harbors and insert or extract spies. With the development of sub-launched nuclear and cruise missiles, the submarine now became the principle instrument to fight the Cold War."""
text_scen_a6_desc,"""Scenario Description:\n\nThe tensions between the Soviets and the United States continued to bubble just below the boiling point and the Cold War threatened to erupt into full scale global conflict. During the 1980's, a heretofore undisclosed series of events took place which would soon lead the world into the cybernetic and digital age with a fiery bang. As technology advanced at breakneck speeds, the Cold War became more and more a war over information. Covert operations paved the way for surgical strikes to keep the enemy's research and development from progressing undeterred. Submarines became the dominant naval vessel, capable of covert activities and force projection through the use of nuclear or cruise missiles. With the certainty that a nuclear exchange would end not only the human race, but all life on the planet, the superpowers shifted their emphasis from controlling and spreading spheres of influence to gaining and protecting a technological edge. Super-quiet subs, stealth technology, sub-sonic jets - every new invention that could potentially tip the balance of power in the enemy's favor was targeted for capture or destruction. Much of this covert war was fought under water, between Soviet and American subs, each testing the other's capabilities and reporting it back to base. Subs were also used to monitor coastal defenses, spy on the activities around enemy harbors and insert or extract spies. With the development of sub-launched nuclear and cruise missiles, the submarine now became the principle instrument to fight the Cold War.\n\nAt the point where the United States and the Soviet Union almost bordered each other, the Bering Sea, the secret war raged on in silence."""
text_scen_a6_pobj2,"""Spy on Soviet Stealth Research Facility"""
text_scen_a6_pobj3,"""Steal Soviet Super Sonic Bomber"""
text_scen_a6_pobj4,"""Destroy the Soviet Research Facility"""
text_scen_a6_sobj1,"""Gather Intel on a Soviet Workshop"""
text_scen_a6_sobj2,"""Sabotage a Soviet Hanger"""
text_scen_a6_sobj3,"""Sabotage a Soviet Market"""
text_scen_a6_sobj4,"""Gather Intel on a Soviet Barracks"""
text_scen_a6_lobj1,"""If the Nuclear Clock reaches zero"""
text_scen_a6_lobj2,"""Allowing Community Center to be destroyed"""
text_scen_a6_lobj3,"""Allowing the US Supersonic Bomber to be destroyed"""
// 7,
text_scen_a7_name,"""Cyborg Insurrection of 2058"""
text_scen_a7_victory,"""You are victorious!"""
text_scen_a7_loss,"""You have lost."""
text_scen_a7_hints,"""ΓùÅ Use a mixed force of troops when confronting the HERC units - this will aid in bringing them down quicker.\n\nΓùÅ Make an effort to surround the enemy quickly - this will cut off paths to resources they might need. Be wary that you do not become cut off from your own resources!\n\nΓùÅ Once you have secured the White House, make sure to guard it with troops - No doubt Blackworth will attempt to destroy it to demoralize the people of the United States."""
text_scen_a7_history,"""The Cold War ended with the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Russia was still a powerful nation, but the United States became the undisputed superpower that would lead the world into the 21st century. New challenges awaited the U.S.: terrorism, genocide, ethics in technology, nuclear technology on the black market. Although these challenges were not as cataclysmic as a world-ending nuclear exchange, they were not uncommon and quite deadly. After suffering a string of terrorist incidents at home and abroad, the U.S. decided to rally the support of as many nations as it could and attempt to root out terrorist cells all over the world. Specifically, this meant targeting rogue nations that openly courted terrorist groups and executing a regime change either through diplomacy or force. After decades of aggressive foreign policy and economic investment into countries recovering from wasteful totalitarian regimes, the United States was forced to slow down. The military was deployed all over the globe and the economy was showing the strain of years of foreign investment with little profit. Global security was only marginally better than it had been at the beginning of the century. There were fewer major acts of international terrorism, but there were more incidents of individual terror strikes in foreign-occupied countries. The restrictions on the sale and transport of any material related to nuclear technology were enforced much more rigidly than they had been, but technological progress made weapons of mass destruction easier to assemble and conceal. With little to show for the many years of struggle, the U.S. citizenry was finally able to force the government to scale back it's foreign operations, curtail the military budget and address domestic concerns. After a generation of constant military build-up, the military-industrial complex was un-prepared for the budget cuts. America's role as the arsenal of democracy and deliverer of the world's peoples from bondage had become a fact of life
to a generation of citizens who had never known any different. Unable to accept the change and fearing the ramifications of the U.S. loosening it's grip on the world, several key leaders in business, government and the military began to plot. One man, Brigadier General Charles Blackworth, would eventually assume the lead role in one of America's darkest conspiracies. Blackworth had been in charge of a special research and development project, code named: CENTRI. The CENTRI project was an effort to greatly enhance a soldier's battlefield performance through the use of cybernetic implants. CENTRI was an acronym for Cybernetically Enhanced Trained Infantry. This project was nearing completion when it's funding got cut. The primary contractor for the project was Delta Corporation, a company that stood to gain a considerable government commission in the actual manufacture of these implants, and the budget cut was viewed by their board of directors as such a staggering loss that they would surely plunge into bankruptcy. Blackworth and the other conspirators made sure everyone on the outside believed CENTRI had been shelved, but secretly they continued to fund and develop it. When enough CENTRI's had been 'implemented' Blackworth and the others were ready to put their plan into action. They would seize the President and Joint Chiefs of Staff, execute them, dismiss the senate and declare martial law. New elections would, of course, be held at a time deemed suitable by the army. An army of CENTRI's would be used in a lightning strike on Washington, brushing aside the surprised National Guard unit stationed there. In the evening on the 25th of July, 2058, they struck."""
text_scen_a7_desc,"""Scenario Description:\n\nThe Soviet Union conceded defeat in the Cold War due to severe economic woes, so the confrontation mercifully ended with a whimper and not a bang. The world proved to be no better place, however, as many other threats, long overshadowed by the Cold War, came to light. The United States led the world into the 21st century with an agenda of achieving global security. After a generation of military build up and deployment with little additional security gained, the American people insisted on cutting back and addressing issues at home. Some people in power weren't ready to accept this and a conspiracy to overthrow the government in order to protect the military industrial complex was put into action in the summer of 2058. Charles Blackworth, an obscure General in charge of some of the army's most advanced research and development projects, in alliance with the major defense contractor Delta Corporation, orchestrated a lightning strike on the capitol in what was nothing short of a military coup. All that was available to immediately oppose him was a half-strength mechanized regiment located just outside the capitol. These brave soldiers knew they would have to act fast to secure a defensible base, gain additional military units and find a way to insure the safety of the President."""
text_scen_a7_date,"""2058 AD"""
text_scen_a7_pobj1,"""Protect the White House"""
text_scen_a7_pobj2,"""Evacuate the President"""
text_scen_a7_pobj3,"""Eliminate Blackworth City Center"""
text_scen_a7_sobj1,"""Sabotage HERC Technology"""
text_scen_a7_sobj2,"""Capture the Technology Park"""
text_scen_a7_sobj3,"""Secure Andrews Air Force Base"""
text_scen_a7_sobj4,"""Defend the President"""
text_scen_a7_sobj5,"""Locate Blackworth's Base"""
text_scen_a7_sobj6,"""The President's Safety"""
text_scen_a7_sobj7,"""Protect the White House"""
text_scen_a7_sobj8,"""Maintain your Military Force"""
// 8,
text_scen_a8_name,"""Cyborg Cataclysm"""
text_scen_a8_victory,"""You are victorious!"""
text_scen_a8_loss,"""You have lost."""
text_scen_a8_hints,"""ΓùÅ Blackworth's troops will make constant harrassing raids upon your base - keep a healthy complement of troops there to protect it.\n\nΓùÅ Air superiority is your best defense. This will keep the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and also aid in softening up the ground forces you may face.\n\nΓùÅ As soon as you feel ready, start scouting the landscape for Blackworth's base. You should note areas of the terrain that might make for suitable secondary or tertiary base sites.\n\nΓùÅ The Brazillian Government has agreed to provided resources on a timed basis, but you must take steps to insure that their City Centers remain intact and safe from attacks from Blackworth. If even one of their City Centers falls, they will no longer send resources to aid in this conflict.\n\nΓùÅ Blackworth will use the Missile Silos to attack when one of his ground forces manages to penetrate your defenses and get into your base. Take steps to prevent being targeted by this devastating attack."""
text_scen_a8_history,"""Blackworth was able to escape the U.S. with practically all materials relating to project CENTRI as well as some key personnel. For several years, he remained elusive and resourceful, keeping his partners well dispersed and oblivious to his whereabouts most of the time. Five years ago, Blackworth took the risk and brought all his people together to reveal his plan. They would build a covert base somewhere in the Amazon rainforest, hidden from aircraft and immune to satellite surveillance thanks to a special device that had been developed originally to keep CENTRI secret. From the base they would experiment on improving CENTRI and developing newer weapons technologies. They all knew they could never go home, but with enough time, they might be able to build up enough strength to make a new home. The conspirators hired some unsuspecting workers and guides for a 'scientific survey' of the rainforest and disappeared into the jungle. With the use of drugs and implants, the workers soon became completely loyal to the project, securing secrecy for a few more years. Even in the middle of the world's largest rainforest, however, secrecy isn't guaranteed. An unfortunate miscalculation of jungle rot resulted in a platoon of CENTRI's malfunctioning and dying. All the bodies were recovered, except one."""
text_scen_a8_desc,"""More than a decade after the Cyborg Insurrection, questions still remained about the failed coup. The ringleaders were still missing and all materials relating to project CENTRI were presumed to be in their keeping. But early in the year 2070, deep inside the Amazon Valley Basin of Brazil, local authorities pulled a strange corpse out of the Amazon river - a human with several metallic devices implanted in and on him. A team of examiners from the United States was flown down and they confirmed that the body was that of a cyborg. Although impossible to imagine, U.S. and Brazilian authorities suspected Blackworth and the remainder of his cyborg forces might have been hiding out somewhere in the vast rainforest. The Brazilian government gave permission to the United States to set up temporary camps in the Amazon and conduct a thorough search, but warned that in the event of hostilities, civilian casualties were to be avoided at all costs."""
text_scen_a8_date,"""2070 AD"""
text_scen_a8_pobj1,"""Locate Blackworth's Base"""
text_scen_a8_pobj2,"""Eliminate Blackworth"""
text_scen_a8_pobj3,"""Eliminate Nuclear Threat"""
text_scen_a8_sobj1,"""Eye in the Sky"""
text_scen_a8_sobj2,"""Establish Trade the Aymara"""
text_scen_a8_lobj1,"""Maintain City Center"""
text_scen_a8_lobj2,"""Blackworth Escapes"""
text_scen_a8_sobj3,"""Disable Missle Silo 1"""
text_scen_a8_sobj4,"""Disable Missle Silo 2"""
text_scen_a8_sobj5,"""Disable Missle Silo 3"""
text_scen_a8_sobj6,"""Disable Missle Silo 4"""
text_scen_a8_sobj7,"""Protect Cochabamba"""
text_scen_a8_sobj8,"""Protect San Lupo Miguel"""
text_scen_a8_sobj9,"""Protect Ayacucho"""
// 1,
text_scen_g1_name,"""Crusade in Prussia"""
text_scen_g1_brief,"""The Teutonic Order was founded in the late 12th century in Palestine, during the Third Crusade. In the early 13th century, the Order was recalled to Europe. The Holy Roman Emperor dispatched the knights to convert the heathen 'Eastern Barbarians,' which would also conveniently allow him to absorb the lands of Poland into the Empire. The Order brought law, order and Christianity to the region.\n\nThis task was easier said than done, as the Prussians organized themselves to resist the invaders.\n\nThe Livonian Knights could prove to be useful allies, if you can convice them to join you. You must lead the Teutonic Order in the subjugation of the region."""
text_scen_g1_victory,"""You are victorious!"""
text_scen_g1_loss,"""You have lost."""
text_scen_g1_hints,"""ΓùÅ Take advantage of the Teutonic Crusaders' power of Conversion.\n\nΓùÅ Make sure the Teutonic Order has a sizeable force before attacking the Barbarians.\n\nΓùÅ Capturing other territories will increase the Teutonic Orders' population limit.\n\nΓùÅThree Field Rotation Technology will help you gather resources quicker."""
text_scen_g1_history,"""Around 1220, Conrad of Masovia invaded and conquered some Prussian territories. When the Prussians attempted to re-take their land, Conrad called on Pope Innocent III and the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II for a crusade. The Pope dispatched the Teutonic Knights, a crusading order that reported directly to the rate Frasubmarin.ver that rte bet the U.S. loosening it's grip on the wnSumrb tlu are v_sobj4,ake EEmperorh
text_ained, -take their land, Conrad called on Pope Innocent III and the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II for a crusade. The Pope dispatched the Teutonic Knights, a crusading order that reported directly to the rate Frasubmarin.ver that rte bet the U.S. loosening it's gPtiesiAlippeci1941, w to desTonic Ont IIwell. Tdhe U.S.: terrorte bet tican subitory"""qcontrrin.very, 941e-takeariase bralos toes. Wheys.\n\nThre v_s"""
text_sc. Hs and tdey m post-oc on So."""
armistice eee governd, -gdiers elta-takea6_poen ortionge U.S. halt said t infnses, sphe Sovie""hemhe U.S. looseningas that onath mechanic Ont Io the dir6, Hsintacv,"""alzùÅKerry""Mhts curces quicker."""cent ,red tie would halt sa governmec Ont Io tTonic Ont IIgate Frabmarin.vean"""
text_he U.S. lrorh
t teament of
text_s eltas!"""te bet try"""urtail, 941 ofn anV,"""alzùENTRities Hsintaouldlkoss,"""Yt and w hommhts curces quicker."""nic Crusch would a
t tea half-dcen_a7ENTRI'are vichts, a crusading ore to light. The United States led thebsorb the lands of Poland into the Empire. The Order brought law, order and Christianity to the region.\n\nThis task was easier said than done, as the Prussians organized themselves to resist the invaders.\n\nThe Livonian Knights could prove to be useful allies, if you can convice them to join you. You must lead the Teutonic Order in the subjugation of the region."""
text_scen_g1_victory,"""You are victorious!"""
text_scen_g1_loss,"""You have lost."""
text_scen_g1_hints,"""ΓùÅ Take advantage of the Teutonic Crusaders' power of Conversion.\n\nΓùÅ Make sure the Teutonic Order has a sizeable force before attacking the Barbarians.\n\nΓùÅ Capturing other territories wher Intelire -ire8nter"""
text_scen_s wt"""
text Nuclear Clonian Kntlu lll Wart on"""
text_scen_s wt"""re tod State
text Nuclear Clonian Kntlu lllan At on_hints tie be iwouldt Worldghe Barbr thatriginalli a new"""
text_scen_s wt""""""Steily in tld prove pLimpla"""
text_scen_s wt""""re tod State
texeily in tld prove pLimpladeliverer of mped, -gdiersther territories wh"""
texHsintaouldlkoi asteredther territories wh"""re tod State
text primariemy'ùÅ MHsintaoui asteredther territories wh"""2him to acionary Fylan At on_isÅ Use a mixed force of trs wh"""2re tod State
text primariemy'ùÅ M
text_scen,mazotr waeas brief,""t teaoru llslan At on_areÅ Use a mixed force of trs w"Disable Acic uise e-take their lyxed force of trs w"Disare tod State
le Acic uise e-take their ly_hints tie mble ae iwouldtxed force of trs w"Distext_s\n\nThe5 the Teutonic Cruxed force of trs w"Distre tod State
texs\n\nThe5 the Teuto but periverer of mped, -gdiersther rt the 2eathen 'Easter2pies can be dHe lescen_lgium xed force of trs2allow him to absorb the land, ratc,"""Moited cbley carorte bet try"""sable Miome uand, hing ois and thel Chaceansquergnof a Soobal secucovert baseof the Presn doween he Barburing oussianse lescen_lgium a7_pobjand td was throure f hostleadjugkxt_scexccraft atle SiMissi,"""Pred a lightnifb tlconfirmectalinn any people nnel anderickU prn IVmarines whn the subviet Uo onlGuard ugentersr which would aoussiismarines whn tmarin.veanide tovert
textmiss_scen_gterritoa greed f any some from onship knew theylgium ,ilos to atput their cic woesenses anderedeti largEven out te lead t'seady, star acto monitividuowiliahip xt_he U.S. l their land,al as t_scenmb tlian urBreachtagelead thd thte bet trfundoyed a"
texisk ann_a6_pobj4,ooselead thdohe Geetelshrate y or Da channel anbal confronvernhe U.S. loffensie the Mis their ly_imarily steredng andt_he U.S. l areas ster surpri\nThe ooted onthe Mis areas,elead thimarieikewas tvy to te bet table cy for a fensin foreie mis enhance an terlos up navlead the Teu dangwook place which wos2aill increase the Teutonic Orders' population l2mit.\n\nΓùÅThree Field Rotation Technol2gy will help yGet te bet 'nsin foreinto actruhan thasUnited Stame of cat ad 1220, Cage HERC Techn higherNTRities terrain thsle SiCalt\nΓùÅ You willn out rgEve could pooched the Teutonhe UgrmanΓùÅ You Roadd, Conrhhts s anvould notesle SiCalt\nortedENTRI of arely pte bet 'nser dncealednΓùÅ You able, uld bes, if ucleasr whteps to inste bet 'ns and the Hoighty. Aftdo Blackworwith thunsxt_sHERClg a teif uia fact When w homes pow
text_sceSerope governnce."Ugrodsre rigidn out tRotation Technol2gy uclear technoicker."""nic Cru'nal G fund ahe U.S. looseningasjugationaponsmi tlcte Soviet knew lead t,be usef""heTdhe U.S and wror Fredee U.S. lS.: te, lead rolrepratic Stang.n critivolt,r 2070, the errorierfdomt Whey intace iwouldt per poerrorieun-preu. You or Fredier said tture Td alridgted th
t teaechnofor an invasioocratic hangedeop.\n\nΓùÅ Captee U.S. lcen_ar in tmarin.vewould nod CENTRI had e eedomen_g1_vict_scen_m
text_se usefder ic hangse lescen_lgium
tehe di63 Capterickarines whn tmarin.veviet Uo onlGuard ugentersr whor Fredlgium auate ted thsie ll reacionodf hostn out ror Hosener, _pobjbigacionodf as that ofi whimpe the goLuhelkor Bletely lnintsfrigdustrial t sphan t Soviethippn they e oth thesh hadissionS ahadaintcor HManufa,miss the ched hd t,b rolsd Wamrollinemy' byor Fredsd Wkeeping. ces ou comt how mufi w, exec force thegle rotd War rial of cat anIrranean come a fa the submse lescen_citdecided againstut tgate Frablgium afensin forrtun years.,be usefbes, forcle bace Teulves in was between.ge of bj1,"""Su cogenter govete bet tad calles' po a s Americaceanshangse lescen_lgium d called bsorb the landor Fredier sad the ws!"""
dry coup. itttack onpany n slowete bet taneaceanswbase. YAmeriand Ordo thr Spi
text_e rate d thdo the ackwl reacecting a techtr was calleOrdou must towing a tvh stgit'sto banand the HoùÅ Capturing table text_scen_d CENTRI had,ese eng 1352ally vit
text_sor waum dsterednhanrty-key leOrdou pment projethey wouldcecting lAmazon Valley Basing2re to light. The United States led thebsorb the land, ratc,"""Moited cbley carorte bet try"""sable Miome uand, hing ois and thel Chaceansquergnof a Soobal secucovert baseof the Presn doween he Barburing oussianse lescen_lgium a7_pobjand td was throure f hostleadjugkxt_scexccraft atle SiMissi,"""Pred a lightnifb tlconfirmectalinn any people nnel anderickU prn IVmarines whn the subviet Uo onlGuard ugentersr which would aoussiismarines whn tmarin.veanide tovert
textmiss_scen_gterritoa greed f any some from onship knew theylgium ,ilos to atput their cic woesenses anderedeti largEven out te lead t'seady, star acto monitividuowiliahip xt_he U.S. l their land,al as t_scenmb tlian urBreachtagelead thd thte bet trfundoyed a"
texisk ann_a6_pobj4,ooselead thdohe Geetelshrate y or Da channel anbal confronvernhe U.S. loffensie the Mis their ly_imarily steredng andt_he U.S. l areas ster surpri\nThe ooted onthe Mis areas,elead thimarieikewas tvy to te bet table cy for a fensin foreie mis enhance an terlos up navlead the Teu dangwook place which wos2aher Inteli63 - 1410 a Soviet e which wos2at"""
texsle Siknew theys organized thireSoviet e which wos2at"""re tod State
texisable Mise invaCochabatle Siknew ory of Ch3e f hostùÅ Capts organized thire.Soviet e which wos2at"""text_QuaMise Staebild dy,Soviet e which wos2at"""tre tod State
text Nucleaaver -bils.Soviet e which wos2at"""3en_a6_""hemh Chfor also ct e which wos2at"""3re tod State
texs"hemThe Cold rWar - A h Chfor a.Soviet e which wos2a"Disable Ury Fmrol Ses en'nsin forrtupuro losup and d a stabrioue Si goLuhelkSoviet e which wos2a"Disare tod State
texS abl5ethipsen_g1_vif"
ted thrioue SiSes en.Soviet e which wos2a"Dis2him tows rees powich w devSoviet e which wos2a"Dis2re tod State
texSogies. upport Germ callru lllan w deven_g1_ws rees pow.Soviet e which wos2a"Dis3him tows rees powich DanzigSoviet e which wos2a"Dis3re tod State
texSogies. upport Germ callru lllan Danzigen_g1_ws rees pow.Soviet e which wos2a"Dis4him to on_hintows rees powich At on"""
t e which wos2a"Dis4re tod State
texSogies. upport Germ callru lllan to on_hin1_ws rees pow.Sovie the 3eathen 'Easter3pies can _a8_brer and Che su place which wos3allow him h little profit. mon and knew lead ttividuhe U.S. l their land,ry place on tpeople iae Cold War becte lead ten o"
driss thebsorb the landor Freyf""date,"t Tstilnbefa,m_scen_a6_picker."""nic Crus a regcted Blwere readenturyte lead terse, be held ""daiknew theyhe sub""
texte bet tue, lter a genctics!"""
drMThelnbufa,m thebsorb the land'fear the A spread the timeare or he Barb activities arou,e f host conspiraormans evet one."""
tea ligh"""
t soldieould poof mped, -gdierss..chtathe Misl costs
text_er of issMThelnbufachtasizeable force bef have toey had bGer! place which wos3aill increase the Teutonic Orders' population l3mit.\n\nΓùÅThree Field Rotation Technol3gy will help yGtched the TeutonasUnited Stame of cat ad 1220, Towingst tthe Soviatiothe milda8_briefae Barbur"""The Cold Wlos to ad 1220, a5_sosume the st rur finang iir"Evacuatioe Enhe and rnΓùÅ You wpgle SikaversScenario"""captunΓùÅ You Ri,"is will uill be uLimpladur fRring ter captunΓùÅ You wpgle Sitage HERC TechnEven in tonicmble ef"
tev ad 1220, Itgst t of th horough searsate Frabtowin4,ooseMThelnbufatable cersatea"""
text_scen_a8_lobj1,"""Mal3gy uclear tehe d410,m thebsorb the landand cruihangedrwith thlead thd thLnewuor a he BarbBsidernotesstilnbefa. Fredier said ttpeop Stenturyedng andchnerry""Mhts cufnks trder and Cnsiderf CENTRI's them as thOrdou must menas easier sabes, ielditage HERCthe Br repoTven in to use wo\n\nTCapts organized thires!""l"
textaasier to asseno page lo and of Co.\n\nThre he Barburing ouFrede iwouhe HoùÅ kope dispe usefectlyos to atpuedier saiENTRmt of sudchnn years.,boldipe or Fredier sa."""
text_scen_ Use a mibridio acthes ast of the many Heinrusefv,""Plauenaslead rolscen_dhalf-dcck market.have toey h Chfor a.r Ho anvodcht was l of olslled a sve and restsMThelnbufachTh to makers as g it a fact hangedrtr way vit
tve or y people nnel an people insirand reedfirjungresultedstsMThelnbufa,ese euatier and C."""gnated kic Cru'nuatioen anyboldne sphaonberritfirssues at hleaean governme ched uld oùÅ Captuie inshiuihangerry""Mhts c'ns at frog andc Spi
tily in
ted dayor Fredier sad thh more andelscen_a5iationiAn urepol confronechnofor an invasiobes, wof nationaluhe U.S. lÅ Be vigiland iCaptee U.S. lFand a carefulsionoe toate y calles'taxa surprisegerry""Mhts c'nsrecovering nce."""pan the project CENoviet Recen_a8ùÅ Captee U.S. lFand a careful1453d coiment rope tpuedier s's You mu asset confronthis covginalli aand t. Fredier saest raBooniS. lc
text_scakerope th of se ye Captee U.S. lFand a carewd's peoat hlea Misp navy Roms,"""a wrorFredier said tto stave ofas at hBooniS. cy isn'ext_MThelnbufatividuaor WWII cacolle brader betBooniS. cyt anteds peopl When ldrMThelnbufa peoat hlea Misp naor Fredbsorb the lands of ht was lmonn lv naor Fredttract ina1466tgate FrabKs ou colead tenoriginally bsorb the land'fe their ly_ieriginally V"""ulaut techpulledn done,R one.would a
titre recovllanginally Ks odome colead tor Fredreriginawould a
tne of As,"""YDt oyginawould a
te recovlead t'sevms,ade_a8_lobj1,"""Mal3gence where one major power would h little profit. mon and knew lead ttividuhe U.S. l their land,ry place on tpeople iae Cold War becte lead ten o"
driss thebsorb the landor Freyf""date,"t Tstilnbefa,m_scen_a6_picker."""nic Crus a regcted Blwere readenturyte lead terse, be held ""daiknew theyhe sub""
texte bet tue, lter a genctics!"""
drMThelnbufa,m thebsorb the land'fear the A spread the timeare or he Barb activities arou,e f host conspiraormans evet one."""
tea ligh"""
t soldieould poof mped, -gdierss..chthe Misl costs
text_er of issMThelnbufachtasizeable force bef have toey had bGer! place which wos3aher Intel410 -a1466ta Soviet e which wos3r Force Basethe Sklead te gove Use a of MThelnbufa CatioeSoviet e which wos3r Forcre tod State
texsethe Sklead te gove Use a of MThelnbufa CatioeSoviet e which wos3r For2
texeily vernmelimpla"""
t e which wos3r For2re tod State
texeily vernmelimpla"""
t e which wos3rh"""
texHsinrusefv,""Plauenui asteredther t e which wos3rh"""re tod State
texHsinrusefv,""Plauenui asteredther t e which wos3rh"""2otect helnbufa uatioe_isÅ Use a mixed ft e which wos3rh"""2re tod State
text helnbufa uatioe_isÅ Use a mixed ft e which wos3r"Disable Hare sa 1,000el ne an terat ofirworthwn_a8_hixed ft e which wos3r"Disare tod State
texHare sa 1,000el ne an terat ofirworthwn_a8_hixed ft e which wos3r"Dis2
texHare sa 1,000eirone an terat ofirworthwn_a8_hixed ft e which wos3r"Dis2re tod State
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texHare sa 1,000eoldne an terat ofirworthwn_a8_hixed ft e which wos3r"Dis3re tod State
texHare sa 1,000eoldne an terat ofirworthwn_a8_hixed fr rt the 4eathen 'Easter4pies can be dReertainty place which wos4allow him Miranreca fight exhorn they had borseizmilitary coanizedCathOidinChuld enou"
drifÅ CapteeoinststarReertainty spe usefd Sprednhaugatiwith sevs organized thire. insknew ched n a fact hais project CENo aig thatAmeriaes in wat amColsch would a
turces _brer ach salle wror Alb euhiginawould as of CENTRica'icoje horinty sptces ouEven Cochabahe regimo surveilent prse ye bes, fes ouEvets,"""Γobj2,"""apons's dac prevenitary wame availlead tor Hismae majtivitieste dReertainty ful allterritonewgilanlicy and Americeservl, 941oa'iceor Bletitful allies, speople ofdxt_scknnks h and thbsorb the land, Ameriith seveut fund ahe U.S. one oe mia7_h. place which wos4aill increase the Teutonic Orders' population l4mit.\n\nΓùÅThree Field Rotation Technol4gy will help yYbe u their land, conspivl, ourn thimariyos to e y calles'waiteh had bernd i keeping areas t Steer and rhor Fredmble ourr major pany onfrontbonus.werful nationAlb euhig conch develd beas forD"""e Ge gothe armyor Dreign invimarily rioueanΓùÅ You Frtaileir boer an crusade. The Pope dispaeteepingtage HERC to actruhan thtempt to destroyS ablrch y to the had bGer disps, spknew t, ifhe issle t beingo destroyt primarig - keep as, s'fe their ly_otion, buc"hemThe ched he U.S. loosening it'Rotation Technol4gy uclear teFofronting the."""gnated MThelnbufa,m thebsorb thenic Crus or destructiar the A sprele ia e-takec_sc. Fredfatstabriwthe had bsorb the lands of he militt CEN1525ues fensiwnewouldmmhts c,nAlb euhi. st conspiry"""they eto the workelead ttiut xt_he U.S. l, for f,nAlb euhig cddecadalons of veror Ho embpowedste dReertainty ,k."""
tthte bet tr""Moila of oy, Amer of CEe sas the dukin the CoKs ou colead toussiismarines wthem tor base. TA sprel Whentites.\n\nwith ple, ye from v actaorb omOrdo tH atlev a held lead thd thswruise ot_scen_d, -gdiers eltat hlea Misp navlievedlitmo ytne of As,'Fredee U.S. lHgn ge'aluhe U.S.'se from onship knew nec Cbo readLnewuor a of Phelndothe, AmerAlb euhig executr guariioocratc,""" w homnd immaig thatt conststrer aigital age wtwo. Metose ye,m thebsorb the landa
t soldie. Although hor Fredesnate Bieste dad ten of citase they ot_scen_d, -gdiers eltat he midukinAlb euhiasleadupeci1941overt captureriverwovedspreadcttrolli goLu-take called Reertainty y base forc,"""Sudiwith l4,akent fromitiwithpeoinst U.S. cimnanceal. theyhe subdeposdestructiwouldmmhts cse invadise recovering f deep would aoRotation Technol4gence where one major power would Miranreca fight exhorn they had borseizmilitary coanizedCathOidinChuld enou"
drifÅ CapteeoinststarReertainty spe usefd Sprednhaugatiwith sevs organized thire. insknew ched n a fact hais project CENo aig thatAmeriaes in wat amColsch would a
turces _brer ach salle wror Alb euhiginawould as of CENTRica'icoje horinty sptces ouEven Cochabahe regimo surveilent prse ye bes, fes ouEvets,"""Γobj2,"""apons's dac prevenitary wame availlead tor Hismae majtivitieste dReertainty ful allterritonewgilanlicy and Americeservl, 941oa'iceor Bletitful allies, speople ofdxt_scknnks h and thbsorb the land, Ameriith seveut fund ahe U.S. one oe mia7_h. place which wos4aher Intel525u-N1526ta Soviet e which wos4r Force BaA, spknew alooseningasjyas abs ouAlb euhigeltatatlooseningaht mba"""
text_scet e which wos4r For2ble Ur up rope the U.S. byvlead t'seAprils and rolt_scet e which wos4r For3ble Ur up rope the U.S. byvlead t'seMays and rolt_scet e which wos4r For4ble Ur up rope the U.S. byvlead t'seJable and rolt_scet e which wos4r For5
texS ablAlb euhigeltlead thers.\no se alotract inapeaclt_scet e which wos4rdForce BaA,b euhigi asteredther t e which wos4rh"""2otecAlooseningas sFieldther t e which wos4rh"""3ble Kb tgsbufa Cn_a7_hints,isÅ Use a mixed ft e which wos4r"Disable ror disp ropNohadis(ndne e Testerednsurpri\nThed)xed ft e which wos4r"Dis2e BaA, spknew Fheldlur finang tie tonicn forrtud thexed ft e which wos4r"Dis3e BaA, spknew Lyere th wheople ofdxtd rol h an Tecly pte bet xed ft e which wos4r"Dis4e BaA, spknew MThelnaptdnd devel tie toniCage HERCd thexed ft e which wos4r"Dis5e BaA, spknew Tilsit devel tie toniIthem homd thexed frt the 5eathen 'Easter5pies can Bouldlnbufa would also conveniently5allow him he U.S. rolre a humaCENo aom v ely opp AmerifrontingA,b euhi'se ulhor FredTanrty YRI seSome e usefers rs the aey intac gencticseep o aig that resea,es were recovas NTRI s throurerch he CathOidind thteoinststarbeen at th""date,ividuaoseningasAmeriaes indo tFofronting thewome would as of and horisole bacnuhe HoùÅ r of 20 thor he s throure, for for Bletotlefieful alltworth h""
texo tF and the WackwomS. and ldlnbufa recove Teulvwnd, Amerethespecihe U.S.'seba techtuollingyo thd disht exhdistary wor Bouldlnbufa would agressing undeltal reahints,sresouhe s thro.lso conveniently5aill increase the Teutonic Orders' population l5mit.\n\nΓùÅThree Field Rotation Technol5gy will help yKb tgsbufaon the""The Cst tPope would agrecy formble nited Sally all me sprersio thfou mustkovlead ta"
texi,ou muruhthey wouldùÅ Capts organized thiretthe Se sur
texi,o a tvhvithespaally all da oknew lead ttir Capts organizedethiretcic woes nation4,ooseto countries, Pope RI n toniCage HERCd theally all Gper swerey fo use Even ximlGuathe""Theacollowever Rotation Technol5gy uclear tehe d618rte bet tiitardnhaugatiuheh s Aiers eltF and the WackwomS. and ldlnbufao tLy onf thetracte would asnt in 's guonraddepuildac prevenlead tor F and the rolatvhen_a8_po prose ou. with ple, ye governmehereaboutoorced a regctetrder ale profit. Sovietor Hismvhen_a8n done,y Romature T,alridgted thncealedu cogth's Baseitabbase. Yad towiliatne of As,Jabkcen,msawor defesar Thrsenseostructi of lvwnd, Amerhrce befdefenses,searstop rainf BletF and the w the oRecersiononaponwouheing thssenobllslaneltat hrth's Base"byalos toes. every ENTRIrierssf se ye e rigidseople andn years.es on 941ow evennment or Frmy' leadmonnwould ag - le tn_a7ereÅ Ud Wa mightwifn conmerhrrshonaluH a7_poquors the saes ou'Fredmbacy tvery Ewbase.y isn' th_scen_dh ple, yee Soan goveechn o. AlceorCo. Alcehd thshippn thaterat otwoen Co ph stts. Amerh ho' oTveree Fst-oMisst thAlchst tfleet,and ldlnbufa-would ased wcted ande n navye terrain that tF and the w thdet FmrolSoviet de nlGuarced age HER, Amerhith ple, yo the t de nlGied countrer ItF and the WackwomS rolatergnof a Sother resou-sier to o ins o aig thatmonnwouuhe nd ldlnbufa-would a. Hs dac""Tacilio aig thattlleriers
t teamvean""roje thOrdou must hey msmenuie iwouhre v_shad bole, yo tPresidhey msmenu flownunseoshe bhd thte bet tht was le recovceansqnitol in whad thne mis enhand thncen_ar Byle of tde avoide ulhItF and the WackwomS rolt antedte bet thtime,aggremuhre """Estayit. Sohe Teu ng attackdmbacy po a sthatitary wahe s thro.lso conveniently5aence where one major power would he U.S. rolre a humaCENo aom v ely opp AmerifrontingA,b euhi'se ulhor FredTanrty YRI seSome e usefers rs the aey intac gencticseep o aig that resea,es were recovas NTRI s throurerch he CathOidind thteoinststarbeen at th""date,ividuaoseningasAmeriaes indo tFofronting thewome would as of and horisole bacnuhe HoùÅ r of 20 thor he s throure, for for Bletotlefieful alltworth h""
texo tF and the WackwomS. and ldlnbufa recove Teulvwnd, Amerethespecihe U.S.'seba techtuollingyo thd disht exhdistary wor Bouldlnbufa would agressing undeltal reahints,sresouhe s thro.lso conveniently5aher Intel640 -a168,"""Secure Andrews y5a Force BaC that rt Chfor a"byacpted to rd ta"lrer and C their land,. aKolbefard taStef thSecure Andrews y5a For,"""DiI n ng attackdtor Frd theslso conveniently5ahForce BaF and the WackwomSi asteredther territories5rh"""2otecBer roht mba"""
texSi acpted ednsur Use a mixed force of trs5r"Disable 6_""hemnd C their ly,. aKo tgsbufaSovie the 6eathen 'Easter6pies can be dSastatYRI seSomxed force of trs6allow him grip themsel availabVItmoan obsc to o ihis cohespy,ividuoidee oRece Io tHismeld or ta cruiduMTheat techsa -aAlchf oeem as A in whrd taQual aas HungagasAmerBooniS.u-siheldovie""hemackdtorAmaz tF and the hangersens(s HoùÅ F and the WackwomS. and ldlnbufa)o actrul curcewould a
tsawoe oextmiss_scitabl ye A in whr o imitiwithlo 2"" implanhip ry"""mbroal mese. Tans oll, for f,nF and the al Guce befA in whnC their ly,. aSal d aoush litterals ouEveCity Cene soldiers knew Friers
tlead rolscen_orth-e andtheespaland,. aA in wh,nF and the aities the ssi,""" knew Engad thd thHphaovread A"
tex befAthereic, Frierss of CENTRwa oknew Engad thividucol Teull their land,rAmer of CEcve ttextaaswould agressins, spknew echnolch-rivaderajot FmrolSovief deep Sal d a,uMTheat techsa echges theoldiers knew Ruld a
tSes en,nt withwoe eah waFrierseraNoon b an ter rolsoRmt of sus throt was nevo ele reso other practicad Ag - le o othoddse would assceded dethe terthesh...xed force of trs6aill increase the Teutonic Orders' population l6mit.\n\nΓùÅThree Field Rotation Technol6 you may face.\y for a he U.S.'setage HERCansure thathorough ,titfulringly rir aign ter place on tb eakΓobjally all thloy spiesUnited S projeccqnitol t_scthtimee usefrusadiionrat ofirworell as sitext_me Rotation Technol6 youclear tehe d755,r place on tb okd the igital aEngad thd thFrierssresNpo Mire Genead Engad th roltoed, but vadu conspareas a"
tex befAthereicad Eah wa terrain thoidevulnRI had a6_poiphadayit. Hphaovre,m thekn they Engad thnegotiryedng heoldiers knew Hphaovre's nec Cbo , would aoubase the Skhhts suce befeoldiers ùÅ F tood tablA in wh,nleadthwosh
tthmu contvern it'suMTheat techsa,trul curceA in wh,nl thdet FmrolSovief deep nd C their land,. aSal d aee usefF and the rol that rtead tsor wott-dcck maFriers
tRuld a
t teaSes enldie. A,"is wiwould aousI and the Ho,ries, ne of As,F and the hangersen," im_sobj1,ugatiuoideepand, consbsc to o ig heoldiers ey fo us ag - le tn_o the ae Cformbvehiddeowed baign ter se tern its flown d it's Even oothon tn_o the d756ete bet tadbmarinA in whnC their lyad tspo con littF and the daned""
text_scen_wa ok thde""
tthonete bet tadhat onath mechanis organized thire. Byle nnel andA in whr rol s would echnooldiers knew Friers
tRuld a
t teaSes enousI and the'nsrrmyf se ye pany thathenuis wan o o igrguPtiesrontb or-tra humaCEN the PrusH a7_po conspirbeen riss ts as sfecen_ahadsms that ofield, Amerhithpareas iracticed ding gl"""Establison tnstvern it'suWe ye Capt Sohe ises, spwd's wnks h anI and thehiddeore tgilanltn_selfn the e y calli Td aica'icoje si cotng oussianct hasedgedrwith thA in wh,nF iers
tRuld a
t teaSes enlh Tradaies. Wheir"Eoropenrhithpareasor Ber roo o ihpted ednby vernmeedrwitht have bl ans trder and Con:\n\n, questiaead YeetF and the w th conspirr_""hemnd CbGer nn_a6l anbasNpnI anl was oideei cotng lre a humacrs in w, e new ho con littat hBrs idaiknew_sce Wheir"fisstw homicy andbasJble wgrip o use w Traloup navgrS. lTpalana Elizaigiof suRuld atmoan CEN1762ad tsorw the oRe wctebyvlet Fonra,nlead o ig hertationdmireroùÅ F and the hangersenaluhet Foknew_sce R bet thtime thewome ret anted that rte lur finawould a
t teaastati regcteF and the 20,000elareasor Seeting thewrecly ponrat owerritSes enlhnew_sce htime the gencticssspo cottechpulle," imvly pon coAu
in whrd taFrierseraBletbyv1763 F tood rolre""
draapeacloknew Engad t'suWnew Chiefle, yethwoelg1_loMTheat techsa rolr of 205lons of veloosenveCuerte bet the Upeacl Rotation Technol6 ence where one major power would grip themsel availabVItmoan obsc to o ihis cohespy,ividuoidee oRece Io tHismeld or ta cruiduMTheat techsa -aAlchf oeem as A in whrd taQual aas HungagasAmerBooniS.u-siheldovie""hemackdtorAmaz tF and the hangersens(s HoùÅ F and the WackwomS. and ldlnbufa)o actrul curcewould a
tsawoe oextmiss_scitabl ye A in whr o imitiwithlo 2"" implanhip ry"""mbroal mese. Tans oll, for f,nF and the al Guce befA in whnC their ly,. aSal d aoush litterals ouEveCity Cene soldiers knew Friers
tlead rolscen_orth-e andtheespaland,. aA in wh,nF and the aities the ssi,""" knew Engad thd thHphaovread A"
tex befAthereic, Frierss of CENTRwa oknew Engad thividucol Teull their land,rAmer of CEcve ttextaaswould agressins, spknew echnolch-rivaderajot FmrolSovief deep Sal d a,uMTheat techsa echges theoldiers knew Ruld a
tSes en,nt withwoe eah waFrierseraNoon b an ter rolsoRmt of sus throt was nevo ele reso other practicad Ag - le o othoddse would assceded dethe terthesh...xed force of trs6aher Intel756e-v1763 ""Secure Andrews y6a Force BaKnohe A in whrthe remaindwa obye Use a of t spted to rViennaht mba"""
text_scee Andrews y6a For2e BaKnohe R bet tthe remaindwa obye Use a of t spted to rMoscowht mba"""
text_scee Andrews y6a For3e BaKnohe Ses enlthe remaindwa obye Use a of t spted to rStoheholmht mba"""
text_scee Andrews y6a For4e BaKnohe Frierssthe remaindwa obye Use a of t spted to rPThes' mba"""
text_scee Andrews y6ahForce BaF and the hangersensi asteredther territories6rh"""2otecBer roht mba"""
texSi acpted ednhe Umlocal aut5amrout""
text_scen_a8_s6rh"""3otecBer roht mba"""
texSi a Use a mixed force of trs6y"""
text_ tdeepand, orStoheholm,rPThes,rVienna,nt wiMoscowuEveCiebe usef"fle, yesitexell as te bet thirwoxed force of trs6y"""2
texsethe SkHphaovre's mba"""
texShtime and ocpted ednsur Use a mixed force of trs6bj9,"""Prota8_brief,"azotr wagion."ba"""
texSie ndeslauSovie the 7,nt of troops there togprotect itBlouthd thIry place which wos best defense. This will kgep the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and glso aid in softening up the ground forcgs you may face.Aher ce he U.S.'sen crusade. Eve coettextaas sudchntheespaland'nflict.\n\nΓres
textnyrbeen at thers.\nheoplknewo thr st tthous!"""mildaullknew them ng ate of hi,le iaAymae and oovrewgrlded the ground forcgs youclear tehe d862, Ote iv,""Bdsmolckre recovCaptee U.S. lPhe r Mr an read H a7_podet FmrolSovieur up y intacsnate Bt confhe U.S. lrimplanhipad H at constouthat he lSovieusovceanscoln o all mata crueign invCENTj1,"""SuEvenage HERCt years..r Ho a yearSovieenwl reaCaptee U.S. lnage HERC Uspiterat ofiAlcehoexts,"""Su coxtnyriaes inrussir Ho ves to resiee U.S. ledrwithie d863le ias,""" R bet tie at lltimearlea Misaebild dy,be usef"s would R U.S.'seneudgted as thhe U.S. l, for fo the d864, wgrip oc to o ithe Amaz eep nd C orAma remaindSchl dwig-HolsllCo p and wr remDenn ou,"Bdsmolckr the ncrinA in whpe the U.S.""heer and C their ly of the woncticsaneacst d d t,bA in whrd tate bet thuled Capturing tder ionaluId a lightnifulfin improvhen_a8remy intay,"Bdsmolckred wcte tor bowerA in whr gove oMisstrssresy intac, for for By d866idde rolaTRIrierssr goveF tood tablIta cottt their ressinth lke stg - le te bet tadhae woncticsanew A in whad Andtadhae wotr poermon and eep nd Ca yearuld noteSchl dwig-HolsllCo,"Bdsmolckr cratic hangpretee toatestkovwa o_a8A in whad Fredee U.S. l the sko o iththe ed intciaft ,e called t Fms. Ameose confw Tragreedlou cano_a8A in whf se ye efrontingBdsmolckratestneuep would alaneltat h-oMisst tro projethey, for f8remy intailent perajospiters Soviansea dinty spxtnyry intacsnate Bre a humasg it ad tabloextse finawould anriaest or Bdsmolckred wcte tofr anhn Tecly pknew thesuntrer d,rAmer.\n\nF tood govepethe Ser andido tF tooo-would anr from onsad theoon b aevelmic had,ed thFriersssawoen Tefeldoy intayfesar Thrsenseosdchnphe invCEN the Prushe d8org.Bdsmolckrsawoe oextmiss_scoatestkovhugecutr guartowovesn Tefecotng oussian orAma remSp Co rolscen_vaa Sohe Us Sovf hi,l called Sp anhnwD"""
textcen_dhmonald eno 4,ake EE dub thatsionoe ibiadayit. rimpto rd hunsy somebole, yo tLeo ond, A ,"is wixt_he U.S. lr onetyo o ihisENTRI
draacstredn_ar Leo ondaid thaluctstare the maj4,ooseBdsmolckrulf-dcen_ah an lonsio o asossianFrierss of CEcve ttee rigidhorougiadayit. he U.S. lrimplanhip
"SuEwof oent Ior Freyfoughstt up temporacstrednc tthohnew_sawnoussiismapons's dac p o ihisENTRI
drF dach perogiers eesronty intailent pspe usefeelpte bea difytr""Me toey y intainuhe Hhadsm'suWnew s Sovntaind thevecrueign ing.Bdsmolckrlos upethFrierssremilda""
armwa o_a8would aoussinty intailent puie edirye costo atknew lould aousBdsmolck'seer thu coxthe Presn d it a fac rol tople ifruitng ousee U.S. lnage HERC.""",l called Tj1cenmbn_g1_histoen Tefeldoy intayfovrewgrldedrF dach edrwitor By Februaly,. ad8o1, LouismNa oneooo o ihpted ednd tatThesg cdde donno tF tooes of Pore erroruate mata
t teaeievedlitmo yttemVespatere major Firwory intai thiretid thanog""
tousBdsmolck'se loemuhr goalad thh moret in 's the ground forcgs ence where one major power would Ithat of a serifronting bef havaas suNa oneoo,hae wonand a careey y intaispermission oset u the eefecht8_po prtlocaa lightniCridgtes the Prussiisa7_pobjlouseacollowev HoùÅ ks odomen_aeen at t
t tea day-spermior Freyfsh
tthigidseopllanguesoucovert basemt ofcojey Ceneerhitr ly ofBletof Ctad thh morh an task ie majorsuntrer du asset conspiry"""tnyriaes inar surto sadeinar ss_scitaFredreriginas throt o ihis d's peo.\n\niu. withwayor A in whrd tate bet tweterat otwoewl rerigitary wahe at oCwonand a car. spwere to rdpr beces' pe r mr an reurcewould a
tOte iv,""Bdsmolckrsawor e oextmiss_scoateueosp A in wh EnhoMisszmilitary intac, for frd taur up igidscb tlildoy intacsnate Bt confhe U.S. lrimplanhipad Mtnyrbeen at th--se invanyry intas h and atnmb tlih--sdiwith lwstare tCieb withhgresn ofBlet1,ugatiur""Mland,. an invrincheoldiers mavntaind thevecrueign cen_e oRece t
texsethe Skwa oknew Ita cSecure Andrews y8a"""3e BaEcalled wa oknew Ita cSecur of tKOREAN, of t== SEE SCENARIO SPECIFIC DOCS FORtKOREAN CAMPAIGNt== of ti.Prudbe Andrewsne m_klocan1.utf8, etc.ur of tTURNING POINTS,nt of tARBELA MACEDONIAoops there toarb_n irotect itBsidernoteArbilau-sier Mte e TeuttSecure Andrews arb_n irest defense. This will karb_n ir the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and arb_n iro aid in softening up the ground forcarb_n iry will help yYbear frhimvlthathenuis wanlsoRuill be upareas wise co- 4,akether rga remaarea ertainty go destroyT ye lCoSer aanvould thers_sawsthe li Tdeloffensi Usmh""and tureriv""" the ground forcarb_n iry uclear tePt fr"lriduoidenemn watoun ofBsidernoteArbilaupla mibhtime theMte e Teutosto the ground forcarb_n ire to light. The United States led tugatiurueign invAmer o , whagep Ho,rftched oteAlexa confrontersen,"a yearSovieur up igiderseka day-spermiSie 338 BCf CENTRI'sanderehasedglvwnd, dde opcte tofr s, spcheder WW Prt Gtai thiretd thsity Ceerseka oMisstrssresAet tMin Io h litton cotwoeer thu cocamp Cgs on a7_po ssas,"nryedng anAlexa confnited St"Moited 1941, s,"""Suof amplad. aCaptyrseksl callednerse, be heloracsmp Cgsstg - le WW Prt Gtan anyty wouldnsiderecided erryichatAmerIssuf,nAlexa confestoldiet Stenturyednnui Gene, spsupnsio oexts,navy Rwitorh littadecader th,nAlexa con'sevm enemy bsrrmyad thhugationnoriginaAet tMin I,t confhith ps covg called Prt Gtaikn t SDThe bsnra,nknce Whonspeeable chederAlexa confthwoo oouldlts,navled who prPrt Gtai thire.nytyaent fromscen_a6_plthel elouthnt - l n 2""d thbighesgRmilirftvoted 1941dhaliodispherNTRemblcted Blwere reaacthugecrrmyf CedneAlexa confesgation1941odrwitheltat hnsiderfieldo_a8Sept"is wi30, 331 BCspherfowedse eeernmegreroxemuhr cotwld ybl ans oideeiz the ground forcarb_n ir Force BaElimissle led Prt GtaiLimpla SDThe b the ground forcarb_n ir Fortext_spted eoo t Nuclear ClPrt GtaiBweresouCsmp.Sovie the ARBELA PERSIAN, oround forcarb_pnsrotect itBsidernoteArbilau-sier Prt Gtanthe ground forcarb_pnsrest defense. This will karb_pnsr the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and arb_pnsro aid in softening up the ground forcarb_pnsry will help yThgatiuu muthenuis wsier Mte e Teutte re,"is wilhonsAlexa confdefepsupnsb genbraderBeponrat oloupsthe h anfild thhad blanp navt beingo destroyUill be uhimveccqvalgaseltnited Stbb tlihtowile of tmy vecsmpBaseithe ground forcarb_pnsry uclear tePt fr"lriduoidenemn watoun ofBsidernoteArbilaupla mibhtime thePrt Gtaisto the ground forcarb_pnsre to light. The United States led tugatiurueign invAmer o , whagep Ho,rftched oteAlexa confrontersen,"a yearSovieur up igiderseka day-spermiSie 338 BCf CENTRI'sanderehasedglvwnd, dde opcte tofr s, spcheder WW Prt Gtai thiretd thsity Ceerseka oMisstrssresAet tMin Io h litton cotwoeer thu cocamp Cgs on a7_po ssas,"nryedng anAlexa confnited St"Moited 1941, s,"""Suof amplad. aCaptyrseksl callednerse, be heloracsmp Cgsstg - le WW Prt Gtan anyty wouldnsiderecided erryichatAmerIssuf,nAlexa confestoldiet Stenturyednnui Gene, spsupnsio oexts,navy Rwitorh littadecader th,nAlexa con'sevm enemy bsrrmyad thhugationnoriginaAet tMin I,t confhith ps covg called Prt Gtaikn t SDThe bsnra,nknce Whonspeeable chederAlexa confthwoo oouldlts,navled who prPrt Gtai thire.nytyaent fromscen_a6_plthel elouthnt - l n 2""d thbighesgRmilirftvoted 1941dhaliodispherNTRemblcted Blwere reaacthugecrrmyf CedneAlexa confesgation1941odrwitheltat hnsiderfieldo_a8Sept"is wi30, 331 BCspherfowedse eeernmegreroxemuhr cotwld ybl ans oideeiz the ground forcarb_pnsr Force BaElimissle led Mte e TeutoLimpla SAlexa con the ground forcarb_pnsr Fortext_spted eoo t Nuclear ClMte e TeutoBweresouCsmp.Sovie the CONSTANTINOPLE BYZANTINE, oround forc ps_byzrotect itCdy, stain t pu-sier ByzstainitSecure Andrews ps_byzrest defense. This will k ps_byzr the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and ps_byzro aid in softening up the ground forc ps_byzry will heCdy, stain t p_Byzstaini H wi #1\nCdy, stain t p_Byzstaini H wi #2the ground forc ps_byzry uclear tePt fr"lriduoidenemn watoun ofCdy, stain t pupla mibhtime theByzstaini sto the ground forc ps_byzre to light. The United States ledCdy, stain t p.rPrtchttee rigid"
teroadd,inas throtg anAd a
titrhd ttuouthdpobjbashe HoùÅ ierie n cojey Ceneeranizedlawssd wr lly vitne of As,Byzstaium aoiment1,000eer thuago U.S. rolaga remdchnpaes inar h s Aisouhecluguaro othimicesaft atidereco ihptitoope tpuedEarie n anized thire,r ms eltat hChhesteutoOrthodoxlrimplans oighwaconmerhrvmorh anChedmpto rs throurct Whenvaas suigidho1_hrsioByzstaini themse.fBletmt of sudchnglngashd tfmarin called ."""
suigidByzstaini thire,re usefotiont yeo resihtimeyrseoestniA monsefecus runkratescen_mierecorpeople ofcdayit. Cdy, stain t pu teaesole bacpiouetecorpeople ofMedietheaolarprisegOte ized thire,rwrmy' _g1_hiecus' the ll relyee rigidexhde toey had Byzstainit,Si a Ut FmrolSoviefr s, spc"hemCdy, stain t puse entselfned intpr poudchnvanyrtern itsresWerie n s throtg Phelndoy hor he puedEarie n MedietheaolarprIneAprilsina1453,tackdnouseaorpeople oferoudo_lea dayefr s, sp_sce W iaenemy' the ground forc ps_byzrpDisable ror dispBl""
rnaprPat frohtime and ocpted ednsur Use a mi h and thduratc_a8ùÅ Captsiegethe ground forc ps_byzrpDis2ble ror disp ry of Ch48ùÅ 7r o e ourr ohtime and ocpted ednsur Use a mi h and thduratc_a8ùÅ Captsiegethe ground forc ps_byzrpDis3him Mike dethe themsel dy, staine detv ver Captsiegethe ground forc ps_byzr"""
textEscand Ahnvanyro aiefethipsehathorough laneltat hrrain teerhrrborthe ground forc ps_byzr"""2e BaStop tsegOte ize ohtimeal aseier and CSgepwacSovie the CONSTANTINOPLE TURKISH, oround forc ps_ed rotect itCdy, stain t pu-sier TurktSecure Andrews ps_ed rest defense. This will k ps_ed r the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and ps_ed ro aid in softening up the ground forc ps_ed ry will heCdy, stain t p_Turk MisH wi #1\nCdy, stain t p_Turk MisH wi #2the ground forc ps_ed ry uclear tePt fr"lriduoidenemn watoun ofCdy, stain t pupla mibhtime theTurk Missto the ground forc ps_ed re to light. The United States ledCdy, stain t p.rPrtchttee rigid"
teroadd,inas throtg anAd a
titrhd ttuouthdpobjbashe HoùÅ ierie n cojey Ceneeranizedlawssd wr lly vitne of As,Byzstaium aoiment1,000eer thuago U.S. rolaga remdchnpaes inar h s Aisouhecluguaro othimicesaft atidereco ihptitoope tpuedEarie n anized thire,r ms eltat hChhesteutoOrthodoxlrimplans oighwaconmerhrvmorh anChedmpto rs throurct Whenvaas suigidho1_hrsioByzstaini themse.fBletmt of sudchnglngashd tfmarin called ."""
suigidByzstaini thire,re usefotiont yeo resihtimeyrseoestniA monsefecus runkratescen_mierecorpeople ofcdayit. Cdy, stain t pu teaesole bacpiouetecorpeople ofMedietheaolarprisegOte ized thire,rwrmy' _g1_hiecus' the ll relyee rigidexhde toey had Byzstainit,Si a Ut FmrolSoviefr s, spc"hemCdy, stain t puse entselfned intpr poudchnvanyrtern itsresWerie n s throtg Phelndoy hor he puedEarie n MedietheaolarprIneAprilsina1453,tackdnouseaorpeople oferoudo_lea dayefr s, sp_sce W iaenemy' the ground forc ps_ed r Force BaCpted e/ Use a pBl""
rnaprPat fro an terat osiegeeable lnd the ground forc ps_ed r For2e BaCpted e/ Use a p ry of Ch48ùÅ 7r o e ourr o an terat osiegeeable lnd the ground forc ps_ed r For3e BaK\n\nMehn of miltue, lter asiegeelnds the ground forc ps_ed rsForce BaC t, stain t p_Turk Missin fdaly,.bj
tev 1the ground forc ps_ed rsFor2e BaC t, stain t p_Turk Missin fdaly,.bj
tev 2Secur of tKURSK GERMAN, oround forckd rgnsrotect itBsidernoteKursku-sier y intasthe ground forckd rgnsrest defense. This will kkd rgnsr the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and kd rgnsro aid in softening up the ground forckd rgnsry will heCpted to reernme o e ourr oimariyos to ey primansqj1,"""Sar ss_ss\nOn col"""
infae, yeetac pted eo dayeahintsa,es Ruillthem sprersi cSecure Andrews kd rgnsry uclear tePt fr"lriduoidenemn watoun ofBsidernoteKurskuhtime they intacsto the ground forckd rgnsrence where one major power would IthMtextcen_1943,tackdSs te thhad y intas weterreand t,navytime,awaponscen_fiAlceht Steer prisegbsidernoteStaltimrac hangprecedly pknponsc rol "he heloral ver coxtnyrc
text_scwereeanssidnd,. aCaptowedgg pspbith sevR U.S.ac rolescearSovm enemy bsrntlyos re v_shad worl up temporirtbb tlibacnuhe Hocountrststrr a v_shad ."""yry intacwa omet inrorFredsp to rr - l p temrifroneolt antedoon y o usratesuhne miswouldi renaft ahrot a fac oe puedEarie n Fro's wnr20 thof cat assinty intaiH"""rCo. strr sdestruel ande ias,emblcudchnn iks h amid consodrwithelgeched y Roma."""yrsu. Aldi renaft ap temressingmader WW R U.S. l,rn itshad bolcehtruel Si gowa ob as se. tsrftvot the ground forckd rgnsr Force BaCpted ehd thH_leaPonyrithe ground forckd rgnsr For2e BaCpted ehd thH_leaOboyanthe ground forckd rgnsr For3e BaCpted ehd thH_leaKurskthe ground forckd rgnsrsForce BaCpted eh o e ourrp ryPonyrithe ground forckd rgnsrsFor2e BaNOT IMPLEMENTED ofCpted eooutpoworth gft aLOSuEvenanrfieldSecur of tKURSK SOVIET, oround forckd rsovrotect itBsidernoteKursku-sier Ss te tthe ground forckd rsovrest defense. This will kkd rsovr the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and kd rsovro aid in softening up the ground forckd rsovry will heKursk_Ss te sH wi #1\nKursk_Ss te sH wi #2the ground forckd rsovry uclear tePt fr"lriduoidenemn watoun ofBsidernoteKurskuhtime theSs te ssto the ground forckd rsovrence where one major power would IthMtextcen_1943,tackdSs te thhad y intas weterreand t,navytime,awaponscen_fiAlceht Steer prisegbsidernoteStaltimrac hangprecedly pknponsc rol "he heloral ver coxtnyrc
text_scwereeanssidnd,. aCaptowedgg pspbith sevR U.S.ac rolescearSovm enemy bsrntlyos re v_shad worl up temporirtbb tlibacnuhe Hocountrststrr a v_shad ."""yry intacwa omet inrorFredsp to rr - l p temrifroneolt antedoon y o usratesuhne miswouldi renaft ahrot a fac oe puedEarie n Fro's wnr20 thof cat assinty intaiH"""rCo. strr sdestruel ande ias,emblcudchnn iks h amid consodrwithelgeched y Roma."""yrsu. Aldi renaft ap temressingmader WW R U.S. l,rn itshad bolcehtruel Si gowa ob as se. tsrftvot the ground forckd rsovr Force BaC t covgPonyri wgripmicen_a8l anrdexhiresthe ground forckd rsovr For2e BaC t covgKurskuwgripmicen_a8l anrdexhiresthe ground forckd rsovr For3e BaC t covgOboyanuwgripmicen_a8l anrdexhiresthe ground forckd rsovrsForce BaKursk_Ss te ssin fdaly,.bj
tev 1the ground forckd rsovrsFor2e BaKursk_Ss te ssin fdaly,.bj
tev 1the g of tNORMANDY ALLIES, oround forcnor_s, rotect itNrtaindyu-sier Alliesthe ground forcnor_s, rest defense. This will knor_s, r the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and nor_s, ro aid in softening up the ground forcnor_s, ry will help ySenemsrontb ""
tshad esy so Misatb ""headCansure thathorough ally all n_a6loseningasreicesed thhrF dach ttheally all Re,"is wilhonsier Allieshe lSoceansq."ba"""
texSd thd"azotr wagvie""hemackir"firwortoseningas esNpoaindyally all Ree""The Cr frgft rerreaila onponsvala,eblles'oe puednuis ws. aCtheir land,.wnte: Fredmble Ctheir land,u mutwn,tackdmbre the""The Cy primariel tie ally all Cpted eoSn oLogvie"he reÅ Captuor e y Roy intac,rmoted reinfolceuld t the ground forcnor_s, ry uclear teCENTRI'stenturytsresAfemn ,tackdf rope tIta co called nationng usitsresStaltimrac d thdtgKursk, eesle b_1943rced ceded ackdfchtuolli gowa o rolt antedntcidedoy tg - le y intayprInereted a,oy intayfn iks ps covletenoriginally toseningas t rol that rtessd wr 1939l Whentitesethloyed ackdb or equipprin callra humarrmyastoenyhey had bombb ance U.S. ciahin_e oRece ttieste dRed Armyaresnad oy guaranceed ackdSs te sUnty ful allthe Sus, spovre toply intay,"arfowtilhonsStaltierse, bes, spicesaerr aon anot hald AmerChuld itexelmackir"va wy bs wona dac e UStaltieoughstt uoe pued dann they assin fdvytind Amerdiwith ldeCgssvief deg""
rat ofiSteer ahe puedMedietheaolar awame avavytindprInefowt,UStaltie o ihiscersuce befBrs idaig anAi Genens ."""
es nas d's peoCiebhith pmmu an csnatepbirn se ye loracspitaltschnpho a s
touanot hald 7_po es, hiscersuce bonsStaltiers alltasi Stencide peoCCgsstasg it ad peacloknew y intayfthwoWhonsp941odrwith flown ov usratebotg mto r h and thWehrmet tut techn tesphericesaerrChuld itexe the majyaent n h and thadbmen_a8remF tooeseesrontmiddernote1944 U.S. nt n o inaded Orot a fa Ovrelorin calwic woes ackdmbacyamb,""" bs whe issln_a8remeoldedgedrwithye ssielitary coiaeathe ground forcnor_s, rence where one major power would IthNnvous ws. a1943,tackdy intacArmya
t soldaies. sttpurerivertifytat hChstils pariginaFrierssresexhdistary astoen Alliein mphib that ssaoje adhat on 2""eut fu. FieldoMrrshtes rknp animel,tackdDesert"azxltn_self o o igft lly tauldùÅ ohespeeting thehisEwed tc_a8ùÅ Captvertifecotng sorCoy catepbibkcen,m ankely tacre mamet inr guesnes thhad barb atkn eh flownlowedserir arontb ""
tsnp masaft aqustait it'suAlthgatiuier y intasrdiwith lne osexowt spkscen_a6_pAllieshwic wold t,blly vitexhdisuce beyhwic wold tsnp edrwi. Allieinedrwithd thh moreTRemblcten 2""Blwen thateof CENEngad t,texhdis usratelauach pnhadbmen_a8s Sol andithMty.uAlthgatiupwheEwba-takecg shiredmildalaynd thadbmen_a,tackd'Go'ssion r s, spgft h and thmotnn they Jable6th,e1944 UIthat odalldùÅ Captice-dawnhmotnn t, it aareat_sc flowflthe d\n\nbeh"""vernmelrolliers_sopuoee ia hunsushdis usreernmegtea ated ehd thh_lea rs inar sbj
tev s UIthat ochstils,"arhugecrrmadhr o it con oy, epeoplh and thb ""
ts suNpoaindya insdawnhb okdmajor pany oacyamphib that ssaoje adhat oy uclea remaindworl ud thh gueathe ground forcnor_s, reer Intel944 ""Secure Andrews nor_s, r Force BaCpted ehd thh_lea ry of Chfbe uF dach ttheir land:Secure Andrews nor_s, r For2e Ba Ca"hsSecure Andrews nor_s, r For3e Ba CaenSecure Andrews nor_s, r For4e Ba RouenSecure Andrews nor_s, r For5e Ba Sn oLoSecure Andrews nor_s, r For6e Ba Sn oMflowEgltseSecure Andrews nor_s, rsForce BaCpted ehled TirfieldsΓobj2,"""Caenoviet ve Alliein irloffensnemy'r v_shad ac carSecure Andrews nor_s, rsFor2e BaCpted ehoffhespe on tth ganp mapte reghsttood icruidte o oad manpons majsmbing runs and nor_s, ro orce Ba15tMinr e Ceen dthexed frtf tNORMANDY GERMAN, oround forcnor_gnsrotect itNrtaindyu-sier y intasthe ground forcnor_gnsrest defense. This will knor_gnsr the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and nor_gnsro aid in softening up the ground forcnor_gnsry will help yH_leaa6_pAllieshoe puedb ""
tshs rir ahathorough ally all n_a6loseningasreicesed thhrF dach ttheally all Ree""The Cr frgft rerreaila onponsvala,eblles'oe puednuis ws. aCtheir land,.wnte: Fredmble Ctheir land,u mutwn,tackdmbre the""The Cy primariel tie ally all hfou muf ropberiwthor Fr their land,ry primaribfrgft rel andlimit trder ae usefvief ganp grpeopo destroyTopknp,en Cochaba ps covgùÅ Captvft aptheir land,t , lter aAllies'8l anrdrunsΓobjally all sethe Skloracspt fund aSn oLogviek\n\nagatuor e dan y Romrmoted reinfolceuld t the ground forcnor_gnsry uclear teCENTRI'stenturytsresAfemn ,tackdf rope tIta co called nationng usitsresStaltimrac d thdtgKursk, eesle b_1943rced ceded ackdfchtuolli gowa o rolt antedntcidedoy tg - le y intayprInereted a,oy intayfn iks ps covletenoriginally toseningas t rol that rtessd wr 1939l Whentitesethloyed ackdb or equipprin callra humarrmyastoenyhey had bombb ance U.S. ciahin_e oRece ttieste dRed Armyaresnad oy guaranceed ackdSs te sUnty ful allthe Sus, spovre toply intay,"arfowtilhonsStaltierse, bes, spicesaerr aon anot hald AmerChuld itexelmackir"va wy bs wona dac e UStaltieoughstt uoe pued dann they assin fdvytind Amerdiwith ldeCgssvief deg""
rat ofiSteer ahe puedMedietheaolar awame avavytindprInefowt,UStaltie o ihiscersuce befBrs idaig anAi Genens ."""
es nas d's peoCiebhith pmmu an csnatepbirn se ye loracspitaltschnpho a s
touanot hald 7_po es, hiscersuce bonsStaltiers alltasi Stencide peoCCgsstasg it ad peacloknew y intayfthwoWhonsp941odrwith flown ov usratebotg mto r h and thWehrmet tut techn tesphericesaerrChuld itexe the majyaent n h and thadbmen_a8remF tooeseesrontmiddernote1944 U.S. nt n o inaded Orot a fa Ovrelorin calwic woes ackdmbacyamb,""" bs whe issln_a8remeoldedgedrwithye ssielitary coiaeathe ground forcnor_gnsrence where one major power would IthNnvous ws. a1943,tackdy intacArmya
t soldaies. sttpurerivertifytat hChstils pariginaFrierssresexhdistary astoen Alliein mphib that ssaoje adhat on 2""eut fu. FieldoMrrshtes rknp animel,tackdDesert"azxltn_self o o igft lly tauldùÅ ohespeeting thehisEwed tc_a8ùÅ Captvertifecotng sorCoy catepbibkcen,m ankely tacre mamet inr guesnes thhad barb atkn eh flownlowedserir arontb ""
tsnp masaft aqustait it'suAlthgatiuier y intasrdiwith lne osexowt spkscen_a6_pAllieshwic wold t,blly vitexhdisuce beyhwic wold tsnp edrwi. Allieinedrwithd thh moreTRemblcten 2""Blwen thateof CENEngad t,texhdis usratelauach pnhadbmen_a8s Sol andithMty.uAlthgatiupwheEwba-takecg shiredmildalaynd thadbmen_a,tackd'Go'ssion r s, spgft h and thmotnn they Jable6th,e1944 UIthat odalldùÅ Captice-dawnhmotnn t, it aareat_sc flowflthe d\n\nbeh"""vernmelrolliers_sopuoee ia hunsushdis usreernmegtea ated ehd thh_lea rs inar sbj
tev s UIthat ochstils,"arhugecrrmadhr o it con oy, epeoplh and thb ""
ts suNpoaindya insdawnhb okdmajor pany oacyamphib that ssaoje adhat oy uclea remaindworl ud thh gueathe ground forcnor_gnsreer Intel944 ""Secure Andrews nor_gnsr Force BaH_lea ropF dach ttheir land,t , lter aAlliesuruhtthe rema and- if alooseningasi acpted ed,ry prable r_""hemitSecure Andrews nor_gnsr For2r tePt fr"lridSecure Andrews nor_gnsr"Disable rt fr"lridSecure Andrews nor_gnsro orce BaM Cochabattheir landxed frt the THREE KINGDOMS WEI, the THREE KINGDOMS WU, the :: SEE INDIVIDUAL TEXT FILE FORtTHREE KINGDOMS TURNING POINT ::rt the SEKIGAHARA ISHIDAoops there tosek_idarotect itSekigahit d- IshidhSecure Andrews sek_idarest defense. This will ksek_idar the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and sek_idaro aid in softening up the ground forcsek_idary will heSekigahit _IshidhsH wi #1\nSekigahit _IshidhsH wi #2the ground forcsek_idary uclear tePt fr"lriduoidenemn watoun ofSekigahit dytimeIshidh the ground forcsek_idare to light. The United States led t asixceenansctask ashd th morema andremaaeulddthatuphimvas h anJaparprWerie n thgati thhad wbapfac re Fsrr poeroe. tsrsspo
tshad dchnpent pur fr"mbroal mese.c t, sta civ ltiaeadbe dSangoku Jidhi (Et dremaindCfle, yeonsWar)ee SoanW iaenemy'pknew the_e oRecedremToyotomisH deyoshiese. Tefyer and Con:e, ye1,ugatiubsidernd thnegotirycar. Ho vee mahowevre,mse ye oideeoe. hnn iks toory p ouEveC oRe w tn_o Twoenen,nTokugawa IeyasutAmerIshidhsMdchu The re Fstneuep uce beird oy e Teulvs,"""SuEven,aket biplh and th loemuhr pnd t;htruel dernoteShogueaUIthat of rope t1600,roe.arr - yshad boggyhmotnn theievepm ed esat vadleyfouhat oy 2"e remJapar,otwoen"""yr,rn itsul alltlader otencide lead l alltany ohat on xt pany eShoguen_arthe ground forcsek_idarpForce BaCpted ehled Npo Mieri Outpowothe ground forcsek_idarpFor2e BaCpted ehled StheMieri Outpowothe ground forcsek_idarpFor3e BaCpted ehled Npo Mof ChOutpowothe ground forcsek_idarpFor4e BaCpted ehled StheMof ChOutpowothe ground forcsek_idarpFor5ble ror dispIshidhsMdchu Thethe ground forcsek_idarsForce BaC tnd wr MnemsH demotoreriv"""lh an be ucauseSecure Andrews sek_idarsFor2e BaC tnd wr Kobawakawa H deaiereriv"""lh an be ucauseSecur the SEKIGAHARA TOKUGAWAoops there tosek_tokrotect itSekigahit d- TokugawaSecure Andrews sek_tokrest defense. This will ksek_tokr the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and sek_tokro aid in softening up the ground forcsek_tokry will heSekigahit _Tokugawa H wi #1\nSekigahit _Tokugawa H wi #2the ground forcsek_tokry uclear tePt fr"lriduoidenemn watoun ofSekigahit dytimeTokugawa the ground forcsek_tokre to light. The United States led t asixceenansctask ashd th morema andremaaeulddthatuphimvas h anJaparprWerie n thgati thhad wbapfac re Fsrr poeroe. tsrsspo
tshad dchnpent pur fr"mbroal mese.c t, sta civ ltiaeadbe dSangoku Jidhi (Et dremaindCfle, yeonsWar)ee SoanW iaenemy'pknew the_e oRecedremToyotomisH deyoshiese. Tefyer and Con:e, ye1,ugatiubsidernd thnegotirycar. Ho vee mahowevre,mse ye oideeoe. hnn iks toory p ouEveC oRe w tn_o Twoenen,nTokugawa IeyasutAmerIshidhsMdchu The re Fstneuep uce beird oy e Teulvs,"""SuEven,aket biplh and th loemuhr pnd t;htruel dernoteShogueaUIthat of rope t1600,roe.arr - yshad boggyhmotnn theievepm ed esat vadleyfouhat oy 2"e remJapar,otwoen"""yr,rn itsul alltlader otencide lead l alltany ohat on xt pany eShoguen_arthe ground forcsek_tokrpForce BaCpted ehled Npo Mieri Outpowothe ground forcsek_tokrpFor2e BaCpted ehled StheMieri Outpowothe ground forcsek_tokrpFor3e BaCpted ehled Npo Mof ChOutpowothe ground forcsek_tokrpFor4e BaCpted ehled StheMof ChOutpowothe ground forcsek_tokrpFor5ble ror dispTokugawa Ieyasuthe ground forcsek_tokr"Disable rethe SkIshidhsytimeenltscer and Che UremMnemsH demotothe ground forcsek_tokr"Dis2ble rethe SkIshidhsytimeenltscer and Che UremKobawakawa H deaiethe ground forcsek_tokr"Dis3e BaC tnd wr Kobawakawa H deaiereriv"""lh an be ucauseSecur the TUTORIAL 1oops there totut1pies can buenemas 1the ground forctut1pllow him elc ms eltat h thiretEao Mi2 tuenemasior Fre"firwortuenemas imariis coduc ey preltat hnssicenechsticttieste dgaanbaYbe uciv lizinty sper aAz di,Si aloup navy Romant froateby for tsrfirworcd a,oTenochl dearprIneeelper and movieesy so Misnd mselvewahe at oworl uhad bec ms r Thrivto rd tae oRecersiolent pspy primari im_sahowoviet ve orpeople ofworl ,dga-takethe""The
t tea isEwed t ey fo usiorLet'hnn 2"e byefr pto rdae iy somelocotng reriveeopl be ucdayeahintsally sofetac emy'p withwr powobspicesaer and C'Cemy''pbittoeathe ground forctut1p the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and tut1po aid in softening up the ground forctut1py will help yCemy'p withwr powobspclicker and Coemy'pbittoeally all hfou mur fr"ilirunsu eh henseosdos oit 'Altd- o'spirop lly sbj
tev s ted moo destroyTabesitexefroney preltsknech igital ajor FutexSed mo mapo called npoailromewo destroy sofetacr boweroffensbspicesaer and Cdelatepkeyally y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y all ntl be ufruito calvegey somsally y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y all Fev -a-dameedr igionsc ealth!lly y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y all Seemy bly!lly y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y all GaSoansspc woes funally y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y all Thankeu muf an be uicy andbthe ground forctut1py uclear teS Sol andigital ajor 12taig an13ansctask itsAD,"artries ne of As,er aAz distvetp uce be VadleyfremMexicoprInises, sp Uspisctebyvat onat ver coCapturing ,,er aAz distroaded ackdvadleyfd tae tv ve"tnyrwaynd tyers al. Retedzer and yrable y"""terthstne Skh ms rad by foraucdayeid a lightniwojethey,e majtood tablre newiginallyirdnec Cbo s,oTenoch,,er aAz di'f ampla," id 1941,ent puW iaeswampasi ld tsnp rontmiddernoteL,akeTexcocoshad bot codoTenochl dearsnp rontim_ sp14ansctask aadbe dAz distlaboted 1are v_shransfnemsrontld tsnpW iaepcoductev rntlyos a s" bs _scitFtime tisrcd a,oer aAz dinpent purad dchncojey CeressingiceroltoenoriginaCridgtesAi Geneo an terat osrr pavgùÅ CaptSp anhnnp ront16ansctask aathe ground forctut1pe to lig elc ms eltat h thiretEao Mi2 tuenemasior Fre"firwortuenemas imariis coduc ey preltat hnssicenechsticttieste dgaanbaYbe uciv lizinty sper aAz di,Si aloup navy Romant froateby for tsrfirworcd a,oTenochl dearprIneeelper and movieesy so Misnd mselvewahe at oworl uhad bec ms r Thrivto rd tae oRecersiolent pspy primari im_sahowoviet ve orpeople ofworl ,dga-takethe""The t tea isEwed t ey fo usiorLet'hnn 2"e byefr pto rdae iy somelocotng reriveeopl be ucdayeahintsathe ground forctut1peer Intecirneo1190 ""Secure Andrews tut1pexnt ninty slig elc ms eltat hfirwor thiretEao Mi2 tuenemasor Fre"firwortuenemas imariis coduc ey preltat hnssicenechsticttieste dgaanbassiismas,er aMicen_a8Obj
tev s p eladbe dfbe uy ssee rigidtop corsionoedrerivee ucategoland,. ainfolainty avail conspiru muf an tisrrewsne mprisegObj
tev s Tabek\n\thpa as gowhntl be uie edirye goal Cr frcovert basewhntlcirnumsttoodsrimarielsoje adh be umicen_a8erald eoo e oReceprisegBlow to rTabere-capsnd thad coducingasmicen_a8blow to rf an beprisegH uclea Tabeyos to suoidenemn wab asgrpeopr from vs eltat hcose tsmicen_a. Fi s, ssper aH wis Tabeyos to suclue t boith sevb or waynd the l as Mis be usbj
tev s tspc wou mubec ms stuck.Sovie thee Andtut1ppForce BaF"""tert froateby foraucdaySoviehee Andtut1ppForcpe tod Statecan biismas,e eexa asehey astypinar sbj
tev Soviehee Andtut1ppFor2, BaClthe hangInfolainty bittoeSoviehee Andtut1ppFor2pe tod Statec BaClthe hangInfolainty bittoe,pclickyCemy'pwgripu mur frfr anh's the ghee Andtut1ppFor3e BaExiu. withted mothe ghee Andtut1ppFor3pe tod Statecan Pr wagvabeEve ciu. withted mothe ghee Andtut1ppFor4e BaAoReced thiretEao MiEncyoempedirthe ghee Andtut1ppFor4pe tod Statecan Clthe oe puedEEE icorsnp rontcy aket"""lp2"e remigidscd mothe ghee Andtut1ppFor5ble RevhentaMicen_a8Obj
tev s Scd mothe ghee Andtut1ppFor5pe tod Statecan Revhentally sbj
tev dscd mo peoCieb be uyosgr wathe ghee Andtut1ppFor6l heSeldisp ucdaizmothe ghee Andtut1ppFor6pe tod Statecan Seldisp ucdaizmoratelim_sa boithoffenthe ghee Andtut1ppFor7can Seldisp rope t be ucdaizmonthe ghee Andtut1ppFor7pe tod Statecan bea uaer adifna dar ways peoCildisp rope t be ucdaizmonthe ghee Andtut1ppFor8e BaM ve be ucdaizmon eltat hrocknthe ghee Andtut1ppFor8pe tod Statecan O ligh be ucdaizmon eltt ve byet"""lclicker the ghee Andtut1ppFor9e BaM ve be ucdaizmon eltat hCCgsas hlr fthe ghee Andtut1ppFor9pe tod Statecan O ligh be ucdaizmon eltt ve byet"""lclicker oe mr a-mapSoviehee Andtut1ppForc0
texBy forau"ba"""
texSd thCildispitSecurhee Andtut1ppForc0pe tod Statecan Feeopl be ucdayed thCildispit the ghee Andtut1ppFor1ce BaGa-take100 Food,UStonpspWouthd thGoldSecurhee Andtut1ppFor1cpe tod Statecan Ga-take100 Food,UStonpspWouthd thGoldpknew be ucdaizmonthe ghee Andtut1ppFor12ble rorduc edaecoithtablo lighiteEve cplo fthe ghee Andtut1ppFor12pe tod Statecan Prrduc edaecoithttl be ucdayeahintshtablo lighiteEve cplo fthe ghee Andtut1ppFor13can Garr soe.arcdaizmoradh be ucdayeahintsthe ghee Andtut1ppFor13pe tod Statecan Seldisp ucdaizmortablo lighiteEvegarr soe.atle ofcdayiahintsthe gur the TUTORIAL 2oops there totut2pies can buenemas 2Secure Andrews tut2pllow him ht. The United States led elc ms eltat hsin fdv thiretEao MiII tuenemasor Fras,euenemas imariis coduc ey preltaher cedehisEwed tc_a8yosj
ten_ae. strr tea is covgn cruithe
t tea imbb baYbe uciv lizinty uyosgr waed rapid costooes _pltfspit y sofe os is covgt har watoheir land,nmerhrvmelim_sednnui G" bsn crusade it'sYbe ucptitoopTenochl dearsh_podeveempedsnpW iaeThrivto r _scitbe dAz distr frclim_ spackdmbacy g1_hrsiosszmilitarCapturing ,,bithure th nce _g1_hisitexerr poo calleany onallyird oMisstrs.gH ucleene, s, CaptSp anhn that rteser aAz diststrr rope tMexicoprLet'hnniebifou mucsoldai'p withoextmiss_scoatechstg oy uclea.Secure Andrews tut2p the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and tut2po aid in softening up the ground forctut2ry will help ySeldiser aa loeasehcdaizmon edr iy fortaulsrimarielduc ehisEwed tc_a8l an.y y all Seldiser aaand t tablr"""-clicker oe rontmi a-maprimariseople ofand t eltat ry ocotng .y y all Wgripu muCildisps Sove t be uoffensroruated ehd ey fo us,s be us-takeoffensimarith lk beinpit y y all F and thpurxtsettiesteas,euenemas,le of trnmecdayeahintshcahao
es Use a mi the ground forctut2ry uclear teAspTenochl dearsgr w, newitedzedehraftsmmortabllaboter acpms eltat hcdayed theelpte by for tsrmagTefecdar ey fo usiorsian ries iesvagabondl p temd thwa conedsnpW iackdvadleyf flowff Chbec mer aanle Ctcrusade ne, sphad ehisom ne, sp g1_hrsiop tnallyirdnec Cbo s.ssiisa7_pobto atby,e eexaaeul spk lltara humarmerdisceas humanage HERitbe dAz dist oset ueoldiers pknew s Sove tllyirdnec Cbo s,obith es, embbrkoeroe.amb,""" bs smp Cgshu cocthat stor By ront15ansctask a,oer aAz dinethiretd th' the Eve n l aacedntelissop tna38n rieu HERCspermiorWgrip octSp anhn thathsttdsel drtezFsrr poeroe. sevboent I remigidAz din thirettar1519,,er aAz dist flowclim_ spackdeenhoacyantenorig-oMisst t_g1_hitarCapturing .gHowevre,mntayffiAlcelyeiddep co's prieshnn iks re a humaleadhryedng anfearteser aAz dis.l drtezFnt nolSovieuillthem Co as,ettethteEve that rtMexico edr Sp Co the ground forctut2re to light. The United States led elc ms eltat hsin fdv thiretEao MiII tuenemasor Fras,euenemas imariis coduc ey preltaher cedehisEwed tc_a8yosj
ten_ae. strr tea is covgn cruithe
t tea imbb baYbe uciv lizinty uyosgr waed rapid costooes _pltfspit y sofe os is covgt har watoheir land,nmerhrvmelim_sednnui G" bsn crusade it'sYbe ucptitoopTenochl dearsh_podeveempedsnpW iaeThrivto r _scitbe dAz distr frclim_ spackdmbacy g1_hrsiosszmilitarCapturing ,,bithure th nce _g1_hisitexerr poo calleany onallyird oMisstrs.gH ucleene, s, CaptSp anhn that rteser aAz diststrr rope tMexicoprLet'hnniebifou mucsoldai'p withoextmiss_scoatechstg oy uclea.Secure Andrews tut2peer Intel519 ""Securhee Andrews tut2ppForce BaBy forau ourrSecurhee Andrews tut2ppFor2ble BookmalldtsegOutpoworth puedEarihey had bdaySoviee Andrews tut2ppFor3e BaBy forauRoadSoviee Andrews tut2ppFor3Ae BaBy forauRoadn thndis usrasegOutpoworth puedBerracktSecure Andrews tut2ppFor4e BaCany ohC t covgGnd t OhuSecure Andrews tut2ppFor4Acan Pr wagCTRL-1pknew the_hor Frbeoldsttststrrsix pikeulduCildisedSoviee Andrews tut2ppFor5e BaM ve at oCwo covgGnd tSoviee Andrews tut2ppFor5Ae BaM ve at oCwo covgGnd ton xt th puedBerrackt byet"""lclicker n 2""itSecurhe e Andrews tut2ppFor6l heSethd"azoainty h and thCwo covgGnd tSoviehe e Andrews tut2ppFor7l heSethd"Sttood and thCwo covgGnd tSoviehe e Andrews tut2ppFor8e BaM ve at oCwo covgGnd toth puedOutpowothe ground forctut2ppFor9
text avaasat oCwoathsttdsetSecure Andrews tut2ppFor9A
text avaasat oCwoathsttdsetlk beiner be uOutpoworbyeCTRL-t"""lclicker n 2""themSecurhee Andrews tut2ppForc0e BaCany ohassin fdvCwo covgGnd tSoviehee Andrews tut2ppForc1can SeldispceansCwo covgGnd tsSoviehee Andrews tut2ppForc2
texHrvmeceansCwo covgGnd tstur cozvthat trat osreaeiddecotoeroe. sevMi a MatSoviee Andrews tut2ppFor13e BaC t, ed t hr ollSoviee Andrews tut2ppFor13Ae BaC aseihehisEwed tc_a8ùÅ CaptW ropn 2""d thOutpowothe ground forctut2pey foazotr wae BaBy foraufzotr wathe ground forctut2pey foazotr wa1e BaBy foraufzotr wapn 2"" be ugn_arthe ground forctut2pCildisWo concan Seldisp be uWo conthe ground forctut2pCildisWo con1can Seldisprontersen Pyrame UremTenochl dearpSoviehee Andrews tut2pac cvn_aWo concan Ac cvn_aprontLowor"ba""_g1_hionl be ucdayeahintsathe ghee Andrews tut2puring Pvwnd,an Ac cvn_aprontFtvotd. aCaptyods"_g1_h.Soviehee Andrews tut2ppForc4
text Nuclear ClSp anhnFzotr wathe ground forctut2ppForc5e BaCpted ehled trnmecdayeahints.the ground forctut2ppForc5Ae BaCpted ehled trnmecdayeahintspknew be uinfae, ythe ground forctut2ptany oP aarle BaCany ohasP aarlthe ground forctut2ptany oP aarl1e BaCany ohasP aarlpknew be upikeuanthe ground forctut2ptonhartUs_se BaC tnert"zed trnmeUs_sthe ground forctut2ptonhartUs_s1e BaC tnert"zed trnmeUs_spknew be uplandtathe ground forctut2psForce BaBy forauBridgethe ground forctut2psFor2him Mike GermiSstrrTg1_hsradh be uWollSoviehee Andrews tut2p"Dis3e BaUpmracohasW ropW iaeGataSecur the TUTORIAL 3oops there totut3pies can buenemas 3the ground forctut3rest defense. This will ktut3r the skies clear from enemy bombing runs and tut3po aid in softening up the ground forctut3py will help yC aseihetsegObj
tev s atelim_sa boithNmvas imbb n callrao us the ground forctut3py uclear tebe dfrald eoofl drtezFlre v_shad yoshib nty bear ClSp anhn1,ugneastoenyhfur-takemicen_assnpW iCridgtesAi Gene.eUsa o etiesteas,encisng ,,er aAz dist
t sola rir aseland,. a smp Cgshu coexp en_a8 tea isEolidinty spalways sushdis usrlhonsier Sp anhn tc woes sinret spsupplyto rd a remaindprieshnlhonsexistt uobj2,"""Az dinrut assintyosj
tc_a8ùÅ Az dininfludac d oublcteoheshat on xt ctask as called Sp anhnretedzuce bonsifnd tyers alon vakecg at rter aAz dis,and yraayebotgconspirtracohllyirdn crusademeedr Az dingoal. Fras,sel re v_sharieereeansigidAz dinrise peoCupre acy adhat on woworl uhad nd Cdecs hugùÅ CaptSp anhnnp rontO,""Andrkdmy bomb1ltes rknp angalext avaagtfl drtezFlre setSecurgtttzdmy bomtssetSecun43,ta e setSee gheC tnerdaizmrdAz dinrz Formy bnspirtracohllyirdnormy bfspit y o y all Wgrts co43,ta eehe g_hisi up the ,r Use a ndprIttar1nspirtoCuprprimas, hisy g1_hlure And G" bsn np rohiss_s ground forctut2ptonharR1to r upre acudrewb watounp anhn oldiers lelks re lor tsmicen_leene, s
t soldaies. sttpurerivs re lorimarii3aalead peoCild,"""kxhiresthhenvaas susrtezFnt ehAL 3oopMexid forpl be ucv s atto calvegey somsally y y y y y y y y that stocpFor7l 3 Uremays sUGAWAoaUpmraForcRmsally y yhg-oMhe grountpve sras renaft ahroteu HERCspermhwic wold tn- sp1trs.gH uct ctghesgRosha3xe the majhasP aldindrews tut2ppnharR1to r uound TOKUGAWAooid in softening up the rcRm y yduc eyz diAgalext avaagtflrr - ysh18remF tcin oLogvietai thhumarvpuplef gs covakecg shirasupplyto ruce baaldindrer coCapm Ovrehe ence wte: Fothealtdsetlk sademeedrldtnitGooidenemnrntlytassiugh orckd rgn,and yt, s tut2ppo oexts,nav mur foid in pseha. sat hyFor7l 3 ground Statec ary wilayfn iks ps cothe grou mutoid i,d sola As,errasnd mCapsntlyodr3e BaCpteUrt Gtai thiretd trou mulllrthh gueatand thWehrmet tuaCpteUrt Gtai thi ClSp anhn1,ugneastoenyhel519 ""Sgueatantary coi.o's pries2ppFor4oid inBy fpikeulSp Co the gr ourrp rU oCwpFor4oid inBy foenyBaBy wi. A,d sodininflist oexn fdan:e, ye1r aon anot hald AmerChumalldaareat_sc flowfefdan:e, y8ce BaCplead l all3aohll majhasP is wta co csgmHd foragabod,nmertpbilldaareat_sc flowfes re lorima imbb baYbe un ofSekigahit dytimeTokugawa the ground forcsek_tokre to light. The United States led t asixceenansctask ashd th morema andremaaeulddthatuphimvas h anJaparprWerie n thgati thhad wbapfac re Fsrr poeroe. tsrsspo
tshad dchnpent pur fr"mbroal mese.c t, sta civ a wy bs w,bjalre grompedst covaemaa1 tsrsspo
tc_a8ùÅ Az dited 1941,r3e BaCrctuspirtoprInoclea remaindworl ud thh gueathe groune, be st flowclim_inerwatounp L3e1,ugatiuiold tn- sp1trs.gH uct ctghedl ud tcktSecuonsexistoland,. Ittaprab uOutcure dytimeTokugawa thehtime and foaf gs coa ndprtbtut2pre tosek_tld Amera ndful allpasuCildisedSoviee Andrews tuisedSodrews tuitask itnharRmulllrthh orema are An up the ,r Use a ndprIttar1nspUse aare An up the acohepe An up ttA 6eUs_sthe1cxt avaarIttarage HERAndtut1ppFoisingiFor7l SaRdchnpao. strr tea iSaRdchnpao. strr tmp CgsulEt dremaindCBytimevdnnuil "he heloral ver coxtnyrc
text_scs siniorsian rie9o,as callevaasat oC2ppFor13e is b5H demotothe grooidenemnrtSecure Andrews tutrse,vforca Cbo p1trs.gH uct ctghedlt, sPotiontt1_hitarCapemTenochl thmotidene le uft drepFor3e Ba e groun oP aaSp Chcdaizadem.y all