help_camera_movement Move the camera around using the [KEYFORWARDS], [KEYLEFT], [KEYBACKWARDS] and [KEYRIGHT] keys. You can control the camera's height by scrolling the mouse wheel, or by using the [KEYUP] and [KEYDOWN] keys.
help_camera_height If you have a middle mouse button, you can scroll it to change the height of the camera. Or you can use the [KEYUP] and [KEYDOWN] keys to go up and down.
help_camera_zoom If you have a middle mouse button, click it to zoom the camera. Or you can press the [KEYZOOM] key.
help_camera_movefast You can make the camera move faster by holding down the SHIFT key while you are moving.
help_taskmanager_1 To create things in Darwinia you draw gestures in the Task Manager. Hold down ALT to access the Task Manager.
help_taskmanager_2 To see a list of available gestures, hold ALT to access the Task Manager and scroll left by moving the mouse to the left of the screen, or by pressing [KEYLEFT].
help_taskmanager_3 You can only run up to THREE tasks at once. You can shut down existing tasks by holding down ALT, tabbing along to the task, and pressing CTRL-C.
help_taskmanager_4 To reselect an existing task, hold down ALT to access the Task Manager and tab along to the icon representing the task.
help_showchatlog To read a log of everything I've said, hold down the [KEYCHATLOG] key.
help_deselect To deselect the current object press [KEYDESELECT]
help_squad_summon_1 To create a Squad, hold ALT to access the Task Manager, then draw this gesture.
help_squad_summon_2 Left Click in one of the starting areas, now highlighted, to create your squad within the world.
help_squad_use Left Click to move your squad. Right Click to fire their lasers. Press [KEYDESELECT] to deselect them.
help_squad_use_1mb Click to move your squad. Click and hold to fire their lasers. Press [KEYDESELECT] to deselect them.
help_squad_grenade You can throw a grenade by tapping the Left Mouse Button whilst you are firing lasers with the Right mouse button.
help_squad_grenade_1mb You can throw a grenade by shift clicking.
help_squad_setgrenade To change to the Grenade weapon, draw the Grenade gesture.
help_squad_setrocket To change to the Rocket weapon, draw the Rocket gesture.
help_squad_setairstrike To change to the Airstrike weapon, draw the Airstrike gesture.
help_building_reprogram This building must be reprogrammed before it can be used. To do this you must create an Engineer and move him within range of the nearby Control Tower.
help_engineer_summon Engineers are used to collect dead spirits, and to reprogram buildings. Hold ALT and draw this gesture to summon an Engineer.
help_engineer_summon_2 Left Click in one of the starting areas, now highlighted, to create your Engineer. Or press CTRL-C to terminate the Engineer program.
help_engineer_use Engineers will automatically do anything nearby that needs doing, such as collecting dead spirits or reprogramming buildings. Just Left Click to move them near a task.
help_officer_create You can use ordinary Darwinians to order other Darwinians around, by promoting them to officers. Draw this gesture for Officer and left click on a Darwinian.
help_officer_create_2 Click on a Darwinian to promote him to an Officer. Or press CTRL-C to terminate the Officer program.
help_officer_use You can move an officer by left clicking. Right click on the landscape to set GOTO Orders for other Darwinians to follow. Right click near the Officer to cancel his orders.
help_officer_use_1mb You can move an officer by clicking. Click and hold on the landscape to set GOTO Orders for other Darwinians to follow. Click and hold near the Officer to cancel his orders.
help_officer_toggle To toggle through all available orders, Right Click near the officer.
help_officer_toggle_1mb To toggle through all available orders, Click and hold near the officer.
help_showobjectives To see a list of objectives, hold ALT to access the Task Manager, then scroll right by moving the mouse to the right of the screen, or by pressing [KEYRIGHT].
help_armour_summon Left Click in one of the starting areas, now Highlighted, to create your Armour. Armour can only be created near Trunk Ports that you control.
help_armour_use Left click to move your Armour. Right Click near the armour to toggle loading and unloading of Darwinians. Right Click on the landscape to deploy your Armour as a Battle Cannon.
help_armour_use_1mb Left click to move your Armour. Click and hold the mouse button near the armour to toggle loading and unloading of Darwinians. Click and hold the mouse button on the landscape to deploy your Armour as a Battle Cannon.
help_radardish_1 This Radar Dish can be used to beam people to other Radar Dishes. Click on it to control it.
help_radardish_2 To aim the Radar Dish simply point and Left Click on the Radar Dish you wish to travel to. The receiving Radar Dish must be facing you. Press [KEYDESELECT] to deselect the Radar Dish.
help_incubator This building is an Incubator. You can use Engineers to carry spirits here, which will then be rebirthed into more Darwinians.
help_trunkport This is a Trunk Port. It acts as a stargate, connecting different locations within Darwinia together.
help_refinery This is the main Refinery. It powers the entire mining rig on these islands. To bring it online you will need to safely escort some Darwinians up here.
help_mine This building is a Mine. It will extract raw polygons from the hillside and dump them into the carts passing through. It needs several Darwinians to operate.
help_anthill Euurgh, disgusting! This area is infested with Ants! This appears to be one of their nests. A few well placed grenades should do the trick.
help_controltower This is a Control Tower. Send one of your engineers to reprogram it, and you'll be able to make use of the building it's connected to.
help_researchitem You've found some of my research! Excellent. Create some Engineers nearby and they will download the research into my system. Hopefully it will be something useful.
help_gunturret_1 This Battle Cannon needs Darwinians operating it before it can be used. They will automatically shoot at any nearby enemies. Alternatively you can click on it to control it yourself.
help_gunturret_2 This Battle Cannon will track your cursor. Right Click to fire. Press [KEYDESELECT] to deselect.
help_gunturret_2_1mb This Battle Cannon will track your cursor. Click and hold to fire. Press [KEYDESELECT] to deselect.
task_manager_full You cannot run any more programs. Try shutting some down by holding ALT to access the Task Manager, tabbing along to old tasks and pressing CTRL-C.
task_manager_targetfirst You can't draw any more gestures in the Task Manager until you've placed your existing object. Left click on the landscape in a valid area to place it.
task_manager_needsquadfirst You need to create a squad first before you can set their weapon type.
officer_notwalkable I'm afraid the Darwinians aren't clever enough to find their way along that route. They need to see where they are going.
armour_cantconvert The ground there is too can only set up a Battle Cannon on flat ground.
objective_capture_trunk Enable Trunk Port
objective_research Collect Research Item
objective_capturetrunk_1 What I need you to do here is to open up this Trunk Port for me.
objective_capturetrunk_2 It's got a standard Control Tower nearby, so you can send in one of your Engineers to reprogram it.
objective_capturetrunk_3 Once it's reprogrammed, the location it is connected to will become available to us.
objective_research_1 I can see some of my research up ahead. I need you to retrieve it for me.
objective_research_2 Create an Engineer nearby and he will download the Research into my computer system. Hopefully it will be something that we can use against the Viral infection.
building_captured The Engineers have finished reprogramming a building
primaryObjectivesComplete Good work, it looks like you've completed all the Primary Objectives. Press ESC to leave this location when you're done.
research_notyetavailable I haven't finished researching that program yet, you'll have to wait before you can use it.
research_nomorepossible I don't think I can make any more improvements to this Program. I think you should pick something else for me to work on.
research_squad I'll work on improving the Squad program. I should be able to increase the number of squad members in a single squad.
# research_squad_v1 Unused
research_squad_v2 I've upgraded the Squad program that you are using. You can now have 4 members in a squad.
research_squad_v3 I've made some more progress on the Squad'll now get 5 members to a squad.
research_squad_v4 I've done as much as I can on the Squad program now. You can now have 6 members. I don't think I can get anymore out of this codebase.
research_laser I will try to improve the Laser program for you. Hopefully I can get the range up a bit.
# research_laser_v1 Unused
research_laser_v2 I've made some improvements to the Lasers. They should have a longer range now.
research_laser_v3 I've improved the range of the Laser weapon again.
research_laser_v4 These lasers are amazing now. They're nearly 3 times longer ranged than the originals. I'm pretty much done with this program now.
research_grenade I'll work on the Grenade program. I should be able to increase the weapon range.
research_grenade_v1 You've found my research into the Grenade weapon! This is fantastic. While you are firing lasers with your squad, tap the left mouse button to throw a Grenade.
research_grenade_v1_1mb You've found my research into the Grenade weapon! This is fantastic. Shift click to throw a Grenade.
research_grenade_v2 I've increased the throw range of the Grenade program.
research_grenade_v3 I've made another increase to the Grenade throw range.
research_grenade_v4 That's it, I'm done with the grenades now. The throw range has been pushed up as far as it will go.
research_rocket I'll get to work on the Rockets. Hopefully I can increase their maximum range a bit.
research_rocket_v1 Excellent, you've recovered the Rocket program. You can select this Weapon with the Rocket gesture. While you are firing lasers with your squad, tap the left mouse button to launch a Rocket.
research_rocket_v1_1mb Excellent, you've recovered the Rocket program. You can select this Weapon with the Rocket gesture. Shift click to launch a Rocket.
research_rocket_v2 The Rocket range has been increased.
research_rocket_v3 I've managed to increase the Rocket range again.
research_rocket_v4 The rocket range is at its maximum now.
research_airstrike I'll try to improve the AirStrike for you.
research_airstrike_v1 Oh my goodness, this is excellent. You've found my AirStrike program! Select Airstrike as your Squad weapon by drawing the gesture, then throw the marker grenade to show the program where to bomb.
research_airstrike_v2 I've improved the AirStrike program. Each marker grenade will now summon two Invaders to drop their bombs.
research_airstrike_v3 I've added another Invader to each AirStrike unit.
research_airstrike_v4 There will now be four Invaders for every AirStrike marker. I've done all I can here.
research_taskmanager I'll work on upgrading the Task Manager for you. It should be possible to run more programs simultaneously, with some tweaking.
# research_taskmanager_v1 Unused
# research_taskmanager_v2 Unused
research_taskmanager_v3 I've made some changes to the Task Manager. You can now run up to four programs simultaneously.
research_taskmanager_v4 I've upgraded the Task Manager. Now you can run five programs at once. This is already pushing the system to its limits, so I don't think I can improve it anymore.
research_darwinian I'll try to improve the basic Darwinian code template. Hopefully I should be able to give them some decent weapons to defend themselves.
# research_darwinian_v1 Unused
# research_darwinian_v2 Unused
research_darwinian_v3 I've upgraded the Darwinians so they can use Lasers! This should help them defend against the Viral attack.
research_darwinian_v4 I've given the Darwinians Grenades. It's a bit scary, but they should have a chance against stronger foes now. I've done all I can here.
research_engineer I'll work on improving the Engineers. I think I can increase the number of spirits they can carry.
research_engineer_v1 Unused
research_engineer_v2 I've increased the number of spirits your Engineers can carry to 15.
research_engineer_v3 I've increased the number of spirits your Engineers can carry to 25. If I keep working, I think I can give them the ability to build short bridges across water.
research_engineer_v4 I've increased the spirit capacity of your Engineers to 30. I've finished work on the Engineers now.
research_armour I'll do some more work on the Armour program. I think I can improve the capacity of the Armour, and maybe the range of the Battle Cannon.
# research_armour_v1 Unused
research_armour_v2 I've upgraded the Armour program. You can now fit 20 Darwinians inside. I've also increased the range of the Battle Cannon.
research_armour_v3 The Armour program has been upgraded again. You can now fit 30 Darwinians inside. And I've increased the range of the Battle Cannon to more than twice its original spec.
research_armour_v4 I've increased the capacity of the Armour program to 40 Darwinians. And the Battle Cannon is now at its maximum range. I've done all I can here.
research_officer I will get to work improving the Officer program. I should be able to give him some useful Orders which we can use to influence the Darwinians.
# research_officer_v1 Unused
# research_officer_v2 Unused
research_officer_v3 I've upgraded the Officer program so they can now issue a FOLLOW order as well as the existing GOTO order. Right click near an officer to toggle his orders.
research_officer_v3_1mb I've upgraded the Officer program so they can now issue a FOLLOW order as well as the existing GOTO order. Click and hold near an officer to toggle his orders.
research_officer_v4 I've given the Officers a new order called ABSORB. This will absorb all nearby friendly Darwinians into a protective shield, which will keep the Officer safe in dangerous areas. Right click near an officer to toggle his orders.
research_officer_v4_1mb I've given the Officers a new order called ABSORB. This will absorb all nearby friendly Darwinians into a protective shield, which will keep the Officer safe in dangerous areas. Click and hold near an officer to toggle his orders.
research_explanation_1 I'm going to keep working on the programs you are using for a while...the Squads, Engineers etc.
research_explanation_2 Most of them are still in very early stages of beta testing and I think I can improve all of them quite a bit with some work.
research_explanation_3 To see how I'm getting along, hold ALT to access the Task Manager, then scroll left by pushing the mouse to the left of the screen, or by pressing [KEYLEFT].
research_explanation_4 From there you can set priorities for me...and I'll try to work on improving what you think is most important.
tutorial_intro_1 Who the hell are you? I thought i'd terminated all external connections.
tutorial_intro_2 Ok fine, if you're going to stay you might as well make yourself useful.
tutorial_intro_3 Welcome to Darwinia...what's left of it.
tutorial_intro_4 Darwinia is the world's first ever Digital Theme Park - everything you see here is simulated on a computer.
tutorial_intro_5 Unfortunately we're currently under attack by a major Viral Infection which has destroyed pretty much everything.
tutorial_intro_6 This location is called the Pixel Mines. Raw Polygons are mined from the Quarries in the distance and are refined into Primitives in this building.
tutorial_intro_7 Essentially this entire location produces the raw materials we need to build things in Darwinia.
tutorial_intro_8 Unfortunately it's all offline right now due to the viral infection. I want you to help me fix that.
tutorial_intro_9 We're going to need to wipe out the Viral infection, and rebuild the population of the native Darwinians.
tutorial_intro_10 But let's start with the basics.
tutorial_1 Firstly let's get to grips with the camera. Use the W,A,S,D keys to move the camera around.
tutorial_2 To change the camera's height, scroll your middle mouse button up and down. Or you can press Q and E.
tutorial_3 Good stuff. Now the first thing I want you to do is to destroy these evil Red Virii.
tutorial_3b We will then harvest the Souls from their dead bodies and convert them into some perky new Darwinians.
tutorial_4 In order to destroy those Virii, we will need to create an armed offensive unit called a SQUAD.
tutorial_4b To create things in Darwinia you draw gestures in the Task Manager. Hold the ALT key to bring up the Task Manager.
tutorial_5 While holding ALT, draw this gesture to create a SQUAD. You don't need to be very accurate, just draw it fast.
tutorial_5_error Whoops, that's the wrong gesture. Try again.
tutorial_7 Excellent. Now in order to place the SQUAD into the world, click inside the highlighted starting area.
tutorial_8 Squads need to be directly controlled. Click the Left Mouse Button to move them around the landscape.
tutorial_9 Hold the Right Mouse Button to fire their lasers.
tutorial_10 They can also throw grenades. Hold the Right Mouse Button to fire lasers, then tap the Left Mouse Button to throw a grenade.
tutorial_11 Looks like you've got the hang of it. Take your squad over to those evil Red Virii and kill them!
tutorial_12 Fantastic, you've destroyed half of them already.
tutorial_13 You're very nearly done. Just a few more Virii remain.
tutorial_20 This building is an Incubator. Its purpose is to convert the Souls of dead creatures into fresh new Darwinians.
tutorial_20b Unfortunately it's currently offline, due to the red viral Infection. We need to use it to start creating Darwinians.
tutorial_20c To bring the building online we will need to use an ENGINEER.
tutorial_21 To summon an ENGINEER, hold ALT and draw this gesture.
tutorial_22 Engineers can be placed in starting points, or near Squads. Place your Engineer and move him near the Incubator.
tutorial_23 The first thing the Engineer will do is to reprogram the Incubator and remove the Viral infection, using the nearby Control Tower.
tutorial_24 The Engineer will now collect up the Souls left behind by the dead Virii and carry them to the Incubator.
tutorial_24b All creatures in Darwinia have a Soul. The Souls used to belong to the Darwinians before the Virus corrupted them.
tutorial_24c Using Engineers and Incubators, we can gradually harvest the evil Virus Souls and convert them back into native Darwinians.
tutorial_25 The first Darwinians have been reborn! This is fantastic news.
tutorial_26 These guys used to own the planet, before the Virus invaded. And it's these guys that we're going to help to recapture the world.
tutorial_28 Hold down ALT and draw this gesture to create another SQUAD.
tutorial_29 You can now start your SQUAD closer to the action, by placing them near the Control Tower you captured.
tutorial_30 Ok, next task.
tutorial_31 There are more evil creatures in this direction, including a rather nasty Centipede.
tutorial_31b I want you to wipe them out with Squads, then harvest their spirits into Darwinians.
tutorial_32 Now take your Squad and attack the Viral infection that I just showed you.
tutorial_33 Excellent work. I'm very impressed.
tutorial_33b We now want to use an Engineer to reprogram this Incubator, and to collect up the nearby Souls.
tutorial_34 Now move the Engineer near to the new Incubator so he can begin Reprogramming it. Just left click to move an Engineer.
tutorial_35 That Engineer will now pick up the nearby Souls and place them in the Incubator, creating more Darwinians.
tutorial_35b Let me show you how to move the existing Darwinians around.
tutorial_35c Darwinians can't be directly controlled, but we can issue orders to them using an Officer.
tutorial_351 To create an Officer, draw this gesture.
tutorial_36 Click on an existing Darwinian to promote him to an Officer.
tutorial_37 Officers can be moved around by left clicking. But they're most useful function is that they can order Darwinians around.
tutorial_37b You can right click somewhere on the ground to order all the nearby Darwinians to walk there.
tutorial_38 The ultimate objective here is to get this Refinery online so we can start producing some Primitives.
tutorial_38b The Refinery needs Darwinians at its base in order to operate.
tutorial_38c However the Darwinians can't currently defend themselves, so you'll need to clear the area out first using Squads.
tutorial_38d Once you've done that, use Officers to order the Darwinians up to the Refinery and they will begin operating it.
tutorial_38e Don't forget to use Engineers to collect up the Souls of dead Virii and Darwinians.
tutorial_39 If you get stuck at any time, you can press H and I'll try to help you. Good luck!
tutorial_40 You have a Squad running already, but you aren't currently controlling it because it isn't the selected unit.
tutorial_40b To select your Squad, hold ALT and press the TAB key until the Squad is selected. Or you can just click on the Squad directly.
tutorial_41 To summon another ENGINEER, hold ALT and draw this gesture.
tutorial_42 Now place the Engineer near a Squad or a Control Tower.
tutorial_43 You already have an Engineer running, but it isn't currently selected.
tutorial_43b To select your Engineer, hold down ALT and TAB along until it is selected. Or you can just click directly on the Engineer.
tutorial_squaddeath Looks like your SQUAD has been destroyed. Not to worry, we can just create another.
tutorial_engineerdeath Unfortunately your ENGINEER has been destroyed. We'll need to create another.
tutorial_skipped Ok i'll just let you get on with it. Remember you can press H at any time for help. Good luck!
pixelmines_intro_1 This entire location is one giant mining facility, unfortunately now overrun by this damn Virus.
pixelmines_refinery_1 This building at the centre of the facility is the Refinery. It converts mined Polygons into Primitives which can be used later to build things.
pixelmines_refinery_1b It also drives the motor system that moves the carts around the track.
pixelmines_refinery_2 This Refinery needs Darwinians at its control pads or else it's useless. You'll need to safely escort some Darwinians up here to get the facility moving.
pixelmines_mines_1 There are four underground mines built into the side of the landscape. Each one pulls raw Polygons from the mountainside.
pixelmines_mines_1b Generations of Darwinian miners have worked these quarries and it's starting to show its toll on the hillside.
pixelmines_mines_2 The Darwinians will extract the Polygons from deep inside the quarry and dump them into the mining carts as they move past, on their way to the Refinery.
pixelmines_mines_3 We'll need to mine at least 20 Primitives to be able to build anything substantial.
pixelmines_yardport_1 Once the Primitives have been refined, they need to be transported to the Construction Yard where they can be used to build things.
pixelmines_yardport_2 Bring this Trunk Port online so the refined Primitives can be transported away.
pixelmines_progress_1 Wonderful work, the Refinery is online and the motor system is running. But the mine carts are still empty. We need to bring the Mines themselves online to fill the carts.
pixelmines_progress_2 There are four underground mines built into the side of the landscape. Each one pulls raw Polygons from the mountainside.