12 Select the language for the installation from the choices below.
13 &OK
14 Hungarian
15 InstallShield Wizard
16 Italian
17 Japanese
18 Korean
19 Dutch
20 Norwegian
21 Polish
22 Cancel
24 Romanian
25 Russian
26 Croatian
27 Slovak
29 Swedish
30 Thai
31 Turkish
33 Indonesian
34 &Next >
35 < &Back
36 Slovenian
37 Do you wish to install %s?
38 Authenticity Verified
39 The identity of this software publisher was verified by %s.
40 Caution: %s affirms this software is safe. You should only continue if you trust %s to make this assertion.
41 &Always trust software published by %s.
42 This software has not been altered since publication by %s. To install %s, click Next.
45 Basque
54 InstallShield
57 Run the setup to install the software, without saving the setup on my computer.
58 Save the setup on my computer and then run the setup.
59 Create a shortcut to the setup and place the shortcut on my desktop.
60 Save the setup on my computer without running it.
61 Save to:
62 Browse...
63 Save and/or Run Setup
64 What would you like to do with the setup?
65 Preparing Setup
66 Please wait while the InstallShield Wizard prepares the setup.
67 Download Complete
68 Setup for %s has been downloaded, and can be launched from the local location.
69 Setup for %s has been downloaded, and will now be launched from its local location.
70 Shortcut Created
71 A shortcut for installing %s has been placed on your destop.
72 Finish
73 Transfer rate:
74 Estimated time left:
75 hr
76 min
77 sec
78 MB
79 KB
80 /s
81 Save Destination
82 Enter the folder to which the setup files should be downloaded.
83 Destination folder: (Note: Files will be automatically overwritten.)
84 Please select download location.
85 Destination
86 Folders:
87 %s - InstallShield Wizard
88 Exit Setup
89 Are you sure you want to cancel the setup?
1028 Chinese (Traditional)
1036 French (Standard)
1046 Portuguese (Brazilian)
2052 Chinese (Simplified)
2070 Portuguese (Standard)
3084 French (Canadian)
3098 Serbian
10001 &Install a new instance of this application.
10003 Existing Installed Instances Detected
10004 Select the appropriate application instance to update.
10005 Setup has detected one or more instances of this application already installed on your system.
10006 &Maintain or update the instance of this application selected below:
10007 Setup has detected one or more instances of this application already installed on your system. You can maintain or update an existing instance or install a completely new instance.
10008 Select the instance of the application you want to &maintain or update below:
10009 Display Name
10010 Install Location
36864 This will remove %s from your computer. Do you wish to proceed?
36865 %s has been successfully uninstalled from your machine.
36867 %s Setup is preparing the InstallShield Wizard, which will guide you through the rest of the setup process. Please wait.
36871 InstallShield has detected that '%s' is in use.\n\nPlease close the application using this file and launch uninstallation again.
36897 Error Code:
36898 Error Information:
36899 An error (%s) has occurred while running the setup.
36900 Please make sure you have finished any previous setup and closed other applications.\nIf the error still occurs, please contact your vendor: %s.
36901 &Detail
36902 &Report
36903 There is not enough space to initialize the setup. Please free up at least %ld KB on your %s drive before you run the setup.
36904 A user with administrator rights installed this application. You need to have similar privileges to modify or uninstall it.