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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-2"?> <!-- edited with XMLSPY v5 rel. 4 U (http://www.xmlspy.com) by rth77 (rth77) --> <ROOT internal="0" xml:space="preserve"> <STRING hash="37616765" needed="1">IdentifikaΦnφ Φφslo produktu:</STRING> <STRING hash="76086719" needed="1">O Rise of Nations</STRING> <STRING hash="28542608" needed="1">Verze:</STRING> <STRING hash="19270005" needed="1">Udßlost:</STRING> <STRING hash="31634486" needed="1">Pro V┘DCE</STRING> <STRING hash="24351827" needed="1">Div sv∞ta</STRING> <STRING hash="33322088" needed="1">┌zemφ</STRING> <STRING hash="33965359" needed="1">TechnologickΘ soupe°enφ</STRING> <STRING hash="36487804" needed="1">Nejvy╣╣φ sk≤re</STRING> <STRING hash="30477070" needed="1">Ekonomick²</STRING> <STRING hash="35989200" needed="1">╚asov² limit</STRING> <STRING hash="62217743" needed="1">«ßdn² (armagedon)</STRING> <STRING hash="27476865" needed="1">Hlavnφ m∞sto</STRING> <STRING hash="42831502" needed="1">Nßhlß smrt</STRING> <STRING hash="51235994" needed="1">⌐katule hejbejte se</STRING> <STRING hash="39963834" needed="1">Rezignace</STRING> <STRING hash="37117574" needed="1">Odpojit</STRING> <STRING hash="29934705" needed="1">Dobytφ</STRING> <STRING hash="19558395" needed="1">«ßdn²</STRING> <STRING hash="62195238" needed="1">Dob²t sv∞t</STRING> <STRING hash="17339188" needed="1">Ano</STRING> <STRING hash="15291677" needed="1">Ne</STRING> <STRING hash="70987820" needed="1">$AGEEVENT1, $TIMER0</STRING> <STRING hash="38905808" needed="1">Starov∞k</STRING> <STRING hash="51445857" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ za Div sv∞ta</STRING> <STRING hash="64597724" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ za ·zemφ</STRING> <STRING hash="65240995" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ na technologickΘ sout∞╛enφ</STRING> <STRING hash="47787548" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ na body</STRING> <STRING hash="60460548" needed="1">EkonomickΘ vφt∞zstvφ</STRING> <STRING hash="68696714" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ na Φasov² limit</STRING> <STRING hash="36046510" needed="1">Armagedon</STRING> <STRING hash="55235729" needed="1">Obsadit hlavnφ m∞sto</STRING> <STRING hash="27130073" needed="1">Neznßm²</STRING> <STRING hash="90357122" needed="1">$ACHIEVEEVENT1, $TIMER0</STRING> <STRING hash="51573722" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ v bitv∞</STRING> <STRING hash="46665775" needed="1">Porß╛ka v bitv∞</STRING> <STRING hash="43473999" needed="1">Bitva je nerozhodn∞</STRING> <STRING hash="57513529" needed="1">Div sv∞ta: $WONDER0</STRING> <STRING hash="74984016" needed="1">M∞sto zalo╛eno: $CITY0</STRING> <STRING hash="80558700" needed="1">M∞sto obsazeno: $CITY0</STRING> <STRING hash="62100086" needed="1">M∞sto ztraceno: $CITY0</STRING> <STRING hash="46875640" needed="1">╚asov² odpoΦet zaΦal.</STRING> <STRING hash="46257870" needed="1">╚asov² odpoΦet zastaven.</STRING> <STRING hash="46150218" needed="1">V²hra: $REASON0</STRING> <STRING hash="29496910" needed="1">Odstoupeno</STRING> <STRING hash="43500222" needed="1">Odpojeno</STRING> <STRING hash="19665271" needed="1">Prohra</STRING> <STRING hash="49674222" needed="1">Prohra: $REASON0</STRING> <STRING hash="107042517" needed="1">$ACHIEVEMENTSTAT1, $TIMER0</STRING> <STRING hash="13381197" needed="1">%</STRING> <STRING hash="66776990" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky: Hra</STRING> <STRING hash="72267807" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky: Body</STRING> <STRING hash="87867657" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky: Vojenstvφ</STRING> <STRING hash="82391126" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky: Ekonomika</STRING> <STRING hash="88340181" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky: V²zkum</STRING> <STRING hash="71448944" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky: Slßva</STRING> <STRING hash="108326788" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky: Rychlost hrßΦe</STRING> <STRING hash="104197180" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky: Graf sk≤re</STRING> <STRING hash="123240986" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky: Graf vojenstvφ </STRING> <STRING hash="129468370" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky: Graf ·zemφ</STRING> <STRING hash="123190515" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky: Graf zdroj∙</STRING> <STRING hash="136524632" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky: Graf technologiφ</STRING> <STRING hash="85373497" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky: ╚asovß osa</STRING> <STRING hash="43054327" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky</STRING> <STRING hash="159201305" needed="1">Raketa zniΦena nep°ßtelsk²m protiraketov²m ╣tφtem!</STRING> <STRING hash="197010355" needed="1">Nß╣ protiraketov² ╣tφt zniΦil nep°ßtelskou raketu!</STRING> <STRING hash="28745536" needed="1">\autosave</STRING> <STRING hash="16357607" needed="1">.sav</STRING> <STRING hash="31546501" needed="1">\AutoSaves</STRING> <STRING hash="41931484" needed="1">Adresß° uklßdan²ch her</STRING> <STRING hash="23417629" needed="1">.\Saves</STRING> <STRING hash="34809854" needed="1">Pou╛φtAutoUklßdßnφ</STRING> <STRING hash="31757756" needed="1">\autosave0</STRING> <STRING hash="42690150" needed="1">Seznam kamarßd∙</STRING> <STRING hash="54333279" needed="1">«ßdat kamarßda</STRING> <STRING hash="30076834" needed="1">P°ijmout</STRING> <STRING hash="75878384" needed="1">P°idat do seznamu ignorovan²ch</STRING> <STRING hash="30042981" needed="1">Odmφtnout</STRING> <STRING hash="58198127" needed="1">$BUILDTYPE0 obsazeno!</STRING> <STRING hash="176730671" needed="1">$KINGTUT0 zaΦal stav∞t Div sv∞ta: $WONDERNAME1!</STRING> <STRING hash="129116636" needed="1">$BUILDINGNAME0: +$NUMBER0 $GOODNAME1</STRING> <STRING hash="91585384" needed="1">M∞sto $CITYNAME0 obsazeno.</STRING> <STRING hash="82365074" needed="1">M∞sto $CITYNAME0 zalo╛eno.</STRING> <STRING hash="171814499" needed="1">Zanechßno stavby Divu sv∞ta: $WONDERNAME0!</STRING> <STRING hash="61982682" needed="1">Div sv∞ta $WONDERNAME0 obsazen!</STRING> <STRING hash="64629793" needed="1">Div sv∞ta $WONDERNAME0 dokonΦen!</STRING> <STRING hash="201114118" needed="1">$PRESIDENTCLINTON0 obsadil Div sv∞ta: $WONDERNAME1!</STRING> <STRING hash="202088454" needed="1">$PRESIDENTCLINTON0 dokonΦil stavbu Divu sv∞ta: $WONDERNAME1!</STRING> <STRING hash="89917753" needed="1">Zachrßn∞no: +$NUMBER0 $GOODNAME0</STRING> <STRING hash="89536160" needed="1">Drancovßnφm zφskßno: +$NUMBER0 $GOODNAME0</STRING> <STRING hash="51128590" needed="1">+$NUMBER0 $GOODNAME0</STRING> <STRING hash="71794483" needed="1">DETEKOV┴NO ODP┴LEN═ NUKLE┴RN═ ST╪ELY!!!</STRING> <STRING hash="76608264" needed="1">NUKLE┴RN═ ST╪ELA ODP┴LENA!!! </STRING> <STRING hash="150179397" needed="1">Detekovßno odpßlenφ konvenΦnφ rakety.</STRING> <STRING hash="176189694" needed="1">$GOVERNORVENTURA0 zkoumß $INFORMATIONAGE1!</STRING> <STRING hash="110477526" needed="1">DOSA«ENO MAXIMA POPULA╚N═HO LIMITU!</STRING> <STRING hash="239990288" needed="1">DOSA«ENO MAXIMA POPULA╚N═HO LIMITU! V Knihovn∞ vyzkoumejte vojenskou (Φervenou) linii.</STRING> <STRING hash="235496679" needed="1">DOSA«ENO MAXIMA LIMITU KARAVAN! V Knihovn∞ vyzkoumejte obchodnφ (zelenou) linii.</STRING> <STRING hash="38977892" needed="1">Leteckß zßkladna je plnß.</STRING> <STRING hash="134873376" needed="1">Leteckß zßkladna dosahuje plnΘ kapacity.</STRING> <STRING hash="82577558" needed="1">NekoneΦnß produkce jednotek deaktivovßna.</STRING> <STRING hash="183347952" needed="1">Nep°φtel vlastnφ protiraketov² ╣tφt! Odpßlenφ zru╣eno!</STRING> <STRING hash="57308485" needed="1">$UNITNAME0 je v posßdce.</STRING> <STRING hash="50802141" needed="1">$UNITTYPE0 vytvo°en.</STRING> <STRING hash="95890780" needed="1">Vytvo°te Karavany ke shroma╛∩ovßnφ Bohatstvφ!</STRING> <STRING hash="117213041" needed="1">Vytvo°te UΦence ke shroma╛∩ovßnφ Znalostφ!</STRING> <STRING hash="43815276" needed="1">Postavte dal╣φ m∞sta!</STRING> <STRING hash="108874303" needed="1">DOSA«ENO MAXIMA POPULA╚N═HO LIMITU!</STRING> <STRING hash="226091939" needed="1">DOSA«ENO MAXIMA POPULA╚N═HO LIMITU! V Knihovn∞ vyzkoumejte vojenstvφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="41533607" needed="1">PopulaΦnφ limit!</STRING> <STRING hash="209338765" needed="1">DOSA«ENO MAXIMA LIMITU KARAVAN! V Knihovn∞ vyzkoumejte obchod.</STRING> <STRING hash="32543623" needed="1">Limit Karavan!</STRING> <STRING hash="134142686" needed="1">Limit LeteckΘ zßkladny napln∞n. Postavte dal╣φ LeteckΘ zßkladny!</STRING> <STRING hash="168868794" needed="1">$CAPTAINKIRK0 vyvφjφ JADERN╔ ZBRAN╠!</STRING> <STRING hash="121879432" needed="1">Blokovßno budovou.</STRING> <STRING hash="73228870" needed="1">Blokovßno horou.</STRING> <STRING hash="59698771" needed="1">Blokovßno skalami.</STRING> <STRING hash="58854546" needed="1">Blokovßno ruinami.</STRING> <STRING hash="121880596" needed="1">Musφ b²t umφst∞na p°φmo nad nalezi╣t∞ ropy.</STRING> <STRING hash="58445536" needed="1">Blokovßno stromy.</STRING> <STRING hash="111924105" needed="1">Blokovßno vzßcn²m zdrojem.</STRING> <STRING hash="117667701" needed="1">Zde nejsou k dispozici ╛ßdnΘ zdroje.</STRING> <STRING hash="81359827" needed="1">Musφ b²t postaven² blφzko strom∙.</STRING> <STRING hash="188806514" needed="1">Tento les u╛ mß sv∙j D°evorubeck² tßbor.</STRING> <STRING hash="99258598" needed="1">Musφ b²t postaven blφzko hor.</STRING> <STRING hash="115575751" needed="1">Tato hora u╛ mß sv∙j D∙l.</STRING> <STRING hash="66969942" needed="1">Budova musφ postavena na zemi.</STRING> <STRING hash="72297905" needed="1">Budova musφ b²t postavena na vod∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="117000743" needed="1">Budova musφ b²t postavena na vodnφ plo╣e v t∞snΘ blφzkosti pevniny.</STRING> <STRING hash="197635444" needed="1">Budova musφ b²t postavena v t∞snΘm sousedstvφ p°ßtelskΘho ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="188679044" needed="1">Nem∙╛e se stav∞t v dosahu jinΘho m∞sta.</STRING> <STRING hash="188856856" needed="1">Nem∙╛e se stav∞t tak blφzko jinΘho m∞sta. </STRING> <STRING hash="175255916" needed="1">Nem∙╛e se stav∞t tak blφzko jinΘ pevnosti. </STRING> <STRING hash="219908399" needed="1">Nem∙╛e se stav∞t tak blφzko m∞st a pevnostφ ostatnφch nßrod∙.</STRING> <STRING hash="187666924" needed="1">M∞sta lze stav∞t pouze na p°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="135593143" needed="1">Nelze stav∞t na nep°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="194844432" needed="1">Nem∙╛e se stav∞t, kdy╛ jste ji╛ byli na nep°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ spat°eni.</STRING> <STRING hash="187602875" needed="1">Musφ se stav∞t pouze na vlastnφm ·zemφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="192416473" needed="1">K osφdlenφ novΘho kontinetu pot°ebujete: $TECHNAME0 </STRING> <STRING hash="205538257" needed="1">Prvnφ m∞sto na kontinentu musφ b²t postaveno blφzko pob°e╛φ.</STRING> <STRING hash="204876551" needed="1">Prvnφ pevnost na kontinentu musφ b²t postavena blφzko pob°e╛φ.</STRING> <STRING hash="356208588" needed="1">Musφ se postavit blφzko m∞sta. Zde nejprve zalo╛te novΘ m∞sto, nebo budovu postavte blφzko existujφcφho m∞sta.</STRING> <STRING hash="86665056" needed="1">Musφ se postavit blφzko m∞sta. </STRING> <STRING hash="183334771" needed="1">Musφ stßt blφzko velkom∞sta (ne m∞sta).</STRING> <STRING hash="152741044" needed="1">Nesmφ se postavit mimo hranice mapy.</STRING> <STRING hash="99572298" needed="1">Blokovßno nespat°en²m objektem.</STRING> <STRING hash="150053741" needed="1">Musφ se stav∞t pouze na prozkoumanΘm ·zemφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="138217368" needed="1">M∞stskß dopravnφ tepna se nem∙╛e zablokovat.</STRING> <STRING hash="111505679" needed="1">Musφ se umφstit v t∞snΘ blφzkosti cesty.</STRING> <STRING hash="101642515" needed="1">V jednom m∞st∞ m∙╛e b²t pouze jeden objekt tohoto typu.</STRING> <STRING hash="198943996" needed="1">P°φli╣ blφzko m∞sta, kterΘ u╛ jeden takov² objekt vlastnφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="129499951" needed="1">Limit farem: $NUMBER0 na m∞sto. </STRING> <STRING hash="239656027" needed="1">Pokud chcete vφce farem, musφte zalo╛it novΘ m∞sto.</STRING> <STRING hash="403808191" needed="1">Limit farem: $NUMBER0 na m∞sto, $NUMBER1 na velkom∞sto, $NUMBER2 na hlavnφ m∞sto.</STRING> <STRING hash="147134733" needed="1">V jednom m∞st∞ m∙╛e b²t pouze jeden Div sv∞ta.</STRING> <STRING hash="193785430" needed="1">V egypskΘm m∞st∞ mohou b²t dva Divy sv∞ta.</STRING> <STRING hash="81198534" needed="1">Nem∙╛e se stav∞t na °ekßch.</STRING> <STRING hash="290238419" needed="1">ObΦanΘ se nemohou v tuto chvφli p°emis╗ovat, a proto se nemohou dostat na toto mφsto.</STRING> <STRING hash="105646219" needed="1">⌐patn² v²b∞r mφsta ke stavb∞ budovy.</STRING> <STRING hash="13380157" needed="1"> (</STRING> <STRING hash="11573907" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="0" needed="1"/> <STRING hash="113140360" needed="1"> (+$FIFTYFOOD0 s ObΦanem)</STRING> <STRING hash="258773877" needed="1">$FIFTYKNOWLEDGE0 (+$TENKNOWLEDGE1 za UΦence, $NUMBER0 vφce mφst)</STRING> <STRING hash="236668346" needed="1">$FIFTYKNOWLEDGE0 (+$TENKNOWLEDGE1 za UΦence, $NUMBER0 mφst)</STRING> <STRING hash="247894964" needed="1">$FIFTYTIMBER0 (+$TENTIMBER1 ka╛d² a╛ do $NUMBER0 vφce ObΦan∙)</STRING> <STRING hash="226474738" needed="1">$FIFTYTIMBER0 (+$TENTIMBER1 ka╛d² a╛ do $NUMBER0 ObΦan∙)</STRING> <STRING hash="21562556" needed="1">Cena:</STRING> <STRING hash="13368997" needed="1">, </STRING> <STRING hash="11556018" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="197376717" needed="1">Budova '$BUILDTYPE0' nemß platn² atribut - building mask. </STRING> <STRING hash="207793676" needed="1">Budova '$BUILDTYPE0' nemß platn² atribut - construction mask.</STRING> <STRING hash="28110158" needed="1">Chat se v╣emi:</STRING> <STRING hash="37297882" needed="1">Chat se spojenci:</STRING> <STRING hash="40701461" needed="1">Chat s nep°ßteli:</STRING> <STRING hash="18750081" needed="1">Chat:</STRING> <STRING hash="18674928" needed="1">CHEAT</STRING> <STRING hash="156012641" needed="1">Hlavnφ m∞sto vyplen∞no! Zisk z drancovßnφ: +$NUMBER0</STRING> <STRING hash="180105389" needed="1">$CITYNAME0: Hlavnφ m∞sto vyplen∞no! Zisk z drancovßnφ: +$NUMBER0 </STRING> <STRING hash="177572500" needed="1">M∞sto obsazeno! Zisk z drancovßnφ: +$NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0</STRING> <STRING hash="205233764" needed="1">M∞sto $CITYNAME0 obsazeno! Zisk z drancovßnφ: +$NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE1</STRING> <STRING hash="97482021" needed="1">M∞sto $CITYNAME0 obsazeno.</STRING> <STRING hash="35566440" needed="1">M∞sto obsazeno!</STRING> <STRING hash="24010154" needed="1">M∞sto ztraceno!</STRING> <STRING hash="21571159" needed="1">Obsazeno!</STRING> <STRING hash="4830007" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="55376384" needed="1">Budova $BUILDTYPE0 obsazena!</STRING> <STRING hash="89265290" needed="1">$PARIS0 je nynφ $LARGECITY1.</STRING> <STRING hash="102534765" needed="1">M∞sto $CITYNAME0 asimilovßno!</STRING> <STRING hash="24680005" needed="1">Asimilovßno! </STRING> <STRING hash="174943590" needed="1">Karavana p°ijφ╛dφ do $CITYNAME0: +$NUMBER0 $GOODNAME1.</STRING> <STRING hash="81794817" needed="1">Karavana: $NUMBER0 $GOODNAME0</STRING> <STRING hash="239792521" needed="1">Zpomalen² Φas je k dispozici pouze v multiplayeru.</STRING> <STRING hash="132028962" needed="1">Nezb²vß ╛ßdn² zpomalen² Φas.</STRING> <STRING hash="205194820" needed="1">Neplatnß knihovna p°φkaz∙ - UkonΦuji hru...</STRING> <STRING hash="136292401" needed="1">╚ekß se na $PLAYERNAME0...</STRING> <STRING hash="28687050" needed="1">V╣echno</STRING> <STRING hash="35054693" needed="1">Jednotky</STRING> <STRING hash="38265943" needed="1">Budovy</STRING> <STRING hash="35152299" needed="1">Zdi</STRING> <STRING hash="31660597" needed="1">Munice</STRING> <STRING hash="38499561" needed="1">Smrti</STRING> <STRING hash="38435002" needed="1">Skupiny</STRING> <STRING hash="31771015" needed="1">LidΘ</STRING> <STRING hash="42013703" needed="1">V∙dci</STRING> <STRING hash="34942708" needed="1">Sv∞t</STRING> <STRING hash="38268635" needed="1">M∞sta</STRING> <STRING hash="34994150" needed="1">P°edm∞ty</STRING> <STRING hash="34965740" needed="1">Zbo╛φ</STRING> <STRING hash="193207077" needed="1">Chyba v synchronizaci v modulu $MODULENAME0.</STRING> <STRING hash="66203740" needed="1">UkonΦuji hru.</STRING> <STRING hash="157661123" needed="1">Nemohu otev°φt soubor conquest.xml.</STRING> <STRING hash="254185212" needed="1">Kliknutφm vyberete/odeberete bonusovou kartu pro pou╛itφ v nßsledujφcφ bitv∞.</STRING> <STRING hash="143100795" needed="1">Kliknutφm umφstφte tuto kartu.</STRING> <STRING hash="115914606" needed="1">DostupnΘ bonusovΘ karty</STRING> <STRING hash="132386596" needed="1">BonusovΘ karty k hranφ</STRING> <STRING hash="606779194" needed="1">Chyba hernφ mapy - hlavnφ ukazatel je umφst∞n na okraj zem∞ nebo je chybn∞ nastavena velikost mapy. </STRING> <STRING hash="519541915" needed="1">NeplatnΘ nastavenφ barev na map∞. Odstra≥te nastavenφ barvy nebo sma╛te xml soubory mapy. ($NUM0, $NUM1, $NUM2)</STRING> <STRING hash="1298505338" needed="1">NeplatnΘ nastavenφ barvy zem∞ specifikovanΘ v data souboru hernφ mapy. ($NUM0, $NUM1, $NUM2). Index: $NUM3. Nßzev souboru: $NAME0. Chybu opravφte zadßnφm koreknφch hodnot nebo smazßnφm souboru. Nastavenφ se znovu inicializuje ze souboru mapy.</STRING> <STRING hash="285395647" needed="1">NeplatnΘ nastavenφ barvy zem∞ v data souboru hernφ mapy.</STRING> <STRING hash="46315768" needed="1">Da≥ za mφr</STRING> <STRING hash="104337027" needed="1">NezabranΘ ·zemφ</STRING> <STRING hash="103394694" needed="1">Doba va╣eho panovßnφ je u konce!</STRING> <STRING hash="47069027" needed="1">Porß╛ka!</STRING> <STRING hash="51078980" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ!</STRING> <STRING hash="39988428" needed="1">Tahy</STRING> <STRING hash="51030821" needed="1">Obsazenφ</STRING> <STRING hash="55120727" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ</STRING> <STRING hash="104460275" needed="1">┌zemφ dobyto</STRING> <STRING hash="116466596" needed="1">┌zemφ dobyta</STRING> <STRING hash="94796634" needed="1">Bitev/Vφt∞zstvφ</STRING> <STRING hash="117253013" needed="1">╚as strßven² v bitvßch</STRING> <STRING hash="110037661" needed="1">% sv∞ta dobyto</STRING> <STRING hash="64425573" needed="1">Inicializace sv∞tov²ch dat</STRING> <STRING hash="50792767" needed="1">Nahrßvßnφ nastavenφ grafiky</STRING> <STRING hash="195599618" needed="1">Nastavuji v∙dce a poΦßteΦnφ lokace.</STRING> <STRING hash="51342570" needed="1">Inicializace terΘnu</STRING> <STRING hash="82851650" needed="1">Inicializace grafick²ch detail∙</STRING> <STRING hash="92993362" needed="1">PoΦßteΦnφ umφst∞nφ m∞st</STRING> <STRING hash="194264002" needed="1">Nßrod $TRIBENAME0 vtrhl do $TERRITORY1! The $TRIBENAME0 are invading $TERRITORY1!</STRING> <STRING hash="553133943" needed="1">$TRIBENAME0 prßv∞ ·toΦφ na va╣e hlavnφ m∞sto. Pokud se vßm nepoda°φ je odrazit, vß╣ nßrod bude zniΦen! Hodn∞ ╣t∞stφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="182022333" needed="1">Sv∞t postoupil do $AGE0.</STRING> <STRING hash="192082386" needed="1">Tah∙ do konce kampan∞: $NUM0.</STRING> <STRING hash="277194719" needed="1">Opravdu chcete ukonΦit tah bez boje?</STRING> <STRING hash="447532311" needed="1">Jestli╛e nebudete v tomto tahu bojovat, zφskßte $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr.</STRING> <STRING hash="2086334492" needed="1">Va╣e p°evaha ohromila protivnφky natolik, ╛e opustili ·zemφ. ┌zemφ zφskßvßte bez bitvy. Tato situace nastane v╛dy, pokud mßte o dv∞ armßdy vφce ne╛ nep°φtel. V takovΘmto p°φpad∞ se toto obsazenφ ·zemφ nepoΦφtß jako ·tok.</STRING> <STRING hash="1133089085" needed="1">$TRIBE1 obsadili $NODE0. Va╣e armßda se stßhla, aby se vyhnula drtivΘ porß╛ce. Toto se stane, pokud mß ·toΦnφk o dv∞ armßdy vφce ne╛ obrßnce.</STRING> <STRING hash="873388323" needed="1">Toto ·zemφ je chrßn∞no silnou armßdou. Bez posil a bonusov²ch karet bude velmi t∞╛kΘ je dob²t. Opravdu chcete za·toΦit?</STRING> <STRING hash="33826535" needed="1">Hlavnφ m∞sto</STRING> <STRING hash="63507359" needed="1">Vybrat bonusovou kartu </STRING> <STRING hash="194145476" needed="1">Inicializace hernφho rozhranφ selhala.</STRING> <STRING hash="37889248" needed="1">Da≥ za mφr</STRING> <STRING hash="44728222" needed="1">Dal╣φ tah</STRING> <STRING hash="180681006" needed="1">$CONQUESTLEADER0 nßroda $TRIBENAME1</STRING> <STRING hash="193719955" needed="1">$NUMBER0 tah∙ do konce kampan∞</STRING> <STRING hash="200236392" needed="1">$NUMBER0 tah∙ do konce kampan∞</STRING> <STRING hash="183011346" needed="1">$NUMBER0 tah∙ do postupu do dal╣φho v∞ku</STRING> <STRING hash="192975287" needed="1">$NUMBER0 tah∙ do postupu do dal╣φho v∞ku</STRING> <STRING hash="96245235" needed="1">P°φjem ze vzßcn²ch zdroj∙</STRING> <STRING hash="218516628" needed="1">Kliknutφm ukonΦφte tah bez boje v bitv∞.</STRING> <STRING hash="38065641" needed="1">Hlavnφ m∞sto</STRING> <STRING hash="90239285" needed="1">NezabranΘ ·zemφ</STRING> <STRING hash="47803579" needed="1">ScΘnß°: </STRING> <STRING hash="144893492" needed="1">Vylep╣enφ infrastruktury: $NUM0 </STRING> <STRING hash="41018230" needed="1">Postoj:</STRING> <STRING hash="43950702" needed="1">Stanovisko:</STRING> <STRING hash="69267171" needed="1">Vzßcn² zdroj:</STRING> <STRING hash="51614984" needed="1">Bonusovß karta:</STRING> <STRING hash="37242574" needed="1">Div sv∞ta:</STRING> <STRING hash="41026255" needed="1">Da≥ za mφr:</STRING> <STRING hash="60132692" needed="1">Zßsobovacφ centrum</STRING> <STRING hash="56208612" needed="1">Toto ·zemφ brßnφ vojsko.</STRING> <STRING hash="189126772" needed="1">$TRIBENAME0 budou eliminovßni dobytφm tohoto ·zemφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="98530114" needed="1">NezabranΘ ·zemφ</STRING> <STRING hash="41984073" needed="1">Sφla:</STRING> <STRING hash="46068595" needed="1">Postoj:</STRING> <STRING hash="76245970" needed="1">Vzßcn² zdroj:</STRING> <STRING hash="42079663" needed="1">Div sv∞ta:</STRING> <STRING hash="46076620" needed="1">Da≥ za mφr:</STRING> <STRING hash="23953000" needed="1">+</STRING> <STRING hash="82631319" needed="1">Neznßm² zdroj</STRING> <STRING hash="46704775" needed="1">Nahrßvßm.</STRING> <STRING hash="267504766" needed="1">Va╣e ·zemφ $TERRITORYNAME1 napadli $TRIBENAME0.</STRING> <STRING hash="203036673" needed="1">$TRIBENAME0 napadli $TERRITORYNAME1! </STRING> <STRING hash="587191292" needed="1">$TRIBENAME0 napadli va╣e hlavnφ m∞sto. Pokud se vßm nepoda°φ je odrazit, vß╣ nßrod bude zniΦen! Hodn∞ ╣t∞stφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="435721550" needed="1">Dobytφm nep°ßtelskΘho zßsobovacφho centra jste zφskali novou armßdu, kterß bude umφstn∞na v $STR0.</STRING> <STRING hash="473015307" needed="1">Dobytφm nep°ßtelskΘho zßsobovacφho centra jste zφskali novou armßdu. Rozhodn∞te se, kam ji chcete umφstit.</STRING> <STRING hash="464007109" needed="1">Ztratili jste ·zemφ, na kterΘm bylo zßsobovacφ centrum. Vyberte armßdu, kterou propustφte.</STRING> <STRING hash="757953725" needed="1">$TRIBENAME0 poslali zprßvu: Nemßme vßm co nabφdnout, ale prosφme vßs, abyste se nßs nepokou╣eli zniΦit. Vß╣ nßrod chovßme v ·ct∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="338039184" needed="1">$TRIBENAME0 poslali zprßvu: M∙╛ete se pokou╣et nßs zniΦit, ale nikdy se vßm to nepoda°φ!</STRING> <STRING hash="532519484" needed="1">$TRIBENAME0 poslali zprßvu: S lφtostφ vßm oznamujeme, ╛e ru╣φme spojenectvφ mezi na╣imi nßrody.</STRING> <STRING hash="456826121" needed="1">Nemßte dostatek dan∞ za mφr ke zv²╣enφ sφly tohoto ·zemφ. Pot°ebujete $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr.</STRING> <STRING hash="460503906" needed="1">Chcete vyhlßsit nßrodu $TRIBE0 vßlku? Bude to stßt $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr. Souhlasφte?</STRING> <STRING hash="187143297" needed="1">$TRIBE0 jsou nynφ s vßmi ve vßlce!</STRING> <STRING hash="195922801" needed="1">$TRIBE0 vßm vyhlßsili vßlku!</STRING> <STRING hash="1121681384" needed="1">Nemßte dost dan∞ za mφr, abyste vyhlßsili vßlku nßrodu $TRIBE0. Pot°ebujete $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr. Da≥ za mφr zφskßte tak, ╛e dobudete ·zemφ, nebo nebudete po cel² tah ·toΦit.</STRING> <STRING hash="342586789" needed="1">$TRIBE0 uzav°ou mφr za $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr. P°ijφmßte?</STRING> <STRING hash="317246410" needed="1">$TRIBE0 uzav°ou spojenectvφ za $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr. P°ijφmßte?</STRING> <STRING hash="398041056" needed="1">$TRIBE0 nabφzφ za uzav°enφ mφru $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr. P°ijφmßte?</STRING> <STRING hash="343296457" needed="1">$TRIBE0 nabφzφ za uzav°enφ spojenctvφ $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr. P°ijφmßte?</STRING> <STRING hash="189070371" needed="1">$TRIBE0 s vßmi podepsali mφrovou smlouvu.</STRING> <STRING hash="985793948" needed="1">Nemßte dost dan∞ za mφr na podepsßnφ smlouvy. Pot°ebujete $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr. Da≥ za mφr zφskßte tak, ╛e dobudete ·zemφ, nebo nebudete po cel² tah ·toΦit.</STRING> <STRING hash="29808007" needed="1">Ano</STRING> <STRING hash="26959711" needed="1">Ne</STRING> <STRING hash="497602335" needed="1">$TRIBE0 po╛adujφ za to, ╛e vßs b∞hem $NUM0 tah∙ nenepadnou, $NUM1 dan∞ za mφr. Zaplatφte?</STRING> <STRING hash="761573270" needed="1">$NAME0 po╛adujφ za to, ╛e nevtrhnou na $NAME1 po dobu $NUM1 tah∙, $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr. Zaplatφte?</STRING> <STRING hash="430672868" needed="1">$TRIBE0 od vßs obdr╛eli $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr. Nebudou na vßs po dobu $NUM1 tah∙ ·toΦit.</STRING> <STRING hash="847436377" needed="1">$TRIBE0 nabφzφ $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr v²m∞nou za to, ╛e nevyplenφte jejich hlavnφ m∞sto. Nebudete na n∞ moci po dobu $NUM1 tah∙ za·toΦit. Chcete tuto nabφdku p°ijmout?</STRING> <STRING hash="830608269" needed="1">$TRIBE0 nabφzφ $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr, pokud se zdr╛φte ·toku na $NODE1. Pokud p°ijmete, nebudete moci $NODE1 po dobu $NUM1 tah∙ napadnout. Chcete tuto nabφdku p°ijmout?</STRING> <STRING hash="674646569" needed="1">$TRIBE0 nabφzφ $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr v²m∞nou za to, ╛e odlo╛φte ·tok po dobu $NUM1 tah∙. $TRIBE0 budou mezitφm bojovat na jinΘ front∞. Chcete tuto nabφdku p°ijmout?</STRING> <STRING hash="518885711" needed="1">$TRIBE0 nabφzφ $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr v²m∞nou za to, ╛e odlo╛φte po dobu $NUM1 tah∙ ·tok. Chcete tuto nabφdku p°ijmout?</STRING> <STRING hash="370098266" needed="1">$TRIBE0 vßm zaplatili $NUM0. Nebudou na vßs po dobu $NUM1 tah∙ ·toΦit.</STRING> <STRING hash="75586623" needed="1">VEDOUC═ DOBYVATEL</STRING> <STRING hash="107810639" needed="1">$NAME0 v∙dce $TRIBE1</STRING> <STRING hash="213873284" needed="1">Opravdu chcete ukonΦit kampa≥?</STRING> <STRING hash="77522255" needed="1">Zp∞t do hry</STRING> <STRING hash="55091067" needed="1">Ulo╛it hru </STRING> <STRING hash="55095988" needed="1">Nahrßt hru</STRING> <STRING hash="68265943" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky</STRING> <STRING hash="55012021" needed="1">Opustit hru</STRING> <STRING hash="183013050" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 dobyl $PLACE2 od $LEADERNAME1.</STRING> <STRING hash="68278191" needed="1">Hordy barbar∙</STRING> <STRING hash="179735690" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 eliminoval $LEADERNAME1.</STRING> <STRING hash="183052519" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 obsadil $LEADERNAME1 v $PLACE2.</STRING> <STRING hash="234677797" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 dobyl $PLACE1, kterΘ p°edtφm okupovali barba°i.</STRING> <STRING hash="207628244" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 napadl $LEADERNAME1 v $PLACE2 a prohrßl.</STRING> <STRING hash="189908899" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 napadl $PLACE1 a prohrßl.</STRING> <STRING hash="207580535" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 pou╛il bonusovou kartu $BONUSCARDNAME1 v $PLACE2. </STRING> <STRING hash="188056431" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 vyhlßsil vßlku $LEADERNAME1. </STRING> <STRING hash="231159042" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 podepsal mφrovou smlouvu s $LEADERNAME1. </STRING> <STRING hash="216503235" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 uzav°el spojenectvφ s $LEADERNAME1. </STRING> <STRING hash="203646927" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 koupil bonusovou kartu. </STRING> <STRING hash="334772805" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 koupil zv²╣enφ sφly ·zemφ pro $TERRITORY1. </STRING> <STRING hash="428716931" needed="1">Jako bonus za zabrßnφ v╣ech ·zemφ na kontinentu jste dostali bonus $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr.</STRING> <STRING hash="102441236" needed="1">Vyberte Div sv∞ta.</STRING> <STRING hash="455820074" needed="1">V╣echny Divy sv∞ta tohoto v∞ku byly postaveny. PoΦkejte a pou╛ijte kartu v dal╣φm v∞ku.</STRING> <STRING hash="219837374" needed="1">Armßda se m∙╛e p°esunout pouze do sousednφ zem∞.</STRING> <STRING hash="223079524" needed="1">Armßda m∙╛e napadnout pouze sousednφ zemi.</STRING> <STRING hash="193708176" needed="1">V jednom tahu m∙╛e ·toΦit pouze jedna armßda.</STRING> <STRING hash="203970927" needed="1">Na jednom ·zemφ m∙╛e b²t pouze jedna armßda. </STRING> <STRING hash="200802611" needed="1">Za jeden tah m∙╛e armßda ud∞lat pouze jeden pohyb.</STRING> <STRING hash="211193686" needed="1">Opevn∞nß ·zemφ nelze napadnout.</STRING> <STRING hash="210281058" needed="1">$TRIBE0 od vßs nejd°φve musφ dostat zprßvu o vyhlß╣enφ vßlky. A╛ pak na n∞ m∙╛ete ·toΦit.</STRING> <STRING hash="353773462" needed="1">Kv∙li placenφ dan∞ za mφr nesmφte ·toΦit na $TRIBE0 po dobu $NUM0 tah∙.</STRING> <STRING hash="129296971" needed="1">Pravidla Dob²t sv∞t</STRING> <STRING hash="43194194" needed="1">Nßhodn²</STRING> <STRING hash="868560777" needed="1">Toto je nov² soubor mapy. P°i hranφ se vygeneruje XML soubor v adresß°i game/conquest . M∙╛ete jej zm∞nit a vytvo°it novou kampa≥.</STRING> <STRING hash="39773270" needed="1">Nastavenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="286638078" needed="1">Za sv∙j v²kon v bitv∞ zφskßvßte:</STRING> <STRING hash="143061679" needed="1">#ICON17 bonusovß karta </STRING> <STRING hash="118896470" needed="1">Posily: $NUM0</STRING> <STRING hash="73873046" needed="1">Spojenci: $NUM0</STRING> <STRING hash="475224216" needed="1">BonusovΘ karty zφskßte dobytφm ·zemφ nebo je m∙╛ete koupit na strategickΘ map∞.</STRING> <STRING hash="133795735" needed="1">Pou╛il jste tyto bonusovΘ karty: </STRING> <STRING hash="155790073" needed="1">Nep°itel pou╛il tyto bonusovΘ karty:</STRING> <STRING hash="231830992" needed="1">Z ·zemφ jste zφskali:</STRING> <STRING hash="113599954" needed="1">#ICON17 Bonusovß karta </STRING> <STRING hash="135527432" needed="1">#ICON18 Vzßcn² zdroj</STRING> <STRING hash="140118470" needed="1">#ICON19 Da≥ za mφr: $NUM0</STRING> <STRING hash="133330333" needed="1">#ICON15 Zßsobovacφ centrum</STRING> <STRING hash="111141893" needed="1">Novß mapa vytvo°enß u╛ivatelem.</STRING> <STRING hash="177853265" needed="1">$TRIBENAME0 byli vßmi vyhlazeni!</STRING> <STRING hash="236675420" needed="1">Zav°ete okno Sv∞tovΘ udßlosti a teprve potom plßnujte ·tok. </STRING> <STRING hash="296265146" needed="1">Va╣e ·zemφ napadl nep°φtel. Ne╛ budete moci pokraΦovat, musφte tuto situaci vy°e╣it.</STRING> <STRING hash="256958382" needed="1">S armßdami zφskan²mi v tomto tahu nem∙╛ete provßd∞t ╛ßdnΘ akce. </STRING> <STRING hash="203230591" needed="1">Na jednom ·zemφ m∙╛e b²t pouze jeden Div sv∞ta. </STRING> <STRING hash="202812102" needed="1">Bonusovou kartu m∙╛ete pou╛φt pouze na zv²razn∞nΘm ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="204444083" needed="1">Armßdy m∙╛ete umφstit pouze na svΘ ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="195236091" needed="1">Na jednom ·zemφ m∙╛e b²t pouze jedna armßda. </STRING> <STRING hash="208445991" needed="1">Musφte odstranit armßdu ze svΘho vlastnφho ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="201232972" needed="1">Musφte vybrat ·zemφ s armßdou. </STRING> <STRING hash="443712865" needed="1">Nemßte dostatek dan∞ za mφr ke zv²╣enφ sφly ·zemφ. Pot°ebujete $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr.</STRING> <STRING hash="200124357" needed="1">Vylep╣ovat m∙╛ete jenom svΘ vlastnφ ·zemφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="205982226" needed="1">┌zemφ nem∙╛e b²t vylep╣eno vφce ne╛ na ·rove≥ $NUM0. </STRING> <STRING hash="295699436" needed="1">$TRIBE0 prodajφ $TERRITORY1 za $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr. P°ijφmßte? </STRING> <STRING hash="421894106" needed="1">$TRIBE0 po╛adujφ $NUM0 za $TERRITORY1. Ke koupi nemßte dostatek dan∞ za mφr.</STRING> <STRING hash="347503620" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete koupit toto ·zemφ, proto╛e je okupovßno barbary. </STRING> <STRING hash="212864284" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete koupit hlavnφ m∞sto cizφho stßtu. </STRING> <STRING hash="244462875" needed="1">M∙╛ete koupit pouze ta ·zemφ, kterß s vßmi sousedφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="17415222" needed="1">OK</STRING> <STRING hash="27503030" needed="1">Zru╣it</STRING> <STRING hash="19734189" needed="1">Ano</STRING> <STRING hash="17426081" needed="1">Ne</STRING> <STRING hash="57722744" needed="1">Konec kampan∞:</STRING> <STRING hash="67089384" needed="1">Historie se dovr╣ila.</STRING> <STRING hash="33183027" needed="1">Pora╛en</STRING> <STRING hash="58231352" needed="1">Sv∞t dobyt.</STRING> <STRING hash="280643567" needed="1">Strategickou kartu pou╛ijete p°etßhnutφm my╣φ na zv²razn∞nΘ ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="259099142" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i na zv²razn∞nΘ ·zemφ umφstφte novou armßdu. </STRING> <STRING hash="240265679" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i na zv²razn∞nΘ ·zemφ odstranφte armßdu. </STRING> <STRING hash="387900451" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i na zv²razn∞nΘ ·zemφ zv²╣φte jeho sφlu. </STRING> <STRING hash="285800313" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i na zv²razn∞nΘ ·zemφ uΦinφte diplomatickou nabφdku. </STRING> <STRING hash="47209273" needed="1">Mapy dobytφ</STRING> <STRING hash="86718037" needed="1">Vyberte Div sv∞ta.</STRING> <STRING hash="434277657" needed="1">V╣echny Divy sv∞ta tohoto v∞ku byly ji╛ postaveny. PoΦkejte a pou╛ijte kartu v dal╣φm v∞ku. </STRING> <STRING hash="57860930" needed="1">Vybrßno: </STRING> <STRING hash="128647041" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete obchodovat s nep°ßtelsk²mi nßrody.</STRING> <STRING hash="181315477" needed="1">K obchodovßnφ mezi nßrody pot°ebujete: $TECHNAME0</STRING> <STRING hash="267425450" needed="1">Obchodnφ cesty jsou pln∞ obsazeny. Ka╛dΘ m∞sto m∙╛e mφt s jin²m m∞stem pouze jednu obchodnφ cestu.</STRING> <STRING hash="479300615" needed="1">Ne╛ napadnete neutrßlnφ nßrod, musφte mu vyhlßsit vßlku. K vyhlß╣enφ vßlky pou╛ijte Diplomacii ($HOTKEY0).</STRING> <STRING hash="429672374" needed="1">Ne╛ napadnete neutrßlnφ nßrod, musφte mu vyhlßsit vßlku. K vyhlß╣enφ vßlky pou╛ijte Diplomacii.</STRING> <STRING hash="492894999" needed="1">Pro shroma╛∩ovßnφ znalostφ musφte vytvo°it UΦence na Univerzit∞. ObyΦejnφ ObΦanΘ znalosti shroma╛∩ovat nemohou.</STRING> <STRING hash="419255080" needed="1">Umφst∞nφ jednotky do posßdky prav²m kliknutφm funguje pouze tehdy, pokud jste zapnuli roz╣φ°enΘ ovlßdßnφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="200243691" needed="1">$BUILDINGNAME0 je plnß. U╛ zde nem∙╛e pracovat ╛ßdn² dal╣φ ObΦan. </STRING> <STRING hash="484970322" needed="1">ObyΦejnφ ObΦanΘ nemohou studovat na Univerzit∞. Pro shroma╛∩ovßnφ znalostφ musφte vytvo°it UΦence na Univerzit∞.</STRING> <STRING hash="187383435" needed="1">Na nep°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ nem∙╛ete opravovat budovy.</STRING> <STRING hash="206158234" needed="1">ObΦanΘ by m∞li pracovat v D°evorubeckΘm tßbo°e. </STRING> <STRING hash="178954166" needed="1">ObΦanΘ by m∞li pracovat v Dole. </STRING> <STRING hash="435320473" needed="1">ObΦanΘ by m∞li pracovat v D°evorubeckΘm tßbo°e. (D°evo zφskßte tak, ╛e postavφte D°evorubeck² tßbor blφzko lesa.)</STRING> <STRING hash="361648529" needed="1">ObΦanΘ by m∞li pracovat na RopnΘm vrtu. (Ropu zφskßte tak, ╛e postavφte Ropn² vrt na ropnΘ skvrn∞.)</STRING> <STRING hash="349480876" needed="1">ObΦanΘ by m∞li pracovat v Dole. (Kov zφskßte tak, ╛e postavφte D∙l blφzko hory.)</STRING> <STRING hash="266596353" needed="1">Podvßdφte - tento cφl nem∙╛ete vid∞t!</STRING> <STRING hash="220760526" needed="1">U╛ mßte Kupce, kter² shroma╛∩uje tento zdroj.</STRING> <STRING hash="125452447" needed="1">Kupec nemß dostatek mφsta.</STRING> <STRING hash="239267965" needed="1">K lovenφ ryb a velryb vytvo°te Rybß°e (v Lod∞nici). </STRING> <STRING hash="222191089" needed="1">Ke shroma╛∩ovßnφ vzßcn²ch zdroj∙ vytvo°te Obchodnφka (na Tr╛i╣ti). </STRING> <STRING hash="344845362" needed="1">Chcete-li p°epravit tyto jednotky p°es mo°e, musφte zapnout AutomatickΘ p°epravovßnφ jednotek. </STRING> <STRING hash="223481314" needed="1">K p°eprav∞ jednotek p°es mo°e pot°ebujete Lod∞nici a $TECHNAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="190055855" needed="1">K p°eprav∞ jednotek p°es mo°e pot°ebujete Lod∞nici. </STRING> <STRING hash="72145838" needed="1">Pozice kamery ulo╛ena.</STRING> <STRING hash="13420994" needed="1">Odejφt</STRING> <STRING hash="119636427" needed="1">Chcete odejφt do Windows?</STRING> <STRING hash="64714979" needed="1">P╪EPNOUT NA DAL⌐═ POHLED </STRING> <STRING hash="19347578" needed="1">ZAZNAMEN┴V┴ SE.</STRING> <STRING hash="40812822" needed="1">UM═STIT NOVOU BUDOVU </STRING> <STRING hash="38459660" needed="1">UM═STIT NOVOU JEDNOTKU </STRING> <STRING hash="26894469" needed="1">Barva t²mu </STRING> <STRING hash="156551516" needed="1">Vybrat okno na testovßnφ XML designu </STRING> <STRING hash="242262798" needed="1">Hernφ konzole (Zadejte '?' pro v²pis v╣ech p°φkaz∙, "odejφt" pro zav°enφ) </STRING> <STRING hash="15208362" needed="1"> (</STRING> <STRING hash="13248664" needed="1">:</STRING> <STRING hash="13269510" needed="1">x</STRING> <STRING hash="13293857" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="38153967" needed="1">Velikost mapy = </STRING> <STRING hash="41413867" needed="1">Typ mapy = </STRING> <STRING hash="49119845" needed="1">PoΦet hrßΦ∙ = </STRING> <STRING hash="40860459" needed="1">Zßklad pro generovßnφ mapy =</STRING> <STRING hash="13275968" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="13291714" needed="1">(</STRING> <STRING hash="48595577" needed="1">Za maskou =</STRING> <STRING hash="13291661" needed="1">W</STRING> <STRING hash="15262137" needed="1">/T</STRING> <STRING hash="15199746" needed="1">/C</STRING> <STRING hash="13285832" needed="1">T</STRING> <STRING hash="13259371" needed="1">C</STRING> <STRING hash="15160835" needed="1">zapnuto</STRING> <STRING hash="17094474" needed="1">vypnuto</STRING> <STRING hash="13263326" needed="1">t</STRING> <STRING hash="13247732" needed="1">f</STRING> <STRING hash="15122056" needed="1">o=</STRING> <STRING hash="21669629" needed="1">typ=</STRING> <STRING hash="15127351" needed="1">t=</STRING> <STRING hash="19517428" needed="1">M∞sto</STRING> <STRING hash="59170389" needed="1">P°irozenΘ znaky</STRING> <STRING hash="17108774" needed="1">╚ervenΘ</STRING> <STRING hash="19405003" needed="1">Modrß</STRING> <STRING hash="24181570" needed="1">Purpurovß</STRING> <STRING hash="21730897" needed="1">Zelenß</STRING> <STRING hash="24321424" needed="1">«lutß</STRING> <STRING hash="19651400" needed="1">Modrofialovß</STRING> <STRING hash="21765817" needed="1">Bφlß</STRING> <STRING hash="24283750" needed="1">Oran╛ovß</STRING> <STRING hash="19784517" needed="1">Gaia</STRING> <STRING hash="13316999" needed="1">/</STRING> <STRING hash="21713391" needed="1">(kdo=</STRING> <STRING hash="19325516" needed="1">kdo=</STRING> <STRING hash="17123724" needed="1">╚ERVEN┴</STRING> <STRING hash="19452411" needed="1">MODR┴</STRING> <STRING hash="24240028" needed="1">PURPUROV┴</STRING> <STRING hash="21787797" needed="1">ZELEN┴</STRING> <STRING hash="24411660" needed="1">«LUT┴</STRING> <STRING hash="19462010" needed="1">MODROFIALOV┴</STRING> <STRING hash="21837741" needed="1">B═L┴</STRING> <STRING hash="24056496" needed="1">ORAN«OV┴</STRING> <STRING hash="19320543" needed="1">GAIA</STRING> <STRING hash="79801961" needed="1">Displej sou°adnic =</STRING> <STRING hash="102055930" needed="1">V╣echny (Wsou°adnice/Tsou°adnice/sou°adnice)</STRING> <STRING hash="24170466" needed="1">Wsou°adnice</STRING> <STRING hash="24164637" needed="1">Tsou°adnice</STRING> <STRING hash="21763561" needed="1">Sou°adnice</STRING> <STRING hash="169911977" needed="1">(M≤dy: V╣echny, Wsou°adnice, Tsou°adnice, Sou°adnice)</STRING> <STRING hash="49215725" needed="1">IdentifikaΦnφ displej =</STRING> <STRING hash="19517066" needed="1">JmΘno</STRING> <STRING hash="21838549" needed="1">Barva</STRING> <STRING hash="24501793" needed="1">PoΦet</STRING> <STRING hash="108304788" needed="1">V╣echno (JmΘno, Barva, #PoΦet)</STRING> <STRING hash="164006742" needed="1">(Styl: V╣echno, JmΘno, Barva, #PoΦet)</STRING> <STRING hash="29041528" needed="1">Pauza = </STRING> <STRING hash="15180487" needed="1">Zapnuto</STRING> <STRING hash="17114126" needed="1">Vypnuto</STRING> <STRING hash="32131374" needed="1">Odhalit = </STRING> <STRING hash="34800734" needed="1">Prozkoumat = </STRING> <STRING hash="24541835" needed="1">Normßlnφ</STRING> <STRING hash="29423306" needed="1">Prozkoumßno</STRING> <STRING hash="17139134" needed="1">V╣echno</STRING> <STRING hash="131097166" needed="1">(Styly: Normßlnφ, Prozkoumßno, V╣echno)</STRING> <STRING hash="24055662" needed="1">Technologie: </STRING> <STRING hash="15197202" needed="1">, </STRING> <STRING hash="17097060" needed="1"> = </STRING> <STRING hash="15145110" needed="1">: </STRING> <STRING hash="45526944" needed="1">Obtφ╛nost = </STRING> <STRING hash="80830842" needed="1">Neplatn² objekt</STRING> <STRING hash="17115759" needed="1">(o=</STRING> <STRING hash="21741200" needed="1">, (o=</STRING> <STRING hash="17116968" needed="1">HP=</STRING> <STRING hash="19336020" needed="1">X = </STRING> <STRING hash="19452532" needed="1">, X=</STRING> <STRING hash="19337247" needed="1">Y = </STRING> <STRING hash="19457429" needed="1">, Y=</STRING> <STRING hash="32359443" needed="1">Postoj = </STRING> <STRING hash="77442507" needed="1">Nenφ vybran² ╛ßdn² objekt </STRING> <STRING hash="65227697" needed="1">Konzola m≤du se sou°adnicemi</STRING> <STRING hash="61507527" needed="1">Konzola m≤du se jmΘnem</STRING> <STRING hash="13253483" needed="0">?</STRING> <STRING hash="81879220" needed="0">Zobrazit seznam p°φkaz∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="17247703" needed="0">cls</STRING> <STRING hash="46058578" needed="0">Vymazat konzoli</STRING> <STRING hash="21843508" needed="0">zav°φt</STRING> <STRING hash="49549584" needed="0">Zav°e konzoli </STRING> <STRING hash="19462965" needed="0">odejφt</STRING> <STRING hash="19466730" needed="0">opustit</STRING> <STRING hash="49524815" needed="0">Opustφ hru</STRING> <STRING hash="15152968" needed="0">jφt</STRING> <STRING hash="207514559" needed="0">Zav°e konzoli, obnovφ hru a vypne odkrytφ celΘ mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="21838953" needed="0">sou°adnice</STRING> <STRING hash="249875559" needed="0">(c | t | w | a) displej sou°adnic/Φtecφ m≤d: Sou°adnice,Tsou°adnice,Wsou°adnice,V╣echny</STRING> <STRING hash="19498792" needed="0">jmΘno</STRING> <STRING hash="266780497" needed="0">(n | c | # | a) identifikaΦnφ displej/Φtecφ m≤d: JmΘna, Barvy, PoΦty, V╣echno</STRING> <STRING hash="21928218" needed="0">pauza</STRING> <STRING hash="72602830" needed="0"> [1 | 0] pozastavit hru </STRING> <STRING hash="27371788" needed="0">sandbox</STRING> <STRING hash="252842200" needed="0">( sandbox ) nastavφ v╣echny hrßΦe na ovlßdanΘ Φlov∞k∞m a odkryje celou mapu</STRING> <STRING hash="15211070" needed="0">ai</STRING> <STRING hash="81821709" needed="0">ai [on | off | debug]</STRING> <STRING hash="19468356" needed="0">safe</STRING> <STRING hash="252897791" needed="0">safe vytvo°φ okolo ka╛dΘho lidskΘho hlavnφho m∞sta mnoho kulomet∙</STRING> <STRING hash="19317954" needed="0">diff</STRING> <STRING hash="135615366" needed="0">diff [? : 0-5] nastavφ obtφ╛nost</STRING> <STRING hash="26792812" needed="0">pointer</STRING> <STRING hash="366353553" needed="0">pointer [text] zobrazφ ukazatel "text" na aktußlnφ pozici my╣i </STRING> <STRING hash="24407345" needed="0">netcmd</STRING> <STRING hash="369188678" needed="0">netcmd [console command] po╣le "console command" p°φkazy v╣em hrßΦ∙m </STRING> <STRING hash="24243609" needed="0">editor</STRING> <STRING hash="71865297" needed="0">Spustφ Editor scΘnß°∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="26879104" needed="0">dosa╛enΘ v²sledky</STRING> <STRING hash="76970763" needed="0">Zobrazit dosa╛enΘ v²sledky </STRING> <STRING hash="24436899" needed="0">script</STRING> <STRING hash="464588922" needed="0">(script [load (jmΘno souboru) | run (jmΘno skriptu) | check]) P°edpoklßdß p°φponu .bhs, nebo zkontroluje v╣echny funkce </STRING> <STRING hash="19616749" needed="0">eval</STRING> <STRING hash="451405079" needed="0">(eval < v²raz nebo funkce call>) -- spustφ v²raz skriptu (no vars atd.)</STRING> <STRING hash="30004655" needed="0">scenario</STRING> <STRING hash="197914611" needed="0">(scenario [on | off | script (jmΘno skriptu) ]</STRING> <STRING hash="24186493" needed="0">edinit</STRING> <STRING hash="113296275" needed="0">(edinit) znovu inicializuje editor</STRING> <STRING hash="24453015" needed="0">repair</STRING> <STRING hash="160003630" needed="0">(repair) znovu vytvo°φ n∞kterß sv∞tovß data </STRING> <STRING hash="21800628" needed="0">vtune</STRING> <STRING hash="748986566" needed="0">(vtune (start | stop | load)) zaΦne nebo skonΦφ nahrßvßnφ VTUNE(TM) v p°φpad∞, ╛e projekt je otev°en² a pozastaven². Pou╛ijte p°φkaz load k namapovßnφ DLL, pokud je t°eba. </STRING> <STRING hash="47056091" needed="0">create_report</STRING> <STRING hash="633631727" needed="0">(create_report (jmenovka)) Po╣le p°φjemci zprßvu o systΘmu, pr∙b∞hu hry a informace o h°e. Standardnφ p°φjemce se nastavuje v souboru rise.ini. </STRING> <STRING hash="24240870" needed="0">zvuky</STRING> <STRING hash="94046515" needed="0">Prßce se zvukem</STRING> <STRING hash="27244965" needed="0">jukebox</STRING> <STRING hash="96074538" needed="0">(jukebox [song # | rnd])</STRING> <STRING hash="21992684" needed="0">speak</STRING> <STRING hash="92968930" needed="0">(speak [text to speak])</STRING> <STRING hash="22020826" needed="0">voice</STRING> <STRING hash="53870645" needed="0">(voice [set #])</STRING> <STRING hash="36546326" needed="0">barva vody</STRING> <STRING hash="115179136" needed="0">Nastavit barvu ARGB(255,255,255,255)</STRING> <STRING hash="30242364" needed="0">grafika</STRING> <STRING hash="162036023" needed="0">"znovu nahraje" nebo "ov∞°φ platnost" grafick²ch dat </STRING> <STRING hash="32769102" needed="0">relaymode</STRING> <STRING hash="201205223" needed="0">relaymode [burst | cycle | clientserver]</STRING> <STRING hash="43079637" needed="0">textureusage</STRING> <STRING hash="186964655" needed="0">textureusage [off | label (filename)]</STRING> <STRING hash="22132068" needed="0">terra</STRING> <STRING hash="117887003" needed="0">terra [(varname)] [ value ]</STRING> <STRING hash="43149265" needed="0">terraintypes</STRING> <STRING hash="104537336" needed="0">p°epne zobrazovßnφ textu o typu terΘnu </STRING> <STRING hash="33473779" needed="0">interface</STRING> <STRING hash="58999909" needed="0">op∞tovn∞ nahraje prost°edφ </STRING> <STRING hash="29725937" needed="0">helptext</STRING> <STRING hash="58354185" needed="0">znovu nahraje help.xml </STRING> <STRING hash="19423539" needed="0">surf</STRING> <STRING hash="39107242" needed="0">novß inicializace povrchu</STRING> <STRING hash="21973437" needed="0">roads</STRING> <STRING hash="450121991" needed="0">(roads (on | off | debugon | debugoff | debugrefon | debugrefoff ) vypne/zapne vykreslovßnφ cesty) </STRING> <STRING hash="15206431" needed="0">be</STRING> <STRING hash="129964875" needed="0">( be [who] ) zm∞nφ pohled </STRING> <STRING hash="19555891" needed="0">ally</STRING> <STRING hash="199753346" needed="0">( ally [who] ) donutφ nßrod k uzav°enφ spojenectvφ </STRING> <STRING hash="22191062" needed="0">peace</STRING> <STRING hash="191392238" needed="0">( peace [who] ) donutφ nßrod k uzav°enφ mφru </STRING> <STRING hash="17306223" needed="0">war</STRING> <STRING hash="179391606" needed="0">( war [who] ) vyhlßsφ vßlku nßrodu </STRING> <STRING hash="19398512" needed="0">meet</STRING> <STRING hash="199182349" needed="0">( meet [who] ) setkßnφ s nßrodem </STRING> <STRING hash="24166762" needed="0">unmeet</STRING> <STRING hash="205279313" needed="0">( unmeet [who] ) ukonΦφ setkßnφ </STRING> <STRING hash="22065735" needed="0">human</STRING> <STRING hash="198979848" needed="0">( human [who] ) vypne ovlßdßnφ nßroda poΦφtaΦem a p°edß ovlßdnφ Φlov∞ku </STRING> <STRING hash="29742072" needed="0">computer</STRING> <STRING hash="201212335" needed="0">computer [who] ) p°edß ovlßdßnφ nßroda poΦφtaΦi </STRING> <STRING hash="24460015" needed="0">defeat</STRING> <STRING hash="122181241" needed="0">( defeat who ) porazφ urΦit² nßrod</STRING> <STRING hash="27260521" needed="0">victory</STRING> <STRING hash="169526583" needed="0">( victory who ) dan² nßrod zvφt∞zφ </STRING> <STRING hash="19590447" needed="0">tech</STRING> <STRING hash="272873628" needed="0">( tech [who] [tech | all] [ (on | off) ] ) zobrazφ nebo zm∞nφ ·rove≥ technologie</STRING> <STRING hash="30067023" needed="0">resource</STRING> <STRING hash="210348284" needed="0">(resource [who] [goodtype | all] [+|-][amount])</STRING> <STRING hash="17157716" needed="0">age</STRING> <STRING hash="202814295" needed="0">(age [age] [who]) zobrazφ nebo zm∞nφ v∞k danΘho nßroda</STRING> <STRING hash="30141780" needed="0">military</STRING> <STRING hash="264202041" needed="0">(military [level] [who]) zobrazφ nebo zm∞nφ vojenskou ·rove≥ pro dan² nßrod </STRING> <STRING hash="22245652" needed="0">civic</STRING> <STRING hash="236753722" needed="0">(civic [level] [who]) zobrazφ nebo zm∞nφ civilizaΦnφ ·rove≥ </STRING> <STRING hash="30007866" needed="0">commerce</STRING> <STRING hash="264374315" needed="0">(commerce [level] [who]) zobrazφ nebo zm∞nφ ·rove≥ obchodu pro dan² nßrod (commerce [level] [who])</STRING> <STRING hash="27204777" needed="0">science</STRING> <STRING hash="256634386" needed="0">(science [level] [who]) zobrazφ nebo zm∞nφ ·rove≥ v∞deckΘho pokroku pro dan² nßrod </STRING> <STRING hash="27516700" needed="0">library</STRING> <STRING hash="320223065" needed="0">(library [level] [who]) zobrazφ nebo zm∞nφ zßkladnφ ·rove≥ pokroku v Knihovn∞ pro dan² nßrod </STRING> <STRING hash="24413240" needed="0">cursor</STRING> <STRING hash="82190431" needed="0">zabrazφ pozici kurzoru</STRING> <STRING hash="24742375" needed="0">camera</STRING> <STRING hash="204306725" needed="0">( camera [x,y] zobrazφ nebo nastavφ pozici kamery </STRING> <STRING hash="19451112" needed="0">zoom</STRING> <STRING hash="129129385" needed="0">(zoom [x,y]) p°epne p°iblφ╛enφ mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="21688631" needed="0">wheel</STRING> <STRING hash="43589753" needed="0">wheel [1-10]</STRING> <STRING hash="26791380" needed="0">cbehind</STRING> <STRING hash="82427849" needed="0">(cbehind [intensity])</STRING> <STRING hash="19713214" needed="0">bbox</STRING> <STRING hash="157438760" needed="0">(1 | 0) p°epne m≤d zobrazenφ pomocnΘho menu</STRING> <STRING hash="22064876" needed="0">scale</STRING> <STRING hash="287325948" needed="0">(scale [guys | trees | builds | camera | unittype] [float scale])</STRING> <STRING hash="19716877" needed="0">sway</STRING> <STRING hash="50736748" needed="0">(sway [1 | 0])</STRING> <STRING hash="24287872" needed="0">ranges</STRING> <STRING hash="119587325" needed="0"> [1 | 0] ukß╛e dosah </STRING> <STRING hash="30977904" needed="0">playback</STRING> <STRING hash="119062594" needed="0"> [1 | 0] p°epne sledovßnφ pohybu kamery</STRING> <STRING hash="27047273" needed="0">capture</STRING> <STRING hash="438667151" needed="0">( [start | stop] [base_path_and_filename] ) zapne/vypne nahrßvßnφ </STRING> <STRING hash="24566440" needed="0">select</STRING> <STRING hash="241228793" needed="0">( select [ [ob#|type] [who] [+] ] ) zobrazφ nebo zm∞nφ v²b∞r </STRING> <STRING hash="24715905" needed="0">object</STRING> <STRING hash="197468429" needed="0">( object [ [ob#] [who] ] ) ukß╛e informace o objektu </STRING> <STRING hash="17087253" needed="0">die</STRING> <STRING hash="217725018" needed="0">( die [o[,who] | select] ) zabije jednotku nebo vybranou(Θ) jednotku(y)</STRING> <STRING hash="19471340" needed="0">anim</STRING> <STRING hash="226279970" needed="0">( anim # ) vybranΘ jednotky provedou danou sekvenci pohyb∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="24424387" needed="0">damage</STRING> <STRING hash="378879076" needed="0">( damage (o[,who] | select) [+|-]damage ) nastavφ po╣kozenφ objektu nebo v²b∞ru</STRING> <STRING hash="19416832" needed="0">move</STRING> <STRING hash="272374364" needed="0">( move (o[,who] | select) (x,y | cursor) ) p°esune kurzor nebo v²b∞r na pozici </STRING> <STRING hash="24273669" needed="0">insert</STRING> <STRING hash="328853814" needed="0">( insert [#] typename [who=RED] [x,y]) vlo╛φ jednotku nebo budovu na pozici my╣i </STRING> <STRING hash="17147626" needed="0">add</STRING> <STRING hash="306491962" needed="0">( add [#] typename [who=RED] [x,y]) vlo╛φ jednotku nebo budovu na pozici my╣i </STRING> <STRING hash="24134179" needed="0">finish</STRING> <STRING hash="235954949" needed="0">( finish ) dokonΦφ stavbu vybranΘ budovy nebo dal╣φho objektu ve front∞ </STRING> <STRING hash="19490550" needed="0">next</STRING> <STRING hash="210632756" needed="0">(next [objtype]) p°epne na dal╣φ objekt nebo budovu </STRING> <STRING hash="19445678" needed="0">bird</STRING> <STRING hash="102296957" needed="0">umφstφ ptßka na pozici kurzoru </STRING> <STRING hash="19380724" needed="0">nuke</STRING> <STRING hash="185738658" needed="0">( nuke ) hodφ atomovou bombu na pozici kurzoru </STRING> <STRING hash="19755726" needed="0">pack</STRING> <STRING hash="297869922" needed="0">( pack ) sbalφ vybranΘ jednotky, jestli╛e majφ tuto schopnost </STRING> <STRING hash="24315441" needed="0">deploy</STRING> <STRING hash="333656231" needed="0">( deploy ) jednotky zaujmou bojovΘ postavenφ, jestli╛e majφ tuto schopnost </STRING> <STRING hash="24469779" needed="0">reveal</STRING> <STRING hash="168141454" needed="0">(reveal [1 | 0]) p°epne odkrytφ celΘ mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="26767096" needed="0">explore</STRING> <STRING hash="246093976" needed="0">(explore [normal | explored | all]) zm∞nφ konfiguraci pr∙zkumu </STRING> <STRING hash="26973956" needed="0">mapsize</STRING> <STRING hash="260727258" needed="0">(mapsize [size | ?]) zabrazφ nebo nastavφ velikost mapy pro generßtor mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="29777674" needed="0">mapstyle</STRING> <STRING hash="242561621" needed="0">(mapstyle [size | ?]) zabrazφ nebo nastavφ typ mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="24242012" needed="0">mapgen</STRING> <STRING hash="169068538" needed="0">(mapgen [quick]) vygeneruje novou mapu </STRING> <STRING hash="36450090" needed="0">numplayers</STRING> <STRING hash="398277615" needed="0">(numplayers [num]) zobrazφ nebo nastavφ poΦet hrßΦ∙ pro hru pro jednoho hrßΦe </STRING> <STRING hash="27267468" needed="0">restart</STRING> <STRING hash="602646232" needed="0">(restart [<seed>|same|random]) restartuje hru. <Seed>=zßklad pro generovßnφ mapy, same=pou╛ije minul², random=nßhodn². P°ednastavenß hodnota je nßhodn² zßkl. </STRING> <STRING hash="19308702" needed="0">seed</STRING> <STRING hash="196051002" needed="0">(seed [seed]) zobrazφ nebo nastavφ hlavnφ Φφslo pro zßklad generovßnφ mapy.</STRING> <STRING hash="33198844" needed="0">mountains</STRING> <STRING hash="198795887" needed="0">(mountains) zobrazφ informace o poΦtu a typu hor</STRING> <STRING hash="37049216" needed="0">startareas</STRING> <STRING hash="390454045" needed="0">(startareas) zobrazφ informace o mno╛stvφ hor a les∙ v dosahu startovcφho m∞sta ka╛dΘho hrßΦe </STRING> <STRING hash="24146010" needed="0">region</STRING> <STRING hash="301080941" needed="0">(region [id]) zobrazφ informace o terΘnu nebo mo°i na pozici kurzoru nebo podle specifikace</STRING> <STRING hash="26756205" needed="0">tileset</STRING> <STRING hash="255243596" needed="0">(tileset [reload]) novß inicializace (smazßnφ z pam∞ti a novΘ nahrßnφ z disku) danΘho stylu grafiky </STRING> <STRING hash="26917093" needed="0">weather</STRING> <STRING hash="195212118" needed="0">(weather) nastavenφ typu poΦasφ </STRING> <STRING hash="22045142" needed="0">trans</STRING> <STRING hash="238406228" needed="0">(trans [ show ]) ukß╛e k≤dy p°echodu pro souΦasnou hodnotu wsou°adnice.</STRING> <STRING hash="21809724" needed="0">river</STRING> <STRING hash="590231072" needed="0">(river [ start | grow | calc ]) poΦßtenφ bod toku °eky | nov² bod, kudy mß °eka tΘct | propoΦφtat °eku</STRING> <STRING hash="48916117" needed="1">NeplatnΘ pou╛itφ - </STRING> <STRING hash="214988136" needed="1">Pou╛ijte "relaymode" k zm∞n∞ m≤du hry pro vφce hrßΦe tohoto balφku </STRING> <STRING hash="202365020" needed="1">(relaymode [burst | cycle | clientserver]</STRING> <STRING hash="32470411" needed="1">P°φklady: </STRING> <STRING hash="54959967" needed="1">relaymode burst</STRING> <STRING hash="55347597" needed="1">relaymode cycle</STRING> <STRING hash="87237296" needed="1">relaymode clientserver</STRING> <STRING hash="21991450" needed="1">burst</STRING> <STRING hash="22058246" needed="1">cycle</STRING> <STRING hash="42760405" needed="1">clientserver</STRING> <STRING hash="200241388" needed="1">Pou╛ijte "textureusage" k v²pisu informacφ o pou╛itφ textur </STRING> <STRING hash="186805313" needed="1">(textureusage [off | label (filename)])</STRING> <STRING hash="72084883" needed="1">textureusage zoomin</STRING> <STRING hash="57810874" needed="1">textureusage off</STRING> <STRING hash="50829536" needed="1">.\TextureUsage</STRING> <STRING hash="265936755" needed="1">Pou╛ijte "scale" ke zm∞n∞ m∞°φtka grafick²ch objekt∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="49576782" needed="1">scale guys 1.5</STRING> <STRING hash="53219108" needed="1">scale trees 2.0</STRING> <STRING hash="56474187" needed="1">scale builds 2.3</STRING> <STRING hash="71823904" needed="1">scale Peasants 0.8f</STRING> <STRING hash="659792800" needed="1">Poznßmka: Pokud jste zm∞nili jednotku, ke kterΘ existuje ╛ensk² ekvivalent (nap°. lachtan) MUS═TE p°φslu╣n²m zp∙sobem zm∞nit textov² soubor! </STRING> <STRING hash="189979697" needed="1">Tyto zm∞ny ZP┘SOB═ chyby v synchronizaci ve h°e pro vφce hrßΦ∙! </STRING> <STRING hash="19525763" needed="1">guys</STRING> <STRING hash="21763389" needed="1">trees</STRING> <STRING hash="24256633" needed="1">builds</STRING> <STRING hash="17206840" needed="1">all</STRING> <STRING hash="188011959" needed="1">V²pis p°φkaz∙ obdr╛φte po napsßnφ: </STRING> <STRING hash="183038944" needed="1">? 1 : Ovlßdßnφ & R∙znΘ p°φkazy</STRING> <STRING hash="184196070" needed="1">? 2 : Nßstroje & Skriptovacφ p°φkazy </STRING> <STRING hash="111963883" needed="1">? 3 : P°φkazy pro prßci se zvukem </STRING> <STRING hash="185779169" needed="1">? 4 : P°φkazy pro prßci s grafikou </STRING> <STRING hash="176963806" needed="1">? 5 : P°φkazy pro hrßΦe/nßrod </STRING> <STRING hash="187290614" needed="1">? 6 : P°φkazy pro pohled/zobrazovßnφ</STRING> <STRING hash="196580997" needed="1">? 7 : P°φkazy pro jednotky/stavby/objekty </STRING> <STRING hash="192538464" needed="1">? 8 : Map & P°φkazy pro generovßnφ mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="198293985" needed="1">? Objects : P°φkazy pro specißlnφ objekty</STRING> <STRING hash="27387903" needed="1">Objekty </STRING> <STRING hash="15149929" needed="1">? </STRING> <STRING hash="26873394" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ </STRING> <STRING hash="19747561" needed="1">R∙znΘ </STRING> <STRING hash="21868471" needed="1">Nßstroje </STRING> <STRING hash="24458721" needed="1">Skript </STRING> <STRING hash="21759468" needed="1">Zvukov² doprovod </STRING> <STRING hash="21798071" needed="1">Zvuky </STRING> <STRING hash="30258220" needed="1">Grafika </STRING> <STRING hash="24465167" needed="1">HrßΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="24372271" needed="1">Nßrod </STRING> <STRING hash="24305437" needed="1">V∙dce </STRING> <STRING hash="24666983" needed="1">Kamera </STRING> <STRING hash="27315239" needed="1">Zobrazenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="19473701" needed="1">Jednotka </STRING> <STRING hash="29352617" needed="1">Budova</STRING> <STRING hash="24735557" needed="1">Objekt </STRING> <STRING hash="17303317" needed="1">Mapa </STRING> <STRING hash="24259218" needed="1">Generovßnφ mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="92309570" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ & R∙znΘ p°φkazy </STRING> <STRING hash="92709687" needed="1">Nßstroje & Skriptovacφ p°φkazy </STRING> <STRING hash="50166906" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ zvuku </STRING> <STRING hash="92945678" needed="1">P°φkazy pro prßci s grafikou </STRING> <STRING hash="87785733" needed="1">P°φkazy pro hrßΦe/nßrod </STRING> <STRING hash="93740873" needed="1">P°φkazy pro kameru/zobrazovßnφ </STRING> <STRING hash="130975767" needed="1">P°φkazy pro jednotky/stavby/objekty </STRING> <STRING hash="123058926" needed="1">Mapa & P°φkazy pro generovßnφ mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="19518605" needed="1"> -- </STRING> <STRING hash="22078902" needed="1">start</STRING> <STRING hash="103542133" needed="1">Spou╣tφ se Editor scΘnßr∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="97601151" needed="1">UkonΦuje se Editor scΘnßr∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="24397243" needed="1">reload</STRING> <STRING hash="24255283" needed="1">verify</STRING> <STRING hash="13267307" needed="1">w</STRING> <STRING hash="13334763" needed="1">c</STRING> <STRING hash="13323349" needed="1">a</STRING> <STRING hash="21964369" needed="1">debug</STRING> <STRING hash="13257424" needed="1">n</STRING> <STRING hash="13280947" needed="1">#</STRING> <STRING hash="27062982" needed="1">addroad</STRING> <STRING hash="24440284" needed="1">recomp</STRING> <STRING hash="38058794" needed="1">Kurzor X = </STRING> <STRING hash="38073547" needed="1">Kurzor Y = </STRING> <STRING hash="86071836" needed="1">Kurzor Z(find_data)= </STRING> <STRING hash="100921404" needed="1">Kurzor Z (master verts)= </STRING> <STRING hash="29930535" needed="1">Nebyla nalezena ╛ßdnß cesta</STRING> <STRING hash="24024456" needed="1">Cesta: </STRING> <STRING hash="23941777" needed="1"> rot: </STRING> <STRING hash="29650835" needed="1"> refcnt:</STRING> <STRING hash="32603673" needed="1">not found</STRING> <STRING hash="24374372" needed="1">mapwin</STRING> <STRING hash="19476840" needed="1">show</STRING> <STRING hash="62902949" needed="1">Byl zadßn poΦßtek toku °eky: </STRING> <STRING hash="19492286" needed="1">grow</STRING> <STRING hash="19918798" needed="1">calc</STRING> <STRING hash="19542878" needed="1">path</STRING> <STRING hash="19476559" needed="1">flow</STRING> <STRING hash="61888030" needed="1">FLOW: nenφ v toku °eky </STRING> <STRING hash="17184608" needed="1">tex</STRING> <STRING hash="61806357" needed="1">TEX: nenφ v toku °eky </STRING> <STRING hash="24353849" needed="1">memory</STRING> <STRING hash="135620170" needed="1">zßznam zapsßn do souboru arraycheck.txt </STRING> <STRING hash="471518878" needed="1">Kontrola p°i kompilaci na pl²tvßnφ pam∞ti p°i prßci s poli vypnuta. Chcete-li zapnout kontrolu p°i kompilaci, zadejte parametr ARRAY_CHECK_WASTE. </STRING> <STRING hash="24160917" needed="1">trough</STRING> <STRING hash="65838744" needed="1">Hodnota v²╣ky terΘnu:</STRING> <STRING hash="37680823" needed="1">IdentifikaΦnφ Φφslo ·dolφ:: </STRING> <STRING hash="188519948" needed="1">Zobrazφ informace o oblasti ·zemφ/mo°e. </STRING> <STRING hash="138990659" needed="1"><reg#>: definuje oblast </STRING> <STRING hash="99008226" needed="1">oblast pod kurzorem: </STRING> <STRING hash="31807605" needed="1">Oblast = </STRING> <STRING hash="24323832" needed="1">(Land)</STRING> <STRING hash="22122900" needed="1">(Sea)</STRING> <STRING hash="48305812" needed="1">Velikost oblasti =</STRING> <STRING hash="35131045" needed="1"> Hodnocenφ = </STRING> <STRING hash="44546514" needed="1"> ┌rodnost = </STRING> <STRING hash="49205465" needed="1"> Zdroj =</STRING> <STRING hash="44550131" needed="1"> Bonusy = </STRING> <STRING hash="60686122" needed="1">Klima ·zemφ = </STRING> <STRING hash="64717650" needed="1"> Vlajky oblasti = </STRING> <STRING hash="23967648" needed="1">MERGE </STRING> <STRING hash="26521764" needed="1">NORARE </STRING> <STRING hash="26655792" needed="1">PLAYER </STRING> <STRING hash="32252106" needed="1">RESOURCE </STRING> <STRING hash="53486489" needed="1">Faktor ruin = </STRING> <STRING hash="66040425" needed="1"> B∞╛n² faktor = </STRING> <STRING hash="36074628" needed="1">% plochy)</STRING> <STRING hash="24092833" needed="1">Plocha: </STRING> <STRING hash="15172414" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="13285311" needed="1">%</STRING> <STRING hash="220310114" needed="1">P°φkaz "object o [who]" zobrazφ informace o objektu. </STRING> <STRING hash="30130647" needed="1">object 1</STRING> <STRING hash="41774080" needed="1">object 3 red</STRING> <STRING hash="151337363" needed="1">Nastavenφ velikosti mapy pro generßtor map </STRING> <STRING hash="159822898" needed="1">Nastavenφ stylu mapy pro generßtor map. </STRING> <STRING hash="199129831" needed="1">Nastavenφ poΦtu hrßΦ∙ (1-8) pro generßtor mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="116884425" needed="1">Tato funkce nenφ ve h°e pro vφce hrßΦ∙ dostupnß. </STRING> <STRING hash="194502461" needed="1">Vygeneruje novou mapu. P°ednastavenß hodnota je nßhodn∞ zvolenΘ Φφslo. </STRING> <STRING hash="154596994" needed="1">mapgen <seed> = pou╛ije zadanou hodnotu zßkladu pro generovßnφ mapy</STRING> <STRING hash="174575578" needed="1">mapgen same = pou╛ije minule zadanou hodnotu zßkladu pro generovßnφ mapy</STRING> <STRING hash="139556354" needed="1">mapgen random = pou╛ije nßhodn∞ zvolenou hodnotu zßkladu pro generovßnφ mapy</STRING> <STRING hash="24294101" needed="1">random</STRING> <STRING hash="19503361" needed="1">same</STRING> <STRING hash="54712971" needed="1">Probφhß generovßnφ mapy. </STRING> <STRING hash="193232109" needed="1">Zm∞nila se velikost mapy - nutn² restart. </STRING> <STRING hash="167880941" needed="1">Tato funkce nenφ p°φstupnß, kdy╛ je spu╣t∞n² editor.</STRING> <STRING hash="192161812" needed="1">Restartuje hru. P°ednastavenß hodnota je nßhodn∞ zvolenΘ Φφslo. </STRING> <STRING hash="163538489" needed="1"><seed> = pou╛ije zadanou hodnotu zßkladu pro generovßnφ mapy</STRING> <STRING hash="184553861" needed="1">restart same = pou╛ije minule zadanou hodnotu zßkladu pro generovßnφ mapy</STRING> <STRING hash="147326211" needed="1">restart random = pou╛ije nßhodnou hodnotu zßkladu pro generovßnφ mapy</STRING> <STRING hash="58512900" needed="1">Probφhß restart hry. </STRING> <STRING hash="198377568" needed="1">Zobrazφ nebo nastavφ zp∙sob zobrazovßnφ jednotek, kterΘ jsou zakryty jin²mi objekty </STRING> <STRING hash="101121149" needed="1">Zobrazφ nebo nastavφ zßklad pro generovßnφ mapy</STRING> <STRING hash="19554443" needed="1">load</STRING> <STRING hash="33459750" needed="1">Scenario\</STRING> <STRING hash="13302058" needed="1">\</STRING> <STRING hash="110297832" needed="1">chyby b∞hem kompilace skriptu.</STRING> <STRING hash="177290008" needed="1">Ve skriptu jsou chyby! - Dal╣φ informace v zßznamu o pr∙b∞hu kompilace </STRING> <STRING hash="57889892" needed="1">zßznam o pr∙b∞hu kompilace (soubor compiler_errors.log) </STRING> <STRING hash="72309060" needed="1">compiler_errors.log</STRING> <STRING hash="186725215" needed="1">Dal╣φ informace naleznete ve Script Log (CTRL + ALT + X).</STRING> <STRING hash="86736141" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se nahrßt skript. </STRING> <STRING hash="130810199" needed="1">Kompilace skriptu prob∞hla bez problΘm∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="17180456" needed="1">run</STRING> <STRING hash="54596249" needed="1">Skript byl spu╣t∞n. </STRING> <STRING hash="124716989" needed="1">Vykonßvßnφ skriptu se zastavilo na kontrolnφm bod∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="98217561" needed="1">Selhalo spu╣t∞nφ skriptu. </STRING> <STRING hash="187653449" needed="1">Dal╣φ informace naleznete v souboru Script Log (CTRL + ALT + X).</STRING> <STRING hash="22091048" needed="1">check</STRING> <STRING hash="162431270" needed="1">Spou╣t∞nφ skript∙ ve scΘnß°i zapnuto. </STRING> <STRING hash="171478003" needed="1">Spou╣t∞nφ skript∙ ve scΘnß°i vypnuto. </STRING> <STRING hash="95747605" needed="1">Ve scΘnß°i jsou nahranΘ tyto skripty:</STRING> <STRING hash="112818447" needed="1">Ve scΘnß°i nebyly nalezeny tyto skripty: </STRING> <STRING hash="45637638" needed="1">Prßve se p°ehrßvß:</STRING> <STRING hash="17192720" needed="1"> - </STRING> <STRING hash="17113555" needed="1">rnd</STRING> <STRING hash="53377384" needed="1">SouΦasn² hlas: </STRING> <STRING hash="65283422" needed="1">PlatnΘ volby: 0 - </STRING> <STRING hash="75185727" needed="1">XML Element nebyl nalezen </STRING> <STRING hash="33041752" needed="1">variable </STRING> <STRING hash="21975584" needed="1"> set.</STRING> <STRING hash="33064110" needed="1">Prom∞nnß </STRING> <STRING hash="80414123" needed="1"> je momentßln∞ nastavena na </STRING> <STRING hash="26986403" needed="1">debugon</STRING> <STRING hash="29547193" needed="1">debugoff</STRING> <STRING hash="35904081" needed="1">debugrefon</STRING> <STRING hash="38953774" needed="1">debugrefoff</STRING> <STRING hash="88393279" needed="1">Probφhß ov∞°ovßnφ platnosti zadßnφ cesty... </STRING> <STRING hash="432588026" needed="1">VTUNE(TM) Profiler p°ipraven. Pro sprßvnΘ v²sledky musφ b²t VTUNE spu╣t∞n a pozastaven. </STRING> <STRING hash="19465567" needed="1">stop</STRING> <STRING hash="196784573" needed="1">VTUNE pozastaven. </STRING> <STRING hash="94919260" needed="1">Nahrßna knihovna rozhranφ VTUNE(TM) </STRING> <STRING hash="144132844" needed="1">Nemohu najφt knihovnu rozhranφ VTUNE(TM) </STRING> <STRING hash="26618265" needed="1">Celkem: </STRING> <STRING hash="26513676" needed="1">Mal²: </STRING> <STRING hash="29030784" needed="1">St°ednφ: </STRING> <STRING hash="26372044" needed="1">Velk²: </STRING> <STRING hash="39145576" needed="1">PoΦßteΦnφ oblast </STRING> <STRING hash="32488291" needed="1"> Les, </STRING> <STRING hash="26910784" needed="1"> Skßla, </STRING> <STRING hash="19439391" needed="1"> Ropa </STRING> <STRING hash="193382271" needed="1">P°φkazem "wheel" nastavφte citlivost my╣i. </STRING> <STRING hash="82550579" needed="1">(wheel [sensitivity])</STRING> <STRING hash="26716529" needed="1">wheel 1</STRING> <STRING hash="26099882" needed="1">wheel 2</STRING> <STRING hash="181447099" needed="1">P°φkazem "next" p°epnete na dal╣φ objekt. </STRING> <STRING hash="93118532" needed="1">( next unittype [zoom])</STRING> <STRING hash="43074442" needed="1">next citizen</STRING> <STRING hash="50595017" needed="1">next city zoom</STRING> <STRING hash="47475878" needed="1">next research</STRING> <STRING hash="30285168" needed="1">research</STRING> <STRING hash="38478544" needed="1">V╣echny hrßΦe ovlßdß Φlov∞k </STRING> <STRING hash="15161999" needed="1">no</STRING> <STRING hash="15179365" needed="1">ex</STRING> <STRING hash="304892664" needed="1">P°φkaz netcmd [console command] po╣le p°φkazy z konzole v╣em hrßΦ∙m </STRING> <STRING hash="213931964" needed="1">P°φkaz pointer [text] p°idß nßpov∞du, kterß se zobrazφ, kdy╛ umφstφte kurzor my╣i nad objekt. </STRING> <STRING hash="195427916" needed="1">P°φkazem "be playername" zm∞nφte hrßΦe. </STRING> <STRING hash="32012424" needed="1">Nßrod = </STRING> <STRING hash="220729710" needed="1">P°φkazem "human playername" p°edßte ovlßdßnφ nßroda hrßΦi. </STRING> <STRING hash="226074999" needed="1">P°φkazem "computer playername" p°edßte ovlßdßnφ nßroda poΦφtaΦi. </STRING> <STRING hash="26893014" needed="1"><Human></STRING> <STRING hash="35547383" needed="1"><Computer></STRING> <STRING hash="19346423" needed="1"> <*></STRING> <STRING hash="199276765" needed="1">P°φkazem "ally playername" uzav°ete spojenectvφ s dan²m hrßΦem. </STRING> <STRING hash="189536757" needed="1">P°φkazem "peace playername" uzav°ete mφr s dan²m hrßΦem.</STRING> <STRING hash="169726227" needed="1">P°φkazem "war playername" vyhlßsφte vßlku danΘmu hrßΦi. </STRING> <STRING hash="58099175" needed="1"><Current Player></STRING> <STRING hash="24040436" needed="1"><Ally></STRING> <STRING hash="21938784" needed="1"><War></STRING> <STRING hash="27054615" needed="1"><Peace></STRING> <STRING hash="189382031" needed="1">Ve h°e pro vφce hrßΦ∙ nem∙╛ete m∞nit smlouvy. </STRING> <STRING hash="29262619" needed="1">: <Ally></STRING> <STRING hash="32964246" needed="1">: <Peace></STRING> <STRING hash="26913521" needed="1">: <War></STRING> <STRING hash="199060173" needed="1">P°φkaz "meet playername" zp∙sobφ setkßnφ s hrßΦem. </STRING> <STRING hash="205258489" needed="1">P°φkaz "unmeet playername" ukonΦφ setkßnφ s hrßΦem. </STRING> <STRING hash="21685750" needed="1"><Met></STRING> <STRING hash="32290963" needed="1"><Not Met></STRING> <STRING hash="26474223" needed="1">: <Met></STRING> <STRING hash="38522378" needed="1">: <Not Met></STRING> <STRING hash="195219748" needed="1">P°φkaz "victory [who]" zp∙sobφ, ╛e dan² nßrod vyhraje.</STRING> <STRING hash="193906556" needed="1">P°φkaz "defeat [who]" zp∙sobφ, ╛e dan² nßrod prohraje.</STRING> <STRING hash="212146638" needed="1">P°φkaz "resource" slou╛φ k zobrazenφ a modifikaci zdroj∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="208434807" needed="1">( resource [who] [goodtype | all] [+|-][amount] )</STRING> <STRING hash="43222472" needed="1">resource all</STRING> <STRING hash="97663183" needed="1">resource red wealth +100</STRING> <STRING hash="68527503" needed="1">resource all -1000</STRING> <STRING hash="202722417" needed="1">P°φkaz "tech" slou╛φ k zobrazenφ a modifikaci technologiφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="208201775" needed="1">( tech [who] [techname | all] [ (on | off | show) ] )</STRING> <STRING hash="39337513" needed="1">tech all on</STRING> <STRING hash="91726012" needed="1">tech The-Art-Of-War off</STRING> <STRING hash="99661967" needed="1">tech Shaggy Phalanx show</STRING> <STRING hash="19690481" needed="1">tubs</STRING> <STRING hash="104197756" needed="1">P°φkaz "die" zabije danou jednotku. </STRING> <STRING hash="109703030" needed="1">( die [o[,who] | select] )</STRING> <STRING hash="36322998" needed="1">die select</STRING> <STRING hash="21495647" needed="1">die 5</STRING> <STRING hash="36207315" needed="1">die 1 blue</STRING> <STRING hash="216050508" needed="1">P°φkaz "anim #" zp∙sobφ, ╛e vybranΘ jednotky provedou urΦitou sekvenci pohyb∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="35100377" needed="1">( anim # )</STRING> <STRING hash="24344749" needed="1">anim 0</STRING> <STRING hash="23875992" needed="1">anim 5</STRING> <STRING hash="150691081" needed="1">P°φkaz "damage" slou╛φ k nastavenφ po╣kozenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="197440664" needed="1">( damage [o[,who] | select] [+|-]damage )</STRING> <STRING hash="62023443" needed="1">damage select +50</STRING> <STRING hash="39821188" needed="1">damage +100</STRING> <STRING hash="53536475" needed="1">damage o=5 -100</STRING> <STRING hash="86011521" needed="1">damage o=5 shaggy +100</STRING> <STRING hash="194301129" needed="1">P°φkaz "move" slou╛φ k p°esunu jednotky nebo v²b∞ru. </STRING> <STRING hash="199370036" needed="1">( move [o[,who] | select] [x,y | cursor] )</STRING> <STRING hash="64633888" needed="1">move 5 red w10,w35</STRING> <STRING hash="68734605" needed="1">move select cursor</STRING> <STRING hash="81021413" needed="1">move select t105,t200</STRING> <STRING hash="76525905" needed="1">P°esunovat lze pouze jednotky. </STRING> <STRING hash="97611037" needed="1">P°esunovat lze pouze budovy. </STRING> <STRING hash="199769837" needed="1">P°φkaz INSERT je mo╛nΘ pou╛φt pouze ve h°e pro jednoho hrßΦe. </STRING> <STRING hash="38387929" needed="1">Kamera X = </STRING> <STRING hash="38402682" needed="1">Kamera Y = </STRING> <STRING hash="73029546" needed="1">Kamera X = </STRING> <STRING hash="73044299" needed="1">Kamera Y = </STRING> <STRING hash="73071740" needed="1">Kamera Z = </STRING> <STRING hash="134823164" needed="1">Rozm∞ry pohledu = </STRING> <STRING hash="187139252" needed="1">select 5 red [vybere jednotku 5 ΦervenΘho] </STRING> <STRING hash="322481635" needed="1">select 200 shaggy + [p°idß 200 vybranΘ budov∞ ] </STRING> <STRING hash="299314107" needed="1">select phalanx blue [vybere v╣echny modrΘ falangy na obrazovce] </STRING> <STRING hash="303033124" needed="1">select units who=4 [vybere v╣echny jednotky hrßΦe 4 na obrazovce]</STRING> <STRING hash="224324949" needed="1">select buildings [vybere v╣echny budovy na obrazovce] </STRING> <STRING hash="19452125" needed="1">unit</STRING> <STRING hash="21792012" needed="1">build</STRING> <STRING hash="15306693" needed="1">ub</STRING> <STRING hash="13298011" needed="1">+</STRING> <STRING hash="199279601" needed="1">Bohu╛el, p°φkaz FINISH je mo╛nΘ pou╛φt pouze ve h°e pro jednoho hrßΦe.</STRING> <STRING hash="194835408" needed="1">Bohu╛el, p°φkaz ADD je mo╛nΘ pou╛φt pouze ve h°e pro jednoho hrßΦe. </STRING> <STRING hash="212527628" needed="1">P°idß jednotky nebo budovy na pozici kurzoru. </STRING> <STRING hash="199389369" needed="1">SYNTAX: add [#] [NEW] typename [who=RED] [x,y])</STRING> <STRING hash="40300018" needed="1">add phalanx</STRING> <STRING hash="47167896" needed="1">add 5 phalanx</STRING> <STRING hash="71093551" needed="1">add scout-horse red</STRING> <STRING hash="105436627" needed="1">add musketeers red w30,w20</STRING> <STRING hash="29612409" needed="1">add fort</STRING> <STRING hash="57194274" needed="1">add new fort red</STRING> <STRING hash="17233757" needed="1">NEW</STRING> <STRING hash="45426478" needed="1">Mo╛n² v²b∞r: </STRING> <STRING hash="53140139" needed="1">0 - Starov∞k</STRING> <STRING hash="17090010" needed="1">V∞k</STRING> <STRING hash="27534100" needed="1">Knihovna</STRING> <STRING hash="23780226" needed="1">V∞k = </STRING> <STRING hash="28930633" needed="1">; Kdo = </STRING> <STRING hash="61312709" needed="1">Neznßm² p°φkaz:</STRING> <STRING hash="215446965" needed="1">Hernφ konzole ( '?' - v²pis v╣ech p°φkaz∙, 'exit' - zav°enφ konzole a nßvrat do hry) </STRING> <STRING hash="146591452" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ p°epnuto na poΦφtaΦ</STRING> <STRING hash="103393424" needed="1">PokraΦovat na Mapu sv∞ta </STRING> <STRING hash="19264394" needed="1">Konec </STRING> <STRING hash="108767482" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m zabral dostateΦn∞ velkΘ ·zemφ a vyhrßl! </STRING> <STRING hash="152644545" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m zabral v╣echna hlavnφ m∞sta a vyhrßl! </STRING> <STRING hash="184360771" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m vyhrßl stylem nßhlß smrt! </STRING> <STRING hash="219241233" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m dosßhl v koneΦnΘm souΦtu nejvy╣╣φho poΦtu bod∙! </STRING> <STRING hash="131293566" needed="1">V╣ichni va╣i protivnφci se vzdali! </STRING> <STRING hash="196604792" needed="1">V╣ichni va╣i protivnφci se vzdali nebo se odpojili! </STRING> <STRING hash="48762761" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m vyhrßl! </STRING> <STRING hash="141371806" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m zφskal dostateΦn² poΦet bod∙ za stavbu Div∙ sv∞ta a vyhrßl! </STRING> <STRING hash="167719552" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m zabral v∞t╣inu ·zemφ a vyhrßl! </STRING> <STRING hash="177341063" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m dosßhl dostateΦnΘho technologickΘho pokroku a vyhrßl! </STRING> <STRING hash="135747148" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m zφskal dostatek bod∙ a vyhrßl! </STRING> <STRING hash="169092905" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m mß dostateΦn∞ rozvinutou ekonomiku a vyhrßl! </STRING> <STRING hash="189606154" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m dosßhl v ΦasovΘm limitu nejvy╣╣φho poΦtu bod∙! </STRING> <STRING hash="102633644" needed="1">Prohrßli jste bitvu.</STRING> <STRING hash="139906708" needed="1">Vß╣ nßrod byl p°emo╛en. </STRING> <STRING hash="87104405" needed="1">P°i╣li jste o hlavnφ m∞sto!</STRING> <STRING hash="144773695" needed="1">P°i╣li jste o m∞sto stylem nßhlß smrt! </STRING> <STRING hash="198303530" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m dosßhl v ΦasovΘm limitu nejni╛╣φho poΦtu bod∙! </STRING> <STRING hash="77983305" needed="1">Vzdali jste boj nebo ukonΦili hru! </STRING> <STRING hash="194359071" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m nesplnil cφle mise! </STRING> <STRING hash="48720454" needed="1">Prohra! </STRING> <STRING hash="167555258" needed="1">Dal╣φ t²m zφskal dostateΦn² poΦet bod∙ za stavbu Div∙ sv∞ta a vyhrßl. </STRING> <STRING hash="186473327" needed="1">Jin² t²m zφskal dostateΦn² poΦet bod∙ za stavbu Div∙ sv∞ta a vyhrßl. </STRING> <STRING hash="188515971" needed="1">Dal╣φ t²m zabral dostateΦn∞ velkΘ ·zemφ a vyhrßl. </STRING> <STRING hash="189574256" needed="1">Jin² t²m dobyl dostateΦn∞ velkΘ ·zemφ a vyhrßl. </STRING> <STRING hash="188613425" needed="1">Dal╣φ t²m dosßhl dostateΦnΘho technologickΘho pokroku a vyhrßl. </STRING> <STRING hash="196212840" needed="1">Jin² t²m dosßhl dostateΦnΘho technologickΘho pokroku a vyhrßl. </STRING> <STRING hash="160236845" needed="1">Dal╣φ t²m zφskal dostatek bod∙ a vyhrßl. </STRING> <STRING hash="178464786" needed="1">Jin² t²m zφskal dostatek bod∙ a vyhrßl. </STRING> <STRING hash="190127050" needed="1">Dal╣φ t²m mß dostateΦn∞ rozvinutou ekonomiku a vyhrßl. </STRING> <STRING hash="191196261" needed="1">Jin² t²m mß dostateΦn∞ rozvinutou ekonomiku a vyhrßl. </STRING> <STRING hash="210760062" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m nedosßhl v ΦasovΘm limitu nejvy╣╣φho poΦtu bod∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="60651021" needed="1">V╣ichni hrßΦi prohrßli!</STRING> <STRING hash="75771416" needed="1">Zabrali jste dostateΦn∞ velkΘ ·zemφ a vyhrßli! </STRING> <STRING hash="110763977" needed="1">Zabrali jste v╣echna hlavnφ m∞sta a vyhrßli! </STRING> <STRING hash="140908157" needed="1">Vyhrßli jste stylem Nßhlß smrt! </STRING> <STRING hash="199771431" needed="1">Dosßhli jste v koneΦnΘm souΦtu nejvy╣╣φho poΦtu bod∙! check!</STRING> <STRING hash="83895305" needed="1">Vß╣ protivφk se vzdal! </STRING> <STRING hash="192142841" needed="1">Vß╣ protivnφk se odpojil nebo spadlo p°ipojenφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="209381013" needed="1">V╣ichni va╣i protivnφci se vzdali nebo se odpojili. </STRING> <STRING hash="28956793" needed="1">Vyhrßli jste! </STRING> <STRING hash="102327222" needed="1">Zφskali jste dostateΦn² poΦet bod∙ za stavbu Div∙ sv∞ta a vyhrßli! </STRING> <STRING hash="121895246" needed="1">Zabrali jste dostateΦn∞ velkΘ ·zemφ a vyhrßli! </STRING> <STRING hash="128612905" needed="1">Dosßhli jste dostateΦnΘho technologickΘho pokroku a vyhrßli! </STRING> <STRING hash="97451280" needed="1">Zφskali jste dostateΦn² poΦet bod∙ a vyhrßli! </STRING> <STRING hash="122996801" needed="1">Mßte dostateΦn∞ rozvinutou ekonomiku a vyhrßli jste! </STRING> <STRING hash="184224170" needed="1">Dosßhli jste v ΦasovΘm limitu nejvy╣╣φho poΦtu bod∙! </STRING> <STRING hash="190046018" needed="1">Dosßhli jste v ΦasovΘm limitu nejni╛╣φho poΦtu bod∙! </STRING> <STRING hash="185876082" needed="1">Nesplnili jste cφle mise! </STRING> <STRING hash="128596350" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se vßm zφskat nejvy╣╣φ poΦet bod∙ za stavbu Div∙ sv∞ta! </STRING> <STRING hash="151502012" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se vßm zabrat nejvφc ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="160150475" needed="1">Nedosßhli jste nejv∞t╣φho technologieckΘho pokroku. </STRING> <STRING hash="123243814" needed="1">Nedosßhli jste nejvy╣╣φho poΦtu bod∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="152807677" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se vßm nejvφc rozvinout ekonomiku. </STRING> <STRING hash="196304184" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se vßm dosßhnout v ΦasovΘm limitu nejvy╣╣φho poΦtu bod∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="29158528" needed="1">V═T╠ZSTV═! </STRING> <STRING hash="26003391" needed="1">POR┴«KAl </STRING> <STRING hash="37418940" needed="1">ARMAGEDON!</STRING> <STRING hash="37406614" needed="1">╚as hry: </STRING> <STRING hash="41256044" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ body: </STRING> <STRING hash="36008718" needed="1">RychlΘ shroma╛∩ovßnφ zdroj∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="5935207" needed="1">Zapnuto </STRING> <STRING hash="21446289" needed="1">VolnΘ pozastavenφ: </STRING> <STRING hash="35802418" needed="1">Turnaj: </STRING> <STRING hash="4666396" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="15235312" needed="1">(UzamΦeno) </STRING> <STRING hash="18310981" needed="1">Zßklad generovßnφ nßhodn²ch Φφsel: </STRING> <STRING hash="69426468" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0 podvßdφ! </STRING> <STRING hash="4658681" needed="1">I</STRING> <STRING hash="5926826" needed="1">II</STRING> <STRING hash="7282798" needed="1">III</STRING> <STRING hash="5975933" needed="1">IV</STRING> <STRING hash="4679614" needed="1">V</STRING> <STRING hash="5947759" needed="1">VI</STRING> <STRING hash="7303731" needed="1">VII</STRING> <STRING hash="8599228" needed="1">VIII</STRING> <STRING hash="10166503" needed="1">p°. n. l.</STRING> <STRING hash="10083061" needed="1">n. l.</STRING> <STRING hash="180208733" needed="1">Vßlka nenφ dovolena, dokud p°φm∞°φ nevypr╣φ! </STRING> <STRING hash="103492792" needed="1">V tΘto h°e nenφ vßlka dovolena! </STRING> <STRING hash="149093197" needed="1">Vßlka nenφ dovolena, dokud nepokroΦφte do $CLASSICALAGE0! </STRING> <STRING hash="257629770" needed="1">Do╣lo k chyb∞ skriptu. Dal╣φ informace naleznete ve Script Log (CTRL + ALT + X). </STRING> <STRING hash="42857222" needed="1">M┘«ETE VYHL┴SIT V┴LKU! </STRING> <STRING hash="28724359" needed="1">Vyhlßsit V┴LKU! </STRING> <STRING hash="37761407" needed="1">autosaveload.sav</STRING> <STRING hash="32693111" needed="1">Zm∞nit pohled </STRING> <STRING hash="80658385" needed="1">Game::close_non_rules_data</STRING> <STRING hash="30226698" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data. </STRING> <STRING hash="23892404" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se ukazatele my╣i. </STRING> <STRING hash="19181274" needed="1">Nahrßvß se mapa. </STRING> <STRING hash="16990921" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se atomovΘ zbran∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="19164267" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se fonty. </STRING> <STRING hash="26517652" needed="1">Nahrßvß se Φßsticov² systΘm. </STRING> <STRING hash="17104637" needed="1">Nahrßvß se terΘn. </STRING> <STRING hash="19172217" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se formy </STRING> <STRING hash="61165979" needed="1">Zjistit nastavenφ Windows </STRING> <STRING hash="28473935" needed="1">DokonΦuje se inicializace. </STRING> <STRING hash="20147151" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se pravidla. </STRING> <STRING hash="29321327" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se konstanty. </STRING> <STRING hash="40265970" needed="1">Kompilßtor & inicializace VM </STRING> <STRING hash="19532459" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se pravidla v²voje technologiφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="19393207" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se pravidla pro jednotky. </STRING> <STRING hash="28783375" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se pravidla pro budovy. </STRING> <STRING hash="13896276" needed="1">Vztahy s jin²mi zem∞mi </STRING> <STRING hash="17345379" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se nßzvy v∞k∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="23926827" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o nßrodech.</STRING> <STRING hash="26267117" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o smlouvßch. </STRING> <STRING hash="31902954" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o typu hry.</STRING> <STRING hash="31867450" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se pravidla hry. </STRING> <STRING hash="28937143" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o typu mapy. </STRING> <STRING hash="32496580" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o obtφ╛nosti.</STRING> <STRING hash="28981900" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o velikosti mapy. </STRING> <STRING hash="24185089" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se podmφnky dosa╛enφ vφt∞zstvφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="38666968" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se podmφnky prohry. </STRING> <STRING hash="45176818" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se poΦßteΦnφ m∞sta. </STRING> <STRING hash="61742990" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se zdroje.</STRING> <STRING hash="42796108" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o zdrojφch protivnφka.</STRING> <STRING hash="32039055" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se nßklady na technologie. </STRING> <STRING hash="41770112" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se technologie. </STRING> <STRING hash="26521233" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se technologie protivnφka.</STRING> <STRING hash="35022402" needed="1">DokonΦuje se nahrßvßnφ technologiφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="32367108" needed="1">Nahrßvß se odhalenφ mapy. </STRING> <STRING hash="28686410" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se omezenφ poΦtu obyvatel.</STRING> <STRING hash="31819134" needed="1">Nahrßvß se stupe≥ agresivity protivnφka. </STRING> <STRING hash="34628411" needed="1">Nahrßvß se Super zpomalen² Φas. </STRING> <STRING hash="26970814" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se omezenφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="35109360" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se specifikace hrßΦ∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="42149390" needed="1">Nahrßvß se poΦet hrßΦ∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="42183647" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se omezenφ poΦtu pozorovatel∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="31423136" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o rychlosti hry.</STRING> <STRING hash="19247370" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se poΦßteΦnφ hodnoty bod∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="31616085" needed="1">Nahrßvß se omezenφ Φasu hry. </STRING> <STRING hash="45771279" needed="1">Nahrßvß se m≤d ⌐katule hejbejte se.</STRING> <STRING hash="45981142" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se podmφnky vφt∞zstvφ za zisk bod∙ ze staveb Div∙ sv∞ta. </STRING> <STRING hash="62424994" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se podmφnky vφt∞zstvφ za poΦet obyvatel.</STRING> <STRING hash="54217389" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se podmφnky vφt∞zstvφ za ekonomick² rozvoj. </STRING> <STRING hash="27101047" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se typy vφt∞zstvφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="32194002" needed="1">Nahrßvß se nßpov∞da. </STRING> <STRING hash="68886201" needed="1">Probφhß inicializace hernφch dat. </STRING> <STRING hash="23859993" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o v∙dcφch. </STRING> <STRING hash="21417419" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o hrdinech. </STRING> <STRING hash="26715054" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o specißlnφch jednotkßch.</STRING> <STRING hash="26031805" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o zßsobßch. </STRING> <STRING hash="26952295" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o Karavanßch.</STRING> <STRING hash="21393514" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o m∞stech. </STRING> <STRING hash="23725267" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o Divech sv∞ta. </STRING> <STRING hash="19210630" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o Pevnostech. </STRING> <STRING hash="19354350" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o lod∞nicφch. </STRING> <STRING hash="28739353" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o Ropn²ch vrtech. </STRING> <STRING hash="24290113" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o objektech. </STRING> <STRING hash="34478970" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se informace o nastavenφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="34518754" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o pr∙zkumnφcφch. </STRING> <STRING hash="21385200" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o armßdßch. </STRING> <STRING hash="32425137" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o civilizaci.</STRING> <STRING hash="47376989" needed="1">Nahrßvß se hra. </STRING> <STRING hash="17037284" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o povrchu. </STRING> <STRING hash="21544865" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o bou°φch. </STRING> <STRING hash="26589748" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se zßkladnφ data. </STRING> <STRING hash="26109987" needed="1">Nahrßvß se styl grafiky. </STRING> <STRING hash="19081264" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o sv∞t∞ World Init.</STRING> <STRING hash="26381883" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o minimap∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="19237852" needed="1">Sestavujφ se hernφ moduly</STRING> <STRING hash="48067859" needed="1">Nastavuje se hlasitost.</STRING> <STRING hash="19295055" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o farmßch. </STRING> <STRING hash="32541816" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se grafickΘ efekty - kou°. </STRING> <STRING hash="21326820" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o hranicφch. </STRING> <STRING hash="29711381" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se udßlosti. </STRING> <STRING hash="26778207" needed="1">Vykresluje se minimapa. </STRING> <STRING hash="38208538" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data o ovlßdßnφ jednotek. </STRING> <STRING hash="46169707" needed="1">╚ekß se na dal╣φ hrßΦe.</STRING> <STRING hash="4692486" needed="1">\</STRING> <STRING hash="24539540" needed="1">popup_dialog</STRING> <STRING hash="90974885" needed="1">Chcete si zahrßt scΘnß°, ve kterΘm se budete hru uΦit ovlßdat v pr∙b∞hu hranφ? </STRING> <STRING hash="226040181" needed="1">Budete hrßt hru pro jednoho hrßΦe ·pln∞ poprvΘ. </STRING> <STRING hash="859927434" needed="1">Jestli chcete, m∙╛ete si zahrßt v²ukov² tutorißl, kde se dozvφte informace o ovlßdßnφ hry a o h°e samotnΘ. Tato mapa, ve kterΘ se nauΦφte hru ovlßdat v pr∙b∞hu hranφ, vßm bude podßvat nejr∙zn∞j╣φ informace. </STRING> <STRING hash="187288987" needed="1">Chcete hrßt mapu, ve kterΘ se nauΦφte hru ovlßdat b∞hem hranφ? </STRING> <STRING hash="145576415" needed="1">Ano, chci si zahrßt tutorißl, ve kterΘm se nauΦφm hru ovlßdat b∞hem hranφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="171712948" needed="1">^Ne - chci hrßt regulΘrnφ hru pro jednoho hrßΦe. </STRING> <STRING hash="7314816" needed="1">Ano </STRING> <STRING hash="5934993" needed="1">Ne </STRING> <STRING hash="24084906" needed="1">StartConsole</STRING> <STRING hash="22423138" needed="1">StartReveal</STRING> <STRING hash="22232953" needed="1">StartPaused</STRING> <STRING hash="24846991" needed="1">AutoSaveLoad</STRING> <STRING hash="29741523" needed="1">HelpTextDetail</STRING> <STRING hash="26966941" needed="1">DefaultZoomIn</STRING> <STRING hash="44059347" needed="1">Unable_to_load_dll</STRING> <STRING hash="19194184" needed="1">: dpnl.dll</STRING> <STRING hash="13498951" needed="1">'s Game</STRING> <STRING hash="91904480" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se navßzat spojenφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="77006294" needed="1">Probφhß p°ipojovßnφ... </STRING> <STRING hash="51071544" needed="1">Spojenφ zru╣eno. </STRING> <STRING hash="41896145" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se navßzat spojenφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="112458587" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se navßzat spojenφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="48171968" needed="1">Zadejte adresu hostitele: </STRING> <STRING hash="178979308" needed="1">Hostitel vßs vyhodil ze hry. </STRING> <STRING hash="45151567" needed="1">Zßklad generovßnφ nßhodn²ch Φφsel (0 pro nßhodn²) </STRING> <STRING hash="267690983" needed="1">$PRESIDENTRICHARDNIXON0 a jeho t²m majφ $NUMBER0 bod∙ za hranφ sφ╗ovΘ hry! </STRING> <STRING hash="224654882" needed="1">$PRESIDENTRICHARDNIXON0 mß $NUMBER0 bod∙ za hranφ sφ╗ovΘ hry! </STRING> <STRING hash="389963241" needed="1">Pokud se vßm nepoda°φ dob²t/postavit/zniΦit tolik Div∙ sv∞ta, abyste vyrovanali toto sk≤re, prohrajete. </STRING> <STRING hash="248852437" needed="1">$PRESIDENTRICHARDNIXON0 a t²m zφskali $NUMBER0 bod∙ za hranφ sφ╗ovΘ hry! </STRING> <STRING hash="210503426" needed="1">$PRESIDENTRICHARDNIXON0 mß $NUMBER0 bod∙ za hranφ sφ╗ovΘ hry! </STRING> <STRING hash="393028907" needed="1">$THEART$THEARTISTFORMERLYKNOWNASPRINCE0 a jeho t²m u╛ neovlßdß $NUMBER0% sv∞ta. </STRING> <STRING hash="334520442" needed="1">$THEARTISTFORMERLYKNOWNASPRINCE0 u╛ neovlßdß $NUMBER0% sv∞ta. </STRING> <STRING hash="251826950" needed="1">$VICEPRESIDENTDANQUAYLE0 a jeho t²m ovlßdß $NUMBER0% sv∞ta! </STRING> <STRING hash="213446141" needed="1">$VICEPRESIDENTDANQUAYLE0 ovlßdß $NUMBER0% sv∞ta! </STRING> <STRING hash="223416570" needed="1">Pokud se vßm nepoda°φ ovlßdnout vφce ·zemφ, prohrajete!</STRING> <STRING hash="152742216" needed="1">Hra skonΦφ za DV╠ minuty! </STRING> <STRING hash="159574180" needed="1">Hra skonΦφ za P╠T minut! </STRING> <STRING hash="151566211" needed="1">Hra skonΦφ za DESET minut! </STRING> <STRING hash="223454734" needed="1">Pokud se vßm poda°φ p°e╛φt do konce ΦasovΘho limitu, vyhrajete! </STRING> <STRING hash="256552618" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m prohraje, pokud se vßm nepoda°φ porazit protivnφka do konce ΦasovΘho limitu! </STRING> <STRING hash="21460430" needed="1">OVL┴D┴N═ </STRING> <STRING hash="35115983" needed="1">POU«═T_AUTOMATICK▌_START </STRING> <STRING hash="28658518" needed="1">POU«═T_╚┴ST </STRING> <STRING hash="21342242" needed="1">DEFAULT</STRING> <STRING hash="14815176" needed="1">Z┴KLAD_GENEROV┴N═_N┴HODN▌CH_╚═SEL </STRING> <STRING hash="30844021" needed="1">NASTAVEN═_JEDNOTEK </STRING> <STRING hash="19089163" needed="1">HR┴╚ </STRING> <STRING hash="26197649" needed="1">_JE_CLOVEK </STRING> <STRING hash="18911727" needed="1">_N┴ROD </STRING> <STRING hash="15022870" needed="1">_KDO </STRING> <STRING hash="25617685" needed="1">_OMEZEN═ </STRING> <STRING hash="16770112" needed="1">_JM╔NO </STRING> <STRING hash="21499127" needed="1">MO«NOSTI </STRING> <STRING hash="9824090" needed="1">,</STRING> <STRING hash="21213163" needed="1">HR┴╚#</STRING> <STRING hash="15161478" needed="1">0, 1</STRING> <STRING hash="65925600" needed="1">1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8</STRING> <STRING hash="31641372" needed="1">N╠JAK▌ ╪ET╠ZEC</STRING> <STRING hash="28077494" needed="1">(Verze:</STRING> <STRING hash="9817191" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="44672275" needed="1">HrßΦ $NUMBER0 </STRING> <STRING hash="52416855" needed="1">Nebyl nalezen ╛ßdn² skript takovΘho jmΘna.</STRING> <STRING hash="103814274" needed="1">Skript nahrßn a p°ipraven ke spu╣t∞nφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="51111586" needed="1">Vykonßvßnφ skriptu zastaveno.</STRING> <STRING hash="13893453" needed="1">A</STRING> <STRING hash="13961310" needed="1">0</STRING> <STRING hash="27108081" needed="1"/> <STRING hash="20221329" needed="1">test</STRING> <STRING hash="36542736" needed="1">*_!@#$%^&*</STRING> <STRING hash="20081191" needed="1">-137</STRING> <STRING hash="58988204" needed="1">Test funkcφ hotov.</STRING> <STRING hash="99266444" needed="1">Test funkcφ selhal. </STRING> <STRING hash="15888688" needed="1"> (</STRING> <STRING hash="13913778" needed="1"/> <STRING hash="13938566" needed="1">,</STRING> <STRING hash="15795887" needed="1">) </STRING> <STRING hash="39795154" needed="1">Vyhozen hostitelem. </STRING> <STRING hash="19558139" needed="1">Nenφ p°ipojen.</STRING> <STRING hash="17395603" needed="1">P°ipojen. </STRING> <STRING hash="19902274" needed="1">Prßv∞ hraje.</STRING> <STRING hash="19809723" needed="1">Staging</STRING> <STRING hash="22209517" needed="1">Povφdß si s... </STRING> <STRING hash="13937029" needed="1">PryΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="210715453" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0 vßs chce p°idat do svΘho seznamu kamarßd∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="75607135" needed="1">Testovacφ GameSpy mφstnosti</STRING> <STRING hash="60303047" needed="1">Hru vytvo°il $NAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="202801198" needed="1">Tato p°ezdφvka je obsazena jin²m hrßΦem. Zvolte jinou. </STRING> <STRING hash="205191051" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete si vzφt takovou p°ezdφvku. Zvolte jinou. </STRING> <STRING hash="204700247" needed="1">Neznßmß chyba p°i volb∞ p°ezdφvky. Zvolte jinou. </STRING> <STRING hash="127933447" needed="1">Stahuji seznam hrßΦ∙... </STRING> <STRING hash="57967143" needed="1">Typ t²movΘ hry: </STRING> <STRING hash="53804042" needed="1">Typ mapy: </STRING> <STRING hash="49816659" needed="1">Velikost mapy: </STRING> <STRING hash="62889336" needed="1">Maximßlnφ poΦet hrßΦ∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="66443685" needed="1">Super zpomalen² Φas: </STRING> <STRING hash="57823162" needed="1">Pravidla hry: </STRING> <STRING hash="46053846" needed="1">Verze: </STRING> <STRING hash="46955573" needed="1">JmΘno hry </STRING> <STRING hash="97184098" needed="1"> Vstoupil do mφstnosti. has joined the room</STRING> <STRING hash="166181825" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0 opustil mφstnost. </STRING> <STRING hash="228480544" needed="1">Prßv∞ vybφrßte ze seznamu v╣ech dostupn²ch her. </STRING> <STRING hash="85005220" needed="1"> Vstoupil do mφstnosti. </STRING> <STRING hash="147097371" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0 opustil mφstnost. </STRING> <STRING hash="194972931" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0 byl vyhozen z mφstnosti.</STRING> <STRING hash="114942418" needed="1">Odpojeno od serveru. </STRING> <STRING hash="85758122" needed="1">Vstoupil do titulnφ mφstnosti. </STRING> <STRING hash="119883877" needed="1">Nepoda°il se vstup do mφstnosti.</STRING> <STRING hash="113276955" needed="1">Stahuji seznam hrßΦ∙... </STRING> <STRING hash="86082051" needed="1">Vstoupil do mφstnosti skupiny. </STRING> <STRING hash="120362660" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se vstoupit do mφstnosti skupiny. </STRING> <STRING hash="97159500" needed="1">Joined a staging room.</STRING> <STRING hash="62988477" needed="1">⌐patnΘ heslo. </STRING> <STRING hash="134106727" needed="1">Failed to join staging room.</STRING> <STRING hash="100925746" needed="1">VSTOUPIL JSTE DO NEZN┴M╔ M═STNOSTI. </STRING> <STRING hash="96559459" needed="1">Online skupina Rise of Nations</STRING> <STRING hash="13139031" needed="1">: +</STRING> <STRING hash="9863961" needed="1">(</STRING> <STRING hash="11425461" needed="1">, </STRING> <STRING hash="9870258" needed="1">+</STRING> <STRING hash="9848215" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="11418562" needed="1">) </STRING> <STRING hash="64084494" needed="1">Animace</STRING> <STRING hash="44546880" needed="1">Zdroje</STRING> <STRING hash="83694486" needed="1">Ukazatele </STRING> <STRING hash="69185497" needed="1">╚ßstice</STRING> <STRING hash="61121375" needed="1">Zdrojovß data </STRING> <STRING hash="44731424" needed="1">P°edm∞ty </STRING> <STRING hash="30873742" needed="1">Vlajky </STRING> <STRING hash="47858938" needed="1">Exploze </STRING> <STRING hash="84618955" needed="1">Omezenφ bodu otßΦenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="56152058" needed="1">Stφny jednotek </STRING> <STRING hash="44026209" needed="1">Kostry </STRING> <STRING hash="37422302" needed="1">Trßva </STRING> <STRING hash="27832635" needed="1">Nßboje </STRING> <STRING hash="60231706" needed="1">Chodnφky </STRING> <STRING hash="37357269" needed="1">Kruhy </STRING> <STRING hash="83830955" needed="1">Staveni╣t∞ </STRING> <STRING hash="72868874" needed="1">Le╣enφ </STRING> <STRING hash="44535037" needed="1">Ru╣iΦka radaru </STRING> <STRING hash="44149781" needed="1">Drßt∞n² model</STRING> <STRING hash="98453000" needed="1">Zapnout drßt∞n² model</STRING> <STRING hash="56061990" needed="1">lightterrain</STRING> <STRING hash="302278581" needed="1">changes global terrain lighting ( RED GREEN BLUE 0/1[ambient/diffuse])</STRING> <STRING hash="43491917" needed="1">WIREFRAME</STRING> <STRING hash="40504663" needed="1">Okolφ </STRING> <STRING hash="40226777" needed="1">Rozptyl </STRING> <STRING hash="119711152" needed="1">Specißlnφ grafickΘ zprßvy </STRING> <STRING hash="44453362" needed="1">Budova je PLN┴. </STRING> <STRING hash="531963064" needed="1">Nelze oznaΦit vφce budov a dßt p°φkaz Srovnat se zemφ. Musφte postupn∞ oznaΦovat jednu budovu za druhou a u ka╛dΘ dßt p°φkaz Srovnat se zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="121483893" needed="1">Demolice budovy u╛ probφhß.</STRING> <STRING hash="132974658" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete srovnat se zemφ svoje vlastnφ hlavnφ m∞sto. </STRING> <STRING hash="321633133" needed="1">Dokud nenφ nep°φtel pora╛en, nem∙╛ete srovnat se zemφ jeho hlavnφ m∞sto. </STRING> <STRING hash="329441696" needed="1">Ne╛ srovnßte se zemφ samotnΘ m∞sto, musφte zniΦit v╣echny civilnφ budovy. </STRING> <STRING hash="204879201" needed="1">Najednou m∙╛ete ve m∞st∞ srovnßvat se zemφ pouze jednu budovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="67369331" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete uplßcet svoje vlastnφ m∞sta. </STRING> <STRING hash="186672233" needed="1">Uplßcet m∙╛ete pouze opu╣t∞nß m∞sta jinΘho t²movΘho hrßΦe.</STRING> <STRING hash="204913027" needed="1">Dokud nenφ nep°ßtelskΘ m∞sto na va╣em ·zemφ, nem∙╛ete je uplßcet. </STRING> <STRING hash="81014728" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete podplatit vlastnφ budovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="193920197" needed="1">Uplßcet m∙╛ete pouze opu╣t∞nΘ budovy jinΘho t²movΘho hrßΦe. </STRING> <STRING hash="193398731" needed="1">Budovy m∙╛ete uplßcet pouze tehdy, kdy╛ jsou na va╣em ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="62419324" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete podplatit vlastnφ jednotku. </STRING> <STRING hash="186054341" needed="1">Uplßcet m∙╛ete pouze opu╣t∞nΘ jednotky jinΘho t²movΘho hrßΦe. </STRING> <STRING hash="81494999" needed="1">U╛ jste nasadil jednoho udavaΦe. </STRING> <STRING hash="104175745" needed="1">Tuto dovednost nem∙╛ete pou╛φt na spojence. </STRING> <STRING hash="108139597" needed="1">Tuto dovednost nem∙╛ete pou╛φt na nep°ßtele. </STRING> <STRING hash="188417536" needed="1">Tuto dovednost nem∙╛ete pou╛φt na vlastnφ jednotky/budovy. </STRING> <STRING hash="98445725" needed="1">Tuto dovednost nem∙╛ete pou╛φt na jednotky. </STRING> <STRING hash="122784319" needed="1">Tuto dovednost nem∙╛ete pou╛φt na budovy. </STRING> <STRING hash="184967835" needed="1">Dovednost Zakopat m∙╛ete pou╛φt pouze na p°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="130528073" needed="1">Tuto schopnost nem∙╛ete na cφlov² objekt pou╛φt. </STRING> <STRING hash="107779528" needed="1">Pr∙zkum u╛ probφhß v jinΘ budov∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="473436097" needed="1">V ka╛dΘ Univerzit∞ m∙╛e b²t pouze 7 UΦenc∙. Pokud chcete vφce UΦenc∙, postavte dal╣φ Univerzitu. </STRING> <STRING hash="231434891" needed="1">V²robnφ fronta budovy je plnß - v²roba jednotek do nekoneΦna je u╛ zapnutß. </STRING> <STRING hash="99454844" needed="1">V²robnφ fronta budovy je plnß. </STRING> <STRING hash="131411993" needed="1">Tato volba zatφm nenφ p°φstupnß. </STRING> <STRING hash="134007734" needed="1">Budova nenφ na va╣em ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="183550640" needed="1">Budova se ocitla na nep°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="92555410" needed="1">Nejprve musφte asimilovat m∞sto. </STRING> <STRING hash="166998890" needed="1">Stavba budovy nenφ dokonΦena.</STRING> <STRING hash="39042046" needed="1">Neplatnß volba. </STRING> <STRING hash="49294727" needed="1">Vybral jste nevhodnΘ mφsto:</STRING> <STRING hash="53088847" needed="1">P°φli╣ mnoho budov! </STRING> <STRING hash="68802624" needed="1">Cφl je mimo dosah! </STRING> <STRING hash="104808526" needed="1">Na tento cφl nem∙╛ete za·toΦit. </STRING> <STRING hash="198657325" needed="1">Nenφ dovoleno bombardovat ·zemφ spojence. </STRING> <STRING hash="190254508" needed="1">Nep°φtel vlastnφ Protiraketov² ╣tφt! Odpßlenφ st°ely bylo zastaveno!</STRING> <STRING hash="197846259" needed="1">St°ela nemß dostateΦn² dolet. Cφl je p°φli╣ daleko! </STRING> <STRING hash="198359484" needed="1">Letadlo se vracφ na zßkladnu. Do╣lo mu palivo! </STRING> <STRING hash="91830435" needed="1">Neplatn² cφl. </STRING> <STRING hash="84581100" needed="1">V╣echna letadla tankujφ palivo.</STRING> <STRING hash="192922120" needed="1">Cφl je mimo dolet. </STRING> <STRING hash="198772950" needed="1">Letadlo se vracφ na zßkladnu. Mß mßlo paliva.</STRING> <STRING hash="196890964" needed="1">V dosahu nenφ ╛ßdnß Farma, p°ednostnφ za°azenφ na prßci na Farm∞ zru╣eno.</STRING> <STRING hash="238697051" needed="1">V dosahu nenφ ╛ßdn² D°evorubeck² tßbor, p°ednostnφ za°azenφ na prßci v D°evorubeckΘm tßbo°e zru╣eno. </STRING> <STRING hash="196459291" needed="1">V dosahu nenφ ╛ßdn² D∙l, p°ednostnφ za°azenφ na prßci v Dole zru╣eno. </STRING> <STRING hash="238433464" needed="1">V dosahu nenφ ╛ßdnΘ mφsto, kde se zφskavajφ zdroje, p°ednostnφ za°azenφ na zφskavßnφ zdroj∙ zru╣eno. </STRING> <STRING hash="173603272" needed="1">Novφ ObΦanΘ budou pracovat na Farmßch. </STRING> <STRING hash="195007399" needed="1">Novφ ObΦanΘ budou pracovat v D°evorubeck²ch tßborech. </STRING> <STRING hash="171029249" needed="1">Novφ ObΦanΘ budou pracovat v Dolech. </STRING> <STRING hash="197737086" needed="1">V╣ichni novφ ObΦanΘ budou shroma╛∩ovat zdroje. </STRING> <STRING hash="131704466" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete mφt posßdku v nep°ßtelskΘ budov∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="185473921" needed="1">Nejprve musφte asimilovat m∞sto, teprve potom je mo╛no umφstit posßdku ve vojenskΘ budov∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="151824218" needed="1">N∞kterΘ jednotky se nevejdou do transportΘru. </STRING> <STRING hash="66732695" needed="1">Na transportΘru nenφ volnΘ mφsto. </STRING> <STRING hash="173555344" needed="1">Pro tuto budovu u╛ byl vydßn rozkaz Srovnat se zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="280982069" needed="1">Nov∞ vytvo°enΘ jednotky se objevφ u Divu sv∞ta (Nemohou tvo°it posßdku tΘto budovy). </STRING> <STRING hash="189280718" needed="1">Nov∞ vytvo°enΘ jednotky budou tvo°it posßdku UVNIT╪ budovy.</STRING> <STRING hash="218092607" needed="1">Nov∞ vytvo°enΘ jednotky se p°ipojφ k vybranΘ skupin∞.</STRING> <STRING hash="192618996" needed="1">Nov∞ vytvo°enΘ jednotky p∙jdou na oznaΦenΘ mφsto. </STRING> <STRING hash="35054301" needed="1">V²robnφ fronta je plnß. </STRING> <STRING hash="41655621" needed="1">Letadlovß lo∩ je plnß. </STRING> <STRING hash="236733677" needed="1">Nenφ tady dost mφsta na transportnφ lo∩, p°esu≥te se blφ╛ k prßzdnΘ Φßsti pob°e╛φ. </STRING> <STRING hash="39455572" needed="1">Neplatn² cφl. </STRING> <STRING hash="162868096" needed="1">Nedostatek energie pro specißlnφ schopnost. </STRING> <STRING hash="39937968" needed="1">Jednotka u╛ se sbalila. </STRING> <STRING hash="47193432" needed="1">Jednotka u╛ se vybalila. </STRING> <STRING hash="81149393" needed="1">V²roba jednotek do nekoneΦna zapnuta. </STRING> <STRING hash="92759587" needed="1">V²roba jednotek do nekoneΦna vypnuta. </STRING> <STRING hash="113282803" needed="1">Cφl raket (konvenΦnφch, jadern²ch..) m∙╛ete zadat pouze jednou! </STRING> <STRING hash="310341963" needed="1">Jadernou raketu m∙╛ete odpßlit pouze tehdy, kdy╛ mßte vφce Jadern²ch raket ne╛ nep°φtel! </STRING> <STRING hash="119339985" needed="1">Dokud nevypr╣φ Φasov² limit, nejsou povoleny nep°ßtelskΘ akce!</STRING> <STRING hash="17250114" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="38844745" needed="1">Budovy</STRING> <STRING hash="82132815" needed="1">ExpediΦnφ vojsko </STRING> <STRING hash="24222392" needed="1">Armßda </STRING> <STRING hash="21774344" needed="1">. st </STRING> <STRING hash="21726227" needed="1">. nd </STRING> <STRING hash="21729679" needed="1">. rd </STRING> <STRING hash="21740617" needed="1">. th </STRING> <STRING hash="36158886" needed="1">P∞chota </STRING> <STRING hash="33138571" needed="1">Jφzda</STRING> <STRING hash="26707187" needed="1">brn∞nφ/pancΘ°ovßnφ </STRING> <STRING hash="39115614" needed="1">D∞lost°electvo </STRING> <STRING hash="32739342" needed="1">Podpora </STRING> <STRING hash="26616078" needed="1">Lo∩stvo </STRING> <STRING hash="39374635" needed="1">VojenskΘ letectvo </STRING> <STRING hash="25764584" needed="1">Trosky </STRING> <STRING hash="29680601" needed="1">PoΦφtaΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="24624935" needed="1">Stav </STRING> <STRING hash="27668098" needed="1">Kontakt </STRING> <STRING hash="27245134" needed="1">Vyhlßsit </STRING> <STRING hash="24404726" needed="1">Nßrod </STRING> <STRING hash="17207419" needed="1">V∞k </STRING> <STRING hash="54062323" needed="1">Bez kontaktu </STRING> <STRING hash="49411888" needed="1">Diplomacie </STRING> <STRING hash="48539710" needed="1">Vyjednßvßnφ </STRING> <STRING hash="40771119" needed="1">NESMYSL!! </STRING> <STRING hash="32006123" needed="1">ODM═TNOUT </STRING> <STRING hash="35167241" needed="1">NAVRHNOUT </STRING> <STRING hash="28873025" needed="1">SMAZAT </STRING> <STRING hash="41396764" needed="1">POSLAT DAR </STRING> <STRING hash="60535757" needed="1">PO«ADOVAT POPLATEK </STRING> <STRING hash="48800308" needed="1">ZAPLATIT POPLATEK</STRING> <STRING hash="32009647" needed="1">P╪IJMOUT </STRING> <STRING hash="31953448" needed="1">ODM═TNOUT </STRING> <STRING hash="55423065" needed="1">ZRU⌐IT PO«ADAVEK </STRING> <STRING hash="64976899" needed="1">ZRU⌐IT N┴VRH </STRING> <STRING hash="38125988" needed="1">Navrhnout: </STRING> <STRING hash="62373271" needed="1">SpoleΦn² ·tok: </STRING> <STRING hash="73340281" needed="1">-«┴DN╔ N┴VRHY </STRING> <STRING hash="102950547" needed="1">NAB═Z═TE DAR. </STRING> <STRING hash="126830439" needed="1">(Kliknutφm na 'Poslat dar' dar po╣lete) </STRING> <STRING hash="124200998" needed="1">Druhß strana po╛aduje poplatek. </STRING> <STRING hash="104548509" needed="1">(M┘«ETE ZAPLATIT, NEBO ODM═TNOUT.)</STRING> <STRING hash="116109789" needed="1">PO«ADUJETE POPLATEK. </STRING> <STRING hash="175339538" needed="1">(CHCETE-LI PO«ADOVAT POPLATEK, KLIKN╠TE NA 'PO«ADOVAT POPLATEK'.)</STRING> <STRING hash="115689904" needed="1">Vznesli jste PO«ADAVEK na POPLATEK.</STRING> <STRING hash="100320725" needed="1">(╚EK┴ SE NA ODPOV╠╧...)</STRING> <STRING hash="104262535" needed="1">Navrhujete M═R. </STRING> <STRING hash="121850706" needed="1">Navrhujete SPOJENECTV═. </STRING> <STRING hash="122567931" needed="1">╚inφte nßvrh.</STRING> <STRING hash="180161638" needed="1">(U╚I╥TE NAB═DKU A POT╔ KLIKN╠TE NA 'NAVRHNOUT'.)</STRING> <STRING hash="107421311" needed="1">P°φchozφ M═ROV┴ nabφdka </STRING> <STRING hash="125916656" needed="1">P°φchozφ V┴LE╚N┴ nabφdka</STRING> <STRING hash="76142340" needed="1">P°φchozφ nabφdka</STRING> <STRING hash="180843325" needed="1">(NAB═DKU M┘«ETE P╪IJMOUT, NEBO ODM═TNOUT.) </STRING> <STRING hash="103974098" needed="1">Navrhli jste M═R. </STRING> <STRING hash="121562269" needed="1">Navrhli jste SPOJENECTV═. </STRING> <STRING hash="113804190" needed="1">Navrhli jste uzav°φt smlouvu. </STRING> <STRING hash="180492070" needed="1">Dßvßte dar $NUMBER0 ($NUMBER1) $GOODNAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="180638654" needed="1">Dßvßte dar $NUMBER0 $GOODNAME0 ($NUMBER1). </STRING> <STRING hash="175296141" needed="1">Dßvßte dar $NUMBER0 $GOODNAME0.</STRING> <STRING hash="226926180" needed="1">Dßvßte dar $NUMBER0 $GOODNAME0 (Korupce: $NUMBER1%). </STRING> <STRING hash="181004710" needed="1">Obdr╛eli jste $NUMBER0 ($NUMBER1) $GOODNAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="181151294" needed="1">Obdr╛eli jste $NUMBER0 $GOODNAME0 ($NUMBER1). </STRING> <STRING hash="175808781" needed="1">Obdr╛eli jste $NUMBER0 $GOODNAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="227438820" needed="1">Obdr╛eli jste $NUMBER0 $GOODNAME0 (Korupce: $NUMBER1%). </STRING> <STRING hash="191230987" needed="1">SpoleΦnΘ vyhlß╣enφ vßlky hrßΦi $EMPERORPANTSPANTS0 </STRING> <STRING hash="35106507" needed="1">Navrhnout</STRING> <STRING hash="50582725" needed="1">P°edchozφ </STRING> <STRING hash="36208021" needed="1">Dal╣φ </STRING> <STRING hash="32286908" needed="1">Vßlka </STRING> <STRING hash="38950189" needed="1">Mφr </STRING> <STRING hash="35266428" needed="1">Spojenec </STRING> <STRING hash="46325140" needed="1">Kontakt </STRING> <STRING hash="41698066" needed="1">«ßdnΘ vyjednßvßnφ </STRING> <STRING hash="55843635" needed="1">ObyΦejnß trßva </STRING> <STRING hash="47613119" needed="1">Typ mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="40489161" needed="1">Nßrody </STRING> <STRING hash="43841852" needed="1">Velikost mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="40243255" needed="1">Styl grafiky </STRING> <STRING hash="33395079" needed="1">Zßklad generovßnφ nßhodn²ch Φφsel: </STRING> <STRING hash="35095770" needed="1">Nic</STRING> <STRING hash="75260231" needed="1">P°idat novΘho v∙dce </STRING> <STRING hash="40036378" needed="1">╚ervenß </STRING> <STRING hash="43459513" needed="1">Modrß </STRING> <STRING hash="43472747" needed="1">R∙╛ovß </STRING> <STRING hash="47132187" needed="1">Zelenß </STRING> <STRING hash="51119416" needed="1">«lutß </STRING> <STRING hash="43705910" needed="1">Modrozelenß </STRING> <STRING hash="47167107" needed="1">Bφlß </STRING> <STRING hash="51081742" needed="1">Oran╛ovß </STRING> <STRING hash="59435746" needed="1">PoΦφtaΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="47485323" needed="1">╚lov∞k </STRING> <STRING hash="64418763" needed="1">Zdroje</STRING> <STRING hash="101497461" needed="1">V²zkum v knihovn∞</STRING> <STRING hash="73102494" needed="1">Nastavenφ UI </STRING> <STRING hash="83365247" needed="1">R∙znß nastavenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="55431588" needed="1">Standardnφ</STRING> <STRING hash="51441947" needed="1">V╛dy</STRING> <STRING hash="47214696" needed="1">Nikdy</STRING> <STRING hash="33537537" needed="1">1</STRING> <STRING hash="36825941" needed="1">10</STRING> <STRING hash="36577057" needed="1">25</STRING> <STRING hash="40375558" needed="1">100</STRING> <STRING hash="43944640" needed="1">1000</STRING> <STRING hash="73924979" needed="1">Nßrodnost</STRING> <STRING hash="55192262" needed="1">HrßΦ</STRING> <STRING hash="46995510" needed="1">jφdlo: </STRING> <STRING hash="55067390" needed="1">d°evo: </STRING> <STRING hash="50993777" needed="1">kov: </STRING> <STRING hash="54966730" needed="1">bohatstvφ: </STRING> <STRING hash="67451984" needed="1">znalosti: </STRING> <STRING hash="43345945" needed="1">ropa: </STRING> <STRING hash="43420412" needed="1">celkem: </STRING> <STRING hash="105431033" needed="1">velikost p°φr∙stku: </STRING> <STRING hash="77587335" needed="1">JmΘno v∙dce: </STRING> <STRING hash="44219503" needed="1">Nastavit</STRING> <STRING hash="44199937" needed="1">Skok </STRING> <STRING hash="74126188" needed="1">Pravidla hry</STRING> <STRING hash="74234665" needed="1">Pravidla t²mu</STRING> <STRING hash="74625846" needed="1">Odhalit mapu</STRING> <STRING hash="74509258" needed="1">PoΦ. obyvatel </STRING> <STRING hash="74077872" needed="1">Agresivita </STRING> <STRING hash="68936047" needed="1">ZaΦφt ve </STRING> <STRING hash="59823375" needed="1">SkonΦit ve </STRING> <STRING hash="79364774" needed="1">Prohra </STRING> <STRING hash="60674603" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ </STRING> <STRING hash="96011472" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ za body z Div∙ sv∞ta </STRING> <STRING hash="101180151" needed="1">Cφlov² poΦet obyvatel </STRING> <STRING hash="51919280" needed="1">Dosa╛en² poΦet bod∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="73874823" needed="1">╚asov² limit </STRING> <STRING hash="89143112" needed="1">Mno╛stvφ bohatstvφ pot°ebnΘ k vφt∞zstvφ </STRING> <STRING hash="140578284" needed="1">PoΦßteΦnφ poloha kamery</STRING> <STRING hash="59681875" needed="1">Nßzev: </STRING> <STRING hash="126505374" needed="1">Nahrßt skript p°epφnaΦe </STRING> <STRING hash="157607567" needed="1">PoΦßteΦnφ poloha kamery </STRING> <STRING hash="47293937" needed="1">1 x 1</STRING> <STRING hash="46763521" needed="1">2 x 2</STRING> <STRING hash="46770501" needed="1">3 x 3</STRING> <STRING hash="46784173" needed="1">5 x 5</STRING> <STRING hash="47207567" needed="1">5 x 1</STRING> <STRING hash="46870543" needed="1">1 x 5</STRING> <STRING hash="63126208" needed="1">5 x 5 - x</STRING> <STRING hash="43309393" needed="1">Hora </STRING> <STRING hash="59034873" needed="1">Trßva </STRING> <STRING hash="50421203" needed="1">Typ mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="42950265" needed="1">Nßrody </STRING> <STRING hash="46602395" needed="1">Velikost mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="42704359" needed="1">Styl grafiky </STRING> <STRING hash="35727305" needed="1">Zßklad generovßnφ nßhodn²ch Φφsel: </STRING> <STRING hash="49811657" needed="1">Neutralizovßno </STRING> <STRING hash="134285416" needed="1">Z∙stala na nep°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ:</STRING> <STRING hash="164662641" needed="1">Z∙stala na bojovΘm ·zemφ: </STRING> <STRING hash="107083032" needed="1">M∞sto je dobyto! Probφhß asimilace.</STRING> <STRING hash="76634982" needed="1">Musφ stßt blφzko m∞sta. </STRING> <STRING hash="35232275" needed="1">POZASTAVENO</STRING> <STRING hash="23724997" needed="1">: </STRING> <STRING hash="38199146" needed="1"> (CT: </STRING> <STRING hash="21229637" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="35362385" needed="1">Pozastaveno</STRING> <STRING hash="42296477" needed="1">Obnoveno</STRING> <STRING hash="137558383" needed="1">Snφmk∙ za sekundu: $NUMBER0 </STRING> <STRING hash="61246786" needed="1">Vß╣ cφl: </STRING> <STRING hash="70419179" needed="1">Vß╣ vrah: </STRING> <STRING hash="56366678" needed="1">╚asov² limit: </STRING> <STRING hash="75342054" needed="1">⌐katule hejbejte se: </STRING> <STRING hash="38541315" needed="1">Mφr: </STRING> <STRING hash="173464084" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0, zßvazn² mφr: </STRING> <STRING hash="189783302" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 pokud nedobudete zp∞t hlavnφ m∞sto, prohrajete: $TIMER1 </STRING> <STRING hash="128081622" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0 p°i╣el o hlavnφ m∞sto</STRING> <STRING hash="56423988" needed="1">Armagedon: </STRING> <STRING hash="41928346" needed="1">Divy sv∞ta: </STRING> <STRING hash="21227494" needed="1">(</STRING> <STRING hash="21211748" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="26257518" needed="1">): </STRING> <STRING hash="101687846" needed="1">Pozor! HrßΦ, kter² nevyrovnß body za stavbu Div∙ sv∞ta v ΦasovΘm limitu, PROHRAJE!</STRING> <STRING hash="91071165" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ za zabranΘ ·zemφ: </STRING> <STRING hash="71772669" needed="1">Nabφzφ mφr. </STRING> <STRING hash="86537158" needed="1">Nabφzφ Spojenctvφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="139426135" needed="1">Nabφzφ v²m∞nu zbo╛φ. </STRING> <STRING hash="81354351" needed="1">Nabφzφ da≥ za mφr. </STRING> <STRING hash="86613677" needed="1">Po╛aduje da≥ za mφr. </STRING> <STRING hash="116991585" needed="1">Nabφzφ spoleΦn² ·tok. </STRING> <STRING hash="26309417" needed="1">: (</STRING> <STRING hash="23770190" needed="1">) </STRING> <STRING hash="21235987" needed="1">[</STRING> <STRING hash="26308148" needed="1">] </STRING> <STRING hash="188973799" needed="1">K nßkupu/prodeji zdroj∙ je pot°eba $TECHNAME0.</STRING> <STRING hash="132995380" needed="1">$TECHCATEGORY0 ┌rove≥ $NUMBER0 </STRING> <STRING hash="68640018" needed="1">JadernΘ embargo: </STRING> <STRING hash="24924803" needed="1">Prodat: </STRING> <STRING hash="22598953" needed="1">Koupit: </STRING> <STRING hash="40759931" needed="1">«ßdn² vztah </STRING> <STRING hash="253043837" needed="1">Zadßnφ '$OPTIONNAME0' je mimo povolen² rozsah. Platn² rozsah je (0-4,0-3). </STRING> <STRING hash="27363345" needed="1">Jednotky </STRING> <STRING hash="55182803" needed="1">Vylep╣enφ jednotek </STRING> <STRING hash="47232086" needed="1">Zne╣kodn∞n</STRING> <STRING hash="159857264" needed="1">Z∙stala na bojovΘm ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="129882887" needed="1">Z∙stala na nep°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="103139481" needed="1">M∞sto je dobyto! Probφhß asimilace.</STRING> <STRING hash="73380437" needed="1">Musφ b²t blφzko m∞sta </STRING> <STRING hash="28178213" needed="1">Koupit </STRING> <STRING hash="30971585" needed="1">Prodat </STRING> <STRING hash="19724939" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="19734282" needed="1">%</STRING> <STRING hash="131748192" needed="1">Probφhß stavba $BUILDINGNAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="76893563" needed="1">M∞sto je asimilovßno.</STRING> <STRING hash="47065270" needed="1">Asimilovat</STRING> <STRING hash="86977445" needed="1">Vytvß°φ se $UNITTYPE0. </STRING> <STRING hash="104084765" needed="1">Probφhß pr∙zkum $UNITTYPE0. </STRING> <STRING hash="83537239" needed="1">Probφhß start letadla. </STRING> <STRING hash="82090051" needed="1">Jednotka $UNITTYPE0 se balφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="92103510" needed="1">Jednotka $UNITTYPE0 vybaluje. </STRING> <STRING hash="61756592" needed="1">DOSA«EN MAXIM┴LN═ PO╚ET KARAVAN! </STRING> <STRING hash="61673435" needed="1">DOSA«EN MAXIM┴LN═ PO╚ET LETECK▌CH Z┴KLADEN! </STRING> <STRING hash="49813487" needed="1">DOSA«EN MAXIM┴LN═ PO╚ET RAKETOV▌CH SIL! </STRING> <STRING hash="75323702" needed="1">DOSA«EN MAXIM┴LN═ PO╚ET OBYVATEL! </STRING> <STRING hash="19746982" needed="1">+</STRING> <STRING hash="22112651" needed="1">-></STRING> <STRING hash="27048491" needed="1">Skr²t </STRING> <STRING hash="27309816" needed="1">Odhalit </STRING> <STRING hash="19765970" needed="1">/</STRING> <STRING hash="19744679" needed="1">*</STRING> <STRING hash="22187706" needed="1">++</STRING> <STRING hash="139038520" needed="1">$BUILDINGTYPE0 -- $CITYNAME1</STRING> <STRING hash="139470620" needed="1">$CITYNAME1 -- $BUILDINGTYPE0</STRING> <STRING hash="30008066" needed="1">Trosky </STRING> <STRING hash="22181409" needed="1">(+</STRING> <STRING hash="19742828" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="92041642" needed="1">Probφhß stavba: </STRING> <STRING hash="170585174" needed="1">M∙╛ete postoupit do v∞ku $AGENAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="249055099" needed="1">Bohatstvφ zφskßte tak, ╛e vytvo°φte Karavanu a postavφte novΘ m∞sto. </STRING> <STRING hash="161139364" needed="1">Chcete-li zφskat vφce bohatsvφ, vytvo°te Karavany. </STRING> <STRING hash="85576526" needed="1">DOSA«EN MAXIM┴LN═ PO╚ET OBYVATEL! </STRING> <STRING hash="113329050" needed="1">Dal╣φ ⌐pion: $TIMERSECONDS0 </STRING> <STRING hash="119348294" needed="1">Dal╣φ jednotka: $TIMERSECONDS0</STRING> <STRING hash="39630943" needed="1">Informßtor</STRING> <STRING hash="33072960" needed="1">Ru╣en</STRING> <STRING hash="91907114" needed="1">Naklßdß se na transportΘr: </STRING> <STRING hash="49238446" needed="1">Dopl≥uje se palivo: </STRING> <STRING hash="42577406" needed="1">Balφ se: </STRING> <STRING hash="22088146" needed="1">: </STRING> <STRING hash="39456246" needed="1">P°epadenφ ze zßlohy! </STRING> <STRING hash="36280050" needed="1">Zrychlen² pochod! </STRING> <STRING hash="36102571" needed="1">Shromß╛dit! </STRING> <STRING hash="42471183" needed="1">Ru╣enφ! </STRING> <STRING hash="82818714" needed="1">Pot°ebuje Zßsobovacφ v∙z. </STRING> <STRING hash="35964060" needed="1">Zbo╛φ: </STRING> <STRING hash="42203403" needed="1">Rybolov: </STRING> <STRING hash="35796760" needed="1">Zbo╛φ: </STRING> <STRING hash="22140238" needed="1">, </STRING> <STRING hash="22165663" needed="1"> +</STRING> <STRING hash="42958596" needed="1">Shroma╛∩uje</STRING> <STRING hash="71916525" needed="1">P°esunuje se k mφstu shroma╛∩ovßnφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="73269834" needed="1">P°esunuje se k mφstu ·toku. </STRING> <STRING hash="43484605" needed="1">┌toΦφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="66365095" needed="1">P°esunuje se k mφstu stavby. </STRING> <STRING hash="176356649" needed="1">Probφhß stavba: $BUILDINGNAME0 $NUMBER0%. </STRING> <STRING hash="67223545" needed="1">P°esunuje se k mφstu nalod∞nφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="39668611" needed="1">Nalo∩uje se. </STRING> <STRING hash="72308919" needed="1">P°esunuje se k mφstu opravy. </STRING> <STRING hash="43122902" needed="1">Opravuje se. </STRING> <STRING hash="129256928" needed="1">Ka╛dß obchodnφ cesta +$NUMBER0 </STRING> <STRING hash="96489226" needed="1">Obchodnφ cesta +$NUMBER0 </STRING> <STRING hash="50527117" needed="1">Obchodnφ cesta </STRING> <STRING hash="192993134" needed="1">(Buduje se novß obchodnφ cesta. Ka╛dß novß obchodnφ cesta +$NUMBER0.) </STRING> <STRING hash="180820023" needed="1">(Buduje se novß obchodnφ cesta. Za ka╛dou novou obchodnφ cestu +$NUMBER0.)</STRING> <STRING hash="109587774" needed="1">(Buduje se novß obchodnφ cesta.)</STRING> <STRING hash="113311333" needed="1">$CITYNAME0 na $CITYNAME1 </STRING> <STRING hash="88349712" needed="1">P°esunuje se k mφstu pou╛itφ dovednosti.</STRING> <STRING hash="42965772" needed="1">Nßsleduje. </STRING> <STRING hash="39694606" needed="1">Hlφdß. </STRING> <STRING hash="42948483" needed="1">Prozkoumßvß. </STRING> <STRING hash="36068984" needed="1">Prchß. </STRING> <STRING hash="50868469" needed="1">P°esunuje se k ·toku. </STRING> <STRING hash="33066302" needed="1">P°esunuje se. </STRING> <STRING hash="30242443" needed="1">Nßvnada </STRING> <STRING hash="157724926" needed="1">Brßnφ se s $LISTOFUNITTYPES0. </STRING> <STRING hash="50022330" needed="1">Tato jednotka je silnß proti: </STRING> <STRING hash="43061548" needed="1">Tato jednotka je slabß proti: </STRING> <STRING hash="59807555" needed="1">Poslat Obchodnφka </STRING> <STRING hash="151889064" needed="1">Prozkoumejte tuto oblast a dostanete bonus. </STRING> <STRING hash="86783652" needed="1">Rise of Nations: Rady </STRING> <STRING hash="35477885" needed="1">Pohyb koleΦkem my╣i nahoru </STRING> <STRING hash="41930493" needed="1">Pohyb koleΦkem my╣i dol∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="29110561" needed="1">Prost°ednφ tlaΦφtko my╣i </STRING> <STRING hash="33586544" needed="1">My╣ spec. 1 </STRING> <STRING hash="32442237" needed="1">My╣ spec. 2 </STRING> <STRING hash="32462288" needed="1">My╣ spec. 3 </STRING> <STRING hash="32483665" needed="1">My╣ spec. 4 </STRING> <STRING hash="32501766" needed="1">My╣ spec. 5 </STRING> <STRING hash="32520959" needed="1">My╣ spec. 6 </STRING> <STRING hash="32558248" needed="1">My╣ spec. 7 </STRING> <STRING hash="32579391" needed="1">My╣ spec. 8 </STRING> <STRING hash="30019504" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ hry </STRING> <STRING hash="76991708" needed="1">Zprßvy a nastavenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="36506008" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ kamery </STRING> <STRING hash="60804992" needed="1">Najφt jednotku nebo budovu </STRING> <STRING hash="33400754" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ jednotek </STRING> <STRING hash="144900379" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ Pr∙zkumnφk∙ a Specißlnφch jednotek </STRING> <STRING hash="36558302" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ ⌐piona </STRING> <STRING hash="50604288" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ Generßla </STRING> <STRING hash="50264644" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ ObΦana</STRING> <STRING hash="49940570" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ budov </STRING> <STRING hash="46349750" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ staveb</STRING> <STRING hash="39911678" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ m∞sta </STRING> <STRING hash="51305781" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ Knihovny </STRING> <STRING hash="46819098" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ Tri╛i╣t∞</STRING> <STRING hash="55570696" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ kasßren </STRING> <STRING hash="98963821" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ Stßjφ/AutomobilovΘho zßvodu</STRING> <STRING hash="126333913" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ Tovßrny na v²robu oblΘhacφch zbranφ/Tovßrny</STRING> <STRING hash="63305850" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ Univerzity</STRING> <STRING hash="77860573" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ Doku/Lod∞nice</STRING> <STRING hash="50941311" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ LeteckΘ zßkladny</STRING> <STRING hash="71250338" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ RaketovΘho sila </STRING> <STRING hash="53648610" needed="1">Ovlßdßnφ rozhranφ skript∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="86179828" needed="1">(Ovlßdßnφ vyla∩ovßnφ a podvßd∞nφ) </STRING> <STRING hash="19426736" needed="1">MEZERN═K </STRING> <STRING hash="13787488" needed="1">PAUSE</STRING> <STRING hash="7584629" needed="1">/</STRING> <STRING hash="23675204" needed="1">LEV┴ Z┴VORKA </STRING> <STRING hash="25981350" needed="1">PRAV┴ Z┴VORKA </STRING> <STRING hash="10308332" needed="1">TABUL┴TOR </STRING> <STRING hash="15470115" needed="1">ESCAPE</STRING> <STRING hash="13830910" needed="1">ENTER</STRING> <STRING hash="13565359" needed="1">NUM 5</STRING> <STRING hash="329144973" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete p°i°adit samotnΘ klßvesy control, shift a alt. Tyto klßvesy lze pou╛φt pouze v kombinaci s jin²mi klßvesami. </STRING> <STRING hash="215388525" needed="1">Kombinace klßves, kterou chcete pou╛φt, p°epφ╣e klßvesovou zkratku, kterß je u╛ p°i°azena jinΘ akci. Opravdu to chcete ud∞lat? </STRING> <STRING hash="10041844" needed="1"> (</STRING> <STRING hash="8608430" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="39759466" needed="1">t∞╛kΘ p∞chot∞</STRING> <STRING hash="127384373" needed="1">p∞chot∞ se st°eln²mi zbran∞mi, kulomet∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="97187434" needed="1">luΦi╣tnφk∙m, p∞chot∞ se st°eln²mi zbran∞mi</STRING> <STRING hash="57570623" needed="1">tank∙m, kulomet∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="99170080" needed="1">p∞chot∞ se st°eln²mi zbran∞mi, jφzd∞</STRING> <STRING hash="36547581" needed="1">lehkΘ jφzd∞</STRING> <STRING hash="70846521" needed="1">p∞chot∞, kulomet∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="63697529" needed="1">t∞╛kΘ jφzd∞, tank∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="109505141" needed="1">t∞╛kΘ jφzd∞, lehkΘ p∞chot∞</STRING> <STRING hash="19863234" needed="1">jφzd∞</STRING> <STRING hash="84737520" needed="1">t∞╛kΘ p∞chot∞, budovßm</STRING> <STRING hash="58021056" needed="1">obrn∞n²m vozidl∙m, tank∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="40170897" needed="1">tank∙m, jφzd∞</STRING> <STRING hash="42955328" needed="1">tank∙m, p∞chot∞</STRING> <STRING hash="29402200" needed="1">t∞╛k²m lodφm</STRING> <STRING hash="63334186" needed="1">ponorkßm, letadl∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="67437157" needed="1">v²bu╣n²m lodφm, ponorkßm</STRING> <STRING hash="15176836" needed="1">lodφm</STRING> <STRING hash="80725630" needed="1">lehk²m lodφm, vrtulnφk∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="29060329" needed="1">lehk²m lodφm</STRING> <STRING hash="109540479" needed="1">ponorkßm, k°i╛nφk∙m, protiletadlovΘ obran∞</STRING> <STRING hash="76668439" needed="1">k°i╛nφk∙m, protiletadlovΘ obran∞</STRING> <STRING hash="76577613" needed="1">stφhaΦkßm, protiletadlovΘ obran∞</STRING> <STRING hash="108307773" needed="1">modernφ p∞chot∞, kulomet∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="15316424" needed="1">tank∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="81107453" needed="1">posßdkßm, zßkop∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="55241843" needed="1">mu╣ket²r∙m, protitankov²m zbranφm</STRING> <STRING hash="52553687" needed="1">kopijnφk∙m, mu╣ket²r∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="19118573" needed="1">kopijnφk∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="32685371" needed="1">p∞╣φm luΦistnφk∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="115339288" needed="1">jφzd∞ s velk²m dost°elem, lehkΘ p∞chot∞</STRING> <STRING hash="86669575" needed="1">t∞╛kΘ p∞chot∞, civilist∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="57925120" needed="1">budovßm, p∞chot∞</STRING> <STRING hash="23810758" needed="1">budovßm</STRING> <STRING hash="22107592" needed="1">p∞chot∞</STRING> <STRING hash="77239606" needed="1">t∞╛k²m lodφm, transport∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="72644573" needed="1">ponorkßm, transport∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="67395206" needed="1">v²bu╣n²m lodφm, transport∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="68959260" needed="1">lehk²m lodφm, budovßm</STRING> <STRING hash="113725235" needed="1">lehk²m lodφm, bombardovacφm lodφm</STRING> <STRING hash="96378903" needed="1">t∞╛k²m lodφm, pozemnφm cφl∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="22262203" needed="1">letadl∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="71644098" needed="1">tank∙m, d∞lost°electvu, ponorkßm</STRING> <STRING hash="44804502" needed="1">budovßm, ╣pion∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="15135311" needed="1">╣pion∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="46168337" needed="1">pr∙zkumnφk∙m, generßl∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="39933449" needed="1">jφzd∞ s velk²m dost°elem</STRING> <STRING hash="13282967" needed="1">╛ßdnΘmu typu jednotek</STRING> <STRING hash="121614774" needed="1">Nedostatek zdroj∙. Pot°ebujete: </STRING> <STRING hash="10030684" needed="1">, </STRING> <STRING hash="8590541" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="66973213" needed="1">Nedostatek zdroj∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="170816592" needed="1">Nedostatek $GOODNAME0. Pot°ebujete $NUMBER0.</STRING> <STRING hash="67583851" needed="1">Nedostatek $GOODNAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="141824349" needed="1">V Knihovn∞ vynalezte Obchod. </STRING> <STRING hash="180739369" needed="1">P°i°a∩te svΘ neΦinnΘ ObΦany na prßci v prßzdn²ch Farmßch. </STRING> <STRING hash="49291137" needed="1">Postavte vφce Farem. </STRING> <STRING hash="217886472" needed="1">P°id∞lte vφce ObΦan∙ na prßci v D°evorubeck²ch tßborech. </STRING> <STRING hash="268819521" needed="1">Postavte vφce D°evorubeck²ch tßbor∙ a p°id∞lte k nim vφce ObΦan∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="184010778" needed="1">Na Univerzit∞ vytvo°te vφce UΦenc∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="228277728" needed="1">Postavte vφce Univerzit a vytvo°te vφce UΦenc∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="194983023" needed="1">P°id∞lte vφce ObΦan∙ na prßci v Ropn²ch vrtech a Ropn²ch plo╣inßch. </STRING> <STRING hash="260922180" needed="1">Postavte vφce Ropn²ch vrt∙ a Ropn²ch plo╣in a p°i°a∩te vφce ObΦan∙ na prßci v t∞chto budovßch.</STRING> <STRING hash="187621367" needed="1">P°id∞lte vφce ObΦan∙ na prßci v Dolech. </STRING> <STRING hash="199468108" needed="1">Postavte vφce Dol∙ a p°i°a∩te vφce ObΦan∙ na prßci v dole. </STRING> <STRING hash="220505122" needed="1">Abyste mohli postavit vφce Karavan, vynalezte Obchod. </STRING> <STRING hash="126272689" needed="1">V Chrßmu vynalezte Dan∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="236438729" needed="1">Abyste mohli mφt vφce obchodnφch cest mezi m∞sty, vytvo°te vφce Karavan.</STRING> <STRING hash="231402948" needed="1">Vytvo°te vφce Karavan a zalo╛te novΘ obchodnφ cesty. </STRING> <STRING hash="130640848" needed="1">Narazili jste na $LEADERNAME0! </STRING> <STRING hash="11550591" needed="1">): </STRING> <STRING hash="197858472" needed="1">OCHRANA PROTI ZAHLCEN═. POKRA╚OV┴N═ V ROZHOVORU ZA 5 VTE╪IN. </STRING> <STRING hash="82656524" needed="1">(V²sm∞ch $NUMBER0) $STRING0 </STRING> <STRING hash="16695921" needed="1"><V╣ichni> </STRING> <STRING hash="23195039" needed="1"><Spojenci> </STRING> <STRING hash="25506262" needed="1"><Nep°ßtelΘ> <Enemies> </STRING> <STRING hash="13306552" needed="1">< komu</STRING> <STRING hash="9982142" needed="1">> </STRING> <STRING hash="122293700" needed="1">DokonΦen v²zkum $TECHNOLOGY0. </STRING> <STRING hash="130964340" needed="1">Poda°ilo se vßm vyvinout JADERN╔ ZBRAN╠! </STRING> <STRING hash="174807666" needed="1">$CAPTAINKIRK0 vyvinul JADERN╔ ZBRAN╠! </STRING> <STRING hash="175772423" needed="1">$BOZOTHECLOWN0 vynalezl $TECHNAME1. </STRING> <STRING hash="146933226" needed="1">$YOURMAMA0 pokroΦil do $AGENAME1. </STRING> <STRING hash="180238830" needed="1">$LITTLEBUNNYFOOFOO0 vynalezl $TECHNAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="54535231" needed="1">Od tohoto okam╛iku je dovolena V┴LKA! </STRING> <STRING hash="38153451" needed="1">Vyhlßsit V┴LKU!</STRING> <STRING hash="69240020" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0 byl pora╛en. </STRING> <STRING hash="211971800" needed="1">+$NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0 obdr╛eno od $PRESIDENTRONALDREAGAN1! </STRING> <STRING hash="338088966" needed="1">Va╣e hlavnφ m∞sto bylo dobyto! Jestli je ihned nedobudete zp∞t, prohrajete! </STRING> <STRING hash="399913440" needed="1">Hlavnφ m∞sto va╣eho spojence bylo dobyto! Jestli je ihned nedobude zp∞t, prohrajete! </STRING> <STRING hash="45064070" needed="1">Dobyl jste nazp∞t svoje HLAVN═ M╠STO!</STRING> <STRING hash="73115379" needed="1">Spojenec dobyl nazp∞t svoje HLAVN═ M╠STO! </STRING> <STRING hash="153964929" needed="1">Stßhnout v╣echny finanΦnφ nßvrhy: </STRING> <STRING hash="70434154" needed="1">: Stßhnout v╣echny nabφdky. </STRING> <STRING hash="236089175" needed="1">Je p°φli╣ brzy po zru╣enφ spojenctvφ na vyhlß╣enφ vßlky! </STRING> <STRING hash="52730010" needed="1">: ZRU⌐IT spojenectvφ! : </STRING> <STRING hash="51728128" needed="1">Byla podepsßna M═ROV┴ smlouva s... </STRING> <STRING hash="61016481" needed="1">Byla podepsßna smlouva o SPOJENCTV═ s... </STRING> <STRING hash="60922386" needed="1">Byla uzav°ena smlouva s... </STRING> <STRING hash="8592038" needed="1">!</STRING> <STRING hash="78230190" needed="1">: Stahujeme na╣i nabφdku! : </STRING> <STRING hash="72268075" needed="1">: ODM═T┴ME vß╣ nßvrh! : </STRING> <STRING hash="68054083" needed="1">Nemßte dost $GOODTYPE0! </STRING> <STRING hash="42995522" needed="1">:Navrhnout M═R! : </STRING> <STRING hash="53546364" needed="1">: Navrhnout SPOJENECTV═! : </STRING> <STRING hash="130161514" needed="1">:SpoleΦn² ·tok na $MISTERBADGUY0 </STRING> <STRING hash="102071411" needed="1">: Nabφzφ $NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0! : </STRING> <STRING hash="120001171" needed="1">: Dßvajφ Vßm $NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0! : </STRING> <STRING hash="107977199" needed="1">: Po╛adujφ $NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0! : </STRING> <STRING hash="197201483" needed="1">Dohoda zru╣ena, ka╛d² nßrod m∙╛e mφt pouze jednoho spojence. </STRING> <STRING hash="43955513" needed="1">: Nabφdku P╪IJ═M┴! </STRING> <STRING hash="112799023" needed="1">Vyhlßsili jsme $KINGGEORGE0 vßlku! </STRING> <STRING hash="149995189" needed="1">Spojenectvφ s $YOURDADDY0 zru╣eno!</STRING> <STRING hash="178673067" needed="1">JadernΘ embargo! Trh uzav°en na $TIMERVALUE0! </STRING> <STRING hash="224950315" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete mφt vφce $GOODTYPE0. V Knihovn∞ vyzkoumejte Obchod. </STRING> <STRING hash="47953289" needed="1">*** Vytvo°it jednotku: </STRING> <STRING hash="8584083" needed="1">x</STRING> <STRING hash="51778658" needed="1">*** Vylep╣enφ jednotky: </STRING> <STRING hash="38253037" needed="1">*** Zalo╛it m∞sto: </STRING> <STRING hash="50650814" needed="1">*** Novß budova: </STRING> <STRING hash="38779613" needed="1">*** V²zkum: </STRING> <STRING hash="47565665" needed="1">PRIORITA PRODUKCE </STRING> <STRING hash="21188621" needed="1">PRODUKCE </STRING> <STRING hash="23489735" needed="1">⌐ET╪IT NA</STRING> <STRING hash="10023785" needed="1">) </STRING> <STRING hash="91742678" needed="1">Nejsou ╛ßdnφ volnφ nebo zdroje shroma╛∩ujφcφ ObΦanΘ. </STRING> <STRING hash="174844414" needed="1">ZAM═TNUTO: Nejsou ╛ßdnφ volnφ nebo zdroje shroma╛∩ujφcφ ObΦanΘ. </STRING> <STRING hash="184765405" needed="1">ZAM═TNUTO: Ve m∞st∞ nenφ dost mφsta. </STRING> <STRING hash="44368989" needed="1">Nelze za°adit do fronty. </STRING> <STRING hash="9978592" needed="1">: </STRING> <STRING hash="222211144" needed="1">Jestli╛e mßme b²t dßle spojenci, oΦekßvßme tyto dary. </STRING> <STRING hash="193202396" needed="1">Zapla╗te poplatek pro zv²╣enφ slßvy na╣eho nßroda nebo budete zniΦeni. </STRING> <STRING hash="186918665" needed="1">Vß╣ uboh² nßrod m∞ nudφ: zapla╗te, nebo zem°ete! </STRING> <STRING hash="187498554" needed="1">Vß╣ nßrod je uboh²: po╣lete poplatek, nebo! </STRING> <STRING hash="106065578" needed="1">Hej! Vypadn∞te z na╣eho ·zemφ! </STRING> <STRING hash="213350911" needed="1">P°ekroΦil jste na╣e hranice, stßhn∞te se! </STRING> <STRING hash="211600226" needed="1">Stßhn∞te se z na╣eho ·zemφ nebo ponesete d∙sledky! </STRING> <STRING hash="72357580" needed="1">To nebylo dobrΘ. </STRING> <STRING hash="48598985" needed="1">Hmmmm.... Skoro. </STRING> <STRING hash="172952292" needed="1">Dejte nßm tak o $NUMBER0 vφce. </STRING> <STRING hash="212991696" needed="1">Cht∞l by s nßmi vß╣ velik² nßrod podepsat mφr? </STRING> <STRING hash="257894015" needed="1">Od va╣eho velikΘho nßroda jsme se mnoho nauΦili. Uzav°eme mφr? </STRING> <STRING hash="205232394" needed="1">Slßva va╣eho nßroda je p°φkladem ostatnφm. </STRING> <STRING hash="190257595" needed="1">Vß╣ nßrod je hoden mφrovΘ smlouvy s nßmi. </STRING> <STRING hash="193087364" needed="1">Nenφ mezi nßmi ╛ßdn² spor, uzav°eme mφr?</STRING> <STRING hash="209612187" needed="1">Odlo╛me vßlΦenφ a ╛ijme spolu v mφru.</STRING> <STRING hash="199944527" needed="1">Odpov∞zte v Diplomacii (Hotkey: $HOTKEY0) na nabφdku. </STRING> <STRING hash="153453181" needed="1">Odpov∞zte v Diplomacii na nabφdku. </STRING> <STRING hash="23815266" needed="1">: Chystß se. </STRING> <STRING hash="48269080" needed="1">: Z∙sta≥te na mφst∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="33268271" needed="1">: Jsem na cest∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="103839296" needed="1">: Pokusφm se poslat n∞jakou pomoc. </STRING> <STRING hash="50175601" needed="1">: Mßm t∞, podvodnφku. </STRING> <STRING hash="21952089" needed="1">: Rozumφm. </STRING> <STRING hash="56747190" needed="1">: UΦinφm tak. </STRING> <STRING hash="94567431" needed="1">: Nechte m∞ to napravit. </STRING> <STRING hash="21738191" needed="1">: To je milΘ. </STRING> <STRING hash="36097099" needed="1">: Vy to dokß╛ete. </STRING> <STRING hash="129737840" needed="1">: To je p°esn∞ ono. </STRING> <STRING hash="101456888" needed="1">: Postarßm se o to.</STRING> <STRING hash="187637433" needed="1">: Ne°φkajφ mi '$LEADERNAME0' pro nic za nic. </STRING> <STRING hash="66153372" needed="1">: To znφ jako dobr² plßn. </STRING> <STRING hash="24296545" needed="1">: Prima.</STRING> <STRING hash="268765007" needed="1">Dosßhli jste populaΦnφho limitu! V Knihovn∞ vyzkoumejte vojenskou technologii. </STRING> <STRING hash="17036227" needed="1"> - </STRING> <STRING hash="41836282" needed="1">Nahrßvß se hra. </STRING> <STRING hash="89285988" needed="1">P°ehrßvßnφ ulo╛enΘ hry </STRING> <STRING hash="62356119" needed="1">Nßstroj k nastavenφ jednotek </STRING> <STRING hash="95792575" needed="1">Nahrßvß se Editor scΘnß°∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="74924449" needed="1">Nahrßvß se bitva. </STRING> <STRING hash="62628453" needed="1">Nahrßvß se scΘnß°. </STRING> <STRING hash="60921689" needed="1">Nahrßvß se novß hra.</STRING> <STRING hash="16932862" needed="1"> : </STRING> <STRING hash="91109949" needed="1">Specißlnφ bonusovΘ vlastnosti nßroda jsou vypnuty.</STRING> <STRING hash="100042614" needed="1">$TRIBENAME0: JedineΦnΘ jednotky </STRING> <STRING hash="46014609" needed="1">Dal╣φ hrßΦi </STRING> <STRING hash="29180877" needed="1">PoΦφtaΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="60151014" needed="1">Nßhodn² - ·toΦn²! </STRING> <STRING hash="59943876" needed="1">Nßhodn² - obrann²! </STRING> <STRING hash="57858415" needed="1">Nßhodn² - ekonomicky zalo╛en²! </STRING> <STRING hash="26286620" needed="1">Nßhodn²! </STRING> <STRING hash="65109393" needed="1">Pravidla a informace o map∞</STRING> <STRING hash="45129148" needed="1">CREATE_TEXT_INDICES</STRING> <STRING hash="26739317" needed="1">Menu hry </STRING> <STRING hash="42157865" needed="1">Zp∞t do hry </STRING> <STRING hash="21899585" needed="1">Nastavenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="26943151" needed="1">Ulo╛it hru </STRING> <STRING hash="26948072" needed="1">Nahrßt hru </STRING> <STRING hash="35847771" needed="1">Dosa╛enΘ v²sledky </STRING> <STRING hash="26853957" needed="1">Ukßzat rady </STRING> <STRING hash="32549593" needed="1">Vzdßt hru </STRING> <STRING hash="71247319" needed="1">O h°e Rise of Nations </STRING> <STRING hash="71482319" needed="1">Nßvrat k Tutorißl∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="73046836" needed="1">Nßvrat na Strategickou mapu</STRING> <STRING hash="26864105" needed="1">Konec hry </STRING> <STRING hash="39691407" needed="1">Konec kampan∞</STRING> <STRING hash="23068337" needed="1">Styl grafiky </STRING> <STRING hash="33187890" needed="1">Vytvo°it mapu </STRING> <STRING hash="45660974" needed="1">Vytvo°it mapu ze souboru </STRING> <STRING hash="60488566" needed="1">Spou╣tφ se Generßtor mapy. </STRING> <STRING hash="40647504" needed="1">Spou╣tφ se Skript mapy.</STRING> <STRING hash="171208594" needed="1">Hra skonΦila. Pro nßvrat do menu stiskn∞te $HOTKEY0. </STRING> <STRING hash="13372146" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="57563141" needed="1">{Hranice nßroda} </STRING> <STRING hash="13187388" needed="1">: </STRING> <STRING hash="19227734" needed="1"> a </STRING> <STRING hash="75834564" needed="1"> (nashromß╛d∞no $NUMBER0) </STRING> <STRING hash="11497181" needed="1">(</STRING> <STRING hash="13239480" needed="1">, </STRING> <STRING hash="11503478" needed="1">+</STRING> <STRING hash="13232581" needed="1">) </STRING> <STRING hash="238724669" needed="1">Chcete-li zde lovit, po╣lete sem rybß°e (z Lod∞nice). </STRING> <STRING hash="248753452" needed="1">Abyste zaΦali t∞╛it tento zdroj, po╣lete sem Obchodnφka (z Tr╛i╣t∞). </STRING> <STRING hash="71880871" needed="1">Zßkladnφ zdroj </STRING> <STRING hash="13250640" needed="1"> (</STRING> <STRING hash="11499324" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="21381325" needed="1">T²m: </STRING> <STRING hash="34039942" needed="1">╚φslo skriptu </STRING> <STRING hash="19158221" needed="1"> (X: </STRING> <STRING hash="19151958" needed="1">, Y: </STRING> <STRING hash="184394066" needed="1">{Trosky}: prozkoumßnφm zφskßte bonus.</STRING> <STRING hash="119802293" needed="1">(WX: $NUMBER0 , WY: $NUMBER1 )</STRING> <STRING hash="119650109" needed="1">(TX: $NUMBER0 , TY: $NUMBER1 )</STRING> <STRING hash="48262593" needed="1">V²╣kov² rozdφl: $NUMBER0 </STRING> <STRING hash="13195451" needed="1">: </STRING> <STRING hash="97924205" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0 ($NUMBER0 ms)</STRING> <STRING hash="38112624" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0</STRING> <STRING hash="23646447" needed="1">Vyhozen</STRING> <STRING hash="17148529" needed="1">╚ekejte. </STRING> <STRING hash="45706291" needed="1">Vyhodit hrßΦe </STRING> <STRING hash="81028111" needed="1">P°evΘst do "Diplomacie" </STRING> <STRING hash="138364036" needed="1">P°evΘst do "P°e╛ije nejsiln∞j╣φ" </STRING> <STRING hash="48371243" needed="1">Zam∞nit UI </STRING> <STRING hash="41751130" needed="1">Ulo╛it a skonΦit </STRING> <STRING hash="38561934" needed="1">Neznßm² hlas </STRING> <STRING hash="53109103" needed="1">Vyhodit sφ╗ovΘho hrßΦe </STRING> <STRING hash="35638023" needed="1"> (Pozorovatel) </STRING> <STRING hash="13304430" needed="1">: </STRING> <STRING hash="118576197" needed="1">[$HOSTNAME0 je nov² hostitel.] </STRING> <STRING hash="119338637" needed="1">V²buch! *nßsledovan² h°ibovit²m oblakem* </STRING> <STRING hash="172983932" needed="1">Na╣e hlavnφ m∞sto napadl $SOMEJERK0! </STRING> <STRING hash="188898832" needed="1">SpojeneckΘ hlavnφ m∞sto napadl $JOHNQWHINER0! </STRING> <STRING hash="245171994" needed="1">Na╣e m∞sto $CITYNAME0 napadl $FRANCISXRUSHMASTER1! </STRING> <STRING hash="141798765" needed="1">Na╣e m∞sta plenφ $THEBURGLER0! </STRING> <STRING hash="187117738" needed="1">Na╣eho Pr∙zkumnφka napadl $JOESIXPACK0! </STRING> <STRING hash="179973890" needed="1">Napadl nßs $FREDTHEFLYINGTRACTOR0! </STRING> <STRING hash="117144018" needed="1">M∞sto oslabeno! Zajm∞te p∞chotou! </STRING> <STRING hash="20448224" needed="1">M∞sto oslabeno! </STRING> <STRING hash="46698522" needed="1">Cφle mise </STRING> <STRING hash="90242929" needed="1">Podmφnky vφt∞zstvφ: </STRING> <STRING hash="24121393" needed="1">X- </STRING> <STRING hash="21672371" needed="1">) </STRING> <STRING hash="19266899" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="47915334" needed="1">{$NAME0}: $DESCR1</STRING> <STRING hash="21894152" needed="1">{$NAME0}</STRING> <STRING hash="24407976" needed="1">{$DESCR0}</STRING> <STRING hash="118332311" needed="1">Kliknutφm zaΦnete stav∞t $BUILDINGTYPE0} .</STRING> <STRING hash="45993577" needed="1">{$BUILDINGTYPE0}</STRING> <STRING hash="103473778" needed="1">Kliknutφm vytvo°φte {$UNITTYPE0} .</STRING> <STRING hash="33089597" needed="1">{$UNITTYPE0}</STRING> <STRING hash="39256654" needed="1">{$TECHNOLOGY0}</STRING> <STRING hash="162082107" needed="1">AutomatickΘ vylep╣enφ na {$BUILDINGTYPE0} </STRING> <STRING hash="126445611" needed="1">Kliknutφm zahßjφte v²zkum {$TECHNOLOGY0}. </STRING> <STRING hash="32435628" needed="1">{$TYPENAME0}</STRING> <STRING hash="132462715" needed="1">Kliknutφm {koupφte maximßln∞ $GOODTYPE0}. </STRING> <STRING hash="80331978" needed="1">{Koupit maximßln∞ $GOODTYPE0} </STRING> <STRING hash="111051939" needed="1">Kliknutφm {prodßte v╣e $GOODTYPE0}. </STRING> <STRING hash="65277341" needed="1">{Prodat v╣echno $GOODTYPE0} </STRING> <STRING hash="136601425" needed="1">Kliknutφm {koupit $NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0}. </STRING> <STRING hash="84247039" needed="1">{Koupit $NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0} </STRING> <STRING hash="143371499" needed="1">Kliknutφm {prodßte $NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0}. </STRING> <STRING hash="89061670" needed="1">{Prodat $NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0} </STRING> <STRING hash="208243209" needed="1">Kliknutφm {koupφte $NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0} za $NUMBER1 #ICON3 bohatstvφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="182358015" needed="1">Kliknutφm {koupφte $NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0} za $NUMBER1 #ICON3. </STRING> <STRING hash="172768409" needed="1">{Koupit $NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0} za $NUMBER1 #ICON3.</STRING> <STRING hash="212295886" needed="1">Kliknutφm {prodßte $NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0} za $NUMBER1 #ICON3 bohatstvφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="185220237" needed="1">Kliknutφm {prodßte $NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0} za $NUMBER1 #ICON3.</STRING> <STRING hash="172253770" needed="1">{Prodat $NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0} za $NUMBER1 #ICON3. </STRING> <STRING hash="176062436" needed="1"> [(Vy╛aduje: Tr╛i╣t∞ a $TECHNAME0)] </STRING> <STRING hash="76064888" needed="1"> [(Vy╛aduje: Tr╛i╣t∞)]</STRING> <STRING hash="81899851" needed="1"> [(Vy╛aduje: $TECHNAME0)] </STRING> <STRING hash="8539033" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="13376066" needed="1">M∞sto </STRING> <STRING hash="100443493" needed="1"> (SHIFT + klik = vytvo°it 5) </STRING> <STRING hash="41952540" needed="1"> (Vylep╣it v╣e </STRING> <STRING hash="9977354" needed="1">, </STRING> <STRING hash="8556922" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="81262961" needed="1"> ($ABILITYNAME0 dovednost) </STRING> <STRING hash="54562776" needed="1"> {*4(probφhß pr∙zkum)} </STRING> <STRING hash="210208703" needed="1"> [(Kv∙li nastavenφ hry nem∙╛ete pokroΦit do dal╣φho v∞ku.)] </STRING> <STRING hash="34555322" needed="1"> [(Vy╛aduje: </STRING> <STRING hash="205877140" needed="1">Je╣t∞ $NUMBER0 v²zkum∙ v Knihovn∞ a vyzkoumat v╣echny p°edchozφ v∞ky </STRING> <STRING hash="118757886" needed="1">Je╣t∞ $NUMBER0 v²zkum∙ v Knihovn∞ </STRING> <STRING hash="49723725" needed="1">V╣echny p°edchozφ v∞ky </STRING> <STRING hash="10061218" needed="1">)]</STRING> <STRING hash="197387255" needed="1"> [(Po╛adovßno: vyzkoumat v╣echny p°edchozφ oblasti v²zkumu stejnΘ barvy)] </STRING> <STRING hash="174453536" needed="1"> [(Po╛adovßno: vylep╣enφ na $BUILDINGTYPE0.)] </STRING> <STRING hash="205224969" needed="1">$NUMBER0 $TECHCATEGORY0 v²zkum∙ $SYMBOL1 v Knihovn∞ </STRING> <STRING hash="193479587" needed="1">$NUMBER0 $TECHCATEGORY0 $SYMBOL1 v Knihovn∞ </STRING> <STRING hash="121488743" needed="1">$NUMBER0 $TECHCATEGORY0 $SYMBOL1</STRING> <STRING hash="21935094" needed="1">$SYMBOL1</STRING> <STRING hash="11636362" needed="1">)] </STRING> <STRING hash="87089856" needed="1"> {*4(pr∙zkum u╛ probφhß.)} </STRING> <STRING hash="49142366" needed="1"> [(RaketovΘ silo je plnΘ.)] </STRING> <STRING hash="120077219" needed="1"> [(Nejprve musφte asimilovat m∞sto.)] </STRING> <STRING hash="56843110" needed="1"> [(Automicky s:</STRING> <STRING hash="51496128" needed="1">v budov∞ $BUILDING0 </STRING> <STRING hash="179066414" needed="1">$NUMBER0 $TECHCATEGORY0 v²zkum $SYMBOL1 </STRING> <STRING hash="127122951" needed="1">$NUMBER0 $TECHCATEGORY0 v²zkum </STRING> <STRING hash="170335098" needed="1">[(Po╛adovßno: $NUMBER0 druh∙ budov </STRING> <STRING hash="118072414" needed="1"> a $NUMBER0 druh∙ budov </STRING> <STRING hash="195669922" needed="1"> [(Limit m∞st - vyzkoumejte #ICON25 m∞stkou technologii v Knihovn∞.)] </STRING> <STRING hash="41775507" needed="1">NovΘ zdroje: </STRING> <STRING hash="8575509" needed="1">.</STRING> <STRING hash="40449831" needed="1">NovΘ budovy: </STRING> <STRING hash="63661370" needed="1">vylep╣enφ na $BUILDING0</STRING> <STRING hash="13407690" needed="1"> (*)</STRING> <STRING hash="148727836" needed="1"> (* = vy╛aduje takΘ dal╣φ v²zkum) </STRING> <STRING hash="38747945" needed="1">Nov² v²zkum: </STRING> <STRING hash="32456973" needed="1">$TECHNOLOGY0</STRING> <STRING hash="108817327" needed="1">$TECHNOLOGY0 v budov∞ $BUILDING1 </STRING> <STRING hash="21219073" needed="1">Umo╛≥uje: </STRING> <STRING hash="28786921" needed="1">Vylep╣it na: </STRING> <STRING hash="8558773" needed="1">*</STRING> <STRING hash="21387311" needed="1">v </STRING> <STRING hash="78808866" needed="1">Probφhß v²zkum $TECHNOLOGY0 </STRING> <STRING hash="9988514" needed="1"> (</STRING> <STRING hash="120041064" needed="1"> - Kliknutφm vycentrujete pohled na Budovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="192645567" needed="1">(Probφhß stavba) - Kliknutφm vycentrujete pohled na Div sv∞ta. </STRING> <STRING hash="47959188" needed="1">Prßv∞ probφhß demolice budovy - $BUILDING0. </STRING> <STRING hash="37532344" needed="1">Automatick² pr∙zkum terΘnu: </STRING> <STRING hash="11532759" needed="1">VYPNUTO </STRING> <STRING hash="131498969" needed="1"> - Kliknutφm zahßjφte automatick² pr∙zkum terΘnu. </STRING> <STRING hash="9979363" needed="1">ZAPNUTO </STRING> <STRING hash="137952720" needed="1"> - Kliknutφm ukonΦφte automatick² pr∙zkum terΘnu. </STRING> <STRING hash="145200749" needed="1">{Pozastaveno:} Klikn∞te pro pokraΦovßnφ ve h°e. </STRING> <STRING hash="132383263" needed="1">{Pozastavit:} Klikn∞te pro pozastavenφ hry. </STRING> <STRING hash="163700502" needed="1">Pozastavenφ nenφ v tΘto h°e dovoleno. </STRING> <STRING hash="43790034" needed="1">NekoneΦnß v²roba jednotek: </STRING> <STRING hash="144956585" needed="1"> -Kliknutφm zapnete nekoneΦnou v²robu jednotek. </STRING> <STRING hash="152527288" needed="1"> -Kliknutφm vypnete nekoneΦnou v²robu jednotek. </STRING> <STRING hash="109148853" needed="1">P°epravovßnφ vojßk∙: AUTOMATICKY </STRING> <STRING hash="191447558" needed="1"> [(Po╛adovßno $TECHNOLOGY0 a alespo≥ jedna Lod∞nice)] </STRING> <STRING hash="89118613" needed="1"> [(Po╛aduje $TECHNOLOGY0.)]</STRING> <STRING hash="120730180" needed="1"> [(Po╛aduje alespo≥ jednu Lod∞nici.)] </STRING> <STRING hash="270239941" needed="1"> [(Nemusφte vybφrat Lod∞nici - prost∞ vyberte vojßky a klikn∞te na vodu.)]</STRING> <STRING hash="56133875" needed="1">AutomatickΘ p°epravovßnφ jednotek: VYPNUTO </STRING> <STRING hash="150029874" needed="1"> - Kliknutφm zapnete AutomatickΘ p°epravovßnφ jednotek. </STRING> <STRING hash="52879871" needed="1">AutomatickΘ p°epravovßnφ jednotek: ZAPNUTO </STRING> <STRING hash="157891769" needed="1"> - Kliknutφm vypnete AutomatickΘ p°epravovßnφ jednotek. </STRING> <STRING hash="132849600" needed="1"> [(Ru╣enφ ji╛ probφhß!)]</STRING> <STRING hash="85547564" needed="1">Formace $FORMATIONNAME0 </STRING> <STRING hash="149203745" needed="1">: Kliknutφm zm∞nφte na $FORMATIONNAME0.</STRING> <STRING hash="21603901" needed="1">Chovßnφ: </STRING> <STRING hash="224425235" needed="1"> - Kliknutφm zm∞nφte chovßnφ jednotky/jednotek na $STANCENAME0.</STRING> <STRING hash="175962249" needed="1"> - Kliknutφm zm∞nφte chovßnφ jednotky/jednotek na $STANCENAME0.</STRING> <STRING hash="9925262" needed="1">: </STRING> <STRING hash="11667724" needed="1">N═ZK┴ </STRING> <STRING hash="17089449" needed="1">ST╪EDN═ </STRING> <STRING hash="13256133" needed="1">VYSOK┴ </STRING> <STRING hash="146911935" needed="1"> - Kliknutφm zm∞nφte ·rove≥ podrobnostφ nßpov∞dy. </STRING> <STRING hash="133009143" needed="1"> - Kliknutφm p°epnete zobrazenφ dal╣φch ovlßdßnφch prvk∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="23523968" needed="1">POLITICK▌</STRING> <STRING hash="21799932" needed="1">VOJENSK▌</STRING> <STRING hash="19514000" needed="1">EKONOMICK▌</STRING> <STRING hash="17107256" needed="1">TR«I⌐T╠</STRING> <STRING hash="17106123" needed="1">M╠STA </STRING> <STRING hash="21398920" needed="1">VYLEP⌐EN═ </STRING> <STRING hash="17324778" needed="1">SKUPINY </STRING> <STRING hash="23828485" needed="1">DIPLOMACIE </STRING> <STRING hash="19362360" needed="1">DIVY SV╠TA</STRING> <STRING hash="123773190" needed="1"> - Kliknutφm p°epnete zobrazovanß data. </STRING> <STRING hash="45787044" needed="1">{Zav°φt okno rozhovoru} </STRING> <STRING hash="17512688" needed="1">{Rozhovor} </STRING> <STRING hash="26579631" needed="1">{Rozhovor: Zapnut} </STRING> <STRING hash="81458489" needed="1"> - Kliknutφm p°epnete rozhovor. </STRING> <STRING hash="28922447" needed="1">{Rozhovor: Vypnut} </STRING> <STRING hash="167943500" needed="1">{Vyjednßvat} s $HUMANNAMEORCOMPUTER0</STRING> <STRING hash="188975912" needed="1">$HUMANNAMEORCOMPUTER0 (Kontakt je╣t∞ nenavßzßn.) </STRING> <STRING hash="21710578" needed="1">PoΦφtaΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="60688094" needed="1">DostupnΘ zdroje</STRING> <STRING hash="17318058" needed="1">{Spojenec} </STRING> <STRING hash="20032472" needed="1">{Mφr} </STRING> <STRING hash="17475461" needed="1">{Vßlka!} </STRING> <STRING hash="21540971" needed="1">{Nabφdka} </STRING> <STRING hash="23994514" needed="1">{Po╛adavek} </STRING> <STRING hash="157305630" needed="1">Navrhnout spoleΦn² ·tok na $LEADERNAME0 </STRING> <STRING hash="54768525" needed="1">{Navrhnout Spojenectvφ} </STRING> <STRING hash="43396966" needed="1">{Navrhnout Mφr} </STRING> <STRING hash="29579025" needed="1">{Beze zm∞ny} </STRING> <STRING hash="156403708" needed="1">{Spojenec}: Kliknutφm {zru╣φte} spojenectvφ! </STRING> <STRING hash="147932375" needed="1">{Mφrov² stav: Kliknutφm vyhlßsφte {vßlku!} </STRING> <STRING hash="51278160" needed="1">{Odmφtnout nßvrhl} </STRING> <STRING hash="43012221" needed="1">{Odmφtnout zaplatitl} </STRING> <STRING hash="67873904" needed="1">{Zru╣it v╣echny nßvrhy} </STRING> <STRING hash="29148826" needed="1">{Poslat dar} </STRING> <STRING hash="47083731" needed="1">{Vy╛adovat poplatek} </STRING> <STRING hash="24301091" needed="1">{Navrhnout} </STRING> <STRING hash="36806882" needed="1">{Zaplatit poplatek} </STRING> <STRING hash="42784747" needed="1">{Zru╣it po╛adavek} </STRING> <STRING hash="51296679" needed="1">{Zru╣it nßvrh} </STRING> <STRING hash="22397977" needed="1">{P°ijmout} </STRING> <STRING hash="142202955" needed="1">[Nem∙╛ete mφt vφc ne╛ jednoho spojence najednou.] </STRING> <STRING hash="193336689" needed="1">[Nem∙╛ete uzav°φt spojenectvφ, pokud b∞╛φ odpoΦet.] </STRING> <STRING hash="249217884" needed="1">[Nem∙╛ete uzav°φt nebo zru╣it spojenectvφ, pokud b∞╛φ odpoΦet.] </STRING> <STRING hash="8537668" needed="1">{</STRING> <STRING hash="8540178" needed="1">}</STRING> <STRING hash="124631754" needed="1">Kliknutφm vyberete pouze tuto jednotku. </STRING> <STRING hash="118608373" needed="1">Kliknutφm vyberete tuto budovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="107186090" needed="1">CTRL + kliknutφ = odebrßnφ z v²b∞ru </STRING> <STRING hash="204751198" needed="1">SHIFT + kliknutφ = v²b∞r v╣ech objekt∙ tohoto typu </STRING> <STRING hash="234543676" needed="1">CTRL + SHIFT + kliknutφ = zru╣enφ v²b∞ru v╣ech objekt∙ tohoto typu. </STRING> <STRING hash="192698164" needed="1">Kliknutφm zru╣φte stavbu tΘto budovy. </STRING> <STRING hash="111144557" needed="1">Kliknutφm vycentrujete obraz na tuto jednotku. </STRING> <STRING hash="137911317" needed="1">Kliknutφm vycentrujete obraz na tuto budovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="26115165" needed="1"> (╚erpßm palivo) </STRING> <STRING hash="21975261" needed="1"> (P°ipraven) </STRING> <STRING hash="69811101" needed="1"> {(Jednotka tvo°φ posßdku v tΘto budov∞.)} </STRING> <STRING hash="85124837" needed="1">Po kliknutφ na jednotku tato opustφ budovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="73238314" needed="1"> (Uvnit° budovy je $NUMBER0 jednotka.) </STRING> <STRING hash="78263610" needed="1"> (Uvnit° budovy je $NUMBER0 jednotek.) </STRING> <STRING hash="90553879" needed="1">Kliknutφm vyberete jednotku. </STRING> <STRING hash="113987615" needed="1">Kliknutφm vyberete budovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="66429338" needed="1">: Tato jednotka/budova je prßv∞ vybranß. </STRING> <STRING hash="18807756" needed="1">Zbo╛φ: </STRING> <STRING hash="10002779" needed="1"> +</STRING> <STRING hash="13377243" needed="1"> -- </STRING> <STRING hash="8554779" needed="1">(</STRING> <STRING hash="8561076" needed="1">+</STRING> <STRING hash="9970455" needed="1">) </STRING> <STRING hash="202598184" needed="1">Vß╣ souΦasn² p°φjem je +$NUMBER0 za ka╛d²ch $NUMBER1 sec. </STRING> <STRING hash="46195592" needed="1">Efektivita: 100% </STRING> <STRING hash="11484353" needed="1">{*2</STRING> <STRING hash="32312172" needed="1">Efektivita: </STRING> <STRING hash="8548376" needed="1">%</STRING> <STRING hash="21837714" needed="1">Obsadit do posßdky</STRING> <STRING hash="107666065" needed="1">: Kliknutφm po╣lete tuto jednotku do nejbli╛╣φ vojenskΘ budovy, kde se za°adφ do posßdky.</STRING> <STRING hash="120145364" needed="1">: Kliknutφm po╣lete tyto jednotky do nejbli╛╣φ vojenskΘ budovy, kde se za°adφ do posßdky.</STRING> <STRING hash="26362649" needed="1">Vybrat v╣e</STRING> <STRING hash="206156497" needed="1">: Kliknutφm vyberete v╣echny {$OBJECTTYPE0}, kterΘ jsou na obrazovce. </STRING> <STRING hash="33248205" needed="1">Pokrok ve v∞ku </STRING> <STRING hash="84176022" needed="1">: NovΘ jednotky a Budovy</STRING> <STRING hash="95658727" needed="1">V²zkum {$TECHCATEGORY0} : </STRING> <STRING hash="23828822" needed="1">Budovy </STRING> <STRING hash="80993879" needed="1">: Vybrat, P°iblφ╛it/Oddßlit, Skok na dal╣φ jednotku: </STRING> <STRING hash="87594621" needed="1">{╚as, ve kterΘm musφte dob²t zp∞t svΘ hlavnφ m∞sto} </STRING> <STRING hash="87394020" needed="1">{╚asov² limit vφt∞zstvφ za zabranΘ ·zemφ} </STRING> <STRING hash="72011566" needed="1">{╚asov² limit vφt∞zstvφ za body ze staveb Div∙ sv∞ta} </STRING> <STRING hash="54029826" needed="1">{Hodiny armagedonu} </STRING> <STRING hash="52899647" needed="1">Letadla dopl≥ujφ paliva. </STRING> <STRING hash="39679757" needed="1">Letadla p°ipravena. </STRING> <STRING hash="29251923" needed="1">PoΦet Farmß°∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="45081321" needed="1">PoΦet pracovnφk∙ na Ropn²ch vrtech</STRING> <STRING hash="46762710" needed="1">PoΦet d°evorubc∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="26593022" needed="1">PoΦet hornφk∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="35943498" needed="1">PoΦet UΦenc∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="53880570" needed="1">{PopulaΦnφ limit} </STRING> <STRING hash="45963569" needed="1">{Obchodnφ limit} </STRING> <STRING hash="184832587" needed="1">Nem∙╛e b²t vφce ne╛ +$NUMBER0 za $NUMBER1 vte°in. </STRING> <STRING hash="32569861" needed="1">{Limit m∞st}</STRING> <STRING hash="79332268" needed="1">{Zφskßvßnφ bohatstvφ}</STRING> <STRING hash="69274016" needed="1">{Zdroje zφskßvßnφ jφdla} </STRING> <STRING hash="79412092" needed="1">{Zdroje zφskßvßnφ d°eva} </STRING> <STRING hash="74440158" needed="1">{Zdroje zφskßvßnφ kovu} </STRING> <STRING hash="94589103" needed="1">{Zdroje zφskßvßnφ v∞domostφ} </STRING> <STRING hash="64776420" needed="1">{Zdroje zφskßvßnφ Ropy} </STRING> <STRING hash="28576951" needed="1">Starov∞k</STRING> <STRING hash="26764815" needed="1">{Sφla} </STRING> <STRING hash="26415896" needed="1">{Protivzdu╣nß obrana} </STRING> <STRING hash="19564909" needed="1">{Brn∞nφ/pancΘ°ovßnφ} </STRING> <STRING hash="32904273" needed="1">{«ivoty} </STRING> <STRING hash="42457282" needed="1">{Posila navφc} </STRING> <STRING hash="19598137" needed="1">{Dosah} </STRING> <STRING hash="21639149" needed="1">{Skryt²}</STRING> <STRING hash="26874752" needed="1">{Odhalen²} </STRING> <STRING hash="32815359" needed="1">{V zßkopu} </STRING> <STRING hash="27117081" needed="1">{Posßdka} </STRING> <STRING hash="46190551" needed="1">{Sφla posßdky} </STRING> <STRING hash="19773320" needed="1">{Dovednost} </STRING> <STRING hash="26835995" needed="1">{Zßsoby} </STRING> <STRING hash="47125499" needed="1">{Doba trvßnφ nßvnady} </STRING> <STRING hash="56765577" needed="1">{Kapacita LeteckΘ zßkladny} </STRING> <STRING hash="43249708" needed="1">{Po╣kozenφ rßzovou vlnou} </STRING> <STRING hash="98062451" needed="1">{Budov k vylep╣enφ} </STRING> <STRING hash="29998524" needed="1">{Je na sklad∞} </STRING> <STRING hash="42866196" needed="1">{Nenφ na sklad∞} </STRING> <STRING hash="29680194" needed="1">{Po╣kozenφ z pobytu na cizφm ·zemφ} </STRING> <STRING hash="36311110" needed="1">{Dosah m∞sta} </STRING> <STRING hash="26799256" needed="1">{Informßtor} </STRING> <STRING hash="32096689" needed="1">NeΦinn² ObΦan</STRING> <STRING hash="15150657" needed="1">╪eka </STRING> <STRING hash="179562966" needed="1">Bylo dosa╛eno limitu m∞st - vyzkoumejte $TECHNOLOGY0. </STRING> <STRING hash="90949514" needed="1">Bylo dosa╛eno limitu m∞st.</STRING> <STRING hash="185374435" needed="1">Tato jednotka nem∙╛e tvo°it posßdku. </STRING> <STRING hash="223711765" needed="1">Tato jednotka nem∙╛e tvo°it posßdku v takovΘto budov∞.</STRING> <STRING hash="48027028" needed="1">Budova je PLN┴. </STRING> <STRING hash="192106956" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete mφt posßdku v budov∞ na nep°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="192083906" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete opravovat budovy na nep°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="190361615" needed="1">Nep°φtel mß Protiraketov² ╣tφt. Odpßlenφ st°ely bylo zru╣eno. </STRING> <STRING hash="32834194" needed="1">Potvzenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="35387963" needed="1">Rozpustit jednotku? </STRING> <STRING hash="56435555" needed="1">Srovnat tuto budovu se zemφ? </STRING> <STRING hash="234204423" needed="1">Je p°φli╣ brzy po zru╣enφ aliance na vyhlß╣enφ vßlky! </STRING> <STRING hash="247451871" needed="1">T²my jsou pevn∞ danΘ; nem∙╛ete vyhlßsit vßlku nebo zm∞nit spojence. </STRING> <STRING hash="43241979" needed="1">Zru╣it spojenctvφ </STRING> <STRING hash="348349252" needed="1">Zru╣it spojenctvφ s $EMPERORAUGUSTUSCAESAR0? Bude to stßt $SEVENTYZILLIONDOOBERS1. </STRING> <STRING hash="30248714" needed="1">Vyhlßsit vßlku </STRING> <STRING hash="276943926" needed="1">Vyhlßsit $EMPERORAUGUSTUSCAESAR0 vßlku? Bude to stßt $ONEHUNDREDDINARS1.</STRING> <STRING hash="185859569" needed="1">Para╣utisty m∙╛ete vyslat pouze z p°ßtelskΘho ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="223833418" needed="1">Zßsoby m∙╛ete dopl≥ovat pouze z okolφ p°ßtelskΘho nevojenskΘho m∞sta. </STRING> <STRING hash="50747849" needed="1">Dovednost nelze pou╛φt. </STRING> <STRING hash="227527551" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte nep°ßtelskou jednotku nebo budovu, kterou chcete podplatit.</STRING> <STRING hash="202849570" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte jednotku, kterou chcete nalßkat na nßvnadu. </STRING> <STRING hash="213675504" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte jednotku nebo budovu, kterou chcete zniΦit. </STRING> <STRING hash="182024612" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte nep°ßtelskΘ m∞sto, kterΘ chcete vykrßst.</STRING> <STRING hash="241160609" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte nep°ßtelskou jednotku nebo budovu, kterou chcete sabotovat.</STRING> <STRING hash="179076740" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte mφsto pro v²sadek para╣utist∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="85748136" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte cφl. </STRING> <STRING hash="197349616" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte budovu, do kterΘ chcete umφstit posßdku. </STRING> <STRING hash="184877663" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte jednotku, kterou chcete nßsledovat.</STRING> <STRING hash="184744878" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte jednotku, kterou chcete chrßnit. </STRING> <STRING hash="219279862" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte mφsto, na kterΘ se majφ jednotky p°esunout (nebo jednotku, kterou chcete nßsledovat). </STRING> <STRING hash="258200471" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte cφl ·toku (platφ i v p°φpad∞, ╛e se nejprve musφte k cφli p°esunout). </STRING> <STRING hash="265564150" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte cφl ·toku (platφ i p°φpad∞, ╛e se nejprve musφte k cφli p°esunout). </STRING> <STRING hash="138935295" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte mφsto, kam chcete uprchnout. </STRING> <STRING hash="159355418" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte mφsto, kde chcete dr╛et hlφdku. </STRING> <STRING hash="202181076" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte mφsto, kde chcete umφstit hlφdku. </STRING> <STRING hash="229386129" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte mφsto, kam majφ jφt novΘ jednotky z tΘto budovy. </STRING> <STRING hash="177564376" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte, co chcete opravit. </STRING> <STRING hash="189682729" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte cφl nebo mφsto na map∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="201823483" needed="1">Klikn∞te lev²m tlaΦφtkem my╣i na novou Leteckou zßkladnu pro tato letadla. </STRING> <STRING hash="188040377" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte mφsto k vylod∞nφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="171107615" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte mφsto k bombardovßnφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="201562801" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte mφsto, kam chcete poslat signßl. </STRING> <STRING hash="17010630" needed="1">Vzdßt hru </STRING> <STRING hash="124078027" needed="1">Chcete vzdßt hru?</STRING> <STRING hash="13346514" needed="1">Konec </STRING> <STRING hash="189659863" needed="1">Chcete se vrßtit na obrazovku v²b∞ru Tutorißl∙? </STRING> <STRING hash="142890929" needed="1">Chcete ukonΦit Kampa≥? </STRING> <STRING hash="219879531" needed="1">Chcete se vzdßt a pokraΦovat na strategickou mapu sv∞ta? map?</STRING> <STRING hash="105470785" needed="1">Chcete skonΦit hranφ hry? </STRING> <STRING hash="216074486" needed="1">PotΘ, co jste byli zlikvidovßni, ji╛ nem∙╛ete hovo°it s ostatnφmi hrßΦi. </STRING> <STRING hash="212483804" needed="1">PotΘ, co jste byli zlikvidovßni, ji╛ nem∙╛ete posφlat signßly. </STRING> <STRING hash="51667395" needed="1">┌rove≥ podrobnosti nßpov∞dy: </STRING> <STRING hash="36350861" needed="1">Zobrazenφ hodin </STRING> <STRING hash="33448133" needed="1">Zobrazenφ dat </STRING> <STRING hash="62602535" needed="1">Zobrazenφ pr∙b∞hu prßce/v²roby/v²zkumu </STRING> <STRING hash="46012247" needed="1">PokroΦilß nastavenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="48565428" needed="1">Prohodit barvy p°ßtel/nep°ßtel </STRING> <STRING hash="54363741" needed="1">Zobrazovßnφ jmen m∞st </STRING> <STRING hash="62445104" needed="1">Zobrazovßnφ skryt²ch jednotek</STRING> <STRING hash="54000284" needed="1">Povolit vßleΦnΘ pok°iky </STRING> <STRING hash="901686884" needed="1">Dosßhli jste obchodnφho limitu ve zdroji ($RESOURCENAME0). Abyste mohli shroma╛∩ovat tohoto zdroje vφce, musφte v Knihovn∞ vyzkoumat obchodnφ technologii. </STRING> <STRING hash="190557159" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i vyberte mφsto ke stavb∞ budovy. </STRING> <STRING hash="46468738" needed="1">P°ejmenovat m∞sto </STRING> <STRING hash="13375704" needed="1">JmΘno </STRING> <STRING hash="356654253" needed="1">Tento scΘnß° neobsahuje ╛ßdnΘ skripty. Chcete vytvo°it nov² skript? </STRING> <STRING hash="11586131" needed="1">Ano </STRING> <STRING hash="9960425" needed="1">Ne </STRING> <STRING hash="19420364" needed="1">Hra </STRING> <STRING hash="26717611" needed="1">KlßvesovΘ zkratky</STRING> <STRING hash="21682718" needed="1">My╣ </STRING> <STRING hash="30002955" needed="1">Grafika </STRING> <STRING hash="21621601" needed="1">Zvuk </STRING> <STRING hash="24275744" needed="1">HrßΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="40208046" needed="1">Pomalß </STRING> <STRING hash="40313891" needed="1">Rychlß</STRING> <STRING hash="29562674" needed="1">«ßdnß </STRING> <STRING hash="29568932" needed="1">Dlouhß </STRING> <STRING hash="26790305" needed="1">Vypnuto </STRING> <STRING hash="29516098" needed="1">Vysokß </STRING> <STRING hash="32797711" needed="1">Krßtkß </STRING> <STRING hash="46389042" needed="1">Velmi pomalß </STRING> <STRING hash="29783134" needed="1">Rychlß </STRING> <STRING hash="39369068" needed="1">NejlehΦφ </STRING> <STRING hash="42552435" needed="1">Nejt∞╛╣φ</STRING> <STRING hash="77714281" needed="1">Rozli╣enφ: </STRING> <STRING hash="61560329" needed="1">Styl stavby </STRING> <STRING hash="53438033" needed="1">Budova</STRING> <STRING hash="39005035" needed="1">Jednotka </STRING> <STRING hash="39048762" needed="1">M∞sto </STRING> <STRING hash="38886895" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="45669288" needed="1"><nic> </STRING> <STRING hash="35593495" needed="1">V╣echno </STRING> <STRING hash="53137063" needed="1">Filtr: </STRING> <STRING hash="53222155" needed="1">Klßvesovß zkratka: </STRING> <STRING hash="203480143" needed="1">OCHRANA PROTI ZAHLCEN═. POKRA╚OV┴N═ V ROZHOVORU ZA 5 VTE╪IN. </STRING> <STRING hash="36013003" needed="1"></STRING> <STRING hash="62239435" needed="1">SouΦasn² hrßΦ: </STRING> <STRING hash="139800559" needed="1">Prosφm, zadejte jmΘno hrßΦe: </STRING> <STRING hash="32311432" needed="1">HrßΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="32401767" needed="1">Zru╣it </STRING> <STRING hash="32231725" needed="1">Vytvo°it </STRING> <STRING hash="38477919" needed="1">Vφtejte! </STRING> <STRING hash="38345123" needed="1">V²straha! </STRING> <STRING hash="326966010" needed="1">Profil {$PROFILENAME0} u╛ existuje. Chcete jej p°epsat? </STRING> <STRING hash="21307449" needed="1">Ok</STRING> <STRING hash="79536964" needed="1">Menu Profily hrßΦ∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="85654823" needed="1">Vyberte profil... </STRING> <STRING hash="50036872" needed="1">JmΘno_hrßΦe </STRING> <STRING hash="134126756" needed="1">Prosφm, zadejte jmΘno hrßΦe: </STRING> <STRING hash="186650267" needed="1">Toto jmΘno u╛ pou╛φvß jin² hrßΦ. </STRING> <STRING hash="103970650" needed="1">PlayerProfileDirectory</STRING> <STRING hash="70843480" needed="1">\Rise of Nations</STRING> <STRING hash="70920801" needed="1">.\PlayerProfiles</STRING> <STRING hash="58377308" needed="1">SaveDirectory</STRING> <STRING hash="35627597" needed="1">.\Saves</STRING> <STRING hash="66123921" needed="1">HrßΦi $PLAYERNAME0 spadlo p°ipojenφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="70329831" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0 odstoupil ze hry. </STRING> <STRING hash="73535573" needed="1">RecordGameDirectory</STRING> <STRING hash="58390086" needed="1">.\Recorded Games</STRING> <STRING hash="24570551" needed="1">\Multi</STRING> <STRING hash="40023871" needed="1">Playback - </STRING> <STRING hash="20000295" needed="1">.rec</STRING> <STRING hash="67057914" needed="1">Nahrßt zßznam hry</STRING> <STRING hash="196285891" needed="1">Z $TERRNAME0 dorazily posily. </STRING> <STRING hash="17783277" needed="1">Nahrßt hru </STRING> <STRING hash="40649381" needed="1">Obnovit hernφ data </STRING> <STRING hash="33172855" needed="1">Obnovit terΘn </STRING> <STRING hash="26980371" needed="1">Obnovit mapu</STRING> <STRING hash="17778356" needed="1">Ulo╛it hru </STRING> <STRING hash="28263235" needed="1">SaveDirectory</STRING> <STRING hash="14141582" needed="1">.\Saves</STRING> <STRING hash="33170067" needed="1">Nahrßt ulo╛enou hru </STRING> <STRING hash="59325007" needed="1">Nov² scΘnß° </STRING> <STRING hash="59023764" needed="1">citytemplate</STRING> <STRING hash="296695423" needed="1">Vyexportovat m∞sto, na kterΘm je prßv∞ kurzor, jako ╣ablonu</STRING> <STRING hash="186334351" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se nahrßt ╣ablonu m∞sta. </STRING> <STRING hash="35854489" needed="1">Nezda°ilo se. </STRING> <STRING hash="153571676" needed="1">citytemplate [small | large]</STRING> <STRING hash="97775482" needed="1">Nahrßt mapu pro import </STRING> <STRING hash="26797856" needed="1">Ano </STRING> <STRING hash="24164527" needed="1">Ne </STRING> <STRING hash="427047221" needed="1">Generovßnφ novΘ mapy odstranφ v╣echny t²my, budovy a jednotky. Chcete pokraΦovat? </STRING> <STRING hash="109859746" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se naimportovat mapu. </STRING> <STRING hash="67038459" needed="1">KATEGORIE TER╔NU </STRING> <STRING hash="249218677" needed="1">Tato akce odstranφ z mapy v╣echny t²my, budovy a jednotky. Chcete pokraΦovat? </STRING> <STRING hash="85979813" needed="1">Vlo╛te nov² zßklad generovßnφ nßhodn²ch Φφsel:</STRING> <STRING hash="97752676" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se nahrßt scΘnß°. </STRING> <STRING hash="98054411" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se ulo╛it scΘnß°.</STRING> <STRING hash="67173907" needed="1">Zadejte novΘ jmΘno. </STRING> <STRING hash="123049511" needed="1">Zadejte nßzev scΘnß°e.</STRING> <STRING hash="167010755" needed="1">Chcete tento scΘnß° ulo╛it a spustit? </STRING> <STRING hash="108756955" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se zkompilovat skript. </STRING> <STRING hash="307773911" needed="1">Do╣lo k chyb∞ p°i restartovßnφ scΘnß°e. Restartujte Editor scΘnß°∙ a nahrajte scΘnß° znovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="54821926" needed="1">Nahrßt scΘnß° </STRING> <STRING hash="97602085" needed="1">Nahrßt prvky scΘnß°e </STRING> <STRING hash="92254142" needed="1">Nahrßt a inicializovat terΘn </STRING> <STRING hash="81335074" needed="1">Inicializovat drobnou grafiku </STRING> <STRING hash="54817005" needed="1">Ulo╛it scΘnß° </STRING> <STRING hash="195465974" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se otev°φt interface.xml. </STRING> <STRING hash="215296669" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se nahrßt ·vodnφ obrazovku. </STRING> <STRING hash="64786650" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data... </STRING> <STRING hash="40585085" needed="1">(</STRING> <STRING hash="51906995" needed="1">n. l. </STRING> <STRING hash="51903791" needed="1">p°. n. l. </STRING> <STRING hash="40587228" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="48161280" needed="1"> (Klßvesovß zkratka: $HOTKEY0) </STRING> <STRING hash="5906452" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="23765159" needed="1">┌Φinn² proti </STRING> <STRING hash="7263600" needed="1">; </STRING> <STRING hash="19524707" needed="1">Slab² proti </STRING> <STRING hash="8546177" needed="1">{*3</STRING> <STRING hash="13128243" needed="1">Zßsahy: </STRING> <STRING hash="21844489" needed="1">, ┌tok: </STRING> <STRING hash="18877149" needed="1">, Brn∞nφ/PancΘ°ovßnφ: </STRING> <STRING hash="18958069" needed="1">, Dosah: </STRING> <STRING hash="5934451" needed="1">-</STRING> <STRING hash="23470726" needed="1">, Max. poΦet obyvatel: </STRING> <STRING hash="5924508" needed="1">X</STRING> <STRING hash="18629177" needed="1">, Rychlost: </STRING> <STRING hash="5907597" needed="1">}</STRING> <STRING hash="28440576" needed="1">Vylep╣enφ na: </STRING> <STRING hash="37706946" needed="1">{*3Vylep╣enφ na: </STRING> <STRING hash="7325303" needed="1"> (</STRING> <STRING hash="5924341" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="14888823" needed="1">JADERN╔ RAKETY </STRING> <STRING hash="14802209" needed="1">JadernΘ rakety: </STRING> <STRING hash="5937590" needed="1">^</STRING> <STRING hash="5926192" needed="1">*</STRING> <STRING hash="17383497" needed="1">Stopa: </STRING> <STRING hash="21092253" needed="1"> (Klßvesovß zkratka: </STRING> <STRING hash="5905087" needed="1">{</STRING> <STRING hash="86133662" needed="1"> - Pokud je dostupn² v²zkum</STRING> <STRING hash="43234479" needed="1"> - VojenskΘ jednotky</STRING> <STRING hash="13138772" needed="1">Cena: </STRING> <STRING hash="7314143" needed="1">, </STRING> <STRING hash="35910682" needed="1">{*3 slevy: }</STRING> <STRING hash="49006227" needed="1">{*3 slevy na: }</STRING> <STRING hash="105934380" needed="1">$TECHNAME0 v $BUILDINGNAME0</STRING> <STRING hash="21470106" needed="1">$TECHNAME0</STRING> <STRING hash="8542528" needed="1">{*2</STRING> <STRING hash="8807577" needed="1">{*1</STRING> <STRING hash="11862270" needed="1">Dovednost </STRING> <STRING hash="5931240" needed="1">,</STRING> <STRING hash="7262051" needed="1">: </STRING> <STRING hash="15177827" needed="1">Za°azujφ se do formace. </STRING> <STRING hash="27000491" needed="1">P°epravuje se. </STRING> <STRING hash="17510661" needed="1">Pochoduje. </STRING> <STRING hash="53534397" needed="1">Jφt na °ßdek </STRING> <STRING hash="86858948" needed="1">Zadejte Φφslo °ßdku. </STRING> <STRING hash="75854793" needed="1">Vlo╛te nov² spφnaΦ. </STRING> <STRING hash="190166804" needed="1">Vlo╛te jmΘno spφnaΦe (nenφ v╣ak nutnΘ jej zadßvat). </STRING> <STRING hash="176284677" needed="1">Vlo╛te podmφnky spu╣t∞nφ spφnaΦe.</STRING> <STRING hash="150642224" needed="1">Vlo╛te akce po spu╣t∞nφ spφnaΦe. </STRING> <STRING hash="97184056" needed="1"><Nenφ nahran² ╛ßdn² skript> </STRING> <STRING hash="57416199" needed="1">Skr²t $NAME0 </STRING> <STRING hash="57588358" needed="1">Ukßzat $NAME0 </STRING> <STRING hash="114353566" needed="1">(Nejsou otev°eny ╛ßdnΘ skripty.) </STRING> <STRING hash="42327786" needed="1">Probφhß editace. </STRING> <STRING hash="42389223" needed="1">Skript/program je prßv∞ spu╣t∞n². </STRING> <STRING hash="54233203" needed="1">Kontrolnφ bod</STRING> <STRING hash="125814373" needed="1">[$STATUS0] -- $FILENAME1</STRING> <STRING hash="131407767" needed="1">(╪ßdek: $NUM0 Sloupec: $NUM1)</STRING> <STRING hash="62664182" needed="1">Chyba skriptu </STRING> <STRING hash="92598620" needed="1">Chyba p°i uklßdßnφ skriptu </STRING> <STRING hash="204882186" needed="1">Chyba p°i uklßdßnφ skriptu do souboru </STRING> <STRING hash="39467924" needed="1">Zru╣it </STRING> <STRING hash="87217838" needed="1">Nezkou╣et uklßdat </STRING> <STRING hash="162547020" needed="1">Kompilace skriptu prob∞hla ·sp∞╣n∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="224899872" needed="1">Kompilovßnφ skriptu selhalo. Dal╣φ informace najdete nφ╛e v zßznamu. </STRING> <STRING hash="287418101" needed="1">Nelze kompilovat skript za jeho b∞hu. Zastavte b∞h skriptu a teprve potom kompilujte. </STRING> <STRING hash="35776203" needed="1">error</STRING> <STRING hash="295895992" needed="1">Chyba: Napoda°ilo se nahrßt skript. Pro dal╣φ informace Φt∞te zßznam a potom znovu zkompilujte. </STRING> <STRING hash="97178957" needed="1">Chyba p°i sluΦovßnφ zm∞n </STRING> <STRING hash="511059037" needed="1">Zm∞nily se parametry skriptu - nenφ mo╛no zapsat zm∞ny. Po rekompilaci byste m∞li restartovat skript. </STRING> <STRING hash="209591709" needed="1">Vykonßvßnφ skriptu "$NAME0" je pozastaveno na kontrolnφm bod∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="202451493" needed="1">Vykonßvßnφ skriptu "$NAME0" prob∞hlo bez problΘm∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="441767736" needed="1">Tento skript pot°ebuje parametry. Z v²vojovΘho prost°edφ m∙╛ete spou╣t∞t skripty jedin∞ bez parametr∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="274596485" needed="1">Do╣lo k chyb∞ p°i b∞hu skriptu. Dal╣φ informace Φt∞te v konzoli.</STRING> <STRING hash="68453476" needed="1">Parametry skriptu </STRING> <STRING hash="423992721" needed="1">Tento skript pot°ebuje $NUM0 parametr(∙). Chcete-li skript spustit, musφte tyto parametry zadat. </STRING> <STRING hash="438685265" needed="1">Skript m∙╛ete spustit pouze tehdy, pokud mß $NUM0 nebo mΘn∞ parametr∙. Tento skript mß $NUM1 parametr∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="81373533" needed="1">Chyba p°i b∞hu skriptu </STRING> <STRING hash="118822133" needed="1">$NUM0. ($TYPE0 $NAME1):</STRING> <STRING hash="336224382" needed="1">Kontrolnφ bod skriptu v $FILE0: °ßdek $NUM0. Bohu╛el nenφ k dispozici informace o vydla∩ovßnφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="81427728" needed="1">Vyla∩ovßnφ skriptu </STRING> <STRING hash="210564480" needed="1">Soubor nebyl zm∞n∞n, soubor skriptu $FILE0 je u╛ ulo╛en. </STRING> <STRING hash="223153665" needed="1">Skript $FILE0 byl b∞hem vyla∩ovßnφ zm∞n∞n. </STRING> <STRING hash="103211565" needed="1">Ulo╛it & Aplikovat zm∞ny </STRING> <STRING hash="117925373" needed="1">Ulo╛it (restartuje skript) </STRING> <STRING hash="62656247" needed="1">Ulo╛it zm∞ny </STRING> <STRING hash="209019564" needed="1">Chcete p°ed ukonΦenφm prßce ulo╛it skript? </STRING> <STRING hash="29416241" needed="1">Ano </STRING> <STRING hash="26595853" needed="1">Ne </STRING> <STRING hash="58911098" needed="1">Ulo╛it skript </STRING> <STRING hash="133553607" needed="1">Skript : $FILE0 ulo╛en </STRING> <STRING hash="289134455" needed="1">Skript : $FILE0 nem∙╛e b²t ulo╛en. Nenφ soubor nastaven pouze pro Φtenφ? </STRING> <STRING hash="322260750" needed="1">Vykonßvßnφ skriptu pozastaveno v kontrolnφm bod∞. Zav°enφm Editoru ukonΦφte skript. </STRING> <STRING hash="227756088" needed="1">Skript prßv∞ b∞╛φ. Zav°enφm Editoru ukonΦφte skript. </STRING> <STRING hash="58916019" needed="1">Nahrßt skript </STRING> <STRING hash="45964740" needed="1">Bez nßzvu </STRING> <STRING hash="190072522" needed="1">Vlo╛te jak²koli nßzev konstanty.</STRING> <STRING hash="389968522" needed="1">Vlo╛te sem p°φkazy, kterΘ se majφ spustit, pokud je hra spu╣t∞na poprvΘ. </STRING> <STRING hash="209166861" needed="1">Sem vlo╛te p°epφnaΦe a dal╣φ p°φkazy editoru skript∙.</STRING> <STRING hash="63112488" needed="1">Zav°φt skript </STRING> <STRING hash="355040337" needed="1">Tento skript mß definovßny kontrolnφ body. Jak se s nimi mß nalo╛it? </STRING> <STRING hash="75942336" needed="1">Zav°φt a smazat kontrolnφ body</STRING> <STRING hash="131353966" needed="1">Zav°φt a nechat kontrolnφ body </STRING> <STRING hash="32483816" needed="1">Najφt </STRING> <STRING hash="49995961" needed="1">Najφt text </STRING> <STRING hash="91376701" needed="1"><Nebyl nalezen ╛ßdn² skript></STRING> <STRING hash="96073508" needed="1"><Nebyl nalezen ╛ßdn² p°epφnaΦ></STRING> <STRING hash="81975715" needed="1">Smazat kontrolnφ bod</STRING> <STRING hash="186887547" needed="1">Kontrolnφ bod Editoru na °ßdku $NUM0 v souboru $FILE0 </STRING> <STRING hash="191281908" needed="1">Kontrolnφ bod v k≤du na °ßdku $NUM0 v souboru $FILE0 </STRING> <STRING hash="137332275" needed="1">B∞h programu zastaven na kontrolnφm bod∞</STRING> <STRING hash="35896802" needed="1">Vyladit </STRING> <STRING hash="50278071" needed="1">P°eskoΦit jednou </STRING> <STRING hash="193464736" needed="1">Dejte mi o $NUMBER0 vφce $GOODNAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="69774462" needed="1">.\ScreenShots</STRING> <STRING hash="177987894" needed="1">=======Chyba p°i uklßdßnφ zprßvy do souboru $FILENAME0 </STRING> <STRING hash="167226987" needed="1">=======Zßznam p°ipojen k souboru $FILENAME0 </STRING> <STRING hash="41246141" needed="1">ZAPNUTO </STRING> <STRING hash="45444668" needed="1">vypnuto </STRING> <STRING hash="52235355" needed="1"><nenφ pou╛ito > </STRING> <STRING hash="42051998" needed="1">statickß </STRING> <STRING hash="99871405" needed="1"><Neznßmß prom∞nnß> </STRING> <STRING hash="21660351" needed="1">Resetovat hru </STRING> <STRING hash="83112657" needed="1">Nastavuji terΘn - ·tesy. </STRING> <STRING hash="33099153" needed="1">Nastavenφ hrßΦ∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="49916130" needed="1">Vytvo°it dobyvaΦnou mapu </STRING> <STRING hash="30385795" needed="1">Nahrßt scΘnß° </STRING> <STRING hash="49581699" needed="1">Inicializace grafick²ch element∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="104275307" needed="1">Nastavenφ naΦφtßnφ grafiky dop°edu</STRING> <STRING hash="33411710" needed="1">Nastavit zvφ°ata </STRING> <STRING hash="67799241" needed="1">Nahrßt a zkompilovat skript </STRING> <STRING hash="241949459" needed="1">Kompilovßnφ skriptu selhalo. Dal╣φ informace naleznete v zßznamu skriptu (CTRL + ALT + X). </STRING> <STRING hash="55118758" needed="1">Nahrßvß se grafika.</STRING> <STRING hash="45886401" needed="1">-Nic nenφ vybrßno- </STRING> <STRING hash="17439998" needed="1">╚lov∞k </STRING> <STRING hash="15177606" needed="1">Otev°φt </STRING> <STRING hash="19264363" needed="1">Zav°eno </STRING> <STRING hash="33055503" needed="1">VylouΦit hrßΦe </STRING> <STRING hash="52588408" needed="1">╚lov∞k ovlßdß v╣e. </STRING> <STRING hash="64765243" needed="1">PoΦφtaΦ ovlßdß v╣e. </STRING> <STRING hash="15159730" needed="1">«ßdn² hrßΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="24166517" needed="1">PoΦφtaΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="39301621" needed="1">PoΦφtaΦ/Agresivnφ </STRING> <STRING hash="38837656" needed="1">PoΦφtaΦ/SilnΘ zßzemφ </STRING> <STRING hash="19503034" needed="1">Nßhodn² v²b∞r </STRING> <STRING hash="26501038" needed="1">┌toΦn² </STRING> <STRING hash="26481450" needed="1">Silnß obrana </STRING> <STRING hash="24761007" needed="1">Silnß ekonomika</STRING> <STRING hash="25972361" needed="1">Verze: </STRING> <STRING hash="25733629" needed="1">IP adresa: </STRING> <STRING hash="15249579" needed="1">Konec </STRING> <STRING hash="49938627" needed="1">Zru╣it odpoΦφtßvßnφ</STRING> <STRING hash="173429681" needed="1">HRA ZA╚NE ZA $NUMBER0 VTE╪IN... </STRING> <STRING hash="61081958" needed="1">$NUMBER0 VTE╪IN... </STRING> <STRING hash="52526262" needed="1">HRA PR┴V╠ ZA╚═N┴.. </STRING> <STRING hash="524996667" needed="1">HrßΦi stejnΘ barvy majφ jinΘ nastavenφ t²m∙. V╣ichni hrßΦi stejnΘ barvy musφ mφt stejnΘ nastavenφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="191645324" needed="1">Hra nem∙╛e zaΦφt, pokud jsou v╣ichni hrßΦi v jednom t²mu. </STRING> <STRING hash="610285883" needed="1">Hra nem∙╛e zaΦφt, pokud je vybrßn styl hry 'T²m dvou hrßΦ∙' av jednom t²mu jsou vφce ne╛ dva hrßΦi. Vyberte jin² styl hry nebo uv∞domte n∞kterΘ hrßΦe, a╗ zm∞nφ t²m. </STRING> <STRING hash="183882256" needed="1">Nenφ dostatek hrßΦ∙ pro hru 'T²m dvou hrßΦ∙'. </STRING> <STRING hash="619334103" needed="1">Hra nem∙╛e zaΦφt, pokud je vybrßn styl hry 'T²m t°φ hrßΦ∙' a v jednom t²mu jsou vφce ne╛ t°i hrßΦi. Vyberte jin² styl hry nebo uv∞domte n∞kterΘ hrßΦe, a╗ zm∞nφ t²m. </STRING> <STRING hash="183950201" needed="1">Nenφ dostatek hrßΦ∙ pro hru 'T²m t°φ hrßΦ∙'. </STRING> <STRING hash="709722034" needed="1">Hra nem∙╛e zaΦφt, pokud je vybrßn styl hry 'T²m Φty° hrßΦ∙' a v jednom t²mu jsou vφce ne╛ Φty°i hrßΦi. Vyberte jin² styl hry nebo uv∞domte n∞kterΘ hrßΦe, a╗ zm∞nφ t²m. </STRING> <STRING hash="184021818" needed="1">Nenφ dostatek hrßΦ∙ pro hru 'T²m 4 hrßΦ∙'. </STRING> <STRING hash="380597652" needed="1">P°φli╣ mnoho t²m∙. Zm∞≥te poΦet t²m∙ nebo styl hry na Vlastnφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="148662314" needed="1">Hra nem∙╛e s jednφm hrßΦem zaΦφt. </STRING> <STRING hash="443870020" needed="1">Hra nem∙╛e zaΦφt, dokud nejsou v╣ichni hrßΦi p°ipraveni - musφ za╣krtnout polφΦko nalevo od svΘho jmΘna. </STRING> <STRING hash="178894536" needed="1">OCHRANA PROTI ZAHLCEN═. POKRA╚OV┴N═ V ROZHOVORU ZA 5 VTE╪IN. </STRING> <STRING hash="240959830" needed="1">Informujte ostatnφ hrßΦe, ╛e jste p°ipraven zaΦφt hru. </STRING> <STRING hash="182715556" needed="1">Hostitel by rßd zaΦal hru. </STRING> <STRING hash="432338089" needed="1">Hostitel by rßd zaΦal hru. Za╣krtn∞te prosφm polφΦko nalevo od svΘho jmΘna. </STRING> <STRING hash="60927471" needed="1">($NUMBER0) $STRING0</STRING> <STRING hash="32683011" needed="1">(Pozorovatel) </STRING> <STRING hash="11568911" needed="1">: </STRING> <STRING hash="61586590" needed="1">Zßklad generovßnφ Φφsel (0 pro nßhodn²)</STRING> <STRING hash="174072299" needed="1">[[$PLAYERNAME0 se zapojil do hry.]] </STRING> <STRING hash="28553781" needed="1">Verze: </STRING> <STRING hash="124958347" needed="1">Neodpovφdß verzi hostitele: </STRING> <STRING hash="79937205" needed="1">Odpovφdß verzi hostitele. </STRING> <STRING hash="199894200" needed="1">[[Hostitel ode╣el ze hry: Ru╣φm session]] </STRING> <STRING hash="191964334" needed="1">Hostitel ode╣el ze hry: Ru╣φm session. </STRING> <STRING hash="156510398" needed="1">[[$PLAYERNAME0 ode╣el ze hry.]]</STRING> <STRING hash="15278769" needed="1">JmΘno </STRING> <STRING hash="15156128" needed="1">Rychlost odezvy </STRING> <STRING hash="19559762" needed="1">Nßrod </STRING> <STRING hash="17194514" needed="1">Barva </STRING> <STRING hash="30078376" needed="1">Obtφ╛nost </STRING> <STRING hash="15375797" needed="1">T²m </STRING> <STRING hash="45638394" needed="1">Test dovednostφ </STRING> <STRING hash="35437407" needed="1">Hodnocenφ:</STRING> <STRING hash="17076769" needed="1"/> <STRING hash="35606643" needed="1">vte°in</STRING> <STRING hash="59010914" needed="1">UKRADEN┴ TECHNOLOGIE: </STRING> <STRING hash="89012838" needed="1">Nebyla nalezena ╛ßdnß novß technologie! </STRING> <STRING hash="115772938" needed="1">$NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0 ukradeno! </STRING> <STRING hash="208183310" needed="1">$NUMBER0 $GOODTYPE0 ukradl hrßΦ $MRSPEACOCKWITHTHEKNIFE1! </STRING> <STRING hash="178347317" needed="1">$JULIUSCAESAR0 prßv∞ infiltroval $BUILDINGNAME1! </STRING> <STRING hash="105755575" needed="1">$BUILDINGNAME0 byla infiltrovßna!</STRING> <STRING hash="202565963" needed="1">$SHERLOCK1 odstranil informßtora z $BUILDINGORUNITNAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="62644761" needed="1">$UNITTYPE0 byla podplacena. </STRING> <STRING hash="187537940" needed="1">$SECRETAGENTMAN0 podplatil $UNITTYPE1! </STRING> <STRING hash="210913489" needed="1">Podplatit lze pouze nep°ßtelskΘ budovy na spojeneckΘm ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="226597013" needed="1">SpojeneckΘ budovy lze podplatit pouze v p°φpad∞, ╛e spoluhrßΦ opustil hru. </STRING> <STRING hash="80270782" needed="1">$BUILDINGNAME0 byla podplacena. </STRING> <STRING hash="179056701" needed="1">$SECRETAGENTMAN0 podplatil na╣i $BUILDINGNAME1! </STRING> <STRING hash="212248141" needed="1">Spojeneckß m∞sta lze podplatit pouze v p°φpad∞, ╛e spoluhrßΦ opustil hru. </STRING> <STRING hash="100306792" needed="1">M∞sto $CITYNAME0 bylo podplaceno! </STRING> <STRING hash="195212846" needed="1">$UNITTYPE1 ($LEADERNAME2)! zniΦil jednotku $UNITTYPE0! </STRING> <STRING hash="193292018" needed="1">$UNITTYPE1 ($LEADERNAME2) sabotoval $BUILDINGNAME0! </STRING> <STRING hash="128952556" needed="1">Na tomto mφst∞ nenφ dostatek mφsta na provedenφ v²sadku. </STRING> <STRING hash="210082669" needed="1">Asimilovat m∙╛ete pouze budovy na spojeneckΘm ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="232198762" needed="1">Spojeneckß m∞sta lze asimilovat pouze v p°φpad∞, ╛e spoluhrßΦ opustφ hru. </STRING> <STRING hash="132195890" needed="1">M∞sto $CITYNAME0 bylo asimilovßno! </STRING> <STRING hash="153008441" needed="1">Dvojklikem zaΦnete hrßt scΘnß°. </STRING> <STRING hash="39361987" needed="1">Verze: </STRING> <STRING hash="8821261" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="10359722" needed="1">. </STRING> <STRING hash="22525424" needed="1">PoΦφtaΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="10295942" needed="1">: </STRING> <STRING hash="13775338" needed="1"> k </STRING> <STRING hash="10392249" needed="1">0%</STRING> <STRING hash="8830604" needed="1">%</STRING> <STRING hash="10298813" needed="1">W:</STRING> <STRING hash="8843304" needed="1">+</STRING> <STRING hash="12028761" needed="1"> / </STRING> <STRING hash="8862292" needed="1">/</STRING> <STRING hash="29269897" needed="1"> Prozkoumat: </STRING> <STRING hash="39093760" needed="1"> VojenskΘ jednotky: </STRING> <STRING hash="49820023" needed="1"> Vojenskß vylep╣enφ:</STRING> <STRING hash="36062355" needed="1"> ┌zemφ:</STRING> <STRING hash="27461626" needed="1"> Boj:</STRING> <STRING hash="29808812" needed="1"> Ekonomika:</STRING> <STRING hash="36366234" needed="1"> Zdroje:</STRING> <STRING hash="19616839" needed="1"> PoΦet obyvatel:</STRING> <STRING hash="33354848" needed="1"> V²zkum: </STRING> <STRING hash="29336772" needed="1"> Divy sv∞ta: </STRING> <STRING hash="20098960" needed="1">DIVY SV╠TA</STRING> <STRING hash="69462305" needed="1">$LEADERNAME0: $NUMBER0</STRING> <STRING hash="74281768" needed="1">$WONDERNAME0 ($NUMBER0)</STRING> <STRING hash="78414378" needed="1">$WONDERNAME0 ($NUMBER0%)</STRING> <STRING hash="50100695" needed="1">DIPLOMATICK▌ STATUS </STRING> <STRING hash="10359194" needed="1"> (</STRING> <STRING hash="8839150" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="13844205" needed="1">Spojenec </STRING> <STRING hash="16140517" needed="1">Mφr </STRING> <STRING hash="12139440" needed="1">Vßlka </STRING> <STRING hash="40028461" needed="1">OVL┴D┴N═ SKUPIN </STRING> <STRING hash="22211361" needed="1">Stavba </STRING> <STRING hash="13829721" needed="1">Jednotka </STRING> <STRING hash="24726854" needed="1">Stavby </STRING> <STRING hash="15815444" needed="1">Jednotky </STRING> <STRING hash="8808453" needed="1">F</STRING> <STRING hash="18189345" needed="1">Pohled </STRING> <STRING hash="15872918" needed="1">Nenφ definovanß skupina pod Φ. </STRING> <STRING hash="41956998" needed="1">DOSTUPN┴ VYLEP⌐EN═ </STRING> <STRING hash="17775597" needed="1">M╠STA </STRING> <STRING hash="42142080" needed="1">Bod∙ za stavbu Div∙ sv∞ta: </STRING> <STRING hash="17776730" needed="1">TR«I⌐T╠</STRING> <STRING hash="169973462" needed="1">[(Po╛adovßno: Tr╛i╣t∞ a $TECHNAME0)] </STRING> <STRING hash="73090632" needed="1">[(Po╛adovßno: Tr╛i╣t∞)]</STRING> <STRING hash="79100183" needed="1">[(Po╛adovßn:: $TECHNAME0)]</STRING> <STRING hash="10323246" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="15624675" needed="1">Koupit: </STRING> <STRING hash="17377700" needed="1">Prodat: </STRING> <STRING hash="20250600" needed="1">EKONOMIKA: </STRING> <STRING hash="39080626" needed="1">Obchodnφ cesty: </STRING> <STRING hash="15741101" needed="1">Maximum: </STRING> <STRING hash="15586903" needed="1">NeΦinn² </STRING> <STRING hash="45137620" needed="1">NeΦinn²ch Rybß°∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="29139149" needed="1">Rybß°∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="24366577" needed="1">Farmß°∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="36974582" needed="1">D°evorubc∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="32614628" needed="1">Voln²ch mφst: </STRING> <STRING hash="27211747" needed="1">UΦenc∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="32978223" needed="1">Voln²ch mφst: </STRING> <STRING hash="21948755" needed="1">Hornφk∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="38774051" needed="1">Pracovnφk∙ vrt∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="26542406" needed="1">Stavba°∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="29596767" needed="1">Opravß°∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="26815569" needed="1">╚len∙ posßdky: </STRING> <STRING hash="46855616" needed="1">VzßcnΘ zdroje: </STRING> <STRING hash="46979052" needed="1">NeΦinnφ Obchodnφci: </STRING> <STRING hash="22614778" needed="1">VOJSKO </STRING> <STRING hash="17708813" needed="1">M∞sta </STRING> <STRING hash="8841001" needed="1">*</STRING> <STRING hash="8800936" needed="1">A</STRING> <STRING hash="8824701" needed="1">P</STRING> <STRING hash="8836954" needed="1">W</STRING> <STRING hash="34896201" needed="1">⌐φ°ka okna </STRING> <STRING hash="37768411" needed="1">V²╣ka okna </STRING> <STRING hash="24389737" needed="1">Celß obrazovka </STRING> <STRING hash="39281901" needed="1">Rise of Nations</STRING> <STRING hash="32820900" needed="1">Zvuk zapnut </STRING> <STRING hash="42232397" needed="1">ESCKeyGoesToMenu</STRING> <STRING hash="39032469" needed="1">SkipIntroMovies</STRING> <STRING hash="111013579" needed="1">$TECHCATEGORY0 ·rove≥ $NUMBER0 </STRING> <STRING hash="11829210" needed="1"> (</STRING> <STRING hash="10168973" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="21820481" needed="1">┌rove≥ </STRING> <STRING hash="92152732" needed="1">Nastavuji terΘn - cesty </STRING> <STRING hash="96898148" needed="1">Nastavuji terΘn - °eky </STRING> <STRING hash="79945274" needed="1">Nastavuji terΘn - ropa</STRING> <STRING hash="115112549" needed="1">Nastavuji terΘn - data </STRING> <STRING hash="86052993" needed="1">Nastavuji terΘn - zem∞ </STRING> <STRING hash="130394558" needed="1">Nastavuji terΘn - p°echody </STRING> <STRING hash="92628732" needed="1">Nastavuji terΘn - voda </STRING> <STRING hash="159757111" needed="1">Nastavuji terΘn - poΦßtky °ek </STRING> <STRING hash="85822494" needed="1">Nastavuji terΘn - p°φboj </STRING> <STRING hash="62083479" needed="1">NulovΘ v²╣ky terΘnu </STRING> <STRING hash="80916676" needed="1">Umφst∞nφ ve sv∞t∞-</STRING> <STRING hash="108336164" needed="1">Umφst∞nφ v rßmci kontinentu- </STRING> <STRING hash="92476370" needed="1">Umφst∞nφ za hrßΦe- </STRING> <STRING hash="21800769" needed="1">Zßklad generovßnφ nßhodn²ch Φφsel: </STRING> <STRING hash="39355369" needed="1">Pom∞r zem∞: </STRING> <STRING hash="13567053" needed="1">%</STRING> <STRING hash="39204850" needed="1">CelkovΘ mno╛stvφ zem∞: </STRING> <STRING hash="36063513" needed="1">CelkovΘ mno╛stvφ mo°e: </STRING> <STRING hash="39210972" needed="1">Celkovß rozloha: </STRING> <STRING hash="39258558" needed="1">Pom∞r: </STRING> <STRING hash="54154868" needed="1">Rozloha les∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="62808151" needed="1">Rozloha hor: </STRING> <STRING hash="50395604" needed="1">Rozloha skal: </STRING> <STRING hash="35519132" needed="1">Celkem ropy: </STRING> <STRING hash="42759912" needed="1">Celkem kovu: </STRING> <STRING hash="41978002" needed="1">PoΦet bonus∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="54381572" needed="1">Vydatnost bonus∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="54420459" needed="1">Zdroje zem∞: </STRING> <STRING hash="67678309" needed="1">Vydatnost zdroje: </STRING> <STRING hash="50547568" needed="1">Zdroje mo°e: </STRING> <STRING hash="77134536" needed="1">Vydatnost Rybφho/Velrybφho lovi╣t∞: </STRING> <STRING hash="32435734" needed="1">Nßrody: </STRING> <STRING hash="40683150" needed="1">Inicializace se nezda°ila</STRING> <STRING hash="136823480" needed="1">Nßrodnφ hranice +$NUMBER0 za ka╛d² v∞k </STRING> <STRING hash="88604640" needed="1">Nßrodnφ hranice +$NUMBER0. </STRING> <STRING hash="25200572" needed="1">A </STRING> <STRING hash="22847439" needed="1">NEBO </STRING> <STRING hash="20564508" needed="1">></STRING> <STRING hash="20563368" needed="1"><</STRING> <STRING hash="86275326" needed="1">Ukßzat v╣echny funkce </STRING> <STRING hash="541453739" needed="1">Napi╣te jmΘno funkce a vyberte jejφ kategorii. Odpovφdajφcφ funkce budou vlo╛eny do editoru. </STRING> <STRING hash="83427261" needed="1">Vyberte prom∞nnou. </STRING> <STRING hash="40662237" needed="1">V²raz </STRING> <STRING hash="43881074" needed="1">Nov² p°epφnaΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="37352280" needed="1">Podmφnka </STRING> <STRING hash="28315921" needed="1">Akce </STRING> <STRING hash="33729237" needed="1"><zano°enφ> </STRING> <STRING hash="23141846" needed="1">Ko°en </STRING> <STRING hash="31307976" needed="1">neznßm² </STRING> <STRING hash="20732789" needed="1">P╪IDAT </STRING> <STRING hash="104416258" needed="1">Super zpomalen² Φas vypr╣el! </STRING> <STRING hash="126163269" needed="1">Super zpomalen² Φas byl u╛ aktivovßn!</STRING> <STRING hash="81011994" needed="1">Nezbyl ╛ßdn² Super zpomalen² Φas! </STRING> <STRING hash="187138723" needed="1">Super zpomalen² Φas aktivovßn na 15 vte°in! </STRING> <STRING hash="192264365" needed="1">HrßΦ $PLAYERNAME0! aktivoval Super zpomalen² Φas! </STRING> <STRING hash="45959248" needed="1">Rychlost hry: </STRING> <STRING hash="168487104" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0 pozastavil hru. </STRING> <STRING hash="217761261" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0 pozastavil hru. (zb²vß $NUMBER0) </STRING> <STRING hash="83445817" needed="1">Nenφ mo╛nΘ pozastavit hru! </STRING> <STRING hash="22283578" needed="1">ROK </STRING> <STRING hash="17540745" needed="1">p°. n. l. </STRING> <STRING hash="17542183" needed="1">n. l. </STRING> <STRING hash="15577230" needed="1">#</STRING> <STRING hash="15587997" needed="1">(</STRING> <STRING hash="22414362" needed="1">n. l. </STRING> <STRING hash="22411158" needed="1">p°. n. l. </STRING> <STRING hash="15590140" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="63641755" needed="1">ZaΦßteΦnφk </STRING> <STRING hash="191003638" needed="1">Zku╣en² stratΘg </STRING> <STRING hash="44242425" needed="1">Rychl² zaΦßtek</STRING> <STRING hash="60280024" needed="1">PokroΦilΘ lekce</STRING> <STRING hash="22031585" needed="1">Druhy techniky </STRING> <STRING hash="54278383" needed="1">Alternativnφ tech. jmΘna </STRING> <STRING hash="21803380" needed="1">Druhy zbo╛φ </STRING> <STRING hash="24008177" needed="1">Druhy budov </STRING> <STRING hash="32560985" needed="1">Masky stavby </STRING> <STRING hash="21892333" needed="1">Druhy jednotek </STRING> <STRING hash="21831790" needed="1">Druhy p°edm∞t∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="24061627" needed="1">Druhy kouzel </STRING> <STRING hash="24183052" needed="1">Druhy bonus∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="71929848" needed="1">Spojenφ Tech./Stavby </STRING> <STRING hash="24783215" needed="1">Zvukovß tabulka </STRING> <STRING hash="4613484" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="4600676" needed="1">F</STRING> <STRING hash="16627707" needed="1">V²palnΘ: + </STRING> <STRING hash="18387253" needed="1">Drancovßnφ: + </STRING> <STRING hash="94716390" needed="1">PR┘ZKUM bonus technologie: </STRING> <STRING hash="58561039" needed="1">$NUMBER0 $RESOURCENAME0</STRING> <STRING hash="129529388" needed="1">PR┘ZKUM +$NUMBER0 $RESOURCENAME0</STRING> <STRING hash="63776675" needed="1">PR┘ZKUM bonusovß jednotka: </STRING> <STRING hash="43535421" needed="1">PR┘ZKUM bonus: </STRING> <STRING hash="4614981" needed="1">!</STRING> <STRING hash="105567293" needed="1">Obchodnφk nemß dost mφst na vybalenφ v∞cφ.</STRING> <STRING hash="28501024" needed="1">Pr∙zkumnφk je neΦinn². </STRING> <STRING hash="72452796" needed="1">Nelze dosßhnout cφle. </STRING> <STRING hash="85957301" needed="1">Nedostatek zdroj∙ na opravu. </STRING> <STRING hash="101070157" needed="1">Nemohu najφt m∞sto, se kter²m by se dalo obchodovat. </STRING> <STRING hash="218716308" needed="1">Nelze obchodovat s ostatnφmi nßrody, dokud nenφ vyzkoumßn 'Obchod'. </STRING> <STRING hash="253317981" needed="1">V╣echny obchodnφ cesty jsou pln∞ obsazeny. Ka╛dΘ m∞sto m∙╛e mφt pouze jednu obchodnφ cestu s dal╣φm m∞stem. </STRING> <STRING hash="64627378" needed="1">Toto kouzlo si nem∙╛ete dovolit.</STRING> <STRING hash="61327187" needed="1">Nejsou zde ╛ßdnΘ vzßcnΘ zdroje. </STRING> <STRING hash="222610845" needed="1">Va╣e letadla havarujφ, proto╛e nemajφ kde p°istßt! </STRING> <STRING hash="35274179" needed="1">Leteckß zßkladna je plnß. </STRING> <STRING hash="184462060" needed="1">Nap°ed musφte m∞sto asimilovat, teprve potom do n∞j m∙╛ete umφstit posßdku. </STRING> <STRING hash="195460388" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete umφstit do m∞sta posßdku, pokud je po╣kozeno vφce ne╛ na 90%. </STRING> <STRING hash="173128833" needed="1">$UNITTYPE0 se nevejde do $BUILDINGNAME1</STRING> <STRING hash="184135484" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete umφstit posßdku do budovy na nep°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="8536484" needed="1"> o, </STRING> <STRING hash="61337025" needed="1"> who : unit has issues.</STRING> <STRING hash="254202465" needed="1">VojenskΘ jednotky majφ 30 vte°in na opu╣t∞nφ b²valΘho spojeneckΘho ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="469176847" needed="1">VojenskΘ jednotky na b²valΘm spojeneckΘm ·zemφ utrp∞ly vß╛nΘ po╣kozenφ z pobytu na cizφm ·zemφ. P°ed ·tokem vyhlaste vßlku! </STRING> <STRING hash="235037996" needed="1">VojenskΘ jednotky na nep°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ jsou pobytem na cizφm ·zemφ vß╛n∞ po╣kozovßny! </STRING> <STRING hash="483583171" needed="1">VojenskΘ jednotky na neutrßlnφm ·zemφ jsou pobytem na cizφm ·zemφ vß╛n∞ po╣kozovßny. P°ed ·tokem vyhlaste vßlku! </STRING> <STRING hash="310442145" needed="1">VojenskΘ jednotky na jinΘm ne╛ cφlovΘm ·zemφ jsou pobytem na cizφm ·zemφ vß╛n∞ po╣kozovßny. </STRING> <STRING hash="258228452" needed="1">VojenskΘ jednotky na ·zemφ Ruska jsou po╣kozovßny "ruskou zimou"! </STRING> <STRING hash="237300063" needed="1">VojenskΘ jednotky na nep°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ mohou b²t pobytem na cizφm ·zemφ vß╛n∞ po╣kozeny! </STRING> <STRING hash="235040544" needed="1">Chcete-li se vyhnout po╣kozenφ z pobytu na cizφm ·zemφ, v Tovßrn∞ vytvo°te Zßsobovacφ vozy. </STRING> <STRING hash="248760936" needed="1">Chcete-li se vyhnout po╣kozenφ z pobytu na cizφm ·zemφ, v Tovßrn∞ vytvo°te Zßsobovacφ vozy. </STRING> <STRING hash="101780043" needed="1">DOSA«ENO MAXIM┴LN═HO PO╚TU OBYVATEL! </STRING> <STRING hash="220353571" needed="1">MAXIM┴LN═ PO╚ET OBYVATEL! V Knihovn∞ vyzkoumejte Vojenstvφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="200646585" needed="1">Nenφ urΦena ╛ßdnß zem∞ v souboru balancerules.txt.</STRING> <STRING hash="202167244" needed="1">Nejsou urΦeny ╛ßdnΘ jednotky v souboru balancerules.txt. </STRING> <STRING hash="134649709" needed="1">Neznßm² nßrod: $TRIBENAME0 </STRING> <STRING hash="222364488" needed="1">$TYPENAME0 nebyl identifikovßn. P°eklep?</STRING> <STRING hash="202383620" needed="1">Pro ╛ßdn² z t²m∙ nebyl urΦen typ. </STRING> <STRING hash="188508649" needed="1">Nejsou urΦeny ╛ßdnΘ akce ke spu╣t∞nφ balancerules. </STRING> <STRING hash="188491774" needed="1">Nelze zapsat v²sledky nastavenφ jednotek. </STRING> <STRING hash="99369453" needed="1">Simulace nastavenφ jednotek </STRING> <STRING hash="26697490" needed="1"> proti </STRING> <STRING hash="29021887" needed="1"> (V∞k </STRING> <STRING hash="26614093" needed="1">) proti </STRING> <STRING hash="16884745" needed="1">,</STRING> <STRING hash="24003610" needed="1"> proti </STRING> <STRING hash="-2045269110" needed="1">, Team 1, Team 2, , Tot Health, Max Health, Health % T1, , Tot Health, Max Health, Health % T2, , Avg T1 GetDmg, , Avg T2 GetDmg, , Shots Hit, Shots Fired, Shots % T1, , Shots Hit, Shots Fired, Shots % T1, , TIMBER, WEALTH, WOOL, METAL, OIL, FOOD, , TIMBER, WEALTH, WOOL, METAL, OIL, FOOD</STRING> <STRING hash="192142186" needed="1"> survived, avg get_damage() result </STRING> <STRING hash="16907489" needed="1">0</STRING> <STRING hash="47871927" needed="1"> ,p°esnost </STRING> <STRING hash="19129871" needed="1">%.</STRING> <STRING hash="19064566" needed="1">, </STRING> <STRING hash="24028729" needed="1">, , </STRING> <STRING hash="26624470" needed="1">%, , </STRING> <STRING hash="21498255" needed="1">%, </STRING> <STRING hash="188957737" needed="1">JEDNOTKA NEREAGUJE. MO«N▌ PROBL╔M S UM╠LOU INTELIGENC═ JEDNOTKY. </STRING> <STRING hash="6043318" needed="1">: </STRING> <STRING hash="55041850" needed="1">Stavba blokovßna! </STRING> <STRING hash="70536996" needed="1">Stavba $BUILDINGNAME0 dokonΦena. </STRING> <STRING hash="287850850" needed="1">Budovy, kterΘ z∙staly na nep°ßtelskΘm ·zemφ, utrpφ vß╛nΘ po╣kozenφ!</STRING> <STRING hash="77983047" needed="1">Objeven vzßcn² zdroj: </STRING> <STRING hash="95408334" needed="1">Chyba Direct3D. </STRING> <STRING hash="133973689" needed="1">Chyba p°i rozpoznßvßnφ typu displeje. </STRING> <STRING hash="158356946" needed="1">Direct3d vy╛aduje alespo≥ 16bitovou barevnou hloubku.</STRING> <STRING hash="208055324" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete nastavit 8-bitovou barevnou hloubku displeje jako standardnφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="193987116" needed="1">Nelze pracovat s tφmto neznßm²m formßtem monitoru. </STRING> <STRING hash="117384313" needed="1">Chyba za°φzenφ, k≤d: </STRING> <STRING hash="85524198" needed="1">Chyba buferu </STRING> <STRING hash="143659076" needed="1">Chyba p°i inicializaci barevnΘ hloubky ╣ablony </STRING> <STRING hash="33375419" needed="1">Rise of Nations</STRING> <STRING hash="80814093" needed="1">$GAMENAME0 je ji╛ spu╣t∞na. </STRING> <STRING hash="147068923" needed="1">M∙╛ete spustit pouze jednu kopii hry. Can only run one instance of the game.</STRING> <STRING hash="43943809" needed="1">Celkovß pam∞╗ pro textury:Total Texture Mem: </STRING> <STRING hash="691097283" needed="1">Va╣e grafickß karta nenφ na seznamu doporuΦen²ch karet pro hru Rise of Nations. Stßhn∞te si z webov²ch strßnek v²robce nejnov∞j╣φ ovladaΦe. </STRING> <STRING hash="675516297" needed="1">Tato grafickß karta nenφ hrou Rise of Nations podporovßna. Stßhn∞te si z webov²ch strßnek v²robce nejnov∞j╣φ ovladaΦe. </STRING> <STRING hash="225252045" needed="1">Va╣e grafickß karta nenφ doporuΦena ke hranφ hry Rise of Nations.</STRING> <STRING hash="221824665" needed="1">Tato grafickß karta nenφ hrou Rise of Nations podporovßna. </STRING> <STRING hash="10696198" needed="1">Chyba </STRING> <STRING hash="13933991" needed="1">V²straha</STRING> <STRING hash="7170011" needed="1"/> <STRING hash="8775118" needed="1">IdentifikaΦnφ Φφslo</STRING> <STRING hash="10919875" needed="1">*</STRING> <STRING hash="7277541" needed="1">*</STRING> <STRING hash="8968632" needed="1">*</STRING> <STRING hash="423685421" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se zapsat do souboru $FILENAME0. Nenφ soubor nastaven pouze pro Φtenφ? Tuto chybu m∙╛ete ignorovat. </STRING> <STRING hash="9898955" needed="1">*</STRING> <STRING hash="21971634" needed="1">«ßdn²</STRING> <STRING hash="42378962" needed="1">inverse exp</STRING> <STRING hash="56371972" needed="1">inverse exp ^ 2</STRING> <STRING hash="27169006" needed="1">linear</STRING> <STRING hash="79783167" needed="1">Texture Op Stage 1</STRING> <STRING hash="80571748" needed="1">Texture Arg0 Stage 1</STRING> <STRING hash="80639933" needed="1">Texture Arg1 Stage 1</STRING> <STRING hash="79547152" needed="1">Alpha Op Stage 1</STRING> <STRING hash="80335733" needed="1">Alpha Arg0 Stage 1</STRING> <STRING hash="80403918" needed="1">Alpha Arg1 Stage 1</STRING> <STRING hash="91157287" needed="1">Magnification Filter 1</STRING> <STRING hash="90476420" needed="1">Minification Filter 1</STRING> <STRING hash="32475031" needed="1">Fog Mode</STRING> <STRING hash="36504112" needed="1">Fog Start</STRING> <STRING hash="29370120" needed="1">Fog End</STRING> <STRING hash="42676747" needed="1">Fog Density</STRING> <STRING hash="35795417" needed="1">Fog Color</STRING> <STRING hash="7399604" needed="1">*</STRING> <STRING hash="12145434" needed="1">*</STRING> <STRING hash="8575211" needed="1">_</STRING> <STRING hash="19613865" needed="1">_</STRING> <STRING hash="11571107" needed="1">name</STRING> <STRING hash="49374513" needed="1">CompilerErrorLog</STRING> <STRING hash="62750865" needed="1">compiler_errors.log</STRING> <STRING hash="179086632" needed="1">Chyba od "$STR0" k "STR1" </STRING> <STRING hash="124016588" needed="1">Chyba operßtoru v "$STR0" </STRING> <STRING hash="183455471" needed="1">Chyba operßtoru "$STR0" a "$STR1" </STRING> <STRING hash="373405879" needed="1">Neplatnß dΘlka k≤du. Skript nesmφ p°esßhnout dΘlku "$STR1". DΘlka k≤du je $NUM1.</STRING> <STRING hash="120221967" needed="1">$NUM0 chyb, kompilace selhala. </STRING> <STRING hash="190808797" needed="1">$NUM0 skript∙ zkompilovßno bez chyb. </STRING> <STRING hash="142264165" needed="1">========== Probφhß kompilovßnφ: "$STR0"... </STRING> <STRING hash="49179562" needed="1">(╪ßdek: $NUM0) </STRING> <STRING hash="71575182" needed="1">Syntaktickß chyba: $STR0 </STRING> <STRING hash="131340344" needed="1">SΘmantickß chyba (E$NUM0): </STRING> <STRING hash="90370937" needed="1">Varovßnφ (W$NUM0): $STR0 Warning (W$NUM0): $STR0</STRING> <STRING hash="194246662" needed="1">Vstupn∞/v²stupnφ chyba: nerozpoznanΘ volßnφ nebo chyba zßpisu. </STRING> <STRING hash="197235151" needed="1">Nelze zkompilovat, neznßmß chyba p°ekladu nebo vstupn∞/v²stupnφ chyby. </STRING> <STRING hash="200527457" needed="1">Vyskytly se chyby, p°eskakuji zb²vajφcφ soubory. </STRING> <STRING hash="171160140" needed="1">Nebyl nalezen zdrojov² soubor skriptu $STR0 </STRING> <STRING hash="243432816" needed="1">Neznßmß chyba na konci souboru, zkontrolujte pßrovßnφ { nebo ( </STRING> <STRING hash="191116746" needed="1">Prom∞nnß nebyla deklarovßna nebo mß chybnΘ jmΘno. </STRING> <STRING hash="112302623" needed="1">Nov² °ßdek v konstant∞ typu °et∞zec </STRING> <STRING hash="306367637" needed="1">Neplatn² typ dat, chybn² rßmec nebo nebyla deklarovßna Φi znovu deklarovßna prom∞nnß. </STRING> <STRING hash="260816237" needed="1">Neplatn² typ parametru nebo specifikace rßmce nebo byl parametr znovu deklarovßn.</STRING> <STRING hash="63578021" needed="1">NeplatnΘ tvrzenφ</STRING> <STRING hash="216487668" needed="1">JinΘ chyby nebo nerozpoznan² text, p°eskakuji zbytek souboru.</STRING> <STRING hash="98557817" needed="1">Chyby v bloku skriptu</STRING> <STRING hash="206791040" needed="1">Chyby v deklaraci "labels"), ov∞°te jmΘna. </STRING> <STRING hash="104964163" needed="1">"$STR0" ([$NUM0 params]) </STRING> <STRING hash="222150223" needed="1">Nebyl nalezen skript/funkce, ov∞°te jmΘna nebo p°φstupovou skupinu.</STRING> <STRING hash="202329074" needed="1">⌐patn² poΦet parametr∙: je pot°eba $NUM0, nalezeno $NUM1. </STRING> <STRING hash="217318500" needed="1">Po╛adovßn odkaz, musφte p°edat jednu prom∞nnou "$STR0". </STRING> <STRING hash="197058236" needed="1">Pokus o volßnφ odli╣nΘho typu skriptu </STRING> <STRING hash="194996901" needed="1">P°φli╣ mnoho zano°en²ch Includes, jednß se o nekoneΦnΘ zano°enφ? </STRING> <STRING hash="239346876" needed="1">Stav musφ b²t inicializovßn int konstantou nebo nesmφ b²t inicializovßn v∙bec. </STRING> <STRING hash="276917198" needed="1">V souboru je p°φli╣ mnoho nepojmenovan²ch skript∙, v jednom souboru m∙╛e b²t pouze jeden nepojmenovan² skript. </STRING> <STRING hash="205293570" needed="1">++ a -- m∙╛e b²t pou╛ito pouze na jednotlivΘ prom∞nnΘ </STRING> <STRING hash="199783909" needed="1">Deklarace parametr∙ musφ b²t "local") nebo "ref", nesmφ b²t "static". </STRING> <STRING hash="190924180" needed="1">"ref" prom∞nnΘ musφ b²t explicitnφho typu. </STRING> <STRING hash="196266386" needed="1">NeparametrovΘ veliΦiny mohou b²t local") nebo "ref", nesmφ b²t "static". </STRING> <STRING hash="103132367" needed="1">nßvrat mimo skript? </STRING> <STRING hash="47577707" needed="1">neplatnΘ p°eru╣enφ </STRING> <STRING hash="59125208" needed="1">neplatnΘ pokraΦovßnφ </STRING> <STRING hash="134433800" needed="1">nßv∞stφ musφ b²t konstanta.</STRING> <STRING hash="164428285" needed="1">duplicitnφ konstanty v p°φkazu switch </STRING> <STRING hash="209103862" needed="1">"default") se m∙╛e vyskytnout pouze na konci p°φkazu switch. </STRING> <STRING hash="214183125" needed="1">"default") se m∙╛e vyskytnout v bloku p°φkazu pouze jednou. </STRING> <STRING hash="73612860" needed="1">case bez p°φkazu switch </STRING> <STRING hash="86934237" needed="1">D∞lenφ nulou</STRING> <STRING hash="437030847" needed="1">Zde nem∙╛ete pou╛φvat diakritiku. Diakritiku lze pou╛φt pouze v komentß°φch a v hodnot∞ prom∞nnΘ string. </STRING> <STRING hash="191860075" needed="1">Chybφ komentß° p°ed uzav°enφm "*/"). </STRING> <STRING hash="364712087" needed="1">Do prom∞nnΘ byla p°i°azena hodnota. Standardnφ hodnota je 0. Bylo to zßm∞rn∞? </STRING> <STRING hash="269020994" needed="1">Tato operace nebude mφt ╛ßdn² ·Φinek, zkuste jφ p°i°adit n∞jakΘ prom∞nnΘ. </STRING> <STRING hash="258475816" needed="1">case byl m∞l b²t stejnΘho typu jako switch. </STRING> <STRING hash="54354812" needed="1">Skript je prßzdn². </STRING> <STRING hash="225168226" needed="1">Soubor vlo╛en vφce ne╛ jednou, nßsledujφ vlo╛enφ ignorovßna. </STRING> <STRING hash="344698070" needed="1">Chyba p°i vyhodnocovßnφ v²razu, zkontrolujte syntaxi. Dal╣φ informace v konzoli. </STRING> <STRING hash="419469504" needed="1">Chyba - operßtor nenφ podporovßn nebo nenφ platn². Dal╣φ informace v konzoli. </STRING> <STRING hash="135957045" needed="1">--- Chyby p°i b∞hu skriptu "$STR0": --- </STRING> <STRING hash="182004939" needed="1">--- Chyba p°i nahrßvßnφ skriptu "$STR0"</STRING> <STRING hash="202037576" needed="1">Neplatn² p°φkaz, vykonßvßnφ skriptu zastaveno.</STRING> <STRING hash="108339101" needed="1">Bylo nalezeno neplatnΘ p°eru╣enφ lad∞nφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="102127613" needed="1">pop > push Chyba zßsobnφku, pop > push</STRING> <STRING hash="149098025" needed="1">NeplatnΘ parametry, volßnφ selhalo </STRING> <STRING hash="397658465" needed="1">Chyba odkazu: nemohu volat odkaz. Je vy╛adovßno volßnφ, ale jeho hodnota nenφ definovanß. </STRING> <STRING hash="205082242" needed="1">P°eteΦenφ: NekoneΦnß smyΦka nebo rekurze </STRING> <STRING hash="162334004" needed="1">DynamickΘ volßnφ: NekoneΦnß rekurze </STRING> <STRING hash="268460303" needed="1">DynamickΘ volßnφ: neplatn² poΦet parametr∙: pot°eba $NUM0, akt. poΦet": $NUM0 </STRING> <STRING hash="213790996" needed="1">Volßnφ skriptu: NeplatnΘ parametry skriptu nebo poΦet parametr∙.</STRING> <STRING hash="120490691" needed="1">Neznßm² typ konstanty! </STRING> <STRING hash="74869262" needed="1">Nalezena neznßmß skupina! </STRING> <STRING hash="210743425" needed="1">Neplatnß adresa volßnφ skriptu, zkontrolujte chybovß hlß╣enφ kompilace. </STRING> <STRING hash="202750832" needed="1">NeplatnΘ externφ volßnφ skriptu, zkontrolujte chybovß hlß╣enφ kompilace.</STRING> <STRING hash="286106182" needed="1">Pokus o d∞lenφ nulou, ignoruji operaci, uklßdßm nulu jako v²sledek. </STRING> <STRING hash="165684202" needed="1">Pou╛ita nedeklarovanß prom∞nnß, hodnota nastavena na nulu. </STRING> <STRING hash="189058261" needed="1">Pou╛ita nedeklarovanß prom∞nnß "$STR0", hodnota nastavena na nulu. </STRING> <STRING hash="54620104" needed="1">Zßsobnφk nenφ prßzdn². </STRING> <STRING hash="80812897" needed="1">Chybφ nßvratovß hodnota? </STRING> <STRING hash="135094856" needed="1">DynamickΘ volßnφ: Skript nebyl nalezen. </STRING> <STRING hash="45636240" needed="1">IdentifikaΦnφ Φφslo procesu nebylo nalezeno. </STRING> <STRING hash="22088421" needed="1">T²m </STRING> <STRING hash="88968270" needed="1">┌tok nukleßrnφ raketou! </STRING> <STRING hash="54889552" needed="1">Rozhovor s ANONYMEM: </STRING> <STRING hash="81963895" needed="1">Rozhovor s {$PLAYERNAME0}:</STRING> <STRING hash="67813677" needed="1">Rozhovor s vybran²mi nep°ßteli: </STRING> <STRING hash="63389637" needed="1">Rozhovor s vybran²mi spojenci: </STRING> <STRING hash="37802323" needed="1">Rozhovor s vybran²mi hrßΦi: </STRING> <STRING hash="94601320" needed="1">T∞snΘ vφt∞zstvφ! </STRING> <STRING hash="87786026" needed="1">T∞snß prohra! </STRING> <STRING hash="63967352" needed="1">Hra automaticky ulo╛ena. </STRING> <STRING hash="54887233" needed="1">Menu hry</STRING> <STRING hash="68349829" needed="1">Nastavenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="201463006" needed="1">Opravdu chcete ukonΦit Kampa≥? </STRING> <STRING hash="705681128" needed="1">Prohrßli jste. M∙╛ete si zkusit zahrßt tutorißly 3-5. Dozvφte se zde pßr tip∙, kterΘ vßm pom∙╛ou vyhrßt.</STRING> <STRING hash="596384361" needed="1">Vyhrßli jste. Zkuste si zahrßt samostatnou bitvu, abyste se dozv∞d∞li vφce o jednotliv²ch nßrodech a mapßch. </STRING> <STRING hash="81098848" needed="1">Po╛adavky a poplatky</STRING> <STRING hash="67124074" needed="1">P°φkazy Editoru skript∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="67775588" needed="1">Tanky, t∞╛kß p∞chota </STRING> <STRING hash="19286408" needed="1">Divy sv∞ta</STRING> <STRING hash="83429874" needed="1">Jednotkßm, kterΘ mohou rychle utΘci. </STRING> <STRING hash="2038859302" needed="1">HrßΦ se odpojil. Na tΘto obrazovce majφ ostatnφ hrßΦi mo╛nost rozhodnout se, co dßl. Dole vidφte, jak hlasovali ostatnφ hrßΦi. M∙╛ete hlasovat nebo se zdr╛et hlasovßnφ. A╛ se v╣ichni hrßΦi shodnou na n∞jakΘ mo╛nosti, hra bude pokraΦovat. </STRING> <STRING hash="56626965" needed="1">Rychlost hry: </STRING> <STRING hash="84729586" needed="1">Obtφ╛nost: </STRING> <STRING hash="42492046" needed="1">M≤d pozorovatel </STRING> <STRING hash="29621222" needed="1">SkonΦit </STRING> <STRING hash="157119406" needed="1">Chcete ukonΦit hru? </STRING> <STRING hash="79655354" needed="1">Jφt na °ßdek # </STRING> <STRING hash="199781682" needed="1">Zadejte jmΘno spφnaΦe (nenφ povinnΘ):</STRING> <STRING hash="57791941" needed="1">P°idat spφnaΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="709306868" needed="1">Skripty mohou b²t spu╣t∞ny pouze za b∞hu hry. Pokud chcete ladit skript, sktiskn∞te Ctrl + Alt + Z. </STRING> <STRING hash="66646918" needed="1">Na °ßdku $NUM0 </STRING> <STRING hash="259595981" needed="1">Soubor $FILE0 je p°φli╣ velik² na to, aby byl otev°en v Editoru skript∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="26603250" needed="1">OK</STRING> <STRING hash="291667755" needed="1">Zm∞nily se parametry skriptu - skript musφ b²t restartovßn s nov²mi parametry. </STRING> <STRING hash="207604473" needed="1">Vykonßvßnφ skriptu pozastaveno na kontrolnφm bod∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="461287036" needed="1">Skript "$TEXT0" po╛aduje $NUM0 parametr(∙). Vlo╛te parametry, prosφm.</STRING> <STRING hash="442733335" needed="1">Skript m∙╛ete spustit, pouze pokud mß $NUM0 nebo mΘn∞ parametr∙. Tento skript mß $NUM1 parametr∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="217539431" needed="1">Opravdu chcete odstranit v╣echny kontrolnφ body? </STRING> <STRING hash="185742031" needed="1">Skript $FILE0 je ji╛ ulo╛en. </STRING> <STRING hash="190159435" needed="1">Aplikovat zm∞ny (restartuje skript) </STRING> <STRING hash="229468356" needed="1">Skript $FILE0 se ladφ, ale mezitφm byl zm∞n∞n. </STRING> <STRING hash="67002772" needed="1">Aplikovat zm∞ny </STRING> <STRING hash="62329411" needed="1">Neprovßd∞t zm∞ny </STRING> <STRING hash="53902667" needed="1">Najφt: </STRING> <STRING hash="86256503" needed="1">"$STR0" nebyl nalezen </STRING> <STRING hash="35507720" needed="1">Najφt: </STRING> <STRING hash="66928565" needed="1">Nahradit Φφm: </STRING> <STRING hash="43078704" needed="1">Nahradit </STRING> <STRING hash="58153683" needed="1">Nahradit v╣e </STRING> <STRING hash="196031605" needed="1">Bylo nahrazeno $NUM0 v²skyt∙ °et∞zce "$STR0". </STRING> <STRING hash="90144312" needed="1"><Nebyla je╣t∞ deklarovßna t> </STRING> <STRING hash="84919738" needed="1"><Je╣t∞ nebylo dosa╛eno> </STRING> <STRING hash="83567647" needed="1"><<Bez_jmΘna $NUM0>> </STRING> <STRING hash="215011649" needed="1">Poznßmka ESRB: Hernφ zku╣enosti se mohou p°i hranφ online hry m∞nit. </STRING> <STRING hash="57716430" needed="1">Parametry: </STRING> <STRING hash="55122219" needed="1">Polovina hry </STRING> <STRING hash="1177101437" needed="1">Prßv∞ byste se m∞li bavit hranφm hry a Φtenφm pokyn∙, kterΘ se objevujφ v levΘm hornφm rohu obrazovky. Jestli╛e se tak ned∞je, m∙╛ete zkusit jednu z nßsledujφcφch mo╛nostφ: </STRING> <STRING hash="325490153" needed="1">Pot°ebuji vφce informacφ o tom, jak hrßt hru. Chci hrßt tutorißl. </STRING> <STRING hash="281576136" needed="1">Hra je p°φli╣ pomalß a nudnß. Chci zkusit samostatnou bitvu. </STRING> <STRING hash="206881517" needed="1">Hranφ hry m∞ bavφ, chci pokraΦovat. </STRING> <STRING hash="55124490" needed="1">Konec hry </STRING> <STRING hash="422839588" needed="1">Rozhodli jste se zanechat hranφ hry je╣t∞ p°ed tφm, ne╛ jste dohrßli scΘnß° do konce. Co chcete d∞lat dßl? </STRING> <STRING hash="258403171" needed="1">Chci se dozv∞d∞t vφce o hranφ hry a zahrßt si tutorißl. </STRING> <STRING hash="228602656" needed="1">Chci vφce akce a hrßt samostatnou bitvu. </STRING> <STRING hash="244267719" needed="1">Vrßtit se do hlavnφho menu a prozkoumat dal╣φ mo╛nosti hry. </STRING> <STRING hash="48679448" needed="1">⌐φ°ka okna </STRING> <STRING hash="52098342" needed="1">V²╣ka okna </STRING> <STRING hash="32843457" needed="1">Hernφ Φas </STRING> <STRING hash="30020255" needed="1">Typ mapy</STRING> <STRING hash="17344006" needed="1"> - </STRING> <STRING hash="43356987" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ </STRING> <STRING hash="39772064" needed="1">Porß╛ka </STRING> <STRING hash="27056507" needed="1">Vφt∞zovΘ </STRING> <STRING hash="24396867" needed="1">Vφt∞z </STRING> <STRING hash="39683428" needed="1">Nikdo nezvφt∞zil. </STRING> <STRING hash="84596373" needed="1">Neju╛iteΦn∞j╣φ hrßΦi </STRING> <STRING hash="79316155" needed="1">Neju╛iteΦn∞j╣φ hrßΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="259103653" needed="1">Opravdu chcete odstranit $BUDDYNAME0 ze seznamu kamarßd∙? </STRING> <STRING hash="216504237" needed="1">$BUDDYNAME0 nenφ k dispozici pro rozhovor. </STRING> <STRING hash="48874809" needed="1">PozorovatelΘ rozhovoru: </STRING> <STRING hash="23893185" needed="1">PoΦφtaΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="185203495" needed="1">Kampa≥ skonΦφ b∞hem $NUM0 tah∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="781607985" needed="1">Opravdu chcete ukonΦit tah bez ·Φasti v bitv∞? Jestli╛e nebudete bojovat, zφskßte $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr z p°ebytku vojenskΘho rozpoΦtu. </STRING> <STRING hash="494952168" needed="1">$TRIBE0 s vßmi podepsali spojenectvφ! Vß╣ spojenec se k vßm p°ipojφ v bitv∞, bude-li v dosahu. </STRING> <STRING hash="111049491" needed="1">Kontinent je pod va╣φ nadvlßdou! </STRING> <STRING hash="73200201" needed="1">Neutralizace! </STRING> <STRING hash="40054020" needed="1">Zrada! </STRING> <STRING hash="1148933622" needed="1">Va╣e zpravodajskß slu╛ba zjistila slabΘ v∙dce ve vysok²ch funkcφch. Tito slabφ v∙dci po urΦitΘm vydφrßnφ, za v²kupnΘ nebo za ·platek p°enechali bez boje celΘ ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="246147350" needed="1">Karty Zrada nemohou b²t pou╛ity k zφskßnφ nep°ßtelskΘho hlavnφho m∞sta. </STRING> <STRING hash="422285409" needed="1">Karty Zrada nemohou b²t pou╛ity k zφskßnφ ·zemφ se silou v∞t╣φ ne╛ $NUM0. </STRING> <STRING hash="450901441" needed="1">$TRIBE0 poslali zprßvu: Nß╣ mal² nßrod si nem∙╛e dovolit b²t za ╛ßdnou cenu souΦßstφ $TERR1. </STRING> <STRING hash="446394925" needed="1">$TRIBE0 poslali zprßvu: S n∞k²m, jako jste vy, nebudeme za ╛ßdnou cenu uzavφrat jakΘkoliv dohody. </STRING> <STRING hash="42726435" needed="1">Nßvrat do Windows </STRING> <STRING hash="196566073" needed="1">Cφl je mimo dosah. </STRING> <STRING hash="724371887" needed="1">M∙╛ete si znova zahrßt tutorißl 3-5 a dozv∞d∞t se vφce o ekonomick²ch, vojensk²ch a politick²ch slo╛kßch hry Rise of Nations. </STRING> <STRING hash="367948110" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se navßzat sφ╗ovΘ spojenφ. Zkontrolujte prosφm sφ╗ a zkuste to znovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="476782616" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se navßzat spojenφ. Verze hry ($YOURVERSION0) neodpovφdß verzi na stran∞ serveru ($SERVERVERSION1). </STRING> <STRING hash="150669908" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se navßzat spojenφ. Nenφ mo╛nΘ p°ihlßsit vφce hrßΦ∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="201884933" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se navßzat spojenφ. Spojenφ se serverem je uzav°eno. </STRING> <STRING hash="148412827" needed="1">Z neznßm²ch d∙vod∙ se nepoda°ilo navßzat spojenφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="123104478" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete p°idat sßm sebe do seznamu kamarßd∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="200919793" needed="1">Osoba u╛ je na seznamu kamarßd∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="97364906" needed="1">Odeslal jsem vß╣ po╛adavek. </STRING> <STRING hash="558452325" needed="1">Pokud u╛ mßte ·Φet na GameSpy, zadejte e-mailovou adresu, p°ezdφvku a heslo. PotΘ klikn∞te na "Login". </STRING> <STRING hash="434667697" needed="1">Jestli╛e je╣t∞ nemßte ·Φet na GameSpy, zadejte e-mailovou adresu, zvolenou p°ezdφvku a heslo. PotΘ klikn∞te na "Create". </STRING> <STRING hash="243109338" needed="1">ZadanΘ heslo je nesprßvnΘ. Zadejte je znovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="184129630" needed="1">Tento typ jednotky nem∙╛e b²t v posßdce. </STRING> <STRING hash="220659261" needed="1">Tento typ jednotky nem∙╛e b²t umφst∞n do posßdky v takovΘto budov∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="58959433" needed="1">V²zkum u╛ probφhß. </STRING> <STRING hash="60494730" needed="1">1 x 1</STRING> <STRING hash="59964314" needed="1">2 x 2</STRING> <STRING hash="59971294" needed="1">3 x 3</STRING> <STRING hash="59984966" needed="1">5 x 5</STRING> <STRING hash="60408360" needed="1">5 x 1</STRING> <STRING hash="60071336" needed="1">1 x 5</STRING> <STRING hash="78576239" needed="1">5 x 5 - x</STRING> <STRING hash="27330660" needed="1">XXX%</STRING> <STRING hash="42675874" needed="1">INFORM┴TOR! </STRING> <STRING hash="43803983" needed="1">(+XX//XX)</STRING> <STRING hash="36095110" needed="1">Celkem: </STRING> <STRING hash="71797948" needed="1">lehkΘ jφzd∞, luΦi╣tnφk∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="90200954" needed="1">Bazuce, ProtitankovΘ st°ele</STRING> <STRING hash="45555836" needed="1">kopijnφk∙m, luΦi╣tnφk∙m</STRING> <STRING hash="96932629" needed="1">kulomet∙m, PlamenometΦφk∙m </STRING> <STRING hash="21797839" needed="1">Pozorovatel </STRING> <STRING hash="42146447" needed="1">\My Games</STRING> <STRING hash="415851548" needed="1">Ulo╛enß hra pod tφmto jmΘnem ji╛ existuje. Chcete tento soubor p°epsat novou hrou? </STRING> <STRING hash="168443539" needed="1">Editor skript∙ hry Rise of Nations </STRING> <STRING hash="251409194" needed="1">Skript $FILE0 byl zm∞n∞n. Chce jej ulo╛it? </STRING> <STRING hash="213838407" needed="1">Opravdu chcete ukonΦit Editor skript∙? </STRING> <STRING hash="61554460" needed="1">Nßvrat∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="336288474" needed="1">Vyberte kategorii funkce a/nebo vyhledejte funkci podle jmΘna. </STRING> <STRING hash="221266954" needed="1">Hranφ m∞ bavφ, chci pokraΦovat. </STRING> <STRING hash="388973017" needed="1">Pot°ebuji vφce informacφ o hranφ hry, chci se vrßtit na obrazovku Tutorißl∙.</STRING> <STRING hash="232529216" needed="1">Hra je p°φli╣ pomalß. Chci zkusit samostatnou bitvu. </STRING> <STRING hash="5902430" needed="1">, </STRING> <STRING hash="178275305" needed="1">$GAMENAME0 nem∙╛e b∞╛et na vzdßlenΘm poΦφtaΦi. </STRING> <STRING hash="50682950" needed="1">Chyba inicializace. </STRING> <STRING hash="25324932" needed="1">Bitmapa </STRING> <STRING hash="26542889" needed="1">Nahrßvß se... </STRING> <STRING hash="197116126" needed="1">Skript "$SCRIPT0" nebyl nalezen, nebude se nahrßvat. </STRING> <STRING hash="199924194" needed="1">Obchodnφ cesta musφ vΘst alespo≥ p°es jedno va╣e m∞sto. </STRING> <STRING hash="465342521" needed="1">Zadßnφm e-mailovΘ adresy nebo p°ezdφvky zadßte po╛adavek na p°idßnφ hrßΦe do seznamu kamarßd∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="533267480" needed="1">HrßΦ bude p°idßn do va╣eho seznamu kamarßd∙ pouze v tom p°φpad∞, bude-li s tφm souhlasit. </STRING> <STRING hash="453644729" needed="1">Jestli╛e to bude mo╛nΘ, hrßΦ bude odstran∞n ze seznamu ignorovan²ch osob. </STRING> <STRING hash="67588450" needed="1">Bohu╛el nebyl nalezen ╛ßdn² zßznam odpovφdajφcφ va╣emu po╛adavku. </STRING> <STRING hash="327085250" needed="1">Na vß╣ po╛adavek $NICKNAME0 bylo nalezeno vφce zßznam∙. Vyberte po╛adovan² zßznam ze seznamu. </STRING> <STRING hash="450798590" needed="1">Pokud ne, zadejte sv∙j e-mail, p°ezdφvku a heslo. PotΘ klikn∞te na "Vytvo°it profil". </STRING> <STRING hash="49578772" needed="1">P°idat jako kamarßda. </STRING> <STRING hash="170695467" needed="1">$DUBYA0 a $SADDAM1si vyhlßsili vßlku. </STRING> <STRING hash="197391428" needed="1">$DUBYA0 a $SADDAM1poru╣ili spojenectvφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="164018811" needed="1">$DUBYA0 a $SADDAM1 uzav°eli mφr.</STRING> <STRING hash="192896700" needed="1">$DUBYA0 a $SADDAM1 jsou spojenci. </STRING> <STRING hash="46078954" needed="1">\AutoSaves</STRING> <STRING hash="207379799" needed="1">^^Tento hrßΦ nenφ na seznamu va╣ich kamarßd∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="158140744" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete stav∞t ve m∞st∞, ve kterΘm se drancuje. </STRING> <STRING hash="63021398" needed="1">Armagedon!</STRING> <STRING hash="45506513" needed="1">Spojenci: </STRING> <STRING hash="501112160" needed="1">Dobytφm nep°ßtelskΘho m∞sta jste zφskali $NUM0 armßd. Musφte se rozhodnout, kam je chcete umφstit. </STRING> <STRING hash="451760705" needed="1">$TRIBE0 poslali zprßvu: JedinΘ, co chceme, je zniΦit vß╣ uboh² nßrod. </STRING> <STRING hash="424144935" needed="1">$TRIBE0 poslali zprßvu: I kdy╛ je va╣e nabφdka lßkavß, je u╛ pozd∞ na jakΘkoli vyjednßvßnφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="46895330" needed="1">Podvodnφci </STRING> <STRING hash="40818510" needed="1">Zav°φt </STRING> <STRING hash="417524759" needed="1">Nem∙╛ete h²bat s armßdami, kterΘ v tomto tahu okupovaly cizφ ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="211029943" needed="1">Karty Zrada nemohou b²t pou╛ity proti spojenci. </STRING> <STRING hash="213688364" needed="1">Va╣i Rybß°i tento zdroj ji╛ shroma╛∩ujφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="197929100" needed="1">Profil pod tφmto jmΘnem u╛ existuje. </STRING> <STRING hash="108689779" needed="1">Zadanß e-mailovß adresa je neplatnß. </STRING> <STRING hash="94769735" needed="1">ZadanΘ heslo nenφ sprßvnΘ. </STRING> <STRING hash="81652534" needed="1">ZadanΘ heslo nenφ platnΘ. </STRING> <STRING hash="106152174" needed="1">Odstranit ze seznamu kamarßd∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="78968717" needed="1">P°idat do seznamu kamarßd∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="102347243" needed="1">ZaΦφt rozhovor </STRING> <STRING hash="229349403" needed="1">Prßv∞ vybφrßte ze seznamu v╣ech dostupn²ch her.</STRING> <STRING hash="86901118" needed="1">Vstoupil jste do mφstnosti skupiny. </STRING> <STRING hash="114223626" needed="1">Stahuji seznam hrßΦ∙... </STRING> <STRING hash="58575056" needed="1">Expert bez hodnocenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="33129003" needed="1">Bez hodnocenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="87295764" needed="1">St°edn∞ pokroΦil² bez hodnocenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="27099783" needed="1">Ohodnocen </STRING> <STRING hash="134967820" needed="1">Online skupina Rise of Nations </STRING> <STRING hash="85824287" needed="1"> Vstoupil do mφstnosti </STRING> <STRING hash="148230658" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0 opustil mφstnost. </STRING> <STRING hash="194441338" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0 byl vyhozen z mφstnosti. </STRING> <STRING hash="115889089" needed="1">Probφhß odpojenφ od serveru. </STRING> <STRING hash="86577189" needed="1">Vstoupil jste do mφstnosti. </STRING> <STRING hash="120875172" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se vstoupit do mφstnosti. </STRING> <STRING hash="98020043" needed="1">Vstoupil jste do mφstnosti. </STRING> <STRING hash="244099757" needed="1">ZadanΘ heslo je ╣patnΘ. Zadejte je prosφm znova. </STRING> <STRING hash="135162216" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se vstoupit do mφstnosti. </STRING> <STRING hash="101815999" needed="1">VSTOUPIL JSTE DO NEZN┴M╔ M═STNOSTI. </STRING> <STRING hash="135476802" needed="1">Vstup do mφstnosti skupiny se nezda°il.</STRING> <STRING hash="114500186" needed="1">VSTOUPIL JSTE DO NEZN┴M╔ M═STNOSTI. </STRING> <STRING hash="68342693" needed="1">Hora 1 </STRING> <STRING hash="67463412" needed="1">Hora 2 </STRING> <STRING hash="67479791" needed="1">Hora 3 </STRING> <STRING hash="67497190" needed="1">Hora 4 </STRING> <STRING hash="67512069" needed="1">Hora 5 </STRING> <STRING hash="67527788" needed="1">Hora 6 </STRING> <STRING hash="67557427" needed="1">Hora 7 </STRING> <STRING hash="67574646" needed="1">Hora 8 </STRING> <STRING hash="67588445" needed="1">Hora 9 </STRING> <STRING hash="73225308" needed="1">Hora 10 </STRING> <STRING hash="73288227" needed="1">Hora 11 </STRING> <STRING hash="72320798" needed="1">Hora 12 </STRING> <STRING hash="72338595" needed="1">Hora 13 </STRING> <STRING hash="72357514" needed="1">Hora 14 </STRING> <STRING hash="72373661" needed="1">Hora 15 </STRING> <STRING hash="84390885" needed="1">Hora 1 </STRING> <STRING hash="83511604" needed="1">Hora 2 </STRING> <STRING hash="83527983" needed="1">Hora 3 </STRING> <STRING hash="83545382" needed="1">Hora 4 </STRING> <STRING hash="83560261" needed="1">Hora 5 </STRING> <STRING hash="83575980" needed="1">Hora 6 </STRING> <STRING hash="83605619" needed="1">Hora 7 </STRING> <STRING hash="83622838" needed="1">Hora 8 </STRING> <STRING hash="83636637" needed="1">Hora 9 </STRING> <STRING hash="89903079" needed="1">Hora 10 </STRING> <STRING hash="89965998" needed="1">Hora 11 </STRING> <STRING hash="88998569" needed="1">Hora 12 </STRING> <STRING hash="89016366" needed="1">Hora 13 </STRING> <STRING hash="89035285" needed="1">Hora 14 </STRING> <STRING hash="89051432" needed="1">Hora 15 </STRING> <STRING hash="190808123" needed="1">Nemßte dostatek $GOODTYPE0 k vyhlß╣enφ vßlky. </STRING> <STRING hash="248310032" needed="1">Ha ha! Nikdy s vßmi nebudeme jednat, pokud budete niΦit na╣e hlavnφ m∞sto.</STRING> <STRING hash="289778051" needed="1">Pche! Nebudeme s vßmi jednat, kdy╛ nßm va╣i spojenci drancujφ na╣e hlavnφ m∞sto!</STRING> <STRING hash="220019791" needed="1">Vß╣ arogantnφ nßrod musφ b²t rozdrcen, dokud nenφ p°φli╣ pozd∞! </STRING> <STRING hash="250359174" needed="1">Vß╣ nßrod je slab² a uboh². Mo╛nß vßs rozdrtφm pozd∞ji. </STRING> <STRING hash="247885119" needed="1">Vß╣ nßrod je primitivnφ. Mo╛nß byste mohli poslat n∞jakΘ dary. </STRING> <STRING hash="234990205" needed="1">Vß╣ takzvan² nßrod je mi k smφchu. Nejste pro m∞ nic. </STRING> <STRING hash="245737799" needed="1">Mo╛nß v budoucnosti uznßm za vhodnΘ vΘst s vßmi jednßnφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="258179323" needed="1">Va╣e primitivnφ zp∙soby m∞ zaujaly. Mo╛nß vßs nechßm ╛φt. Nebo takΘ ne. </STRING> <STRING hash="330002204" needed="1">Jste tak d∙le╛it² jako n∞jak² bzuΦφcφ hmyz - ale i mouchy musφ b²t jednou rozdrceny. </STRING> <STRING hash="260993248" needed="1">Sm∞ji se va╣φ skupince chatrΦφ, kterou naz²vßte m∞stem. Sbohem. </STRING> <STRING hash="211281564" needed="1">Nelφbφte se mi. Dr╛te se od mΘho ·zemφ dßl. </STRING> <STRING hash="229560917" needed="1">Vßs nßrod je bojovn² a bezohledn². Nezahrßvejte si se mnou. </STRING> <STRING hash="221605964" needed="1">ZajistΘ od nßs nepot°ebujete ╛ßdnou pomoc, my zase nepot°ebujeme nic od vßs. </STRING> <STRING hash="257558997" needed="1">V╛dy jsem vyznßval politiku - kdy╛ vy se nezajφmßte o nßs, nebudeme se zajφmat o vßs. </STRING> <STRING hash="236917199" needed="1">Jsem opatrn² v∙Φi jakΘmukoli nßrodu, kter² je pod n∞Φφ nadvlßdou. Dr╛te se ode m∞ dßl. </STRING> <STRING hash="318091568" needed="1">Nemyslete si, ╛e kdy╛ vypadßme slabφ, ╛e si s nßmi m∙╛ete zahrßvat. Dejte si na nßs pozor! </STRING> <STRING hash="244158573" needed="1">Vß╣ nßrod je velmi vlivn², ale my dßvßme p°ednost souΦasnΘmu stavu v∞cφ. Kli∩te se! </STRING> <STRING hash="439518922" needed="1">Je na Φase prokßzat, jakou pro m∞ mßte hodnotu. Po╣lete n∞jakΘ dary a pokud nebudu zklaman², nechßm vßs ╛φt. </STRING> <STRING hash="291098527" needed="1">Je Φas ud∞lat rozhodnutφ: platit a ╛φt nebo Φelit totßlnφ destrukci. </STRING> <STRING hash="376660435" needed="1">Rozumn∞ ╣t∞dr² dar zajistφ va╣i dal╣φ existenci. Odmφtnutφ znamenß smrt. </STRING> <STRING hash="285536361" needed="1">Nejste nic vφc ne╛ skvrna na na╣φ velikosti, a proto musφte dßvat dary. </STRING> <STRING hash="414527915" needed="1">Nß╣ nßrod je lep╣φ ne╛ vß╣, a proto oΦekßvßme dary. ProΦ jste nßm je╣t∞ nezaplatili? </STRING> <STRING hash="302680724" needed="1">Ignorovali jste moje velkorysΘ termφny, rozdrtφm vßs! </STRING> <STRING hash="354652995" needed="1">Co? Odmφtßte zaplatit i skromn² poplatek? P°ipravte se na vßlku! </STRING> <STRING hash="191136850" needed="1">Vß╣ nßrod je uboh². Sledujte, jak vßs rozdrtφm! </STRING> <STRING hash="228483664" needed="1">Je Φas p°idat vß╣ uboh² nßrod k na╣emu mocnΘmu impΘriu. </STRING> <STRING hash="243845754" needed="1">A╛ budou moje vojska pochodovat va╣φm hlavnφm m∞stem, zatanΦφm vßm kvapφk! </STRING> <STRING hash="186741968" needed="1">Ohro╛ujete moje plßny na dobytφ sv∞ta! </STRING> <STRING hash="180928184" needed="1">Nemohu vßm v∞°it, a proto vßs zniΦφm! </STRING> <STRING hash="195301813" needed="1">Nemohu dovoli,t aby vß╣ nßrod byl jen o trochu siln∞j╣φ, ne╛ je te∩! </STRING> <STRING hash="199487055" needed="1">Na╣e cesty se te∩ rozd∞lφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="306018123" needed="1">D∞kuji vßm, u╛ mßm skv∞lΘho spojence a nepot°ebuji dal╣φ. </STRING> <STRING hash="165404144" needed="1">Nikdy nenapadneme svoje vlastnφ spojence! </STRING> <STRING hash="371893960" needed="1">Nebudu poslouchat va╣e p°φkazy, dokud nedßte najevo alespo≥ mal² nßznak dobrΘ v∙le uzav°φt se mnou mφrovou smlouvu. </STRING> <STRING hash="212028527" needed="1">Na╣e pokladny jsou prßzdnΘ, a proto nem∙╛eme vyhov∞t va╣im po╛adavk∙m. </STRING> <STRING hash="280968714" needed="1">Velmi rßdi bychom s vßmi uzav°eli mφr, ale nem∙╛eme si dovolit va╣e ceny. </STRING> <STRING hash="299283342" needed="1">Nemßme tolik zdroj∙, kolik po╛adujete. Dejte nßm vφce Φasu. </STRING> <STRING hash="205161217" needed="1">Bohu╛el na tohle nemßme dostatek zdroj∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="199175990" needed="1">Po╛adujete p°φli╣ mnoho. Nem∙╛eme si to dovolit. </STRING> <STRING hash="227788432" needed="1">Nemßm ╛ßdnΘ nßmitky - krom∞ nedostatku zdroj∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="189456783" needed="1">U╛ jste m∞ jednou podvedl. Jak vßm mohu v∞°it? </STRING> <STRING hash="183834793" needed="1">U╛ v minulosti jste se mnou hrßl ╣pinavou hru. </STRING> <STRING hash="187007983" needed="1">Litujete svΘ minulΘ zrady? </STRING> <STRING hash="148509465" needed="1">Zradu nepromφjφm snadno. </STRING> <STRING hash="183983037" needed="1">⌐patnß pov∞st vßs p°edchßzφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="214826819" needed="1">Poru╣ujete smlouvy a nedr╛φte slovo. </STRING> <STRING hash="177155763" needed="1">Te∩ jste m∞ urazil naposledy! </STRING> <STRING hash="180302484" needed="1">Mßm dost va╣ich malichern²ch po╛adavk∙!</STRING> <STRING hash="243093180" needed="1">Mφr s vßmi bych uvφtal, ale nemohu si dovolit spojenectvφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="293397138" needed="1">Cenφm si p°ßtelstvφ, ale nemohu si dovolit uzav°φt spojenectvφ. Alespo≥ te∩ ne. </STRING> <STRING hash="215498525" needed="1">Mφr s vßmi bych uvφtal, nemohu v╣ak splnit va╣e po╛adavky. </STRING> <STRING hash="214248016" needed="1">Cenφm si va╣eho p°ßtelstvφ, ale prost∞ to nenφ mo╛nΘ. </STRING> <STRING hash="220738600" needed="1">Nepokou╣ejte moji trp∞livost. Nejste hoden b²t m²m spojencem. </STRING> <STRING hash="180224449" needed="1">Spojenectvφ s vßmi? Ani jednomu z nßs by to nep°ineslo ╛ßdn² u╛itek! </STRING> <STRING hash="246369465" needed="1">Nejste hoden mφrovΘho °e╣enφ. P°ipravte se! Budete zniΦen! </STRING> <STRING hash="194324741" needed="1">Va╣im uboh²m pokus∙m vyjednßvat se m∙╛u jen smßt! </STRING> <STRING hash="310412653" needed="1">Va╣e patolφzalstvφ je ubohΘ. Bude mi pot∞╣enφm vß╣ nßrod rozprß╣it. </STRING> <STRING hash="311933370" needed="1">Dost hloup²ch slov. Po╣lu na vßs armßdu, aby to ukonΦila. </STRING> <STRING hash="212786238" needed="1">Nepokou╣ejte moji trp∞livost malichern²mi po╛adavky!</STRING> <STRING hash="229473527" needed="1">Va╣e pochybnΘ nabφdky m∞ nezajφmajφ. Nechci s vßmi nic mφt. </STRING> <STRING hash="204384511" needed="1">Va╣e velikost je oslepujφcφ! Mohu vßm b²t n∞jak nßpomocen? </STRING> <STRING hash="344244366" needed="1">Stojφm v ·divu nad dosa╛en²mi ·sp∞chy va╣eho nßroda. Uzav°eme spojenectvφ? </STRING> <STRING hash="199391667" needed="1">Dovolφte, abych se stal va╣φm pokorn²m sluhou? </STRING> <STRING hash="240666716" needed="1">Stßl byste o spojenectvφ proti spoleΦn²m nep°ßtel∙m? </STRING> <STRING hash="219630192" needed="1">Pokud uzav°eme spojenectvφ, nikdo nßs nezastavφ! </STRING> <STRING hash="185784728" needed="1">Zdravφm! «ijme spolu v mφru. </STRING> <STRING hash="260916963" needed="1">V╛dy m∞ p°φjemn∞ rozpt²lφ setkßnφ s vlßdcem primitivn∞j╣φho nßroda. </STRING> <STRING hash="211013884" needed="1">Zdravφm, p°φteli. Jsme p°ßtelsk² a mφrumilovn² nßrod. </STRING> <STRING hash="218775631" needed="1">Zdravφm, ≤ mocn². Nech╗ na╣e nßrody ╛ijφ v mφru. </STRING> <STRING hash="213753728" needed="1">Vzdßvßm vßm hold, mocn² vlada°i. Jsme p°ßtel╣tφ a mφrumilovnφ lidΘ. </STRING> <STRING hash="225835303" needed="1">Opus╗te m∞ prosφm v mφru, nebudu vßm d∞lat problΘmy. </STRING> <STRING hash="29292778" needed="1">Pozorovatel </STRING> <STRING hash="1319296179" needed="1">Tento produkt pou╛φvß licencovanΘ technologie firmy GameSpy Industries, Inc. (c) 1999-2003 GameSpy Industries, Inc. GameSpy a "Powered by GameSpy" jsou registrovanΘ obchodnφ znßmky spoleΦnosti GameSpy Industries, Inc. V╣echna prßva vyhrazena. </STRING> <STRING hash="47025999" needed="1">Vzdßt hru </STRING> <STRING hash="39929889" needed="1">Rise of Nations</STRING> <STRING hash="238672628" needed="1">Va╣e m∞sto $CITYNAME0 plenφ nep°φtel $FRANCISXRUSHMASTER1! </STRING> <STRING hash="171533220" needed="1">Kliknutφm vyndßte jednu jednotku ze skupiny. </STRING> <STRING hash="155018265" needed="1">Kliknutφm vyberete skupinu jednotek. </STRING> <STRING hash="183686142" needed="1">Kliknutφm vyberete skupinu budov. </STRING> <STRING hash="96144474" needed="1">Kliknutφm vyberete tuto skupinu. </STRING> <STRING hash="21660204" needed="1">Zvuk </STRING> <STRING hash="53929247" needed="1">Povely</STRING> <STRING hash="86667143" needed="1">Nastavenφ klßvesov²ch zkratek </STRING> <STRING hash="50725916" needed="1">Profily </STRING> <STRING hash="68506519" needed="1">JmΘna hrßΦ∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="14951005" needed="1">, Dohled: </STRING> <STRING hash="33995074" needed="1">Moje IP adresa: </STRING> <STRING hash="56711368" needed="1">$NUMBER0 VTE╪IN... </STRING> <STRING hash="58338137" needed="1">^^Nahrßvß se hra... </STRING> <STRING hash="136184205" needed="1">^^Inicializuje se......$NUM0% </STRING> <STRING hash="122774306" needed="1">Inicializuje se......$NUM0% </STRING> <STRING hash="228678639" needed="1">Chci vφce akce a hrßt samostatnou bitvu. </STRING> <STRING hash="253956558" needed="1">VojenskΘ jednotky majφ 30 vte°in na opu╣t∞nφ ·zemφ b²valΘho nep°φtele. </STRING> <STRING hash="468445325" needed="1">VojenskΘ jednotky na ·zemφ b²valΘho nep°φtele utrp∞ly vß╛nΘ po╣kozenφ z pobytu na cizφm ·zemφ. P°ed ·tokem vyhla╣te vßlku! </STRING> <STRING hash="83213877" needed="1">Spojen²mi silami jste dosßhli vφt∞zstvφ! </STRING> <STRING hash="762134427" needed="1">Pokud svoje ·zemφ neposφlφte a za·toΦφte, je mo╛nΘ, ╛e vßs nep°φtel smete. Opravdu chcete za·toΦit? </STRING> <STRING hash="612238957" needed="1">Stali jste se spojenci v╣ech nßrod∙ sv∞ta! P°ejete si vyhlßsit vφt∞zstvφ a ukonΦit Kampa≥? </STRING> <STRING hash="625055432" needed="1">Opravdu chcete ukonΦit Kampa≥? M∙╛ete pokraΦovat ve h°e kliknutφm na polo╛ku PokraΦovat v kampani, kterß se nachßzφ v menu Dob²t sv∞t. </STRING> <STRING hash="19380176" needed="1">ffwd</STRING> <STRING hash="314046761" needed="1">ffwd [# (minute)] posune hru dop°edu na pozici urΦenΘ minuty.</STRING> <STRING hash="194270699" needed="1">Pou╛ijte "ffwd" pro zapnutφ/vypnutφ super rychlΘho m≤du (pouze ve h°e pro jednoho hrßΦe). </STRING> <STRING hash="13117893" needed="1">Bitva: </STRING> <STRING hash="228506251" needed="1">Zadanß e-mailovß adresa je neplatnß. ┌Φet neexistuje. </STRING> <STRING hash="29897801" needed="1">OD SYST╔MU </STRING> <STRING hash="179761831" needed="1">OCHRANA PROTI ZAHLCEN═. POKRA╚OV┴N═ V ROZHOVORU ZA 5 VTE╪IN. </STRING> <STRING hash="154716707" needed="1">^^Vstupuji do hernφ skupiny... </STRING> <STRING hash="56409561" needed="1">Do╣lo k chyb∞ p°i b∞hu hry. </STRING> <STRING hash="173957117" needed="1">Nejd°φve nainstalujte hru z CD. </STRING> <STRING hash="629466841" needed="1">Opravdu chcete ukonΦit Kampa≥? M∙╛ete pokraΦovat ve h°e kliknutφm na polo╛ku PokraΦovat v Kampani, kterß se nachßzφ v menu Dob²t sv∞t. </STRING> <STRING hash="232163269" needed="1">Vrßtit se do hlavnφho menu a prozkoumat dal╣φ mo╛nosti hry. </STRING> <STRING hash="110728243" needed="1">Nßvrat zp∞t do hry </STRING> <STRING hash="68652573" needed="1">PoΦet neutralizacφ</STRING> <STRING hash="258896203" needed="1">$TRIBE0 poslali zprßvu: nemßme zßjem o prodej $TERR1. </STRING> <STRING hash="79246620" needed="1">plethora of pinatas</STRING> <STRING hash="19740685" needed="1">(</STRING> <STRING hash="22133339" needed="1">) </STRING> <STRING hash="316235377" needed="1">:Proto╛e jste nßm nepomßhali proti na╣im nep°ßtel∙m, u╛ mezi nßmi ╛ßdnΘ spojenectvφ neexistuje. </STRING> <STRING hash="377440436" needed="1">Po╛adavek na zaplacenφ poplatku nenφ vtip! Odmφtnutφ znamenß vßlku! </STRING> <STRING hash="277820511" needed="1">Myslφte si, ╛e blafujeme? Blßzne, kdy╛ odmφtnete zaplatit, vyhlßsφme vßm vßlku! </STRING> <STRING hash="463492904" needed="1">Poklßdßme va╣e odmφtnutφ zaplatit nßm rozumn² poplatek za akt hodn² vßlky. </STRING> <STRING hash="342541890" needed="1">Nabφdli jsme vßm mφr, vybrali jste si vßlku. Mßte, co jste cht∞li! </STRING> <STRING hash="407427012" needed="1">Myslφm, ╛e na╣e po╛adavky jsou velmi rozumnΘ. Nemohu pochopit, ╛e jste si mφsto nich zvolili smrt! </STRING> <STRING hash="268566524" needed="1">Va╣e existence mi p∙sobφ nekoneΦnΘ utrpenφ. Je na Φase ji ukonΦit. </STRING> <STRING hash="522559363" needed="1">P°ichßzφ Φas, kdy siln² nßrod uplatnφ prßvo p°ipojit slabΘ ke svΘmu ·zemφ. Hodlßme toto prßvo uplatnit hned te∩. </STRING> <STRING hash="241167866" needed="1">Nevidφm ╛ßdn² d∙vod k va╣φ dal╣φ existenci. </STRING> <STRING hash="435676947" needed="1">Tφmto vyhla╣ujeme vßlku mezi va╣φm sm∞╣n²m a na╣φm mocn²m nßrodem. </STRING> <STRING hash="354802453" needed="1">Va╣e stßlΘ provokace nemohou z∙stat nepotrestßny. Vß╣ nßrod musφ b²t smeten z povrchu zemskΘho! </STRING> <STRING hash="251073950" needed="1">I kdyby to m∞l b²t nß╣ konec, musφme vßs zniΦit, nebo p°i tomto pokusu zem°φt. </STRING> <STRING hash="372618115" needed="1">Mo╛nß je p°φli╣ pozd∞, ale n∞kdo vßs musφ zastavit! My╣lenka svobody nesmφ padnout! </STRING> <STRING hash="423862338" needed="1">Tφmto vyhla╣ujeme vßlku mezi va╣φm bojechtiv²m nßrodem a tφm na╣φm. </STRING> <STRING hash="418300321" needed="1">Vφme, ╛e mßte v plßnu nßs podvΘst a rozdrtit nßs, tak╛e nemßme jinou volbu ne╛ ude°it jako prvnφ! </STRING> <STRING hash="204288097" needed="1">Jß a mφ Φetnφ spojenci vßs zniΦφme! </STRING> <STRING hash="32079870" needed="1">derp-de-derp</STRING> <STRING hash="100028133" needed="1">Terakotovß armßda </STRING> <STRING hash="38082095" needed="1">PODVOD </STRING> <STRING hash="2007565167" needed="0">Pod va╣φ vlßdou vß╣ nßrod p°e╛il tisφce let a pro╣el mnoha zkou╣kami a nakonec i triumfoval. Ale Kampa≥ je u konce. M∙╛ete pokraΦovat ve h°e v InformaΦnφm v∞ku, ale vß╣ nßrod se u╛ nebude rozvφjet do dal╣φch v∞k∙ a nedostanete pln² poΦet zφskan²ch bod∙. P°ejete si pokraΦovat? </STRING> <STRING hash="110606646" needed="1">Sφla vylep╣enφ: $NUM0 </STRING> <STRING hash="215861790" needed="1">Opravdu chcete ukonΦit Kampa≥? </STRING> <STRING hash="632289471" needed="1">Opravdu chcete ukonΦit Kampa≥? Ve h°e m∙╛ete pokraΦovat kliknutφm na mo╛nost PokraΦovat v kampani, kterou najdete v menu Dob²t sv∞t. </STRING> <STRING hash="890297756" needed="1">Proto╛e jste podepsali smlouvu a zaplatili danφ za mφr, $TRIBE0 nemohou b²t vßmi napadeni po dobu $NUM0 tah∙. Dohodu o ne·toΦenφ lze poru╣it pouze pod pokutou $NUM1 dan∞ za mφr. P°ejete si dohodu poru╣it? </STRING> <STRING hash="986482158" needed="1">Proto╛e jste podepsali smlouvu a zaplatili da≥ za mφr, $TRIBE0 nemohou b²t vßmi napadeni po dobu $NUM0 tah∙. Dohodu o ne·toΦenφ lze poru╣it pod pokutou $NUM1 dan∞ za mφr, ale bohu╛el nemßte dost dan∞ za mφr. </STRING> <STRING hash="143669489" needed="1">┌rovn∞ sφly teritoria </STRING> <STRING hash="62938528" needed="1">┌rove≥ $NUM0 </STRING> <STRING hash="67232424" needed="1">M∞sto $NUM0- </STRING> <STRING hash="98206285" needed="1">Standardnφ budovy </STRING> <STRING hash="13397336" needed="1">Minuty </STRING> <STRING hash="92052817" needed="1">Stahuji patch...$NUM0% </STRING> <STRING hash="46437158" needed="1">Stahovßnφ se nezda°ilo. </STRING> <STRING hash="292363512" needed="1">Abyste mohli pokraΦovat, je nutnΘ nainstalovat upgrade na verzi $VERSION0. Upgradovat? </STRING> <STRING hash="73878826" needed="1">^^Stahuji patch... </STRING> <STRING hash="189828970" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se nahrßt $FILENAME0 pro patch. </STRING> <STRING hash="58424550" needed="1">Ov∞°uji verzi... </STRING> <STRING hash="193310358" needed="1">Byl jste vyhozen z mφstnosti... </STRING> <STRING hash="420757302" needed="1">Va╣e jednotky se patrn∞ nßhodou zatoulaly na moje ·zemφ. Stßhn∞te je. </STRING> <STRING hash="297541391" needed="1">Hranice na╣eho nßroda nebudou po╣pin∞ny Φlov∞kem va╣eho typu! Stßhn∞te se! </STRING> <STRING hash="457477476" needed="1">Pokud se va╣e jednotky okam╛it∞ nestßhnou, nebudu mφt na v²b∞r a budu nucen podniknout drastickß protiopat°enφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="287462266" needed="1">Ud∞lali jsme, co bylo v na╣ich silßch, abychom respektovali va╣e hranice. Prosφm, vy zase respektujte na╣e. </STRING> <STRING hash="304720331" needed="1">Vy blßzne! Pokou╣φte se zaΦφt vßlku? Stßhn∞te se z mΘho ·zemφ... IHNED. </STRING> <STRING hash="423622191" needed="1">ZajistΘ tou╛φme po mφru... ale cena je p°φli╣ vysokß. Nechcete si to rozmyslet a po╛adovat ni╛╣φ cenu? </STRING> <STRING hash="498392901" needed="1">Potrvß velmi dlouho shromß╛dit sumu, kterou po╛adujete. Opravdu chcete Φekat v mφru? </STRING> <STRING hash="282650302" needed="1">To je dobrß nabφdka... ale mohla by b²t je╣t∞ lep╣φ. Je╣t∞ se vrßtφme. </STRING> <STRING hash="268092967" needed="1">Nß╣ nßrod je chud² a slab² a nem∙╛e vyhov∞t va╣im p°emr╣t∞n²m po╛adavk∙m. </STRING> <STRING hash="231748353" needed="1">Omlouvßm se, ale va╣e po╛adavky jsou nesplnitelnΘ. </STRING> <STRING hash="327793229" needed="1">Va╣e po╛adavky nßs ·pln∞ zruinujφ. Obßvßm se, ╛e nemßme dostatek zdroj∙, abychom vßm pomohli. </STRING> <STRING hash="172729291" needed="1">Jsme p°φli╣ chudφ, abychom mohli vyhov∞t takovΘmu po╛adavku. </STRING> <STRING hash="334269085" needed="1">Opravdu je to tak stra╣nΘ? TakΘ nemßme ╛ßdnΘ zdroje. </STRING> <STRING hash="428337814" needed="1">M∙╛ete se sna╛it vyjednßvat, jak chcete, stejn∞ nedßme dohromady takovou sumu. </STRING> <STRING hash="232693381" needed="1">Obßvßm se, ╛e tolik nemßme. Nemohli bychom se dohodnout na ni╛╣φ cen∞? </STRING> <STRING hash="249542032" needed="1">Obßvßm se, ╛e va╣e ·sta °φkajφ medovß slovφΦka, ale vß╣ jazyk je rozeklan². </STRING> <STRING hash="427667416" needed="1">Musφte p°ipustit, ╛e na╣e zku╣enosti s vßmi z minula jsou vφce ne╛ neuspokojivΘ. </STRING> <STRING hash="228448189" needed="1">Kdo jednou zradil, zradφ i podruhΘ. Jak vßm mßm v∞°it? </STRING> <STRING hash="320175427" needed="1">Byl bych blßzen, kdybych vßm v∞°il... ale za urΦitou cenu bych se blßznem mohl stßt. </STRING> <STRING hash="331042648" needed="1">Va╣e zrada z minula nebyla zapomenuta. Myslφm, ╛e se m∞ sna╛φte znovu podvΘst! </STRING> <STRING hash="222445914" needed="1">Nejsme slepφ k va╣im d°φv∞j╣φm zradßm. </STRING> <STRING hash="453306320" needed="1">V∞°it vßm je zrßdnΘ, ale k nßm jste se chovali v╛dy slu╣n∞, mo╛nß vßm dßme ╣anci. </STRING> <STRING hash="210577694" needed="1">Nemyslete si, ╛e m∞ podvedete jako v╣echny ostatnφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="235479593" needed="1">Budeme vßs a va╣i zßlibu v podvodech pozorn∞ sledovat. </STRING> <STRING hash="336994428" needed="1">U╛ v minulosti jste zradil svoje spojence. Dejte si pozor: Nßs nenφ rozumnΘ zradit. </STRING> <STRING hash="223618339" needed="1">Kdybyste mohl objasnit, co jste tφm myslel... </STRING> <STRING hash="74343247" needed="1">ZaΦφnß p°iho°φvat.</STRING> <STRING hash="178837069" needed="1">To je dobrß nabφdka... ale mohla by b²t je╣t∞ lep╣φ. </STRING> <STRING hash="142195800" needed="1">Tohle jsem m∞l vφcemΘn∞ na mysli. </STRING> <STRING hash="267373152" needed="1">Jestli╛e se budete je╣t∞ tro╣ku vφc sna╛it, urΦit∞ se dohodneme. </STRING> <STRING hash="258334769" needed="1">Myslφte si, ╛e jsem blßzen? Opova╛te se je╣t∞ jednou m∞ urazit! </STRING> <STRING hash="296119734" needed="1">Pokou╣φte se nßs zniΦit zevnit°, ale to se vßm nepoda°φ! My zvφt∞zφme! </STRING> <STRING hash="295561722" needed="1">Za╣lo to p°φli╣ daleko! Va╣e p°emr╣t∞nΘ po╛adavky nßm nedßvajφ jinou mo╛nost ne╛ vßm vyhlßsit vßlku! </STRING> <STRING hash="237401838" needed="1">Myslφte si, ╛e si nechßme lφbit takovΘ jednßnφ? Blßzne! </STRING> <STRING hash="278153570" needed="1">Takovou urß╛ku si nem∙╛eme nechat lφbit. Vß╣ uboh² nßrod musφ b²t vyhlazen! </STRING> <STRING hash="430778043" needed="1">Mφr mezi nßmi je jedna v∞c. Hazardovßnφ se spojenctvφm n∞co ·pln∞ jinΘho. </STRING> <STRING hash="234192001" needed="1">Obßvßm se, ╛e nßm u╛ toto spojenectvφ nic nedßvß. </STRING> <STRING hash="277561636" needed="1">Vφtßme vß╣ zßjem, ale nem∙╛eme se odvß╛it uzav°φt s vßmi spojenctvφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="356361200" needed="1">Ze spojenectvφ vypl²vajφ daleko v∞t╣φ zßvazky, ne╛ bychom si kdy p°ßli plnit. </STRING> <STRING hash="321133867" needed="1">Nechte nßs ╛φt v mφru. Nemßme spoleΦnou cestu. D∞kujeme, ale nechceme s vßmi uzav°φt spojenectvφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="45634859" needed="1">Port hry pro vφce hrßΦ∙: </STRING> <STRING hash="8849260" needed="1">-</STRING> <STRING hash="8837007" needed="1">(</STRING> <STRING hash="52880309" needed="1">.\scenario\sample_script.bhs</STRING> <STRING hash="87763663" needed="1">Pora╛eno nßrod∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="43599362" needed="1">Zrada! </STRING> <STRING hash="1161917346" needed="1">Va╣e zpravodajskß slu╛ba zjistila slabΘ v∙dce ve vysokΘ funkci. Tito slabφ v∙dci p°enechali po urΦitΘm vydφrßnφ, za v²kupnΘ nebo uplßcenφ, celΘ ·zemφ bez boje. </STRING> <STRING hash="1218288964" needed="1">Va╣e nezdolnΘ ·silφ p°eneslo vß╣ nßrod do InformaΦnφm v∞ku, ale Kampa≥ je u konce. Pokud si p°ejete, m∙╛ete dßle pokraΦovat ve hranφ v InformaΦnφm v∞ku. P°ejete si pokraΦovat? </STRING> <STRING hash="39488214" needed="1">Pravidla </STRING> <STRING hash="444999932" needed="1">U╛ existuje ulo╛enß hra pod stejn²m jmΘnem. Chcete ji p°epsat? </STRING> <STRING hash="114204359" needed="1">Opravdu chcete ukonΦit hru? </STRING> <STRING hash="52635445" needed="1">Spojenφ vypr╣elo. </STRING> <STRING hash="221910171" needed="1">Navazovßnφ spojenφ selhalo. Hostitel nebyl p°ipraven. Prosφm zkuste to znovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="190499688" needed="1">Nejste p°ihlß╣en ke GameSpy. </STRING> <STRING hash="268495568" needed="1">Do╣lo k sφ╗ovΘ chyb∞. Byl jste odpojen od GameSpy. </STRING> <STRING hash="187039761" needed="1">Byl jste odpojen od GameSpy. </STRING> <STRING hash="188698864" needed="1">Spojenφ s GameSpy bylo ukonΦeno. </STRING> <STRING hash="85437624" needed="1">B∞hem p°ihla╣ovßnφ do╣lo k chyb∞ - spojenφ vypr╣elo. </STRING> <STRING hash="67436421" needed="1">Spojenφ se nezda°ilo. </STRING> <STRING hash="194544914" needed="1">P°ihla╣ovßnφ se nezda°ilo. B∞hem autorizace do╣lo k chyb∞ na stran∞ serveru. </STRING> <STRING hash="72079658" needed="1">Vyskytla se neznßmß chyba na stran∞ GameSpy. </STRING> <STRING hash="467111792" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se vytvo°il DirectPlay. Zkontrolujte sφ╗ovΘ p°ipojenφ a zkuste to znovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="202544228" needed="1">Poznßmka: Hesla v GameSpy rozli╣ujφ malß a velkß pφsmena. </STRING> <STRING hash="57378848" needed="1">Rychlost hry: </STRING> <STRING hash="185619909" needed="1">Hostitel ode╣el. Odchßzφm z mφstnosti... </STRING> <STRING hash="83162328" needed="1">Odezva (Hra): </STRING> <STRING hash="50114927" needed="1">V╣echny v∞ky </STRING> <STRING hash="62458517" needed="1">Starov∞k</STRING> <STRING hash="54619089" needed="1">V╣echny typy </STRING> <STRING hash="50745779" needed="1">Civilista </STRING> <STRING hash="36178096" needed="1">P∞╣φ </STRING> <STRING hash="46502694" needed="1">Jezdc∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="54602403" needed="1">D∞lost°electvo </STRING> <STRING hash="46805579" needed="1">Velenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="39942885" needed="1">Nßmo°nictvo </STRING> <STRING hash="32974356" needed="1">Vzdu╣nΘ sφly </STRING> <STRING hash="39891273" needed="1">┌rove≥ civilizace </STRING> <STRING hash="50972757" needed="1">Vojsko </STRING> <STRING hash="46628812" needed="1">Divy sv∞ta</STRING> <STRING hash="36522090" needed="1">5x</STRING> <STRING hash="266580525" needed="1">Dohoda zru╣ena, nßrody nem∙╛ou vyhlßsit vßlku sv²m spojenc∙m. </STRING> <STRING hash="302522727" needed="1">Na╣e velikΘ nßrody pojφ pevnΘ p°ßtelstvφ, p°ijm∞te v╣ak na╣i omluvu. Nem∙╛eme s vßmi uzav°φt smlouvu. </STRING> <STRING hash="293937517" needed="1">Omlouvßme se, ale v souΦasnΘ dob∞ °e╣φme vnitrostßtnφ zßle╛itosti. Zeptejte se pozd∞ji. </STRING> <STRING hash="213973279" needed="1">Na╣e nßrody pojφ pevnΘ p°ßtelstvφ, ale v tomto p°φpad∞ musφme °φci ne. </STRING> <STRING hash="232811955" needed="1">Se v╣φ ·ctou musφm va╣i ╣t∞drou nabφdku odmφtnout. </STRING> <STRING hash="328051166" needed="1">Je to lßkavß nabφdka, ale cφtφm, ╛e pro nßs v tuto chvφli nenφ nejlep╣φ. </STRING> <STRING hash="246616388" needed="1">To je absurdnφ nßvrh. Ve spojenectvφ s vßmi nevidφm ╛ßdnΘ v²hody. </STRING> <STRING hash="267446781" needed="1">Nep°inesl jste tolik, abychom si p°ßli b²t va╣imi spojenci. </STRING> <STRING hash="277800348" needed="1">Myslφm si, ╛e spojenctvφ s vßmi m∙╛e na╣emu velikΘmu nßrodu p°inΘst potφ╛e. </STRING> <STRING hash="296518323" needed="1">Co╛e? Obrßtit proti sob∞ cel² sv∞t? Odmφtßme spojenctvφ s vßmi!</STRING> <STRING hash="427403398" needed="1">M∞l byste zkou╣et napßlit n∞koho hloup∞j╣φho, ne╛ jsem jß. Nep°eji si b²t v takovΘm pochybnΘm spojenectvφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="226154979" needed="1">Samoz°ejm∞ ╛e si p°ejete mφr - ale jß vßs rad∞ji zniΦφm! </STRING> <STRING hash="424658975" needed="1">Tak╛e vy si p°ejete vzdßt se? To je to, co myslφte tou sm∞╣nou mφrovou nabφdkou? </STRING> <STRING hash="267638248" needed="1">To je absurdnφ nßvrh. Z mφru s vßmi nßm neplyne p°φli╣ velk² prosp∞ch. </STRING> <STRING hash="292327957" needed="1">Tohle ╛e mß b²t mφrov² nßvrh? Jß si ho vyklßdßm tak, ╛e je to povolenφ vßs zniΦit! </STRING> <STRING hash="189812417" needed="1">Nenφ mo╛nΘ b²t v mφru s takov²m psem, jako jste vy! </STRING> <STRING hash="219668072" needed="1">Podmφnky nßs nezajφmajφ! Na╣e odpov∞∩ je ne! </STRING> <STRING hash="217752922" needed="1">Obt∞╛ujete m∞ jako bzuΦφcφ hmyz! Odejd∞te, nebo vßs rozmßznu jako mouchu! </STRING> <STRING hash="326647968" needed="1">Blßzne, va╣e skuΦenφ m∞ pouze drß╛dφ! Bu∩te opatrn², a╗ nezajdete p°φli╣ daleko. </STRING> <STRING hash="225884819" needed="1">Nesmysln² nßvrh! Zkuste si kout pikle s n∞k²m jin²m. </STRING> <STRING hash="234577067" needed="1">Va╣e takzvanß nabφdka je urß╛ka, jakß se jen tak nevidφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="222404866" needed="1">Na╣e nßrody mohou spoleΦn∞ dob²t cel² sv∞t. Co na to °φkßte? </STRING> <STRING hash="223273732" needed="1">Jako p°ßtelΘ jsme mocnφ. Jako spojenci budeme nep°emo╛itelnφ! </STRING> <STRING hash="304709757" needed="1">Mßme mnoho spoleΦn²ch cφl∙. Co kdybychom byli spojenci? </STRING> <STRING hash="316668167" needed="1">Musφme sjednotit svΘ sφly, ne╛ nßs rozprß╣φ na╣i spoleΦnφ nep°ßtelΘ! </STRING> <STRING hash="221915984" needed="1">Uzav°ete se mnou spojenectvφ, ≤ velk² a mocn² p°φteli. Je to vß╣ osud! </STRING> <STRING hash="372242136" needed="1">Ostatnφ nßrody nßs zasti≥ujφ svojφ slßvou, to nesmφme dopustit! M∞li bychom uzav°φt spojenectvφ! </STRING> <STRING hash="380580075" needed="1">Spojenectvφ na╣ich nßrod∙ nßm p°inese spoleΦnΘ vφt∞zstvφ! Co na to °φkßte? </STRING> <STRING hash="340298787" needed="1">Abychom porazili na╣e spoleΦnΘ nep°ßtele, musφme se spojit. Pouze to nßs m∙╛e zachrßnit. </STRING> <STRING hash="305352665" needed="1">Pokud chcete opravdu ovlßdnout sv∞t, budete pot°ebovat spojence, jako jsem jß. </STRING> <STRING hash="291650593" needed="1">Bude nßm pot∞╣enφm b²t va╣φm spojencem a pomoci vßm dosßhnout proslulΘ velikosti. </STRING> <STRING hash="261670038" needed="1">Od va╣eho velikΘho nßroda se mßme hodn∞ co uΦit. Uzav°eme mφr? </STRING> <STRING hash="289430587" needed="1">T°eseme se p°ed va╣φ mocnou °φ╣φ. Mßte zßjem uzav°φt s nßmi mφr? </STRING> <STRING hash="316256472" needed="1">Sklßnφme se p°ed va╣imi znalostmi. Mohli bychom ╛φt v mφru? </STRING> <STRING hash="297356076" needed="1">Pokorn∞ ╛adonφme o va╣i shovφvavost a ╛ßdßme o mφr mezi na╣imi nßrody. </STRING> <STRING hash="330733030" needed="1">Nem∙╛eme toho nabφdnout mnoho, ale snad vßs neurazφ nßvrh mφrovΘ smlouvy. </STRING> <STRING hash="211736033" needed="1">Musφme ╛φt v mφru. Prosφm, ≤ mocn², neniΦte nßs! </STRING> <STRING hash="413602476" needed="1">V∞°φm tomu, ╛e jste trp∞li dost. Nabφzφm vßm mφr, jestli jste dost moud°φ na to, abyste ho p°ijali. </STRING> <STRING hash="369552387" needed="1">Vyvstala novß hrozba - zdß se, ╛e uzav°enφ mφru mezi na╣imi nßrody bude nejlep╣φ obrana. </STRING> <STRING hash="380736976" needed="1">Sklo≥te se p°ed na╣imi znalostmi: uzav°ete s nßmi mφr, nebo pocφtφte neblahΘ d∙sledky! </STRING> <STRING hash="454562223" needed="1">To bylo velmi zßbavnΘ, ╛e? Ale nynφ je Φas pro mφr. Mohu vßs kdykoli zniΦit. </STRING> <STRING hash="451135382" needed="1">Prohrßl jste. Nechce se mi ji╛ dφvat na va╣e utrpenφ; rad∞ji vßm nabφzφm mφrovou smlouvu. </STRING> <STRING hash="279830384" needed="1">Ujednßno. Vß╣ nßrod vypadß ne╣kodn∞, m∙╛eme spolu tedy ╛φt v mφru. </STRING> <STRING hash="429895836" needed="1">P°inß╣φm pozdravy od na╣eho velkΘho a mocnΘho nßroda. «ijme spolu v mφru. </STRING> <STRING hash="292042816" needed="1">Zdravφm. Jsme nad╣eni mφrovou spolupracφ s vßmi. </STRING> <STRING hash="306075614" needed="1">U╛ pro nßs nep°edstavujete hrozbu, co kdybychom spolu ╛ili v mφru? </STRING> <STRING hash="266119979" needed="1">V budoucnu se nßm m∙╛ete hodit. Sta≥me se na Φas p°ßteli. </STRING> <STRING hash="227999177" needed="1">Nß╣ nßrod vφtß mφr s vßmi, ≤ velk² a mocn². </STRING> <STRING hash="448272607" needed="1">Skromn∞ navrhujeme mφr mezi na╣imi nßrody - p°inese vzßjemn² prosp∞ch. </STRING> <STRING hash="247247206" needed="1">S p°ßteli jako vy po boku se cφtφme b²t mimo jakßkoliv nebezpeΦφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="245125934" needed="1">Uji╣╗ujeme vßs, ╛e nß╣ nßrod je ne╣kodn² a ╛e jedinΘ, co si p°ejeme, je mφr. </STRING> <STRING hash="290233028" needed="1">Je dobrΘ znamenφ potkat tak moudrΘho, silnΘho a mφrumilovnΘho vlßdce, jako jste vy. </STRING> <STRING hash="21763509" needed="1">. . .</STRING> <STRING hash="54684362" needed="1">(Vy╣╣φ adresß°) </STRING> <STRING hash="121771337" needed="1">Chyba p°i Φtenφ XML souboru: $FILENAME0 </STRING> <STRING hash="12136669" needed="1">Zru╣it </STRING> <STRING hash="6038903" needed="1">OK</STRING> <STRING hash="126783977" needed="1">Chcete ukonΦit p°ehrßvßnφ? </STRING> <STRING hash="35691339" needed="1">Port #</STRING> <STRING hash="195649697" needed="1">SystΘmovΘ klßvesy nelze m∞nit. </STRING> <STRING hash="196255546" needed="1">Chcete ukonΦit Editor scΘnß°∙? </STRING> <STRING hash="439536677" needed="1">U╛ existuje ulo╛enß hra pod stejn²m jmΘnem. Chcete ji p°epsat? </STRING> <STRING hash="152679261" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se nahrßt soubor "$FILE0". </STRING> <STRING hash="56226829" needed="1">%02d:min </STRING> <STRING hash="560481191" needed="1">Selhala inicializace DirectX 8. Bu∩ DirectX 8 nenφ nainstalovßn, nebo ho vß╣ hardware nepodporuje. </STRING> <STRING hash="796674064" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se inicializovat grafickΘ rozhranφ. P°esv∞dΦte se prosφm, zda mßte nainstalovßny nejnov∞j╣φ ovladaΦe svΘ grafickΘ karty a ╛e jsou se hrou Rise of Nations kompatibilnφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="108393026" needed="1">.\scenario\sample_script.bhs</STRING> <STRING hash="182509679" needed="1">Hranice nßroda +$NUMBER0 a +$NUMBER1 za v∞k. </STRING> <STRING hash="22069948" needed="1">$STR0 $STR1</STRING> <STRING hash="845915936" needed="1">Va╣e grafickß karta nenφ na seznamu doporuΦen²ch karet pro hru Rise of Nations. Nahrajte si nejnov∞j╣φ ovladaΦe z webov²ch strßnek v²robce karty. P°ejete si ukonΦit hru? </STRING> <STRING hash="398656619" needed="1">Va╣e grafickß karta nenφ na seznamu doporuΦen²ch karet pro hru Rise of Nations. P°ejete si ukonΦit hru? </STRING> <STRING hash="269120724" needed="1">NovΘ m∞sto lze postavit a╛ za 5 vte°in po ztrßt∞ m∞sta. </STRING> <STRING hash="84142153" needed="1">$NUMBER0 $RESOURCEICON0</STRING> <STRING hash="74270739" needed="1">Ztratili jsme m∞sto $CITYNAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="67865051" needed="1">JedineΦnΘ jednotky </STRING> <STRING hash="1463121784" needed="1">V²m∞nou za to, ╛e $TRIBE0 nebudou vßmi napadeni b∞hem $NUM0 tah∙, po╛adujφ $NUM1 dan∞ za mφr. Jestli╛e zaplatφte, v p°φpad∞ vzßjemnΘho ·toku v rßmci dal╣φch $NUM0 tah∙ zaplatφ ·toΦφcφ strana pokutu. Hodlßte zaplatit? </STRING> <STRING hash="1281314790" needed="1">V²m∞nou za to, ╛e nßrod $NAME0 nevtrhne do $NAME1 po dobu $NUM1 tah∙, po╛aduje $NUM0 dan∞ za mφr. Jestli╛e zaplatφte, nebudete se moci vzßjemn∞ po dobu $NUM1 tah∙ bez zaplacenφ pokuty napadnout. Zaplatφte? (Mßte $NUM2) </STRING> <STRING hash="280662390" needed="1">$TRIBE0 poslali zprßvu: Nemßte nic cennΘho co byste nßm mohli nabφdnout. </STRING> <STRING hash="58291080" needed="1">Nßrod $TRIBE1 </STRING> <STRING hash="58268574" needed="1">Nßrod $TRIBE1 </STRING> <STRING hash="878673677" needed="1">Proto╛e jste podepsal smlouvu a zaplatili danφ za mφr, $TRIBE0 nesmφ b²t vßmi napadeni po dobu $NUM0 tah∙. Tato dohoda m∙╛e b²t poru╣ena pod pokutou $NUM1. Chcete poru╣it dohodu? </STRING> <STRING hash="104099023" needed="1">Invaze odra╛ena! </STRING> <STRING hash="17597813" needed="1">Zru╣it </STRING> <STRING hash="23999911" needed="1">PODVOD </STRING> <STRING hash="158761650" needed="1">Musφte udr╛et pozici po dobu ΦasovΘho limitu! </STRING> <STRING hash="243419497" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se vßm podrobit si nßrod v ΦasovΘm limitu. </STRING> <STRING hash="25035289" needed="1">PoΦßteΦnφ v∞k: </STRING> <STRING hash="4702872" needed="1">.</STRING> <STRING hash="4679329" needed="1">'</STRING> <STRING hash="438631187" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se navßzat sφ╗ovΘ spojenφ. Zkontrolujte prosφm sφ╗ a zkuste to znovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="122885757" needed="1">Zadejte IP adresu hostitele: </STRING> <STRING hash="11946668" needed="1">Zru╣it </STRING> <STRING hash="72035104" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se navßzat spojenφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="426995884" needed="1">Hra musφ mφt popis. Zadejte prosφm popis a zkuste to znovu. </STRING> <STRING hash="261860282" needed="1">Selhalo ov∞°enφ platnosti va╣eho identifikaΦnφho klφΦe CD. Byl jste vyhozen z mφstnosti. </STRING> <STRING hash="150283678" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se zφskat klφΦe k mφstosti. </STRING> <STRING hash="57910347" needed="1">Expert bez hodnocenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="32659984" needed="1">Bez hodnocenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="86476697" needed="1">St°edn∞ pokroΦil² bez hodnocenφ </STRING> <STRING hash="26698034" needed="1">Ohodnocen </STRING> <STRING hash="133912331" needed="1">Online skupina Rise of Nations </STRING> <STRING hash="178318161" needed="1">Bylo dosa╛eno limitu m∞st - vyzkoumejte $TECHNOLOGY0. </STRING> <STRING hash="85760449" needed="1">Bylo dosa╛eno limitu m∞st. </STRING> <STRING hash="24203783" needed="1">1. </STRING> <STRING hash="24031695" needed="1">2. </STRING> <STRING hash="24041638" needed="1">3. </STRING> <STRING hash="24062819" needed="1">4. </STRING> <STRING hash="24063480" needed="1">5. </STRING> <STRING hash="24064225" needed="1">6. </STRING> <STRING hash="24066362" needed="1">7. </STRING> <STRING hash="24067257" needed="1">8. </STRING> <STRING hash="24067810" needed="1">9. </STRING> <STRING hash="26752423" needed="1">10. </STRING> <STRING hash="118278110" needed="1">JmΘno souboru scΘnß°e: </STRING> <STRING hash="89068503" needed="1">Hora 16 </STRING> <STRING hash="70748006" needed="1">Ukßzat v╣e </STRING> <STRING hash="57584667" needed="1">Jednotky </STRING> <STRING hash="75676037" needed="1">Budovy </STRING> <STRING hash="81207983" needed="1">Technologie </STRING> <STRING hash="70562447" needed="1">ModifikovanΘ </STRING> <STRING hash="53302454" needed="1">«ßdnΘ </STRING> <STRING hash="192937638" needed="1">Zadejte novΘ jmΘno typu: </STRING> <STRING hash="62191911" needed="1">Zru╣it </STRING> <STRING hash="191497487" needed="1">Cena (musφ b²t nßsobek 10): </STRING> <STRING hash="198279583" needed="1">Zadejte novou dobu prßce: </STRING> <STRING hash="206245877" needed="1">Zadejte novou kontrolnφ cenu pro tento typ: </STRING> <STRING hash="230161044" needed="1">Zadejte nov² dohled pro tento objekt: </STRING> <STRING hash="266062088" needed="1">Zadejte novou hodnotu v∞deckΘho dohledu pro tento objekt: </STRING> <STRING hash="204964260" needed="1">Zadejte novou cenu letadla tΘto jednotky: </STRING> <STRING hash="218254386" needed="1">Zadejte novou hodnotu zisku z drancovßnφ tΘto budovy: </STRING> <STRING hash="231328150" needed="1">Zadejte novou bodovou hodnotu Divu sv∞ta: </STRING> <STRING hash="202549108" needed="1">Zadejte novou hodnotu pohybu tΘto jednotky: </STRING> <STRING hash="200890694" needed="1">Zadejte novou rychlost otßΦenφ tΘto jednotky: </STRING> <STRING hash="214500750" needed="1">Zadejte novou hodnotu ·toku tohoto objektu: </STRING> <STRING hash="208207735" needed="1">Zadejte nov² poΦet ╛ivot∙ tohoto objektu: </STRING> <STRING hash="212063949" needed="1">Zadejte nov² minimßlnφ dosah tohoto objektu: </STRING> <STRING hash="213283211" needed="1">Zadejte nov² maximßlnφ dosah tohoto objektu: </STRING> <STRING hash="210694197" needed="1">Zadejte novou hodnotu brn∞nφ/pancΘ°ovßnφ tohoto objektu: </STRING> <STRING hash="220978268" needed="1">Zadejte nov² poΦet ╛ivot∙ tΘto budovy: </STRING> <STRING hash="224489576" needed="1">Zadejte novou nejvy╣╣φ hodnotu st°el tΘto budovy: </STRING> <STRING hash="231373674" needed="1">Zadejte novou zßkladnφ hodnotu st°el tΘto budovy: </STRING> <STRING hash="258660878" needed="1">Zadejte nov² nejvy╣╣φ poΦet osob posßdky tΘto budovy: </STRING> <STRING hash="57440889" needed="1">JmΘno: </STRING> <STRING hash="57415683" needed="1">Cena: </STRING> <STRING hash="41941016" needed="1">f</STRING> <STRING hash="41956610" needed="1">t</STRING> <STRING hash="41949847" needed="1">m</STRING> <STRING hash="41960591" needed="1">w</STRING> <STRING hash="41946007" needed="1">k</STRING> <STRING hash="41951315" needed="1">o</STRING> <STRING hash="75427860" needed="1">Doba prßce: </STRING> <STRING hash="97274878" needed="1">Kontrolnφ cena: </STRING> <STRING hash="101779417" needed="1">Dohled: </STRING> <STRING hash="91127366" needed="1">V∞deck² dohled: </STRING> <STRING hash="61791441" needed="1">Dovednost: </STRING> <STRING hash="95960951" needed="1">VyrabovanΘ zdroje: </STRING> <STRING hash="108919549" needed="1">Zisk z drancovßnφ: </STRING> <STRING hash="102347409" needed="1">Body za Div sv∞ta: </STRING> <STRING hash="61640397" needed="1">Pohyby: </STRING> <STRING hash="85188497" needed="1">Rychlost: </STRING> <STRING hash="66655683" needed="1">┌tok: </STRING> <STRING hash="57405154" needed="1">«ivoty: </STRING> <STRING hash="80481684" needed="1">Minimßlnφ dosah: </STRING> <STRING hash="80669794" needed="1">Maximßlnφ dosah: </STRING> <STRING hash="61641272" needed="1">Brn∞nφ/pancΘ°ovßnφ: </STRING> <STRING hash="80440051" needed="1">«ivoty m∞sta: </STRING> <STRING hash="85768663" needed="1">St°ely: </STRING> <STRING hash="91732585" needed="1">⌐φpy: </STRING> <STRING hash="97247905" needed="1">Max. jednotek posßdky: </STRING> <STRING hash="13927455" needed="1">NUM /</STRING> <STRING hash="56074855" needed="1">$NUMBER0 $RESOURCE0</STRING> <STRING hash="21685938" needed="1">PoΦφtaΦ </STRING> <STRING hash="243043190" needed="1">Nemßm zßjem o va╣e sm∞╣nΘ nabφdky. Nechci s vßmi mφt nic spoleΦnΘho! </STRING> <STRING hash="1319419844" needed="1">Tento produkt pou╛φvß licencovanΘ technologie firmy GameSpy Industries, Inc. (c) 1999-2003 GameSpy Industries, Inc. GameSpy a "Powered by GameSpy" jsou registrovanΘ obchodnφ znßmky spoleΦnosti GameSpy Industries, Inc. V╣echna prßva vyhrazena. </STRING> <STRING hash="55293785" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se texty k map∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="27580769" needed="1">Pob°e╛φ na map∞ </STRING> <STRING hash="20475887" needed="1">TerΘn mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="17851395" needed="1">╪eky na map∞ </STRING> <STRING hash="25643410" needed="1">Zdroje na map∞ </STRING> <STRING hash="56468416" needed="1">Upravit a najφt regiony </STRING> <STRING hash="22913507" needed="1">Anal²za mapy </STRING> <STRING hash="61507291" needed="1">Vzdßlen² port # </STRING> <STRING hash="57655545" needed="1">Mφstnφ port # </STRING> <STRING hash="172443757" needed="1">Zadejte prosφm jmΘno novΘho profilu: </STRING> <STRING hash="19768567" needed="1">datum </STRING> <STRING hash="19617392" needed="1">Φas </STRING> <STRING hash="555858210" needed="1">Tento scΘnß° pou╛φvß skript "$FILE0", ale tento soubor nelze najφt. Co chcete ud∞lat? </STRING> <STRING hash="93500111" needed="1">Vytvo°it nov² skript </STRING> <STRING hash="77359989" needed="1">Nepou╛φvat skript</STRING> <STRING hash="35861106" needed="1">Ignorovat </STRING> <STRING hash="426792261" needed="1">V tomto scΘnß°i nenφ definovßn ╛ßdn² skript. P°ejete si vytvo°it nov² skript? </STRING> <STRING hash="225069585" needed="1">Musφ b²t umφst∞n v p°φslu╣nΘ LeteckΘ zßkladn∞/transportΘru/raketovΘm silu. </STRING> <STRING hash="205936334" needed="1">Musφ b²t umφst∞n ve vlastnφ LeteckΘ zßkladn∞/tranportΘru/Silu. </STRING> <STRING hash="76685893" needed="1">Leteckß zßkladna je plnß. </STRING> <STRING hash="76247618" needed="1">Letadlovß lo∩ je plnß. </STRING> <STRING hash="53555754" needed="1">Maximßlnφ poΦet Raketov²ch sil! </STRING> <STRING hash="93114027" needed="1">Vybran² prvek musφ b²t umφst∞n na zemi. </STRING> <STRING hash="100016172" needed="1">Vybran² prvek musφ b²t umφst∞n v oceßnu. </STRING> <STRING hash="112567407" needed="1">($NUMBER0 n. l) </STRING> <STRING hash="112144603" needed="1">($NUMBER0 p°. n. l.)</STRING> <STRING hash="60308029" needed="1">Hotovo - hra m∙╛e zaΦφt! </STRING> <STRING hash="47907449" needed="1"> - </STRING> <STRING hash="48472174" needed="1">$NUMBER0 $RESOURCE0</STRING> <STRING hash="120143812" needed="1">$NUMBER0 $RESOURCEICON0 $RESOURCE1</STRING> <STRING hash="63989459" needed="1">$NUMBER0 $RESOURCEICON0</STRING> <STRING hash="444961988" needed="1">Soubor $FILE0 byl zm∞n∞n mimo Editor skript∙ hry Rise of Nations. Chcete tento skript znovu nahrßt? </STRING> <STRING hash="85887115" needed="1">Hernφ odpoΦet zru╣en </STRING> <STRING hash="600665223" needed="1">Vyberte typ terΘnu mezi tlaΦφtky na spodnφ li╣t∞. Na mapu jej p°idßte kliknutφm na zvolenΘ mφsto. </STRING> <STRING hash="214125090" needed="1">Hranice nßroda +$NUMBER0, a +$NUMBER1 navφc za ka╛dΘ civilnφ vylep╣enφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="183178233" needed="1">Hranice nßroda +$NUMBER0 navφc za ka╛dΘ civilnφ vylep╣enφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="62550210" needed="1">($NUMBER0 n. l) </STRING> <STRING hash="62127406" needed="1"> ($NUMBER0 p°. n. l.)</STRING> <STRING hash="217636640" needed="1">Typ ::get_type_index je volßn prßzdn²m °et∞zcem. </STRING> <STRING hash="28034157" needed="1">Nahrßvß se... </STRING> <STRING hash="102569681" needed="1">Div sv∞ta (Sv∞tovß vlßda) </STRING> <STRING hash="121116119" needed="1">┌zemφ (Sv∞tovß vlßda) </STRING> <STRING hash="108956508" needed="1">Hlavnφ m∞sto (Sv∞tovß vlßda) </STRING> <STRING hash="158168585" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ na poΦet bod∙ za Divy sv∞ta (Sv∞tovß vlßda) </STRING> <STRING hash="186220121" needed="1">Vφt∞zstvφ za zabranΘ ·zemφ (Sv∞tovß vlßda) </STRING> <STRING hash="166517210" needed="1">Zajmutφ hlavnφho m∞sta (Sv∞tovß vlßda) </STRING> <STRING hash="90089158" needed="1">Zachrßn∞no: +$NUMBER0 $GOODNAME1 </STRING> <STRING hash="89707565" needed="1">Drancovßnφm zφskßno: +$NUMBER0 $GOODNAME1 </STRING> <STRING hash="51243323" needed="1">+$NUMBER0 $GOODNAME1</STRING> <STRING hash="17467436" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="414578408" needed="1">Bonus z tohoto vzßcnΘho zdroje budete moci vyu╛φt u v╣ech scΘnß°∙. </STRING> <STRING hash="20508064" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="20523810" needed="1">(</STRING> <STRING hash="20525953" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="23955745" needed="1">,</STRING> <STRING hash="23930957" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="1442918358" needed="1">V²m∞nou za to, ╛e $TRIBE0 nebudou vßmi po dobu $NUM0 tah∙ nenapadeni, po╛adujφ $NUM1 dan∞ za mφr. Jestli╛e zaplatφte, bude muset p°φpadnß ·toΦφcφ strana zaplatit pokutu. Chcete zaplatit? (Mßte $NUM2)</STRING> <STRING hash="981255415" needed="1">Proto╛e jste podepsal smlouvu a zaplatili danφ za mφr, $TRIBE0 nesmφ b²t vßmi napadeni po dobu $NUM0 tah∙. Nemßte dost dan∞ za mφr pro zaplacenφ pokuty za poru╣enφ tΘto smlouvy. </STRING> <STRING hash="1185895160" needed="1">Va╣e zpravodajskß slu╛ba zjistila slabΘ v∙dce ve vysokΘ funkci. Tito slabφ v∙dci p°enechali po urΦitΘm vydφrßnφ, za v²kupnΘ nebo uplßcenφ bez boje, celΘ ·zemφ. </STRING> <STRING hash="77366207" needed="1">Div sv∞ta postaven! </STRING> <STRING hash="64203038" needed="1">Zrada! </STRING> <STRING hash="26807913" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="26832701" needed="1">,</STRING> <STRING hash="135945841" needed="1">Hra skonΦila. UkonΦφte ji stiskem klßvesy ESC. </STRING> <STRING hash="214577571" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m vyhrßl Sv∞tovou vlßdu! Zvφt∞zili jste na poΦet hlavnφch m∞st! </STRING> <STRING hash="202160289" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m vyhrßl Sv∞tovou vlßdu! Zvφt∞zili jste na poΦet bod∙ z Div∙ sv∞ta! </STRING> <STRING hash="216752470" needed="1">Vß╣ t²m vyhrßl Sv∞tovou vlßdu (za zabranΘ ·zemφ)! </STRING> <STRING hash="191011497" needed="1">Ztratil jste hlavnφ m∞sto ve Sv∞tovΘ vlßd∞! </STRING> <STRING hash="214504240" needed="1">Jin² t²m vyhrßl Sv∞tovou vlßdu! Zvφt∞zil na poΦet bod∙ z Div∙ sv∞ta! </STRING> <STRING hash="217198359" needed="1">Jin² t²m vyhrßl Sv∞tovou vlßdu! Zvφt∞zil na poΦet bod∙ z Div∙ sv∞ta! </STRING> <STRING hash="224223342" needed="1">Jin² t²m vyhrßl Sv∞tovou vlßdu (za zabranΘ ·zemφ)! </STRING> <STRING hash="228082751" needed="1">Jin² t²m vyhrßl Sv∞tovou vlßdu (za zabranΘ ·zemφ)! </STRING> <STRING hash="196671783" needed="1">Vyhrßl jste Sv∞tovou vlßdu! Zvφt∞zil jste na poΦet hlavnφch m∞st!</STRING> <STRING hash="192531487" needed="1">Vyhrßl jste Sv∞tovou vlßdu! Zvφt∞zil jste na poΦet bod∙ z Div∙ sv∞ta! </STRING> <STRING hash="199920462" needed="1">Vyhrßl jste Sv∞tovou vlßdu (za zabranΘ ·zemφ)! </STRING> <STRING hash="201348685" needed="1">Prohrßl jste se Sv∞tovou vlßdou na poΦet bod∙ z Div∙ sv∞ta. </STRING> <STRING hash="215705312" needed="1">Prohrßl jste Sv∞tovou vlßdu za plochu zabranΘho ·zemφ! </STRING> <STRING hash="5942390" needed="1">OK</STRING> <STRING hash="700960156" needed="1">Jestli╛e mßte vytvo°en² profil na GameSpy, ale zapomn∞li jste heslo, jd∞te na GameSpyID.com, kde svΘ heslo zjistφte. </STRING> <STRING hash="225160572" needed="1">Pokud je╣t∞ nemßte vlastnφ profil, vytvo°te jej kliknutφm na "Vytvo°it profil". </STRING> <STRING hash="357589161" needed="1">Zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu, p°ezdφvku a heslo. PotΘ klikn∞te na "Vytvo°it profil".</STRING> <STRING hash="87254834" needed="1">Vstupujete do mφstnosti. </STRING> <STRING hash="87171059" needed="1">Vstupujete do mφstnosti.</STRING> <STRING hash="272678682" needed="1">$PLAYERNAME0 (HOSTITEL) opustil mφstnost. Odchod z mφstnosti...</STRING> <STRING hash="126072112" needed="1">Nahrßvajφ se data GameSpy Lobby. </STRING> <STRING hash="79468844" needed="1">V╣echna letadla Φerpajφ palivo. </STRING> <STRING hash="41969252" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="85237437" needed="1">Po╛adovßno 1: </STRING> <STRING hash="84358156" needed="1">Po╛adovßno 2: </STRING> <STRING hash="84374535" needed="1">Po╛adovßno 3: </STRING> <STRING hash="87605222" needed="1">PopulaΦnφ limit! </STRING> <STRING hash="63209884" needed="1">Bombardovat oblast </STRING> <STRING hash="46706160" needed="1">Hlφdat lokaci </STRING> <STRING hash="21589859" needed="1">StφhaΦky</STRING> <STRING hash="44906507" needed="1">Budovy, lod∞</STRING> <STRING hash="18780760" needed="1"><nic> </STRING> <STRING hash="214074661" needed="1">CivilizaΦnφ pokrok aktivoval sφlu Div∙ sv∞ta. </STRING> <STRING hash="11481435" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="17889353" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="17905099" needed="1">(</STRING> <STRING hash="17907242" needed="1">)</STRING> <STRING hash="17930384" needed="1">/</STRING> <STRING hash="228467536" needed="1">SpojeneckΘ m∞sto $CITYNAME0 napadl $JOHNQWHINER1! </STRING> <STRING hash="179907785" needed="1">[(Po╛adovßno: $NUMBER0 typ∙ budov)] </STRING> <STRING hash="253414534" needed="1">Kliknutφm lev²m tlaΦφtkem na budovu ji opravφte (nebo pom∙╛ete p°i jejφ stavb∞). </STRING> <STRING hash="9967822" needed="1">OK</STRING> <STRING hash="17408390" needed="1">Zru╣it </STRING> <STRING hash="53227622" needed="1">╚φslo portu hostitele # </STRING> <STRING hash="61539630" needed="1">╚φslo portu klienta # </STRING> <STRING hash="13582214" needed="1">.</STRING> <STRING hash="13558671" needed="1">'</STRING> <STRING hash="10019368" needed="1">:</STRING> <STRING hash="40569339" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="19737102" needed="1"> (Obs)</STRING> <STRING hash="165203817" needed="1">[[$PLAYERNAME0 bude hostit hru]] </STRING> <STRING hash="185451909" needed="1">[[$PLAYERNAME0 bude pozorovat hru]] </STRING> <STRING hash="15572251" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="50415407" needed="1">$NUMBER0 n. l. </STRING> <STRING hash="50024691" needed="1">$NUMBER0 p°. n. l. </STRING> <STRING hash="128438183" needed="1">Nep°ßtelsk² ⌐pion se pokou╣φ o podplßcenφ! </STRING> <STRING hash="137050314" needed="1">Nep°ßtelsk² ⌐pion nasazuje informßtora! </STRING> <STRING hash="2114296686" needed="1">Va╣e p°evaha ohromila protivnφky. Opustili ·zemφ, kterΘ proto zφskßvßte bez bitvy. Stane se tak ve chvφli, kdy celkov² poΦet ·toΦφcφch armßd p°esßhne poΦet brßnφcφch armßd o dv∞. Zßbor ·zemφ se v tomto p°φpad∞ nepoΦφtß jako normßlnφ ·tok za jeden tah.</STRING> <STRING hash="55121387" needed="1">Zabrßno! </STRING> <STRING hash="60708573" needed="1">PokraΦovat </STRING> <STRING hash="215448811" needed="1">Chcete p°idat $MRSUPERDUPERANNOYING0 do seznamu ignorovan²ch osob? </STRING> <STRING hash="87067028" needed="1">Tato p°ezdφvka je neplatnß. </STRING> <STRING hash="117530447" needed="1">Odstranit ze seznamu ignorovan²ch osob. </STRING> <STRING hash="88776656" needed="1">P°idat do seznamu ignorovan²ch osob. </STRING> <STRING hash="66802657" needed="1">Vypnout </STRING> <STRING hash="67994700" needed="1">Maximum populace!</STRING> <STRING hash="76216436" needed="1">PopulaΦnφ limit!</STRING> <STRING hash="18997128" needed="1">Um∞lß inteligence jednotky </STRING> <STRING hash="21136511" needed="1">VYPNUTO </STRING> <STRING hash="18892929" needed="1">ZAPNUTO </STRING> <STRING hash="188839518" needed="1">- Kliknutφm zapnete/vypnete um∞lou inteligenci tΘto jednotky. </STRING> <STRING hash="236902552" needed="1">Kliknutφm zapnete/vypnete automatickΘ vylep╣ovßnφ jednotky po vynalezenφ technologie. </STRING> <STRING hash="164079356" needed="1">Kliknutφm zru╣φte p°φkazy pro tuto jednotku. </STRING> <STRING hash="151045161" needed="1">Poskytuje p°φjem +$NUMBER0 #ICON5. </STRING> <STRING hash="1573520293" needed="1">Skripty mohou b²t spu╣t∞ny pouze za b∞hu hry. Pokud je skript nastaven, aby se nahrßval souΦasn∞ se scΘnß°em, nebo se jednß o skript um∞lΘ inteligence, nahraje a spustφ se automaticky. Pokud chcete ladit skript, stiskn∞te b∞hem hry $KEY0. </STRING> <STRING hash="1864717622" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i umφstφte bod, kde bude °eka pramenit. Kliknutφm pravΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i tento bod odstranφte. Op∞tovn²m kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i na kontrolnφ bod dokonΦφte umφst∞nφ °eky. ╪eku nelze vΘst skrz hory/·tesy/oceßn. Pokud °eku ukonΦφte v t∞snΘ blφzkosti oceßnu, bude se do n∞j vlΘvat. Zm∞ny ulo╛φte kliknutφm na Ulo╛it zm∞ny. </STRING> <STRING hash="484924261" needed="1">╪eku, horu nebo ·tes odstranφte kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i. Zm∞ny ulo╛φte kliknutφm na Ulo╛it zm∞ny. </STRING> <STRING hash="634027685" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i umφstφte horu. Kliknutφm pravΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i zm∞nφte tvar hory, nebo pou╛ijte graf. nabφdku. Zm∞ny ulo╛φte kliknutφm na Ulo╛it zm∞ny. </STRING> <STRING hash="15276603" needed="1">1/2</STRING> <STRING hash="11597049" needed="1">/</STRING> <STRING hash="220298212" needed="1">Chcete p°idat $MRSUPERDUPERANNOYING0 do seznnamu ignorovan²ch osob?</STRING> <STRING hash="111270312" needed="1">Odstranit ze seznamu kamarßd∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="83555620" needed="1">P°idat do seznamu kamarßd∙ </STRING> <STRING hash="549936505" needed="1">Jestli╛e mßte vytvo°en² profil na GameSpy, vlo╛te svou e-mailovou adresu, p°ezdφvku a heslo. Potom klikn∞te na "Login". </STRING> <STRING hash="670341298" needed="1">Jestli╛e u╛ mßte vytvo°en² profil na GameSpy, ale zapomn∞li jste heslo, jd∞te na GameSpyID.com, kde je zjistφte. </STRING> <STRING hash="216064853" needed="1">Pokud je╣t∞ nemßte vlastnφ profil , vytvo°te jej kliknutφm na "Vytvo°it profil". </STRING> <STRING hash="425278956" needed="1">Zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu, p°ezdφvku a heslo. PotΘ klikn∞te na "Vytvo°it profil". </STRING> <STRING hash="560679972" needed="1">Nepoda°ilo se inicializovat DirectX 9. DirectX 9 bu∩ na va╣em poΦφtaΦi nenφ naistalovßn, nebo jej vß╣ hardware nepodporuje. </STRING> <STRING hash="1669226675" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i umφstφte bod, kde bude °eka pramenit. Kliknutφm pravΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i tento bod odstranφte. Op∞tovn²m kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i na kontrolnφ bod dokonΦφte umφst∞nφ °eky. ╪eku nelze vΘst skrz hory/·tesy/oceßn. Pokud °eku ukonΦφte v t∞snΘ blφzkosti oceßnu, bude se do n∞j vlΘvat. Zm∞ny ulo╛φte kliknutφm na Ulo╛it zm∞ny. </STRING> <STRING hash="225191727" needed="1">Zapnout/vypnout "$STR0" - nejednß se o platn² p°epφnaΦ, ov∞°te jeho jmΘno. </STRING> <STRING hash="30022682" needed="1">Zru╣it </STRING> <STRING hash="238876193" needed="1">V jednΘ bitv∞ m∙╛ete pou╛φt pouze jednu bonusovou kartu $NAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="1066419531" needed="1">$TRIBE0 s vßmi podepsali spojenectvφ! Pokud bude spojenec v dosahu, pom∙╛e vßm v bitv∞. Dal╣φ spojenectvφ stojφ vφce dan∞ za mφr, vybφrejte si svΘ spojence tedy peΦliv∞.</STRING> <STRING hash="31871247" needed="1">HrßΦ Φφslo $NUMBER0 </STRING> <STRING hash="17840874" needed="1">Zru╣it </STRING> <STRING hash="119652575" needed="1">+$NUMBER0 $ICON0 $RESOURCENAME1</STRING> <STRING hash="47772575" needed="1">+$NUMBER0 $ICON0</STRING> <STRING hash="26762806" needed="1">11.</STRING> <STRING hash="26585853" needed="1">12.</STRING> <STRING hash="26588032" needed="1">13.</STRING> <STRING hash="26590415" needed="1">14.</STRING> <STRING hash="26592294" needed="1">15.</STRING> <STRING hash="26594341" needed="1">16.</STRING> <STRING hash="26599172" needed="1">17.</STRING> <STRING hash="26601519" needed="1">18.</STRING> <STRING hash="52195658" needed="1">+$NUMBER0 $ICON0</STRING> <STRING hash="53016844" needed="1">{Nabφdka $RESOURCE0} </STRING> <STRING hash="57136919" needed="1">{Po╛adavek $RESOURCE0} </STRING> <STRING hash="44974304" needed="1">$ICON0 +$NUMBER0</STRING> <STRING hash="36020173" needed="1">Umφstit jednotku do posßdky/lΘΦit </STRING> <STRING hash="36265628" needed="1">Zru╣it </STRING> <STRING hash="149888123" needed="1">=======Zßznam zkopφrovßn do schrßnky</STRING> <STRING hash="148876424" needed="1">Vyskytly se chyby skriptu ve skriptu "STR0". </STRING> <STRING hash="185291048" needed="1">Pro podrobn∞jsφ informace si p°eΦt∞te zßznam skriptu ($LOGKEY0) </STRING> <STRING hash="754886524" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i umφstφte horu. Kliknutφm pravΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i zm∞nφte tvar hory, nebo pou╛ijte graf. nabφdku. Kliknutφm na Pou╛φt ulo╛φte zm∞ny. </STRING> <STRING hash="719461348" needed="1">Kliknutφm levΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i umφstφte ·tes. Kliknutφm pravΘho tlaΦφtka my╣i zm∞nφte tvar a velikost ·tesu. Kliknutφm na Pou╛φt ulo╛φte zm∞ny. </STRING> <STRING hash="97601217" needed="1">[Zobrazit v╣echny funkce] </STRING> <STRING hash="146527435" needed="1">P°estat zobrazovat toto varovßnφ</STRING> <STRING hash="7978652" needed="1">Ano </STRING> <STRING hash="6777436" needed="1">Ne </STRING> <STRING hash="72450600" needed="1">Neplatn² parametr. </STRING> <STRING hash="196956004" needed="1">Nevhodn² parametr: mφsto oΦekßvanΘho $NUM0 byl nalezen $NUM1</STRING> <STRING hash="81486903" needed="1">Tato mφstnost je plnß. </STRING> <STRING hash="23983489" needed="1">-</STRING> <STRING hash="23977533" needed="1">+</STRING> <STRING hash="156184967" needed="1">Vyskytly se chyby skriptu ve skriptu "$STR0" </STRING> <STRING hash="197370557" needed="1">Tento skript u╛ byl zkompilovßn a nebyl nijak m∞n∞n. </STRING> <STRING hash="212284686" needed="1">Dal jsem vßm svolenφ p°idat si m∞ do seznamu. </STRING> <STRING hash="13258703" needed="1"> (</STRING> <STRING hash="71288022" needed="1">Vß╣ identifikaΦnφ k≤d CD nenφ platn². </STRING> <STRING hash="184869094" needed="1">Chyba p°i ov∞°ovßnφ pravosti identifikaΦnφho k≤du CD. </STRING> <STRING hash="233283189" needed="1">Vß╣ identifikaΦnφ k≤d CD byl vy°azen. Kontaktujte prosφm zßkaznickou linku. </STRING> <STRING hash="67172494" needed="1">Tento identifikaΦnφ k≤d CD se ji╛ pou╛φvß. </STRING> <STRING hash="369326810" needed="1">Rozumn∞ ╣t∞dr² dar zajistφ va╣i dal╣φ existenci. Odmφtnutφ znamenß smrt. </STRING> <STRING hash="700427852" needed="1">Byla detekovßna Aureal(tm) zvukovß karta. Jestli╛e se vyskytnou problΘmy se zvukem, p°eΦt∞te si prosφm soubor Readme. </STRING> <STRING hash="15002569" needed="1">Zasn∞╛en² </STRING> <STRING hash="14955539" needed="1">Pra╣n² </STRING> <STRING hash="47901748" needed="1">Jihozßpadnφ pou╣╗ </STRING> <STRING hash="57623020" needed="1">Velkß saharskß pou╣╗ </STRING> <STRING hash="16609325" needed="1">D╛ungle </STRING> <STRING hash="47634745" needed="1">Africkß savana </STRING> <STRING hash="17377676" needed="1">Polßrnφ </STRING> <STRING hash="44766474" needed="1">Mongolskß step </STRING> <STRING hash="457109489" needed="1">Tento vzßcn² zdroj p°idßvß bonus ke ka╛dΘ bitv∞. </STRING> <STRING hash="266590382" needed="1">Do╣lo k chyb∞ skriptu. Dal╣φ informace najdete v zßznamu skriptu (CTRL + ALT + X). </STRING> <STRING hash="501906345" needed="1">Chcete-li vypnout zvuk, klikn∞te na 'Vypnout', chcete-li pokraΦovat v hranφ se zvukem, klikn∞te na 'Zapnout', a stiskn∞te 'Ignorovat', pokud u╛ tuto v²zvu nechcete zobrazovat. </STRING> <STRING hash="17621745" needed="1">Vypnout </STRING> <STRING hash="15530635" needed="1">Zapnout </STRING> <STRING hash="15109820" needed="1">Ignorovat </STRING> <STRING hash="201269673" needed="1">┌rove≥ sφly pro ·zemφ hrßΦe </STRING> <STRING hash="17419187" needed="1"> </STRING> <STRING hash="90192127" needed="1">Vstoupil jste do mφstnosti skupiny. </STRING> <STRING hash="77066789" needed="1">Vyberte typ mφstnosti </STRING> <STRING hash="119786564" needed="1">$GAMENAME0 ($GROUPNAME1)</STRING> <STRING hash="56812654" needed="1">Vyhodit hrßΦe </STRING> <STRING hash="167827376" needed="1">Kliknutφm vytvo°φte zßznam o systΘmu. </STRING> <STRING hash="167844484" needed="1">Do╣lo k chyb∞ p°i Φtenφ XML souboru: $FILENAME0. </STRING> <STRING hash="82385030" needed="1">Do╣lo k chyb∞ p°i b∞hu aplikace.</STRING> <STRING hash="188278860" needed="1">Nainstalujte nejd°φve hru z CD. </STRING> <STRING hash="1386045310" needed="1">Tento produkt pou╛φvß licencovanΘ technologie firmy GameSpy Industries, Inc. (c) 1999-2003 GameSpy Industries, Inc. GameSpy a "Powered by GameSpy" jsou registrovanΘ obchodnφ znßmky spoleΦnosti GameSpy Industries, Inc. V╣echna prßva vyhrazena. </STRING> <STRING hash="23398606" needed="1">Zru╣it </STRING> <STRING hash="14224486" needed="1">OK</STRING> <STRING hash="68245570" needed="1">CREATE_TEXT_INDICES</STRING> </ROOT>