GameStar 2005 February
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Text File
455 lines
-- Variables Table ---------------------------------------------------
var# | Class | What
0000 | System | System*
0001 | Int | NULL
0002 | Int | __deprecated_runtime
0003 | Double | v
0004 | Int | 2
0005 | Int | 65535
0006 | Int | 1
0007 | String | "runtimecheck"
0008 | Int | 0
0009 | Int | last
000A | Int | now
000B | Int | 5000
000C | String | "This script requires "
000D | String | "Winamp 5.03 (skin version 1.2)"
000E | String | "Error"
000F | String | ""
0010 | Config | Config*
0011 | ConfigAttribute | __drawer_directiontop_attrib
0012 | ConfigAttribute | __scrolldrawerattrib
0013 | ConfigAttribute | __drawer_directionbypass_attrib
0014 | ConfigAttribute | __vis_detach_attrib
0015 | ConfigAttribute | __video_detach_attrib
0016 | Int | __drawer_direction
0017 | Timer | __callbackTimer
0018 | Int | __callback_vis_show
0019 | Int | __callback_video_show
001A | Int | __callback_vis_hide
001B | Int | __callback_video_hide
001C | Timer | __callbackTimer2
001D | Int | __callback2_what
001E | Timer | __PSOVCTimer
001F | Int | __bypasscancel
0020 | Int | __isinited
0021 | Int | __hiding_video
0022 | Int | __hiding_vis
0023 | Int | __showing_vis
0024 | Int | __showing_video
0025 | Int | __last_forcedbottom
0026 | Int | __last_forcedtop
0027 | Timer | __tempDisable
0028 | Layout | __main
0029 | Container | __maincontainer
002A | String | __myname
002B | Int | __windowshade_openvid
002C | Int | __windowshade_openvis
002D | Int | __maximized
002E | Int | __oldx
002F | Int | __oldy
0030 | Int | __oldw
0031 | Int | __oldh
0032 | Layout | lay
0033 | String | name
0034 | String | "Drawer"
0035 | Int | 1000
0036 | Int | 50
0037 | String | "winamp5"
0038 | String | "Maximized"
0039 | String | "ox"
003A | String | "oy"
003B | String | "ow"
003C | String | "oh"
003D | String | "ForcedTop"
003E | String | "ForcedBottom"
003F | Int | fromtop
0040 | String | "1"
0041 | String | "0"
0042 | String | "OpenState"
0043 | Int | curstate
0044 | String | "Height"
0045 | Int | h
0046 | Int | y
0047 | Int | curh
0048 | Int | offset
0049 | Int | offset
004A | Int | y
004B | Int | curh
004C | Int | withdrawer
004D | Int | curstate
004E | String | "expand - curstate = "
004F | Int | fromtop
0050 | Int | h
0051 | Int | w
0052 | Int | delay
0053 | Int | withdrawer
0054 | String | "reduce"
0055 | Int | h
0056 | Int | fromtop
0057 | Int | delay
0058 | Int | s
0059 | String | "State"
005A | Int | Window_Content
005B | String | guid
005C | Boolean | goingvisible
005D | String | "+"
005E | String | "{F0816D7B-FFFC-4343-80F2-E8199AA15CC3}"
005F | String | "{0000000A-000C-0010-FF7B-01014263450C}"
0060 | String | "--------------- onGetCancelComponent ----------------"
0061 | String | " GUID : "
0062 | String | " Going Visible"
0063 | String | " Going Invisible"
0064 | String | " Last Content : "
0065 | String | " Drawer State : "
0066 | String | "-----------------------------------------------------"
0067 | Int | Window_Content
0068 | Int | window_status
0069 | String | "closing "
006A | String | "Went thru"
006B | String | "drawer_showVis"
006C | GuiObject | o
006D | String | "vis object not provided (show)"
006E | String | "drawer_hideVis"
006F | GuiObject | o
0070 | String | "video object not found (hide)"
0071 | String | "drawer_showVideo"
0072 | GuiObject | o
0073 | String | "vis object not found (show)"
0074 | String | "drawer_hideVideo"
0075 | GuiObject | o
0076 | Int | cvds
0077 | Int | cvss
0078 | Int | cvdh
0079 | Int | cvsh
007A | Int | lastWindowContent
007B | String | "drawer_showWindowContent = "
007C | Int | lastWindowContent
007D | String | "drawer_hideWindowContent = "
007E | Int | x
007F | Int | y
0080 | Int | w
0081 | Int | h
0082 | Int | x
0083 | Int | y
0084 | Int | w
0085 | Int | h
0086 | Int | window_status
0087 | Int | h
0088 | String | "h = "
0089 | String | "detach video changed"
008A | String | "detach vis changed"
008B | Int | wasvisible
008C | Int | lastWindowContent
008D | Int | window_status
008E | Int | lastWindowContent
008F | Int | window_status
0090 | Int | wasvisible
0091 | Int | wasvisible
0092 | Int | window_status
0093 | Int | window_content
0094 | Int | wasvisible
0095 | Int | window_status
0096 | Int | window_content
0097 | String | "show detached vis"
0098 | String | "show detached video"
0099 | String | "disabling stop on video close"
009A | String | "{0542AFA4-48D9-4c9f-8900-5739D52C114F}"
009B | ConfigItem | item
009C | String | "Prevent video playback Stop on video window Close"
009D | ConfigAttribute | attr
009E | String | "enabling stop on video close"
009F | ConfigItem | item
00A0 | ConfigAttribute | attr
00A1 | Layout | oldl
00A2 | Layout | newl
00A3 | Int | window_status
00A4 | Int | window_content
00A5 | Layout | newl
00A6 | Int | notif
00A7 | Int | vx
00A8 | Int | vy
00A9 | Int | vw
00AA | Int | vh
00AB | ConfigAttribute | scrolldrawerattrib
00AC | ConfigAttribute | scrollconfigdrawerattrib
00AD | ConfigAttribute | vis_detach_attrib
00AE | ConfigAttribute | video_detach_attrib
00AF | ConfigAttribute | drawer_directiontop_attrib
00B0 | ConfigAttribute | drawer_directionbottom_attrib
00B1 | ConfigAttribute | drawer_directionbypass_attrib
00B2 | ConfigAttribute | eq_visible_attrib
00B3 | ConfigAttribute | menubar_main_attrib
00B4 | ConfigAttribute | menubar_pe_attrib
00B5 | ConfigAttribute | menubar_ml_attrib
00B6 | ConfigAttribute | windowshade_linkall_attrib
00B7 | ConfigAttribute | windowshade_linkposition_attrib
00B8 | ConfigAttribute | windowshade_linknone_attrib
00B9 | ConfigAttribute | beatvisualization_attrib
00BA | ConfigAttribute | viscmd_config_attrib
00BB | ConfigAttribute | viscmd_menu_attrib
00BC | ConfigAttribute | notifier_minimized_attrib
00BD | ConfigAttribute | notifier_windowshade_attrib
00BE | ConfigAttribute | notifier_always_attrib
00BF | ConfigAttribute | notifier_never_attrib
00C0 | ConfigAttribute | notifier_fadeintime_attrib
00C1 | ConfigAttribute | notifier_fadeouttime_attrib
00C2 | ConfigAttribute | notifier_holdtime_attrib
00C3 | ConfigAttribute | notifier_disablefullscreen_attrib
00C4 | ConfigAttribute | songticker_scrolling_enabled_attrib
00C5 | ConfigAttribute | songticker_scrolling_disabled_attrib
00C6 | String | "Winamp Modern"
00C7 | String | "{26E26319-AECA-4433-B8F1-F4A5BF2A9ED5}"
00C8 | ConfigItem | custom_page
00C9 | String | "Drawers"
00CA | String | "{C338B30F-2A04-4b10-871F-4E9D52D62806}"
00CB | ConfigItem | custom_page_drawer
00CC | String | "Menus"
00CD | String | "{12ED320E-6813-45ac-9F8E-78EE5B2B5F6D}"
00CE | ConfigItem | custom_page_menubars
00CF | String | "Main Windowshade Mode"
00D0 | String | "{58F07E21-AE96-4899-B7BC-3640B40029FB}"
00D1 | ConfigItem | custom_page_windowshade
00D2 | String | "Vis Buttons"
00D3 | String | "{D70E3ABF-D2FF-4b82-9A70-4B5DF1A5D942}"
00D4 | ConfigItem | custom_page_viscmd
00D5 | String | "Notifications"
00D6 | String | "{1AB968B3-8687-4a35-BA70-FCF6D92FB57F}"
00D7 | ConfigItem | custom_page_notifier
00D8 | String | "Songticker"
00D9 | String | "{7061FDE0-0E12-11D8-BB41-0050DA442EF3}"
00DA | ConfigItem | custom_page_songticker
00DB | String | "Hidden"
00DC | String | "{E9C2D926-53CA-400f-9A4D-85E31755A4CF}"
00DD | ConfigItem | custom_page_nonexposed
00DE | String | "{1828D28F-78DD-4647-8532-EBA504B8FC04}"
00DF | ConfigItem | custom_options_page
00E0 | String | "{6559CA61-7EB2-4415-A8A9-A2AEEF762B7F}"
00E1 | ConfigItem | custom_windows_page
00E2 | ConfigAttribute | submenuattrib
00E3 | ConfigAttribute | drawersubmenu
00E4 | ConfigAttribute | menubarssubmenu
00E5 | ConfigAttribute | windowshadesubmenu
00E6 | String | "Vis Shortcut Button"
00E7 | ConfigAttribute | viscmdsubmenu
00E8 | ConfigAttribute | notifiersubmenu
00E9 | ConfigAttribute | songtickersubmenu
00EA | String | "Animate Video/Vis Drawer (disabled if opacity < 100%)"
00EB | String | "Animate Config Drawer"
00EC | String | "sep1"
00ED | ConfigAttribute | sep
00EE | String | "-"
00EF | String | "Open Video/Vis from the top"
00F0 | String | "Open Video/Vis from the bottom"
00F1 | String | "Bypass setting to keep in screen"
00F2 | String | "Show Menus in Main Window"
00F3 | String | "Show Menus in Playlist Editor"
00F4 | String | "Show Menus in Media Library"
00F5 | String | "Detach Vis Window"
00F6 | String | "Detach Video Window"
00F7 | String | "Equalizer\tAlt+G"
00F8 | String | "sep2"
00F9 | String | "Enable Beat Visualization"
00FA | String | "Link Position and Width"
00FB | String | "Link Position, Unlink Width"
00FC | String | "Unlink Position and Width"
00FD | String | "Open Context Menu"
00FE | String | "Open Configuration"
00FF | String | "Show always"
0100 | String | "Show with windowshade and when minimized"
0101 | String | "Show only when minimized"
0102 | String | "Never show"
0103 | String | "Disable in fullscreen"
0104 | String | "Notifications fade in time"
0105 | String | "1000"
0106 | String | "Notifications fade out time"
0107 | String | "5000"
0108 | String | "Notifications display time"
0109 | String | "2000"
010A | String | "Enable Songticker scrolling"
010B | String | "Disable Songticker scrolling"
010C | Int | attribs_mychange
010D | Layout | main
010E | Layout | shade
010F | Container | maincontainer
0110 | Group | frameGroup
0111 | Group | ButtonsVideo
0112 | Group | ButtonsVis
0113 | Group | ButtonsVideoDetach
0114 | Group | ButtonsVisDetach
0115 | Group | ButtonsVideoSwitchto
0116 | Group | ButtonsVisSwitchto
0117 | Button | btnOpen
0118 | Button | btnClose
0119 | Button | btnMaximize
011A | Button | btnRestore
011B | Button | btnVisDetach
011C | Button | btnVideoDetach
011D | Button | btnVisSwitchto
011E | Button | btnVideoSwitchto
011F | Layer | resizer
0120 | Layer | resizerDrawer
0121 | Layer | OpenCloseHider
0122 | GuiObject | VideoVisGroup
0123 | Int | evershown
0124 | Int | ismaximized
0125 | Int | lasttotop
0126 | String | "videoavs.open"
0127 | String | "videoavs.close"
0128 | String | "button.vid.max"
0129 | String | "button.vid.restore"
012A | String | "player.main.resizer"
012B | String | "drawer.resizer"
012C | String | "buttons.video"
012D | String | "buttons.vis"
012E | String | "buttons.video.detach"
012F | String | "buttons.vis.detach"
0130 | String | "button.vis.detach"
0131 | String | "button.vid.detach"
0132 | String | "buttons.video.switchto"
0133 | String | "buttons.vis.switchto"
0134 | String | "button.vis.Switchto"
0135 | String | "button.vid.Switchto"
0136 | String | "openclosehider"
0137 | String | "AVSGroup"
0138 | String | "VideoAVS"
0139 | Int | show
013A | String | "shade"
013B | Int | 280
013C | Int | 510
013D | String | "myviswnd"
013E | Component | wh
013F | String | "myvideownd"
0140 | Component | wh
0141 | String | "resize"
0142 | String | "bottomright"
0143 | String | "minimum_h"
0144 | String | "380"
0145 | String | "right"
0146 | String | "280"
0147 | String | "image"
0148 | String | "player.button.videoavs"
0149 | String | "downimage"
014A | String | "player.button.videoavs.pressed"
014B | String | "hoverImage"
014C | String | "player.button.videoavs.hover"
014D | String | "player.button.videoavs.up"
014E | String | "player.button.videoavs.up.pressed"
014F | String | "player.button.videoavs.up.hover"
0150 | String | "button.vis.misc"
0151 | Button | btn
0152 | String | "action"
0153 | String | "Vis_Menu"
0154 | String | "Vis_Cfg"
-- Events Table ------------------------------------------------------
var# | Code Pointer | What
0028 | 05C7 | __main.onTargetReached
0000 | 0D7E | System.onGetCancelComponent
0017 | 1507 | __callbackTimer.onTimer
0028 | 17FF | __main.onResize
0028 | 18AF | __main.onUserResize
0027 | 1A88 | __tempDisable.onTimer
0015 | 1B8E | __video_detach_attrib.onDataChanged
0014 | 1C03 | __vis_detach_attrib.onDataChanged
001C | 1FE3 | __callbackTimer2.onTimer
001E | 21D7 | __PSOVCTimer.onTimer
0029 | 21F3 | __maincontainer.onBeforeSwitchToLayout
0029 | 22ED | __maincontainer.onSwitchToLayout
0028 | 2537 | __main.onSnapAdjustChanged
00AF | 2C51 | drawer_directiontop_attrib.onDataChanged
00B0 | 2CDE | drawer_directionbottom_attrib.onDataChanged
00B6 | 2D6B | windowshade_linkall_attrib.onDataChanged
00B7 | 2DF8 | windowshade_linkposition_attrib.onDataChanged
00B8 | 2E85 | windowshade_linknone_attrib.onDataChanged
00BB | 2F12 | viscmd_menu_attrib.onDataChanged
00BA | 2F94 | viscmd_config_attrib.onDataChanged
00BE | 3016 | notifier_always_attrib.onDataChanged
00BF | 30B4 | notifier_never_attrib.onDataChanged
00BC | 3152 | notifier_minimized_attrib.onDataChanged
00BD | 31F0 | notifier_windowshade_attrib.onDataChanged
00C4 | 328E | songticker_scrolling_enabled_attrib.onDataChanged
00C5 | 330A | songticker_scrolling_disabled_attrib.onDataChanged
0000 | 3386 | System.onScriptLoaded
010D | 361F | main.onSetVisible
0000 | 367F | System.onScriptUnloading
0117 | 39EB | btnOpen.onLeftClick
0118 | 3A07 | btnClose.onLeftClick
0119 | 3A23 | btnMaximize.onLeftClick
011A | 3A3F | btnRestore.onLeftClick
011B | 3A5B | btnVisDetach.onLeftClick
011C | 3A77 | btnVideoDetach.onLeftClick
011D | 3A93 | btnVisSwitchto.onLeftClick
011E | 3AAF | btnVideoSwitchto.onLeftClick
010D | 3ACB | main.onMove
-- User Functions Table ----------------------------------------------
Code Pointer | What
0000 | versionCheck
3C31 | updateVisCmd
3AE7 | updateOpenCloseDirection
00F2 | initDrawer
030C | shutdownDrawer
0BA2 | openDrawer
1769 | openDrawerForVideo
179B | openDrawerForVis
17CD | openDrawerForNothing
0D6D | closeDrawer
1AAA | detachVis
1B1C | attachVis
1AE3 | detachVideo
1B55 | attachVideo
1A22 | switchToVis
19C2 | switchToVideo
2340 | getDrawerState
2367 | getDrawerContent
238E | maximizeWindow
2562 | restoreWindow
032E | isDrawerToTop
36DC | getVideoWindowHolder
36B3 | getVisWindowHolder
369B | getDrawerClosedHeight
36A7 | getDefaultDrawerOpenHeight
371D | onBeforeOpeningDrawer
377D | onBeforeClosingDrawer
3705 | onDoneOpeningDrawer
370B | onDoneClosingDrawer
37D1 | onShowVis
3835 | onHideVis
385F | onShowVideo
38C3 | onHideVideo
3921 | onAttachVideo
38ED | onDetachVideo
3973 | onAttachVis
393F | onDetachVis
39AF | onBeforeMaximize
2615 | onAfterMaximize
3991 | onBeforeRestore
261B | onAfterRestore
39CD | onCancelMaximize
0695 | drawer_expandWindow
0942 | drawer_reduceWindow
1689 | drawer_showWindowContent
1709 | drawer_hideWindowContent
12EE | drawer_hideVis
1217 | drawer_showVis
1466 | drawer_hideVideo
138F | drawer_showVideo
160B | drawer_dc_showVis
15E1 | drawer_dc_showVideo
165F | drawer_dc_hideVis
1635 | drawer_dc_hideVideo
2031 | drawer_dc_linkup_showVis
204F | drawer_dc_linkup_showVideo
1D31 | drawer_doDetachVis
1F20 | drawer_doAttachVis
1C78 | drawer_doDetachVideo
1E5D | drawer_doAttachVideo
20E1 | drawer_disablePSOVC
215C | drawer_enablePSOVC
206D | drawer_linkup_showVis
20A4 | drawer_linkup_showVideo
246B | drawer_doMaximizeWindow
2627 | initAttribs