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- //TITLES FOR Survive in catacombs 2
- // Position command $position x y
- // x & y are from 0 to 1 to be screen resolution independent
- // -1 means center in each dimension
- // Effect command $effect <effect number>
- // effect 0 is fade in/fade out
- // effect 1 is flickery credits
- // effect 2 is write out (training room)
- // Text color r g b command $color
- // fadein time fadeout time / hold time
- // $fadein (message fade in time - per character in effect 2)
- // $fadeout (message fade out time)
- // $holdtime (stay on the screen for this long)
- // All centered for now
- $position -1 -1
- $effect 2
- // This is the final color
- $color 100 100 100
- // This is the highlight color
- $color2 240 110 0
- // This is the time it takes to fade each character
- $fadein 0.01
- // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text
- $fxtime 0.25
- // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out)
- $holdtime 3.5
- // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding
- $fadeout 1.5
- // Test values -- JAY
- // Lower left
- $position -1 -1
- $effect 1
- // Final fade-in color
- $color 128 128 128
- // This is the highlight/flash color
- $color2 0 0 0
- $fadein 1.5
- $fadeout 0.5
- $holdtime 1.2
- {
- By Roman Rynda
- For Gamestar
- }
- $position -1 -1
- $effect 0
- // Final fade-in color
- $color 128 128 128
- // This is the highlight/flash color
- $color2 0 0 0
- $fadein 0.5
- $fadeout 0.5
- $holdtime 7
- CR1
- {
- Roman Rynda jr
- Pribeh a koncept
- Mapy
- Modely NPC
- Modely zbrani
- Programing
- Efekty
- Zvuky
- }
- CR2
- {
- Marek Rynda
- Dabing Sherifa Walkera
- Dabing civilistu
- Modely zombii (s vyjimkou ghoulu)
- Modely zombie police
- }
- CR3
- {
- Podekovani:
- Gamestaru - za motivaci jeho soutezi
- They Hunger - za nektere zvuky zombii pro remix
- Pro mne - ze jsem to dodelal:-)
- (Vsem - na ktere jsem zapomnel)
- }
- //Introduction
- $position 0.05 0.8
- $effect 2
- $color 255 0 0
- $color2 255 0 0
- $fadein 0.04
- $fxtime 1
- $holdtime 2
- $fadeout 1
- {
- Nejvychodnejsi katakomby - Rosenwill...
- }
- {
- Druhy archeologicky tym Silvestera Landmanna...
- }
- {
- Dorazil jsi jen ty - ostatni uz to nestihly,
- z celeho tveho tymu jsi prezil jen
- ty a Landmann, Sheriff Walker a nejaci lide
- v oblasti...
- }
- {
- Cekas na sve kolegy uz pres 4 hodiny a
- porad slysis divne zvuky...
- }
- {
- A zacinas se bat!!!
- }
- {
- Tve peklo zacina!!!
- }
- $fadein 0.01
- $position -1 0.4
- $holdtime 3.5
- {
- "Catacombs - eastend"
- }
- {
- "Outdoor valley"
- }
- {
- "Furious train"
- }
- {
- "Crash in mining camp"
- }
- 1882
- {
- "Last Portal Monument"
- }
- {
- "In a burial ground"
- }
- // In-Game messages
- $position -1 0.65
- $effect 2
- // This is the final color
- $color 100 100 100
- // This is the highlight color
- $color2 240 110 0
- // This is the time it takes to fade each character
- $fadein 0.01
- // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text
- $fxtime 0.25
- // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out)
- $holdtime 2.0
- // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding
- $fadeout 0.5
- {
- Saved...
- }
- // Game title
- // This is a placeholder to hold the effects controls for the "Half-Life" title
- $position -1 -1
- // Only effect 0 is supported for game title
- $effect 0
- // This is the final color
- $color 180 180 180
- // Not used color2
- $color2 0 0 0
- // This is the time it takes to fade in the title
- $fadein 1.0
- // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out)
- $holdtime 3.0
- // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding
- $fadeout 1.5
- {
- Half-Life
- }
- // Test values -- JAY
- $position -1 0.65
- // Scan-out text effect
- $effect 2
- // This is the final color
- $color 255 0 0
- // This is the highlight color
- $color2 255 0 0
- // This is the time it takes to fade each character
- $fadein 0.005
- // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text
- $fxtime 0.5
- // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out)
- $holdtime 3.5
- // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding
- $fadeout 1.5
- $position -1 0.3
- {
- Potrebuji klic, nebo nejakou
- vybusninu...
- }
- {
- Po nekolika minutach......
- }
- {
- Ale ne!
- Brzdy byly zniceny.
- }
- {
- Jedina sance je:
- Pustit kotel na plno.
- Pak by se motor mel zadrit!
- Doufam, ze to vyjde!!!
- }
- {
- Mam asi jednu minutu na to, abych
- se dostal do posledniho vagonu!
- Tam bude naraz nejmirnejsi!
- }
- {
- Mmhm, posledni fragment tohoto
- useku!
- Doufam, ze tam bude konec tech
- hroznych dolu!!!
- Musim sakra nekde najit poradny
- svazek dynamitu i s casovacem...
- }
- {
- Pokud to je mozne,
- Dostan se do hlavni casti dolu
- a spoj se s prezivsimi bojovniky!
- }
- {
- Tady je Gonarcha!!!
- Najdi bocni cestu a vyhni se mu!
- }
- {
- Smrtici Kyanovodik,
- Velke nebezpeci dolu!
- }
- {
- Sherif Walker je mrtev!
- }
- {
- Najdi uvezneneho cloveka...
- }
- // Test values -- JAY
- $position -1 0.65
- // Scan-out text effect
- $effect 2
- // This is the final color
- $color 255 0 0
- // This is the highlight color
- $color2 255 0 0
- // This is the time it takes to fade each character
- $fadein 0.05
- // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text
- $fxtime 0.5
- // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out)
- $holdtime 3.5
- // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding
- $fadeout 1.5
- {
- To be continued...
- }
- {
- Survive in Catacombs wil return...
- }