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- Script:LoadScript("scripts/materials/commoneffects.lua");
- Materials["mat_leg"] = {
- type="leg",
- -------------------------------------
- PhysicsSounds=PhysicsSoundsTable.Soft,
- -------------------------------------
- bullet_hit = {
- sounds = {
- {"Sounds/bullethits/pbullet1.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,200,8,60},
- {"Sounds/bullethits/pbullet2.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,200,8,60},
- {"Sounds/bullethits/pbullet3.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,200,8,60},
- {"Sounds/bullethits/pbullet4.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,200,8,60},
- },
- decal = {
- gore = 1, -- to be able to switch off gore -- to know what's allowed
- texture = System:LoadTexture("Languages/Textures/Decal/hole_blood.dds",0,1),
- scale = 0.06,
- },
- particleEffects = {
- gore = 1, -- to be able to switch off gore -- to know what's allowed
- name = "bullet.hit_flesh.a",
- },
- },
- pancor_bullet_hit = {
- sounds = {
- {"Sounds/bullethits/pbullet1.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,200,8,60},
- {"Sounds/bullethits/pbullet2.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,200,8,60},
- {"Sounds/bullethits/pbullet3.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,200,8,60},
- {"Sounds/bullethits/pbullet4.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,200,8,60},
- },
- decal = {
- gore = 1, -- to be able to switch off gore -- to know what's allowed
- texture = System:LoadTexture("Languages/Textures/Decal/hole_blood.dds",0,1),
- scale = 0.06,
- },
- particleEffects = {
- gore = 1, -- to be able to switch off gore -- to know what's allowed
- name = "bullet.hit_flesh_pancor.a",
- },
- },
- -------------------------
- melee_punch = {
- sounds = {
- {"sounds/objectimpact/hit1.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,255,5,30},
- {"sounds/objectimpact/hit2.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,255,5,30},
- {"sounds/objectimpact/hit3.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,255,5,30},
- {"sounds/objectimpact/hit4.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,255,5,30},
- {"sounds/objectimpact/hit5.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,255,5,30},
- {"sounds/objectimpact/hit6.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,255,5,30},
- {"sounds/objectimpact/hit7.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,255,5,30},
- {"sounds/objectimpact/hit8.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,255,5,30},
- },
- },
- melee_slash = {
- sounds = {
- {"sounds/mutants/ab1/hit1.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,185,5,30},
- {"sounds/mutants/ab1/hit2.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,185,5,30},
- {"sounds/mutants/ab1/hit3.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,185,5,30},
- {"sounds/mutants/ab1/hit4.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,185,5,30},
- {"sounds/mutants/ab1/hit5.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,185,5,30},
- {"sounds/mutants/ab1/hit6.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,185,5,30},
- {"sounds/mutants/ab1/hit7.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,185,5,30},
- --{"sounds/objectimpact/Mslash8.wav",SOUND_UNSCALABLE,255,5,30},
- },
- particleEffects = {
- gore = 1, -- to be able to switch off gore -- to know what's allowed
- name = "bullet.hit_flesh.a",
- },
- },
- projectile_hit = CommonEffects.common_projectile_hit,
- mortar_hit = CommonEffects.common_mortar_hit,
- smokegrenade_hit = CommonEffects.common_smokegrenade_hit,
- flashgrenade_hit = CommonEffects.common_flashgrenade_hit,
- grenade_hit = CommonEffects.common_grenade_hit,
- -------------------------------------
- gameplay_physic = {
- piercing_resistence = 4,
- friction = 0.1,
- bouncyness= -2, -- default 0
- important = 1,
- },
- AI = {
- fImpactRadius = 5,
- },
- }