home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- -- some defines for the music-moods: time in seconds how long it takes to switch the mood if an specific mood event arrives continuesly
- MM_COMBAT_TIMEOUT=1; -- Combat
- MM_SNEAKING_TIMEOUT=3; -- Sneaking (crouching, proning, moving slow, not seen by AI)
- MM_SNIPER_TIMEOUT=2; -- Sniper (looking through sniper-scope)
- MM_OBSERVE_TIMEOUT=2; -- Observe (using binocular)
- MM_SUSPENSE_TIMEOUT=2; -- Suspense (AI near)
- MM_ALERT_TIMEOUT=2.5; -- AI is alerted
- MM_NEARSUSPENSE_TIMEOUT=2; -- AI is very near
- function Init()
- --System:LoadFont("radiosta");
- --System:LoadFont("hud");
- Script:ReloadScript("scripts/common.lua");
- Script:ReloadScript("scripts/Map.lua");
- --Script:ReloadScript("scripts/StateMachine.lua");
- --Script:ReloadScript("SCRIPTS/Default/Inventory.lua");
- Script:ReloadScript("scripts/EntityGroupMgr.lua");
- --Script:ReloadScript("scripts/methoddispatcher.lua");
- --Script:ReloadScript("scripts/saveutils.lua" );
- Script:ReloadScript("scripts/sounds/PresetDB.lua" );
- Script:ReloadScript("scripts/sounds/EAXPresetDB.lua" );
- --Script:ReloadScript("scripts/Multiplayer/AvailableMods.lua"); -- AvailableMODList
- -- Script:LoadScript( "scripts/default/hud/nightvision.lua" );
- -- NightVision.OnInit( NightVision );
- -- Script:LoadScript( "scripts/default/hud/heatvision.lua" );
- -- HeatVision.OnInit( HeatVision );
- --Script:ReloadScript( "Scripts/Default/Entities/Player/BasicPlayer.lua" );
- --Script:ReloadScript( "SCRIPTS/Default/Entities/AI/BasicAI.lua");
- --Script:ReloadScript( "SCRIPTS/BALANCING.lua");
- --Script:ReloadScript("scripts/Default/Entities/Weapons/BasicWeapon.lua");
- --Script:ReloadScript("scripts/Default/Entities/Weapons/MountedWeaponBase.lua");
- --Script:LoadScript("Scripts/AI/Behaviors/AIBehaviour.lua");
- --Script:LoadScript("Scripts/AI/Characters/AICharacter.lua");
- --Script:LoadScript( "Scripts/Default/Entities/Pickups/BasicPickup.lua" );
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- -- loading of the game mission list
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- --Script:ReloadScript("scripts/defiant.lua");
- --Script:ReloadScript("scripts/DebugTagPointsMgr.lua");
- --Script:ReloadScript("scripts/Multiplayer/MultiplayerUtils.lua");
- --Script:ReloadScript("scripts/Multiplayer/CreateVariables.lua");
- --Script:ReloadScript("scripts/Multiplayer/MPStatistics.lua");
- --Script:ReloadScript("scripts/Multiplayer/ModelList.lua");
- --explosion effects
- -- Script:LoadScript("scripts/materials/commoneffects.lua");
- -- dynamically apply physics and automatic settings based on sys_spec
- ApplySysSpecSettings();
- end
- function ApplySysSpecSettings()
- local sysspec = getglobal( "sys_spec" );
- if( sysspec ) then
- local quality = tonumber( sysspec );
- ApplyPhysicsQuality( quality );
- ApplyAutomaticSettings( quality );
- end
- end
- function ApplyPhysicsQuality( qual )
- if( qual >= 2 ) then
- setglobal( "physics_quality", 2 );
- setglobal( "p_max_contacts", 150 );
- setglobal( "p_max_MC_iters", 6000 );
- setglobal( "p_max_MC_iters_hopeless", 6000 );
- setglobal( "p_max_LCPCG_iters", 5 );
- setglobal( "p_max_LCPCG_subiters", 70 );
- setglobal( "p_max_LCPCG_subiters_final", 180 );
- setglobal( "p_max_LCPCG_microiters", 14000 );
- setglobal( "p_max_LCPCG_microiters_final", 30000 );
- setglobal( "p_max_substeps", 5 );
- setglobal( "p_max_contact_gap", 0.01 );
- elseif( qual == 1 ) then
- setglobal( "physics_quality", 1 );
- setglobal( "p_max_contacts", 90 );
- setglobal( "p_max_MC_iters", 4000 );
- setglobal( "p_max_MC_iters_hopeless", 4000 );
- setglobal( "p_max_LCPCG_iters", 4 );
- setglobal( "p_max_LCPCG_subiters", 50 );
- setglobal( "p_max_LCPCG_subiters_final", 130 );
- setglobal( "p_max_LCPCG_microiters", 10000 );
- setglobal( "p_max_LCPCG_microiters_final", 20000 );
- setglobal( "p_max_substeps", 4 );
- setglobal( "p_max_contact_gap", 0.01 );
- else
- setglobal( "physics_quality", 0 );
- setglobal( "p_max_contacts", 90 );
- setglobal( "p_max_MC_iters", 2800 );
- setglobal( "p_max_MC_iters_hopeless", 2800 );
- setglobal( "p_max_LCPCG_iters", 0 );
- setglobal( "p_max_LCPCG_subiters", 0 );
- setglobal( "p_max_LCPCG_subiters_final", 0 );
- setglobal( "p_max_substeps", 3 );
- setglobal( "p_max_contact_gap", 0.015 );
- end
- System:LogToConsole( "Physics quality settings set to : "..qual );
- end
- function ApplyAutomaticSettings( qual )
- if( qual == 0 ) then
- setglobal( "ai_update_interval", 0.2 );
- setglobal( "w_underwaterbubbles", 0 );
- setglobal( "ai_max_vis_rays_per_frame", 50 );
- System:LogToConsole( "Automatic settings set to low spec..." );
- elseif( qual == 1 ) then
- setglobal( "ai_update_interval", 0.1 );
- setglobal( "w_underwaterbubbles", 1 );
- setglobal( "ai_max_vis_rays_per_frame", 100 );
- System:LogToConsole( "Automatic settings set to medium spec..." );
- elseif( qual == 2 ) then
- setglobal( "ai_update_interval", 0.1 );
- setglobal( "w_underwaterbubbles", 1 );
- setglobal( "ai_max_vis_rays_per_frame", 150 );
- System:LogToConsole( "Automatic settings set to high spec..." );
- else
- setglobal( "ai_update_interval", 0.1 );
- setglobal( "w_underwaterbubbles", 1 );
- setglobal( "ai_max_vis_rays_per_frame", 300 );
- System:LogToConsole( "Automatic settings set to very high spec..." );
- end
- end
- function Shutdown()
- Game:SaveConfiguration();
- end
- function DebugDumpPlayer( playerent )
- if not playerent then
- System:Log(" nil");
- return;
- end
- if playerent.type~="Player" then
- return;
- end
- local pos=playerent:GetPos();
- local angles=playerent:GetAngles();
- System:Log("{");
- System:Log(" pos=("..tostring(pos.x)..","..tostring(pos.y)..","..tostring(pos.z)..")");
- System:Log(" angles=("..tostring(angles.x)..","..tostring(angles.y)..","..tostring(angles.z)..")");
- System:Log(" id="..tostring(playerent.id));
- System:Log(" name="..tostring(playerent:GetName()));
- System:Log(" team="..tostring(Game:GetEntityTeam(playerent.id)));
- System:Log(" health="..tostring(playerent.cnt.health).."/"..tostring(playerent.cnt.max_health));
- System:Log(" invulnerabilityTimer="..tostring(playerent.invulnerabilityTimer));
- System:Log(" GetState()="..tostring(playerent:GetState()));
- System:Log("}");
- end
- function DebugDump()
- System:Log("-------------------------------------------------");
- System:Log("- DebugDump -------------------------------------");
- System:Log("-------------------------------------------------");
- System:Log("_localplayer=");
- DebugDumpPlayer(_localplayer);
- System:Log("-------------------------------------------------");
- local ents=System:GetEntities();
- for idx,ent in ents do
- if ent and ent.type=="Player" then
- System:Log("entity player=");
- DebugDumpPlayer(ent);
- end
- end
- System:Log("-------------------------------------------------");
- if Server then
- local slots = Server:GetServerSlotMap();
- for i, slot in slots do
- local ent = System:GetEntity(slot:GetPlayerId());
- System:Log("serverslot "..tostring(i).." player=");
- DebugDumpPlayer(ent);
- end
- else
- System:Log("Server=nil");
- end
- System:Log("-------------------------------------------------");
- System:Log("gr_InvulnerabilityTimer="..tostring(gr_InvulnerabilityTimer));
- System:Log("-------------------------------------------------");
- System:Log("g_GameType="..tostring(getglobal("g_GameType")));
- System:Log("GameRules "..tostring(getglobal("GameRules")));
- System:Log("ClientStuff "..tostring(getglobal("ClientStuff")));
- if getglobal("GameRules") then
- if getglobal("GameRules").GetState then
- System:Log("GameRules state="..tostring(getglobal("GameRules"):GetState()));
- else
- System:Log("GameRules:GetState() failed");
- end
- else
- System:Log("GameRules=nil");
- end
- end
- -- deactivated because it's not needed right now
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- is called by C/C++ when we successfully loaded the gamerules file but before the GameRules:OnInit() was called
- --function OnAfterLoadGameRules( newGameType )
- --
- -- if newGameType=="" or newGameType=="Default" then
- -- MultiplayerUtils:OnSinglePlayer();
- -- else
- -- MultiplayerUtils:OnMultiplayer();
- -- end
- --end
- function Game:SetSensitivity(sens)
- if (sens and tonumber(sens)) then
- sens = tonumber(sens);
- if (sens < 1.0) then
- sens = 1.0;
- end
- if (Input) then
- Input:SetMouseSensitivity(sens);
- end
- elseif (Input) then
- System:Log("\001sensitivity = "..Input:GetMouseSensitivity());
- end
- end
- function SProfile_run(szName)
- Game:Disconnect();
- if (SProfile_load(szName)) then
- Game:LoadLevelListen(getglobal('gr_NextMap'));
- return 1;
- end
- return nil;
- end
- function SProfile_load(szName)
- if (Script:LoadScript('profiles/server/'..tostring(szName)..'_server.cfg', 1, 0)) then
- return 1;
- elseif (Script:LoadScript(tostring(szName), 1, 0)) then
- return 1;
- end
- System:Log("\001failed to load profile '"..szName.."'.");
- return nil;
- end