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Text File | 2004-07-21 | 29.4 KB | 1,142 lines |
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- A set of useful vectors, so they don't have to be created on the fly everytime.
- -- As references to these are kept please make sure that code using these
- -- references does not modify the content.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- g_Vectors =
- {
- v000={x=0,y=0,z=0},
- v001={x=0,y=0,z=1},
- v010={x=0,y=1,z=0},
- v011={x=0,y=1,z=1},
- v100={x=1,y=0,z=0},
- v101={x=1,y=0,z=1},
- v110={x=1,y=1,z=0},
- v111={x=1,y=1,z=1},
- up = {x=0,y=0,z=1},
- down = {x=0,y=0,z=-1},
- temp={x=0,y=0,z=0},
- tempColor={x=0,y=0,z=0},
- --PointInsideBBox temp vectors
- temp_v1={x=0,y=0,z=0},
- temp_v2={x=0,y=0,z=0},
- temp_v3={x=0,y=0,z=0},
- temp_v4={x=0,y=0,z=0},
- }
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Reads a table from a file, and returns it
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- the file should contain only line of the type:
- -- keyname = value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ReadTableFromFile(szFilename, LineMode)
- local hfile = openfile(szFilename, "r");
- if (hfile == nil) then
- return
- end
- local iEqual;
- local tList = {};
- local szLine = read(hfile, "*l");
- local szProp;
- local szValue;
- while (szLine ~= nil) do
- if (strlen(szLine) > 0) then
- if (strsub(szLine, -1) == "\n") then
- szLine = strsub(szLine, 1, strlen(szLine)-1);
- end
- end
- if (strlen(szLine) > 0) then
- if (LineMode) then
- tinsert(tList, szLine);
- else
- if (strlen(szLine) > 0) then
- iEqual = strfind(szLine, "=", 1, 1);
- if (iEqual) then
- szProp = strsub(szLine, 1, iEqual-1);
- szValue = strsub(szLine, iEqual+1, -1);
- tList[szProp] = szValue;
- else
- tList[szLine] = 0;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- szLine = read(hfile, "*l");
- end
- closefile(hfile);
- if (LineMode) then
- tList.n = nil;
- end
- return tList;
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------
- -- Convert seconds to mm:ss string
- -------------------------------------------------------
- function SecondsToString(iSeconds)
- local iMinutes = floor(iSeconds / 60);
- return sprintf("%.2d:%.2d", iMinutes, iSeconds - (iMinutes * 60));
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------
- -- Broadcast Console Print - use only on the server (verbosity 1)
- -------------------------------------------------------
- function BroadcastConsolePrint(str)
- -- RCP remote console printout
- Server:BroadcastCommand("RCP "..str);
- if not Client then
- System:LogAlways(str);
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Get the Localized version of the string
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function Localize(Token)
- if (strsub(Token, 1, 1) ~= "@") then
- if Token then
- return "@"..Token;
- end
- return "nil";
- else
- return Token;
- end
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------
- -- C like printf
- -------------------------------------------------------
- function printf(...)
- System:LogToConsole(call(format,arg))
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------
- -- C like sprintf
- -------------------------------------------------------
- function sprintf(...)
- return call(format,arg)
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------
- -- tokenize a string
- -- BEWARE: this code doesn't handle special character like @ very well
- -- \return a table containing the tokens
- -------------------------------------------------------
- function tokenize(str)
- local toks={}
- local cmd=gsub(str,"(%S+)",function (s) tinsert(%toks,s) end);
- toks.n=nil;
- return toks;
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------
- --untokenize a string
- --returns a string containing the strings (other types are ignored) connected with " "
- -------------------------------------------------------
- function untokenize(toktable)
- local fullstring="";
- for i,tok in toktable do
- if type(tok)=="string" then
- if fullstring=="" then
- fullstring=tok;
- else
- fullstring=fullstring.." "..tok;
- end
- end
- end
- return fullstring;
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------
- --Clone a table
- -------------------------------------------------------
- function new(_obj)
- if(type(_obj)=="table") then
- local newInstance={};
- for i,field in _obj do
- if(type(field)=="table") then
- newInstance[i]=new(field);
- else
- newInstance[i]=field;
- end
- end
- return newInstance;
- else
- return _obj;
- end
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------
- --copy table source into the table dest skipping functions
- -------------------------------------------------------
- function merge(dest,source,recursive)
- for i,v in source do
- if(type(v)~="function") then
- if(recursive) then
- if(type(v)=="table")then
- dest[i]={};
- merge(dest[i],v,recursive);
- else
- dest[i]=v;
- end
- else
- dest[i]=v;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------
- --copy table source into the table dest with functions
- -------------------------------------------------------
- function mergef(dest,source,recursive)
- for i,v in source do
- if(recursive) then
- if(type(v)=="table")then
- dest[i]={};
- mergef(dest[i],v,recursive);
- else
- dest[i]=v;
- end
- else
- dest[i]=v;
- end
- end
- end
- g_dump_tabs=0;
- function dump(_class,no_func)
- if not _class then
- System:Log("$2nil");
- else
- local str="";
- for n=0,g_dump_tabs,1 do
- str=str.." ";
- end
- for i,field in _class do
- if(type(field)=="table") then
- g_dump_tabs=g_dump_tabs+1;
- System:Log(str.."$4"..i.."$1= {");
- dump(field);
- System:Log(str.."$1}");
- g_dump_tabs=g_dump_tabs-1;
- else
- if(type(field)=="number" ) then
- System:Log("$2"..str.."$6"..i.."$1=$8"..field);
- elseif(type(field) == "string") then
- System:Log("$2"..str.."$6"..i.."$1=$8".."\""..field.."\"");
- else
- if(not no_func)then
- if(type(field)=="function")then
- System:Log("$2"..str.."$5"..i.."()");
- else
- System:Log("$2"..str.."$7"..i.."$8<userdata>");
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------
- -- dump all globals variable (that might take a while - the system checks against circles)
- function gdump()
- local referenced={}
- local xdump=function (_class,no_func)
- local str="";
- for n=0,g_dump_tabs,1 do
- str=str.." ";
- end
- for i,field in _class do
- if(type(field)=="table") then
- if(not %referenced[field])then
- g_dump_tabs=g_dump_tabs+1;
- System:Log(str..i.."= {");
- local idx=getn(%referenced)+1;
- %referenced[field]=idx;
- xdumpa(field);
- System:Log(str.."}");
- g_dump_tabs=g_dump_tabs-1;
- else
- System:Log(str..i.."=referenced["..tonumber(%referenced[field]).."]");
- end
- else
- if(type(field)=="number" ) then
- System:Log(str..i.."="..field);
- elseif(type(field) == "string") then
- System:Log(str..i.."=".."\""..field.."\"");
- else
- if(not no_func)then
- if(type(field)=="function")then
- System:Log(str..i.."()");
- else
- System:Log(str..i.."<userdata>");
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- xdumpa=xdump;
- xdump(globals());
- referenced=nil;
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function dotproduct3d(a,b)
- return (a.x * b.x) + (a.y * b.y) + (a.z * b.z);
- end
- function LogVec(name,v)
- return format("%s = (%f %f %f)",name,v.x,v.y,v.z);
- end
- function CopyVector(dest,src)
- dest.x=src.x;
- dest.y=src.y;
- dest.z=src.z;
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function SumVectors(a,b)
- return {x=a.x+b.x,y=a.y+b.y,z=a.z+b.z};
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function FastSumVectors(dest,a,b)
- dest.x=a.x+b.x;
- dest.y=a.y+b.y;
- dest.z=a.z+b.z;
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function DifferenceVectors(a,b)
- return {x=a.x-b.x,y=a.y-b.y,z=a.z-b.z};
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function FastDifferenceVectors(dest,a,b)
- dest.x=a.x-b.x;
- dest.y=a.y-b.y;
- dest.z=a.z-b.z;
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function ProductVectors(a,b)
- return {x=a.x*b.x,y=a.y*b.y,z=a.z*b.z};
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function FastProductVectors(dest,a,b)
- dest.x=a.x*b.x;
- dest.y=a.y*b.y;
- dest.z=a.z*b.z;
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function LengthSqVector(a)
- return (a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z);
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function ScaleVector(a,b)
- return {x=a.x*b,y=a.y*b,z=a.z*b};
- end
- function ScaleVectorInPlace(a,b)
- a.x=a.x*b;
- a.y=a.y*b;
- a.z=a.z*b;
- end
- function ConvertToRadAngles(dest,src)
- local x=rad(src.z+180.0);
- local y=rad((-src.x)+90.0)
- local z=rad(src.y);
- dest.x=-sin(y)*sin(x);
- dest.y= sin(y)*cos(x);
- dest.z=-cos(y);
- end
- function ConvertVectorToCameraAngles(dest,src)
- local fForward;
- local fYaw,fPitch;
- local temp = g_Vectors.temp;
- CopyVector( temp,src );
- NormalizeVector(temp)
- --first check for simple case
- if (temp.y==0 and temp.x==0) then
- --looking up/down
- fYaw=0;
- if (temp.z>0)then
- fPitch=90;
- else
- fPitch=270;
- end
- else
- if (temp.x~=0)then
- fYaw=atan2((temp.y),(temp.x))*(180.0/PI);
- else
- --lokking left/right
- if (temp.y>0) then
- fYaw=90;
- else
- fYaw=270;
- end
- end
- if (fYaw<0)then
- fYaw=fYaw+360;
- end
- fForward=sqrt(temp.x*temp.x+temp.y*temp.y);
- fPitch=(atan2(temp.z,fForward)*180.0/PI);
- if (fPitch<0)then
- fPitch=fPitch+360;
- end
- end
- --y = -fPitch;
- --x = fYaw;
- --z = 0;
- temp.x=-fPitch;
- temp.y=0; --can't calculate roll without an up vector
- temp.z=fYaw+90;
- --clamp again
- if (temp.x>360)then
- temp.x=temp.x-360;
- else
- if(temp.x<-360)then
- temp.x=temp.x+360;
- end
- end
- if (temp.z>360)then
- temp.z=temp.z-360;
- else
- if (temp.z<-360) then
- temp.z=temp.z+360;
- end
- end
- dest.x=temp.x
- dest.y=temp.y
- dest.z=temp.z
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function ResetEnemies()
- local entities=System:GetEntities();
- for i, entity in entities do
- if (entity.Behaviour) then
- System:LogToConsole("$6Resetting "..entity.GetName().."...");
- entity:OnReset();
- -- if (entity.cnt) then
- -- entity.cnt.health = 100;
- -- entity.AnimationSystemEnabled = 1;
- -- entity.EnablePhysics(1);
- -- end
- end
- end
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function NormalizeVector(a)
- local len=sqrt(LengthSqVector(a));
- local multiplier;
- if(len>0)then
- multiplier=1/len;
- else
- multiplier=0.0001;
- end
- a.x=a.x*multiplier;
- a.y=a.y*multiplier;
- a.z=a.z*multiplier;
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function FastScaleVector(dest,a,b)
- dest.x=a.x*b;
- dest.y=a.y*b;
- dest.z=a.z*b;
- end
- --linear interpolation
- ----------------------------------
- function LerpColors(a,b,k)
- g_Vectors.tempColor[1] = a[1]+(b[1]-a[1])*k
- g_Vectors.tempColor[2] = a[2]+(b[2]-a[2])*k
- g_Vectors.tempColor[3] = a[3]+(b[3]-a[3])*k
- return g_Vectors.tempColor;
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function Lerp(a,b,k)
- return (a + (b - a)*k);
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function __max(a, b)
- if (a > b) then
- return a;
- else
- return b;
- end
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function GetPlayerWeaponInfo( player )
- if (player == nil or player.cnt == nil) then
- return nil;
- end
- local weaponid = player.cnt.weaponid;
- local weaponstate = player.WeaponState;
- if (weaponid~=nil and weaponstate~=nil) then
- if (weaponstate[weaponid] == nil) then
- -- init the weapon
- BasicPlayer.ScriptInitWeapon(player, player.cnt.weapon.name);
- end
- return weaponstate[weaponid];
- end
- return nil;
- end
- ----------------------------------
- --IsDay=1;
- --LockToggle=0;
- --OldSun=1;
- --function ToggleDayNight( SetToDay, DontChangeSky, DontChangeSun )
- -- if (SetToDay) then
- -- IsDay=SetToDay;
- -- else
- -- if (LockToggle==0) then
- -- IsDay=1-IsDay;
- -- end
- -- end
- -- if (IsDay~=0) then
- -- if ( DontChangeSun == nil ) then
- -- e_sun=OldSun;
- -- end
- -- local color = {x=1, y=1, z=1};
- -- System.SetWorldColor( color );
- -- System:SetWorldColorRatio( 1 );
- -- System.SetMaxFogDistRatio(1, 1, 1, 1);
- -- if ( DontChangeSky == nil ) then
- -- System:SetSkyBox("InfRedGal", 0, nil);
- -- end
- -- else
- -- if ( DontChangeSun == nil ) then
- -- OldSun=e_sun;
- -- e_sun=0;
- -- end
- -- local color = {x=.1, y=.1, z=.3};
- -- System.SetWorldColor( color );
- -- System:SetWorldColorRatio( 0.15 );
- -- System.SetMaxFogDistRatio(1, 0, 0, 0);
- -- if ( DontChangeSky == nil ) then
- -- System:SetSkyBox("NightSky", 0, nil);
- -- end
- -- end
- --end
- ----------------------------------
- function IsMaterialUnpierceble(material)
- if(material==nil)then
- System:LogToConsole("IsMaterialUnpierceble material is nil");
- return 1
- end
- if(material.gameplay_physic==nil)then
- System:LogToConsole("IsMaterialUnpierceble material.gameplay_physic is nil");
- return 1
- end
- return material.gameplay_physic.piercing_resistence;
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function ExecuteMaterial(pos,normal,material,bSound, target_id, ipart, PlaySoundObj)
- if( not pos ) then
- System:Log("\001 ExecuteMaterial with NULL pos <<<<<<< " );
- do return end;
- end
- if(material == nil) then
- -- System.LogToConsole("material is nil");
- do return end;
- end
- local particles=material.particles;
- local loadedsounds=material.loadedsounds;
- if (loadedsounds == nil) then
- --System:Log("****************/////////////////--------------material , loadedsounds was nil");
- material.loadedsounds={};
- loadedsounds=material.loadedsounds;
- end
- local sounds=material.sounds;
- local decal=material.decal;
- local particleEffects=material.particleEffects;
- --PARTICLES----------------
- if(particles ~= nil) then
- if((particles.clippable==nil) or (particles.clippable and in_frustum))then
- for i,particle in particles do
- --System:Log("g_gore="..getglobal("g_gore"));
- if((not particle.gore) or (getglobal("g_gore")==1) or (getglobal("g_gore")==2)) then
- Particle:CreateParticle(pos,normal,particle);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --PARTICLES EFFECTS----------------
- if(particleEffects ~= nil) then
- --System:Log("g_gore="..getglobal("g_gore"));
- if ((not particleEffects.gore) or (getglobal("g_gore")==1) or (getglobal("g_gore")==2)) then
- if (particleEffects.scale) then
- Particle:SpawnEffect(pos,normal, particleEffects.name,particleEffects.scale );
- else
- Particle:SpawnEffect(pos,normal, particleEffects.name );
- end
- end
- end
- --SOUNDS------------------
- if((sounds ~= nil) and (bSound ~= nil)) then
- local nsounds=getn(sounds);
- if(nsounds > 0) then
- --local sound=sounds[random(1,nsounds)];
- -- grab a random position in the table
- -- only do this if we are NOT on min spec
- local slot=1;
- if (tonumber(getglobal("sys_spec")) ~= 0) then
- slot = random(1,nsounds);
- end
- -- check if this sound was already loaded
- local sound=loadedsounds[slot];
- if (sound==nil) then
- -- if not, try to load it
- local sounddesc=sounds[slot];
- --System:Log("///////////////////////////////ExecuteMaterial: loading sound "..sounddesc[1]);
- sound=Sound:Load3DSound(sounddesc[1],sounddesc[2],sounddesc[3],sounddesc[4],sounddesc[5]);
- -- add it to the table
- loadedsounds[slot]=sound;
- --else
- -- local sounddesc=sounds[slot];
- -- System:Log("********************************ExecuteMaterial: Sound was found "..sounddesc[1]);
- end
- if (PlaySoundObj==nil) then
- Sound:SetSoundPosition(sound,pos);
- Sound:PlaySound(sound,bSound);
- else
- PlaySoundObj:PlaySound(sound,bSound);
- end
- end
- end
- --DECAL-------------------
- if(decal ~= nil) then
- if(g_gore == "0" and decal.gore ) then return end
- local rotation=0;
- local scale=decal.scale;
- local lifetime=decal.lifetime;
- if(decal.random_scale~=nil)then
- scale=scale+((scale*0.01)*random(0,decal.random_scale));
- end
- if(decal.random_rotation~=nil)then
- rotation=random(0,decal.random_rotation);
- end
- if(lifetime==nil)then
- lifetime=16;
- end
- Particle:CreateDecal(pos, normal, scale, lifetime, decal.texture, decal.object, rotation);
- end
- end
- ----------------------------------
- --
- -- for bullets hits
- -- passes target and bullet direction to CreateDecal
- -- hit.pos, hit.normal, hit.target_material.bullet_hit, hit.play_mat_sound, hit.dir, hit.target_id, hit.ipart
- --function ExecuteMaterial2(pos,normal,material,bSound, dir, target_id, ipart)
- function ExecuteMaterial2(hit,mat_field)
- if (hit == nil) then
- return;
- end
- if (hit.target_material == nil) then
- return;
- end
- if(hit.target_material[mat_field] == nil) then
- -- System.LogToConsole("material is nil");
- do return end;
- end
- local mat=hit.target_material[mat_field]
- local particles=mat.particles;
- local loadedsounds=mat.loadedsounds;
- if (loadedsounds == nil) then
- --System:Log("****************/////////////////--------------material , loadedsounds was nil");
- mat.loadedsounds={};
- loadedsounds=mat.loadedsounds;
- end
- local sounds=mat.sounds;
- local decal=mat.decal;
- --PARTICLES EFFECTS----------------
- if(not hit.suppressParticleEffect)then
- ExecuteMaterial_Particles(hit,mat_field);
- end
- --PARTICLES----------------
- if(particles ~= nil) then
- if((particles.clippable==nil) or (particles.clippable and in_frustum))then
- for i,particle in particles do
- if((g_gore == "1") or (g_gore=="2") or (not particle.gore) ) then
- Particle:CreateParticle(hit.pos,hit.normal,particle);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --SOUNDS------------------
- if((sounds ~= nil) and (hit.play_mat_sound ~= nil)) then
- local nsounds=getn(sounds);
- if(nsounds > 0) then
- --local sound=sounds[random(1,nsounds)]
- -- grab a random position in the table
- -- only do this if we are NOT on min-spec
- local slot=1;
- if (tonumber(getglobal("sys_spec")) ~= 0) then
- slot = random(1,nsounds);
- end
- -- check if this sound was already loaded
- local sound=loadedsounds[slot];
- if (sound==nil) then
- -- if not, try to load it
- local sounddesc=sounds[slot];
- --System:Log("////////////////////////////ExecuteMaterial2: loading sound "..sounddesc[1]);
- sound=Sound:Load3DSound(sounddesc[1],sounddesc[2],sounddesc[3],sounddesc[4],sounddesc[5]);
- -- add it to the table
- loadedsounds[slot]=sound;
- --else
- -- local sounddesc=sounds[slot];
- -- System:Log("********************************ExecuteMaterial: Sound was found "..sounddesc[1]);
- end
- local AIInfo = sounds[slot][6];
- if (AIInfo) then
- AI:SoundEvent(hit.shooter.id,pos,AIInfo.fRadius,AIInfo.fThreat,AIInfo.fInterest,hit.shooter.id);
- end
- Sound:SetSoundPosition(sound,hit.pos);
- Sound:PlaySound(sound,hit.play_mat_sound);
- end
- end
- --System:Log("decal >>> ");
- --DECAL-------------------
- if(decal ~= nil) then
- --System:Log("decal >>> ON");
- if(g_gore == "0" and decal.gore ) then return end
- -- no blood decals on local player in SP game
- if(hit.target and hit.target==_localplayer and (not Game:IsMultiplayer())) then return end
- --System:Log("decal >>> gore");
- local rotation=0;
- local scale=decal.scale;
- local lifetime=decal.lifetime;
- if(decal.random_scale~=nil)then
- scale=scale+((scale*0.01)*random(0,decal.random_scale));
- end
- if(decal.random_rotation~=nil)then
- rotation=random(0,decal.random_rotation);
- end
- if(lifetime==nil)then
- lifetime=16;
- end
- if(hit.target_id) then
- --System:Log("decal >>> ID "..hit.target_id);
- if(hit.ipart) then
- Particle:CreateDecal(hit.pos, hit.normal, scale, lifetime, decal.texture, decal.object, rotation, hit.dir, hit.target_id, hit.ipart);
- else
- Particle:CreateDecal(hit.pos, hit.normal, scale, lifetime, decal.texture, decal.object, rotation, hit.dir, hit.target_id);
- end
- elseif(hit.targetStat) then
- --System:Log("decal >>> STAT ");
- Particle:CreateDecal(hit.pos, hit.normal, scale, lifetime, decal.texture, decal.object, rotation, hit.dir, 0, 0, hit.targetStat);
- else
- --System:Log("decal >>> TERRAIN ");
- Particle:CreateDecal(hit.pos, hit.normal, scale, lifetime, decal.texture, decal.object, rotation, hit.dir);
- end
- end
- end
- function ExecuteMaterial_Particles(hit,mat_field)
- local mat=hit.target_material[mat_field];
- local particleEffects=mat.particleEffects;
- if(particleEffects) then
- if((g_gore == "1") or (g_gore == "2") or (not particleEffects.gore)) then
- if (particleEffects.scale) then
- Particle:SpawnEffect(hit.pos,hit.normal, particleEffects.name,particleEffects.scale );
- else
- Particle:SpawnEffect(hit.pos,hit.normal, particleEffects.name );
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function BroadcastEvent( sender,Event )
- -- Check if Event Target for this input event exists.
- if (sender.Events) then
- --System:Log( "Events found" );
- local eventTargets = sender.Events[Event];
- if (eventTargets) then
- --System:Log( "Events Targets found" );
- for i, target in eventTargets do
- local TargetId = target[1];
- local TargetEvent = target[2];
- --System:Log( "Target: "..TargetId.."/"..TargetEvent );
- if (TargetId == 0) then
- -- If TargetId refer to global Mission table.
- if Mission then
- local func = Mission["Event_"..TargetEvent];
- if (func ~= nil) then
- func( sender )
- else
- System:Log( "Mission does not support event "..TargetEvent );
- end
- end
- else
- -- If TargetId refere to Entity.
- local entity = System:GetEntity(TargetId);
- if (entity ~= nil) then
- --local TargetName=entity:GetName();
- --System:Log( "Entity Named "..TargetName.." Found." );
- --System:Log( "Calling method: "..TargetName..":Event_"..TargetEvent );
- local func = entity["Event_"..TargetEvent];
- if (func ~= nil) then
- func( entity,sender )
- -- else
- -- System:Log( "Entity "..TargetName.." does not support event "..TargetEvent );
- end
- -- else
- -- System:Log( "Entity Named "..TargetName.." Not Found." );
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function count(_table)
- local count=0;
- for idx,i in _table do
- count=count+1;
- end
- return count;
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function append(_table, item)
- local i=count(_table) + 1;
- _table[i] = item;
- end
- ----------------------------------
- function HideWeapon()
- g_HideWeapons = 1;
- end
- function ShowWeapon()
- g_HideWeapons = nil;
- end
- function DumpEntities()
- local ents=System:GetEntities();
- System:Log("Entities dump");
- for idx,e in ents do
- local pos=e:GetPos();
- local ang=e:GetAngles();
- System:Log("["..tostring(e.id).."]..name="..e:GetName().." clsid="..tostring(e.classid)..format(" pos=%.03f,%.03f,%.03f",pos.x,pos.y,pos.z)..format(" ang=%.03f,%.03f,%.03f",ang.x,ang.y,ang.z));
- end
- end
- --///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function SetEntitiesState(state,classid)
- local ents=System:GetEntities();
- System:Log("Entities dump");
- for idx,e in ents do
- if(e.classid==classid)then
- e:GotoState(state);
- local pos=e:GetPos();
- System:Log("["..tostring(e.id).."]..name="..e:GetName().." classid="..tostring(e.classid).." pos="..pos.x..","..pos.y..","..pos.z);
- end
- end
- end
- --///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function AIReload()
- Script:ReloadScript("Scripts/AI/aiconfig.lua");
- end
- --///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- -- useful when you want pass a parameter which might be empty to C++
- -- without this call you have to check for existance of the parameter and for nil
- -- with it you just need to check for nil
- function tonotnil( ValOrNil )
- return ValOrNil;
- end
- --///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- -- \param parameterno 1..
- function GetParameterNo( textline, parameterno )
- if textline then
- local tokens=tokenize(textline);
- return tokens[parameterno];
- end
- end
- --///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CommonCallbacks= {
- };
- --///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function CommonCallbacks:OnCollide(hit)
- local mat=Game:GetMaterialBySurfaceID(hit.matId);
- ExecuteMaterial(hit.vPos,hit.vNorm,mat.object_impact,1);
- --System:Log("OK....");
- end
- function GetParticleCollisionStatus(ent)
- local stat=ent:GetParticleCollisionStatus()
- if(stat)then
- --System:Log("stat.target_material="..stat.target_material);
- stat.target_material=Game:GetMaterialBySurfaceID(stat.target_material);
- if(stat.target_material.type~="obstruct") then
- return stat;
- end
- --System:Log("stat.target_material="..stat.target_material.type);
- return stat;
- end
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Benchmark functions.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function StartBenchmark1( name )
- System:Log( "************ StartBenchmark1 ************ " );
- --profile = 0;
- setglobal("profile",0);
- --demo_num_runs=10;
- setglobal("demo_num_runs",10);
- Game:StartDemoPlay( name )
- end
- function StartBenchmark2( name )
- System:Log( "************ StartBenchmark1 ************ " );
- --profile = -1;
- setglobal("profile",-1);
- --demo_num_runs=10;
- setglobal("demo_num_runs",10);
- Game:StartDemoPlay( name )
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----- globals to manage the number of splash effects ---------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- g_curSplashes = 0;
- g_maxSplashes = 8;
- g_lastSplashTime = 0;
- g_SplashDuration = 2;
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- --return if the point is inside ent:localbbox, bias means how close the point could be to the bbox to be considered inside.
- --the test dont take into account a real box, but an ellipsoid based on entity rotation and localbbox size.
- function PointInsideBBox(point,ent,bias)
- local epos = ent:GetPos();
- local deltapos = g_Vectors.temp_v1;
- deltapos.x = point.x-epos.x;
- deltapos.y = point.y-epos.y;
- deltapos.z = point.z-epos.z;
- --I dont use NormalizeVector() because I need the lenght of the vector
- local deltalen = sqrt(LengthSqVector(deltapos));
- local normalizelen = 1.0/deltalen;
- if (deltalen <= 0) then normalizelen = 0.0001; end
- deltapos.x = deltapos.x * normalizelen;
- deltapos.y = deltapos.y * normalizelen;
- deltapos.z = deltapos.z * normalizelen;
- local evecfwd = g_Vectors.temp_v2;
- local evecright = g_Vectors.temp_v3;
- local evecup = g_Vectors.temp_v4;
- merge(evecfwd,ent:GetDirectionVector(0));
- merge(evecright,ent:GetDirectionVector(1));
- merge(evecup,ent:GetDirectionVector(2));
- local dot_fwd = dotproduct3d(evecfwd,deltapos);
- local dot_right = dotproduct3d(evecright,deltapos);
- local dot_up = dotproduct3d(evecup,deltapos);
- local bbox = ent:GetLocalBBox(nil,nil);
- local max = bbox.max;
- --Hud:AddMessage("dot_fwd:"..dot_fwd..",dot_right:"..dot_right..",fwd_len:"..max.y..",right_len:"..max.x);
- local distfrombbox = abs(dot_fwd)*max.y*bias + abs(dot_right)*max.x*bias + abs(dot_up)*max.z*bias;
- --Hud:AddMessage("distfrombbox:"..distfrombbox..",deltalen:"..deltalen);
- if (deltalen-distfrombbox < bias) then
- return 1;
- else
- return nil;
- end
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function CreateEntityLight( entity, radius, r, g, b, lifeTime, pos )
- local doProjectileLight = tonumber(getglobal("cl_projectile_light"));
- if(doProjectileLight==0) then return end
- local lightPos = pos;
- if(not lightPos) then
- lightPos = entity:GetPos();
- end
- if (doProjectileLight == 1) then -- no specular
- -- vPos, fRadius, DiffR, DiffG, DiffB, DiffA, SpecR, SpecG, SpecB, SpecA, fLifeTime
- entity:AddDynamicLight(lightPos, radius, r, g, b, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, lifeTime);
- elseif (doProjectileLight == 2) then -- with specular
- entity:AddDynamicLight(lightPos, radius, r, g, b, 1, r, g, b, 1, lifeTime);
- end
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function toNumberOrZero( inValue )
- local ret=tonumber(inValue);
- if ret then
- return ret;
- else
- return 0;
- end
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function EntitiesDistSq(ent1,ent2)
- if (ent1.GetPos==nil or ent2.GetPos==nil) then return 0 end
- local delta = g_Vectors.temp_v1;
- CopyVector(delta,ent1:GetPos());
- local epos = ent2:GetPos();
- delta.x = delta.x - epos.x;
- delta.y = delta.y - epos.y;
- delta.z = delta.z - epos.z;
- return (LengthSqVector(delta));
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- gloabl to indicate that a ui reload was requested commited by UI:Reload( ... ), will be reset by UI:Init()
- g_reload_ui = 0;