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INI File | 2004-10-08 | 6.6 KB | 293 lines |
- [List]
- SectionLabel(0)="Movement"
- SectionHint(0)="Movement Controls"
- SectionSet_0(0)="Movement"
- SectionSet_1(0)="Posture"
- SectionSet_2(0)="Rotation"
- NUMSETS(0)=3
- SectionLabel(1)="Combat"
- SectionHint(1)="Combat Controls"
- SectionSet_0(1)="Weapon"
- SectionSet_1(1)="Weapon Selection"
- SectionSet_2(1)="Weapon Mods"
- NUMSETS(1)=3
- SectionLabel(2)="Communication"
- SectionHint(2)="Communication Controls"
- SectionSet_0(2)="Communication"
- SectionSet_1(2)="Commo Shortcuts"
- NUMSETS(2)=2
- SectionLabel(3)="More"
- SectionHint(3)="More Controls"
- SectionSet_0(3)="Action"
- SectionSet_1(3)="Equipment"
- SectionSet_2(3)="System"
- NUMSETS(3)=3
- SectionLabel(4)="All"
- SectionHint(4)="All Controls"
- SectionSet_0(4)="Movement"
- SectionSet_1(4)="Posture"
- SectionSet_2(4)="Rotation"
- SectionSet_3(4)="Weapon"
- SectionSet_4(4)="Weapon Selection"
- SectionSet_5(4)="Weapon Mods"
- SectionSet_6(4)="Communication"
- SectionSet_7(4)="Commo Shortcuts"
- SectionSet_8(4)="Action"
- SectionSet_9(4)="Equipment"
- SectionSet_10(4)="System"
- NUMSETS(4)=11
- [Movement]
- Label(0)="Move Forward"
- Alias(0)="moveforward"
- Hint(0)="Hold this key to move forward"
- Label(1)="Move Backward"
- Alias(1)="movebackward"
- Hint(1)="Hold this key to move backward"
- Label(2)="Strafe Left"
- Alias(2)="strafeleft"
- Hint(2)="Hold this key to strafe left"
- Label(3)="Strafe Right"
- Alias(3)="straferight"
- Hint(3)="Hold this key to strafe right"
- Label(4)="Lean/Roll Left"
- Alias(4)="leanleft"
- Hint(4)="Prone, press to roll left. Otherwise, hold to lean left"
- Label(5)="Lean/Roll Right"
- Alias(5)="leanright"
- Hint(5)="Prone, press to roll right. Otherwise, hold to lean right"
- [Posture]
- Label(0)="Sprint"
- Alias(0)="sprint"
- Hint(0)="Tap this key while moving forward to sprint"
- Label(1)="Toggle Speed"
- Alias(1)="fastmove"
- Hint(1)="Toggle between fast and slow mode"
- Label(2)="Jump"
- Alias(2)="jump"
- Hint(2)="Press this key to Jump"
- Label(3)="Crouch"
- Alias(3)="crouching"
- Hint(3)="Press this key to Crouch"
- Label(4)="Prone"
- Alias(4)="crawling"
- Hint(4)="Press this key to go Prone"
- [Rotation]
- Label(0)="Turn Left"
- Alias(0)="turnleft"
- Hint(0)="Hold this key to rotate to the left"
- Label(1)="Turn Right"
- Alias(1)="turnright"
- Hint(1)="Hold this key to rotate to the right"
- Label(2)="Look Up"
- Alias(2)="lookup"
- Hint(2)="Hold this key to look up"
- Label(3)="Look Down"
- Alias(3)="lookdown"
- Hint(3)="Hold this key to look down"
- Label(4)="Center View"
- Alias(4)="centerview"
- Hint(4)="Press this key to center your view"
- Label(5)="Strafe Toggle"
- Alias(5)="strafe"
- Hint(5)="Press this key to toggle strafing"
- [Weapon]
- Label(0)="Fire Weapon"
- Alias(0)="fire"
- Hint(0)="Press this key to fire your weapon."
- Label(1)="Alt-Fire"
- Alias(1)="AltFire"
- Hint(1)="Press this key to activate alternate fire"
- Label(2)="Zoom"
- Alias(2)="Zoom"
- Hint(2)="Press this key to zoom in or out"
- Label(3)="Reload"
- Alias(3)="reload"
- Hint(3)="Press this key to reload your weapon"
- Label(4)="Fix Jam"
- Alias(4)="fixjam"
- Hint(4)="Press this key to fix a jam"
- Label(5)="Supported/M203"
- Alias(5)="supportedfire"
- Hint(5)="Activates the bipod, or switch to grenade mode"
- Label(6)="Increase Range"
- Alias(6)="increaserange"
- Hint(6)="Increases the range on weapons with adjustable sights"
- Label(7)="Decrease Range"
- Alias(7)="decreaserange"
- Hint(7)="Decreases the range on weapons with adjustable sights"
- Label(8)="Zero Range"
- Alias(8)="zerorange"
- Hint(8)="Zeros the range on weapons with adjustable sights"
- [Weapon Mods]
- Label(0)="Left Rail Mod"
- Alias(0)="leftrail"
- Hint(0)="Press this key to activate the mod on the left rail"
- Label(1)="Right Rail Mod"
- Alias(1)="rightrail"
- Hint(1)="Press this key to activate the mod on the right rail"
- Label(2)="Suppressor"
- Alias(2)="suppressor"
- Hint(2)="Press this key to attach/detach a suppressor"
- [Weapon Selection]
- Label(0)="Swap Weapons"
- Alias(0)="swaphands"
- Hint(0)="Move the current weapon to the shoulder"
- Label(1)="Frag Grenade"
- Alias(1)="grenadefrag"
- Hint(1)="Press this key to select a frag grenade"
- Label(2)="Smoke Grenade"
- Alias(2)="grenadesmoke"
- Hint(2)="Press this key to select a smoke grenade"
- Label(3)="Flash Grenade"
- Alias(3)="grenadeflash"
- Hint(3)="Press this key to select a flash grenade"
- Label(4)="Thermite Grenade"
- Alias(4)="grenadeincendiary"
- Hint(4)="Press this key to select a thermite grenade"
- Label(5)="Pistol"
- Alias(5)="pistol"
- Hint(5)="Draw or put away a pistol"
- Label(6)="Drop Weapon"
- Alias(6)="throwweapon"
- Hint(6)="Press this key to drop the weapon in your hands"
- [Equipment]
- Label(0)="Binoculars"
- Alias(0)="binoculars"
- Hint(0)="Press this key to bring up or put down binoculars"
- Label(1)="Nightvision"
- Alias(1)="nv"
- Hint(1)="Press this key to toggle nightvision"
- [Communication]
- Label(0)="Commo Cycle"
- Alias(0)="commocycle"
- Hint(0)="Press this key to cycle the current commo state"
- Label(1)="Talk"
- Alias(1)="talk"
- Hint(1)="Press this key to start typing a message"
- Label(2)="Team Talk"
- Alias(2)="teamtalk"
- Hint(2)="Press this key to start typing a message for teammates"
- Label(3)="Report In"
- Alias(3)="reportin"
- Hint(3)="Press this key to report your current location"
- Label(4)="Call For Medic"
- Alias(4)="callmedic"
- Hint(4)="Press this key to call for a medic"
- Label(5)="Set Squad Target"
- Alias(5)="setsquadtarget"
- Hint(5)="Press this key, then a letter, to assign an objective"
- Label(6)="Vote Kick"
- Alias(6)="votekick"
- Hint(6)="Press this key to cast a vote to kick a player"
- [Commo Shortcuts]
- Label(0)="Commo: Hand"
- Alias(0)="commohand"
- Hint(0)="Press this key to set commo state to hand signals"
- Label(1)="Commo: Whisper"
- Alias(1)="commowhisper"
- Hint(1)="Press this key to set commo state to whisper"
- Label(2)="Commo: Shout"
- Alias(2)="commoshout"
- Hint(2)="Press this key to set commo state to shout"
- Label(3)="Commo: Radio"
- Alias(3)="commoradio"
- Hint(3)="Press this key to set commo state to radio"
- Label(4)="Commo: Squad Radio"
- Alias(4)="commosquad"
- Hint(4)="Press this key to set commo state to squad radio"
- Label(5)="Commo: Global"
- Alias(5)="commoglobal"
- Hint(5)="Press this key to set commo state to global messaging"
- [Action]
- Label(0)="Action"
- Alias(0)="action"
- Hint(0)="Press or hold this key to perform actions"
- [System]
- Label(0)="Pause"
- Alias(0)="pause"
- Hint(0)="Press this key to pause the game"
- Label(1)="Screenshot"
- Alias(1)="shot"
- Hint(1)="Press this key to take a screenshot"