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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <root id="en"> <commands> <command name="cmdline.activate" caption="" description="" /> <command name="hidesidebar" caption="Hide" description="" /> <command name="togglesidebar" caption="Toggle" description="" /> <command name="autohide" caption="Auto-hide" description="" /> <command name="alwaysontop" caption="Always on top" description="" /> <command name="options" caption="Options..." description="" /> <command name="lockWindow" caption="Lock" description="" /> <command name="close" caption="Close" description="" /> <command name="restore" caption="Open" description="" /> <command name="minimize" caption="Minimize" description="" /> <command name="exit" caption="Exit" description="" /> <command name="start" caption="Start" description="" /> <command name="newpanel" caption="Add panel..." description="" /> <command name="togglepanel" caption="Toggle" description="" /> <command name="renamepanel" caption="Rename Panel..." description="" /> <command name="removepanel" caption="Remove Panel" description="" /> <command name="panelproperties" caption="Panel Properties..." description="" /> <command name="showtitle" caption="Show Panel Title" description="" /> <command name="autofit" caption="Autofit Panel" description="" /> <command name="expand" caption="Expand" description="" /> <command name="collapse" caption="Collapse" description="" /> <command name="moveup" caption="Move Up" description="" /> <command name="movedown" caption="Move Down" description="" /> <command name="help" caption="Help" /> <command name="mediaplayer.play" caption="Play" /> <command name="mediaplayer.stop" caption="Stop" /> <command name="mediaplayer.prev" caption="Prev" /> <command name="mediaplayer.next" caption="Next" /> <command name="mediaplayer.mute" caption="Mute" /> <command name="mediaplayer.undock" caption="Toggle Player" /> <command name="mediaplayer.visualization" caption="Visualization" /> <command name="winamp.select" caption="Play File..." /> <command name="toolbar.openFolder" caption="Open Folder" /> <command name="toolbar.showLabels" caption="Show Text" /> <command name="news.nextService" caption="Next" /> <command name="news.nextUnread" caption="Next Unread" /> <command name="news.prevService" caption="Previous" /> <command name="news.refresh" caption="Refresh" /> <command name="news.online" caption="Online" /> <command name="news.slideshow" caption="Slideshow" /> <command name="news.scrollup" caption="Up" /> <command name="news.scrolldown" caption="Down" /> <command name="news.remove" caption="Remove" /> <command name="news.markasvisited" caption="Mark as Visited" /> <command name="news.markchannelasvisited" caption="Mark Channel as Visited"/> <command name="news.markallasvisited" caption="Mark All as Visited" /> <command name="news.showall" caption="All" /> <command name="news.hideread" caption="Hide read" /> <command name="news.newspaper" caption="Newspaper" /> <command name="news.scrollbar" caption="Scrollbar" /> <command name="news.open" caption="Open" /> <command name="open" caption="Open" /> <command name="delete" caption="Delete" /> <command name="calendarpanel.new" caption="New"/> <command name="inboxpanel.new" caption="New"/> <command name="inboxpanel.markasread" caption="Mark as Read"/> <command name="inboxpanel.markallasread" caption="Mark All as Read"/> <command name="inboxpanel.reply" caption="Reply"/> <command name="inboxpanel.replytoall" caption="Reply to All"/> <command name="inboxpanel.forward" caption="Forward"/> <command name="inboxpanel.alert" caption="Alert"/> <command name="smartinbox.overview" caption="Outlook"/> <command name="smartinbox.addtobulklist" caption="Add Sender to Bulk Senders list"/> <command name="smartinbox.addtojunklist" caption="Add Sender to Junk Senders list"/> <command name="smartinbox.addtotrustedlist" caption="Add Sender to Trusted Senders list"/> <command name="taskspanel.new" caption="New"/> <command name="taskspanel.markcomplete" caption="Mark Complete"/> <command name="notespanel.new" caption="New"/> <command name="group.remove" caption="Remove Group"/> <command name="group.showtitle" caption="Show Group Title"/> <command name="group.autofit" caption="Autofit Group"/> <command name="group.autoexpand" caption="Expand Group"/> <command name="group.properties" caption="Group Properties..."/> <command name="messenger.conversation" caption="Start Conversation"/> <command name="messenger.sendmail" caption="Send mail"/> <command name="messenger.showonlyonline" caption="Show only online"/> <command name="messenger.sortbyname" caption="Sort by name"/> <command name="messenger.sortbystatus" caption="Sort by status"/> <command name="messenger.attach" caption="Attach"/> <command name="messenger.detach" caption="Detach"/> <command name="mirandaim.conversation" caption="Start Conversation"/> <command name="mirandaim.sendmail" caption="Send mail"/> <command name="mirandaim.showonlyonline" caption="Show only online"/> <command name="mirandaim.sortbyname" caption="Sort by name"/> <command name="mirandaim.sortbystatus" caption="Sort by status"/> <command name="mirandaim.attach" caption="Attach"/> <command name="mirandaim.detach" caption="Detach"/> <command name="weather.refresh" caption="Refresh"/> <command name="stocktracker.refresh" caption="Refresh"/> <command name="stocktracker.open" caption="Open"/> <command name="networkmonitor.refresh" caption="Refresh"/> <command name="networkmonitor.showall" caption="Show All"/> <command name="mailchecker.refresh" caption="Check for messages"/> <command name="mailchecker.reply" caption="Reply"/> <command name="mailchecker.new" caption="New"/> <command name="mailchecker.startclient" caption="E-mail Client"/> <command name="mailchecker.all" caption="All"/> <command name="mailchecker.inbox" caption="Inbox"/> <command name="mailchecker.bulk" caption="Bulk"/> <command name="mailchecker.junk" caption="Junk"/> <command name="mailchecker.big" caption="Big"/> <command name="mailchecker.addtobulklist" caption="Add Sender to Bulk Senders list"/> <command name="mailchecker.addtojunklist" caption="Add Sender to Junk Senders list"/> <command name="mailchecker.addtotrustedlist" caption="Add Sender to Trusted Senders list"/> <command name="mailchecker.markasread" caption="Mark as Read"/> <command name="mailchecker.markallasread" caption="Mark All as Read"/> <command name="mailchecker.deleteall" caption="Delete All"/> <command name="messagepreview.new" caption="New"/> <command name="messagepreview.delete" caption="Delete"/> <command name="messagepreview.close" caption="Close"/> <command name="messagepreview.prev" caption="Previous"/> <command name="messagepreview.next" caption="Next"/> <command name="messagepreview.reply" caption="Reply"/> <command name="messagepreview.client" caption="E-mail Client"/> <command name="slideshow.goto" caption="Goto"/> <command name="slideshow.open" caption="Open"/> <command name="slideshow.openFolder" caption="Open Folder"/> <command name="slideshow.refresh" caption="Refresh"/> <command name="slideshow.setwallpaper" caption="Set As Wallpaper"/> <command name="slideshow.prev" caption="Previous"/> <command name="slideshow.next" caption="Next"/> <command name="Channels" caption="Channels"/> <command name="File" caption="File"/> <command name="Message" caption="Message"/> <command name="JunkPopup" caption="Junk E-mail"/> <command name="Group" caption="Group"/> <command name="Search the Web" caption="Search the Web"/> <command name="Other" caption="Other"/> <command name="Entertainment" caption="Entertainment"/> <command name="Reference" caption="Reference"/> <command name="Run" caption="Run"/> <command name="Browse" caption="Browse..."/> <command name="Calc" caption="Calc"/> <command name="Artists" caption="Artists"/> <command name="Albums" caption="Albums"/> <command name="Genres" caption="Genres"/> <command name="Radio_Stations" caption="Radio Stations"/> <command name="My_Playlists" caption="My Playlists"/> <command name="Auto_Playlists" caption="Auto Playlists"/> <command name="All_Music" caption="All Music"/> </commands> <dialogs> <dialog id="About" caption="About"> <item id="240" text="Check for Updates..." /> <item id="242" text="Show log..." /> <item id="331" text="Plugins..." /> <item id="332" text="Report bug..." /> </dialog> <dialog id="GeneralSettings" caption="General"> <item id="213" text="Run this program when Windows starts" /> <item id="241" text="Show the details window" /> <item id="272" text="Show alerts when foreground application is in fullscreen mode" /> <item id="313" text="Preview" /> <item id="4000" text="Details Window" /> <item id="4001" text="Alert Window" /> <item id="4006" text="Language:" /> <item id="4010" text="General" /> <item id="4012" text="Short" /> <item id="4013" text="Long" /> <item id="4014" text="Short" /> <item id="4015" text="Long" /> <item id="4016" text="Show delay" /> <item id="4017" text="Hide delay" /> <item id="4018" text="Duration" /> <item id="4019" text="Short" /> <item id="4020" text="Long" /> <item id="4021" text="Animation" /> <item id="4022" text="Animation speed" /> <item id="4023" text="Fast" /> <item id="4024" text="Slow" /> </dialog> <dialog id="AppearanceSettings" caption="Appearance"> <item id="214" text="Dock at left side" /> <item id="215" text="Dock at right side" /> <item id="216" text="Float" /> <item id="217" text="Always on top" /> <item id="218" text="Normal" /> <item id="219" text="On desktop" /> <item id="237" text="Auto-hide the sidebar" /> <item id="238" text="Display sidebar caption" /> <item id="239" text="Display panel icons" /> <item id="272" text="Show icon in notification area" /> <item id="313" text="Customize..." /> <item id="4003" text="Appearance" /> <item id="4004" text="Position:" /> <item id="4005" text="Skin:" /> <item id="4006" text="Position:" /> <item id="4007" text="Auto-hide:" /> <item id="4011" text="Transparency" /> <item id="4012" text="Short" /> <item id="4013" text="Long" /> <item id="4014" text="Short" /> <item id="4015" text="Long" /> <item id="4016" text="Show delay" /> <item id="4017" text="Hide delay" /> <item id="4018" text="Display" /> <item id="4019" text="Animation" /> <item id="4020" text="Animation speed" /> <item id="4021" text="Fast" /> <item id="4022" text="Width" /> <item id="4023" text="Slow" /> <item id="4024" text="Z-Order:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="InternetSettings" caption="Internet"> <item id="218" text="Never" /> <item id="219" text="Once a week" /> <item id="220" text="Once a month" /> <item id="240" text="Download and install updates automatically" /> <item id="280" text="Make connections directly" /> <item id="281" text="Make connections through preconfigured proxy" /> <item id="282" text="Make connections through this proxy:" /> <item id="283" text="Use authentication" /> <item id="4001" text="Automatic updates" /> <item id="4002" text="Check for updates:" /> <item id="4003" text="Proxy settings" /> <item id="4004" text="Proxy:" /> <item id="4005" text="Port:" /> <item id="4006" text="User:" /> <item id="4007" text="Password:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="PluginsPage" caption="Plugins"> <item id="4000" text="Plugins:" /> <item id="4001" text="Author:" /> <item id="4002" text="Website:" /> <item id="4003" text="Description:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="BrowseForMapiFolder" caption="Choose Folder" > <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="266" text="Default" /> </dialog> <dialog id="SelectMapiFolder" caption="Select Folders" > <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> </dialog> <dialog id="CalendarPanelProp" caption="General" > <item id="227" text="Show appointments duration" /> <item id="228" text="Show appointments location" /> <item id="230" text="Group appointments by date" /> <item id="231" text="Show today's appointments in different color" /> <item id="4000" text="Folder" /> <item id="4006" text="View" /> <item id="4007" text="Location" /> </dialog> <dialog id="CalendarPanelFilter" caption="Filter" > <item id="304" text="Show all" /> <item id="305" text="Skip selected" /> <item id="306" text="Show only selected" /> <item id="4001" text="Show appointments in next:" /> <item id="4002" text="Show next:" /> <item id="4004" text="days" /> <item id="4005" text="appointments" /> <item id="4007" text="Filter appointments by categories:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="DiskMonPanelProp" caption="General"> <item id="4000" text="Disks:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="InboxPanelProp" caption="General"> <item id="231" text="Show today's messages in different color" /> <item id="233" text="Show only unread messages" /> <item id="271" text="Activate panel when new mail arrives" /> <item id="272" text="Show alert window when new mail arrives" /> <item id="4000" text="Folder" /> <item id="4001" text="Show messages received for last:" /> <item id="4002" text="Show first:" /> <item id="4004" text="days" /> <item id="4005" text="messages" /> <item id="4006" text="View" /> <item id="4007" text="Location" /> </dialog> <dialog id="MediaPlayerProp" caption="General"> <item id="236" text="Show only minidisplay" /> <item id="262" text="Show full size display" /> <item id="270" text="Scroll media information" /> <item id="271" text="Show visualization" /> <item id="4006" text="View" /> </dialog> <dialog id="WinAmpProp" caption="General"> <item id="236" text="Show only minidisplay" /> <item id="262" text="Show full size display" /> <item id="270" text="Scroll media information" /> <item id="4000" text="WinAmp path" /> <item id="4006" text="View" /> <item id="4007" text="Integration" /> <item id="4008" text="Please select WinAmp version" /> </dialog> <dialog id="MessengerPanelProp" caption="General"> <item id="246" text="Contacts:" /> <item id="283" text="<a href="http://www.desktopsidebar.com/faq.html#t1 ">Tell me more about required messenger configuration</a>" /> <item id="305" text="Run the Messenger when the Messenger Panel is loaded" /> <item id="306" text="Show only online contacts" /> <item id="252" text="Name" /> <item id="253" text="Status" /> <item id="4000" text="Sort by:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="MirandaimPanelProp" caption="General"> <item id="246" text="Contacts:" /> <item id="305" text="Run the Miranda IM when the Miranda IM Panel is loaded" /> <item id="306" text="Show only online contacts" /> <item id="252" text="Name" /> <item id="253" text="Status" /> <item id="4000" text="Sort by:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="NewPanel" caption="New Panel"> <item id="1" text="Add" /> <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="4000" text="Select which panel you want to add:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="NotesPanelProp" caption="General"> <item id="4000" text="Folder" /> <item id="4007" text="Location" /> </dialog> <dialog id="PerfmonPanelProp" caption="General"> <item id="247" text="Add" /> <item id="248" text="Remove" /> <item id="249" text="Edit" /> <item id="4000" text="Monitors" /> <item id="4001" text="Tip: Use drag and drop to change order" /> </dialog> <dialog id="TasksPanelProp" caption="General"> <item id="230" text="Show done tasks too" /> <item id="231" text="Show only active tasks" /> <item id="233" text="Show only tasks due in the next" /> <item id="301" text="Show all" /> <item id="302" text="Skip low priority" /> <item id="303" text="Show only high priority" /> <item id="304" text="Show all" /> <item id="305" text="Skip selected" /> <item id="306" text="Show only selected" /> <item id="4002" text="Filter tasks by priority:" /> <item id="4004" text="days" /> <item id="4005" text="Filter tasks by categories:" /> <item id="4006" text="View" /> <item id="4007" text="Order" /> <item id="4011" text="Sort by:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="TasksLocationProp" caption="Location"> <item id="4000" text="Folder" /> <item id="4007" text="Location" /> </dialog> <dialog id="ChannelsPage" caption="Channels"> <item id="252" text="Add..." /> <item id="253" text="Edit..." /> <item id="254" text="Remove" /> <item id="4000" text="Channels:" /> <item id="4002" text="Tip: Use drag and drop to change order" /> </dialog> <dialog id="ChannelError" caption="Sidebar"> </dialog> <dialog id="NewsViewPage" caption="View"> <item id="231" text="Show new headlines in different color" /> <item id="232" text="Hide old headlines" /> <item id="264" text="Slideshow" /> <item id="272" text="Hide read headlines" /> <item id="273" text="Display channels separately" /> <item id="274" text="Show toolbar" /> <item id="275" text="Show progressbar" /> <item id="276" text="Show article text in the details window" /> <item id="4000" text="Scroll to next headline after" /> <item id="4001" text="second(s)" /> <item id="4002" text="Switch to next channel after" /> <item id="4003" text="second(s)" /> <item id="4004" text="minute(s)" /> <item id="4005" text="Show new headlines for " /> <item id="4006" text="Default refresh rate:" /> <item id="4007" text="minute(s)" /> <item id="4008" text="View" /> <item id="4009" text="Mark as old headlines older than" /> <item id="4010" text="hour(s)" /> <item id="4011" text="General" /> <item id="4012" text="Please note that not all channels support this feature" /> </dialog> <dialog id="NewsIntegrationPage" caption="Integration"> <item id="250" text="Make Sidebar default klip file viewer" /> <item id="251" text="Integrate with Internet Explorer\r\n\r\nAdd option Subscribe in Desktop Sidebar to Internet Explorer Tools Menu, Context Menu and Toolbar.\r\nThis option allows to display headlines from page displayed in Internet Explorer in Newsroom Panel.\r\n\r\nIn order to achieve the best results during automatic conversion from HTML to headlines please select text of headline in Internet Explorer before using this option" /> </dialog> <dialog id="RSSChannelProp" caption="RSS Channel Properties"> <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="295" text="Use default" /> <item id="296" text="Show RSS item description" /> <item id="307" text="Right to left" /> <item id="4000" text="Caption:" /> <item id="4001" text="Homepage:" /> <item id="4002" text="Newsfeed url:" /> <item id="4003" text="Refresh rate:" /> <item id="4004" text="minute(s)" /> <item id="4005" text="Encoding:" /> <item id="4006" text="Show first:" /> <item id="4007" text="headlines" /> </dialog> <dialog id="HTMLChannelProp" caption="HTML Channel Properties"> <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="295" text="Use default" /> <item id="307" text="Right to left" /> <item id="4000" text="Caption:" /> <item id="4002" text="Page url:" /> <item id="4003" text="Refresh rate:" /> <item id="4004" text="minute(s)" /> <item id="4005" text="Encoding:" /> <item id="4006" text="Action:" /> <item id="4007" text="Show first:" /> <item id="4008" text="headlines" /> </dialog> <dialog id="ScriptPanel" caption=" "> <item id="222" text="Edit..." /> <item id="4006" text="Script:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="ScriptEditor" caption="Edit Script"> </dialog> <dialog id="ApplicationPanel" caption=" "> <item id="222" text="Browse..." /> <item id="4006" text="Command Line" /> </dialog> <dialog id="ParserPanel" caption=" "> <item id="222" text="Configure..." /> </dialog> <dialog id="EnterNewsfoodUrl" caption="Enter newsfeed url"> <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="4000" text="Enter url to newsfeed:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="EnterWebPageUrl" caption="Enter page url"> <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="4000" text="Enter url to page:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="ChooseChannelDlg" caption="Choose Channel"> <item id="1" text="Add" /> <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="257" text="Refresh Channels List..." /> <item id="4000" text="Displays channels which contain:" /> <item id="4001" text="Language:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="WeatherPanelProp" caption="General"> <item id="211" text="Slideshow" /> <item id="212" text="Show Current Conditions" /> <item id="213" text="Show Map in the Details Window" /> <item id="298" text="Metric Units" /> <item id="299" text="English Units" /> <item id="4000" text="Location" /> <item id="4001" text="City" /> <item id="4002" text="Select slideshow speed" /> <item id="4003" text="Disabled" /> <item id="4004" text="Fast" /> <item id="4005" text="View" /> <item id="4006" text="Enter city or US zip code.\r\nExamples:\r\n Chicago, \r\n Paris\r\n 89074" /> <item id="4007" text="Show temperature in:" /> <item id="4010" text="Forecast provider:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="CheckLocation" caption="Checking"> <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="4000" text="Checking if weather forecast is available for this location." /> </dialog> <dialog id="ChoosekLocation" caption="Choose Location"> <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="4000" text="Available location:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="SmartInbox" caption="Views"> <item id="274" text="Add" /> <item id="275" text="Edit" /> <item id="276" text="Remove" /> <item id="4000" text="Views:" /> <item id="4001" text="Tip: Use drag and drop to change order" /> </dialog> <dialog id="SmartInboxView" caption="General"> <item id="218" text="My Addresses" /> <item id="231" text="Show today's messages in different color" /> <item id="233" text="Show only unread messages" /> <item id="277" text="Show responses" /> <item id="278" text="Show bulk mail in all folders" /> <item id="4001" text="Show messages received for last:" /> <item id="4002" text="Show first:" /> <item id="4004" text="days" /> <item id="4005" text="messages" /> <item id="4006" text="View" /> </dialog> <dialog id="StockSymbols" caption="Symbols"> <item id="288" text="Add..." /> <item id="289" text="Remove" /> <item id="290" text="Show indexes" /> <item id="291" text="Edit..." /> <item id="4000" text="Symbols" /> <item id="4001" text="Tip: Use drag and drop to change order" /> </dialog> <dialog id="StockView" caption="View"> <item id="237" text="Slideshow" /> <item id="285" text="Show all symbols" /> <item id="286" text="Marquee" /> <item id="271" text="Activate panel" /> <item id="272" text="Show alert window" /> <item id="273" text="Show changed in different color" /> <item id="274" text="Show only price change" /> <item id="4003" text="Slow" /> <item id="4004" text="Fast" /> <item id="4005" text="Mode" /> <item id="4006" text="Refresh rate:" /> <item id="4007" text="minute(s)" /> <item id="4008" text="Refresh" /> <item id="4009" text="If price changes by more than" /> <item id="4010" text="percentage" /> <item id="4011" text="Alerts" /> </dialog> <dialog id="EnterSymbol" caption="Enter Symbol"> <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="4000" text="Symbol:" /> <item id="4001" text="Label:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="RenamePanel" caption="Rename Panel"> <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="266" text="Default" /> <item id="4000" text="Caption" /> </dialog> <dialog id="ToolbarPanelProp" caption="General"> <item id="293" text="Show large icons" /> <item id="294" text="Show text" /> <item id="295" text="Show folders" /> <item id="4000" text="Folder" /> <item id="4006" text="View" /> <item id="4007" text="Display" /> </dialog> <dialog id="MailAccounstPage" caption="Accounts"> <item id="274" text="Add" /> <item id="275" text="Edit" /> <item id="276" text="Remove" /> <item id="4000" text="Accounts:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="MailCheckerGeneral" caption="General"> <item id="204" text="Show Deleted Log" /> <item id="205" text="Clear Deleted Log" /> <item id="208" text="Allow automatic deletion of messages" /> <item id="209" text="Download only part of message" /> <item id="210" text="Display HTML mail" /> <item id="211" text="Show read messages" /> <item id="4001" text="Mail client:" /> <item id="4002" text="Check for new messages every" /> <item id="4003" text="minute(s)" /> <item id="4005" text="Download first " /> <item id="4006" text="lines of message" /> <item id="4007" text="General" /> <item id="4008" text="View" /> <item id="4011" text="Show first:" /> <item id="4012" text="messages" /> </dialog> <dialog id="AccountProp" caption="Account Properties"> <item id="3" text="Check server" /> <item id="4" text="Check account" /> <item id="5" text="Default port" /> <item id="4000" text="Account name:" /> <item id="4001" text="POP3 server:" /> <item id="4002" text="User name:" /> <item id="4004" text="Server port:" /> <item id="4006" text="Password:" /> <item id="4003" text="Server timeout:" /> <item id="4007" text="Short:" /> <item id="4008" text="Long:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="Rules" caption="Rules"> <item id="274" text="Add" /> <item id="275" text="Edit" /> <item id="276" text="Remove" /> <item id="4000" text="Rules:" /> <item id="4001" text="Rule description:" /> <item id="4002" text="Tip: Use drag and drop to change order" /> </dialog> <dialog id="RuleProp" caption="Rule"> <item id="4000" text="1. Select the Condition for your rule:" /> <item id="4001" text="2. Select the Action for your rule:" /> <item id="4002" text="3. Rule description (click on an underline value to edit it):" /> <item id="4003" text="4. Rule name:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="SpamPage" caption="Junk E-mail"> <item id="202" text="Mark messages where your address is not in the message header information as Bulk Mail" /> <item id="215" text="Edit" /> <item id="217" text="Edit" /> <item id="218" text="Edit" /> <item id="219" text="Mark messages with number of bad words above limit as Junk Mail" /> <item id="220" text="Edit" /> <item id="221" text="Edit" /> <item id="4000" text="Bad Words" /> <item id="4001" text="Bad Words limit:" /> <item id="4002" text="Junk Senders" /> <item id="4003" text="E-mail from addresses or domain names on your Junk Sender List will be marked as Junk Mail" /> <item id="4004" text="Trusted Senders" /> <item id="4005" text="E-mail from people on your Trusted Senders list will never be marked as Junk Mail" /> <item id="4006" text="My Addresses" /> <item id="4007" text="Bulk Senders" /> <item id="4009" text="E-mail from people on your Bulk Sender List will be marked as Bulk Mail" /> </dialog> <dialog id="SpamSenders" caption="Junk Senders"> <item id="3" text="Add" /> <item id="4" text="Remove" /> <item id="4000" text="E-mail from addresses or domain names on your Junk Sender List will be marked as Junk Mail" /> </dialog> <dialog id="TrustedSenders" caption="Trusted Senders"> <item id="3" text="Add" /> <item id="4" text="Remove" /> <item id="4000" text="E-mail from people on your Trusted Senders list will never be marked as Junk Mail" /> </dialog> <dialog id="MyAddresses" caption="My Addresses"> <item id="3" text="Add" /> <item id="4" text="Remove" /> <item id="4000" text="Messages where your address is not in the message header information will be marked as Bulk Mail" /> </dialog> <dialog id="BulkSenders" caption="Bulk Senders"> <item id="3" text="Add" /> <item id="4" text="Remove" /> <item id="4000" text="E-mail from people on your Bulk Sender List will be marked as Bulk Mail" /> </dialog> <dialog id="MessagePanel" caption="MessagePanel"> <item id="4000" text="From:" /> <item id="4001" text="To:" /> <item id="4002" text="Subject:" /> <item id="4003" text="Date:" /> <item id="4004" text="Only part of this message was downloaded from server" /> <item id="4005" text="Attachments:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="CustomMessage" caption="Custom Message"> <item id="4000" text="Specify an alert message:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="SelectPeople" caption="Select People"> <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="3" text="Add" /> <item id="4" text="Remove" /> <item id="4000" text="Type address or name click Add" /> </dialog> <dialog id="SelectWord" caption="Select Word"> <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="3" text="Add" /> <item id="4" text="Remove" /> <item id="4000" text="Type word and click Add:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="SelectSize" caption="Select Size"> <item id="4000" text="The message size is larger than " /> <item id="4001" text="KB" /> </dialog> <dialog id="ParserSetup" caption="Convert HTML to headlines"> <item id="4" text="Download" /> <item id="226" text="Generate headlines" /> <item id="232" text="Create expression" /> <item id="233" text="Find" /> <item id="4000" text="Url:" /> <item id="4001" text="Start after text:" /> <item id="4002" text="Regular expression:" /> <item id="4003" text="Headline title:" /> <item id="4004" text="Headline link:" /> <item id="4005" text="Stop after text:" /> <item id="4008" text="Sample headline:" /> <item id="4009" text="Please select part of HTML with headline and surrounding tags and use Create expression button to create regular expression" /> <item id="4010" text="This is regular expression used to filter headlines from HTML" /> <item id="4011" text="You can limit generation of headlines to only part of HTML" /> <item id="4013" text="Generated headlines" /> </dialog> <dialog id="SubscibeUrlDlg" caption="Subscribe"> <item id="248" text="Please wait..." /> </dialog> <dialog id="ChooseSubscribeMethod" caption="Choose subscribe method"> <item id="1" text="Add" /> <item id="241" text="Subscribe to similar channel:" /> <item id="242" text="Configure..." /> <item id="301" text="Convert HTML to headlines with regular expressions:" /> <item id="302" text="Display as Web Page:" /> <item id="4000" text="Desktop Sidebar cannot automatically find rss newsfeed for this page. Please select how you want subscribe to this page:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="CmdLinePanelProp" caption="General"> <item id="244" text="Display "Go" button" /> <item id="4000" text="Default search engine:" /> <item id="4001" text="Tip: Use Win+Q shortcut to active this panel" /> </dialog> <dialog id="MSHTMLDownload" caption="Download"> </dialog> <dialog id="ClockPanelProp" caption="View"> <item id="228" text="Standard" /> <item id="250" text="Analog" /> <item id="4000" text="Clock type:" /> <item id="4001" text="View" /> <item id="4002" text="Date/Time format" /> <item id="4003" text="Format preview:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="StockClocksProp" caption="World Clock"> <item id="288" text="Add..." /> <item id="289" text="Remove" /> <item id="291" text="Edit..." /> <item id="4000" text="Additional clocks displayed in the details window:" /> <item id="4001" text="Tip: Use drag and drop to change order" /> <item id="4002" text="Time Zone:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="EnterClock" caption="Enter Clock"> <item id="1" text="OK" /> <item id="2" text="Cancel" /> <item id="4000" text="Label:" /> <item id="4001" text="Time Zone:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="SlideshowProp" caption="General"> <item id="255" text="Display images in random order" /> <item id="256" text="Show toolbar" /> <item id="259" text="Add" /> <item id="260" text="Edit" /> <item id="261" text="Remove" /> <item id="264" text="Show progressbar" /> <item id="4000" text="Display images from:" /> <item id="4001" text="Transition between pictures:"/> <item id="4002" text="Tip: Use drag and drop to change order" /> <item id="4004" text="Transition speed:" /> <item id="4005" text="Slow" /> <item id="4006" text="Fast" /> </dialog> <dialog id="WallpaperChangerProp" caption="Desktop"> <item id="256" text="Change desktop wallpaper" /> </dialog> <dialog id="WebCamProp" caption="Properties"> <item id="4000" text="Name:" /> <item id="4001" text="Image URL:" /> <item id="4002" text="Reload every:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="ScriptBotProp" caption="Properties"> <item id="4000" text="Name:" /> <item id="4001" text="Author:" /> <item id="4002" text="Images folder:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="PicturesFolderProp" caption="Properties"> <item id="251" text="Use images from subfolders" /> <item id="4002" text="Folder:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="DiskMonTicketProp" caption="Properties"> <item id="4000" text="Drive:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="NetTicketProp" caption="Properties"> <item id="272" text="Scale" /> <item id="273" text="Total" /> <item id="274" text="Sent" /> <item id="275" text="Received" /> <item id="4000" text="Interface:" /> <item id="4001" text="Maximum speed:" /> <item id="4002" text="Display traffic:" /> </dialog> <dialog id="CorrespondentProp" caption="Properties"> <item id="4000" text="Correspondent:" /> <item id="4001" text="Scan folders:" /> </dialog> </dialogs> <messages> <msg id="start" val="Sidebar" /> <msg id="calendar" val="Calendar" /> <msg id="calendar_desc" val="This panel displays appointments from Outlook Calendar" /> <msg id="clock" val="Clock" /> <msg id="clock_desc" val="This panel displays current date and time" /> <msg id="traybar" val="Tray Icons" /> <msg id="traybar_desc" val="This panel displays tray icons" /> <msg id="taskbar" val="Applications" /> <msg id="taskbar_desc" val="This panel displays applications" /> <msg id="diskmon" val="Disk Monitor" /> <msg id="diskmon_desc" val="This panel displays amount of free space on each drive" /> <msg id="inbox" val="Mail Folder" /> <msg id="inbox_desc" val="This panel displays messages from a mail folder" /> <msg id="smartinbox" val="Inbox" /> <msg id="smartinbox_desc" val="This panel displays messages from Outlook" /> <msg id="mediaplayer" val="Media Player" /> <msg id="mediaplayer_desc" val="This panel lets you control Microsoft Media Player from Sidebar" /> <msg id="perfmon" val="Performance" /> <msg id="perfmon_desc" val="This panel displays a dynamic overview of your computer's performance" /> <msg id="messenger" val="Messenger" /> <msg id="messenger_desc" val="This panel displays your online contacts from Microsoft Messenger" /> <msg id="notes" val="Notes" /> <msg id="notes_desc" val="This panel displays content of Outlook Notes folder" /> <msg id="tasks" val="Tasks" /> <msg id="tasks_desc" val="This panel displays list of tasks from Outlook" /> <msg id="newspanel" val="Newsroom" /> <msg id="newspanel_desc" val="This panel is a web news reader" /> <msg id="toolbar" val="Toolbar" /> <msg id="toolbar_desc" val="This panel displays icons you can click to quickly open programs" /> <msg id="stack" val="Stack Group" /> <msg id="stack_desc" val="This panel lets you organize other panels in stack with tabs" /> <msg id="tile" val="Tile Group" /> <msg id="tile_desc" val="This panel lets you organize other panels tiled side by side" /> <msg id="cmdline" val="Command Line" /> <msg id="cmdline_desc" val="This panel allows searching internet from the sidebar" /> <msg id="weather" val="Weather" /> <msg id="weather_desc" val="This panel displays a weather forecast" /> <msg id="winamp" val="WinAmp" /> <msg id="winamp_desc" val="This panel lets you control WinAmp from Sidebar" /> <msg id="stocktracker" val="Stock Panel" /> <msg id="stocktracker_desc" val="This panel displays stock quotes" /> <msg id="mailchecker" val="Mail Checker" /> <msg id="mailchecker_desc" val="This panel is POP3 Mail Checker" /> <msg id="slideshow" val="Slideshow" /> <msg id="slideshow_desc" val="This panel displays images slideshow on Sidebar" /> <msg id="volumecontrol" val="Volume Control" /> <msg id="volumecontrol_desc" val="This panel let you control volume of sound from Sidebar" /> <msg id="mirandaim" val="Miranda IM" /> <msg id="mirandaim_desc" val="This panel displays your online contacts from Miranda Instant Messenger" /> <msg id="system_cat" val="System" /> <msg id="media_cat" val="Media" /> <msg id="news_cat" val="News" /> <msg id="communication_cat" val="Communication" /> <msg id="outlook_cat" val="Outlook Panels" /> <msg id="groups_cat" val="Groups Panels" /> <msg id="1" val="Download" /> <msg id="2" val="Connecting to %1" /> <msg id="3" val="Downloading %1 from %2.\r\n%3 of %4 copied" /> <msg id="4" val="Version %1.%2 Build %3" /> <msg id="5" val="This program is FREEWARE!\r\n\r\nHomepage: %1\r\nForums: %5\r\nE-mail: %2\r\n\r\nThanks to all users who helped improve Desktop Sidebar by testing, sending comments or making suggestions.\r\n\r\nSpecial thanks to: %3 and to %4" /> <msg id="8" val="You have the latest version of Sidebar" /> <msg id="9" val="Cannot download information about the latest available version." /> <msg id="11" val="MAPI Message Store is not available\r\nCannot open default MAPI Message Store. Probably Microsoft Outlook is not installed or is not configured.\r\n\r\nSidebar requires version of Outlook which is part of Microsoft Office and Sidebar cannot use Outlook Express which is a part of Microsoft Windows." /> <msg id="12" val="Cannot open MAPI folder %1" /> <msg id="13" val="No upcoming items" /> <msg id="14" val="Used space: " /> <msg id="15" val="Free space: " /> <msg id="16" val="Stopped" /> <msg id="17" val="Paused" /> <msg id="18" val="Ready" /> <msg id="19" val="Player is not available\r\nProbably Windows Media Player 9.0 is not installed.\r\n\r\nSidebar requires Windows Media Player 9.0 or better. You can download free copy of Windows Media Player from <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/9series/player.asp">Microsoft Web Site</a>" /> <msg id="20" val="Click here to sign in" /> <msg id="21" val="Messenger is not available\r\nProbably Windows Messenger or MSN Messenger is not installed.\r\n\r\nYou can download free copy of MSN Messenger from <a href="http://messenger.microsoft.com">Microsoft Web Site</a>" /> <msg id="22" val="Cannot create panel %1.\r\n%2" /> <msg id="24" val="Cannot download newsfeed from %1.\r\n%2" /> <msg id="25" val="Cannot add channel. Probably it is KlipFolio v2.0 klip. Desktop Sidebar supports only KlipFolio v1.0 klips.\r\n\r\n%1\r\n<a href="%2">Click here to see channel file</a>" /> <msg id="26" val="Cannot import channels from directory.\r\n\r\n%1\r\n<a href="%2">Click here to see directory file</a>" /> <msg id="27" val="Description: %1\r\nHomepage:<a href="%4">%4</a>\r\nLanguage: %5\r\nFormat: %2\r\nLink: %3" /> <msg id="28" val="Channels from <a href="%2">%1</a>" /> <msg id="29" val="In order to select channels at Klip Farm you have to make Sidebar the default klip viewer.\r\n\r\nDo you want to make Sidebar the default klip viewer?" /> <msg id="30" val="Choose from %1 directory" /> <msg id="31" val="Cannot download channels directory from %1.\r\n%2" /> <msg id="32" val="Default Calendar" /> <msg id="33" val="Options" /> <msg id="34" val="Default Inbox" /> <msg id="35" val="Default Notes Folder" /> <msg id="36" val="Default Tasks Folder" /> <msg id="37" val="You have to be online to select contacts to display" /> <msg id="38" val="Messenger is not available" /> <msg id="39" val="Select channels on <a href="%1">Klip Farm</a>. Please note that Sidebar supports only KlipFolio v1.0 klips" /> <msg id="40" val="Enter rss newsfeed url" /> <msg id="41" val="Select channels at Klip Farm" /> <msg id="43" val="Offline" /> <msg id="44" val="Online" /> <msg id="45" val="Busy" /> <msg id="46" val="Idle" /> <msg id="47" val="Away" /> <msg id="48" val="Be right back" /> <msg id="49" val="On the phone" /> <msg id="50" val="Out to lunch" /> <msg id="51" val="Click here to see server response" /> <msg id="52" val="Unknown newsfeed format.\r\n%1" /> <msg id="53" val="Click here to add new panel" /> <msg id="56" val="Do you want to start %1 panel?" /> <msg id="57" val="Sidebar has encountered a problem while launching %1 panel.\r\n\r\nDo you want to start this panel?" /> <msg id="58" val="Tonight" /> <msg id="59" val="Forecast for %1" /> <msg id="60" val="Please select location" /> <msg id="61" val="Cannot check if forecast for this location is available. Do you want to continue?" /> <msg id="62" val="Weather forecast is not available for this location. Please select other location." /> <msg id="63" val="Click here to see details" /> <msg id="64" val="No Online Contacts" /> <msg id="65" val="Please select a toolbar's folder" /> <msg id="66" val="Click to add a new channel" /> <msg id="67" val="Unknown folder type: %1" /> <msg id="68" val="Inbox" /> <msg id="69" val="Outbox" /> <msg id="70" val="Sent Items" /> <msg id="71" val="Outlook" /> <msg id="72" val="You have a new message:\r\n%1\r\n%2" /> <msg id="73" val="Unread" /> <msg id="74" val="Today" /> <msg id="75" val="Yesterday" /> <msg id="76" val="Correspondent: %1" /> <msg id="77" val="AutoCorrespondent: %1" /> <msg id="78" val="Folder: %1" /> <msg id="79" val="Are you sure you want remove selected views?" /> <msg id="80" val="Favorite Folder" /> <msg id="81" val="Favorite Correspondent" /> <msg id="82" val="AutoCorrespondent " /> <msg id="83" val="Please select only one correspondent." /> <msg id="84" val="To:" /> <msg id="85" val="%1 by %2" /> <msg id="86" val="Correspondent" /> <msg id="87" val="Today" /> <msg id="88" val="MAPI Message Store is not available\r\nCannot open default MAPI Message Store. Probably Microsoft Outlook is not installed or is not configured.\r\n\r\nSidebar requires Microsoft Outlook 2000 or Microsoft Outlook XP." /> <msg id="89" val="Bulk Mail" /> <msg id="90" val="%1 (translated by %2)" /> <msg id="91" val="Loading..." /> <msg id="92" val="%1 is trading at\r\n%2 up %3" /> <msg id="93" val="%1 is trading at\r\n%2 down %3" /> <msg id="94" val="Click here to see details" /> <msg id="95" val="Quotes has changed:\r\n%1" /> <msg id="96" val="Yesterday" /> <msg id="97" val="Today" /> <msg id="98" val="Tomorrow" /> <msg id="99" val="Cannot install WinAmp integration plugin to %1.\r\n\r\n%2" /> <msg id="100" val="Cannot run WinAmp. Error %1 when executing %2" /> <msg id="101" val="Please select path to WinAmp in Panel Properties" /> <msg id="102" val="Cannot connect to WinAmp. Please restart WinAmp and if problem persist please check your WinAmp installation" /> <msg id="103" val="Please note that all quotes are delayed. <a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/sd">Click here to see details about delay times</a>" /> <msg id="104" val="Server response:\r\n\r\n%1" /> <msg id="105" val="Cannot login to account. Please check user name and password.\r\nServer response:\r\n%1" /> <msg id="106" val="Cannot login to account. Please check user name and password.\r\nServer response:\r\n%1\r\n\r\nDo you want to continue?" /> <msg id="107" val="Please enter server name" /> <msg id="108" val="Please enter user name" /> <msg id="109" val="Please enter password" /> <msg id="110" val="Please enter path to your email program in the panel properties." /> <msg id="111" val="You have a new message:\r\n%1\r\n%2" /> <msg id="112" val="You have %1 new messages:" /> <msg id="113" val="Connection to %1 was completed successfully at %2.\r\nServer response: %3" /> <msg id="114" val="Last connection to %1 at %2 reported error:\r\n%3" /> <msg id="115" val="Account: %2 Size: %1 " /> <msg id="116" val="Junk Mail" /> <msg id="117" val="Now" /> <msg id="118" val="UV Index:" /> <msg id="119" val="Humidity:" /> <msg id="120" val="Visibility:" /> <msg id="121" val="Pressure:" /> <msg id="122" val="Wind:" /> <msg id="123" val="Temperature:" /> <msg id="124" val="Click here to add accounts" /> <msg id="125" val="Enter html page url" /> <msg id="126" val="Display as web page" /> <msg id="127" val="Convert HTML to headlines with JScript" /> <msg id="128" val="Convert HTML to headlines with external application" /> <msg id="129" val="Convert HTML to headlines with regular expressions" /> <msg id="130" val=" // this sample script to convert HTML to RSS\r\n var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");\r\n var f = fso.OpenTextFile(sourcePath, 1, false);\r\n while (!f.AtEndOfStream)\r\n {\r\n var re = new RegExp("<a class=c1n href=\"([^\"]+)\">([^<]+)</a>");\r\n if (re.exec(f.ReadLine())!=null)\r\n {\r\n sidebar.AddHeadline(RegExp.$2,RegExp.$1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n f.Close();\r\n " /> <msg id="133" val="<a href="http://www.boost.org/libs/regex/syntax.htm">Tell me more about regular expressions</a>" /> <msg id="134" val="This channel is already added" /> <msg id="135" val="Cannot add channel from %1. Invalid file format: %2" /> <msg id="136" val="Disabled" /> <msg id="137" val="Slide" /> <msg id="138" val="Fade" /> <msg id="139" val="Add" /> <msg id="140" val="Edit" /> <msg id="141" val="Remove" /> <msg id="142" val="Sort" /> <msg id="143" val="Please mark channels to add with checkbox" /> <msg id="144" val="Cannot create regular expression automatically. Please select bigger part of HTML with headline and surrounding tags or enter expression manually" /> <msg id="145" val="Please enter sample headline or select part of HTML with headline and surrounding tags" /> <msg id="146" val="Looking for a newsfeed on %1" /> <msg id="147" val="Please wait..." /> <msg id="148" val="Please enter regular expression used to filter headlines from HTML" /> <msg id="149" val="The specified text was not found" /> <msg id="150" val="%1 from %2 (%3)" /> <msg id="151" val="No tasks" /> <msg id="152" val="Account: %1" /> <msg id="153" val="Sort by due date" /> <msg id="154" val="Sort by subject" /> <msg id="155" val="Alert Preview" /> <msg id="156" val="Most active applications" /> <msg id="157" val="Swap file usage" /> <msg id="158" val="Memory usage" /> <msg id="159" val="Disk activity" /> <msg id="160" val="CPU" /> <msg id="161" val="Network activity: %1" /> <msg id="162" val="Newspaper" /> <msg id="163" val="%1 - Sent: %2 Recv: %3" /> <msg id="164" val="Cannot launch: "%1 %2"\r\n\r\n%3" /> <msg id="165" val="Cannot load plugin %1.\r\n\r\n%2" /> <msg id="166" val="Downloading %1..." /> <msg id="167" val="Network activity graph: %1" /> <msg id="168" val="Folder" /> <msg id="169" val="Show every picture for: %1 s" /> <msg id="170" val="Change : %1 hours and %2 minutes" /> <msg id="171" val="More slideshows..." /> <msg id="172" val="%1 by %2" /> <msg id="173" val="None" /> <msg id="174" val="Slide" /> <msg id="175" val="Fade" /> <msg id="176" val="URL" /> <msg id="177" val="hours" /> <msg id="178" val="minutes" /> <msg id="179" val="seconds" /> <msg id="180" val="Network activity" /> <msg id="181" val="Network activity graph" /> <msg id="182" val="Disk usage" /> <msg id="183" val="Disk usage: %1" /> <msg id="184" val="More panels..." /> <msg id="185" val="Cannot install plugin: %1\r\nError: %2" /> <msg id="186" val="This panel requires Windows 2000 or Windows XP" /> <msg id="187" val="Cannot start: %1" /> <msg id="188" val="The new version %1.%2 Build %3 is available. %4\r\n\r\nDo you want to upgrade Sidebar to the this version?" /> <msg id="189" val="The new version %1.%2 Build %3 is available.\r\nPlease note that this is a beta build and it may contain bugs. Use at your own risk.\r\n%4\r\n\r\nDo you want to upgrade Sidebar to the this version?" /> <msg id="190" val="This build includes:\r\n%1" /> <msg id="191" val="Desktop Sidebar cannot check the latest version because upgrading to newer version is in progress. Please try again later" /> <msg id="192" val="Folder" /> <msg id="193" val="Quick Launch" /> <msg id="194" val="My Documents" /> <msg id="195" val="My Pictures" /> <msg id="196" val="My Music" /> <msg id="197" val="Favorites" /> <msg id="198" val="Recent Documents" /> <msg id="199" val="System Buttons" /> <msg id="200" val="Fill" /> <msg id="201" val="Outline" /> <msg id="202" val="Text" /> <msg id="203" val="Parameters" /> <msg id="300" val="(Empty)" /> <msg id="301" val="Click here to change city" /> <msg id="302" val="h\t12 Hour" /> <msg id="303" val="hh\t12 Hour (leading zero)" /> <msg id="304" val="H\t24 hour" /> <msg id="305" val="HH\t24 hour (leading zero)" /> <msg id="306" val="m\tMinute" /> <msg id="307" val="mm\tMinute (leading zero)" /> <msg id="308" val="s\tSecond" /> <msg id="309" val="ss\tSecond (leading zero)" /> <msg id="310" val="%1\tDefault time separator" /> <msg id="311" val="t\tAM\PM symbol (first letter)" /> <msg id="312" val="tt\tAM\PM symbol (whole symbol)" /> <msg id="313" val="yyyy\tYear" /> <msg id="314" val="yy\tYear" /> <msg id="315" val="MMMM\tMonth" /> <msg id="316" val="MMM\tMonth" /> <msg id="317" val="MM\tMonth (leading zero)" /> <msg id="318" val="M\tMonth" /> <msg id="319" val="dddd\tDay" /> <msg id="320" val="ddd\tDay" /> <msg id="321" val="dd\tDay (leading zero)" /> <msg id="322" val="d\tDay" /> <msg id="323" val="%1\tDefault date separator" /> <msg id="324" val="\tDefault format" /> <msg id="325" val="\\n\tNew line" /> <msg id="326" val="\tTime\\nDay\\nDate" /> <msg id="327" val="Export Channels" /> <msg id="328" val="Import Channels" /> <msg id="329" val="Cannot import channels from: %1\r\n%2" /> <msg id="330" val="day" /> <msg id="331" val="night" /> <msg id="332" val="Sunrise" /> <msg id="333" val="Sunset" /> <msg id="334" val="Last updated" /> <msg id="335" val="Weather Panel has to configure connection. Internet Explorer will be started. Please allow it to:\r\n - write cookies\r\n - display pop-up windows" /> <msg id="336" val="Are you sure that you want to permanently delete all messages?" /> <msg id="337" val="Tmrw night" /> <msg id="338" val="Plug-in %1 is not compatible with current version of Desktop Sidebar and can cause problems.\r\n\r\nDo you want to load this plugin?" /> <msg id="339" val="Miranda IM is not available\r\nProbably Miranda IM is not installed.\r\n\r\nYou can download free copy of Miranda IM from <a href="http://www.miranda-im.org">Miranda Instant Messenger Web Site</a>\r\n\r\nTo connect to Miranda IM please use option 'Attach' from context menu." /> <msg id="341" val="%1 slideshow has been successfully added to Slideshow Panel" /> <msg id="342" val="Cannot import %1 slideshow.\r\nError: %2" /> <msg id="343" val="Cannot install package: %1\r\nError: %2" /> <msg id="344" val="Package %1 installed successfully" /> <msg id="345" val="Cannot connect to Miranda IM. Probably Desktop Sidebar Plugin is not installed in Miranda IM Plugins folder.\r\n\r\nMiranda IM panel requires this plugin. Do you want to install this plugin to Miranda IM Plugins folder?" /> <msg id="346" val="Cannot copy Desktop Sidebar Plugin to Miranda IM Plugins folder.\r\n\r\nPlease try to copy mimdsidebar.dll from '%1' to Miranda IM Plugins folder '%2'." /> <msg id="347" val="Desktop Sidebar Plugin was succesfully copied to Miranda IM Plugins folder.\r\nPlease check in Miranda Options that you have enabled Desktop Sidebar Plugin and restart Miranda IM." /> <msg id="348" val="Cannot connect to Miranda IM. Probably Miranda IM is not installed or not configured correctly.\r\n\r\nYou can download free copy of Miranda IM from http://www.miranda-im.org\r\n\r\nIf problem persists please try to copy Desktop Sidebar Plugin (mimdsidebar.dll) from %1 to Miranda IM Plugins folder(in most cases it is 'C:\Program Files\Miranda IM\Plugins')" /> <msg id="349" val="Download more skins" /> <msg id="350" val="Some performance counters required by this panel are disabled.\r\n\r\nDo you want to enable these performance counters?" /> <msg id="351" val="Cannot enable performance counters.\r\n%1" /> <msg id="352" val="You cannot refresh this newsfeed more often than every %1 minutes" /> <msg id="353" val="Miranda IM is not available\r\n\r\nProbably Desktop Sidebar Plugin is not installed in Miranda IM Plugins folder.\r\n\r\nTo connect to Miranda IM please use option 'Attach' from context menu." /> <msg id="354" val="Miranda IM is not available\r\n\r\nProbably Miranda IM is not running. Please run Miranda IM.\r\n\r\nIf problem persists please check in Miranda Options that you have enabled Desktop Sidebar Plugin and restart Miranda IM.\r\n\r\nTo connect to Miranda IM please use option 'Attach' from context menu." /> <msg id="355" val="Miranda IM is not available\r\n\r\nPlease check in Miranda Options that you have enabled Desktop Sidebar Plugin and restart Miranda IM.\r\n\r\nTo connect to Miranda IM please use option 'Attach' from context menu." /> <msg id="356" val="Visualization can work incorrectly if sidebar is in transparent mode" /> <msg id="357" val="Desktop Sidebar has retracted to the side off the screen.\r\n\r\nIn order to show Desktop Sidebar again please move your mouse pointer to the edge of the screen and wait a moment." /> <msg id="358" val="Don't show me this message again" /> <msg id="359" val="Sort by priority" /> <msg id="360" val="%1 incorporates compression code by the <a href="http://www.info-zip.org">Info-ZIP group</a> See license.txt for details"/> <msg id="800" val="unknown function %1" /> <msg id="801" val="missing ')'" /> <msg id="802" val="'(' expected" /> <msg id="803" val="unexpected token" /> <msg id="804" val="division by zero" /> <msg id="805" val="%1 removed" /> <msg id="806" val="unknown variable %1" /> <msg id="810" val="Calculator" /> <msg id="811" val="= expression to evaluate" /> <msg id="812" val="= 5+6*2+2*(11*3) - evaluate expression" /> <msg id="813" val="= x=3 - define variable" /> <msg id="814" val="= x= - remove variable" /> <msg id="815" val="= f(x)=2*x+3 - define function" /> <msg id="816" val="= ? - show defined functions and variables" /> <msg id="817" val="= cls - clear calculator" /> <msg id="818" val="= hex - displays result in hex" /> <msg id="2000" val="Where the From line contains {people}" /> <msg id="2001" val="Where the From line does not contain {people}" /> <msg id="2002" val="Where the Subject line contains {specific word}" /> <msg id="2003" val="Where the Subject line does not contain {specific word}" /> <msg id="2004" val="Where the message body contains {specific word}" /> <msg id="2005" val="Where the message body does not contain {specific word}" /> <msg id="2006" val="Where the message is marked as spam mail" /> <msg id="2007" val="Where the message is not marked as spam mail" /> <msg id="2008" val="Where the message is marked as bulk mail" /> <msg id="2009" val="Where the message is not marked as bulk mail" /> <msg id="2010" val="Where the message is from the {specified} account" /> <msg id="2011" val="Where the message size is larger than {size}" /> <msg id="2012" val="Where the message is not from the {specified} account" /> <msg id="2013" val="Where the message has attachment with {specified} extension" /> <msg id="2100" val="Mark it as spam mail" /> <msg id="2101" val="Mark it as bulk mail" /> <msg id="2102" val="Delete it" /> <msg id="2103" val="Display an alert" /> <msg id="2104" val="Activate panel" /> <msg id="2105" val="Stop processing more rules" /> <msg id="2106" val="Mark it as large mail" /> <msg id="2107" val="Display an alert with {custom} message" /> <msg id="2108" val="Play a {sound}" /> <msg id="2109" val="Run a mail client" /> <msg id="2110" val="Start {application}" /> <msg id="2111" val="Mark it" /> <msg id="2112" val="Switch to channel" /> <msg id="2200" val="and" /> <msg id="2201" val="or" /> <msg id="2202" val="Apply this rule after the message arrives\r\n%1%2" /> <msg id="2203" val="Add new rule..." /> <msg id="2300" val="This rule will be applied to every message you receive. Is this correct?" /> <msg id="2301" val="You must select at least one action from the list to create rule." /> <msg id="2302" val="Please enter rule name." /> <msg id="2303" val="rule%1" /> <msg id="2304" val="Some information is missing or incomplete. Please check if you specified all data in Rules Description" /> <msg id="2310" val="Activate panel when new mail arrives" /> <msg id="2311" val="Show alert window when new mail arrives" /> <msg id="2312" val="Mark large messages" /> <msg id="2313" val="Play a sound when new mail arrives" /> <msg id="2400" val="Where the headline contains {specific word}" /> <msg id="2401" val="Where the headline does not contain {specific word}" /> <msg id="2402" val="Where the headline is {specific word}" /> <msg id="2403" val="Where the headline is not {specific word}" /> <msg id="2404" val="Where the headline is from the {specified} channel" /> <msg id="2405" val="Where the headline is not from the {specified} channel" /> <msg id="2406" val="Where news contains {specific word}" /> <msg id="2407" val="Where news does not contain {specific word}" /> <msg id="2450" val="Activate panel after downloading a new headline" /> <msg id="2451" val="Remove noise - Customize this feed" /> <msg id="2452" val="Remove noise - neowin.net" /> <msg id="2453" val="Show alert after downloading a new headline" /> <msg id="2454" val="Play a sound after downloading a new headline" /> <msg id="2455" val="Mark headlines about Longhorn" /> <msg id="2456" val="Activate channel after downloading a new headline" /> <msg id="3000" val="Tagged Expression 1" /> <msg id="3001" val="Tagged Expression 2" /> <msg id="3002" val="Tagged Expression 3" /> <msg id="3003" val="Tagged Expression 4" /> <msg id="3004" val="Tagged Expression 5" /> <msg id="3010" val=".\tAny single character" /> <msg id="3011" val="*\tZero or more" /> <msg id="3012" val="+\tOne or more" /> <msg id="3013" val="?\tZero or one" /> <msg id="3014" val="[ ]\tAny one character in the set" /> <msg id="3015" val="[^ ]\tAny one character not in the set" /> <msg id="3016" val="( )\tTag expression" /> <msg id="3017" val="\\w\tWord" /> <msg id="3018" val="\\d\tDigit" /> <msg id="3019" val="\\s\tSpace" /> <msg id="3020" val="\tLink" /> <msg id="3021" val="[^>]*\tTag interior" /> <msg id="3022" val="\tTag" /> <msg id="3023" val="^\tBeginning of line" /> <msg id="3024" val="$\tEnd of line" /> <msg id="3025" val="\\r\\n\tLine break" /> </messages> </root>