TRIBES no longer filters OpenGL drivers that return the name "GDI Generic." This means that if you do not have the proper
drivers installed, TRIBES will use the software implementation provided by Microsoft. If you notice that your application
is running unreasonably slow, first try checking that your desktop resolution is set to 16 bits. Next, make sure that you
have the correct drivers. This should resolve the problem.
If problems occur while running in windowed mode, changing the color depth may help. To change to 16-bit color, right-click
on your Windows Desktop and choose Properties from the pop-up menu that appears. Choose the Settings tab in the dialog box;
it should be the one furthest to the right. Select the Color pull-down menu and choose 16-bit color. Remember that you may
have to reduce your screen resolution if you are raising the color setting.
Section 4: OpenGL with Windows 95
Some early versions of Windows 95 shipped without OpenGL support. Microsoft released a patch
to address this problem. Point your web browser at
to download the patch.
Section 5: Other Troubleshooting
The following are steps that can be taken to help correct non-game specific issues, such as
random game crashes or performance problems.
1. Verify you have sufficient hard drive space to install the program. Go to My Computer and
right click on the drive to which you will install the game. Select Properties from the pop-
up menu that appears. You should see a Free Space listing; make sure that it shows that you
have enough free space to properly install the game. The System Requirements Label on the
bottom of you product box will have this information.
2. Make sure that all non-vital programs are closed when you run TRIBES. To check what
programs are active, hold down the CTRL and ALT keys on your keyboard and press the DEL key.
This will bring up a dialog box called Close Programs. Generally, any program listed here
besides Explorer and Systray is non-vital and should be closed before running TRIBES. To
close a program, highlight it and click on the End Task button. You will need to repeat this
process for each listed program. If a program will not shut down by this method, you may have
to consult the documentation for that program for instructions on shutting it down. (Note:
This is not a permanent change to your computer. Simply rebooting will re-activate all of
the programs that you have shut down.)
3. Run a thorough Scandisk on your hard drive. You can run ScanDisk by clicking on the Start
button and selecting Programs. Inside the Accessories there will be a System Tools group
containing ScanDisk. Once you have clicked on ScanDisk, select the drive to scan and put the
dot in the Thorough option. Then click on the Start button. This will probably take at least
half an hour and as long as several hours. ScanDisk will locate errors on the hard drive and
attempt to fix these errors. (Note: Always back up any critical information on your system
before running Scandisk. If you have errors in the data on your hard drive, Scandisk will
fix them by deleting the corrupted data. After this deletion occurs, some programs on your computer may quit functioning. In this event, you will want to remove and reinstall those affected programs. If you need assistance with that process, you will want to contact the manufacturer of the particular program.)
4. Try using a boot disk to prevent real mode device drivers from loading. Put a blank,
high-density diskette in your A: drive. Then, open the My Computer icon from the desktop and
highlight the icon for Drive A: Right-click on the icon and choose Format. In the resulting
dialog box, make sure there are checks in the boxes for "Full" and "Copy System Files".
Click on OK to start the process. Once the disk is formatted, double-click on the icon for
the C: drive in My Computer. Look for the file called MSDOS.SYS in the list of files. If you
cannot find it, click on the View menu, choose Options and then the View tab. Make sure "Show
all files" is checked and "Hide MS DOS file extensions" is not checked. Once you've found the
MSDOS.SYS file, right-click on it and choose Send To 3 ½ Floppy (A). You will be
prompted to replace an existing file - click on OK. Once you've done this, reboot your
system with the disk in the A: drive.
5. If you are still having problems at this point, try doing a clean installation of the game.
Run SETUP from the root directory of your TRIBES CD and choose to uninstall the game. Reboot
your computer with the boot disk that you created in step 4. Close all programs as listed in
step 2. Then run SETUP from your TRIBES CD again and reinstall the game.
For further information, see the TRIBES webpage at
X. Contact Information
Customer Service, Support, and Sales
United States
U.S.A. Sales Phone: (800) 757-7707
International Sales: (425) 746-5771
Hours: Monday-Saturday 7AM to 11 PM CST,
Sundays 8 AM to 9PM CST
FAX: (402) 393-3224
Sierra Direct
7100 W. Center Rd
STE 301
Omaha, NE 68106
United Kingdom
Havas International
Main: (0118) 920-9111
Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fax: (0118) 987-5603
Disk/CD replacements in the U.K. are ú6.00,
or ú7.00 outside the UK. Add "ATTN.: Returns."
2 Beacontree Plaza,
Gillette Way,
Reading, Berkshire
RG2 0BS United Kingdom
Havas International
Phone: (01) 46-01-46-50
Lundi au Jeudi de 10h α 19h
Vendredi 10h α 18h
Fax: (01) 46-30-00-65
Parc Tertiaire de Meudon
Immeuble "Le Newton"
25 rue Jeanne Braconnier
92366 Meudon La ForΩt Cedex
Havas International
Tel: (0) 6103-99-40-40
Montag bis Freitag von 9h - 19Uhr
Fax: (0) 6103-99-40-35
Robert-Bosh-Str. 32
D-63303 Dreieich
On-Line Sales
CompuServe United Kingdom:GO UKSIERRA
CompuServe France: GO FRSIERRA
CompuServe Germany: GO DESIERRA
Internet USA:
Internet United Kingdom:
Internet France:
Internet Germany:
Disk and or Manual Replacement
Product Returns:
Sierra On-Line Returns
4100 West 190th Street
Torrance, CA 90504
Sierra On-Line Fulfillment
4100 West 190th Street
Torrance, CA 90504
NOTE: To replace your disk(s) please send only Disk #1 (or the CD) and copy of your dated
Receipt, if less then 90 days. After 90 days please include a $10 handling fee along with
Disk / CD #1. For Documentation, please include a $ 5.00 handling fee and a photocopy ONLY
of disk #1. Payment should be made at the time of your request. Sorry, no credit cards.
* Returns to this address valid in North America only.
XI: Technical Support
North America
Sierra On-Line offers a 24-hour automated technical support line with recorded answers to
the most frequently asked technical questions. To access this service, call (425) 644-4343,
and follow the recorded instructions to find your specific topic and resolve the issue. If
this fails to solve your problem, you may still write, or fax us with your questions, or
contact us via our Web site.
Sierra On-Line
Technical Support
P.O. Box 85006
Bellevue, WA 98015-8506
Main: (425) 644-4343
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.- 4:45 p.m. PST
Fax: (425) 644-7697
United Kingdom
Havas International offers a 24-hour Automated Technical Support line
with recorded answers to the most frequently asked technical questions. To access this
service, call (0118) 920-9111, and follow the recorded instructions to find your specific
topic and resolve the issue. If this fails to solve your problem, you may still write, or
fax us with your questions, or contact us via our Internet or CompuServe sites.
Havas International
2 Beacontree Plaza,
Gillette Way,
Reading, Berkshire
RG2 0BS United Kingdom
Main: (0118) 920-9111
Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fax: (0118) 987-5603
Havas International
Parc Tertiaire de Meudon
Immeuble "Le Newton"
25 rue Jeanne Braconnier
92366 Meudon La ForΩt Cedex
TΘlΘphone: 01-46-01-46-50
Lundi au Jeudi de 10h α 19h
Vendredi de 10h α 18h
Fax: 01-46-30-00-65
Havas International
Robert-Bosh-Str. 32
D-63303 Dreieich
Tel: (0) 6103-99-40-40
Montag bis Freitag von 9 - 19Uhr
Fax: (0) 6103-99-40-35
Mailbox: (0) 6103-99-40-35
Havas International
Avenida de Burgos 9
28036 Madrid
TelΘfono: (01) 383-2623
Lunes a Viernes de 9h30 a 14h y de 15h a 18h30
Fax: (01) 381-2437
Contattare il vostro distribotore.
XII: Warranty and Legal Information
Sierra's end user license agreement, limited warranty and return policy is set forth in the
EULA.txt, found on the CD, and is also available during the install of the product.