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Text File | 1996-01-01 | 49.7 KB | 1,164 lines
--------------------------------------- RMT PLAYER v1.07 by Radek Sterba, raster/c.p.u., 2006-9 --------------------------------------- This program allows playing of *.RMT (Raster Music Tracker) song files on Atari XE/XL computers. It is possible to play mono and stereo module files with instrument speed up to 4 times per frame. Program supports PAL/NTSC systems, playing speed is adjusted to 50Hz always (on PAL also on NTSC systems). Keyboard shortcuts: ESC - exit to DOS D - device Dx: H - device Hx: (for Atari emu only) 1..9 - device number 0 - device D: (or H:) directly SPACE - refresh directory CURSOR ARROWS - select song file TAB - manual entering Device:Fname RETURN - play selected song file If music is playing: ESC - stop playing song file 1-9,A-Z - play subsong (if exists) SPACE - play next song file RETURN - turn on/off autoplay mode In autoplay mode the next song file will be played after 5 minutes or after 5 seconds of silence. While music is playing there are showed some info items on the screen: FILENAME or SONG INFOTEXT Volume analyzer AUTOPL - if autoplay is turned on 1/1 - subsong / number of subsongs 4CH/8CH - mono or stereo 50-200Hz - instrument speed Size X - file size (decimal value) --------------------------------------- http://raster.atari.org --------------------------------------- ************************************************************************ RASTER MUSIC TRACKER - RMT by Radek Sterba, Raster/C.P.U., 2002-2008 http://raster.atari.org ************************************************************************ RMT [Raster Music Tracker] MULTITIMBRAL INSTRUMENT - MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function | Recognized | Remarks ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------- Basic Default | 2-9 | 2-5 = L1-L4 , 6-9 = R1-R4 Channel Changed | x | (Channel 1 is reserved for edit) ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------- Mode Default | Mode 4 | Messages | x | Altered | x | ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------- Note | 36-96 | RMT notes from C-1 to C-6 Number : True voice | 36-96 | ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------- Velocity Note ON | o 9nH,v=1-127 | RMT volume = v / 8 Note OFF | x 9nH,v=0 8nH,v=xx | ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------- After Key's | x | Touch Ch's | x | ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------- Pitch Bend | x | ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------- Control | x | Change | x | ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------- Prog | o 0-63 | RMT instruments 00-3F Change : True # | o 0-63 | ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------- System exclusive | x | ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------- Common : Song Pos. | x | Song Sel. | x | Tune | x | ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------- System : Clock | x | Real Time: Commands | x | ----------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------- Aux : LocalON/OFF| x | Messages : ResetAllCtr| o (121) | Silence + Reinit of RMT routine : AllNotesOFF| o (123) | Note OFF : ActiveSense| x | : SystemReset| o | Silence + Reinit of RMT routine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mode 1: OMNI ON, POLY Mode 2: OMNI ON, MONO o: Yes Mode 3: OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 4: OMNI OFF, MONO x: No ************************************************************************ RASTER MUSIC TRACKER - RMT by Radek Sterba, Raster/C.P.U., 2002-2009 http://raster.atari.org ************************************************************************ About: RASTER Music Tracker (RMT) is a cross-platform tool for making Atari XE/XL music on PC (OS Win9x). RMT uses new Atari XE/XL music routines of my own - I developed them for a very long time and I hope it will be small revolution for all Atari musicians and fans. Disclaimer: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. AUTHOR DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE, OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE, OR THE RESULTS OF USE, OF THE SOFTWARE OR WRITTEN MATERIALS IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS, OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU. Credits: Bob!k/C.P.U. JirkaS/C.P.U. Main features: * Mono 4 tracks / stereo 8 tracks. * 254 tracks, each with its own length (256 beats max.) and with support for track loop. * 64 instruments (stereo, instrument table up to 32 steps - 2 types and 2 modes with loop, instrument envelope up to 32 steps with loop, portamento, filter, 16bit bass, volumeáslide, volumeáminimum, vibrato, frequency shifting, etc.).Fully automatic management of AUDCTL register (filters, 16bit basses) and/or manual AUDCTL settings. * Support for "volume only" forced output. * Note portamento up/down effect. * Instrument envelope commands for note/frequency shifting and support for special "like a C64 SID chip" filtering. * Up to 256 lines for song (with "goto line" support). * Beat speed 1 to 255 (1/50 to 255/50 sec). * Instrument speed from 1 to 4 per screen (up to 1/200 sec). * Main input/output song file format: RMT song files (*.rmt). * Input/output instrument file format: RMT instrument files (*.rti). * Export formats: RMT stripped song file (*.rmt), SAP file (*.sap), XEX Atari executable MSX file (*.xex), ASM simple notation source (*.asm). * Import formats: ProTracker modules (*.mod), Atari XE/XL Theta Music Composer songs (*.tmc) * Support for speed/size optimizations of RMT assembler player routine for concrete RMT module (very useful for background music in demos, games, etc.). * MIDI IN support! * MIDI multitimbral playing possibilities. You can use the RMT like a Atari multitimbral MIDI instrument. You have to send MIDI output from your MIDI sequencer or player to RMT MIDI input by means of some virtual MIDI cable (for example "MIDI Yoke" etc.). MIDI implementation chart is in midi.txt file. Technical info: Pokey sound emulation and Atari 6502 processor emulation aren't built-in components of RMT. If the sound output is needed, the external dynamic DLL libraries with the following functions are required. If you run RMT without this way described DLLs (apokeysnd.dll or sa_pokey.dll, sa_c6502.dll), RMT will work, but there won't be any Pokey sound output and Atari sound routines won't be executed. Pokey sound emulation: apokeysnd.dll void APokeySound_Initialize(abool stereo); void APokeySound_PutByte(int addr, int data); int APokeySound_GetRandom(int addr, int cycle); int APokeySound_Generate(int cycles, byte buffer[], ASAP_SampleFormat format); void APokeySound_About(const char **name, const char **author, const char **description); or sa_pokey.dll void Pokey_Initialise(int *argc, char *argv[]); void Pokey_SoundInit(uint32 freq17, uint16 playback_freq, uint8 num_pokeys); void Pokey_Process(uint8 * sndbuffer, const uint16 sndn); UBYTE Pokey_GetByte(UWORD addr); void Pokey_PutByte(UWORD addr, UBYTE byte); void Pokey_About(char** name, char** author, char** description ); 6502 processor emulation: sa_c6502.dll void C6502_Initialise(BYTE* memory ); int C6502_JSR(WORD* addr, BYTE* areg, BYTE* xreg, BYTE* yreg, int* maxcycles); void C6502_About(char** name, char** author, char** description ); Greetings: Fox/Taquart (Thanks for XASM and ASAP - http://asap.sourceforge.net) Jaskier/Taquart (Thanks for TMC and a lot of RMT routine speed/size optimizations) Tatqoo/Taquart Sack/Cosine X-ray/Grayscale Greg/Grayscale Bewu/Grayscale PG (Thanks for ASMA - Atari SAP Music Archive - http://asma.atari.org) Fandal ZdenekB KrupkaJ Pepax LiSU Miker Dely Nils Feske Elan Wrathchild Kozyca Born/LaResistance Sal Esquivel Nooly All the active "Atariarea" Polish Atarians (http://atariarea.krap.pl) ...and other 8bit Atarians all over the world! :-) ************************************************************************ RASTER MUSIC TRACKER - RMT by Radek Sterba, Raster/C.P.U., 2002-2009 http://raster.atari.org ************************************************************************ Changes in RMT 1.28 ------------------- - Recognition of any changes (indicated by '*' mark after filename in title bar) and dialog with "Save current changes?" question (when new song, load song, import song and/or when tracker goes to exit). - Hotkey for "Cursor go to the track speed column" changed to Control+Z. (There is also new menu item "Track - Cursor go to the speed column".) - Control+S is new hotkey for "File - Save" from now. (If this hotkey is used, messagebox with query "Save song to file '...'?" appears and you have to confirm your request. Also you can disable this query messagebox in Config dialog (menu View - Configuration)). - New hotkey Control+L for "File - Load...". - New hotkey ScrollLock for autofollow mode turn on/off. - Sound click when "Undo" hotkey is pressed but undo is not possible. - Handling of track events with zero volume during manual step replaying (by Shift+/Control+/Enter hotkey) corrected. - Vertical line separator added between left and right tracks. - View menu items settings are stored to rmt.ini configuration file. - New functions in menu Instrument - submenu Paste special: * Volume envelopes and Envelope parameters only * Insert Volume envelopes and Envelope parameters to cursor position (Note: Cursor has to be in some column of volume or parameters envelope.) * Volume R to L envelope only * Volume L to R envelope only - New function in menu "Song - Song change maximal length of tracks". It also compute effective maximal length value for current song. Warning: All tracks can be prolonged or truncated! (Note: Computing and setting of effective maximal length is also added to function "Song - All size optimizations".) - Routine in exported XEX Atari executable msx file improved. Now it works well on PAL/NTSC computers and playing speed is adjusted automatically to 50Hz on PAL and also on NTSC systems. (If configuration is set to NTSC system speed, then 60Hz. Note: RMT and SAP files doesn't contain any NTSC type, so playing speed 60Hz is supported only in exported XEX Atari executable msx files.) - NumLock handling improved (I hope ;-)). - Other small corrections and bugfixes. RMT routine changes - New variable RMTSFXVOLUME for sfx volume settings (volume * 16). Example "/asm_src/sfx/sfx.a65" has been modified. (suggested by Tebe) (Coders, you have to use new rmtplayr.a65) Accessories - Atari RMT player RMTPL107.XEX (new version 1.07) is in "player" directory. New features: * Support for manual entering Device:Filename by TAB hotkey. (requested by Baktra) * Support for up to 35 subsongs by hotkeys 1-9 and A-Z. * Support for PAL/NTSC computer systems. Playing speed is adjusted to 50Hz on PAL and also on NTSC systems. (There is short description in RMTPL107.TXT file.) New songs - Song "wyjasnijmy_to_sobie.rmt" (by LiSU) in "songs/lisu/" directory. - Song "bomb_jack.rmt" (by Miker) in "songs/miker/" directory. - Song "amelie.rmt" (by Nooly) Song "summer.rmt" (by Nooly) in "songs/nooly/" directory. - Song "vietnamska_mise.rmt" (by PG) Song "summerdays.rmt" (by PG) Song "deflektor.rmt" (by PG) Song "xmasmix.rmt" (by PG) Song "gpc.rmt" (by PG) Song "kaviar.rmt" (by PG) in "songs/pg/" directory. - Song "mab.rmt" (by Raster/c.p.u.) Song "indianajones4.rmt" (by Raster/c.p.u.) Song "3d.rmt" (by Raster/c.p.u.) in "songs/raster/" directory. - Song "sunset_on_the_moon.rmt" (by XLent) Song "4tk35.rmt" (by Caruso) Song "ilusia.rmt" (by StRing) Song "naue.rmt" (by StRing) in "songs/" directory. Changes in RMT 1.27 ------------------- - Support for another external Pokey sound emulation provided by apokeysnd.dll by Fox/Taquart (http://asap.sourceforge.net/apokeysnd.dll). Description of apokeysnd.dll functions is in the readme.txt file. Note: If both Pokey DLLs are placed to RMT directory, usage of apokeysnd.dll has higher priority than sa_pokey.dll. - New menu "Undo" with support for Undo/Redo (up to 100 steps) and ClearHistory. (There is Alt+Backspace hotkey for undo operation.) (requested by LiSU) - New options in Config dialog (menu View - Configuration): * TrackEdit cursor vertical range ... there can be selected value from 0 to 8 for vertical cursor movement in trackedit area. (default is 6) * Reset of Atari sound routine when ESC is pressed. (default is off) (suggested by Miker) - New TrackEdit and SongEdit hotkeys: * Control+PageUp ... Move cursor to begin of subsong or begin of previous subsong. * Control+PageDown ... Move cursor to begin of next subsong. (suggested by Miker) - New buttons in block effect/tool dialog (menu Block - Effect/tools or Control+F): * "Try" ... Perform the selected effect but no close effect dialog (Alt+T) * "Restore" ... Restore block to original state (Alt+R) * "Play/Stop" ... Play the selected block repeatedly / stop playing (Alt+P) (suggested by LiSU) - Function "Change all the instrument occurences" improved: * Checkbox "Only in some channels" with special dialog box for L1..R4 channels selection. * Checkbox "Only in songlines" for songlines from/to selection. Important note: If some tracks are used inside and outside of selected channels+songlines area and instrument changes should be performed, new tracks will be created for changes in selected area only and song will be adjusted automatically. (suggested by Sal Esquivel) - New function "Reload" in menu Project. After confirmation it discards all changes since your last save. - Prepared last used filename in "Save As" dialog. - Support for new FEAT options. "File - Export As - RMT stripped song file (*.rmt)" there are two new checkboxes: * "GlobalVolumeFade support" (RMTGLOBALVOLUMEFADE variable) (requested by Dely) * "No starting songline" (start from songline 0 always) - Bugfix of Path setting for loading/saving of songs/instruments/tracks. - Bugfix of lines' coordinates in "Song columns' order change/copy/clear" dialog. - Bugfix of default extensions addition. - Other small corrections and bugfixes. RMT routine changes - New rmt_feat option FEAT_GLOBALVOLUMEFADE (+7 bytes). If it is activated, there is possible to control global song volume via RMTGLOBALVOLUMEFADE variable ($00-$f0, step $10): $00=normal volume (100%) ... $f0=minimal volume (0%). Example is in "/asm_src/volume/" directory. - New size optimalization option supported: FEAT_NOSTARTINGSONGLINE (it can save 22 or 24 bytes) for song starting from songline 0 always (no support for songline init by A-register). For example "/asm_src/optim/musico.xex" is 22 bytes shorter now. (Coders, you have to use new rmtplayr.a65 and rmt_feat.a65) New songs - Song "acidjazzed_evening.rmt" (by Miker) Song "jetboy.rmt" (by Miker) Song "7_gates_of_jambala.rmt" (by Miker) Song "astaroth.rmt" (by Miker) Song "easter_chickens.rmt" (by Miker) Song "enchanted_lands.rmt" (by Miker) Song "ghosts_n_goblins.rmt" (by Miker) Song "logical_3.rmt" (by Miker) Song "menace_song.rmt" (by Miker) Song "torvak_level_2.rmt" (by Miker) Song "flimbo.rmt" (by Miker) in "songs/miker/" directory. - 57 (!) songs by Kjmann (Sal Esquivel) in "songs/kjmann/" directory. - Song "imsure.rmt" (by Raster/c.p.u.) Song "whoknows.rmt" (by Raster/c.p.u.) in "songs/raster/" directory. - Song "funny.rmt" (by LiSU) Song "przyrada.rmt" (by LiSU) in "songs/lisu/" directory. - Song "brainless.rmt" (by PG) Song "hammastahna.rmt" (by PG) Song "happy_sundays.rmt" (by PG) Song "jozin_z_bazin.rmt" (by PG) Song "radixex.rmt" (by PG) in "songs/pg/" directory. - Song "aoki.rmt" (by Nooly) Song "hightide.rmt" (by Born/LaResistance) Song "astrosphere.rmt" (by Kozyca) Song "30minutes.rmt" (by Elan) Song "bazalt.rmt" (by Yerzmyey/HOOY-PROGRAM) Song "m4700rk4.rmt" (by Epi/Trs) in "songs/" directory. New instruments - "sharp_ch1.rti" (Sharp channel 1) in "instruments" directory. Changes in RMT 1.26 ------------------- - Song path is memorized if song filename is used in command line. - Cursor is scrolling down for preselected number of lines also after track editing of note volume and/or octave. (suggested by Elan) - New instrument edit hotkeys/functions: Instrument envelope edit: * Shift+Insert ... Duplicate the current envelope column. (suggested by LiSU) * Space ... Clear the current envelope column values and move cursor to the right. Instrument table edit: * Shift+Insert ... Duplicate the current table item. * Space ... Clear the current table item and move cursor to the right. Bugfixes - Occasional unhandled exception error with clone track function. - Bug in Effect/tools "Expand/shrink lines". RMT routine changes - Correction of crazy FEAT optimalization bug with used FEAT_COMMAND5 and unused FEAT_PORTAMENTO. (Thanks to Wrathchild for notice.) - Correction of crazy FEAT optimalization bug with used FEAT_COMMAND6 and unused FEAT_FILTER. - Some additional super-ultra-hard ;-) improvements of FEAT speed/size optimizations. For example "/asm_src/optim/musico.xex" is 39 bytes shorter now (and there is saved a lot of CPU cycles, of course). (Coders, you have to use new rmtplayr.a65) New songs - Song "shorty_noises.rmt" (by Elan /unfinished party version/ 17.3.2007) Song "kurczak.rmt" (by LiSU) in "songs/" directory. Song "disturbance.rmt" (by Miker) Song "flowers_mania.rmt" (by Miker) Song "my_first_one_in_rmt.rmt" (by Miker) Song "tempest2000_blue_level.rmt" (by Miker) Song "the_last_ninja_2_central_park.rmt" (by Miker) Song "tyrian_zanac5.rmt" (by Miker) Song "wings_of_death_lv2.rmt" (by Miker) in "songs/miker/" directory. Song "delight.rmt" (by Nils Feske) Song "nothing.rmt" (by Nils Feske) Song "takeoff.rmt" (by Nils Feske) in "songs/nilsfeske/" directory. Song "against_time.rmt" (by PG) Song "stardust_memories.rmt" (by PG) Song "strangled_mind.rmt" (by PG) in "songs/pg/" directory. Song "gearup.rmt" (Gear up, Forever 8 msx by raster/c.p.u. 2007) Song "l45tm1nut3.rmt" (L45T M1NUT3, Glucholazy 2007 msx by raster/c.p.u. 26.7.2007) in "songs/raster/" directory. Changes in RMT 1.25 ------------------- - Maximal length of instrument envelope increased to 48 (ELEN=$01..$30). Overall size (decadic value in bytes) of Atari instrument data there is shown. (Note: One instrument with full envelope and note/frq table has size 188 bytes.) Warning: If you will load instrument files with longer envelope than 32 (or RMT modules containing such instruments) to older RMT tracker program versions, it can cause totally unpredictable results (inclusive of program crash). Please, use the latest RMT tracker program versions always to avoid this kind of problems. Previous Atari RMT player programs and Atari RMT assembler player routines are working well all along (there isn't problem with longer instrument envelope). - Cursor background color was improved (better visibility). (suggested by PG) - menu Instrument - Info about using of actual instrument - Track listing info added and volume range detection improved (standalone volume lines are processed too). - menu Instrument - Change all the instrument occurences - new options: * "From/To instrument" ranges comboboxes. * "One instrument only" checkbox. * "Changes only in current track" checkbox. (suggested by PG) * "Default ranges" button. * "All instruments" button. * "The same instrument range" checkbox. Change process improved for standalone volume lines. - Mouse control of turn on/off the channels in song head area (L1-R4 title) * LeftMouseButton ... turn on/off relevant channel. * RightMouseButton ... solo play of relevant channel / turn on all channels. (suggested by PG) - New features in Config dialog (menu View - Configuration): * Remembering octaves and volumes for each instrument separately (default is on). (suggested by LiSU) Note: Instruments' octaves and volumes are also stored to RMW working file. * "Paths..." button. There is possible to define default paths for loading and saving of songs, instruments and tracks. Each path type is remembered separately. (suggested by LiSU & Miker) - Some improvements in block effect/tool (menu Block - Effect/tools or Control+F) for "Echo" effect: Fade out level can be defined as percentage value for proportional volume degression or as integer value for linear volume substraction. Support for echo ending on minimal volume. (suggested by LiSU) - Some configuration parameters are stored to RMW working file. - Suppression of Atari "Attract mode" in exported "XEX Atari executable msx". - Other internal improvements and small bugfixes. New songs - Song "devils.rmt" (Atari version by PG, 2006) Song "krakout.rmt" (Atari version by PG, 2006) Song "lcd3cd3.rmt" (Atari version by PG, 2006) Song "somewhere.rmt" (Atari version by PG, 2006) in "songs/pg/" directory. Song "astro4road.rmt" (Astro4road game music by raster/c.p.u. 2006) in "songs/raster/" directory. Changes in RMT 1.24 ------------------- - New options in Config dialog (menu View - Configuration): * Alternative trackline numbering (in accordance with trackline highlight step). * Swap "replay note / replay all notes" functions (Enter / Control+Enter hotkeys). (both options requested by LiSU) - Support for mouse-wheel control (according to the current mouse cursor position): * Song scroll up/down * Tracks scroll up/down * Instrument prev/next * Volume up/down * Octave up/down - Bookmark support - toolbar button "Play from bookmark". (Button is disabled if bookmark is not set up). New hotkeys: * Control+F1 ... Set bookmark to the current position (also current beat speed is stored). * F1 ... Play song from the bookmark position (only if bookmark is set up) include beat speed initialization by stored bookmark beat speed. * Shift+F1 ... Similar to F1, but with autofollow of the currently played position. Note: If insert/delete songline operations are performed, bookmark is moved down/up automatically. - Other small corrections and bugfixes. RMT routine changes - New speed/size optimalization options supported: FEAT_EFFECTVIBRATO (it can save 65 bytes and quite a lot of CPU cycles). FEAT_EFFECTFSHIFT (it can save 11 bytes and quite a lot of CPU cycles). btw - if no one from this two effects is used, it can save 102 bytes and a lot of CPU cycles. If FEAT_VOLUMEMIN isn't used too, another 2 bytes will be saved. - Other speed optimizations with vibrato effect and with RMT working registers (19 bytes shorter code and a lot of CPU cycles saved). (Coders, you have to use new rmtplayr.a65 and rmt_feat.a65) Accessories - Atari RMT player RMTPL106.XEX (new version 1.06) with playing of subsongs feature is in "player" directory. (There is also short description in RMTPL106.TXT file.) New songs - Song "satellit.rmt" (Satellite One by Purple Motion, Atari version by raster/c.p.u. 2006) Song "threeht.rmt" (Three Hundred Thirteen - raster/c.p.u., 2006) Song "glu.rmt" (GLU - raster/c.p.u., 2006) Song "gerappaa.rmt" (Gerappppaa - LiSU, 2006) Song "thrust.rmt" (T'H'R'U'S'T - Centy Brown, 2006) in "songs" directory. Changes in RMT 1.23 ------------------- - Improvements in MODule import function (with tone-portamento effect). - Support for SFX effects. "File - Export As - RMT stripped song file (*.rmt)" there is improved export dialog with "SFX support" checkbox. You can use instruments for sound effects in your programs - - example is in "/asm_src/sfx/" directory. - Better playmode switching to "Play from currently edited position" if song is playing with "follow song" already. (Sounds aren't breaked.) - Some internal improvements. (rmt_ata.sys,rmt_msx.sys,rmt_sap4.sys and rmt_sap8.sys system data files are included in RMT tracker executable.) RMT routine changes - New option FEAT_SFX for SFX support feature. RMT routine is a bit longer and slower with SFX support enabled, so, enable it only if you will use RMT routine also for SFX effects. (Coders, you have to use new rmtplayr.a65 and rmt_feat.a65) New song - Song "commando.rmt" (Commando - sack/cosine, 2003. original by Rob Hubbard) in "songs/sack_cosine" directory. Changes in RMT 1.22 ------------------- - Block effect/tool "Volume humanize" improved - better random values. ;-) - New block effect/tool (menu Block - Effect/tools or Control+F or toolbar button "FX") function: "Volume set/remove". It allows to set volumes or remove whole note events according to the current volume values. - New function in Song menu: * Make track's duplicate and put it to actual song pos. (Control+M) (It also check if track is used more times in song. If doesn't, message box with question appears.) RMT routine changes - Several improvements of RMT Atari assembler routine - it is 5 bytes shorter now and save some a few CPU cycles. - New speed/size optimalization options FEAT_INSTRSPEED (it can save up to 21 bytes and some CPU cycles) and FEAT_CONSTANTSPEED (it can save 28 bytes and some CPU cycles). (Coders, you have to use new rmtplayr.a65 and rmt_feat.a65) Changes in RMT 1.21 ------------------- - Enhanced mouse control: * Set cursor position in trackedit area, songedit area, instrument parameters / envelope / table area, info / speed area. * Octave selection by mouse (click to "OCTAVE x-y" text). * Volume selection by mouse (click to "VOLUME x" text). (Also you can turn on/off "respect volume" option there.) * Instrument selection by mouse (click to "XX: instrument name" text). * Envelope GO/LEN parameter setting area (click to mouse L/R button). * Table GO/LEN parameter setting area (click to mouse L/R button). (Areas' locations - see the screenshots.) - New hotkeys: SongEdit: * Enter ... Exit from SongEdit section. * Home ... Move cursor to first songline. * End ... Move cursor to last songline. * PageUp ... Move cursor 4 songlines up. * PageDown ... Move cursor 4 songlines down. - New option in Config dialog (menu View - Configuration): * Don't use hardware soundbuffer (default is off). (Maybe it could help if you have some system sound related problems.) Changes in RMT 1.20 ------------------- - Automatic notes' start-time quantization to the nearest beat during the real-time recording. (Note events incoming after half of beat are delayed and stored to the next track line.) - "File - Export As" contains new type "ASM simple notation source (*.asm)". You can adjust a lot of options in dialog box will be showed there. It's useful for some easy music and/or sounds effects in your tiny programs - - example is in "/asm_src/simple/" directory. - Some other small internal corrections. Accessories - Atari RMT player RMTPL105.XEX (new version 1.05) is in "player" directory. (There is also short description in RMTPL105.TXT file.) RMT routine changes - Some corrections and speed optimizations in RMT assembler routine. It is 6 bytes longer now, but quicker about 20 CPU cycles.. New songs - Song "ramaja.rmt" from Tatqoo/Taquart in "songs/tatqoo" directory. - Song "itdoesnt.rmt" (It Doesn't Matter, raster/c.p.u., 2005) Song "paulthep.rmt" (Paul the penguin by radix, Atari version by raster/c.p.u., 2005) Song "cervi2.rmt" (Cervi2, by raster/c.p.u., 2005) Song "cubico.rmt" (Cubico music & sfx, Atari version by raster/c.p.u., 2004) in "songs" directory. Changes in RMT 1.19 ------------------- - New combobox in main toolbar for setting number of lines (from 0 to 8) cursor will scroll down after entering notes or pressing space key. Also new hotkeys for control of this parametr: NumLock ... +1, Shift+NumLock ... -1 - Function "Song - Song columns' order change" was changed to "Song - Song columns' order change/copy/clear" and now there is possible to use it also for copying or clearing of song columns. There are also some new options: * button "Copy left-->right" * button "Copy left<--right" * button "Clear all" * range parameters "From songline $:__" and "To songline $:__" New songs - 11 songs from Tatqoo/Taquart in "songs/tatqoo" directory. - Song "smells.rmt" (Smells like teen spirit, Atari version by sack/c0s, 2004) in "songs/sack_cosine" directory. Changes in RMT 1.18 ------------------- Important bugfix - Bad keys recognition when Numblock keys autorepeat function was active. New songs - Song "timett.rmt" (Time to turn, raster/c.p.u., 2004) in "songs" directory. (SAP file "timett.sap" is in "exports/sap" directory.) Changes in RMT 1.17 ------------------- - Menu Track: * Load and paste to actual track. * Save actual track as... * Clear all duplicated tracks, adjust song. (Note: This function is also included in Song - All size optimizations.) - New block effect/tool (menu Block - Effect/tools or Control+F or toolbar button "FX") function: "Modify notes, instruments and volumes". - Function "Song - Prepare song line with unused empty tracks (Control+P)" was changed to "Song - Insert new line with unused empty tracks (Control+P)" and now it insert this new songline into actual song line positions, not to line below. - Function "Song - Prepare duplicated song line (Control+O)" was changed to "Song - Insert copy or clone of song line(s) (Control+O)". and now it shows new copy/clone dialog for setting of parameters for this very helpful function. - Menu Song: * Put new empty unused track to actual song position (Control+N). - "File - Export as XEX Atari executable msx" there is possible to: * define 4+1 lines now. 5th line is showed instead of 4th line if Atari SHIFT key is pressed. * define color of rasterline meter. - "File - Export as SAP file" there is possible to define hexadecimal song line numbers for more SAP module subsongs. Initial values are prepared by automatic subsong-detection algorithm, but you can change it at pleasure. - Added "*.tm8" extension in Import TMC open file dialog. - New option in Config dialog (menu View - Configuration): * F1-F8 keyboard layout: - RMT original keyboard layout. - Layout 2: F1=track edit,F2=instrument edit,F3=info edit,F4=song edit F5=Play,F6=Play from start,Control+F7=Play tracks,F7=Replay tracks,F8=Stop (This layout is for F5-F8 keys identical with some other renowned module tracker programs.) Accessories - Atari RMT player RMTPL104.XEX (new version 1.04) is in "player" directory. (There is short description in RMTPL104.TXT file.) New songs - Song "hexxagon.rmt" (Hexxagon music & sfx, raster/c.p.u., 2003) Song "basix.rmt" (Basix, by raster/c.p.u. 2004) Song "gemx.rmt" (Gem'x song, Atari version by raster/c.p.u. 2004) in "songs" directory. (SAP file "hexxagon.sap" with 6 subsongs is in "exports/sap" directory.) (SAP file "basix.sap" with 9 subsongs is in "exports/sap" directory.) Bugfixes - Revision of keyboard control. NumLock mode is turned off all the time when tracker main window is active, so that key combinations Shift+NumBlockKeys are working as well as state of right Shift key can be correctly detected now. - Internal improvement of TMC import algorithm (better recognition of identical tracks arised from other tracks by song shift parameter). - If tracker window isn't active, MIDI events on channel 0 are ignored. - Other small corrections and bugfixes. Changes in RMT 1.16 ------------------- - Instrument edit * Shift+Control+Num+,Num- ...change the R+L volume envelopes up/down. If cursor is at line "VOLUME L" or "VOLUME R", then volume envelope for left or right channel only is changed. - Menu Block - submenu Paste special: * Merge with current content * Volume values only * Speed values only - Menu Instrument - submenu Paste special: * Volume R+L envelopes only * Volume R envelope only * Volume L envelope only * Envelope parameters only * Table only - Preserve last "export type" in "Export As" dialog. RMT routine changes - A lot of great speed/size optimizations made by Jaskier/Taquart. Thank you very much, Jaskier!!! - A few another speed/size optimizations. - RMT routine is 40 bytes shorter now and quicker about 100-200 CPU cycles. Changes in RMT 1.15 ------------------- - Quadruple instrument speed allowed also for 8 tracks STEREO modules. - .rmt (.txt,.rmw) filename can be used as the commandline parameter for the automatic loading of this file after start of the RMT tracker. (It's recommended to make association for "rmt" extension to run RMT tracker.) - Show Play time counter (from 00.0 sec to 9:59 minutes). (default is on, turn off by menu View - Play time counter) - Menu Track: * Info about using of actual track. * Renumber all tracks (2 types of ordering). * Clear all tracks unused in song. - Menu Instrument: * Renumber all instruments (3 types of ordering). * Clear all unused instruments. - Two tracks functions moved from Song menu to Track menu (Search and rebuild wise loops in all tracks, Expand loops in all tracks). - Size optimization function (menu Song - All size optimizations) perform also clearing of all unused instruments and renumbering of all tracks and instruments now. (So there can be a bit better result of size optimization thanks to removing unused instruments and removing empty gaps after deleting of unused tracks and instruments.) - Preserve last "From address" value in export of stripped RMT file dialog. RMT routine changes - Several improvements of RMT Atari assembler routine - it is 22 bytes shorter now and quicker about 50-150 CPU cycles. - New speed/size optimalization options FEAT_VOLUMEMIN and FEAT_TABLEGO supported and optimalization for FEAT_AUDCTLMANUALSET improved. (Coders, you have to use new rmtplayr.a65 and rmt_feat.a65) - New mono/stereo compile modes. There is variable STEREOMODE (instead of previous variable STEREO8T) with the following values: STEREOMODE equ M ;M=0 => compile RMTplayer for 4 tracks mono ;M=1 => compile RMTplayer for 8 tracks stereo ;M=2 => compile RMTplayer for 4 tracks stereo L1 R2 R3 L4 ;M=3 => compile RMTplayer for 4 tracks stereo L1 L2 R3 R4 * Note: If RMTplayer routine compiled with STEREOMODE 2 or 3 is used on Atari computer without STEREO upgrade, then standard 1 POKEY mono music will be played. It exploit POKEY memory area mirroring - there isn't used any "stereo detection" method! Bugfixes - Bug in rmtplayr.a65 initialization part if nonzero "starting song line position" was used. (This problem occured in some cases only.) - Buffer overflow error with export of stripped RMT file for too high address. - Other small corrections and bugfixes. Changes in RMT 1.14 ------------------- - Menu Project: Import... * Support for importing of classic ProTracker MOD format with 31 samples, 4 or 8 channels (also modules with 5, 6, 7 channels), as well as old ProTracker 15 samples 4 channels MOD modules. After import there is need of manual adjustment (tones tuning and distortions) of all instruments at first!!! Volume envelopes and loops are prepared in accordance with real samples in MOD module. * Support for importing of Atari XE/XL TMC Theta Music Composer modules. TMC instruments are imitated automatically by RMT instruments if it is possible. There can be need of manually corrections!!! (Disclaimer: Some TMC effects may be totally wrong, sorry.) - Menu Track: * Search and build wise loop. * Expand loop. - Menu Instrument: * Info about using of actual instrument. * Change all the instrument occurences. - Menu Song: * Song switch to 8 tracks / Song switch to mono 4 tracks. * Tracks' order change in whole song. * Search and rebuild wise loops in all tracks. * Expand loops in all tracks. * Size optimization. - Menu View - Configuration: * Continue on previous/next song track upon the first/last track line (default is on). - Insert/delete envelope columns in instrument edit mode by Insert/Delete key (at the current cursor position). - Insert/delete table items in instrument edit mode by Insert/Delete key (at the current cursor position). - Increase/decrease the whole envelope row of parameters in instrument edit mode by Shift+Control+Up/Down key (while cursor is in envelope data area). - Increase/decrease the whole instrument table in instrument edit mode by Shift+Control+Up/Down key (while cursor is in table data area). Accessories - Atari RMT player RMT1PLAY.XEX (new version 1.01) is in "player" directory. (There is possible to show/hide song info text by spacebar key.) New songs - Song "nopromis.rmt" (No promises, raster/c.p.u. 2003) Song "aurora_s.rmt" (Hymn to aurora, Atari version by raster/c.p.u. 2003) Song "turrican2_rev2s.rmt" (Turrican 2 noise 3, Atari version by raster/c.p.u. 2003) in "songs" directory. (SAP file "aurora_s.sap" and "turrican2_rev2s.sap" in "exports/sap" directory.) - 5 songs from sack/cosine, 2003, www.cosine.org.uk in "songs/sack_cosine" directory. New instruments - "drums/bassdrum.rti" "drums/snaredrum.rti" "drums/hithatclose.rti" "drums/hithatopen.rti" in "instruments" directory. Bugfixes - Main volume changes in instrument edit mode. - Other small corrections and bugfixes. Changes in RMT 1.13 ------------------- - MIDI multitimbral playing possibilities. Now you can use the RMT like a Atari multitimbral MIDI instrument. You have to send MIDI output from your MIDI sequencer or player to RMT MIDI input by means of some virtual MIDI cable (for example "MIDI Yoke" etc.). MIDI implementation chart is in midi.txt file. - All tracks cleanup (menu Tracks - All tracks cleanup). - All instruments cleanup (menu Instrument - All instruments cleanup). - Block effect/tool "Expand/shrink lines" improved - negative values allowed for bottom-up way alterations. - Prepare duplicated song line (menu Song or Control+O). - Prepare song line with unused empty tracks (menu Song or Control+P). - Other small corrections. Changes in RMT 1.12 ------------------- - Support for higher instrument speeds: triple speed for STEREO modules, triple and quadruple speed for MONO modules. - Support for NTSC 60Hz system speed (menu View - Configuration). - Simpler and shorter XEX Atari executable msx export file (*.xex). - New menu "Block" with all the block functions. - New feature - block effects/tools (menu Block - Effect/tools or Control+F or toolbar button "FX"). Effects/tools: * Fade in/out * Echo * Expand/shrink lines * Volume humanize - Midi event "note off" recording possibility (menu View - Configuration). Bugfixes - Correction of instrument tempo-related bug (in RMT assembler routine and also in tracker). (Thanks to Memblers from Indiana for notice.) - Higher instrument speeds timing in Atari msx corrected. - Numeric block keys plus/minus locked away the shift key. Changes in RMT 1.11 ------------------- - Maximal length of track increased to 256 beats. - New Config dialog (menu View - Configuration): * Track line highlight step. * Some keyboard hotkeys options. * MIDI IN support! (events: key on, program change) * OK button save the configuration to rmt.ini configuration file. - New input/output file format: TXT song files (*.txt). (It's simple text format for easy making any convert tools.) - Change of toolbar icon for PROVE MODE and new icon for MIDI on/off - New TrackEdit block function: Control+E ..exchange of block select data and the clipboard data. - Show the AUDF, AUDC and AUDCTL Pokey registers (default is off, turn on by menu View - Pokey chip registers) - Light blue color of volume only values in the instrument envelope. - Checking for right version of RMW working files (RMW work files haven't portability through the different RMT tracker versions). New songs - Song "aspir332.rmt" (Aspiration 332, by Raster/C.P.U. 2003) in "songs" directory. Bugfixes - Bug with bad beat count if standalone speed command has been in track. - Other small corrections and bugfixes. Changes in RMT 1.1 ------------------ - Main RMT assembler routine changed to version 01: - Backward compatibility: * Support for loading of previous (version 00) RTI instruments. (saving RTI instruments version 01 only) * Support for loading of previous (version 00) RMT modules. (saving RMT modules version 01 only) - New RMT routine features: * Support for manual AUDCTL settings (but also automatic management is preserved, if you will use command 6 or "filter" switch). * Support for VOLUME ONLY settings by command 7 with parameter value $80. (Volume only forced outputs are indicated by light blue color of volume analyzer box, see the easy example song file "examples/volumeonly.rmt".) * Support for NOTES/FRQS TABLE length from 1 to 32. * A lot of speed/size optimizations (RMT modules with easy instruments are smaller than before). - Support for speed/size optimizations of RMT assembler routine for concrete RMT module. (See the RMT player routine assembler source code and "Export song as.. RMT stripped song file (*.rmt)" dialog and optimized routine example in "asm_src/optim" directory.) - Hotkeys' changes: Pause ... mute all sounds and reinit RMT routine only. Shift+Pause ... mute all sounds, reinit RMT routine and sound output. - If any instrument parameter is changed, then turn off this instrument on all channels where it sounds. - If save or export process is aborted or failed, destination file will be deleted. Bugfixes - RMT routine - instrument table speed bug (each first note/frq table item was shorter by 1/50 sec). - Tab key while edit the instrument name (no CapsLock off). - PageUp/Down for octave up/down in Prove mode. - Instrument volume curve fault by mouse position after the instrument load. - Mouse doubleclick to track/channels turn on/off. - All the showed messages (message boxes) are owned by RMT application now. Changes in RMT beta 1.02 ------------------------ Since the RMT beta 1.02 version all the parts based on GPL sources are totally removed from the RMT project (i.e. Pokey sound emulation and Atari 6502 processor emulation) and these aren't a part of RMT henceforth. Description of dynamic DLL functions for standalone Pokey and 6502 emulation is specified in the readme.txt file. If you run RMT without this way described DLLs (sa_pokey.dll, sa_c6502.dll), RMT will work, but there won't be any Pokey sound output and Atari sound routines won't be executed. Improvements - Use the hardware sound buffer if possible (instead of software sound buffer). - Initialize the file load directory to program location. - Block toolbar is showed by default. - Much more summary informations in the About box. - Text parameters editing was changed a bit. Because of ShiftKey is used for playing the notes, You have to press the CapsLock key for switch to "normal" ShiftKey behaviour (i.e. ShiftKey+Key for entering uppercase and other (!@#$%^&*()_+:"<>?|) characters). CapsLock mode is turned off automatically when text editing is over by pressing the Tab key or Enter key. - CapsLock state indication in the status bar ("CAP"). - Reinit also RMT Atari sound routines when the Pause key is pressed. - Functions for turn on/off the sound channels (tracks): * Control+ 1-8 ...turn on/off the sound channel (track) 1-8. * Control+ 9 ...turn on all the channels (tracks). * Control+ 0 ...turn off all the channels (tracks). * Control+ BackQuote ...turn on/off the active sound channel (track). * Shift+ BackQuote ...negation of turned on/off sound channels (tracks). * BackQuote ...solo play of active sound channel (track) / turn on all channels (tracks). Note: Muted sound channels are indicated by gray color of track title and volume analyzer scope. - Status bar tool tips and short flying help messages completed. - Other internal improvements. TrackEdit - Mouse control of turn on/off the channels (tracks) - it's indicated by mouse cursor design change to "hand with title 'on/off'": * LeftMouseButton ... turn on/off relevant channel (track). * RightMouseButton ... solo play of relevant channel (track) / turn on all channels (tracks). InstrumentEdit - Drawing of envelope volume curve by mouse - it's indicated by mouse cursor design change to "pen with title 'volume'": * LeftMouseButton ... draw volume curve. * RightMouseButton ... set volume to zero value. Bugfixes - Playing the block area. - Inserting and deleting song lines from track edit when "go to line" is active. - Other internal corrections. Changes in RMT beta 1.01 ------------------------ All modes - Set the octave up-down hotkeys changed from Shift+up,down to Shift+page_up,page_down (it works now in TrackEdit and InstrumentEdit only). - Correction of bug with instrument copy/paste. TrackEdit - No more set number of the track by Control+0-9A-F keys. - Hotkey changed: Control+I - insert new line into the song. - Hotkey changed: Control+U - delete the current line from the song. - Show title "EMPTY" for empty tracks. - Shift+up,down,home,end - the block select functions. - Control+A - select all data in the track (from the begin to the end of the track). - Control+Insert,Control+C - copy block to clipboard. - Shift+Insert,Control+V - paste data from clipboard. - If the block is selected and paste function is used, then data from clipboard is placed into the block select area only. - If the block is selected, then Delete key will delete data inside the block area. - If the block is selected, then Control+X key will cut data inside the block area. - New toolbar for block data modifications: menu View - Block toolbar. All this modify functions are available also by hotkeys. - Block data modification hotkeys (the block must be selected at first): * Shift+Control+A switch between block modify mode all / current instrument only. * Shift+Control+page_up,page_down do transpose up,down notes in the block (by semitones). * Shift+Control+left,right do change of instrument numbers in the block. * Shift+Control+Num-,Num+ do change of volumes in the block. Note transpositions, instrument changes and volume changes are indicated in window statusbar at the bottom. - If the block is selected: * Enter key will play the lines inside the block around. * Home or End key set the cursor to the first or the last line in the block. * Control+B will restore the block data changed by modification functions from the backup (backup is created when the block is getting start to select and destroyed when the block is deselected). * Control+F4 will start cyclic playing of the part from the top to the bottom of selected block area. Operation manual - All this changes included to operation manual (see the rmt_en.htm, rmt_cz.htm). RMT beta 1.00 ------------- - The first published version. ************************************************************************ RASTER MUSIC TRACKER - RMT by Radek Sterba, Raster/C.P.U., 2002-2009 http://raster.atari.org ************************************************************************ Player speed/size optimizations ------------------------------- Are you an Atari coder? Yes, then you can read below... If you will export song as "RMT stripped song file (*.rmt)", you can specify address for required memory location of this exported RMT module (RMT file is standard Atari binary file with set of heading data). You can take also a RMT FEATures definitions text and move it into rmt_feat.a65 source code file by clipboard. (You have to replace a part between the "--BEGIN--" and the "--END--" marks.) If you do it and compile such modified player source, you obtain optimized player routine for this concrete RMT module. Optimized player routine contains only features used by this RMT module, that's why it is more or less smaller and quicker. Of course, you can't use it with any other RMT module and every time you change the RMT module, it's very recommended to take RMT FEATures definitions text again and recompile RMT player routine. This technique is very useful for background music in your demos, games, etc. Example: You can see the example of this method in "asm_src/optim" directory. Optimized player for "music.rmt" module only is smaller about 832 bytes (!) and surely much faster than standard full-features providing player. freedom.rmt ----------- Freedom - from a chiptune by grim/digital. spent ages listening to this one (probably because it was used on the Fairlight version of Frontier - elite 2 which had 100+ options and took a while to set up from the trainer screen) Mayonaise.rmt ------------- Mayonaise by the Smashing Pumpkins (from the album Siamese Dream). just a great song iz all. Monty.rmt --------- Monty on the run high score theme. Originally by Rob Hubbard. Parallax.rmt ------------ part (IMHO the best part) of the intro music by Martin Galway. Because of the lack of drums you really need a bassline with a bit of a kick to it. This is where the 'horrible distortion' of the POKEY people keep trying to supress actually becomes an advantage. PlasticPop.rmt -------------- Originally by Danko/censor. Told him I hated this song because it just buries itself into your brain and NOTHING will remove it. I *like* the song - I'd just like it more if I could walk down a quiet street 4 hours later and NOT be humming it :)