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$$$Q$$$Q+. .+Q$$$Q$$$ $$$Q$$$ .+Q$$$Q$$$ .+Q$$$Q+. .+Q$$$Q+. $$$Q$$$Q+. $$$P'`'4$$L j$$P'`'4$$$ $$$P'``j$$P'`'4$$$ j$$P'`'4$$L j$$P'`'4$$L $$$P'`'4$$L $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ QQQ $$$ $$$ QQQ $$$ $$$ QQ $$$ QQQ $$$ $$$ QQQ $$$ $$$ QQQ $$$ $$$ QQQ $$$ $$$k,.,d$$P :$$k,.,d$$$ $$$ QQ :$$k,.,d$$$ :$$k,.,d$$$ :$$k,.,d$$F $$$ QQQ $$$ $$$Y$$$F*`.Q.`*7$$$F$$$ $$$ QQ; `*7$$$F$$$ .`*7$$$F$$$ `*7$$$F*` ``` QQQ $$$ $$$ ,.,q<QQQQQ>p,...........QQQ qqqQQ>p .,d$$F QQ>p,.,q<QQQQQQQQQQqqqq qqqqQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ $$$$$$$ QQQQQQQ $$F*`.<QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQ $$$'''' QQQQQQQqqqq<QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ ___ QQQ QQ $$$$$$Q+.`/ QQQ QQQ QQ `````'4$$L - qq QQQ QQQ QQQQQQQ) $$$ ; g a m e b o y _ QQ QQQ QQQ QQQQQ ..,d$$F - t r a c k e r Q QQ QQQ QQQ QQQQQ $$$F*` \ Q Q QQ QQQ QQQ QQQQQ..., + ` Paragon Five Gameboy Tracker documentation << by Andrew Lemon (2001) --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--== Some info is extracted from the Paragon 5 tracker help file written by Stephane Hockenhull. This info file is best viewed with a fixed font. Included with these docs are several tunes: 01 - Bob by Andrew Lemon 02 - Ceramic Beats by Andrew Lemon 03 - Station 0 by Andrew Lemon 04 - Planet Fuzz by Jonne Valtonen mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp.`4k. `4QQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ ll i ; . Table of Contents: `t.`4k. ``````4NNNN QQQ ll i ; . yymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlt.`4kmmmmmmmmmmmmmNNN ll i ; . 1......License 2......Disclaimer 3......Getting Started 4......Gameboy Sound Hardware + Limitations 5......Important Things to Remember 6......Keyboard Commands 7......Note Effects 8......Tutorial Song (ABC of Gameboy Tracking) 9......WWW Links 10.....Author's notes mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp.`4k. `4QQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ ll i ; . 1.) License `t.`4k. ``````4NNNN QQQ ll i ; . yymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlt.`4kmmmmmmmmmmmmmNNN ll i ; . Paragon Five grants you a non-exclusive license to use the Software free of charge if your use of the Software is exclusively for non- commercial purposes. For commercial inquiries contact Paul Bragiel at paul@paragon5.com. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp.`4k. `4QQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ ll i ; . 2.) Disclaimer of Warranty `t.`4k. ``````4NNNN QQQ ll i ; . yymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlt.`4kmmmmmmmmmmmmmNNN ll i ; . Free of charge Software is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non- infringement. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Software is borne by you. Should the Software prove defective, you and not Paragon Five assume the entire cost of any service and repair. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp.`4k. `4QQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ ll i ; . 3.) Getting Started `t.`4k. ``````4NNNN QQQ ll i ; . yymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlt.`4kmmmmmmmmmmmmmNNN ll i ; . First things first! - Have you ever tracked music before? If the answer is yes, then you will find this relatively easy to get into, especially if you have used Amiga Sound/Protracker, PC Screamtracker III or PC Fast Tracker II before. If the answer is no, then you'll have to do some practicing on PC based tracker and Beyond Tracker side by side, moving straight to doing 4 channel gameboy music is quite a difficult thing to do, but if you must, then have a go! What have you got to lose? One very important point is even if you have done a lot of tracking before: the gameboy has only 4 channels of sound making equipment. So if you are used to 64 channels of filtered stereophonic surround sound, you have a lot of adjustments to make if you want to master composing for this console. You have to remember that gameboy (from here referred to as GBC) music making is all about optimization of sound. It's not the most powerful of sound hardware, coming in with about half the capabilities of the c64 SID chip. Second things last! - Read the following few chapters, jumping right in and trying to make GBC music without reading these docs will result in audio pain and possibly deafness. :) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp.`4k. `4QQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ ll i ; 4.) Gameboy Sound Hardware + Limitations `t.`4k. ``````4NNNN QQQ ll i ; yymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlt.`4kmmmmmmmmmmmmmNNN ll i ; Here are some specifications on the Gameboy Color architecture: CPU: modified Z80 (missing and/or new opcodes) GB and GB pocket: 4K +128 Bytes of ram 4 Mhz (some say 1Mhz since all opcodes take a multiple of 4 cycles) GB Color: 32K +128 Bytes of ram 4Mhz (1Mhz) or 8Mhz (2Mhz) selectable All: Custom sound circuitry with 4 generators. These in turn are compromised of: CHANNEL | TYPE #1| Square wave *4 types see diagrams below, plus frequency sweep #2| Square wave *4 types... no frequency sweep #3| Wave Channel. Can load a wave of 32bytes or a series of 32b waves #4| NOIZZZZE SQUARE WAVE DUTY SHAPES: 00: 01: -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ############################# ######################## # # # # # # #### ######### -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 02: 03: (opposite of wave 01) -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ################ #### # # # # # # ################# ############################# -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Now you see how the GBC makes its beep and blurp noises! The next question is what the does the wave channel do? That's a tricky question to answer, the best answer is, not much. You 'can' mangle it into actually sounding very nice, as some people know, but it takes practice. For the purpose of this particular document I won't get into the wave channel too much, as that really should be covered in its own FAQ. The noise channel is another matter all together, it really does only what it says on the tin, it produces noise, lots of it. Using the extended features of the tracker you can produce some very effective noise instruments like kickdrums, snares, hihats and aphex twin style gurglegrumble noises. As I explain it further down into the document, the noise channel isn't as useless as you first think. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp.`4k. `4QQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ ll i ; . 5.) Important Things to Remember `t.`4k. ``````4NNNN QQQ ll i ; . yymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlt.`4kmmmmmmmmmmmmmNNN ll i ; . Just to recap, GBC music is based on 4channels of sound; two square wave channels, one wave channel, and one noise channel. - Channel 1 is identical to Channel 2 with the following exception: Channel 1 has a frequency sweep function that channel 2 doesn't have. That function can be used to create a similar basedrum so channel 1 might be better used on music than SoundFX. - The envelope speed and direction can be changed when the channel is still playing. If it reach volume zero, changing the envelope wont work. Instead, if the new setting is volume slide UP, volume will jump to 14 (0x0E) and stay there; if the new setting is volume slide DOWN, volume will increase by 2 and stay there. The current playing volume won't change unless the channel is restarted. ____________________________________________________ *- channel's 1 and 2 are Square wave generators: ____________________________________________________ -volume envelope functions -4 pulse width settings: 0: -_______ (12%) 1: --______ (25%) 2: ----____ (50%) 3: ------__ (75%) -free frequency setting of about 6 octaves wide -only channel 1 has a frequency sweep function (slide up or down of pitch) ____________________________________________________ *- channel 3 is a digital wave loop output, it has: ____________________________________________________ -only 4 volume settings: full (100%), half (50%), quarter (25%) and silent (0%) -only 32 samples of 4 bits in a loop, to allow making of about any waveform -you can trick channel 3 into playing long (more than 32smp) digital sounds but the channel needs to be stopped, reloaded with the next 32 samples, then restarted adding terrible glitches on the audio -none of the volume envelope functions -free frequency setting of about 6 octaves wide (MUCH BETTER FOR BASE) ____________________________________________________ channel 4 is a noise generator it has: ____________________________________________________ -volume envelope functions -2 operating modes: 15 steps mode and 7 steps mode, the 15 steps mode sound like noise the 7 steps mode sound more like a buzz -limited frequency settings using 2 variables: X- 0 to 13 Y- 0 to 7 (for this 0 is considered like 0.5) freq = (262144Hz / Y) SHR X (SHR X means Shift Right (divided by '2 to the power of X') ) That gives the noise speed (at which rate the noise changes) but just play around with the settings until you find the noise pitch you want. X settings below 4 or 5 don't show up on the tracker because of the 44Khz mixing rate. The gameboy has a much higher rate so it does make a difference on the console. Overall, the settings above are filtered by both the ear and internal speaker & filter giving a softer white noise, but it doesn't sound higher pitched than a setting of 4. volume envelope functions are the following: -starting volume, from 0 to 15 (0 to F) -volume slide Up or Down -number of frames for every volume changes (0 to 7) (there are 60 frames per second, 16.67ms) ---------------//---------------//---------------//---------------//---------- Instrument, wave and pattern names must be a 1 or 2 digit hex number followed by a ':' and an optional text name if the hex number is longer than two digits, not followed by a ':' or invalid the item wont be exported (useful to disable/swap instruments). Instrument and soundFX names have to be valid assembler labels, that is: - no spaces - letters A-Z, a-z (case sensitive) - numbers 0-9 - underscore allowed '_' valid:invalid: "0:""0 piano" "1:snare"" 3:jumpsfx1" "5F:intro""3: jumpsfx2" mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp.`4k. `4QQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ ll i ; . 6.) Keyboard Commands `t.`4k. ``````4NNNN QQQ ll i ; . yymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlt.`4kmmmmmmmmmmmmmNNN ll i ; . Main Gameboy Tracker Keys: Ctrl+Q - Quit = quits the tracker software Ctrl+S - Save module = saves current module Ctrl+R - Open existing module = reads in a previously saved mgb file F1 - Help = online help (similar to this part of text) F2 - Pattern editor = tracker part F3 - Instrument/SFX editor = make your instrument / fx sounds here F4 - Wave editor = basic 32byte * N sample editor F5 - Play song (with Shift for low-cpu usage) F6 - Play pattern F8 - Stop F11 - Order list editor & misc options F12 - System setup & messages (like directory setup) TAB - cycle thru input fields Shift+TAB - cycle backward thru input fields ALT+F1 thru F4 - Mute Channel (see the X in the SFX Lock display on top) Breakdown of these global keys starts here: ____________________________________________________ F1 -> Online Help - ____________________________________________________ Speaks for itself, scroll through help text. ____________________________________________________ F2 -> Pattern Editor ____________________________________________________ Standard tracker style editor, more in-depth on this later. Use cursors to move around, tab to switch fields, KB keys for notes. ____________________________________________________ F3 -> Instrument Editor ____________________________________________________ Instrument/SFX editor keys: ------------------------------------------------------ Alt+Space - Test SoundFX (no specified note) Alt+NoteKey - Test Instrument/SoundFX (with specified note) Ctrl+Shift+S - Save current instrument (IGB format) Ctrl+O - Open & Insert instrument (IGB format) Ctrl+E - Export Instrument/SFX Bank ------------------------------------------------------ Alt+space normally plays the instrument at "C" or at the last note you played via ALT+NoteKey. IGB format is the proprietary format for saving instruments. Instrument list: ------------------------------------------------------ Insert - Insert a new instrument after the current Shift+Insert - Insert a new instrument before the current Alt+Del - Delete current instrument ------------------------------------------------------ Instrument editor: ------------------------------------------------------ Insert - Insert an empty row in the current channel before the current row Shift+Insert - Insert an empty row in the current channel after the current row Alt+Del - Delete a row in the current channel ------------------------------------------------------ The above keys are ones you will have to get very used to, its worth printing out this section of the documentation for familiarizing yourself with the Keyboard layout. ____________________________________________________ F4 -> Wave editor keys - ____________________________________________________ Ctrl+Shift+S - Save current audio wave (AGB format) Ctrl+O - Open & Insert audio wave (AGB format) Ctrl+I - Import & Insert audio wave (8 bit unsigned raw) ------------------------------------------------------ (AGB format is what the tracker saves you samples into natively.) (Saving an 8-bit sample is useful as you can use something like goldwave -www.goldwave.com- to open and edit your wave, then simply re-insert once you have finished your editing.) * wave list: ------------------------------------------------------ Ctrl+E - Export (source code $12, $34, ... hex format) Insert - Insert a new audio wave after the current Shift+Insert - Insert a new audio wave before the current Alt+Del - Delete current audio wave ------------------------------------------------------ * waveform editor: ------------------------------------------------------ Ctrl+H - Halve wave length by removing every 2nd sample Ctrl+X - Remove N samples every 32 (number in dialog box) Ctrl+M - Maximize wave volume ------------------------------------------------------ (You can use CTRL+H or CTRL+X to make your samples smaller, but they will lose definition.) ____________________________________________________ F5 -> Play Song - ____________________________________________________ Hit key to play song that you have loaded/tracked. SHIFT+F5 allow for half of the cpu to be taken up in playing a song. However, you won't receive as accurate info in the tracker playback screen. _________________________________________________ Instrument/SFX commands: _________________________________________________ E:v:d:s - Envelope: (unsupported on channel 3) e= Initial Volume (0-F) d= Direction ('U'p or 'D'own) v= Speed (0-7) 0 being no change 1-7 number of frames per volume changes E:d:s - Envelope: (unsupported on channel 3, for instruments only) d=Direction ('U'p or 'D'own) s=Speed (0-7) 0 being no change 1-7 number of frames per volume changes (volume is set using the Vxx command in the pattern) G: - Go: (for Instruments with note specified in pattern) G:note - Go: (for SoundFX/Instruments without pattern note specified unsupported on channel 4) note = C0, C#1, D3, D#3, ... (octave range from 0 to 5) example: e:d:d:0 g:c0 g:a0 g:c1 e P:p - Panning: p = L(eft), R(ight), M(iddle) Note that middle is in fact BOTH channels on, it sounds twice as loud. E - End: Release soundfx locking, for musical instruments end can be put right at the end of the instrument script. For soundfx it is put on the frame where music can restart playing on that channel. _________________________________________________ * Chnl 1 and 2: THE SQUARE WAVE CHANNEL _________________________________________________ R:r - pulse Ratio: (length of square pulse) 0: -_______ 1: --______ 2: ----____ 3: ------__ example: e:d:D:0 g r:2 r:1 r:0 e F:s:d:h - Frequency Sweep (only for channel 1) Don't forget to put one in every instrument that uses channel 1 as it is not reset when an instrument starts, another instrument or sound fx could have changed it. Speed: (0 - 7) 0 = off x = x/128 of a second for every freq. changes Direction: 'U'p or 'D'own sHifts: h = (0 - 7) new_freq = old_freq +/- (old_freq / (2 POW h)) In other words the bigger the value, the smaller the change in the frequency for every single change. example: e:d:d:2 r:2 f:2:d:2 g e _________________________________________________ * Chnl 3: THE WAVE CHANNEL _________________________________________________ W:id - ID of the wave to load into channel 3 wave must be exactly 32 samples long V:v - Volume (0 - 3) 0: Off 1: 1/4 volume 2: 1/2 volume 3: full volume X:id:s - play long wave <id> at speed <s> wave length must be a multiple of 32 s is the number of frames to pause after every chunk of 32 samples (0 = play at 1920Hz, 1= @ 960Hz, 2 = @ 480Hz, ...) use C-1 or B-0 to play wave at 1920Hz C-0 for 960Hz ------------------------------------------------------ * Chnl 4: P:r:s:d - Polynominal counter load: clock Ratio: (0 - 13) shift right the clock's frequency by r+1 bits (divided by 2 to the power of (r+1)) Steps: (0 or 1) 0: 15 steps (shhhhhhhh noise) 1: 7 steps (buzzing noise) Divider: (0-7) re-divide the resulting frequency from the clock Ratio by (d) (0 is worth 0.5, multiplying by 2) Here are some nice example instruments (try printing this section out and copy to the tracker); _________________________________________________ name: channel 1 examples: _________________________________________________ 1:superdrum e:d:d:2 f:2:d:2 g e 2:bipp e:a:d:1 f:0:d:2 g e:0:D:0 g e 3:pulser e:d:d:0 f:0:D:0 g r:2 r:1 g r:0 g r:1 g r:2 g e _________________________________________________ channel 2 examples: _________________________________________________ 4:ch2_bip e:d:d:0 g e:0:d:0 g e 5:ch2_ping e:6:u:4 g e:8:d:4 g e _________________________________________________ channel 3 examples: (WAVE CHANNEL) _________________________________________________ 6:simplewave v:3 w:0 g e 7:longwave v:3 x:0:2 g e _________________________________________________ channel 4 examples: (Noise Channel) _________________________________________________ 8:shorthat p:1:0:1 e:7:d:1 g e 9:longhat p:2:0:2 e:b:d:2 g e A:meatyhit p:6:0:3 e:f:d:1 g e B:superbaphex p:1:1:1 e:a:d:0 g E:0:d:0 g p:2:0:4 e:a:d:0 g e:0:D:0 g p:6:1:0 e:5:d:1 g e _________________________________________________ Instruments are reordered on export so its fine to have them disordered in the instrument list and unused instrument numbers take space (8 bytes) in the instrument table, that is until I add song size optimizing functions for example if two instruments are used: "0:inst_A" "2:inst_B" This will create an empty instrument "1:" adding 8 useless bytes in the instrument table (unless that is wanted, for example: using instrument 1 in the song, with #1 being empty could allow for later instrument bank swapping for different song mood) Instrument numbers are in HEX (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f, etc -> FF) Names will be prefixed by "SFX_" when exported (that is "1:ping" in the tracker will become "SFX_ping EQU 1" in the exported .inc file) Song making tip: just use all of these existing instrument examples - and construct a simple tune, maybe use some simple cords / arps (like L37 for 16 rows then L38 for 16 then L47 for 32rows) with the pulser instrument... >>>>>>>>>>>>> Invalid names simply wont be exported... <<<-- REMEMBER THIS!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp.`4k. `4QQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ ll i ; . 7.) Note Effects `t.`4k. ``````4NNNN QQQ ll i ; . yymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlt.`4kmmmmmmmmmmmmmNNN ll i ; . *Commands: + Axx - set speed for THIS row, speed will return to normal on the next row (00 = 256) + C00 - pattern end + pattern stop here, the next one will play right away without a pause, this is not exactly the same as a tracker break pattern fx-- its effected earlier :-) + Exy + pitch slide down y=number of frame per change + Fxy + pitch slide up x=value of changes - 1 (0 to 3) + H0y + vibrato + y = speed/depth + Lxy + arpeggio with halftones x and y + O00 + effect Off + V0x - set starting volume of envelope + V3x - set volume (only for channel 3) 0=off 1=25% 2=50% 3=100% + P0x - Pulse Width (channel 1 and 2) 3= 75% ------__ 2= 50% ----____ 1= 25% --______ 0= 12% -_______ + Zxx - Flag Command used to send an arbitrary value to the game as music plays to do some custom effect xx = any values from 00 to FF + (effects that stays on until turned off with O00) The best way for you to learn about note effects in gameboy tracking is to simply check out the simple demo tunes which are supplied with this document, check through the tune and look at the different effects and how they affect playback. Also check the next section as it details every bit of the songs creation. GOOD LUCK! :) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp.`4k. `4QQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ ll i ; . 8.) Tutorial Song (ABCs of GBT) `t.`4k. ``````4NNNN QQQ ll i ; . yymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlt.`4kmmmmmmmmmmmmmNNN ll i ; . This guide assumes that you actually know how to operate the tracker via the KB and also that you have messed around with the example instruments and tune. If you haven't done these things, do them now before reading on, otherwise you'll get horribly confused :) DISCLAIMER: These are my personal views on GBC tracking, maybe you won't agree with them, but they are only here to get people started. Hopefully they'll form a decent basis for beginners and experienced trackers alike. First off, the gameboy music chip is very underpowered, remember this. It was designed this way so as to reduce manufacturing cost and to be battery power conscious. It doesn't have strong bass, and using realistic sounding samples in your own tunes is troublesome (its not impossible - its just takes time). However, the good thing about the GBC sound chip is that is capable of doing a half decent c64 impression (though its not as powerful as the SID chip). Also, you can also mangle it into sounding like a pretty good retro-techno beatbox/synth with a little messing around. I'm splitting this section down into areas of interest. I knocked up a tune in 10mins to illustrate some of these points - also check out the other couple of tunes in the package for more interesting tricks. -a) Getting to grips with instruments and depth. The gameboy is a curious little machine, comprised of the classic z80 and a super simple sound chip. Firstly - get really into the instrument editor, this is really the heart of the program as this is where your sounds are constructed. Mess around on channels 1 & 2 with changing the REZ (r:X x being 0-3) and spacing them out differently, you can create nice cheap filtering fx with this sort of thing. Check the example tune, the lead sample is simple - but when mixed into the tune gives the music a lot more depth. To make your tunes sound like anything half decent - we have to trick the listener into thinking more is happening within the tune. As we are limited to 4 channels, then 3 with actual note data - we have to rely on things like fill noise instruments and arpeggio sounds. Check the example tune, there are two levels of arps running at the same time, giving the listener a lot to listen to, some of the other example tunes are even more heavily reliant on arps and fills than the example tune. Remember though to spend time trying to give your tunes depth - 4channels of sound is quite limiting - but it can also force you to work harder and produce more interesting sounds and FX. -b) Percussion on the GBC There are two schools of thought on this one. 1. Do I use channel 1 or channel 4 or even channel 3 2. Use everything. The only answer to which is better is really within your own head, also its very dependant on what the project you are doing requires. For example one of the included tunes uses ch1 and ch4, but even uses high-pitched instrument drops to sound like effects. -c) Bass The GBC has a low and slightly awful bass output, we can remedy this a bit by using nice samples on ch3 - as this channel has a much better frequency range than ch1+2. -d) Manual Arps Whilst the tracker/player has an arp effect (LXX x being 00->FF) you can also (for extra effect) construct your own arps. Make sure the songspeed is set to "02" or so, then simply select a cord (for example e-a-c) then arrange the notes in some order down the pattern shifting the rez (PXX in the channel FX). This will create a pleasant phazing effect over the arp. This way you can also make more complex arps than the old mod arp fx effect allows. -e) Using Arp FX for tunes An old amiga trick is to use an arp of CC or C0 (effect would be LCC or LC0 on GBC), then apply it over your tune/lead sample channel, or just alternate. Now you have some idea of what we are covering in this guide, make a song with the example instruments above; also try and create new and exciting FX based around the above tips. Create your 1st pattern with a simple base line and melody, then add another pattern with CTRL&+ keys, add in some of the example drums, then go to the order list editor and join the two patterns. 00,01,x (x = loop to start -> for a loop to specific pattern put the order number here like x12 or something). >> Hit F5 - it should play your 1st GBC 2 pattern tune. Add more to it- be creative, rip some of the example songs instruments and mess with them! :) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp.`4k. `4QQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ ll i ; . 9.) WWW Links `t.`4k. ``````4NNNN QQQ ll i ; . yymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlt.`4kmmmmmmmmmmmmmNNN ll i ; . > www.lfo.ukshells.co.uk Authors www site. > www.paragon5.com Home of the Paragon Five gameboy tracker. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp.`4k. `4QQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ ll i ; . 10.) Author's Notes `t.`4k. ``````4NNNN QQQ ll i ; . yymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlt.`4kmmmmmmmmmmmmmNNN ll i ; . I hope this documentation/tutorial helps. If anyone is interested in contracting me for any music work (gbc/gba/console/film/tv/etc), please contact me at: lfo@ukshells.co.uk. . _________ QQQQQQQQQQP` `'QQQQQQQP'` .tQQQ QQ \ `^'<QQQQQ yyyyyyyyyy QQQQQQQQP` .qQ$$Qp. `4QQQ[ .tQQQQQ NNNNNNQQ: - .qZZp. '/QQ NNNNNNNSSS QQQQQQP` .tNNNNNNNNk. `4QQk, `4QQQQQyyyyyy QQQk,_/ j$$$$$$k :QQyyyyy lll .\MMMMMMM xxx ___ ...