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- Networked Impulse Tracker
- What is Networked Impulse Tracker?
- ----------------------------------
- Networked Impulse Tracker is simply that - a session of Impulse Tracker where
- multiple composers can all edit the same song at the same time! It may sound
- a little bizarre, but networked sessions can be both extremely fun and
- productive.
- Requirements
- ------------
- 1. Impulse Tracker, 7 Apr 99 or later
- 2. Impulse Tracker Network driver file. (*.NET)
- 3. Some form of network supported by the network driver file.
- To Use
- ------
- To initiate a Network session, Press Shift-ESC. A list of available drivers
- will be shown. Select one with Enter.
- ---------
- ITIPX.NET is an IPX Network driver for Impulse Tracker. It is recommended that
- this is used over a LAN (ie. you will need a network card in your computer).
- Although Kali will work (IPX over the internet), performance will probably be
- unacceptable for most people through a modem.
- The IPX driver *will not be stable* under Win95. Upgrade to Win98.
- To install IPX to run under Windows, go to Start Menu->Settings->Control Panel.
- Select Network, and under the Configuration Tab, press Add, then select
- Protocol->Microsoft->IPX/SPX Compatible Protocol
- The IPX driver will list the available sessions in the left hand box. Select
- a session to join by pressing Enter.
- The Username that the IPX driver transmits is associated with each driver file.
- The public distribution identifies itself as "Unregistered". Different
- usernames are availble for US$10 each. Payment can be made via Kagi at
- http://order.kagi.com/?4ZM
- Please specify a username, maximum length 15 characters, or else one will be
- chosen for you. Updated versions of the driver, if made, will be provided free
- of charge. However, changing your username will still cost $10.
- 'Normal' usage of this driver should run quite stably. However, if you try hard
- to make it crash, I'm sure you will be able to.
- Note that connections will be automatically dropped if queued packets fail to
- be transmitted for more than 10 seconds.
- General Notes
- -------------
- Impulse Tracker supports a maximum of 4 users per session. Extra users will
- be automatically discarded.
- Many functions have been disabled under network mode. You will receive warning
- messages in these cases.
- Do *NOT* use hardware mixed drivers for networked sessions. This specifically
- means the AWE32, GUS and Interwave drivers. Since networked sessions can
- change samples 'behind your back', these drivers will not update correctly.
- Contributors Additions
- - IT215 file format saving. Note that this is an alternative compression
- format and is often better, but not always. Public releases of IT214
- Patch 1 and later can read IT215 compressed files. There is also a
- version of MikIT that can read IT215 compression.
- - Sample sorting enabled. On the sample/instrument list screens, files will
- be priority sorted alphabetically if you don't move the cursor. If you
- do move the cursor, then you can force a resort once all the files have
- been loaded by pressing Alt-S.
- - Reordering of order list with Alt-R while on the order list screen
- (easier to try it out, than to try to explain it)
- - Row lock in pattern editor if holding shift - very useful for chords
- (ie. use Shift+note)
- - 10 configurable 'preset' envelopes slots
- - Extra instrument filter controls (under pitch menu).
- - Alt-W on the sample list saves as .WAV format, not .RAW
- - Individual Sample/Instrument solo.
- - Personalised Network username
- Contributions of US$30 or more
- - Stereo Diskwriter
- - MIDI .IT -> .MID converter
- IT214 Network
- - This includes the first version of Networked Impulse Tracker. Check
- NETWORK.TXT for more information.
- - Rewrite of all MMX routines for stability when networked. Non MMX drivers
- have not been changed.
- - ITSB16B.MMX for SBLive! users which shouldn't require reinitialisation.
- IT214 Patch 4 - This release has been made entirely for the VSOUND drivers,
- which will allow you to setup IT to run under Windows '95/'98
- with *ANY* soundcard. Check ITVSOUND.TXT for more information.
- - Addition: Included command line option /V3 to wait for vertical retrace.
- - Addition: Included command line option /X4 to disable cache file creation.
- - Bug fix: Several fixes to the MIDI Out implementation
- - Bug fix: S3M saver sometimes caused crash problems and pattern errors
- - Bug fix: SCx and Qxx commands and will work with MIDI Out instruments
- - Bug fix: 64 channel view doesn't skip channels with only volume-effects
- - Driver news: 4-band EQ in diskwriter
- Minor miscellaneous upgrades
- Fixes to MMX drivers that clicked on 0 volume (oops)
- Clarification (only because I saw some arguments on usenet)
- - the MMX drivers use 32-bit precision mixing, not 16-bit.
- IT214 Patch 3 - Merry XMas guys!
- - If anyone who has contributed has NOT received an EMail from me, please
- write to me! I've sent out EMails to every one of you.. but a few
- addresses have changed.. or I could have accidentally missed you (huge
- apologies if so)
- - Bug fix: IFF loader <incorrect info given to me before>
- - Bug fix: XM modules with no patterns won't crash IT. (Apologies to the
- GroovyCompo Organisers - for those interested in online music
- tracking competitions, check http://www.groove.org)
- - Bug fix: CACHE files stored on CDROMs will now work, irrespective of
- their datestamp. Thanks to Humanoid/Prophecy for the Morbid Minds
- CD on which I could finally test these routines!
- - Bug fix: Obscure bug on instrument list under rare circumstances causing
- playing notes to do weird things.
- - Driver news: Updated driver format (incompatible with previous ITs)
- Resonant filters - check FILTERS.TXT for information.
- This stuff has been released basically so that contributors
- can distribute their songs that use filters..
- - MMX drivers implemented.
- - WAV driver - time accuracy improved
- - can specify destination directory (on shift-F5)
- - handles resonant filters
- IT214 Patch 2
- - Bug Fix: 16-bit samples of an exact multiple of 32768 bytes in size were
- getting corrupted on saving.
- - Bug fix: MIDI Macros (unparameterised) were somehow disabled somewhere
- after IT212.. now reenabled
- IT214 Patch 1
- - Bug fix: EMM4.0 mode reenabled
- - Bug fix: Volume envelopes were skipping some ticks (sounded too fast)
- - Bug fix: Slight problems with the wav writer fixed
- - Bug fix: S3M saving bug fixed (was introduced in IT214 due to a 'bug
- report')
- - Other miscellaneous fixups
- IT214 - Version jump to make sure samples don't get screwed up by the
- prerelease (IT213) loader. This is the FINAL public release. Apart
- from bugfixes/new soundcard drivers, don't expect to see anything in
- the future...
- - Samples are now compressed on the fly when saved and loaded from disk.
- Note that this is NOT the same as using MMCMP.
- - Several unimportant (debug) procedures removed to make slightly more
- memory available.
- - Driver news: Diskwriter interpolation changed from quadratic spline
- to cubic spline. (Requires a FPU)
- IT213 Update
- - Modification: Sample panning reset to override instrument panning due to
- demand.
- - Update: .IFF loader updated. Should deal with almost any .IFF file now.
- - Update: EMS Stability improved
- - Update: Several miscellaneous changes
- - Update: If old effects is *ON*, then a looped volume envelope will NOT
- include the last node (for XM compat)
- - Update: More memory available (Help text was manually compressed)
- - Row hilight information is now stored within the .IT module..
- - Automatic MIDI Pitch wheel handling. Vibrato, pitch slides, portamentos
- all handled.
- <Note: REQUIRES a FPU.. the program will hang if you enable this on
- Shift-F1 and you don't have a FPU (486DX+ chips have FPUs)>
- - MIDI Configuration can be embedded into .IT files.
- (Option is on Shift-F1)
- - Driver news: Terratec EWS64 XL Codec software mixing driver
- Terratec Maestro 32/96 Codec software mixing driver
- Terratec Maestro 16/96 Codec software mixing driver
- Ensoniq SoundscapeVIVO Codec software mixing driver
- Sound Track PCI Codec software mixing driver
- ES1688 Audiodrive Codec software mixing driver (for ViperMAX)
- MPU401 generic driver.
- Direct to Disk writer now uses logarithmic volume ramping
- and quadratic spline interpolation
- Read DRIVERS.TXT for information on all of these.
- IT212 Update - Special thanks go out to all those that did stability testing
- of the beta versions of IT212.
- - Bug fix: "Available Samples" in the instrument loading screen will be
- correct if you're loading an instrument from within a module.
- - Bug fix: Sample files will store default pan values.
- - Bug fix: Trying to show pattern data past the end of a pattern will
- not crash IT anymore. This could have occurred before if the
- number of rows in a pattern were reduced during playback, then
- switching to the info page.
- - Bug fix: Deleting samples/instruments "within" a module has been disabled
- (as it should be), so that the module itself cannot be deleted.
- - Bug fix: Default sample pan will override instrument pan whether "Old
- Effects" is on or off.
- - .669 Loader, since Snowman is collecting 'em :)
- This loader hasn't been extensively tested, maily because Composd.Exe
- will not run on my machine (64MB is "Not enough extended memory" ?!?! ).
- Most songs should play though.. Please don't bug me to update the loader
- any further - you won't get a reply.
- - *Much* better memory handling for patterns. EMM386 parameter H=255
- should not be required in MOST cases now (you will only need it if
- you use a large number of samples (ie. > 50) ). You should also have
- more FreeMem to work with. Beta testers have noted that QEMM shows even
- more stability problems in this version than previous versions - please
- avoid QEMM as it DOES cause crashing for as yet unknown reasons. The old
- memory allocation routines can still be found if you have EMS problems by
- using /P2 on the command line.
- - Keyboard handling on instrument lists has been improved to handle
- multiple keypresses/releases. (but not on sample list due to usability)
- - Default volume display in *NORMAL* (5 channel) pattern editor if you press
- Ctrl-V. If you use a custom font, you will need to upgrade your font set
- with FONTUPGR to see this properly.
- Example:
- C-4 01 .. ... <-- what volume is this??
- Press Ctrl-V:
- C-4 01 [32] ... <-- it'll show that the default volume of
- sample/instrument 1 is 32.
- Alt-K has been upgraded to 'pick up' these default values. (So that you
- can also slide from volume 0 to the sample's default without having to
- explicitly key in the value).
- - Automatic filename extension replacement on Ctrl-S, so that if you press
- Ctrl-S after loading a .MOD, .669, .MTM or .XM, the filename will be
- automatically modified to have a .IT extension.
- - CDRom check for CACHE.IT? files. If you burn a CDRom of samples or
- instruments, include the CACHE.ITI and CACHE.ITS files from IT211+ and
- they should accelerate loading of sample and instrument names on all
- future versions of IT.
- < Not tested, since I can't :( >
- - 64 channel miniview on the info page. (note: doesn't show all fields)
- - Note dots added on the info page.
- (You may have to update your info page settings by re-saving all prefs)
- - Changed the old Alt-C on the instrument list to Alt-W (wipe data)
- New Alt-C removes the instrument name and filename, but does NOT
- remove the instrument parameters (like the Alt-C on the sample list)
- Fully configurable output
- 16 parameterised macros
- 128 constant macros
- Check MIDI.TXT for details. (Big thanks to Ozone for writing this)
- - Soundcard Driver news
- ■ Inserted a new algorithm into the direct-to-disk writer to remove
- clicks at the end of samples in cases of Note Cut commands, Note Cut NNA
- and instantaneous sample changes in sample mode. For those who have
- sent me money and would like to receive the upgrade, EMail me.
- ■ ESS ES1868 AudioDrive driver. This will NOT support any other ESS
- chipsets than the ES1868. Do not write to me asking for support for
- other ESS chips unless you are willing to buy me a card (or send me
- the money to do so). This driver supports mixing rates up to 56.8kHz
- (16 bit, stereo) and it also supports MIDI In.
- ■ AWE32 driver update: More accurate tempo control and less clicks under
- Win95
- ■ TB Tropez users: I received an EMail telling me that the GUSMAX drivers
- were working fully with the TB Tropez cards! See how
- it works...
- ■ Sound drivers for the ST97 and EWS64 coming... as soon as I get them
- working....
- Other news: It seems that some people really don't care how much work
- I've put into IT - Warez versions of the full ITWAV.DRV
- are being sought after. Let me make this clear: Distribution
- of the full version of ITWAV.DRV is NOT appreciated and if I
- ever find the full version anywhere, IT will no longer be
- publically released.
- IT211 Update - Not so much this time, as I have been working full time, so
- since IT has been sitting on my HDD without changes for a
- couple of weeks, I decided to release the update anyway.
- - Saving a song with Ctrl-S or from the menu will not prompt about
- 'overwriting' the file.
- - Compatibility Gxx volume fadeout fixed.
- - Matrox autodetection fixed to set mouse cursor properly also.
- - You can press 'L' or 'R' on the "load stereo sample" prompt to select
- left or right channels.
- - Increased file-header 'load-buffer' so that more Sound Forge .WAV files
- should be recognised.
- - Bug fix to: swap samples/instruments, insert/remove sample/instrument
- and update instrument *could* have caused the current
- editing pattern to skip being modified.
- - Bug fix: Pressing delete on a non-note column in template mode should
- work as expected.
- - Note: If you delete your old IT.CFG files and run IT afresh, you'll
- get an extra 'line' on the infopage to work with.
- - .KRZ sample-library loader. Note that this does NOT support multiple
- .KR* files (ie. .KR1, .KR2, .KR3). To use these files, you will have
- to run MERGEKRZ.EXE (supplied) to create a single .KRZ file.
- (BIG thanks to Markus Jonnson for the info!)
- - .PAT sample-library loader.
- - Creating a 'host instrument' after loading a sample will first attempt
- to use an instrument of the same number as the sample before finding
- the first empty instrument.
- - Holding down Caps Lock in the pattern editor will allow you to play
- notes without entering them into the patterns.
- Driver modifications
- - Bug fix for SB16 drivers which caused patterns not to 'play'. For those
- that still have troubles with the SB16 driver, read DRIVERS.TXT
- - For those of you who couldn't get the GUSMAX driver working, check out
- DRIVERS.TXT also :)
- - The ITWAV.DRV file now writes proper .WAV files instead of .RAW
- - ITAWE32.DRV uses floating point calculations to reduce memory usage.
- ITAWE32B.DRV (the old driver) still exists for people who don't have
- math coprocessors
- IT210 Update - some MAJOR fixes here.
- - Approximate song length on Ctrl-P. Note that *some* soundcards will
- require reinitialisation after this (almost all won't). The time given
- is the 'ideal' time for the playback of the song and should correspond
- *exactly* to GUS/AWE non-IRQ playback times.
- - A few more player bug fixes for XM compatibility
- - IT won't crash if you try to load instruments from an 'empty' drive
- (eg. disk not inserted or no files present)
- - In the pattern editor, Insert/Delete, Note Cut/Note Off/Note Delete
- are all 'template aware' - they will span more than 1 channel if
- you are editing in template mode and the template has height 1.
- Also, 'picking up' data with Enter will turn off Template mode's except
- for "Template-Notes Only"
- - Volume column effects Ex/Fx/Gx in combination with effect Jxx should
- operate as expected now.
- - Deleting a file on the instrument list will update the instrument cache
- file appropriately.
- - Sample/Instrument cache file time check fixed.
- - Slight modification to the handling of SBx commands to prevent
- infinite loops.
- - Simple crash recovery mechanism should you ever encounter a problem.
- (You shouldn't need it!) This is on Ctrl-Alt-Del in DOS or
- Ctrl-Alt-Ins in Windows. It is not guaranteed to work, but if it works
- once, then I guess that the amount of time I spent on it was worth it
- (~10 minutes).
- For the technically minded lot, what it does is it tries to 'kick start'
- the tracker again directly from the keyboard interrupt handler.
- - Loading a stereo WAV file will cause a pop-up menu to appear to select
- loading the left or right channels.
- - GUSMAX users interested in using software mixing, check out DRIVERS.TXT
- - Memory corruption error found and fixed which produced 3-sets of invalid
- values in the order list/instruments (main reason for this release!)
- IT209 Update
- ************************* FONT FILES REQUIRE UPDATING *********************
- If you have your own custom font file, you will need to change character
- number 184 to 190. If you have used one of the 'standard' font sets, you
- will need to run ITF and grab an updated file. Failure to do so will just
- make the sample page look stuffed - You have been warned :)
- ***************************************************************************
- Many Many MANY miscellaneous fixes to the XM loader and playback routines
- -> XM support should be *MUCH* better now.
- Volume effects have been debugged... hopefully :)
- Some major errors fixed around (ie. dumping to DOS from the Instrument
- screen, Pattern's not updating in memory correctly (which went wrong in
- IT208) )
- Added default sample pan to the sample list (default instrument pan WILL
- override this if present). Note that using default pan is the equivalent
- of using a 'set pan' effect on that row - the channel will be set to the
- default sample pan.
- You can change whether the info page displays sample names or instrument
- names by pressing 'i'
- IT208 Update
- So much so quickly? Well, I had exams. And when I have exams, I code, 'cos
- it's better than having to study :)
- ************************* FONT FILES REQUIRE UPDATING *********************
- If you have your own custom font file, you will need to change character
- number 184 to. If you have used one of the 'standard' font sets, you will
- need to run ITF and grab an updated file. Failure to do so will just make
- the info page and 10-channel editor look stuffed - You have been warned :)
- ***************************************************************************
- - Bug fix: Keyboard configuration files could have cause MAJOR problems...
- fixed!
- - Bug fix: Some files with the .MOD ID "CH" which actually were NOT MODs
- were being identified as "Fast Tracker 2" modules.
- (You may have to delete your CACHE.ITS files to force IT to
- refresh it's data)
- - Bug fixes: MIDI input won't corrupt input on the order list
- MIDI input won't interfere with button presses
- MIDI input won't insert effect SDF into patterns when recording
- where inappropriate.
- - Old Left Ctrl+Shift-1 'removed', Left-Ctrl+Shift 1->4 still work - and
- have been updated.
- PROPER 10-channel editing mode available (complete with half sized cursors!)
- as well as some minor logic improvements. (Try Left-Ctrl+Shift 2)
- - ";" and "'" made to change the samples/instrument in the pattern editor
- as '<' and '>' do - just much easier to do so on American keyboards.
- - Dragging mouse nodes past boundaries is more accurate.
- - "Channel details" display (on the infopage) *can* show the 64th channel
- (oops in IT207)
- - Matrox bug autodetection (Many thanks to Csaba Pankaczy for working with
- me on this!)
- - Message system hooked to a timer (ie. all those messages that appear
- towards the top of the screen).. so that they will last a consistent
- amount of time (independent of machine).
- - Player Improvement: NNA mechanism will eliminate channels on two extra
- conditions now (no difference to playback, but should
- maximise channel usage)
- - Improvement: Persistence of cache files through different sessions of IT
- - ie. once the sample/instrument cache files are created, they
- are NOT recreated unless necessary.
- - Root "\" directory has replaced "." directory on all loading screens.
- - Several Template input related functions improved. Also, Block-Cut in
- template mode won't overwrite your clipboard if you're working with
- templates.
- - Template: "Notes only" added. This is different from the other templates
- in that it will NOT copy the template's instruments, volumes or effects.
- Instead, it will change it's instrument/volume/effect according to the
- last used instrument/volume/effect, and will insert whatever is speicfied
- by the edit mask.
- - Addition: Volume Column effects, Ax, Bx, Cx, Dx, Ex, Fx, Gx and Hx!!!!
- Ax = Fine volume slide up by x
- Bx = Fine volume slide down by x
- Cx = Volume slide up by x
- Dx = Volume slide down by x
- Ex = Pitch slide down by x
- Fx = Pitch slide up by x
- Gx = Portamento to note with speed x
- Hx = Vibrato with depth x
- Note that the pitch/portamento scale here is DIFFERENT from the standard
- effect slideup/down
- * Note that if you use these in your songs, IT < 2.08 will NOT play them
- * correctly... (in fact, it'll probably play it extremely painfully)
- - Alt Up/Down/Ins/Del added to the note translation table.
- - Minor modifications around the tracker
- - Windows Sound System Driver! (Operates at mixing rates up to 64kHz!)
- Impulse Tracker has the greatest soundcard support of any tracker by far!
- - Old Effects will 'unlink' the memory of Gxx from Exx/Fxx
- - XM LOADING!!!!!!!!!!
- Don't write to me complaining about incompatibilities - I am aware of
- lots of them and you probably won't get a reply. :) *MOST* songs should
- have a near perfect conversion tho...
- - Big safety feature!! Playback dying because of overload? Bad NNA selection?
- F8 *should* stop playback immediately now! (in DOS).
- In Windows '95, there may be a noticeable stall before playback stops
- (ie. several seconds), or it may not function at all...
- IT207 update
- - Some bug fixes to MIDI input.
- - Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn on the sample list will redraw the waveforms
- - Jxx memory should work fine (The memory didn't operate if the channel
- wasn't active before)
- - Template limits should be correctly applied. (ie. clipped within
- C-0 and B-9)
- - Going to a pattern from the Info Page ('G') will also go to the
- current order playing.
- - MIDI input can be enabled/disabled in the pattern editor with
- Alt-Scroll Lock
- - MOD in-module sample library loop points fixed.
- - Envelope drawing algorithm slightly more tolerant of corrupt information
- - Mouse envelope routines slightly improved for more accurate handling of
- nodes.
- - Added Message editor to main menu.
- - Added 10 channel view to the info page (you may need to reset your info-
- page settings and "save your preferences")
- - Squished up the info page view to get a couple of extra lines! :)
- - Ctrl-F7 on the order list will set the next pattern to play (at request
- of ChuckB) - for DJ use
- - Due to Win95's unstable disk-EMS routines, if you load a MMTSRed sample,
- instrument or module (sample library), playback *will* stop to prevent
- corruption of samples currently in memory.
- - Notes in templates of height 1 will be played back in the pattern editor
- (very useful for "multi sample" note entry)
- - Added effects T0x and T1x for Tempo slide down and tempo slide up.
- - Added .IT and .XM *INSTRUMENT* library support. Note that .ITs that
- aren't in instrument mode or have no instruments will NOT be shown on
- the instrument loader list.
- - Added Alt-Ins and Alt-Del on the sample and instrument lists to add
- in samples/instruments
- **** NOTE: /Sx command line parameters have been changed around just for
- IT 2.06
- - Update: Yet another update to the EMS routines.. for those of you who
- couldn't be bothered to read the FAQ.
- Also new command line switch:
- /Px - Set pattern memory allocation strategy.
- Check SUMMARY.TXT for info on this.
- - Minor update: The 10-stage undo buffer will now use EMS memory under most
- circumstances.
- - Minor update: S3M and IT loader routines slightly modified for more
- efficient memory usage.
- - Minor update: "Song modified" flag logic slightly modified.
- - Minor update: .WAV loader slightly improved. (should read any 8 or 16-bit
- format.)
- - Minor Addition: IT will now release time slices to multitasking OS/s
- if you specify /T2 on the command line.
- If you are using the MIDI input capabilities of IT, you
- SHOULD NOT enable this (timing gets effected badly)
- - Minor Addition: Set pattern length command on Ctrl-F2 (can set multiple
- patterns)
- - Minor Addition: Command line switch /T1 to disable "usage time" indication
- - Addition: TX Wave loader for .W?? samples (eg. from Kosmic's sample dirs)
- Note: These are actually 12-bit samples, which are converted to
- 16-bit at load time.
- - Addition: .MOD sample library loader.
- This "only" recognises the following MOD Identifications -
- "M.K.", "M!K!", "FLT4", "FLT8", "4CHN", "6CHN", "8CHN"
- And FT2's extended MOD identification, "xxCH"
- If you have an "Old Amiga-MOD format" MOD (which doesn't have an
- ID), then you'll have to save it as another format if you want
- to rip directly from it.
- So sample library support in total:
- .MOD, .669, .FAR, .MTM, .S3M, .PTM, .XM, .IT
- - Addition: Intelligent MIDI Input for SB16 and Interwave cards!
- MIDI options screen is on Shift-F1 (those of you who have IT.CFG
- from older versions of IT *WILL* need to visit this screen at
- least once if you want to use MIDI - "Save All Preferences" will
- save these settings)
- In the pattern editor, Ctrl-Z is "Change MIDI playback trigger."
- Normally, it is quite difficult to start at a row/pattern with
- MIDI - this options allow you to control whether a pattern or
- song should START playing when you play the first note.
- (IT will play either from the start of the current pattern or
- the song starting from the current row depending on your choice)
- Once this is done, the trigger is immediately unset, so you will
- have to setup this trigger again if you want to use it.
- Note that this *will* turn on pattern tracing. To disable it,
- use Scroll-Lock.
- ****** NOTE ******
- SB16's MIDI input is somewhat 'iffy'. If you stop receiving
- MIDI input, you need to reinit the soundcard (Ctrl-I) (possibly
- several times). I don't know why it does this. Dont' write
- to me about it, 'cos I have spent MANY MANY hours on this little
- problem and I don't want to know about it. Also, in Win95, I
- found it necessary to change my SB16's configuration to EXCLUDE
- the MIDI port (and I used a Microsoft MPU401 driver instead),
- otherwise MIDI input was ignored.
- Sorry, no GUS MIDI at the moment, as I couldn't get it working.
- Please do NOT write to me about this, you will not get a reply.
- An updated GUS driver will be released if/when I get it working.