home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #ifndef _AMIGAOS3_
- #include <exec/exectags.h>
- #endif
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #ifdef _AMIGAOS3_
- #include "os3_compat.h"
- #endif
- #include "hvl_replay.h"
- int32 stereopan_left[] = { 128, 96, 64, 32, 0 };
- int32 stereopan_right[] = { 128, 160, 193, 225, 255 };
- /*
- ** Waves
- */
- #define WHITENOISELEN (0x280*3)
- #define WO_LOWPASSES 0
- #define WO_TRIANGLE_04 (WO_LOWPASSES+((0xfc+0xfc+0x80*0x1f+0x80+3*0x280)*31))
- #define WO_TRIANGLE_08 (WO_TRIANGLE_04+0x04)
- #define WO_TRIANGLE_10 (WO_TRIANGLE_08+0x08)
- #define WO_TRIANGLE_20 (WO_TRIANGLE_10+0x10)
- #define WO_TRIANGLE_40 (WO_TRIANGLE_20+0x20)
- #define WO_TRIANGLE_80 (WO_TRIANGLE_40+0x40)
- #define WO_SAWTOOTH_04 (WO_TRIANGLE_80+0x80)
- #define WO_SAWTOOTH_08 (WO_SAWTOOTH_04+0x04)
- #define WO_SAWTOOTH_10 (WO_SAWTOOTH_08+0x08)
- #define WO_SAWTOOTH_20 (WO_SAWTOOTH_10+0x10)
- #define WO_SAWTOOTH_40 (WO_SAWTOOTH_20+0x20)
- #define WO_SAWTOOTH_80 (WO_SAWTOOTH_40+0x40)
- #define WO_SQUARES (WO_SAWTOOTH_80+0x80)
- #define WO_WHITENOISE (WO_SQUARES+(0x80*0x20))
- #define WAVES_SIZE (WO_HIGHPASSES+((0xfc+0xfc+0x80*0x1f+0x80+3*0x280)*31))
- int8 waves[WAVES_SIZE];
- int16 waves2[WAVES_SIZE];
- CONST int16 vib_tab[] =
- {
- 0,24,49,74,97,120,141,161,180,197,212,224,235,244,250,253,255,
- 253,250,244,235,224,212,197,180,161,141,120,97,74,49,24,
- 0,-24,-49,-74,-97,-120,-141,-161,-180,-197,-212,-224,-235,-244,-250,-253,-255,
- -253,-250,-244,-235,-224,-212,-197,-180,-161,-141,-120,-97,-74,-49,-24
- };
- CONST uint16 period_tab[] =
- {
- 0x0000, 0x0D60, 0x0CA0, 0x0BE8, 0x0B40, 0x0A98, 0x0A00, 0x0970,
- 0x08E8, 0x0868, 0x07F0, 0x0780, 0x0714, 0x06B0, 0x0650, 0x05F4,
- 0x05A0, 0x054C, 0x0500, 0x04B8, 0x0474, 0x0434, 0x03F8, 0x03C0,
- 0x038A, 0x0358, 0x0328, 0x02FA, 0x02D0, 0x02A6, 0x0280, 0x025C,
- 0x023A, 0x021A, 0x01FC, 0x01E0, 0x01C5, 0x01AC, 0x0194, 0x017D,
- 0x0168, 0x0153, 0x0140, 0x012E, 0x011D, 0x010D, 0x00FE, 0x00F0,
- 0x00E2, 0x00D6, 0x00CA, 0x00BE, 0x00B4, 0x00AA, 0x00A0, 0x0097,
- 0x008F, 0x0087, 0x007F, 0x0078, 0x0071
- };
- uint32 panning_left[256], panning_right[256];
- static inline void clr_l( uint32 *src, uint32 longs)
- {
- do {
- *src++ = 0;
- longs--;
- } while (longs > 0);
- }
- void hvl_GenPanningTables( void )
- {
- uint32 i;
- float64 aa, ab;
- // Sine based panning table
- aa = (3.14159265f*2.0f)/4.0f; // Quarter of the way through the sinewave == top peak
- ab = 0.0f; // Start of the climb from zero
- for( i=0; i<256; i++ )
- {
- panning_left[i] = (uint32)(sin(aa)*255.0f);
- panning_right[i] = (uint32)(sin(ab)*255.0f);
- aa += (3.14159265*2.0f/4.0f)/256.0f;
- ab += (3.14159265*2.0f/4.0f)/256.0f;
- }
- panning_left[255] = 0;
- panning_right[0] = 0;
- }
- void hvl_GenSawtooth( int8 *buf, uint32 len )
- {
- uint32 i;
- int32 val, add;
- add = 256 / (len-1);
- val = -128;
- for( i=0; i<len; i++, val += add )
- *buf++ = (int8)val;
- }
- void hvl_GenTriangle( int8 *buf, uint32 len )
- {
- uint32 i;
- int32 d2, d5, d1, d4;
- int32 val;
- int8 *buf2;
- d2 = len;
- d5 = len >> 2;
- d1 = 128/d5;
- d4 = -(d2 >> 1);
- val = 0;
- for( i=0; i<d5; i++ )
- {
- *buf++ = val;
- val += d1;
- }
- *buf++ = 0x7f;
- if( d5 != 1 )
- {
- val = 128;
- for( i=0; i<d5-1; i++ )
- {
- val -= d1;
- *buf++ = val;
- }
- }
- buf2 = buf + d4;
- for( i=0; i<d5*2; i++ )
- {
- int8 c;
- c = *buf2++;
- if( c == 0x7f )
- c = 0x80;
- else
- c = -c;
- *buf++ = c;
- }
- }
- void hvl_GenSquare( int8 *buf )
- {
- uint32 i, j;
- for( i=1; i<=0x20; i++ )
- {
- for( j=0; j<(0x40-i)*2; j++ )
- *buf++ = 0x80;
- for( j=0; j<i*2; j++ )
- *buf++ = 0x7f;
- }
- }
- static inline float64 clip( float64 x )
- {
- if( x > 127.f )
- x = 127.f;
- else if( x < -128.f )
- x = -128.f;
- return x;
- }
- void hvl_GenFilterWaves( int8 *buf, int8 *lowbuf, int8 *highbuf )
- {
- static const uint16 lentab[45] = { 3, 7, 0xf, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 3, 7, 0xf, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f,
- 0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,
- 0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,
- (0x280*3)-1 };
- float64 freq;
- uint32 temp;
- for( temp=0, freq=8.f; temp<31; temp++, freq+=3.f )
- {
- uint32 wv;
- int8 *a0 = buf;
- for( wv=0; wv<6+6+0x20+1; wv++ )
- {
- float64 fre, high, mid, low;
- uint32 i;
- mid = 0.f;
- low = 0.f;
- fre = freq * 1.25f / 100.0f;
- for( i=0; i<=lentab[wv]; i++ )
- {
- high = a0[i] - mid - low;
- high = clip( high );
- mid += high * fre;
- mid = clip( mid );
- low += mid * fre;
- low = clip( low );
- }
- for( i=0; i<=lentab[wv]; i++ )
- {
- high = a0[i] - mid - low;
- high = clip( high );
- mid += high * fre;
- mid = clip( mid );
- low += mid * fre;
- low = clip( low );
- *lowbuf++ = (int8)low;
- *highbuf++ = (int8)high;
- }
- a0 += lentab[wv]+1;
- }
- }
- }
- void hvl_GenWhiteNoise( int8 *buf, uint32 len )
- {
- uint32 ays;
- ays = 0x41595321;
- do {
- uint16 ax, bx;
- int8 s;
- s = ays;
- if( ays & 0x100 )
- {
- s = 0x80;
- if( (LONG)(ays & 0xffff) >= 0 )
- s = 0x7f;
- }
- *buf++ = s;
- len--;
- ays = (ays >> 5) | (ays << 27);
- ays = (ays & 0xffffff00) | ((ays & 0xff) ^ 0x9a);
- bx = ays;
- ays = (ays << 2) | (ays >> 30);
- ax = ays;
- bx += ax;
- ax ^= bx;
- ays = (ays & 0xffff0000) | ax;
- ays = (ays >> 3) | (ays << 29);
- } while( len );
- }
- void hvl_reset_some_stuff( struct hvl_tune *ht )
- {
- uint32 i;
- for( i=0; i<MAX_CHANNELS; i++ )
- {
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SamplePos=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Delta=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Track=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Transpose=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NextTrack = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NextTranspose = 0;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_ADSRVolume=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_InstrPeriod=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_TrackPeriod=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VibratoPeriod=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NoteMaxVolume=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PerfSubVolume=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_TrackMasterVolume=0;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NewWaveform=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Waveform=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PlantSquare=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PlantPeriod=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_IgnoreSquare=0;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_TrackOn=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FixedNote=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VolumeSlideUp=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VolumeSlideDown=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_HardCut=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_HardCutRelease=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_HardCutReleaseF=0;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodSlideSpeed=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodSlidePeriod=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodSlideLimit=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodSlideOn=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodSlideWithLimit=0;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodPerfSlideSpeed=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodPerfSlidePeriod=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodPerfSlideOn=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VibratoDelay=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VibratoCurrent=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VibratoDepth=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VibratoSpeed=0;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareOn=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareInit=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareLowerLimit=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareUpperLimit=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquarePos=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareSign=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareSlidingIn=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareReverse=0;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterOn=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterInit=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterLowerLimit=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterUpperLimit=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterPos=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterSign=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterSpeed=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterSlidingIn=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_IgnoreFilter=0;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PerfCurrent=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PerfSpeed=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_WaveLength=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NoteDelayOn=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NoteCutOn=0;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_AudioPeriod=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_AudioVolume=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoiceVolume=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoicePeriod=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoiceNum=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_WNRandom=0;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareWait=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterWait=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PerfWait=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NoteDelayWait=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NoteCutWait=0;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PerfList=0;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingSamplePos=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingDelta=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingPlantPeriod=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingAudioPeriod=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingNewWaveform=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingWaveform=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingFixedPeriod=ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingBasePeriod=0;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingMixSource = NULL;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingAudioSource = NULL;
- clr_l((ULONG *)&ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareTempBuffer,0x80/4);
- clr_l((ULONG *)&ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_ADSR,sizeof(struct hvl_envelope)/4);
- clr_l((ULONG *)&ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoiceBuffer,0x281/4);
- clr_l((ULONG *)&ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingVoiceBuffer,0x281/4);
- }
- for( i=0; i<MAX_CHANNELS; i++ )
- {
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_WNRandom = 0x280;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoiceNum = i;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_TrackMasterVolume = 0x40;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_TrackOn = 1;
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_MixSource = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoiceBuffer;
- }
- }
- BOOL hvl_InitSubsong( struct hvl_tune *ht, uint32 nr )
- {
- uint32 PosNr, i;
- if( nr > ht->ht_SubsongNr )
- return FALSE;
- ht->ht_SongNum = nr;
- PosNr = 0;
- if( nr ) PosNr = ht->ht_Subsongs[nr-1];
- ht->ht_PosNr = PosNr;
- ht->ht_PosJump = 0;
- ht->ht_PatternBreak = 0;
- ht->ht_NoteNr = 0;
- ht->ht_PosJumpNote = 0;
- ht->ht_Tempo = 6;
- ht->ht_StepWaitFrames = 0;
- ht->ht_GetNewPosition = 1;
- ht->ht_SongEndReached = 0;
- ht->ht_PlayingTime = 0;
- for( i=0; i<MAX_CHANNELS; i+=4 )
- {
- ht->ht_Voices[i+0].vc_Pan = ht->ht_defpanleft;
- ht->ht_Voices[i+0].vc_PanMultLeft = panning_left[ht->ht_defpanleft];
- ht->ht_Voices[i+0].vc_PanMultRight = panning_right[ht->ht_defpanleft];
- ht->ht_Voices[i+1].vc_Pan = ht->ht_defpanright;
- ht->ht_Voices[i+1].vc_PanMultLeft = panning_left[ht->ht_defpanright];
- ht->ht_Voices[i+1].vc_PanMultRight = panning_right[ht->ht_defpanright];
- ht->ht_Voices[i+2].vc_Pan = ht->ht_defpanright;
- ht->ht_Voices[i+2].vc_PanMultLeft = panning_left[ht->ht_defpanright];
- ht->ht_Voices[i+2].vc_PanMultRight = panning_right[ht->ht_defpanright];
- ht->ht_Voices[i+3].vc_Pan = ht->ht_defpanleft;
- ht->ht_Voices[i+3].vc_PanMultLeft = panning_left[ht->ht_defpanleft];
- ht->ht_Voices[i+3].vc_PanMultRight = panning_right[ht->ht_defpanleft];
- }
- hvl_reset_some_stuff( ht );
- return TRUE;
- }
- void hvl_InitReplayer( void )
- {
- hvl_GenPanningTables();
- hvl_GenSawtooth( &waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_04], 0x04 );
- hvl_GenSawtooth( &waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_08], 0x08 );
- hvl_GenSawtooth( &waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_10], 0x10 );
- hvl_GenSawtooth( &waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_20], 0x20 );
- hvl_GenSawtooth( &waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_40], 0x40 );
- hvl_GenSawtooth( &waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_80], 0x80 );
- hvl_GenTriangle( &waves[WO_TRIANGLE_04], 0x04 );
- hvl_GenTriangle( &waves[WO_TRIANGLE_08], 0x08 );
- hvl_GenTriangle( &waves[WO_TRIANGLE_10], 0x10 );
- hvl_GenTriangle( &waves[WO_TRIANGLE_20], 0x20 );
- hvl_GenTriangle( &waves[WO_TRIANGLE_40], 0x40 );
- hvl_GenTriangle( &waves[WO_TRIANGLE_80], 0x80 );
- hvl_GenSquare( &waves[WO_SQUARES] );
- hvl_GenWhiteNoise( &waves[WO_WHITENOISE], WHITENOISELEN );
- hvl_GenFilterWaves( &waves[WO_TRIANGLE_04], &waves[WO_LOWPASSES], &waves[WO_HIGHPASSES] );
- }
- struct hvl_tune *hvl_load_ahx( uint8 *buf, uint32 buflen, uint32 defstereo, uint32 freq )
- {
- uint8 *bptr;
- TEXT *nptr;
- uint32 i, j, k, l, posn, insn, ssn, hs, trkn, trkl;
- struct hvl_tune *ht;
- struct hvl_plsentry *ple;
- int32 defgain[] = { 73, 74, 79, 86, 100 };
- posn = ((buf[6]&0x0f)<<8)|buf[7];
- insn = buf[12];
- ssn = buf[13];
- trkl = buf[10];
- trkn = buf[11];
- hs = sizeof( struct hvl_tune );
- hs += sizeof( struct hvl_position ) * posn;
- hs += sizeof( struct hvl_instrument ) * (insn+1);
- hs += sizeof( uint16 ) * ssn;
- // Calculate the size of all instrument PList buffers
- bptr = &buf[14];
- bptr += ssn*2; // Skip past the subsong list
- bptr += posn*4*2; // Skip past the positions
- bptr += trkn*trkl*3;
- if((buf[6]&0x80)==0) bptr += trkl*3;
- // *NOW* we can finally calculate PList space
- for( i=1; i<=insn; i++ )
- {
- hs += bptr[21] * sizeof( struct hvl_plsentry );
- bptr += 22 + bptr[21]*4;
- }
- ht = AllocVec( hs, MEMF_ANY );
- if( !ht )
- {
- FreeVec( buf );
- printf( "Out of memory!\n" );
- return NULL;
- }
- ht->ht_Frequency = freq;
- ht->ht_FreqF = (float64)freq;
- ht->ht_Positions = (struct hvl_position *)(&ht[1]);
- ht->ht_Instruments = (struct hvl_instrument *)(&ht->ht_Positions[posn]);
- ht->ht_Subsongs = (uint16 *)(&ht->ht_Instruments[(insn+1)]);
- ple = (struct hvl_plsentry *)(&ht->ht_Subsongs[ssn]);
- ht->ht_WaveformTab[0] = &waves[WO_TRIANGLE_04];
- ht->ht_WaveformTab[1] = &waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_04];
- ht->ht_WaveformTab[3] = &waves[WO_WHITENOISE];
- ht->ht_Channels = 4;
- ht->ht_PositionNr = posn;
- ht->ht_Restart = (buf[8]<<8)|buf[9];
- ht->ht_SpeedMultiplier = ((buf[6]>>5)&3)+1;
- ht->ht_TrackLength = trkl;
- ht->ht_TrackNr = trkn;
- ht->ht_InstrumentNr = insn;
- ht->ht_SubsongNr = ssn;
- ht->ht_defstereo = defstereo;
- ht->ht_defpanleft = stereopan_left[ht->ht_defstereo];
- ht->ht_defpanright = stereopan_right[ht->ht_defstereo];
- ht->ht_mixgain = (defgain[ht->ht_defstereo]*256)/100;
- if( ht->ht_Restart >= ht->ht_PositionNr )
- ht->ht_Restart = ht->ht_PositionNr-1;
- // Do some validation
- if( ( ht->ht_PositionNr > 1000 ) ||
- ( ht->ht_TrackLength > 64 ) ||
- ( ht->ht_InstrumentNr > 64 ) )
- {
- printf( "%d,%d,%d\n", ht->ht_PositionNr,
- ht->ht_TrackLength,
- ht->ht_InstrumentNr );
- FreeVec( ht );
- FreeVec( buf );
- printf( "Invalid file.\n" );
- return NULL;
- }
- strncpy( ht->ht_Name, (TEXT *)&buf[(buf[4]<<8)|buf[5]], 128 );
- nptr = (TEXT *)&buf[((buf[4]<<8)|buf[5])+strlen( ht->ht_Name )+1];
- bptr = &buf[14];
- // Subsongs
- for( i=0; i<ht->ht_SubsongNr; i++ )
- {
- ht->ht_Subsongs[i] = (bptr[0]<<8)|bptr[1];
- bptr += 2;
- }
- // Position list
- for( i=0; i<ht->ht_PositionNr; i++ )
- {
- for( j=0; j<4; j++ )
- {
- ht->ht_Positions[i].pos_Track[j] = *bptr++;
- ht->ht_Positions[i].pos_Transpose[j] = *(int8 *)bptr++;
- }
- }
- // Tracks
- for( i=0; i<=ht->ht_TrackNr; i++ )
- {
- if( ( ( buf[6]&0x80 ) == 0x80 ) && ( i == 0 ) )
- {
- for( j=0; j<ht->ht_TrackLength; j++ )
- {
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Note = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Instrument = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FX = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXParam = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXb = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXbParam = 0;
- }
- continue;
- }
- for( j=0; j<ht->ht_TrackLength; j++ )
- {
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Note = (bptr[0]>>2)&0x3f;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Instrument = ((bptr[0]&0x3)<<4) | (bptr[1]>>4);
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FX = bptr[1]&0xf;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXParam = bptr[2];
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXb = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXbParam = 0;
- bptr += 3;
- }
- }
- // Instruments
- for( i=1; i<=ht->ht_InstrumentNr; i++ )
- {
- strncpy( ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Name, nptr, 128 );
- nptr += strlen( nptr )+1;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Volume = bptr[0];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_FilterSpeed = ((bptr[1]>>3)&0x1f)|((bptr[12]>>2)&0x20);
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_WaveLength = bptr[1]&0x07;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.aFrames = bptr[2];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.aVolume = bptr[3];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.dFrames = bptr[4];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.dVolume = bptr[5];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.sFrames = bptr[6];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.rFrames = bptr[7];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.rVolume = bptr[8];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_FilterLowerLimit = bptr[12]&0x7f;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_VibratoDelay = bptr[13];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_HardCutReleaseFrames = (bptr[14]>>4)&0x07;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_HardCutRelease = bptr[14]&0x80?1:0;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_VibratoDepth = bptr[14]&0x0f;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_VibratoSpeed = bptr[15];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_SquareLowerLimit = bptr[16];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_SquareUpperLimit = bptr[17];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_SquareSpeed = bptr[18];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_FilterUpperLimit = bptr[19]&0x3f;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Speed = bptr[20];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Length = bptr[21];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries = ple;
- ple += bptr[21];
- bptr += 22;
- for( j=0; j<ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Length; j++ )
- {
- k = (bptr[0]>>5)&7;
- if( k == 6 ) k = 12;
- if( k == 7 ) k = 15;
- l = (bptr[0]>>2)&7;
- if( l == 6 ) l = 12;
- if( l == 7 ) l = 15;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FX[1] = k;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FX[0] = l;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_Waveform = ((bptr[0]<<1)&6) | (bptr[1]>>7);
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_Fixed = (bptr[1]>>6)&1;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_Note = bptr[1]&0x3f;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FXParam[0] = bptr[2];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FXParam[1] = bptr[3];
- bptr += 4;
- }
- }
- hvl_InitSubsong( ht, 0 );
- FreeVec( buf );
- return ht;
- }
- struct hvl_tune *hvl_LoadTune( TEXT *name, uint32 freq, uint32 defstereo )
- {
- struct hvl_tune *ht;
- uint8 *buf, *bptr;
- TEXT *nptr;
- uint32 buflen, i, j, posn, insn, ssn, chnn, hs, trkl, trkn;
- BPTR lock, fh;
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- struct hvl_plsentry *ple;
- fib = AllocDosObjectTags( DOS_FIB, TAG_DONE );
- if( !fib )
- {
- printf( "Out of memory\n" );
- return NULL;
- }
- lock = Lock( name, ACCESS_READ );
- if( !lock )
- {
- FreeDosObject( DOS_FIB, fib );
- printf( "Unable to find '%s'\n", name );
- return NULL;
- }
- Examine( lock, fib );
- if( !FIB_IS_FILE( fib ) )
- {
- UnLock( lock );
- FreeDosObject( DOS_FIB, fib );
- printf( "Bad file!\n" );
- return NULL;
- }
- buflen = fib->fib_Size;
- buf = AllocVec( buflen, MEMF_ANY );
- if( !buf )
- {
- UnLock( lock );
- FreeDosObject( DOS_FIB, fib );
- printf( "Out of memory!\n" );
- return NULL;
- }
- fh = OpenFromLock( lock );
- if( !fh )
- {
- FreeVec( buf );
- UnLock( lock );
- FreeDosObject( DOS_FIB, fib );
- printf( "Can't open file\n" );
- return NULL;
- }
- if( Read( fh, buf, buflen ) != buflen )
- {
- FreeVec( buf );
- Close( fh );
- FreeDosObject( DOS_FIB, fib );
- printf( "Unable to read from file!\n" );
- return NULL;
- }
- Close( fh );
- FreeDosObject( DOS_FIB, fib );
- if( ( buf[0] == 'T' ) &&
- ( buf[1] == 'H' ) &&
- ( buf[2] == 'X' ) &&
- ( buf[3] < 3 ) )
- return hvl_load_ahx( buf, buflen, defstereo, freq );
- if( ( buf[0] != 'H' ) ||
- ( buf[1] != 'V' ) ||
- ( buf[2] != 'L' ) ||
- ( buf[3] > 0 ) )
- {
- FreeVec( buf );
- printf( "Invalid file.\n" );
- return NULL;
- }
- posn = ((buf[6]&0x0f)<<8)|buf[7];
- insn = buf[12];
- ssn = buf[13];
- chnn = (buf[8]>>2)+4;
- trkl = buf[10];
- trkn = buf[11];
- hs = sizeof( struct hvl_tune );
- hs += sizeof( struct hvl_position ) * posn;
- hs += sizeof( struct hvl_instrument ) * (insn+1);
- hs += sizeof( uint16 ) * ssn;
- // Calculate the size of all instrument PList buffers
- bptr = &buf[16];
- bptr += ssn*2; // Skip past the subsong list
- bptr += posn*chnn*2; // Skip past the positions
- // Skip past the tracks
- i=(buf[6]&0x80)?1:0;
- for( i=0; i<trkn; i++ )
- for( j=0; j<trkl; j++ )
- {
- if( bptr[0] == 0x3f )
- {
- bptr++;
- continue;
- }
- bptr += 5;
- }
- // *NOW* we can finally calculate PList space
- for( i=1; i<=insn; i++ )
- {
- hs += bptr[21] * sizeof( struct hvl_plsentry );
- bptr += 22 + bptr[21]*5;
- }
- ht = AllocVec( hs, MEMF_ANY );
- if( !ht )
- {
- FreeVec( buf );
- printf( "Out of memory!\n" );
- return NULL;
- }
- ht->ht_Frequency = freq;
- ht->ht_FreqF = (float64)freq;
- ht->ht_Positions = (struct hvl_position *)(&ht[1]);
- ht->ht_Instruments = (struct hvl_instrument *)(&ht->ht_Positions[posn]);
- ht->ht_Subsongs = (uint16 *)(&ht->ht_Instruments[(insn+1)]);
- ple = (struct hvl_plsentry *)(&ht->ht_Subsongs[ssn]);
- ht->ht_WaveformTab[0] = &waves[WO_TRIANGLE_04];
- ht->ht_WaveformTab[1] = &waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_04];
- ht->ht_WaveformTab[3] = &waves[WO_WHITENOISE];
- ht->ht_PositionNr = posn;
- ht->ht_Channels = (buf[8]>>2)+4;
- ht->ht_Restart = ((buf[8]&3)<<8)|buf[9];
- ht->ht_SpeedMultiplier = ((buf[6]>>5)&3)+1;
- ht->ht_TrackLength = buf[10];
- ht->ht_TrackNr = buf[11];
- ht->ht_InstrumentNr = insn;
- ht->ht_SubsongNr = ssn;
- ht->ht_mixgain = (buf[14]<<8)/100;
- ht->ht_defstereo = buf[15];
- ht->ht_defpanleft = stereopan_left[ht->ht_defstereo];
- ht->ht_defpanright = stereopan_right[ht->ht_defstereo];
- if( ht->ht_Restart >= ht->ht_PositionNr )
- ht->ht_Restart = ht->ht_PositionNr-1;
- // Do some validation
- if( ( ht->ht_PositionNr > 1000 ) ||
- ( ht->ht_TrackLength > 64 ) ||
- ( ht->ht_InstrumentNr > 64 ) )
- {
- printf( "%d,%d,%d\n", ht->ht_PositionNr,
- ht->ht_TrackLength,
- ht->ht_InstrumentNr );
- FreeVec( ht );
- FreeVec( buf );
- printf( "Invalid file.\n" );
- return NULL;
- }
- strncpy( ht->ht_Name, (TEXT *)&buf[(buf[4]<<8)|buf[5]], 128 );
- nptr = (TEXT *)&buf[((buf[4]<<8)|buf[5])+strlen( ht->ht_Name )+1];
- bptr = &buf[16];
- // Subsongs
- for( i=0; i<ht->ht_SubsongNr; i++ )
- {
- ht->ht_Subsongs[i] = (bptr[0]<<8)|bptr[1];
- bptr += 2;
- }
- // Position list
- for( i=0; i<ht->ht_PositionNr; i++ )
- {
- for( j=0; j<ht->ht_Channels; j++ )
- {
- ht->ht_Positions[i].pos_Track[j] = *bptr++;
- ht->ht_Positions[i].pos_Transpose[j] = *(int8 *)bptr++;
- }
- }
- // Tracks
- for( i=0; i<=ht->ht_TrackNr; i++ )
- {
- if( ( ( buf[6]&0x80 ) == 0x80 ) && ( i == 0 ) )
- {
- for( j=0; j<ht->ht_TrackLength; j++ )
- {
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Note = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Instrument = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FX = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXParam = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXb = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXbParam = 0;
- }
- continue;
- }
- for( j=0; j<ht->ht_TrackLength; j++ )
- {
- if( bptr[0] == 0x3f )
- {
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Note = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Instrument = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FX = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXParam = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXb = 0;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXbParam = 0;
- bptr++;
- continue;
- }
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Note = bptr[0];
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Instrument = bptr[1];
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FX = bptr[2]>>4;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXParam = bptr[3];
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXb = bptr[2]&0xf;
- ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXbParam = bptr[4];
- bptr += 5;
- }
- }
- // Instruments
- for( i=1; i<=ht->ht_InstrumentNr; i++ )
- {
- strncpy( ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Name, nptr, 128 );
- nptr += strlen( nptr )+1;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Volume = bptr[0];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_FilterSpeed = ((bptr[1]>>3)&0x1f)|((bptr[12]>>2)&0x20);
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_WaveLength = bptr[1]&0x07;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.aFrames = bptr[2];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.aVolume = bptr[3];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.dFrames = bptr[4];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.dVolume = bptr[5];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.sFrames = bptr[6];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.rFrames = bptr[7];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.rVolume = bptr[8];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_FilterLowerLimit = bptr[12]&0x7f;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_VibratoDelay = bptr[13];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_HardCutReleaseFrames = (bptr[14]>>4)&0x07;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_HardCutRelease = bptr[14]&0x80?1:0;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_VibratoDepth = bptr[14]&0x0f;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_VibratoSpeed = bptr[15];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_SquareLowerLimit = bptr[16];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_SquareUpperLimit = bptr[17];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_SquareSpeed = bptr[18];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_FilterUpperLimit = bptr[19]&0x3f;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Speed = bptr[20];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Length = bptr[21];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries = ple;
- ple += bptr[21];
- bptr += 22;
- for( j=0; j<ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Length; j++ )
- {
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FX[0] = bptr[0]&0xf;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FX[1] = (bptr[1]>>3)&0xf;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_Waveform = bptr[1]&7;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_Fixed = (bptr[2]>>6)&1;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_Note = bptr[2]&0x3f;
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FXParam[0] = bptr[3];
- ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FXParam[1] = bptr[4];
- bptr += 5;
- }
- }
- hvl_InitSubsong( ht, 0 );
- FreeVec( buf );
- return ht;
- }
- void hvl_FreeTune( struct hvl_tune *ht )
- {
- if( !ht ) return;
- FreeVec( ht );
- }
- void hvl_process_stepfx_1( struct hvl_tune *ht, struct hvl_voice *voice, int32 FX, int32 FXParam )
- {
- switch( FX )
- {
- case 0x0: // Position Jump HI
- if( ((FXParam&0x0f) > 0) && ((FXParam&0x0f) <= 9) )
- ht->ht_PosJump = FXParam & 0xf;
- break;
- case 0x5: // Volume Slide + Tone Portamento
- case 0xa: // Volume Slide
- voice->vc_VolumeSlideDown = FXParam & 0x0f;
- voice->vc_VolumeSlideUp = FXParam >> 4;
- break;
- case 0x7: // Panning
- if( FXParam > 127 )
- FXParam -= 256;
- voice->vc_Pan = (FXParam+128);
- voice->vc_PanMultLeft = panning_left[voice->vc_Pan];
- voice->vc_PanMultRight = panning_right[voice->vc_Pan];
- break;
- case 0xb: // Position jump
- ht->ht_PosJump = ht->ht_PosJump*100 + (FXParam & 0x0f) + (FXParam >> 4)*10;
- ht->ht_PatternBreak = 1;
- if( ht->ht_PosJump < ht->ht_PosNr )
- ht->ht_SongEndReached = 1;
- break;
- case 0xd: // Pattern break
- ht->ht_PosJump = ht->ht_PosNr+1;
- ht->ht_PosJumpNote = (FXParam & 0x0f) + (FXParam>>4)*10;
- ht->ht_PatternBreak = 1;
- if( ht->ht_PosJumpNote > ht->ht_TrackLength )
- ht->ht_PosJumpNote = 0;
- break;
- case 0xe: // Extended commands
- switch( FXParam >> 4 )
- {
- case 0xc: // Note cut
- if( (FXParam & 0x0f) < ht->ht_Tempo )
- {
- voice->vc_NoteCutWait = FXParam & 0x0f;
- if( voice->vc_NoteCutWait )
- {
- voice->vc_NoteCutOn = 1;
- voice->vc_HardCutRelease = 0;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 0xd: // Note delay
- if( voice->vc_NoteDelayOn )
- {
- voice->vc_NoteDelayOn = 0;
- } else {
- if( (FXParam & 0x0f) < ht->ht_Tempo )
- {
- voice->vc_NoteDelayWait = FXParam & 0x0f;
- if( voice->vc_NoteDelayWait )
- {
- voice->vc_NoteDelayOn = 1;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 0xf: // Speed
- ht->ht_Tempo = FXParam;
- if( FXParam == 0 )
- ht->ht_SongEndReached = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- void hvl_process_stepfx_2( struct hvl_tune *ht, struct hvl_voice *voice, int32 FX, int32 FXParam, int32 *Note )
- {
- switch( FX )
- {
- case 0x9: // Set squarewave offset
- voice->vc_SquarePos = FXParam >> (5 - voice->vc_WaveLength);
- voice->vc_PlantSquare = 1;
- voice->vc_IgnoreSquare = 1;
- break;
- case 0x5: // Tone portamento + volume slide
- case 0x3: // Tone portamento
- if( FXParam != 0 ) voice->vc_PeriodSlideSpeed = FXParam;
- if( *Note )
- {
- int32 new, diff;
- new = period_tab[*Note];
- diff = period_tab[voice->vc_TrackPeriod];
- diff -= new;
- new = diff + voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod;
- if( new )
- voice->vc_PeriodSlideLimit = -diff;
- }
- voice->vc_PeriodSlideOn = 1;
- voice->vc_PeriodSlideWithLimit = 1;
- *Note = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- void hvl_process_stepfx_3( struct hvl_tune *ht, struct hvl_voice *voice, int32 FX, int32 FXParam )
- {
- int32 i;
- switch( FX )
- {
- case 0x01: // Portamento up (period slide down)
- voice->vc_PeriodSlideSpeed = -FXParam;
- voice->vc_PeriodSlideOn = 1;
- voice->vc_PeriodSlideWithLimit = 0;
- break;
- case 0x02: // Portamento down
- voice->vc_PeriodSlideSpeed = FXParam;
- voice->vc_PeriodSlideOn = 1;
- voice->vc_PeriodSlideWithLimit = 0;
- break;
- case 0x04: // Filter override
- if( FXParam < 0x40 )
- {
- voice->vc_IgnoreFilter = FXParam;
- break;
- }
- if( FXParam > 0x7f ) break;
- voice->vc_FilterPos = FXParam - 0x40;
- break;
- case 0x0c: // Volume
- FXParam &= 0xff;
- if( FXParam <= 0x40 )
- {
- voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = FXParam;
- break;
- }
- FXParam -= 0x50;
- if( FXParam <= 0x40 )
- {
- for( i=0; i<ht->ht_Channels; i++ )
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_TrackMasterVolume = FXParam;
- break;
- }
- FXParam -= 0xa0-0x50;
- if( FXParam <= 0x40 )
- voice->vc_TrackMasterVolume = FXParam;
- break;
- case 0xe: // Extended commands;
- switch( FXParam >> 4 )
- {
- case 0x1: // Fineslide up
- voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod = -(FXParam & 0x0f);
- voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1;
- break;
- case 0x2: // Fineslide down
- voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod = (FXParam & 0x0f);
- voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1;
- break;
- case 0x4: // Vibrato control
- voice->vc_VibratoDepth = FXParam & 0x0f;
- break;
- case 0x0a: // Fine volume up
- voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume += FXParam & 0x0f;
- if( voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume > 0x40 )
- voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = 0x40;
- break;
- case 0x0b: // Fine volume down
- voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume -= FXParam & 0x0f;
- if( voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume < 0 )
- voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = 0;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- void hvl_process_step( struct hvl_tune *ht, struct hvl_voice *voice )
- {
- int32 Note, Instr;
- struct hvl_step *Step;
- if( voice->vc_TrackOn == 0 )
- return;
- voice->vc_VolumeSlideUp = voice->vc_VolumeSlideDown = 0;
- Step = &ht->ht_Tracks[ht->ht_Positions[ht->ht_PosNr].pos_Track[voice->vc_VoiceNum]][ht->ht_NoteNr];
- Note = Step->stp_Note;
- Instr = Step->stp_Instrument;
- hvl_process_stepfx_1( ht, voice, Step->stp_FX&0xf, Step->stp_FXParam );
- hvl_process_stepfx_1( ht, voice, Step->stp_FXb&0xf, Step->stp_FXbParam );
- if( Instr )
- {
- struct hvl_instrument *Ins;
- int16 SquareLower, SquareUpper, d6, d3, d4;
- voice->vc_PeriodSlideSpeed = voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod = voice->vc_PeriodSlideLimit = 0;
- voice->vc_PerfSubVolume = 0x40;
- voice->vc_ADSRVolume = 0;
- voice->vc_Instrument = Ins = &ht->ht_Instruments[Instr];
- voice->vc_SamplePos = 0;
- voice->vc_ADSR.aFrames = Ins->ins_Envelope.aFrames;
- voice->vc_ADSR.aVolume = Ins->ins_Envelope.aVolume*256/voice->vc_ADSR.aFrames;
- voice->vc_ADSR.dFrames = Ins->ins_Envelope.dFrames;
- voice->vc_ADSR.dVolume = (Ins->ins_Envelope.dVolume-Ins->ins_Envelope.aVolume)*256/voice->vc_ADSR.dFrames;
- voice->vc_ADSR.sFrames = Ins->ins_Envelope.sFrames;
- voice->vc_ADSR.rFrames = Ins->ins_Envelope.rFrames;
- voice->vc_ADSR.rVolume = (Ins->ins_Envelope.rVolume-Ins->ins_Envelope.dVolume)*256/voice->vc_ADSR.rFrames;
- voice->vc_WaveLength = Ins->ins_WaveLength;
- voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = Ins->ins_Volume;
- voice->vc_VibratoCurrent = 0;
- voice->vc_VibratoDelay = Ins->ins_VibratoDelay;
- voice->vc_VibratoDepth = Ins->ins_VibratoDepth;
- voice->vc_VibratoSpeed = Ins->ins_VibratoSpeed;
- voice->vc_VibratoPeriod = 0;
- voice->vc_HardCutRelease = Ins->ins_HardCutRelease;
- voice->vc_HardCut = Ins->ins_HardCutReleaseFrames;
- voice->vc_IgnoreSquare = voice->vc_SquareSlidingIn = 0;
- voice->vc_SquareWait = voice->vc_SquareOn = 0;
- SquareLower = Ins->ins_SquareLowerLimit >> (5 - voice->vc_WaveLength);
- SquareUpper = Ins->ins_SquareUpperLimit >> (5 - voice->vc_WaveLength);
- if( SquareUpper < SquareLower )
- {
- int16 t = SquareUpper;
- SquareUpper = SquareLower;
- SquareLower = t;
- }
- voice->vc_SquareUpperLimit = SquareUpper;
- voice->vc_SquareLowerLimit = SquareLower;
- voice->vc_IgnoreFilter = voice->vc_FilterWait = voice->vc_FilterOn = 0;
- voice->vc_FilterSlidingIn = 0;
- d6 = Ins->ins_FilterSpeed;
- d3 = Ins->ins_FilterLowerLimit;
- d4 = Ins->ins_FilterUpperLimit;
- if( d3 & 0x80 ) d6 |= 0x20;
- if( d4 & 0x80 ) d6 |= 0x40;
- voice->vc_FilterSpeed = d6;
- d3 &= ~0x80;
- d4 &= ~0x80;
- if( d3 > d4 )
- {
- int16 t = d3;
- d3 = d4;
- d4 = t;
- }
- voice->vc_FilterUpperLimit = d4;
- voice->vc_FilterLowerLimit = d3;
- voice->vc_FilterPos = 32;
- voice->vc_PerfWait = voice->vc_PerfCurrent = 0;
- voice->vc_PerfSpeed = Ins->ins_PList.pls_Speed;
- voice->vc_PerfList = &voice->vc_Instrument->ins_PList;
- voice->vc_RingMixSource = NULL; // No ring modulation
- voice->vc_RingSamplePos = 0;
- voice->vc_RingPlantPeriod = 0;
- voice->vc_RingNewWaveform = 0;
- }
- voice->vc_PeriodSlideOn = 0;
- hvl_process_stepfx_2( ht, voice, Step->stp_FX&0xf, Step->stp_FXParam, &Note );
- hvl_process_stepfx_2( ht, voice, Step->stp_FXb&0xf, Step->stp_FXbParam, &Note );
- if( Note )
- {
- voice->vc_TrackPeriod = Note;
- voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1;
- }
- hvl_process_stepfx_3( ht, voice, Step->stp_FX&0xf, Step->stp_FXParam );
- hvl_process_stepfx_3( ht, voice, Step->stp_FXb&0xf, Step->stp_FXbParam );
- }
- void hvl_plist_command_parse( struct hvl_tune *ht, struct hvl_voice *voice, int32 FX, int32 FXParam )
- {
- switch( FX )
- {
- case 0:
- if( FXParam != 0 )
- {
- if( voice->vc_IgnoreFilter )
- {
- voice->vc_FilterPos = voice->vc_IgnoreFilter;
- voice->vc_IgnoreFilter = 0;
- } else {
- voice->vc_FilterPos = FXParam;
- }
- voice->vc_NewWaveform = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideSpeed = FXParam;
- voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideOn = 1;
- break;
- case 2:
- voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideSpeed = -FXParam;
- voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideOn = 1;
- break;
- case 3:
- if( voice->vc_IgnoreSquare == 0 )
- voice->vc_SquarePos = FXParam >> (5-voice->vc_WaveLength);
- else
- voice->vc_IgnoreSquare = 0;
- break;
- case 4:
- if( FXParam == 0 )
- {
- voice->vc_SquareInit = (voice->vc_SquareOn ^= 1);
- voice->vc_SquareSign = 1;
- } else {
- if( FXParam & 0x0f )
- {
- voice->vc_SquareInit = (voice->vc_SquareOn ^= 1);
- voice->vc_SquareSign = 1;
- if(( FXParam & 0x0f ) == 0x0f )
- voice->vc_SquareSign = -1;
- }
- if( FXParam & 0xf0 )
- {
- voice->vc_FilterInit = (voice->vc_FilterOn ^= 1);
- voice->vc_FilterSign = 1;
- if(( FXParam & 0xf0 ) == 0xf0 )
- voice->vc_FilterSign = -1;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- voice->vc_PerfCurrent = FXParam;
- break;
- case 7:
- // Ring modulate with triangle
- if(( FXParam >= 1 ) && ( FXParam <= 0x3C ))
- {
- voice->vc_RingBasePeriod = FXParam;
- voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod = 1;
- } else if(( FXParam >= 0x81 ) && ( FXParam <= 0xBC )) {
- voice->vc_RingBasePeriod = FXParam-0x80;
- voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod = 0;
- } else {
- voice->vc_RingBasePeriod = 0;
- voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod = 0;
- voice->vc_RingNewWaveform = 0;
- voice->vc_RingAudioSource = NULL; // turn it off
- voice->vc_RingMixSource = NULL;
- break;
- }
- voice->vc_RingWaveform = 0;
- voice->vc_RingNewWaveform = 1;
- voice->vc_RingPlantPeriod = 1;
- break;
- case 8: // Ring modulate with sawtooth
- if(( FXParam >= 1 ) && ( FXParam <= 0x3C ))
- {
- voice->vc_RingBasePeriod = FXParam;
- voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod = 1;
- } else if(( FXParam >= 0x81 ) && ( FXParam <= 0xBC )) {
- voice->vc_RingBasePeriod = FXParam-0x80;
- voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod = 0;
- } else {
- voice->vc_RingBasePeriod = 0;
- voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod = 0;
- voice->vc_RingNewWaveform = 0;
- voice->vc_RingAudioSource = NULL;
- voice->vc_RingMixSource = NULL;
- break;
- }
- voice->vc_RingWaveform = 1;
- voice->vc_RingNewWaveform = 1;
- voice->vc_RingPlantPeriod = 1;
- break;
- case 12:
- if( FXParam <= 0x40 )
- {
- voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = FXParam;
- break;
- }
- if( (FXParam -= 0x50) < 0 ) break;
- if( FXParam <= 0x40 )
- {
- voice->vc_PerfSubVolume = FXParam;
- break;
- }
- if( (FXParam -= 0xa0-0x50) < 0 ) break;
- if( FXParam <= 0x40 )
- voice->vc_TrackMasterVolume = FXParam;
- break;
- case 15:
- voice->vc_PerfSpeed = voice->vc_PerfWait = FXParam;
- break;
- }
- }
- void hvl_process_frame( struct hvl_tune *ht, struct hvl_voice *voice )
- {
- static CONST uint8 Offsets[] = {0x00,0x04,0x04+0x08,0x04+0x08+0x10,0x04+0x08+0x10+0x20,0x04+0x08+0x10+0x20+0x40};
- if( voice->vc_TrackOn == 0 )
- return;
- if( voice->vc_NoteDelayOn )
- {
- if( voice->vc_NoteDelayWait <= 0 )
- hvl_process_step( ht, voice );
- else
- voice->vc_NoteDelayWait--;
- }
- if( voice->vc_HardCut )
- {
- int32 nextinst;
- if( ht->ht_NoteNr+1 < ht->ht_TrackLength )
- nextinst = ht->ht_Tracks[voice->vc_Track][ht->ht_NoteNr+1].stp_Instrument;
- else
- nextinst = ht->ht_Tracks[voice->vc_NextTrack][0].stp_Instrument;
- if( nextinst )
- {
- int32 d1;
- d1 = ht->ht_Tempo - voice->vc_HardCut;
- if( d1 < 0 ) d1 = 0;
- if( !voice->vc_NoteCutOn )
- {
- voice->vc_NoteCutOn = 1;
- voice->vc_NoteCutWait = d1;
- voice->vc_HardCutReleaseF = -(d1-ht->ht_Tempo);
- } else {
- voice->vc_HardCut = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if( voice->vc_NoteCutOn )
- {
- if( voice->vc_NoteCutWait <= 0 )
- {
- voice->vc_NoteCutOn = 0;
- if( voice->vc_HardCutRelease )
- {
- voice->vc_ADSR.rVolume = -(voice->vc_ADSRVolume - (voice->vc_Instrument->ins_Envelope.rVolume << 8)) / voice->vc_HardCutReleaseF;
- voice->vc_ADSR.rFrames = voice->vc_HardCutReleaseF;
- voice->vc_ADSR.aFrames = voice->vc_ADSR.dFrames = voice->vc_ADSR.sFrames = 0;
- } else {
- voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = 0;
- }
- } else {
- voice->vc_NoteCutWait--;
- }
- }
- // ADSR envelope
- if( voice->vc_ADSR.aFrames )
- {
- voice->vc_ADSRVolume += voice->vc_ADSR.aVolume;
- if( --voice->vc_ADSR.aFrames <= 0 )
- voice->vc_ADSRVolume = voice->vc_Instrument->ins_Envelope.aVolume << 8;
- } else if( voice->vc_ADSR.dFrames ) {
- voice->vc_ADSRVolume += voice->vc_ADSR.dVolume;
- if( --voice->vc_ADSR.dFrames <= 0 )
- voice->vc_ADSRVolume = voice->vc_Instrument->ins_Envelope.dVolume << 8;
- } else if( voice->vc_ADSR.sFrames ) {
- voice->vc_ADSR.sFrames--;
- } else if( voice->vc_ADSR.rFrames ) {
- voice->vc_ADSRVolume += voice->vc_ADSR.rVolume;
- if( --voice->vc_ADSR.rFrames <= 0 )
- voice->vc_ADSRVolume = voice->vc_Instrument->ins_Envelope.rVolume << 8;
- }
- // VolumeSlide
- voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume + voice->vc_VolumeSlideUp - voice->vc_VolumeSlideDown;
- if( voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume < 0 )
- voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = 0;
- else if( voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume > 0x40 )
- voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = 0x40;
- // Portamento
- if( voice->vc_PeriodSlideOn )
- {
- if( voice->vc_PeriodSlideWithLimit )
- {
- int32 d0, d2;
- d0 = voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod - voice->vc_PeriodSlideLimit;
- d2 = voice->vc_PeriodSlideSpeed;
- if( d0 > 0 )
- d2 = -d2;
- if( d0 )
- {
- int32 d3;
- d3 = (d0 + d2) ^ d0;
- if( d3 >= 0 )
- d0 = voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod + d2;
- else
- d0 = voice->vc_PeriodSlideLimit;
- voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod = d0;
- voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1;
- }
- } else {
- voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod += voice->vc_PeriodSlideSpeed;
- voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1;
- }
- }
- // Vibrato
- if( voice->vc_VibratoDepth )
- {
- if( voice->vc_VibratoDelay <= 0 )
- {
- voice->vc_VibratoPeriod = (vib_tab[voice->vc_VibratoCurrent] * voice->vc_VibratoDepth) >> 7;
- voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1;
- voice->vc_VibratoCurrent = (voice->vc_VibratoCurrent + voice->vc_VibratoSpeed) & 0x3f;
- } else {
- voice->vc_VibratoDelay--;
- }
- }
- // PList
- if( voice->vc_PerfList != 0 )
- {
- if( voice->vc_Instrument && voice->vc_PerfCurrent < voice->vc_Instrument->ins_PList.pls_Length )
- {
- if( --voice->vc_PerfWait <= 0 )
- {
- uint32 i;
- int32 cur;
- cur = voice->vc_PerfCurrent++;
- voice->vc_PerfWait = voice->vc_PerfSpeed;
- if( voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_Waveform )
- {
- voice->vc_Waveform = voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_Waveform-1;
- voice->vc_NewWaveform = 1;
- voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideSpeed = voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlidePeriod = 0;
- }
- // Holdwave
- voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideOn = 0;
- for( i=0; i<2; i++ )
- hvl_plist_command_parse( ht, voice, voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_FX[i]&0xff, voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_FXParam[i]&0xff );
- // GetNote
- if( voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_Note )
- {
- voice->vc_InstrPeriod = voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_Note;
- voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1;
- voice->vc_FixedNote = voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_Fixed;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if( voice->vc_PerfWait )
- voice->vc_PerfWait--;
- else
- voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideSpeed = 0;
- }
- }
- // PerfPortamento
- if( voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideOn )
- {
- voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlidePeriod -= voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideSpeed;
- if( voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlidePeriod )
- voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1;
- }
- if( voice->vc_Waveform == 3-1 && voice->vc_SquareOn )
- {
- if( --voice->vc_SquareWait <= 0 )
- {
- int32 d1, d2, d3;
- d1 = voice->vc_SquareLowerLimit;
- d2 = voice->vc_SquareUpperLimit;
- d3 = voice->vc_SquarePos;
- if( voice->vc_SquareInit )
- {
- voice->vc_SquareInit = 0;
- if( d3 <= d1 )
- {
- voice->vc_SquareSlidingIn = 1;
- voice->vc_SquareSign = 1;
- } else if( d3 >= d2 ) {
- voice->vc_SquareSlidingIn = 1;
- voice->vc_SquareSign = -1;
- }
- }
- // NoSquareInit
- if( d1 == d3 || d2 == d3 )
- {
- if( voice->vc_SquareSlidingIn )
- voice->vc_SquareSlidingIn = 0;
- else
- voice->vc_SquareSign = -voice->vc_SquareSign;
- }
- d3 += voice->vc_SquareSign;
- voice->vc_SquarePos = d3;
- voice->vc_PlantSquare = 1;
- voice->vc_SquareWait = voice->vc_Instrument->ins_SquareSpeed;
- }
- }
- if( voice->vc_FilterOn && --voice->vc_FilterWait <= 0 )
- {
- uint32 i, FMax;
- int32 d1, d2, d3;
- d1 = voice->vc_FilterLowerLimit;
- d2 = voice->vc_FilterUpperLimit;
- d3 = voice->vc_FilterPos;
- if( voice->vc_FilterInit )
- {
- voice->vc_FilterInit = 0;
- if( d3 <= d1 )
- {
- voice->vc_FilterSlidingIn = 1;
- voice->vc_FilterSign = 1;
- } else if( d3 >= d2 ) {
- voice->vc_FilterSlidingIn = 1;
- voice->vc_FilterSign = -1;
- }
- }
- // NoFilterInit
- FMax = (voice->vc_FilterSpeed < 3) ? (5-voice->vc_FilterSpeed) : 1;
- for( i=0; i<FMax; i++ )
- {
- if( ( d1 == d3 ) || ( d2 == d3 ) )
- {
- if( voice->vc_FilterSlidingIn )
- voice->vc_FilterSlidingIn = 0;
- else
- voice->vc_FilterSign = -voice->vc_FilterSign;
- }
- d3 += voice->vc_FilterSign;
- }
- voice->vc_FilterPos = d3;
- voice->vc_NewWaveform = 1;
- voice->vc_FilterWait = voice->vc_FilterSpeed - 3;
- if( voice->vc_FilterWait < 1 )
- voice->vc_FilterWait = 1;
- }
- if( voice->vc_Waveform == 3-1 || voice->vc_PlantSquare )
- {
- // CalcSquare
- uint32 i;
- int32 Delta;
- int8 *SquarePtr;
- int32 X;
- SquarePtr = &waves[WO_SQUARES+(voice->vc_FilterPos-0x20)*(0xfc+0xfc+0x80*0x1f+0x80+0x280*3)];
- X = voice->vc_SquarePos << (5 - voice->vc_WaveLength);
- if( X > 0x20 )
- {
- X = 0x40 - X;
- voice->vc_SquareReverse = 1;
- }
- // OkDownSquare
- if( --X )
- SquarePtr += X << 7;
- Delta = 32 >> voice->vc_WaveLength;
- ht->ht_WaveformTab[2] = voice->vc_SquareTempBuffer;
- for( i=0; i<(1<<voice->vc_WaveLength)*4; i++ )
- {
- // THX.draft-hawk fucks this up, ATM
- if( SquarePtr >= &waves[WO_WHITENOISE] )
- SquarePtr = &waves[WO_SQUARES];
- if( SquarePtr < &waves[0] )
- SquarePtr = &waves[WO_WHITENOISE-1];
- if( i>=0x80 ) break;
- voice->vc_SquareTempBuffer[i] = *SquarePtr;
- SquarePtr += Delta;
- }
- voice->vc_NewWaveform = 1;
- voice->vc_Waveform = 3-1;
- voice->vc_PlantSquare = 0;
- }
- if( voice->vc_Waveform == 4-1 )
- voice->vc_NewWaveform = 1;
- if( voice->vc_RingNewWaveform )
- {
- int8 *rasrc;
- if( voice->vc_RingWaveform > 1 ) voice->vc_RingWaveform = 1;
- rasrc = ht->ht_WaveformTab[voice->vc_RingWaveform];
- rasrc += Offsets[voice->vc_WaveLength];
- voice->vc_RingAudioSource = rasrc;
- }
- if( voice->vc_NewWaveform )
- {
- int8 *AudioSource;
- AudioSource = ht->ht_WaveformTab[voice->vc_Waveform];
- if( voice->vc_Waveform != 3-1 )
- AudioSource += (voice->vc_FilterPos-0x20)*(0xfc+0xfc+0x80*0x1f+0x80+0x280*3);
- if( voice->vc_Waveform < 3-1)
- {
- // GetWLWaveformlor2
- AudioSource += Offsets[voice->vc_WaveLength];
- }
- if( voice->vc_Waveform == 4-1 )
- {
- // AddRandomMoving
- AudioSource += ( voice->vc_WNRandom & (2*0x280-1) ) & ~1;
- // GoOnRandom
- voice->vc_WNRandom += 2239384;
- voice->vc_WNRandom = ((((voice->vc_WNRandom >> 8) | (voice->vc_WNRandom << 24)) + 782323) ^ 75) - 6735;
- }
- voice->vc_AudioSource = AudioSource;
- }
- // Ring modulation period calculation
- if( voice->vc_RingAudioSource )
- {
- voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod = voice->vc_RingBasePeriod;
- if( !(voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod) )
- voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod += voice->vc_Transpose + voice->vc_TrackPeriod - 1;
- if( voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod > 5*12 )
- voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod = 5*12;
- if( voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod < 0 )
- voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod = 0;
- voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod = period_tab[voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod];
- if( !(voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod) )
- voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod += voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod;
- voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod += voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlidePeriod + voice->vc_VibratoPeriod;
- if( voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod > 0x0d60 )
- voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod = 0x0d60;
- if( voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod < 0x0071 )
- voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod = 0x0071;
- }
- // Normal period calculation
- voice->vc_AudioPeriod = voice->vc_InstrPeriod;
- if( !(voice->vc_FixedNote) )
- voice->vc_AudioPeriod += voice->vc_Transpose + voice->vc_TrackPeriod - 1;
- if( voice->vc_AudioPeriod > 5*12 )
- voice->vc_AudioPeriod = 5*12;
- if( voice->vc_AudioPeriod < 0 )
- voice->vc_AudioPeriod = 0;
- voice->vc_AudioPeriod = period_tab[voice->vc_AudioPeriod];
- if( !(voice->vc_FixedNote) )
- voice->vc_AudioPeriod += voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod;
- voice->vc_AudioPeriod += voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlidePeriod + voice->vc_VibratoPeriod;
- if( voice->vc_AudioPeriod > 0x0d60 )
- voice->vc_AudioPeriod = 0x0d60;
- if( voice->vc_AudioPeriod < 0x0071 )
- voice->vc_AudioPeriod = 0x0071;
- voice->vc_AudioVolume = (((((((voice->vc_ADSRVolume >> 8) * voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume) >> 6) * voice->vc_PerfSubVolume) >> 6) * voice->vc_TrackMasterVolume) >> 6);
- }
- void hvl_set_audio( struct hvl_voice *voice, float64 freqf )
- {
- if( voice->vc_TrackOn == 0 )
- {
- voice->vc_VoiceVolume = 0;
- return;
- }
- voice->vc_VoiceVolume = voice->vc_AudioVolume;
- if( voice->vc_PlantPeriod )
- {
- float64 freq2;
- uint32 delta;
- voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 0;
- voice->vc_VoicePeriod = voice->vc_AudioPeriod;
- freq2 = Period2Freq( voice->vc_AudioPeriod );
- delta = (uint32)(freq2 / freqf);
- if( delta > (0x280<<16) ) delta -= (0x280<<16);
- if( delta == 0 ) delta = 1;
- voice->vc_Delta = delta;
- }
- if( voice->vc_NewWaveform )
- {
- int8 *src;
- src = voice->vc_AudioSource;
- if( voice->vc_Waveform == 4-1 )
- {
- CopyMem((void *)src, &voice->vc_VoiceBuffer[0], 0x280);
- } else {
- uint32 i, WaveLoops;
- WaveLoops = (1 << (5 - voice->vc_WaveLength)) * 5;
- for( i=0; i<WaveLoops; i++ )
- CopyMem((void *)src, &voice->vc_VoiceBuffer[i*4*(1<<voice->vc_WaveLength)], 4*(1<<voice->vc_WaveLength));
- }
- voice->vc_VoiceBuffer[0x280] = voice->vc_VoiceBuffer[0];
- voice->vc_MixSource = voice->vc_VoiceBuffer;
- }
- /* Ring Modulation */
- if( voice->vc_RingPlantPeriod )
- {
- float64 freq2;
- uint32 delta;
- voice->vc_RingPlantPeriod = 0;
- freq2 = Period2Freq( voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod );
- delta = (uint32)(freq2 / freqf);
- if( delta > (0x280<<16) ) delta -= (0x280<<16);
- if( delta == 0 ) delta = 1;
- voice->vc_RingDelta = delta;
- }
- if( voice->vc_RingNewWaveform )
- {
- int8 *src;
- uint32 i, WaveLoops;
- src = voice->vc_RingAudioSource;
- WaveLoops = (1 << (5 - voice->vc_WaveLength)) * 5;
- for( i=0; i<WaveLoops; i++ )
- CopyMem((void *)src, &voice->vc_RingVoiceBuffer[i*4*(1<<voice->vc_WaveLength)], 4*(1<<voice->vc_WaveLength));
- voice->vc_RingVoiceBuffer[0x280] = voice->vc_RingVoiceBuffer[0];
- voice->vc_RingMixSource = voice->vc_RingVoiceBuffer;
- }
- }
- void hvl_play_irq( struct hvl_tune *ht )
- {
- uint32 i;
- if( ht->ht_StepWaitFrames <= 0 )
- {
- if( ht->ht_GetNewPosition )
- {
- int32 nextpos = (ht->ht_PosNr+1==ht->ht_PositionNr)?0:(ht->ht_PosNr+1);
- for( i=0; i<ht->ht_Channels; i++ )
- {
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Track = ht->ht_Positions[ht->ht_PosNr].pos_Track[i];
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Transpose = ht->ht_Positions[ht->ht_PosNr].pos_Transpose[i];
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NextTrack = ht->ht_Positions[nextpos].pos_Track[i];
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NextTranspose = ht->ht_Positions[nextpos].pos_Transpose[i];
- }
- ht->ht_GetNewPosition = 0;
- }
- for( i=0; i<ht->ht_Channels; i++ )
- hvl_process_step( ht, &ht->ht_Voices[i] );
- ht->ht_StepWaitFrames = ht->ht_Tempo;
- }
- for( i=0; i<ht->ht_Channels; i++ )
- hvl_process_frame( ht, &ht->ht_Voices[i] );
- ht->ht_PlayingTime++;
- if( ht->ht_Tempo > 0 && --ht->ht_StepWaitFrames <= 0 )
- {
- if( !ht->ht_PatternBreak )
- {
- ht->ht_NoteNr++;
- if( ht->ht_NoteNr >= ht->ht_TrackLength )
- {
- ht->ht_PosJump = ht->ht_PosNr+1;
- ht->ht_PosJumpNote = 0;
- ht->ht_PatternBreak = 1;
- }
- }
- if( ht->ht_PatternBreak )
- {
- ht->ht_PatternBreak = 0;
- ht->ht_PosNr = ht->ht_PosJump;
- ht->ht_NoteNr = ht->ht_PosJumpNote;
- if( ht->ht_PosNr == ht->ht_PositionNr )
- {
- ht->ht_SongEndReached = 1;
- ht->ht_PosNr = ht->ht_Restart;
- }
- ht->ht_PosJumpNote = 0;
- ht->ht_PosJump = 0;
- ht->ht_GetNewPosition = 1;
- }
- }
- for( i=0; i<ht->ht_Channels; i++ )
- hvl_set_audio( &ht->ht_Voices[i], ht->ht_Frequency );
- }
- void hvl_mixchunk( struct hvl_tune *ht, uint32 samples, int8 *buf1, int8 *buf2, int32 bufmod )
- {
- int8 *src[MAX_CHANNELS];
- int8 *rsrc[MAX_CHANNELS];
- uint32 delta[MAX_CHANNELS];
- uint32 rdelta[MAX_CHANNELS];
- int32 vol[MAX_CHANNELS];
- uint32 pos[MAX_CHANNELS];
- uint32 rpos[MAX_CHANNELS];
- uint32 cnt;
- int32 panl[MAX_CHANNELS];
- int32 panr[MAX_CHANNELS];
- // uint32 vu[MAX_CHANNELS];
- int32 a=0, b=0, j;
- uint32 i, chans, loops;
- chans = ht->ht_Channels;
- for( i=0; i<chans; i++ )
- {
- delta[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Delta;
- vol[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoiceVolume;
- pos[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SamplePos;
- src[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_MixSource;
- panl[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PanMultLeft;
- panr[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PanMultRight;
- /* Ring Modulation */
- rdelta[i]= ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingDelta;
- rpos[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingSamplePos;
- rsrc[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingMixSource;
- // vu[i] = 0;
- }
- do
- {
- loops = samples;
- for( i=0; i<chans; i++ )
- {
- if( pos[i] >= (0x280 << 16)) pos[i] -= 0x280<<16;
- if (delta[i]!=0) {
- cnt = ((0x280<<16) - pos[i] - 1) / delta[i] + 1;
- if( cnt < loops ) loops = cnt;
- if( rsrc[i] )
- {
- if( rpos[i] >= (0x280<<16)) rpos[i] -= 0x280<<16;
- cnt = ((0x280<<16) - rpos[i] - 1) / rdelta[i] + 1;
- if( cnt < loops ) loops = cnt;
- }
- }
- }
- samples -= loops;
- // Inner loop
- do
- {
- a=0;
- b=0;
- for( i=0; i<chans; i++ )
- {
- if( rsrc[i] )
- {
- /* Ring Modulation */
- j = ((src[i][pos[i]>>16]*rsrc[i][rpos[i]>>16])>>7)*vol[i];
- rpos[i] += rdelta[i];
- } else {
- j = src[i][pos[i]>>16]*vol[i];
- }
- // if( abs( j ) > vu[i] ) vu[i] = abs( j );
- a += (j * panl[i]) >> 7;
- b += (j * panr[i]) >> 7;
- pos[i] += delta[i];
- }
- a = (a*ht->ht_mixgain)>>8;
- b = (b*ht->ht_mixgain)>>8;
- *(int16 *)buf1 = a;
- *(int16 *)buf2 = b;
- loops--;
- buf1 += bufmod;
- buf2 += bufmod;
- } while( loops > 0 );
- } while( samples > 0 );
- for( i=0; i<chans; i++ )
- {
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SamplePos = pos[i];
- ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingSamplePos = rpos[i];
- // ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VUMeter = vu[i];
- }
- }
- void hvl_DecodeFrame( struct hvl_tune *ht, int8 *buf1, int8 *buf2, int32 bufmod )
- {
- uint32 samples, loops;
- samples = ht->ht_Frequency/50/ht->ht_SpeedMultiplier;
- loops = ht->ht_SpeedMultiplier*4;
- do
- {
- hvl_play_irq( ht );
- hvl_mixchunk( ht, samples, buf1, buf2, bufmod );
- buf1 += samples * 4;
- buf2 += samples * 4;
- loops--;
- } while( loops );
- }