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/ Large Pack of OldSkool DOS MOD Trackers / ht12_m68k.lha / HT12.NFO < prev   
Text File  |  2007-01-01  |  11.2 KB  |  161 lines

  3.                          ╖
  4.                           \        o  o  o        /
  5.                            ╖  _____|\/ \/|_____  ╖
  6.                         ______\               /______
  7.        _________________\                           /_________________
  8.     .__\                                                             /__.
  9.     |                                                                   |
  10.     |          ______ ______________     ______  __________             |
  11.     |         (______)     ___     /____(______)_\   _____/___.         |
  12.     |         |      |      |/    /     |      |  \____       |         |
  13.     |         |______|______|\__________|______|______________|spot     |
  14.     |                                                                   |
  15.     |                                                                   |
  16.     |                               _aamm                               |
  17.     |                            _a##@P"##                              |
  18.     |                           ,#F"  _d"                               |
  19.     |                           7##w_dP                                 |
  20.     |                 I R I S       ~M###w_  _gK   UP ROUGH                |
  21.     |                             a#"~9##m#P"                           |
  22.     |                              a##_ _ww#*##,                           |
  23.     |                           #######@" ~P                            |
  24.     |                           "PPPPP"                                 |
  25.     |                                       ____._                      |
  26.     |                                     .-'   í                       |
  27.     |                                     |     !.         __           |
  28.     |                   ________         /_______\     ___/á/           |
  29.     |        ______    _\__     \    ___ _/// )_)__  __) / /)           |
  30.     |       /     /__ /    \     \ _/ //_\\._/  __`--) \/_//  . ╖ .     |
  31.     |    _ /     /    \     \____/// _/_  ).    \`---\_ ) .) ╖⌐Mt  ╖    |
  32.     |    \))__________/\_____\    \.( __\  !_____╖_   `---'  ╖  lp!╖    |
  33.     |           _________         _`--'___ \      /           ╖ . ╖     |
  34.     |    _____ /        /_ ______/        \/     /______  ________ _    |
  35.     |   /     \ _______/  \      \         \    /      /__\       \\\   |
  36.     |   \     _\      \__________/\________/___/      //___________\    |
  37.     |    \____\                 \_________\    \______\                 |
  38.     |                                                                   |
  39.     |                                                                   |
  40. _ __| ___ _______________                            _________________ _|_ _ _
  41.     |                   /______                ______\                  |
  42.     |                         /________________\ ╖                      |
  43.     |                      ╖                      \                     |
  44.     |                     /                        ╖                    |
  45.     |                                                                   |
  46.     |                                                                   |
  47.     |                                                                   |
  48.     |                                                                   |
  49.     | R E L E A S E   I N F O                                           |
  50.     |                                                                   |
  51.     | RELEASE NAME... HIVELY TRACKER 1.2  SYSTEM... AMIGA OS 3.x        |
  52.     | RELEASE DATE... 19 DECEMBER, 2006   TYPE..... MUSIC APPLICATION   |
  53.     | ARCHiVES....... 1 (HT12.LHA)        AUTHORS.. XERON AND SPOT      |
  54.     |                                                                   |
  55.     |                                                                   |
  56.     | A D D I T I O N A L   I N F O                                     |
  57.     |                                                                   |
  58.     | *HOT* there are 25 Example tunes included by Xeron / Iris,        |
  59.     | Varthall / Up Rough, Oxide / Sonik and Syphus!                    |
  60.     |                                                                   |
  61.     |                                                                   |
  62.     | G R O U P   N E W S                                               |
  63.     |                                                                   |
  64.     | IRIS                                                              |
  65.     |                                                                   |
  66.     | Xeron farted. Doom reinvented the wheel, only now its purple.     |
  67.     | Adonis has adopted a roll of sellotape and called it Dave.        |
  68.     |                                                                   |
  69.     |                                                                   |
  70.     | UP ROUGH                                                          |
  71.     |                                                                   |
  72.     | Skope is moving to Stockholm. We will have a big ass              |
  73.     | bye bye bashment on the 15:th of December! Sober bitches will get |
  74.     | thrown out on the street! Rumours also say that you might get a   |
  75.     | glimpse or two of your fav upper in the clubs in Gothenburg!      |
  76.     |                                                                   |
  77.     |                                                                   |
  78.     |  active up rough warriors                                         |
  79.     |                                                                   |
  80.     |  dipswitch     stereofonik development                            |
  81.     |  goto80        stereofonik development                            |
  82.     |  mortimer      ink, stereofonik development                       |
  83.     |  qwan          stereofonik development                            |
  84.     |  varthall      stereofonik development                            |
  85.     |  spot          leader, ink, stereofonik development               |
  86.     |  dino          ink                                                |
  87.     |  prowler       ink                                                |
  88.     |  exocet        ink                                                |
  89.     |  plus8         ink                                                |
  90.     |  booger        scientist                                          |
  91.     |  hamlet        phiber optikz operator                             |
  92.     |  case          phiber optikz hustla                               |
  93.     |  yoki          co-leader, scientist, stereofonik dev.             |
  94.     |                                                                   |
  95.     |                                                                   |
  96.     |  retired / inactive up rough heroes                               |
  97.     |                                                                   |
  98.     |  elusive       stereofonik development                            |
  99.     |  teis          stereofonik development                            |
  100.     |  wentakura     stereofonik development                            |
  101.     |  skope         ink, stereofonik development                       |
  102.     |  brandt        ink, networking enginer                            |
  103.     |  idol          ink                                                |
  104.     |  toj           ink                                                |
  105.     |  blade         scientist, stereofonik dev.                        |
  106.     |  biogenesis    scientist                                          |
  107.     |  model         scientist                                          |
  108.     |  stingray      scientist                                          |
  109.     |  zaner         phiber optikz operator                             |
  110.     |                                                                   |
  111.     |                                                                   |
  112.     | Visit our websites at http://www.irishq.dk/                       |
  113.     |                       http://www.uprough.net                      |
  114.     |                                                                   |
  115.     |                                                                   |
  116.     |                                                                   |
  117.     |                    ╖                                              |
  118.     |                     \        o  o  o        /                     |
  119.     |                      ╖  _____|\/ \/|_____  ╖                      |
  120.     |                   ______\               /______                   |
  121. _ __|___ _______________\                           /_______________ ___|__ _
  122.     |                                                                   |
  123.     |                                                                   |
  124.     |          ______ ______________     ______  __________             |
  125.     |         (______)     ___     /____(______)_\   _____/___.         |
  126.     |         |      |      |/    /     |      |  \____       |         |
  127.     |         |______|______|\__________|______|______________|spot     |
  128.     |                                                                   |
  129.     |                                                                   |
  130.     |                               _aamm                               |
  131.     |                            _a##@P"##                              |
  132.     |                           ,#F"  _d"                               |
  133.     |                           7##w_dP                                 |
  134.     |                 I R I S       ~M###w_  _gK   UP ROUGH                |
  135.     |                             a#"~9##m#P"                           |
  136.     |                              a##_ _ww#*##,                           |
  137.     |                           #######@" ~P                            |
  138.     |                           "PPPPP"                                 |
  139.     |                                       ____._                      |
  140.     |                                     .-'   í                       |
  141.     |                                     |     !.         __           |
  142.     |                   ________         /_______\     ___/á/           |
  143.     |        ______    _\__     \    ___ _/// )_)__  __) / /)           |
  144.     |       /     /__ /    \     \ _/ //_\\._/  __`--) \/_//  . ╖ .     |
  145.     |    _ /     /    \     \____/// _/_  ).    \`---\_ ) .) ╖⌐Mt  ╖    |
  146.     |    \))__________/\_____\    \.( __\  !_____╖_   `---'  ╖  lp!╖    |
  147.     |           _________         _`--'___ \      /           ╖ . ╖     |
  148.     |    _____ /        /_ ______/        \/     /______  ________ _    |
  149.     |   /     \ _______/  \      \         \    /      /__\       \\\   |
  150.     |   \     _\      \__________/\________/___/      //___________\    |
  151.     |    \____\                 \_________\    \______\                 |
  152.     |                                                                   |
  153.     |                                                                   |
  154.     |____________________                           ____________________|
  155.                        /_______               _______\                  
  156.                              /_________________\ ╖     NFO DESiGN by SPOT
  157.                            ╖                      \                     
  158.                           /                        ╖