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Text File | 1996-01-01 | 76.2 KB | 1,845 lines |
- Goatcompo examplesongs & commandline parameters
- -----------------------------------------------
- Randall: I'll Be A Pimp In Cabrini Green.. (cabrinigreen.sng) /e1 /s1 /a0ff0
- Richard Bayliss: Everlasting Annoyance (everlasting.sng) /e0 /s1 /a0f00
- Hein: GhostTrackers (ghosttrackers.sng) /e0 /s1 /a0f00
- Jammer: My Own Hyperspace (hyperspace.sng) /e1 /s1 /a0ff0
- Cadaver: On A Sanction From CIA (sanction.sng) /e0 /s1 /a0f00
- No-XS: Sixpack Of Cola (sixpack.sng) /e0 /s1 /a0f00
- GoatTracker v2.65
- -----------------
- Editor by Lasse ╓÷rni (loorni@gmail.com)
- Uses reSID engine by Dag Lem.
- Uses 6510 crossassembler from Exomizer2 beta by Magnus Lind.
- Uses the SDL library.
- GoatTracker icon by Antonio Vera.
- Distributed under GNU General Public License
- (see the file COPYING for details)
- Covert BitOps homepage:
- http://covertbitops.c64.org
- Table of contents
- -----------------
- 1. General information
- 1.1 Warnings
- 1.2 Compatibility with v1.xx
- 2. Using GoatTracker
- 2.1 Command line options
- 2.2 Keyboard commands
- 2.2.1 General keys
- 2.2.2 Pattern edit mode
- Protracker note-entry mode
- DMC note-entry mode
- 2.2.3 Song edit mode
- 2.2.4 Instrument edit mode
- 2.2.5 Table edit mode
- 2.2.6 Songname edit mode
- 2.3 Mouse control
- 3. Song data
- 3.1 Orderlist data
- 3.2 Pattern data
- 3.3 Instrument data
- 3.4 Table data
- 3.4.1 Wavetable
- 3.4.2 Pulsetable
- 3.4.3 Filtertable
- 3.4.4 Speedtable
- 3.5 Playback details
- 3.6 Miscellaneous tips
- 3.6.1 Limit-based modulation steps
- 3.6.2 Precalculated note-independent "hifi player" portamento/vibrato
- 3.7 Multispeed tips
- 4. Using the included utilities
- 4.1 INS2SND2.EXE
- 5. Using the songs outside the editor
- 5.1 Playroutine options
- 6. File/data formats description
- 6.1 GoatTracker v2 song (.SNG) format
- 6.1.1 Song header
- 6.1.2 Song orderlists
- 6.1.3 Instruments
- 6.1.4 Tables
- 6.1.5 Patterns header
- 6.1.6 Patterns
- 6.2 GoatTracker v2 instrument (.INS) format
- 6.3 Sound effect data format
- 7. Recompiling
- 8. Version history
- 1. General information
- ----------------------
- This program is a tracker-like C64 music editor running on Win32 or Linux
- platforms (using the SDL library, see http://www.libsdl.org)
- GoatTracker v2 adds more commands and uniform step programming tables for
- waveform/arpeggio, pulse effects, and filter effects. It is likely much more
- complex to learn & master than v1.xx.
- Familiarity with tracker programs in general, hexadecimal notation, and the
- C64's SID chip are required. Consult the C64 Programmer's Reference Guide
- (http://project64.c64.org) or AAY64 (http://www.the-dreams.de/aay.html) for
- SID chip reference.
- For filesize & library compatibility reasons, precompiled binaries exist only
- for Win32 platform.
- 1.1 Warnings
- ------------
- 1. Always look at the end of this file for changes! Sometimes keyboard commands
- change etc.
- 2. Always save your songs in the .SNG-format with F11 key if you plan to
- continue editing! Packed & relocated songs (PRG/BIN/SID) can not be loaded
- back into the editor.
- 3. Even the reSID emulation is in some cases quite far from the output of a
- real SID. Especially if filters are in use, consider strongly testing your
- tune on a C64 or on a HardSID card. (Using filters has always been
- complicated because every SID tends to sound different.)
- 4. The editor will stop playing if:
- - The song restart position is illegal (beyond end of song)
- - The sequence of orderlist commands is incorrect
- * In a sequence of both TRANSPOSE & REPEAT, TRANSPOSE must come first
- * The last thing before a RST-endmark should be a pattern number
- - Gateoff timer value is too high compared to song tempo.
- - The song tries to jump directly onto a table row containing a jump (FF xx),
- either with instrument pointers or 8XY, 9XY, AXY commands.
- - The song tries to execute pattern commands 0XY, 8XY or EXY from the
- wavetable.
- These all are error conditions, and trying to pack/relocate such song should
- give an error message.
- 5. Using delayed wavetable or no wavechange (0x 00, where x is 0-F) in the
- first step of instrument wavetable is unsupported and may result in missing
- notes.
- 6. When using a playroutine with unbuffered SID-writes (Standard /w unbuffered
- or Minimal) and encountering ADSR-bugs after packing/relocating, you can try
- either:
- 1) Set pulse-startpos to nonzero value in the troublesome instruments and
- change the 1stFrame Wave parameter of some instrument slightly, for
- example from $09 to $0B, to disable a playroutine optimization. The
- idea in this is to make the noteinit routine take more CPU cycles.
- 2) Use a playroutine with buffered writes to pack/relocate.
- 3) Try hardrestart attack parameter $F for alternative SID register write
- order.
- 7. From v2.18 onwards, wavetable left side values have changed. Delay can
- now be maximum 16 frames (values $00-$0F), and waveform register values
- $00-$0F (inaudible) have been mapped to table values $E0-$EF. For example,
- testbit + gate would be $E9. You need to manually convert values $08-$0F
- from your old songs!
- 8. From v2.2 onwards, a new table (speedtable) has been added. The portamento,
- vibrato and funktempo commands use it. Old songs will be converted upon
- loading to use the speedtable. Note the keyboard command SHIFT+RETURN
- to convert the old style parameters.
- 9. From v2.4 onwards, pulse modulation speed has 1 bit added accuracy, so
- you need to double pulsespeeds when composing new songs. Old songs will
- be converted automatically.
- 10. From v2.59 onwards, gateoff timer parameter high bit disables hardrestart
- and bit $40 disables gateoff. Old songs & instruments will be converted
- automatically.
- 11. From v2.62 onwards, realtime calculated portamento/vibrato speeds are
- supported. This is activated by having the high bit ($80) set in the speed-
- table left side. Naturally, this means that very high portamento speeds (>=
- $8000) or vibrato speeds (>= $80) become unavailable, but these should not
- be very useful anyway.
- 1.2 Compatibility with v1.xx
- ----------------------------
- GoatTracker v2 can load v1.xx songs and instruments, but it saves only in v2
- format. Some subtleties (like tricks involving instrument changes) will not
- play back exactly like in v1.xx.
- The only major feature removal is that of the arpeggio command in v2.
- Everything that this command does can also be done with wavetables, and the
- import feature converts all arpeggio commands to corresponding wavetable
- programs.
- 2. Using GoatTracker
- --------------------
- 2.1 Command line options
- ------------------------
- Start Goattracker V2 by typing GOATTRK2 in the command prompt, followed by the
- songname to be loaded at startup (optional) and any command line options you
- may want. For example "goattrk2 dojo.sng /s1 /e1" to set 1x-speed mode and SID
- model 8580 and to load "dojo.sng" on startup.
- /Axx Set hard restart ADSR parameter in hex. DEFAULT=0F00
- /Bxx Set sound buffer length in milliseconds DEFAULT=100
- /Cxx Use CatWeasel MK3 PCI SID (0 = off, 1 = on)
- /Dxx Pattern row display (0 = decimal, 1 = hexadecimal)
- /Exx Set emulated SID model (0 = 6581 1 = 8580) DEFAULT=6581
- /Fxx Set custom SID clock cycles per second (0 = use PAL/NTSC default)
- /Hxx Use HardSID (0 = off, 1 = HardSID ID0 2 = HardSID ID1 etc.)
- /Ixx Set reSID interpolation (0 = off, 1 = on) DEFAULT=off
- /Kxx Note-entry mode (0 = PROTRACKER 1 = DMC) DEFAULT=PROTRK.
- /Lxx SID memory location in hex. DEFAULT=D400
- /Mxx Set sound mixing rate DEFAULT=44100
- /Oxx Set pulse optimization/skipping (0 = off, 1 = on) DEFAULT=on
- /Rxx Set realtime command optimization/skipping (0 = off, 1 = on) DEFAULT=on
- /Sxx Set speed multiplier (0 for 25Hz, 1 for 1x, 2 for 2x etc.)
- /Vxx Set finevibrato conversion (0 = off, 1 = on) DEFAULT=on
- /Zxx Set random reSID write delay in cycles (0 = off) DEFAULT=off
- /N Use NTSC timing
- /P Use PAL timing (DEFAULT)
- /W Write emulated sound output to a file SIDAUDIO.RAW
- /? Show command line options
- Try the command line options if there are any problems. For example, if you
- experience choppy audio you can increase audio buffering with /B option. SDL
- seems to have trouble with some soundcards under Windows; you might want to
- try even a 500ms buffer, or tweak the hardware acceleration level of the
- soundcard (from Control Panel). Also, reSID interpolation will take remarkably
- more CPU time and could cause the sound and/or editing to get choppy.
- HardSID support is available with the /H option (use first HardSID = /H1,
- second = /H2 etc., return to emulated output = /H0). You must have the HardSID
- drivers installed to use this feature.
- CatWeasel MK3 PCI SID support is available with /C option (/C1 to turn on).
- To use the PC64 cable, you need Daniel Illgen's HardSID-DLL-Clone. Available at
- http://dawork.synchronus.de/
- Multispeeds higher than 2x do not seem to work too well with the HardSID,
- because the operating system timers' granularity comes into play. With emulated
- output this problem does not exist, as the audio output happens with a whole
- audiobuffer's worth of samples / SID cycles at a time.
- Finevibrato mode is on by default. You can change this behaviour with /V
- option. Note that finevibrato mode only affects the conversion of old style
- vibrato parameters to speedtable format.
- Pulse optimization /O determines if pulsetable execution will be skipped when
- getting new notes or a new pattern. By default it is on. Be warned that
- turning it off will increase the rastertime requirements of packed/relocated
- songs greatly!
- Realtime command optimization /R determines if portamento, vibrato & instrument
- vibrato will be skipped on tick 0 of each pattern row. By default it is on, as
- this is how tracker programs have operated traditionally. Turning it off makes
- the commands sound same regardless of tempo but will increase rastertime use.
- The hard restart ADSR parameter will especially affect how rapid passages of
- notes will sound like. 0000 is probably too hard to be useful, except perhaps
- with gateoff timer value 1. 0F00 (default) is a lot softer, and 0F01 adds also
- a little bit of release to the gateoff phase for even softer sound. 000F makes
- the note start very pronounced.
- Hard restart parameter with attack at maximum (F) enables the use of an
- alternative playroutine, where waveform is written before ADSR. This can give
- more reliable note triggering, but may change the characteristics of the note's
- decay & release.
- 2.2 Keyboard commands
- ---------------------
- This program is mainly operated on keyboard. For a list of keyboard commands
- press F12 (online help) in the tracker or see the table below:
- NOTE: SHIFT & CTRL are interchangeable in the commands. You can also use [ ]
- or ( ) instead of < >.
- 2.2.1 General keys
- ------------------
- F1 Play from beginning
- F2 Play from current pos.
- F3 Play one pattern from current pos.
- F4 Stop playing & silence all sounds
- F5 Go to pattern editor
- F6 Go to song editor
- F7 Go to instrument/table editor
- F8 Go to songname editor
- F9 Pack, relocate & save PRG,SID etc.
- F10 Load song (Pattern/Song/Songname mode) or instrument (Instrument mode)
- F11 Save song (Pattern/Song/Songname mode) or instrument (Instrument mode)
- F12 Online help screen
- SHIFT+F1 Play from beginning /w follow play
- SHIFT+F2 Play from current pos. /w follow play
- SHIFT+F3 Play one pattern from current pos. /w follow play
- SHIFT+F4 Mute current channel
- SHIFT+F5 Decrease speed multiplier
- SHIFT+F6 Increase speed multiplier
- SHIFT+F7 Edit hardrestart ADSR parameter
- SHIFT+F8 Switch between 6581 and 8580 SID models
- SHIFT+,. Move song startposition on all channels and restart last playmode
- TAB Cycle between editing modes (forwards)
- SHIFT+TAB Cycle between editing modes (backwards)
- INS Insert row (Press INS/DEL on endmark to change pattern/song length)
- DEL Delete row
- SHIFT+ESC Optimize musicdata, or clear musicdata & set default pattern length
- ESC Exit program
- 2.2.2 Pattern edit mode
- -----------------------
- - + Select instrument
- / * Select octave
- < > Select pattern
- BACKQUOTE Select channel
- 0-9 & A-F Enter parameters
- SPACE Switch between jam/editmode
- RETURN (also CAPSLOCK) Insert keyoff
- Enter table (when cursor is over a table-utilizing command)
- Enter instrument (when cursor is over a nonzero instrument number)
- SHIFT+RET. Insert keyon
- Convert portamento/vibrato/funktempo old style parameter to a
- speedtable entry (when cursor is over the command)
- Go into an empty table entry (when parameter is zero on a
- table-utilizing command)
- BACKSPACE Insert rest
- SHIFT+BKSP. Insert rest and clear commands
- SHIFT+SPACE Play from cursor position
- SHIFT+Q Transpose halfstep up
- SHIFT+A Transpose halfstep down
- SHIFT+W Transpose octave up
- SHIFT+S Transpose octave down
- SHIFT+O Shrink pattern (divide size by 2)
- SHIFT+P Expand pattern (multiply size by 2)
- SHIFT+J Join pattern with next pattern in orderlist
- SHIFT+K Split pattern from edit position
- SHIFT+H Calculate "hifi" left/right shifted speedtable entry for
- portamento or vibrato
- SHIFT+I Invert selection / whole pattern if no selection
- SHIFT+CRSR UP,DOWN Mark pattern
- SHIFT+CRSR LEFT,RIGHT Select pattern
- SHIFT+L Mark/unmark entire pattern
- SHIFT+M,N Choose highlighting step size
- SHIFT+X,C,V Cut,copy,paste pattern
- SHIFT+E,R Copy,paste commands
- SHIFT+Z Cycle autoadvance-mode
- For pattern joining to work properly, select the pattern you want to join with
- the next from the orderlist first (by pressing RETURN on it). Both joining and
- splitting will rearrange pattern numbers (for example if you split pattern 00,
- pattern 01 will be created and old patterns 01-xx will be shifted forward in
- the pattern order)
- SHIFT+SPACE will play from the pattern onwards if playback was previously
- stopped, but if it is pressed while in pattern play mode, it will stay in
- the current pattern.
- There are 2 modes for note entering:
- Protracker note-entry mode
- ----------------------------------
- This is the default or activated with command line option /K0. There are two
- rows of a piano keyboard:
- Lower octave Higher octave
- S D G H K L 2 3 5 6 7 9 0
- Z X CV B NM , . Q W ER T Y UI O P
- Octave (0-7) is selected with / and * keys on the numeric keypad.
- In this mode there are 2 different autoadvance-modes (the mode can be seen from
- the color of the jam/editmode indicator)
- GREEN - Advance when entering notes & command-databytes
- RED - Do not advance automatically
- DMC note-entry mode
- ---------------------------
- Activated with command line option /K1, there is one row of piano keyboard
- W E T Y U O P
- and octave of a note (sets default octave at the same time) is changed with
- number keys 0-7.
- In this mode there are 3 different autoadvance-modes:
- GREEN - Advance when entering notes, octaves or command-databytes
- YELLOW - Advance when entering notes or command-databytes, not octaves
- RED - Do not advance automatically
- 2.2.3 Song edit mode
- --------------------
- < > Select subtune
- - + Insert Transpose down/up command (shown as -/+ in the orderlist)
- 0-9 & A-F Enter pattern numbers
- SPACE Set start position for F2 key
- BACKSPACE Set end position for F2 key
- RETURN Go to pattern
- SHIFT+R Insert Repeat command (shown as "R" in the order-list)
- SHIFT+CRSR LEFT/RIGHT Mark orderlist
- SHIFT+1,2,3 Swap current channel orderlist with channel 1,2,3
- SHIFT+X,C,V Cut,copy,paste channel orderlist
- SHIFT+L Mark/unmark entire orderlist
- SHIFT+SPACE Set start position on all channels
- SHIFT+RET. Go to pattern on all channels
- SHIFT+SPACE or SHIFT+BACKSPACE set the start/end mark on all channels to
- the same position. To clear the endmark, press BACKSPACE again on it or
- at/before the startmark.
- 2.2.4 Instrument edit mode
- --------------------------
- < > Select instrument
- - + Select instrument
- / * Select octave
- F7 Go to table editor
- 0-9 & A-F Enter parameters
- SPACE Play test note
- SHIFT+SPACE Silence test note
- RETURN Go to table position indicated by wave/pulse/filter/vibratopos.
- SHIFT+N Edit instrument name
- SHIFT+S Smart paste an instrument
- SHIFT+U Unlock/lock table scrolling
- SHIFT+X,C,V Cut,copy,paste instrument
- SHIFT+DEL (also SHIFT+BACKSPACE) Delete instrument & tabledata
- SHIFT+RET. Set tablepointer to empty position or convert old style vibrato
- parameter
- The test note will be played on the channel you last were on in the pattern
- editor. To hear filtering as intended, be sure to play it on a channel that has
- been selected for filtering in the filter parameters.
- Note that cut,copy,paste instrument do not touch the tabledata, just for the
- case you need it in another instrument. If you want to completely get rid of
- an instrument + its associated tabledata, press SHIFT+DEL.
- If wave/pulse/filter/vibrato param. is zero and you press RETURN over
- it, you will move to the first free location in the corresponding table. If
- you press SHIFT+RETURN, also the instrument parameter will be set accordingly.
- If vibrato parameter is nonzero and you press SHIFT+RETURN over it, it will
- be interpreted as an old style vibrato parameter (left nybble speed, right
- nybble depth) and converted to a speedtable entry.
- "Smart paste" will convert instrument numbers in all patterns if you "move" an
- instrument by cut/pasting it.
- 2.2.5 Table edit mode
- ---------------------
- < > Select instrument
- - + Select instrument
- / * Select octave
- BACKQUOTE Select table
- F7 Go to instrument editor
- 0-9 & A-F Enter parameters
- SPACE Play test note
- SHIFT+SPACE Silence test note
- RETURN Go back to wave/pulse/filterpos. parameter
- SHIFT+Q,A Transpose speedtable portamento speed halfstep up/down
- SHIFT+W,S Transpose speedtable portamento speed octave up/down,
- or multiply/divide pulse/filterspeed by 2
- SHIFT+L Convert <limit,speed> modulation step to <time,speed>
- SHIFT+N Negate speed parameter (pulse/filtertable) or relative note
- (wavetable)
- SHIFT+O Optimize current table (remove unused entries)
- SHIFT+R Convert note between absolute/relative in wavetable
- SHIFT+U Unlock/lock table scrolling
- If you need to insert rows in the beginning of an instrument's wave/pulse/
- filtertable, press SHIFT+INS instead of just INS: this way table pointers
- pointing to the table first row will not move.
- For easier programming of negative modulation speeds in pulse/filtertables, you
- can first enter a positive speed positive value ($00-$7F) and then press
- SHIFT+N to negate it.
- Conversion between relative and absolute notes will use the basenote C-0 if
- octave is 0, C-1 if octave is 1 and so on.
- When table scrolling is unlocked, each table maintains its separate view
- position. To indicate this mode, a "U" letter is visible in the bottom right
- part of the screen. By default table scrolling is locked.
- 2.2.6 Songname edit mode
- ------------------------
- Use cursor UP/DOWN to move between song, author & copyright strings, and
- other keys to edit them.
- 2.3 Mouse control
- -----------------
- By clicking with the left mouse button, you can select the data to edit.
- By dragging with middle or right mouse button, you can mark orderlist/pattern/
- tabledata.
- Some values like octave or subtune/pattern numbers can be incremented with
- the left mouse button and decremented with the right.
- By holding the middle/right mouse button in the status bar, a menu becomes
- active. Continue to hold and click with left button to select options.
- In the fileselector, confirm loading or entering a directory by double-
- clicking. Doubleclick outside the selector to cancel.
- 3. Song data
- ------------
- 3.1 Orderlist data
- ------------------
- A song can consist of up to 32 subtunes. For each subtune's each channel, there
- is an orderlist which determines in what order patterns are to be played. In
- addition to pattern numbers, there can be TRANSPOSE & REPEAT commands and
- finally there is a RST (RESTART) endmark followed by restart position. The
- maximum length of an orderlist is 254 pattern numbers/commands + the endmark.
- TRANSPOSE is measured in halftones. Transpose up (shown as +X) can be 0-14
- halftones and transpose down (shown as -X) can be 1-15. Transpose is
- automatically reset only when starting the song, not when looping.
- A REPEAT command (shown as RX) will repeat the pattern following it 1-16 times.
- "Repeat 16 times" is displayed as R0.
- There are some rules for orderlist command order:
- - If there are both TRANSPOSE and REPEAT commands before a pattern number,
- TRANSPOSE must come first.
- - The last thing before the RST-endmark must be a pattern number. If you need
- to reset transpose on song repeat, do it in the beginning of the repeat loop.
- In case of wrong order, the editor will halt playback. This tells that the
- resulting packed/relocated song would play incorrectly.
- 3.2 Pattern data
- ----------------
- Patterns are single-channel only for flexibility & low memory use. They contain
- the actual notes, instrument changes & sound commands. A pattern can have
- variable length, up to 128 rows. There can be 208 different patterns in a song.
- The explanation of a pattern row:
- Note name
- |
- | Octave
- | |
- | | Instrument number ($01 - $3F, or $00 for no change)
- | | |
- | | | Command ($0 - $F)
- | | | |
- | | | | Databyte
- | | | | |
- C-1 00 0 00
- The highest note available in a pattern is G#7. To reach the top three notes
- (A-7 to B-7), you can use transpose.
- In place of a normal note, there can also be one of these special "notes":
- ... Rest
- --- Key off (clear gatebit mask)
- +++ Key on (set gatebit mask)
- The actual state of the gatebit will be the gatebit mask ANDed with data from
- the wavetable. A key on cannot set the gatebit if it was explicitly cleared
- at the wavetable.
- Commands 1XY-4XY and FXY bear some resemblance to Soundtracker/Protracker/
- Fasttracker effect commands. However, they are different in some ways, so
- read their descriptions! Note that there is no "databyte $00 uses the last
- databyte"-action in the commands.
- Command 0XY: Do nothing. Databyte will always be $00.
- Command 1XY: Portamento up. XY is an index to a 16-bit speed value in the
- speedtable.
- Command 2XY: Portamento down. XY is an index to a 16-bit speed value in the
- speedtable.
- Command 3XY: Toneportamento. Raise or lower pitch until target note has been
- reached. XY is an index to a 16-bit speed value in the
- speedtable, or $00 for "tie-note" effect (move pitch instantly to
- target note)
- Command 4XY: Vibrato. XY is an index to the speed table, where left side
- determines how long until the direction changes (speed)
- and right side determines the amount of pitch change on each tick
- (depth).
- Command 5XY: Set attack/decay register to value XY.
- Command 6XY: Set sustain/release register to value XY.
- Command 7XY: Set waveform register to value XY. If a wavetable is actively
- changing the channel's waveform at the same time, will be
- ineffective.
- Command 8XY: Set wavetable pointer. $00 stops wavetable execution.
- Command 9XY: Set pulsetable pointer. $00 stops pulsetable execution.
- Command AXY: Set filtertable pointer. $00 stops filtertable execution.
- Command BXY: Set filter control. X is resonance and Y is channel bitmask.
- $00 turns filter off and also stops filtertable execution.
- Command CXY: Set filter cutoff to XY. Can be ineffective if the filtertable is
- active and also changing the cutoff.
- Command DXY: Set mastervolume to Y, if X is $0. If X is not $0, value XY is
- copied to the timing mark location, which is playeraddress+$3F.
- Command EXY: Funktempo. XY is an index to the speedtable, tempo will alternate
- between left side value and right side value on subsequent pattern
- steps. Sets the funktempo active on all channels, but you can use
- the next command to override this per-channel.
- Command FXY: Set tempo. Values $03-$7F set tempo on all channels, values $83-
- $FF only on current channel (subtract $80 to get actual tempo).
- Tempos $00-$01 recall the funktempo values set by EXY command.
- Master volume is by default the maximum ($F), but it is only reset when loading
- a new song or clearing songdata in the editor, not every time playback starts.
- If you change mastervolume, you have to reset it manually in the beginning of
- your song.
- If the command is not 1XY-4XY, instrument vibrato will be active.
- Note that the one-shot commands 5XY-FXY allow the previous 1XY-4XY command or
- instrument vibrato to continue "underneath" them. In section 3.6 (hints & tips)
- there is an example of this.
- 3.3 Instrument data
- -------------------
- You can use up to 63 different instruments in a song. Each instrument is
- defined by 9 parameters:
- Attack/Decay $0 is fastest attack or decay, $F is slowest
- Sustain/Release Sustain level $0 is silent and $F is the loudest. Release
- behaves like Attack & Decay (F slowest).
- Wavetable Pos Wavetable startposition. Value $00 stops the wavetable
- execution and is not very useful.
- Pulsetable Pos Pulsetable startposition. Value $00 will leave pulse
- execution untouched.
- Filtertable Pos Filtertable startposition. Value $00 will leave filter
- execution untouched. In most cases it makes sense to have
- a filter-controlling instrument only on one channel at a
- time.
- Vibrato Param Instrument vibrato parameter. An index to the speedtable,
- see command 4XY.
- Vibrato Delay How many ticks until instrument vibrato starts. Value $00
- turns instrument vibrato off.
- HR/Gate Timer How many ticks before note start note fetch, gateoff and
- hard restart happen. Can be at most tempo-1. So on tempo 4
- highest acceptable value is 3. Bitvalue $80 disables hard
- restart and bitvalue $40 disables gateoff.
- 1stFrame Wave Waveform used on init frame of the note, usually $09 (gate
- + testbit). Values $00, $FE and $FF have special meaning:
- leave waveform unchanged and additionally set gate off
- ($FE), gate on ($FF), or gate unchanged ($00).
- In case of illegal (too high) gateoff timer values, the song playback is
- stopped.
- ADSR settings are crucial to getting any sound at all. If all of them are zero
- just a very short "click" will be heard. Here is a diagram to help you
- visualize the Attack, Decay, Sustain & Release phases:
- V /\ |<- gatebit reset (key-off) at this point
- O / \ |
- L / \__________|
- U / |\
- M / | \
- E / | \
- TIME ---------------------------->
- A D S R
- Some ADSR examples:
- A/D 09 Will produce a sound that starts from full volume right away and fades
- S/R 00 to silence automatically. By increasing the Decay value, the fade will
- last longer.
- A/D 00 A sound that goes very fast from full volume to sustain level 8.
- S/R 8A If you increase the Decay value, it will go to the sustain level
- slower. After key-off, starts fading out with speed A.
- A/D CC A sound that rises slowly to maximum volume, then decays slowly to the
- S/R AF sustain level A and after key-off, fades out to silence very slowly.
- Instrument legato works as following: When HR/Gate Timer parameter has bit $40
- set, no hard restart or gateoff will be performed. When 1st Frame Wave is also
- $00, no 1st frame waveform will be set and gate flag is untouched. However wave/
- pulse/filterpointers and ADSR are initialized normally. You can also use this in
- conjunction with command 8XY to set another wavetable pointer for the note.
- 3.4 Table data
- --------------
- Tables control the execution of instruments' waveform/arpeggio changes, pulse
- modulation, and filter modulation. All the tables are controlled by the left
- side bytes, while the right side byte specifies additional parameters.
- Note that you should never jump directly onto a table jump command (FF) either
- with instrument parameters or pattern commands 8XY, 9XY, AXY. Otherwise,
- results are undefined.
- 3.4.1 Wavetable
- ---------------
- Wavetable left side: 00 Leave waveform unchanged
- 01-0F Delay this step by 1-15 frames
- 10-DF Waveform values
- E0-EF Inaudible waveform values $00-$0F
- F0-FE Execute command 0XY-EXY. Right side is parameter.
- FF Jump. Right side tells position ($00 = stop)
- Wavetable right side: 00-5F Relative notes
- 60-7F Negative relative notes (lower pitch)
- 80 Keep frequency unchanged
- 81-DF Absolute notes C#0 - B-7
- Short explanation of waveform bitvalues:
- 01 = Gatebit. When on, initiates attack/decay/sustain phase. When off,
- initiates the release phase.
- 02 = Synchronize. Creates weird effects using output of another channel
- 04 = Ring modulation. Creates weird effects using output of another channel.
- Most effective with the triangle waveform.
- 08 = Testbit. Silences sound and resets the oscillator.
- 10 = Triangle waveform.
- 20 = Sawtooth waveform.
- 40 = Pulse waveform.
- 80 = Noise waveform.
- All waveforms except noise can be combined (for example triangle+pulse), but
- the effect will be different on 6581 and 8580 SID chips, so use caution.
- The way how the channels work with synchronize/ringmod:
- - When used on channel 1, channel 3's output modulates the sound.
- - When used on channel 2, channel 1's output modulates the sound.
- - When used on channel 3, channel 2's output modulates the sound.
- Wavetable delay or no wavechange should not be used in the first step of
- instrument wavetable. Otherwise, missing notes may be caused. On the other
- hand, if you use 8XY command to jump into a wavetable program, those are
- allowed.
- Using wavetable delay or a wavetable step with no frequency change allows
- realtime commands & instrument vibrato to be executed together with wave-
- table. Be warned that this has the potential for large rastertime usage!
- You can execute pattern commands from the wavetable. Right side
- is the command parameter. Note that commands 0XY (do nothing), 8XY (set
- wavetable pointer) and EXY (funktempo) are illegal and should not be used.
- When executing a command, no wave/note will be changed on the same frame.
- Some examples of wave tables (all examples start on table step 1)
- 01: 21 00 Sawtooth waveform on note's original pitch.
- 02: FF 00
- 01: 41 00 A flute sound with pulse on the first tick and triangle on all
- 02: 11 00 the rest.
- 03: FF 00
- 01: 41 01 A "koto" sound that is one halfstep higher on the first tick and
- 02: 40 00 on original pitch the next. Gatebit is also cleared on the second
- 03: FF 00 tick.
- 01: 81 D0 A snaredrum sound, using all absolute notes so it does not depend
- 02: 41 AA on which note it's played. Use pulsewidth 800 for best result.
- 03: 41 A4
- 04: 80 D4
- 05: 80 D1
- 06: FF 00
- 01: 81 DF A pulse sound on original pitch, preceded with a short noise (like
- 02: 41 00 a hi-hat or something) that has always an absolute pitch of B-7.
- 03: FF 00
- 01: 41 00 A 4-note looping arpeggio sound with pulse waveform. Note that
- 02: 00 04 waveform does not change in the looping part.
- 03: 00 07
- 04: 00 0C
- 05: 00 00
- 06: FF 02
- 01: 21 00 A delayed minor chord arpeggio with sawtooth waveform. Each step
- 02: 02 03 takes 3 ticks.
- 03: 02 07
- 04: 02 00
- 05: FF 02
- 01: 41 00 Use pulse first, but then switch between pulse & triangle every 5
- 02: 03 80 ticks while frequency remains unchanged (allowing for vibrato &
- 03: 11 80 slides).
- 04: 03 80
- 05: 41 80
- 06: FF 02
- 01: 81 CF Short noise in the beginning, sawtooth, after a short delay change
- 02: 21 00 sustain/release (via pattern command 6XY) to $2A.
- 03: 08 00
- 04: F6 2A
- 05: FF 00
- 3.4.2 Pulsetable
- ----------------
- Pulsetable left side: 01-7F Pulse modulation step. Left side indicates time
- and right side the speed (signed 8-bit value).
- 8X-FX Set pulse width. X is the high 4 bits, right
- side tells the 8 low bits.
- FF Jump. Right side tells position ($00 = stop)
- Some examples of pulse tables (all examples start on table step 1)
- 01: 88 00 Set pulse value $800 (middle)
- 02: FF 00 Stop pulse execution
- 01: 80 10 Set pulse value $010 (very thin)
- 02: 20 40 For 32 ticks, increase pulse with speed $0040 (64)
- 03: 40 E0 For 64 ticks, decrease pulse with speed $FFE0 (-32)
- 04: 40 20 For 64 ticks, increase pulse with speed $0020 (32)
- 05: FF 03 Jump back to step 03 for a nice loop
- 3.4.3 Filtertable
- -----------------
- Filtertable left side: 00 Set cutoff, indicated by right side
- 01-7F Filter modulation step. Left side indicates time
- and right side the speed (signed 8-bit value)
- 80-F0 Set filter parameters. Left side high nybble
- tells the passband ($90 = lowpass, $A0 = bandpass
- etc.) and right side tells resonance/channel
- bitmask, as in command BXY.
- FF Jump. Right side tells position ($00 = stop)
- If "Set filter parameters" is followed by "Set cutoff" directly below, both
- will be executed on the same frame.
- Some examples of filter tables (all examples start on table step 1)
- 01: 90 F1 Set lowpass, resonance F, channel bitmask 1 (filter channel 1 only)
- 02: 00 40 Set cutoff to $40
- 03: FF 00 Stop filter execution
- 01: 80 00 No passband selected, resonance 0, bitmask 0 (no filtered channels)
- 02: FF 00 Stop filter execution
- 01: A0 87 Set bandpass, resonance 8, channel bitmask 7 (filter all channels)
- 02: 00 00 Set cutoff to $00
- 03: 7F 01 Increase cutoff with speed $01 for 127 ticks
- 04: 7F 01 Continue cutoff increase
- 05: 7F FF Then decrease back to starting position (speed $FF = -1)...
- 06: 7F FF
- 07: FF 03 ...and loop back to step 03
- 01: C0 F2 Set highpass, resonance F, channel bitmask 2 (filter channel 2)
- 02: 00 F0 Set cutoff to $F0
- 03: 90 F2 On the next frame, change to lowpass...
- 04: 00 50 ...and set cutoff $50
- 05: FF 00 Stop filter execution
- Note that the second example could also be achieved simply with pattern command
- B00 (set filter control, and stop filter execution, because parameter was $00)
- 3.4.4 Speedtable
- ----------------
- The speedtable is shared by vibrato, portamento and funktempo. No jump commands
- exist.
- For vibrato: XX YY Left side tells how long until vibrato direction
- changes (speed), right side is the value added to
- pitch each tick (depth).
- For portamento: XX YY A 16-bit value added to pitch each tick. Left side
- is the MSB and the right side the LSB.
- For funktempo: XX YY Two 8-bit tempo values that are alternated on each
- pattern row, starting from the left side.
- For both vibrato and portamento, if XX has the high bit ($80) set, note
- independent vibrato depth / portamento speed calculation is enabled, and YY
- specifies the divisor (higher value -> lower result and more rastertime taken).
- Vibrato examples:
- 01: 03 40 Vibrato with speed $03 and depth $40. Corresponds to old vibrato
- parameter $34
- 01: 05 04 Speed $05 and depth $04. Slow shallow vibrato, suitable for bass
- notes. Not possible to achieve with old parameters.
- 01: 83 04 Speed $03, note-independent depth enabled, depth divisor 4 right-
- shifts (division by 16).
- Portamento examples:
- 01: 00 20 Portamento with speed $0020, corresponds to old parameter $08
- (4 * $08 = $0020).
- 01: 01 00 Portamento with speed $0100, corresponds to old parameter $40
- (4 * $40 = $0100).
- 01: 4F FF Portamento with speed $4fff, loops the pitch highbyte very fast
- so that a SEUCK-like "space" effect is heard. Not possible to
- achieve with old parameters.
- 01: 80 01 Note-independent speed enabled, speed divisor 1 rightshift
- (division by 2).
- Funktempo examples:
- 01: 09 06 Play tempo $09 on even pattern steps and $06 on odd steps,
- corresponds to old parameter $96.
- 01: 24 18 The same funktempo adjusted for 4x-multispeed. Not possible to
- achieve with old parameters.
- Note that you can enter old style vibrato parameters, portamento speeds and
- funktempo to patterns & instruments, and when cursor is over the parameter,
- press SHIFT+RETURN to create a new speedtable entry corresponding to that
- parameter. The parameter will now be overwritten by a speedtable pointer.
- 3.5 Playback details
- --------------------
- Each pattern row is divided into as many 50Hz/60Hz "ticks" as the tempo
- indicates. Some ticks are reserved for special actions, and to conserve raster-
- time, certain realtime effects/commands (pulse, vibrato, portamento) are
- skipped at the same time. Let's assume a tempo of 6 and gateoff timer value 2
- and look at what happens on each tick:
- Tick Actions
- 0 - Initialization of new notes (no audible sound yet)
- - Orderlist advance if necessary
- - Pulsetable execution only if no orderlist advance
- - Wavetable execution
- - "One-shot" commands 5XY-FXY
- 1 - New notes become audible
- - Pulsetable execution
- - Wavetable or realtime pattern commands 1XY-4XY
- 2,3 - Pulsetable execution
- - Wavetable or realtime pattern commands 1XY-4XY
- 4 - New notes fetched from the pattern
- - Gateoff and hard restart for new notes
- (2 ticks before first frame, as gateoff timer indicates)
- - No pulsetable execution
- - Wavetable or realtime pattern commands 1XY-4XY
- 5 - Pulsetable execution
- - Wavetable or realtime pattern commands 1XY-4XY
- Filtertable is executed on each tick regardless of what the channels are doing.
- Wavetable is never skipped, so arpeggios/drumsounds should always play OK.
- With the commandline parameter /O0 (or by clicking the "PO" text on the status
- bar) you can disable pulse skipping. This leads to increased rastertime use but
- can be good for example with tempo 3 tunes.
- Likewise, with the commandline parameter /R0 (or by clicking the "RO" text on
- the status bar) you can disable realtime pattern command skipping on tick 0.
- 3.6 Miscellaneous tips
- ----------------------
- - Patterns will take less memory the less there are command changes. When the
- song is packed/relocated, for example a long vibrato or portamento command
- needs to be stored only once as long as the parameter stays the same on
- subsequent pattern rows.
- - Using instrument vibrato can make 4XY commands unnecessary and save even
- more memory. Use realtime calculated note-independent speed (see speedtable
- section) if you want the vibrato to have the same magnitude regardless of
- the note.
- - In the instrument parameters, there is no option to stop pulse execution
- directly. So if you have for example a sawtooth instrument, there might be
- an "unnecessary" pulsemodulation going on underneath and wasting rastertime.
- There are two ways you can stop this:
- 1) Make a short pulseprogram like this and use it in the instrument:
- 01: 80 00 Set pulse $000
- 02: FF 00 Stop pulse execution
- 2) Use pattern command 900 to stop pulse execution
- - If you have a realtime command (vibrato/portamento), you can put "one-shot"
- commands 5XY-FXY inbetween and the realtime command will be unaffected. An
- example:
- C-4 01000
- --- 00401 Begin vibrato with speedtable index $01
- --- 00401
- --- 00401
- --- 0065A Set sustain/release to $5A. Vibrato executes also on this step!
- --- 00401 Continue vibrato normally
- --- 00401
- However, the vibrato would stop immediately if command 0 was encountered.
- - Normally tempo 3 is the fastest you can use. However, by using the funktempo
- command you can get tempo 2. To do this, create a following speedtable entry:
- 02 02, and point your funktempo command to it. You also need to use gateoff
- timer 1 in all instruments and disable the pulse-optimization skipping.
- - For very optimized songdata & player you can refrain from using any pattern
- commands and rely on the instruments' step-programming. Even in this case, you
- can set song startup default tempo with the Attack/Decay parameter of the last
- instrument (63), if you otherwise leave this instrument unused.
- 3.6.1 Limit-based modulation steps
- ----------------------------------
- You can enter pulse/filter modulation steps in limit-based format, and convert
- them to time-based with SHIFT+L. For example, you could enter the following in
- the pulsetable:
- 01: 84 00 Set initial pulse to $400
- 02: C0 10 Modulate pulse to $C00 with speed $0010
- 03: 40 10 Modulate pulse back to $400 with speed $0010
- Now position the cursor on step 02 and press SHIFT+L twice, to convert both of
- the modulation steps to usual time-based steps. If necessary, the steps will
- be expanded to several (if the resulting time parameter is over $7F.)
- Remember that the player only understands time-based steps and you always have
- to convert limit-based steps before they play correctly!
- 3.6.2 Precalculated note-independent "hifi player" portamento/vibrato
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- From v2.62 onwards, GoatTracker actually supports realtime calculated note
- independent portamento and vibrato speeds, see speedtable section for this.
- However, this makes the player bigger and much slower. You can still also use
- the old method of manually precalculating needed note-independent speeds with
- the SHIFT+H function, which this section is about.
- The idea is to take the frequency difference between 2 adjacent notes in
- the frequency table and manipulate it by bit shifting left (multiply) or
- right (divide).
- To use, you need a portamento or vibrato command in the pattern, and the note
- you wish to base the calculation on on the current pattern step or before it
- (before it only for toneportamento) The amount of shift is determined by the
- command parameter. A number in the left nybble means shift left and right
- nybble right shift. When you press Shift+H while the cursor is on the command,
- a speedtable entry is created, and the parameter is replaced with a speedtable
- index.
- Some examples:
- C-3 00110 Take the frequency difference between C-3 & C#3 and shift it left
- 1 times (multiply by 2.)
- E-4 00000
- ... 00000
- G-4 00302 Take the frequency difference between E-4 & F-4 and shift it right
- 2 times (divide by 4.)
- 3.7 Multispeed tips
- -------------------
- - When making multispeed songs, remember to multiply your tempos and also the
- gateoff timer values! For example, gateoff timer is normally 2, but in a 2X-
- speed tune the same gateoff length would be achieved with value 4.
- - If you want to keep vibrato the same compared to 1X-speed, you must multiply
- vibrato speed by the speed multiplier, and divide vibrato depth by the
- multiplier. Remember also to divide portamento and pulse/filter modulation
- speeds as necessary.
- - When importing a v1.xx multispeed song, you also need to multiply the
- gateoff timers.
- - In the instruments, using Attack 0 might result in a very silent first row of
- the wavetable. You could try increasing the attack, or adding one or more
- rows of E9 00 (testbit+gate) to the beginning of the wavetable.
- 4. Using the included utilities
- -------------------------------
- 4.1 INS2SND2.EXE
- ---------------
- INS2SND2.EXE converts GoatTracker v1.xx or v2 instruments (.INS-files) into
- sound effects, outputting the data as source code or binary.
- Usage: INS2SND <instrumentfile> <sourcecodefile> <options>
- Options:
- -b output in binary
- -c output in CovertScript format (deprecated)
- Default output is C64 assembler (DASM) style source code
- Look at section 6.3 or run the program without parameters to see the
- limitations of the sound effect system.
- ----------------
- SNGSPLI2.EXE splits the patterns of a GoatTracker v2 song into smaller pieces
- for memory use optimization. It is comfortable to compose with large patterns
- but usually more efficient memory-wise to use small patterns. Remember! Always
- keep the original song because a pattern-splitted song is much harder to edit
- further.
- Usage: SNGSPLI2 <source> <destination> [target len]
- For example, if a pattern is 64 rows long and the target length is 16, it will
- be split into 4 pieces. A pattern that falls below 2 x target length, will not
- be split at all.
- ---------------
- Dedicated exclusively to T.M.R, this program converts the pattern & orderlist
- data of 4-channel, 31-instrument MOD-files into GoatTracker .SNG files. You
- must choose one channel to leave out, and obviously instruments are not
- converted, except for their names. You can also specify a transpose in
- halfsteps.
- Usage: MOD2SNG <mod> <sng> [channel] [transpose]
- [channel] is the channel to leave out (1-4), default 4
- [transpose] is the halfstep transpose added to notes, default 0
- ----------------
- Converts GT v2 beta songs to new format used by GT v2 RC1 onwards. Old format
- had 47 instruments max. and new has 63 max. Additionally, depending on what
- beta version you used, you can choose to halve vibrato depths and pulse speeds
- to make them play correct in the current version. Warning: the conversion is
- irreversible, so have backups if you overwrite the old versions.
- Usage: BETACONV <source> <destination> [vibdepth] [pulse]
- [vibdepth] decides whether to halve vibdepth (1=yes 0=no), default 0
- [pulse] decides whether to halve pulse speed (1=yes 0=no), default 0
- 5. Using the songs outside the editor
- -------------------------------------
- Press F9 in the editor to enter the packer/relocator. Choose playroutine
- options, startaddress, zeropage address (need 2 consecutive locations) and file
- format (PRG/BIN/SID), then type the filename.
- If you use patterns longer than 64 rows, there is the possibility that
- relocation fails because of too complex patterns. Each pattern row can be 0-4
- bytes packed, and the total amount of bytes per one pattern may not exceed 256.
- If wave/pulse/filtertables overflow past row 255 without a jump command or there
- are other serious errors, you get a warning screen and have to fix the error.
- The relocator optimizes & removes when saving:
- - Unused patterns
- - Unused instruments
- - Unused table-entries
- - Selfcontained (ie. no jumps to/from outside) duplicate parts of tables
- - Player code not needed in the playback of the song
- Look at /examples/example1.prg - example4.prg to get an idea how much these
- playroutines take rastertime. No promises!
- The basic functions independent of playroutine options are:
- Init music:
- LDA #subtunenumber ;Starting from 0
- JSR startaddress
- Play one frame of music:
- JSR startaddress+3
- 5.1 Playroutine options
- -----------------------
- BUFFERED SID-WRITES - Instead of writing each SID value as soon as possible,
- waits for the end of the channel's execution on each frame and then writes the
- registers in one go. Improves sound stability but takes more memory & raster-
- time.
- SOUND EFFECT SUPPORT - Adds a sound effect engine for use in games. Implies
- buffered writes. To use, call in the following way:
- LDA #<effect ;Start address of sound effect data
- LDY #>effect
- LDX #channel ;0, 7 or 14 for channels 1-3
- JSR startaddress+6
- The sound effects have a hardcoded priority system based on their start
- addresses. A sound higher up in memory (bigger address) will never be
- interrupted with a sound lower in memory.
- VOLUME CHANGE SUPPORT - Adds a routine in the player's jumptable to change the
- master volume level. To use, call in the following way:
- LDA #volume ;0-15
- JSR startaddress+6 ;(startaddress+9 with sound effect support)
- Note that the master volume command (DXY) also modifies this same location,
- so it will clash if you also change the volume manually.
- STORE AUTHOR-INFO - Writes the "AUTHOR" string from songname editor to the
- location range (startaddress+$20 - startaddress+$3F). Also enables timing mark
- support. A timing mark is a mastervolume command (DXY) with parameter $10-$FF.
- This parameter will be copied into startaddress+$3F when the command is
- encountered in playback.
- USE ZEROPAGE GHOSTREGS - Instead of writing to the SID, a memory range in the
- zeropage is used for holding the SID register data. This can then be copied
- in the main program to the SID, for example to enable the playroutine & music
- data to reside under the I/O area. Implies buffered writes. A reverse copy loop
- should be used after each call to the playroutine:
- LDX #$18
- copy: LDA ghostregs,x
- STA $D400,x
- BPL copy
- The copy loop can also be unrolled for more speed.
- Note that when you use the alternative hardrestart method & playroutine (hard-
- restart attack parameter F) the copy loop should not be in reverse order but
- should be for each channel: wave, frequency, pulsewidth, and ADSR last.
- If you are using both sound effect support and ghostregisters, there exists
- a possibility of sound errors in the case that a sound effect has finished,
- and the same channel starts a new pulse-waveform note without setting an
- initial pulsewidth value (for example, like in the beginning of Sanxion loader
- tune). This is because the ghostregisters are shared between music & sound
- effect playback, and the sound effect has already overwritten the previous
- pulse width.
- DISABLE OPTIMIZATIONS - The relocator removes saved playroutine code based on
- what effects & commands the song uses, resulting in a smaller playroutine
- accordingly. If you encounter anomalies in the sound (such as ADSR bugs caused
- by unpredictable timing variation) you can try disabling the optimizations.
- Normally this is not necessary, but is included just in case.
- 6. File/data formats description
- --------------------------------
- The sections in the files appear in the sequential order in which they are
- described.
- 6.1 GoatTracker v2 song (.SNG) format
- -------------------------------------
- 6.1.1 Song header
- -----------------
- Offset Size Description
- +0 4 Identification string GTS5
- +4 32 Song name, padded with zeros
- +36 32 Author name, padded with zeros
- +68 32 Copyright string, padded with zeros
- +100 byte Number of subtunes
- 6.1.2 Song orderlists
- ---------------------
- The orderlist structure repeats first for channels 1,2,3 of first subtune,
- then for channels 1,2,3 of second subtune etc., until all subtunes
- have been gone thru.
- Offset Size Description
- +0 byte Length of this channel's orderlist n, not counting restart pos.
- +1 n+1 The orderlist data:
- Values $00-$CF are pattern numbers
- Values $D0-$DF are repeat commands
- Values $E0-$FE are transpose commands
- Value $FF is the RST endmark, followed by a byte that indicates
- the restart position
- 6.1.3 Instruments
- -----------------
- Offset Size Description
- +0 byte Amount of instruments n
- Then, this structure repeats n times for each instrument. Instrument 0 (the
- empty instrument) is not stored.
- Offset Size Description
- +0 byte Attack/Decay
- +1 byte Sustain/Release
- +2 byte Wavepointer
- +3 byte Pulsepointer
- +4 byte Filterpointer
- +5 byte Vibrato param. (speedtable pointer)
- +6 byte Vibraro delay
- +7 byte Gateoff timer
- +8 byte Hard restart/1st frame waveform
- +9 16 Instrument name
- 6.1.4 Tables
- ------------
- This structure repeats for each of the 4 tables (wavetable, pulsetable,
- filtertable, speedtable).
- Offset Size Description
- +0 byte Amount n of rows in the table
- +1 n Left side of the table
- +1+n n Right side of the table
- 6.1.5 Patterns header
- ---------------------
- Offset Size Description
- +0 byte Number of patterns n
- 6.1.6 Patterns
- --------------
- Repeat n times, starting from pattern number 0.
- Offset Size Description
- +0 byte Length of pattern in rows m
- +1 m*4 Groups of 4 bytes for each row of the pattern:
- 1st byte: Notenumber
- Values $60-$BC are the notes C-0 - G#7
- Value $BD is rest
- Value $BE is keyoff
- Value $BF is keyon
- Value $FF is pattern end
- 2nd byte: Instrument number ($00-$3F)
- 3rd byte: Command ($00-$0F)
- 4th byte: Command databyte
- 6.2 GoatTracker v2 instrument (.INS) format
- -------------------------------------------
- Offset Size Description
- +0 4 Identification string GTI5
- +4 byte Attack/Decay
- +5 byte Sustain/Release
- +6 byte Wavepointer
- +7 byte Pulsepointer
- +8 byte Filterpointer
- +9 byte Vibrato param. (speedtable pointer)
- +10 byte Vibrato delay
- +11 byte Gateoff timer
- +12 byte Hard restart/1st frame waveform
- +13 16 Instrument name
- After the instrument data, this structure repeats for each of the 4 tables
- (wavetable, pulsetable, filtertable, speedtable).
- Offset Size Description
- +0 byte Amount n of rows in the table
- +1 n Left side of the table
- +1+n n Right side of the table
- Note that the tables are a partial snapshot of the current song the instrument
- was saved from, so upon loading they have to be relocated to the current free
- table locations.
- 6.3 Sound effect data format
- ----------------------------
- Offset Size Description
- +0 byte Attack/Decay
- +1 byte Sustain/Release
- +2 byte Pulse width. This value has nybbles reversed from what it looks
- like in the editor so a middle pulse $800 will be stored as $08,
- and the sound effect routine will put this value to both $D402
- and $D403 registers.
- +3 ? Wavetable. Contains note/waveform pairs (different order than
- in instrument wavetable), from which the waveform can be
- omitted if unchanged, as the value ranges do not overlap:
- Value $00 ends the sound effect
- Values $01-$81 are waveforms
- Values $82-$DF are absolute notes D-0 - B-7
- Note that a note cannot be omitted to store only waveform
- changes!
- As you can see, the sound effect format is very simplistic. When converting an
- instrument to a sound effect with INS2SND2, following things cause an error
- message:
- - If the resulting sound effect is more than 128 bytes
- - If the instrument's wavetable contains relative notes, absolute notes C-0 or
- C#0, or waveforms > 129 ($81)
- The instrument's pulsewidth modulation & filter settings will be completely
- discarded.
- 7. Recompiling
- --------------
- To recompile for Win32, you need the MinGW development enviroment, use the
- file src/makefile.win as makefile.
- To recompile for Linux, use src/makefile.
- In both cases you need the SDL development libraries in addition to the SDL
- runtime, see http://www.libsdl.org.
- Compile first the utilities (datafile & dat2inc) from the src/bme directory,
- and place them to your path.
- 8. Version history
- ------------------
- v2.0Beta - Original public release
- v2.0 - Fixed crash in DMC-note entry mode.
- - Fixed v1.xx import pulse conversion, a case where pulse startpos
- was lower than the pulse low limit was not converted right.
- - Fixed instrument gatetimer becoming zero (can lead to tempo bugs)
- when cutting an instrument (SHIFT+X)
- - Fixed order of SID writes to make editor & C64 playroutine behave
- as similarly as possible.
- - Fixed removal of table-entries (when loading an instrument) in
- case another instrument uses them too.
- - Fixed toneportamento (3XY) with wavetable delays.
- - Fixed funktempo in packed/relocated songs.
- - Fixed behaviour of + & - keys while editing instrument name.
- - Fixed pattern editor transpose functions.
- - Added SHIFT+DEL to delete an instrument + its tabledata.
- - Added SHIFT+INS to insert rows on table first row without having to
- adjust tablepointers afterwards.
- - Added SHIFT+W,S for octave transpose.
- - Added SHIFT+1,2,3 to swap orderlists between channels.
- - Added SHIFT+BACKSPACE to clear a whole pattern row.
- - Added optimized playroutines, that will be used if all instruments
- have the same gateoff timer & 1st wave parameters.
- - Added duplicate check for v1.xx pulse conversion.
- - Added BETACONV-utility for conversion from beta format.
- - Added reSID interpolation option /I.
- - Added hexadecimal pattern row display option /D.
- - Added SID memory location parameter /L.
- - reSID interpolation is on by default.
- - Changed appearance of pattern special notes (rest, keyoff/on)
- - Increased amount of instruments to 63 and changed song dataformat.
- - v1.xx import converts arpeggios to instruments as long as there is
- room.
- - Vibrato depth changed back to same as in v1.xx.
- - Pulse modulation speeds are doubled.
- - Upon startup, songdata erase, or importing v1.xx data, gatetimer
- will be set to 2 * multiplier as opposed to just 2.
- - Optimized size & speed of all playroutines (initialization,
- checking for new note fetch, pulsetable execution).
- - Wavetable delay or no-wavechange on first step of instrument is
- definitely unsupported now! Protection to allow this conflicted
- with 3XY command.
- v2.01 - Added under-IO gamemusic playroutine.
- v2.02 - Added RETURN when instrument tableparameter (wave/pulse/filter) is
- 0 to get you to the first free table location. SHIFT+RETURN will
- additionally also set the instrument tableparameter.
- - Added "set mastervolume"-jump to gamemusic routines.
- - Improved sound effect handling, when an effect is interrupted by
- another (less silence between sounds).
- v2.03 - Added execution of realtime commands & instrument vibrato during
- wavetable delay.
- - Added wavetable right side value $80 to keep frequency unchanged
- (as a consequence, the note C-0 will cause the same effect).
- - Added relocator optimizations: all unnecessary data is stripped
- when packing/relocating.
- - Playroutines size-optimized.
- - Explanation of how different gatetimer values can lead to playback
- going out of sync (section 3.3).
- - reSID interpolation is no longer on by default :)
- v2.04 - Added a questionable 25Hz mode (/S0)
- - Execution of commands on wavetable delay is completely reworked
- and more consistent now.
- - Note C-0 is usable again.
- v2.05 - Added instrument legato feature (Hardres/1stwave parameter $00).
- - ADSR writes moved farther away from wave writes in the standard
- playroutine noteinit, lessening possibility of ADSR bugs.
- - Song initialization and pulsetable execution speed/sizeoptimized.
- v2.06 - Packer/relocator tolerates up to 256 bytes long patterns now.
- - Optimized playroutine sizes.
- v2.07 - Fixed transpose reset with F2/F3 song start (should not happen).
- - Fixed varying tempo on channels with F2/F3 song start.
- - Added warning screen to packer/relocator if table execution
- overflows.
- - Added writing of PAL/NTSC and 6581/8580 flags according to PSID V2
- NG specification.
- - -mwindows added to linker options for no displaying of DOS prompt
- window (in win32 version).
- v2.08 - Added finevibrato mode (/V command line option).
- - Optimized playroutine sizes & speed.
- v2.09 - Fixed max.pattern length in Clear Musicdata operation.
- - Added Minimal playroutine.
- - First wave value $80 also acts as a proper legato instrument now.
- - Optimized playroutine sizes & speed.
- - SID chip type & timing (PAL/NTSC) displayed on top row.
- v2.1 - Added SHIFT+N for negating pulse/filter modulation speeds.
- - Added no-funktempo & no-octave0 optimizations to playroutines (a
- total of 8 sub-types for each playroutine).
- - Maximum speed is 16X now.
- - Separate song/instrument/packed song directories are remembered
- during session.
- - Pathname is displayed in the fileselector.
- - Filters ** and *.* display all files in the fileselector.
- - Song entered on commandline will be loaded at startup.
- - Song filename currently being edited is shown in the titlebar.
- - Currently edited song filename will be used as default in the
- - Instrument name will also be used as instrument filename as default
- in the "SAVE INSTRUMENT" dialog.
- - UPX used for compression of win32 executables.
- - Included a short reference of waveform bits (manual only).
- - Configuration file has clearer structure.
- v2.11 - Added SHIFT+S for smart instrument paste (converts instrument
- numbers in all patterns, after cut/pasting an instrument).
- - Added SHIFT+L which allows to write <limit,speed> pulse/filter
- modulation steps and then convert them to the proper <time,speed>
- format.
- v2.12 - Playroutine 1 has buffered SID-writes.
- - Octave 0 is not disabled in routines with sound FX (no matter what
- the relocator says...)
- v2.13 - Standard playroutine now both in unbuffered and buffered flavors.
- v2.15 - Added SHIFT+I for inverting current pattern selection / whole
- pattern.
- v2.16 - Fixed octave selection with / * for laptop keyboards.
- - Empty patterns referenced in the orderlist will be saved when
- saving a song.
- - Save dialog will reappear if writing the song/instrument/executable
- music failed.
- - Optimized handling of "packed rests" in the playroutines.
- - Added < > for instrument selection in instrument/table edit modes.
- v2.17 - Fixed initialization of instrument vibrato.
- - Playroutines size-optimized.
- v2.18 - Wavetable left side values changed. Delay is now $01-$0F and
- inaudible waveforms (register values $00-$0F) have been mapped to
- table values $E0-$EF. Old songs using values $08-$0F have to be
- manually converted!
- v2.2 - Added the speedtable for more precise control of vibrato,
- portamento and funktempo.
- - Added SHIFT+O to optimize the speedtable (remove unused entries).
- - Added SHIFT+R to convert between absolute/relative notes in
- the wavetable.
- - Added SHIFT+RETURN in pattern/instrument editor to convert old
- style portamento, vibrato and funktempo parameters to speedtable
- entries.
- - SHIFT+R will paste several effect rows if there is data in pattern
- copybuffer.
- - Editing during Follow Play is possible.
- - Song and instrument format modified for 4 tables. Old 3-table
- data will be loaded but not saved anymore.
- v2.21 - Fixed NTSC CIA timer value for SID files.
- - Shift+E will copy several effect rows if pattern has been marked.
- v2.22 - Shift+N will also negate relative wavetable notes.
- - When converting oldstyle parameters to speedtable entries with
- SHIFT+RETURN, the speedtable view will shift to the new entry if
- one was created.
- v2.23 - Fixed SHIFT+INS in wavetable (inserts $E9 $00 now as it should).
- - Added SHIFT+U to unlock table scrolling.
- - Added SHIFT+F5/F6 to change speed multiplier.
- v2.24 - Added SHIFT+F7 to edit the hardrestart ADSR parameter.
- - Added SHIFT+F8 to switch between 6581 and 8580 SID models.
- v2.25 - Added detail to table overflow error message in relocator.
- - Added stop of playback if a tablepointer gets pointed directly to a
- jump (would bug in packed/relocated tune).
- - Added relocator error message for the above case.
- - Added relocator error message for illegal song restart position.
- - Not possible to save erroneous packed/relocated songs anymore
- (now that there is adequate error location).
- - Added SHIFT+,. to move song startposition on all channels and
- restart last playmode.
- v2.26 - Fixed relocator complaining of FF parameter in speedtable.
- - To increase stability, in multispeed mode relocator does not use the
- "same gatetimer/1st wave" optimization.
- - Changed Shift+O to optimize the currently edited table, not just
- speedtable.
- - Added an option to optimize everything with the SHIFT+ESC clear
- function. This clears unused patterns, instruments and table-entries.
- v2.27 - Fixed optimize function with different pattern lengths.
- - Added marking & copy/pasting orderlist data like patterns & tables.
- v2.28 - Added sort of mouse control.
- - Sound reinitialization when changing multiplier or other parameters
- is now faster.
- v2.29Beta - Internal reorganization.
- - New assembler-based relocator that leaves out unused portions of
- player code.
- - Instead of choosing a player version, one can choose combinations
- of player features.
- - Relocator does not save selfcontained duplicate parts of tables.
- - Added keys 0-9 & A-Z in the fileselector to move to the
- corresponding part of the filelist (if found).
- - Added SHIFT+H to calculate left/right shifted "hifi" speedtable
- values, according to the frequency of a note.
- v2.3 - Fixed songdata optimize function.
- - Fixed relocator with no-hardrestart instrument in slot 1.
- - Fixed relocator handling of effect C (Set cutoff).
- v2.31 - Fixed effect copy/paste.
- - Added possibility to disable pulseskipping with /O command line
- option. Warning: causes huge rastertime increase.
- - Tempo 2 is allowed. See the tips section (3.6) for details.
- v2.32 - Maximum pattern length increased to 128. Do not complain of
- "pattern too complex" errors :)
- - Optimized playroutine init in case of only 1 subtune.
- v2.33 - Fixed a bug where relocator was checking pattern 208 (illegal).
- - Optimized playroutine in case there is no keyoff/keyon used.
- - Optimized playroutine in case there are no pattern effects used.
- - Optimized playroutine channel variables in case there is no
- transpose, repeat, wavedelay and pattern effects.
- - If not using the last instrument (63), you can control song
- startup default tempo by using its Attack/Decay parameter.
- v2.34 - Added relocator optimization for using 1 or 2 channels only. To
- enable, you must use only channels 1 or 1,2 and not be using sound
- effect support or zeropage ghostregs.
- - Turning off buffered writes in relocator options works now even
- if sound effects or zeropage ghostregs are selected (they will be
- turned off too).
- v2.35 - Auto-creation of speedtable entries will always generate a new
- entry (except for song loading), duplicate values will be optimized
- by the relocator.
- - Pressing SHIFT+RETURN over a speedtable-using pattern command while
- the parameter is zero, goes to the next empty speedtable entry and
- sets the command parameter to point to that entry.
- v2.4 - Added one bit of accuracy to pulse modulation speed. A new song-
- format (identifier GTS4) reflects this, old songs will be converted
- upon loading.
- - Added possibility to execute pattern commands from the wavetable.
- v2.41 - Fixed player code assembly errors when using some pattern commands
- only from the wavetable.
- - Fixed player code bug with command B when command A is not used.
- - Fixed SHIFT+O removing table entries pointed to from wavetable
- pattern commands.
- v2.42 - Fixed frequency table size determination.
- - Changed behaviour of keyoff in pattern editing changed to use
- releasenote() like the instrument editor.
- - Added SHIFT+RETURN when parameter is zero to get you into an empty
- table entry for 8, 9 and A pattern commands as well.
- - Added adjustment of table views when changing instrument number
- in unlocked table scrolling mode.
- - Added RETURN over nonzero instrument number (in patterns) to go
- editing that instrument.
- v2.43 - Added duplicate pattern detection/removal to song optimize.
- - Added pattern shrink/expand (SHIFT+O,P).
- - Added pattern join/split (SHIFT+J,K).
- v2.44 - Fixed editor playroutine to not execute tick n commands, when a
- command has already been executed through the wavetable.
- v2.45 - Added possibility to disable realtime pattern command optimization
- at tick 0 (/Rxx command line option or click the "RO" text on the
- statusbar) for tempo-independent portamento & vibrato.
- - To make room on the status bar for the realtime optimization
- status indicator, finevibrato & pulse optimization indicators have
- been shortened to "FV" and "PO".
- v2.46 - Added transpose of speedtable portamento speeds (SHIFT+Q,A,W,S)
- SHIFT+W,S (octave transpose, multiply/divide by 2) also work in
- pulse & filtertable.
- - When editing the wavetable, RETURN & SHIFT+RETURN work for wave-
- table executed commands as in patterns (go to table position
- pointed by command, create new speedtable entries)
- v2.47 - Added experimental random delay to write of reSID registers, in
- order to make potential ADSR-bugging on C64 audible. The
- amount of delay in cycles can be adjusted with /Z command line
- option.
- - SHIFT+L in pulsetable creates repeated "set tempo" commands if
- speed is greater than 127.
- v2.48 - Fixed playroutine to use configurable baseaddress again.
- v2.49 - Added /G command line option, guard 1stwave/gatetimer parameters.
- When this is on (default), only silent waveforms can be entered
- as firstwave (only thing that makes sense) and editing gatetimer
- of one instrument affects all of them, as otherwise bugs in
- playback result easily. Use /G0 to turn off.
- v2.5 - Fixed "optimize everything" removing the tempo setting in
- instrument 63.
- - Fixed default tempo of multispeed tunes in packer/relocator.
- v2.51 - Fixed packing of empty patterns when not using any effects.
- - Fixed differing gatetimer value in instruments causing playback
- going out of sync.
- - /G command line option no longer has to keep gatetimer values the
- same.
- - Added high bit of gatetimer value to control whether wavetable
- execution starts right on the note init frame. If used, will cause
- significant rastertime increase.
- v2.52 - SHIFT+ENTER in orderlist view takes the next available pattern
- if pressed on a repeat or transpose command.
- - Added SHIFT+SPACE in pattern editor to start playback on a specific
- pattern row.
- v2.53 - Fixed F3 to always play the currently visible patterns.
- - Added BACKSPACE in the orderlist editor to set playback end position.
- Only effective when starting playback from position, not beginning.
- v2.54 - Fixed SHIFT+F3.
- - Changed SHIFT+, . to update the pattern view.
- - Changed SHIFT+SPACE to remain in pattern playback mode, if it was
- active.
- v2.55 - Added BACKSPACE in the fileselector to go to the parent dir.
- v2.56 - Song filename cleared on songdata erase.
- - Added /F to set custom SID clock frequency.
- - Graphics output routines no longer compare text screen buffer to
- previous to find out if it should be updated.
- v2.57 - Added alternative hardrestart method & playroutine that is used when
- HR attack parameter is at maximum (FF00 or F800 for example) - this
- can in theory give better reliability.
- v2.58 - Cleanup, removal of a few questionable features:
- * Gatetimer high bit to start wavetable immediately
- * Guard 1stwave parameter
- v2.59 - Songformat version update (GTS5/GTI5)
- - Gateoff timer parameter bits control now hardrestart disable ($80)
- & gateoff disable ($40).
- - 1stFrame Wave can be any from $01-$8F, $00 to leave both waveform
- & gateflag unchanged, or $FE / $FF to control gateflag but leave
- waveform unchanged.
- v2.6 - Fixed pattern default length selection display when decrementing
- from a length of 100 or higher.
- - Fixed mouse selection of pattern when adjusting an adjacent channel.
- - Fixed help screen instructions.
- - Changed resolution to 800x600.
- - Changed all songname rows to be displayed at the same time.
- - Changed mouse control to allow pattern column selection even when
- left mouse button is held down.
- - Changed speed of PageUp/PageDown scrolling to be faster.
- - Optimized graphics output.
- - BME library is no longer needed.
- v2.61 - Added the backquote key (top-left on keyboard) to select channel
- in pattern edit mode, and to select table in table edit mode. Use
- with SHIFT to go backwards.
- - Added SHIFT+channel number to mute channels in pattern edit mode.
- v2.62 - Added possibility for realtime calculated note independent (hifi)
- portamento & vibrato. Warning: has potential for huge rastertime
- increase.
- v2.63 - Fixed note independent portamento & vibrato to use the last note
- set in wavetable for calculations, instead of the last note in
- patterndata.
- v2.64 - Fixed paste in table (SHIFT+V) working also without SHIFT pressed.
- v2.65 - Fixed raw keycodes over 511 interpreted as some other keys in the
- 0-511 range.
- This is reSID, a reverse engineered software emulation of the MOS6581 SID
- (Sound Interface Device). This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer.
- reSID is free software. See the file COPYING for copying permission.
- reSID is a C++ library containing a complete emulation of the SID chip.
- This library can be linked into programs emulating the MOS6510 MPU to
- play music made for the Commodore 64 computer. reSID has been successfully
- linked into VICE, a full-fledged Commodore 64 emulator, and SIDPLAY, a
- popular SID tune player. The VICE home page is:
- http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dsladic/vice/
- A patch for SIDPLAY can be found on the SIDPLAY home page:
- http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/5147/
- Various SID emulators exist, however reSID should still be of great
- interest to Commodore 64 nostalgics. The emulator engine is cycle-based,
- emulating the internal operations of the SID chip. SID's audio filter is
- modeled as an actual two-integrator-loop biquadratic filter circuit.
- The engine has been developed based on available information on SID, sampling
- of the OSC3 and ENV3 registers, filter theory, and meticulous testing.
- In short, a scientific approach has been taken to model the SID chip as
- accurately as possible.
- To our knowledge reSID is by far the most accurate SID emulator ever created.
- This comes at a price; what is considered a fairly fast CPU at the time of
- this writing is needed to run the emulator.
- Please distribute this file with the SDL runtime environment:
- The Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL for short) is a cross-platfrom library
- designed to make it easy to write multi-media software, such as games and
- emulators.
- The Simple DirectMedia Layer library source code is available from:
- http://www.libsdl.org/
- This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license:
- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html