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- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "../MachineInterface.h"
- CMachineParameter const paraFC =
- {
- pt_word, // type
- "cf",
- "Cut-off frequency", // description
- 0, // MinValue
- 1000, // MaxValue
- 2000, // NoValue
- MPF_STATE, // Flags
- 0x200,
- };
- CMachineParameter const paraResonance =
- {
- pt_word, // type
- "Resonance",
- "Resonance", // description
- 0, // MinValue
- 0xFFFE, // MaxValue
- 0xFFFF, // NoValue
- MPF_STATE, // Flags
- 0x200,
- };
- CMachineParameter const *pParameters[] =
- {
- // global
- ¶FC,
- ¶Resonance
- };
- CMachineAttribute const attrSymmetric =
- {
- "Symmetric",
- 0,
- 1,
- 0
- };
- #pragma pack(1)
- class gvals
- {
- public:
- word fc;
- word resonance;
- };
- #pragma pack()
- CMachineInfo const MacInfo =
- {
- MT_EFFECT, // type
- 0, // flags
- 0, // min tracks
- 0, // max tracks
- 2, // numGlobalParameters
- 0, // numTrackParameters
- pParameters,
- 0,
- 0,
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- "SVF Filter (Debug build)", // name
- #else
- "SVF Filter", // name
- #endif
- "SVF", // short name
- "Elak", // author
- };
- class mi : public CMachineInterface
- {
- public:
- mi();
- virtual ~mi();
- virtual void Init(CMachineDataInput * const pi);
- virtual void Tick();
- virtual bool Work(float *psamples, int numsamples, int const mode);
- private:
- private:
- float fc;
- float resonance;
- float fs;
- float hi;
- float lo;
- float bp;
- float f;
- gvals gval;
- };
- mi::mi()
- {
- GlobalVals = &gval;
- }
- mi::~mi()
- {
- }
- void mi::Init(CMachineDataInput * const pi)
- {
- fc = 500.0f;
- fs = 22500.0f;
- lo = 0.0f;
- bp = 0.0f;
- f = 0.0f;
- hi = 0.0f;
- lo = bp = 0.0f;
- }
- void mi::Tick()
- {
- if (gval.fc != paraFC.NoValue)
- fc = (float)(gval.fc);
- if( gval.resonance != paraResonance.NoValue)
- resonance = (float)(gval.resonance)/65535;
- //these should really be initialized after a note has is finished playing, or is it when f = 0;
- f = 6*fc/fs;
- }
- bool mi::Work(float *psamples, int numsamples, int const mode)
- {
- if (mode == WM_WRITE || mode == WM_NOIO)
- return false;
- if (mode == WM_READ)
- return true;
- do
- {
- float in = *psamples/65534.0f; //calculations on float, more fun
- hi = in - lo - (1-resonance)*bp;
- bp += f*hi;
- lo += f*bp;
- if (lo > 1.0f) lo = 1.0f;
- if (lo < -1.0f) lo = -1.0f;
- *psamples = (lo*65534.0f); //boost the volume ?!?
- f *= 0.99998f; // exponential - case
- psamples++;
- } while(--numsamples);
- return true;
- }