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- ;Basic options: (cl: corresponding commandline option for non-GUI version)
- ;splitting to several machines; 0:none (cl: -s) 1: by track (cl: +s) 2: by instrument (cl: +S)
- dotsplit= 1
- ;target machine; 1:tracker (cl: -p) 2: PrimiFun (cl +p) >1: look into machines.ini (cl: +p...)
- target_machinename="Matilde Tracker"
- target_ini2= 0
- ;Wave handling; 0:none (cl: -w) 1: try to make BMW (cl: +w) 2: BMX with waves (cl: +W)
- dowave= 2
- ;MIDI Device for vMidiOut
- midi_device=0
- ;Extended options:
- ;transpose the whole song (cl: +/-nn)
- transpo= 0
- ;remove duplicate patterns
- remove_2pat= 1 ; --
- ;shorten song length by one
- dosminus= 0 ; --
- ;convert XI/XM envelopes
- do_envs= 0
- do_0loops= 0
- do_0track= 1
- do_lnvol= 0
- ;use mod2xm not only for S3M, but also for MOD
- domod_ext= 0
- ;amount of information output, only useful for DOS (cl:+l,+L)
- dolist= 0 ; l
- verbose= 0 ; v
- ;coordinates of output window
- lwind_x=10
- lwind_y=10
- lwind_dx=500
- lwind_dy=400
- ;directory of buzz.exe (with final \)
- buzz_path=C:\MiniBuzz\
- machine2ini_update=3.600000
- ;MIDI options:
- ;MIDI Ticks per beat
- midi_tpb=4
- ;MIDI resolution (cl: +m...)
- midi_res=1.000000
- ;MIDI time scaling (cl: +x*...)
- midi_scale=1.000000
- ;MIDI time shift (in BUZZ rows) (cl: +x+...)
- midi_shift=0.000000
- ;number of lines/pattern
- blines=64
- ;start time/patterns with first note event
- do_firstnote0= 1
- ;use note-delay command (for better timing, but not for note-off :(
- use_notedels= 0
- ;use EasyXMid as extern converter (no samples!) (cl: -m)
- domidi_ext= 0
- ;0: use one sample for every channel (cl:+m) or 1: every MIDI patch (cl:+M)
- dopchange= 0
- ;0: drums are gmp_81.xi...gmp_ff.xi 1: use single multi-sampled drumset gmp_00.xi
- drkit= 0
- ;0: drums use C-4 +transp+drtranspo 1:pitch+...
- drfollow= 0
- ptranspo=-12
- drtranspo= 0
- ;remove loop-flag from drum-patches
- drloopno= 1
- ;Directory for/with XI-instruments
- ;Merging/Transformation options:
- ;position scaling for first and second input
- do_mscale1= 0
- do_mscale2= 0
- ;machine name prefixes for first and second input
- merge_nameA= 0
- merge_nameB= 0
- ;complete sequence merge with master sequence of second song
- ;and shifting of second song sequence in time
- sequ_merge= 0
- ;shift wave instruments for second file
- do_mishift2= 0
- ;0: use second input 1: converter output 2: no second file
- use_convout= 2
- ;start merge inmediatedly after conversion
- merge_after= 0
- ;0,1: nothing, >1: multiply BPM rate, pattern sizes...by adding empty lines
- blow_up= 0
- ;0,1: nothing, >1: repeat all sequences
- song_repeat= 0
- ;Machine Transformation options:
- mtranspo= 0
- clone_trans= 0
- clone_wave= 1
- clone2= 0
- clone2_machinename="none"
- clone2_ini2= 0
- rip_es9= 0