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- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MM MM EEEEEEE DDDDD Instructions for version 1.12
- M M M E E D D
- MMM MMM EEEEEEE DDDDD - Music EDitor 21.9.1989
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MED is a music editor much like SoundTracker, but more friendly to the user.
- You can easily create music for example for your C programs.
- A song consists of blocks. There can be 50 blocks in v1.12.
- You can then play the blocks in any order. The best way to learn to
- use the program is trying. Here are some instructions:
- 1. Run MED from Workbench or CLI (If you run it from CLI,
- CD to MED-directory).
- 2. When the program has loaded, select "Load song" from
- the "Project"-menu.
- 3. Type /MED/Examples/Song1 and press Return or click OK!-gadget.
- 4. When the song has loaded, click "Play song"-gadget and listen!
- 5. When you are fed up with the song, click "Stop playing".
- If you want to try your own composing skills, choose "New song" from
- "Project"-menu. A small requester will appear. Click "Clear song only",
- so that you could use the samples in memory. You can choose a suitable
- sample with Shift and cursor left/right-keys. Playing happens with
- letter and number keys so that Q or Z is C, 2 or S is C#, W or X is D, etc.
- The keys are in the same order as in the piano. There are three octaves and
- two of them are in use at a time. You can change them with F1 and F2-keys or
- with "Oct"-gadget located in the upper right corner of the screen.
- When you want to edit, click "Edit"-gadget. Then you can place notes in
- this block. You can move the cursor with cursor keys, of course. You can
- delete a note or just leave a space with DEL-key. There are of course four
- audio channels. If you want to listen this block, select "Play block".
- "Stop playing" will stop it. When you have finally finished your first block,
- you can create another one. Click "New Blck"-gadget to create a new block.
- You can move to it by clicking "Next"-gadget of "Move to:". An easier way
- is Shift-cursor down.
- It's sometimes necessary to switch off some channels. It is possible
- with four "Chnls"-gadgets or numbers 1-4 of numeric keypad. "Continue block"
- will begin to play block from cursor. If you're playing a song, this block
- will begin to loop forever.
- "Continue song" will continue playing the song from the block pointed by the
- playing-sequence window.
- If you want to delete a block from the end of the song, you can select
- "Remove last block" from "Block"-menu.
- You can program the sequence of blocks in the song with six gadgets located
- on the right side of the screen. On the left side of the gadgets is a small
- window. There is the number of the block playing at the moment and the numbers
- of the previous and the next block. You can scan the playing sequence with two
- arrow-gadgets. With two gadgets right of the arrow-gadgets, you can move
- quickly to the beginning and end of the song. The changing of the playing
- sequence is possible with + and - gadgets. If you want to add a block to the
- sequence, move to the last number and click the arrow-down gadget, then
- click +. If you'd like to remove the last one, move to the last number,
- click the arrow-down gadget, then click - gadget. You can modify the shadowed
- number with + and - gadgets. You can use + gadget only to the highest block
- (You can't define block number 9, if you don't have ten blocks!).
- Samples:
- For easy loading of samples (instruments), MED reads a file
- named MED_paths during start-up (if it exists). This file includes
- the information where to find the samples and their repeat/repeat length
- (Presets in SoundTracker). It is easy to edit this file with some text
- editor e.g. MicroEMACS. MED can also load IFF-samples. You don't need
- repeat/rep.len.-numbers with them.
- The format of this file is following:
- *ST-01: <- First an asterisk, then the directory name
- Aligator <- The name of the sample. No spaces!
- AnalogString::3326/4970 <- If you want to specify repeat/repeat length,
- Asia::480/5362 type two colons, repeat number, slash, and
- .... repeat length.
- WoodBlock
- WowBass
- *Disk:samples/ <- Remember to type a slash after dir name
- Sample1
- Sample2
- MED_paths-file must be located in the current directory or the S:-directory
- when starting the program.
- There can be 30 samples in memory. You can scan them with "Previous" and
- "Next"-gadgets (or easier...Shift + cursor right/left). When you want to
- load the sample, type its name on the string gadget under "Load sample"-gadget.
- Then press Return or click "Load sample". The sample will load (if you
- haven't done any mistakes). You can alter the setting of the sample with
- "Change settings" of "Sample"-menu. You can set the volume of the sample,
- its repeat beginning offset and length. You'll also see the length of the
- sample in bytes.
- Repeat means that you can loop some portion of the sample forever.
- Repeat is the offset of the beginning of the loop and Repeat length is the
- length of the loop (in bytes).
- If you have loaded a sample which you don't need any more, you can remove it
- by selecting "Remove sample" from "Sample"-menu. "Save raw sample" will
- save the sample as raw data without IFF-chunks. If you don't know what it
- means, don't worry. Then you'll never need this option.
- Filter:
- With "Filter"-gadget (on the left side of the screen) you can switch off
- the low-pass-filter in A500/2000/2500-models. There will be some distortion
- but usually the sound improves considerably. Try it. The state of the
- filter will be saved with songs.
- Editing options:
- There are some options that will make editing easier. One of them is
- "2×space" under "Edit"-gadget. When you turn it on, there will be a double
- space between the notes entered. It'll help you when composing melodies etc.
- The rest of them are in the "Block"-menu:
- Cut track will copy the track where the cursor is located into the buffer
- and clears the track.
- Copy track only copies the track
- Paste track copies the track from the buffer to the track under cursor.
- Cut block copies all the four tracks to the buffer and clears the block
- Copy block copies the tracks into the buffer
- Paste block copies the buffer to the current block
- There are many different shortcuts. There's a list at the end of this file.
- Colors:
- This is a feature not found in most professional music packages. You
- can change the screen colors!!!!! They will be saved with the song.
- Choose "Set colors" from "Misc."-menu. A color requester will appear.
- It's probably familiar to you. "Reset colors" will reset the colors.
- Guy:
- This "feature" is the most unique one found in this program! Jumping guy!
- If you are a serious person, you can select "Don't jump" from "Guy"-submenu
- of "Misc."-menu and forget the whole thing!
- If you choose "Every 8. note", the guy I have named "Topi" will jump
- in every 8th note. A more interesting option is "Sample ctrl". Then you can
- select the samples that cause Topi to jump. When you've selected this option,
- search a suitable sample (usually drums) and press the small gadget on the
- right side of the "Load sample"-gadget. You can select as many samples as you
- want. Topi will jump when any of the selected samples will be played.
- All these options will be saved with songs.
- Tempo:
- You can choose the tempo for you song with "Set tempo" of "Project"-menu.
- Choose it and a requester will appear. With the proportional gadget you
- can choose the tempo. If it is very fast, the screen updating will slow
- down and it begins to "jump".
- Slides/note means the number of up/down-slides during one note. Choose 5 if
- you want to play SoundTracker songs. Otherwise select 6.
- Effects:
- MED can create several different effects: slides up and down, changing the
- volume, vibrato, arpeggio and changing the tempo.
- As you have probably noticed, there are four numbers after the note name.
- You can modify them in edit mode.
- The first number is the number of the sample. It can be in range 0-U.
- If it's 0, the note will be played with the same sample as the previous note.
- The second number is the number of the effect. It can be from 0 to F.
- Number Effect
- 0 If the last two numbers are 0, no effect, otherwise arpeggio.
- 1 Slide up
- 2 Slide down
- 3 Vibrato
- 4-B Reserved for future expansion
- C Change volume
- D,E Crescendo,diminuendo
- F Set tempo
- The last two numbers contain more information about the effect,
- e.g. a new tempo.
- Arpeggio (0)
- It's possible to create chords with one audio channel. It is done by
- changing the pitch of the note very fast (6 times/note). MED can use
- the pitches of three notes at a time.
- If both of the righthand-side numbers are 0, there'll be no effect.
- If not, the effect will be determined as follows:
- E.g. The arpeggio of the major chord is 47 (or 74), because the second
- note of the chord is 4 half steps from the first note and the third
- note is 7 half steps above the first note.
- G-2 E-2 C-2 G-2 E-2 C-2 (MED will play the arpeggio from up to down)
- \_____________________/
- 1 note
- C-2 C#2 D-2 D#2 E-2 F-2 F#2 G-2 G#2 A-2 A#2 H-2
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B
- \_______________|___________/
- |
- Major chord
- Slide up (1)
- Slides the note up 6 * (two numbers on the right side) periods.
- (or 5 * (2 numbers on the right side) if set in tempo-requester).
- Period is a pitch of the note used directly by Amiga audio hardware.
- Here's a table of periods for notes if samples are digitized with the
- same frequency as the samples included. MED uses these values.
- Octave
- Note 1 2 3
- C 856 428 214
- C# 808 404 202
- D 762 381 190
- D# 720 360 180
- E 678 339 170
- F 640 320 160
- F# 604 302 151
- G 570 285 143
- G# 538 269 135
- A 508 254 127
- A# 480 240 120
- H 453 226 113
- How to use this table?
- For example: You want a nice slide from C-2 to G-2.
- C-2's period is 428 and G-2's 285.
- So we must slide it 143 steps up.
- Let's divide it by six: 143/6=23.833333... rounded to 24.
- If we wanted to do this slide in one note, it would be
- C-2 x118 because 24 is (hex)18.
- Because the note was slided actually 24*6=144 steps,
- the final note is a little untuned, but not many people
- can notice it.
- If you liked to make the slide a bit slower, you could do
- it for example:
- C-2 110C C-2 1106
- --- 010C or --- 0106
- --- 0106
- --- 0106
- Slide down (2)
- Just like slide up except this one slides it down.
- Vibrato (3)
- Vibrato changes the period of the note between two frequencies. The first
- is the normal period of the note and the other is the normal period plus
- the last two numbers: the bigger the number, the bigger the vibrato.
- E.g. C-2 1305 would change the period between 428 and 428-5=423.
- Volume (C)
- This one sets the volume of the note. The volume can be a number between
- 0 and 63. This is not a hex number. In fact it's a BCD-number, but you
- don't have to worry about it.
- Example: C-2 1C35 plays the note with volume 35
- D-3 1000
- --- 0C00 suddenly the note disappears
- E#1 1C10 <- begin quietly
- --- 0C63 <- to full volume
- Slide volume (cresc., dim.) (D)
- This effect does the crescendo/diminuendo, with formula Dxy
- If x > 0 crescendo 6 * x units.
- else diminuendo 6 * y units.
- Examples: C-3 1000
- --- 0D02 <- diminuendo 6*2 = 12 units
- D#2 2000
- --- 0D10 <- crescendo 6*1 = 6 units
- E-1 5000
- --- 0D45 <- crescendo 24 units, number five is not used
- Effect E works like D. It is provided for SoundTracker compatibility.
- Set tempo (F)
- This command sets the tempo. It can also cause moving to the next block.
- This command is NOT SoundTracker-compatible. The two righthand-side numbers
- are the new tempo. This is a hex number. If they are 0, the song pointer will
- move to the next block of the sequence.
- Examples: C-3 8F20 <- New tempo 32 (hex 20 = dec 32)
- F-2 1F00 <- Move to the next block. This makes it possible to
- create 3/4-songs or upbeat.
- Here's a table for SoundTracker to MED-conversion:
- SoundTracker MED
- F07 F1B
- F06 F20
- F05 F2F
- F04 F35
- F03 F40
- F02 F6A
- F01 FD4
- About MED:
- MED is entirely written in C (Lattice 5.02). It works with all 680x0
- processors and probably with all the new versions of the OS. It supports
- multitasking, uses hardware directly only with the filter, also loads
- songs made with SoundTracker and SoundFX (can't play SoundFX's effects).
- It loads IFF 8SVX-samples.
- You can click in the title bar area to get the title bar. The screen
- updating will stop to allow other processes to run faster. Click anywhere
- on MED screen to remove the title bar.
- You may freely distibute MED. Please don't sell it. Please copy ALL files
- included with MED (instructions etc.)
- I want to develop MED!!! Please tell me anything what you'd like to see in
- the next version of MED.
- Send all complaints, wishes, comments, bug reports etc. to:
- Teijo Kinnunen
- Oksantie 19
- Here are the keyboard shortcuts:
- Key Effect
- F1 Use octaves 1 and 2
- F2 Use octaves 2 and 3
- F3 Copy three effect numbers from the upper note
- F6 Cursor to line 0
- F7 Cursor to line 16
- F8 Cursor to line 32
- F9 Cursor to line 48
- F10 Cursor to line 63
- DEL Erase this note, if the cursor on any number, zero it.
- Help About MED...click it to remove it
- Keypad 1-4 Channels 1-4 on/off
- Cursor up Cursor up
- Cursor down Cursor down!
- Cursor left Cursor left!!
- Cursor right Cursor right!!!
- Shift+Cursor left Previous sample
- Shift+Cursor right Next sample
- Alt+Cursor left Cursor to the previous track
- Alt+Cursor right Cursor to the next track
- Shift+Cursor up Previous block
- Shift+Cursor down Next block
- Alt+Cursor up Move to first block
- Alt+Cursor down Move to last block
- Shift+Alt+Cursor left If sample is > F, move to sample F, otherwise 0
- Shift+Alt+Cursor right If sample is < F, move to sample F, otherwise U
- Left-Amiga+P Play song
- Left-Amiga+B Play block
- Left-Amiga+C Continue song
- Left-Amiga+S Stop playing
- Left-Amiga+F Filter off/on
- Left-Amiga+I Activate the gadget of the sample name
- Shift+Left-Amiga+I Clear and activate the gadget of the sample name
- Left-Amiga+J Set Topi (the guy) to jump when this sample is played
- And the following menu short-cuts:
- Right-Amiga+S Save song
- Right-Amiga+L Load song
- Right-Amiga+T Set tempo
- Right-Amiga+Q Quit
- Right-Amiga+D Cut track
- Right-Amiga+C Copy track
- Right-Amiga+V Paste track
- Right-Amiga+I Change settings
- Finally...about the string in the middle of the screen:
- N:01/05 B:02/03 S:1
- | | | | \sample number
- | | | |
- | | | the number of the last block
- | | |
- | | the number of the current block
- | |
- | the number of blocks in the playing sequence
- |
- the number of the current block in the playing sequence