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- ----------------------------------
- PPREFS: The Preferable Preferences
- Copyright © 1989 Jonathan Potter
- ----------------------------------
- PPrefs is designed to replace the standard Amiga Preferences with one
- that is shorter, more efficient and easier to use, and it does just that.
- The standard 1.3 Preferences is 56K long; PPrefs is 18K long - a saving of
- 38K. PPrefs does everything Preferences does, and more.
- I have tried to make PPrefs as similar to Preferences as possible, to
- avoid confusion, and to make switching to PPrefs easier. Even so, all the
- functions are documented below.
- USE - Accept the current preferences settings, but do NOT save
- them.
- CANCEL - Return to the preferences settings in use before PPrefs
- was run.
- SAVE - Accept the current preferences settings, and save them.
- DEFAULT SETTINGS - Get the default 1.3 preferences settings.
- LAST SAVED - Load the last saved preferences settings from disk.
- Workbench color - The four large colored squares choose which color to
- work with.
- - RESET COLOURS resets the colors to those in use before
- PPrefs was run.
- - R, G and B proportional gadgets select the amount of
- RED, GREEN and BLUE in current color. These amounts are
- displayed after the appropriate gadget.
- Keyboard Repeat - DELAY proportional gadget selects the delay before key
- begins to repeat.
- - SPEED proportional gadget selects the speed of repeat.
- Text Size - xx COLUMN TEXT selects either 60 or 80 column text.
- INTERLACE - Selects Workbench interlace either on or off. This
- modification will only take effect if you save the
- settings, and then reboot.
- Mouse - SPEED selects the speed with which the mouse moves.
- DOUBLE CLICK selects the time between the two clicks of
- a double click.
- Screen Position - Large horizontal/vertical proportional gadgets selects
- the current screen position.
- Screen Size - SCREEN WIDTH selects the width of the screen from 640 to
- 767. The width is displayed after the gadget title.
- SCREEN HEIGHT selects the height of the screen from
- 200 to 327 for NTSC, or 256 to 383 for PAL (double these
- values if INTERLACE is on). The height is displayed after
- the gadget title.
- These modifications will only take effect if you save the
- settings, and then reboot.
- SERIAL - Takes you to the SERIAL settings window.
- PRINTER - Takes you to the PRINTER settings window.
- POINTER - Takes you to the POINTER settings window.
- BAUD RATE - Selects the default baud rate of the serial port.
- BUFFER SIZE - Selects the default buffer size of the serial port.
- PARITY - Selects the default parity of the serial port.
- HANDSHAKE - Selects the type of handshaking to use.
- READ BITS - Selects the number of read bits.
- WRITE BITS - Selects the number of write bits.
- STOP BITS - Selects the number of stop bits.
- USE - Accept the serial settings and return to main PPrefs
- window.
- CANCEL - Reject the serial settings and return to main PPrefs
- window.
- PRINTER TYPE - Select either parallel or serial printer.
- PAPER TYPE - Select either fanfold or single sheet paper.
- PITCH - Select either pica, elite or fine pitch.
- LEFT MARGIN - Select the left margin.
- RIGHT MARGIN - Select the right margin.
- PAPER SIZE - Select the size of paper being used.
- QUALITY - Select either draft or NLQ print quality.
- SPACING - Select either 6 or 8 lines/inch spacing.
- PAPER LENGTH - Select the length of one sheet of paper in lines.
- SELECT PRINTER - Select which printer driver to use.
- NAME - Select the name of the custom printer if Custom is
- the selected printer.
- GRAPHIC 1 - Takes you to the Graphic 1 window.
- GRAPHIC 2 - Takes you to the Graphic 2 window.
- USE - Accept the printer settings and return to main PPrefs
- window.
- CANCEL - Reject the printer settings and return to main PPrefs
- window.
- THRESHOLD - Determine the threshold for B&W printing.
- ASPECT - Select either horizontal or vertical printing.
- IMAGE - Select either positive or negative image.
- SHADE - Select B&W, gray scale or color printing.
- USE - Accept the Graphic 1 settings and return to printer
- settings window.
- CANCEL - Reject the Graphic 1 settings and return to printer
- settings window.
- SMOOTHING - Select smoothing of diagonal lines on or off.
- Is mutually exclusive with Floyd-Steinberg dithering.
- LEFT OFFSET - Select the horizontal offset for a printed picture in
- inches.
- DENSITY - Select the graphic print density.
- COL CORRECT. - Select RED, GREEN and BLUE color correction on or off.
- CENTER - Select horizontal centering on or off.
- DITHERING - Select dithering to use.
- SCALING - Select fraction or integer scaling.
- LIMITS - Select type of print limits.
- WIDTH LIMIT - Select the width limit.
- HEIGHT LIMIT - Select the height limit.
- USE - Accept the Graphic 2 settings and return to printer
- settings window.
- CANCEL - Reject the Graphic 2 settings and return to printer
- settings window.
- Pointer Colour - The three large colored squares choose which color to
- work with.
- RESET COLOUR resets the colors to those in use before
- you entered Pointer Settings.
- R, G and B proportional gadgets select the amount of
- RED, GREEN and BLUE in current color.
- Drawing - To draw in the current color, click the left mouse
- button inside the square containing the magnified
- pointer image.
- To delete a point, use the right mouse button.
- RESTORE - Restore the pointer to its settings when you entered
- Pointer Settings.
- CLEAR - Clear the pointer area.
- HOT SPOT - Select the hot spot (point) of the pointer.
- X FLIP - Flip the pointer along the X axis.
- Y FLIP - Flip the pointer along the Y axis.
- USE - Accept the Pointer settings and return to the main PPrefs
- window.
- CANCEL - Reject the Pointer settings and return to the main PPrefs
- window.
- The only feature present in the regular Preferences that is missing in
- PPrefs is the time/date gadget. If anyone desperately wants this included,
- let me know, but I find it hard to believe that anyone seriously uses
- Preferences to set the date and time.
- Please send any comments, suggestions, bug reports, commercial
- enquiries, or spare cash to Jonathan Potter, 3 William St., Clarence Park,
- South Australia 5034, Australia. Phone: (08) 2932788.