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- Program: BezSurf
- Author: Eric Davies
- Resources and Tech Assistance: LateNight Developments (LND) Corporation.
- Distribution
- ------------
- BezSurf is public domain. Feel free to copy it, enhance it, or port it to
- other machines, etc.
- Compilation
- -----------
- Compiled under Lattice C 4.0 at the LND offices.
- Will also compile under Aztec 3.4a and up.
- Software Disclaimer
- -------------------
- This is your standard software disclaimer:
- Use this software at your risk.
- Any loss of sleep is your own concern.
- Document Disclaimer
- -------------------
- This document gives a partial description of BezSurf and its use. Many
- of the menu-items and gadgets are not described here. I believe most people
- will discover their purpose without too much trouble. If I'm wrong, you can
- query me by email at:
- edavies@uvicctr
- or edavies@uvvm.bitnet
- Or by snail mail (if some part of Canada Post is not on strike) at:
- Eric Davies
- 1442 Harrop Rd.
- Victoria, B.C.
- Canada
- V8P 2S6
- How soon you get a response depends on how behind my school work I am
- and how easily I can determine a return path to you :-).
- Description
- -----------
- BezSurf (or Surf for short) is a program for producing bezier surfaces of
- revolution. It produces awesome pictures of wineglasses and doorknobs, and
- other objects one could turn on a lathe. BezSurf includes the capacity to
- map iff image files onto any surface that it can draw.
- History
- -------
- I originally wrote BezSurf for my final project in an introductory course
- in computer graphics at the University of Victoria. The target machine
- was a colour Sun Work Station. Being a loyal amigoid, I ported it down to
- the Amiga when I had a bit more free time, the Late Night Developers
- supplying resources and technical assistence as needed. I proudly claim any
- errors or bugs as my own, following the lead of a certain wine glass
- manufacturer, "the minute flaws in the product are your guarantee of its
- handcrafted nature".
- Usage
- -----
- I've run it successfully from Matt Dillon's Shell and the bare cli.
- It should run fine from workbench, provided somebody whips up an icon
- for it.
- Basic Usage
- -----------
- Once run, you should see a 320x200 lores screen with the text
- "lines curves wire shade map panel" along the top edge. These are the
- basic control gadgets.
- 1) press "lines" (screen clears and crosshairs appear).
- press and hold down the left mouse button.
- move the mouse someplace else and release the button.
- a line should have been rubber banded and left on the screen.
- repeat as desired {
- press and drag the mouse to define new line connected to
- last one line.
- }
- 2) press "curves".
- the endpoints of the first line should be bracked by squares.
- repeat as desired {
- bring the left mouse button near one of squares.
- press left button, move to new location, and release left button.
- nearest square should have accompanied mouse, causing the
- line to curve in strange and wonderful ways.
- press right button to move the next line.
- }
- 3) press "panel"
- takes you to the control panel, so you can change the lighting, save
- files, etc. It is suggested that you try "tilt" with about 20
- degrees ( adds a more 3d effect ).
- to get back to display, press [display] on the control panel.
- 4) press "wire"
- generates wireframe with hidden line removal.
- 5) press "shade"
- generates shaded image with hidden surface removal.
- 6) saving the images you created is done via the "files" menu in the
- control panel.
- save as... saves the ilbm to the specfied file name
- save first... tacks on a ".0" to the file name and saves
- save next... tacks on an ascending number and saves
- "save first" and "save next" are provided in case somebody wants to
- try producing animation sequences with Surf.
- 7) Anything else, excluding maps, should be self apparent with a little bit
- of experimentation.
- Error Messages
- --------------
- Error messages are displayed in a requestor. If displayed, you must click
- in the requestor's close box to continue. The messages usually indicate
- that your file name is wrong, screwy file contents, you don't have enough
- memory, etc.
- Aborting a time consuming activity
- ----------------------------------
- Under the "Image" menu, the "abort" item will terminate any drawing in
- progress.
- Mapping Iff images onto Surfaces (Grey Scale Result)
- --------------------------------
- This is my answer to photon paints mapping of images onto spheres, cones,
- etc. Before you can perform the mapping, you need two things: (1) a loaded
- map image, and (2) a surface { not necessarily in that order though its
- probably better to load the image first if you are not sure you have enough
- memory }.
- Loading the map image:
- Go to the control panel window (see earlier discussion).
- Under the files menu, select the "Open Map" item.
- Enter the pathname of an ilbm image file (note:Ehb not supported).
- Wait until the hourglass goes away.
- Now, go and define a surface if you haven't already. Once you have both a
- surface defined and an image file loaded, click on the "Map" gadget on the
- display screen. Be prepared to wait an hour or two for your image to
- be produced, it is very slow.
- Using lots of bezier and revolution slices (ie, very small patches) results
- in images that look less scarred.
- The "MapRevV" and "MapRevH" sliders determine how many times the map image is
- replicated on the surface.
- Closing the map file frees up the memory used to store the map image file.
- Openning a new map file automatically closes the old one.
- Mapping Iff images onto Surfaces (Colour Result)
- --------------------------------
- The idea here is to produce three different image files, one that contains
- the red component, one the green, and one the blue. After the files are
- produced, use the mergergb tool to combine them into a single file for use
- by the RAY2 program available from the QRT (public domain) package or DBW
- (shareware).
- procedure: set interlace and lores screen.
- set the grey model to "R only"
- load the iff image file
- set the screen color to "Red" (or grey).
- Generate the surface mapping.
- Save with a ".r" extension.
- set the grey model to "G only"
- load the iff image file again
- set the screen color to "Green" (or grey).
- Generate the surface mapping.
- Save with a ".g" extension.
- set the grey model to "B only".
- load the iff image file again.
- set the screen color to "Blue" (or grey).
- Generate the surface mapping.
- Save with a ".b" extension.
- now run the mergergb program with the filename without extensions
- as the sole argument. Ie, if you named the files smith.r, smith.g,
- and smith.b, then type:
- mergergb smith
- In this case, mergergb will produce smith.tmp, which can then be
- fed into RAY2. Without other arguments, RAY2 wil produce an
- interlaced ham image.
- Future
- ------
- Be kind of neat if somebody adapted BezSurf to produce object descriptions
- for Sc*lpt3D or VideoSc*pe3D. Anyone feeling brave and bored?